Element of Art in Management and Science in Managing

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Management or managing is an administration of an organization in the form

of a group whether it is in the scope of a business, government body or not and not
for profit organization. Management includes setting strategies for an objective,
vision, and mission of the organization. Management requires the process of
planning, organizing, making decisions, leading, including in controlling the needs of
the organization i.e., human resources such as physical health, financial and
information resources to be able to continue efforts to achieve the goals of the
organization effectively and efficiently. For the question of how to understand
management terms and put them into practice? Is management an art or a science?

The art of management is essential to being able to manage well, it requires

not only the ability to lead but a set of critical skills that can only be acquired through
time, experience, and practice. It is the creative nature of the manager coupled with
his training and experience. The element of art in management requires
approximately four processes namely ‘Practical Knowledge’, ‘Personal Skill’,
‘Creativity’, ‘Perfection through practice’, and ‘Goal-Oriented’. Art in management
requires ‘Practical Knowledge’, learning theory alone is not enough. It is like applying
theory that is knowledge into management. For example, an entrepreneur has a
bachelor's degree in what managers need to do scientifically but never and does not
know how to do it in real life. It needs its own experience to create its own practical
knowledge. Apart from management as another example to better understand, this
engineering degree student knows what a machine is and how to operate a machine
scientifically which he learned in books but never put the knowledge into practice. He
does not know how to apply his knowledge in real life situations. His lack of practical
knowledge still does not qualify him to place himself in a management position.
Because practical knowledge is very important in any management.

Secondly are personal skills. A manager does not only depend on what he
knows, but he must have his own skills or advantages that make him have qualities
that give advantages to the organization and any management. For example, this
person has the courage to speak in public to present an idea or voice an opinion.
This gives benefits to a management that runs smoothly.

Next is Creativity, a manager or we ourselves are not enough to rely only on

the theoretical and practical, creative thinking is necessary which is an example of
the ability to think outside the box which is able to make something extraordinary. In
addition, Perfection Through Practice. It means that a person becomes better with
what he goes through. For example, an employee made a mistake and negligence
that caused a bad effect on his task, in the future the employee will not repeat it
again. He or she learns from mistakes. And lastly Art strives for completion. Goal- or
result-oriented work is also a part of management. The management takes action to
achieve the objective. In the aspect of Science in management, as is known, in the
world of science, in obtaining information about something is through patterns,
observations, studies, experiments, methods and practices based on facts. The
process in management also uses the same pattern. Like collecting data and facts,
analyzing, getting results. This is a basic function of management. The scientific
method is through stages such as Concepts, Methods and principles, Theories,
Organized knowledge, and Practice.

A concept is about an abstract idea. Behind this concept are principles, beliefs
and thoughts. In management, this element is needed to be able to deal with a
situation. Next to Method and Principle, A "scientific method" entails gathering
information through observation. As a result, "principles" are created that are useful
for forecasting outcomes under comparable conditions. Like this, management calls
for observation and bases its standards or guiding principles on it. Other than that,
every scientific field has their own theory and can generate hypotheses. Over the
years, management studies have produced several proven theories for improving
management's realism or scientific. Examples include philosophies of leadership,
motivation, and so on as an example. Moreover, the next element of science is
organized knowledge, knowledge is structured in science. Comparatively speaking,
management nowadays is a unique area of structured knowledge. These days,
management is centred on concepts, processes, principles, and other related ideas.
Lastly, the theories of managing are the outcomes of experience, and their function
is to provide a systematic grouping of interrelated concepts and principles that serve
as a framework or link important relevant management information.
In conclusion, the Science element in management teaches us to "know" and
the art element in management is to "do". Management is an art as well as a
science. Management requires knowledge in the form of facts, theories,
management principles which ref Management combines the characteristics of both
art and science. Elements of Art in management Science in management needs
knowledge in the form of facts, theories, principles of management which is reflected
in the form of science. Also, it requires practical management, innovation and
creative ideas which are close to the concept of art.

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