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1. Abbreviation
- 40 Questions

Section 1 : Abbreviation
- 40 Questions

1 Full Form of PAN

Permanent Account Number

Personnel Account Number

Private Account Number

Permanent Architecture Number

Correct: +1

2 Full-Form of USB

Uni  Serial Bus

Union Serial Bus

Universal Serial Bus

Universal Single Bus

Correct: +1

3 Full-Form of GIF

Geographic Interchange Format

Graphics Interchange Format

Graphics International Format

Graphics Interrelated Format

Correct: +1

4 Full-Form of PNG

Permanent Network  Graphics

Private Network Graphics

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Portable Number Graphics

Portable Network Graphics

Correct: +1

5 Full-Form of NASA

Non-Government Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aerospace and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Authority

Correct: +1

6 Full-Form of CNG

Compact Natural Gas

Compressed Natural Gas

Combine Natural Gas

Compressed Neon Gas

Correct: +1

7 Full Form of BCCI

Board of Center for Cricter in India

Board of commette for Cricter in India

Board of Control for Cricter in India

Board of Council  for Cricter in India

Correct: +1

8 Full Form of UGC

University Grade Council

Union Grant Commission

University Grant Commission

Union Grant Council

Correct: +1

9 Full Form of GPS

Geographical Positioning System

Geology Positioning System

Global Positioning System

Graphical Positioning System

Correct: +1

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10 Full form of KYC

Know Your Cutomer

Know Your Center

Know Your Call

Know Your Cell

Correct: +1

11 Full form of GPRS

General Positioning Radio Service

Geographic Packet Radio Service

General Packet Radio Service

Graphic Packet Radio Service

Correct: +1

12 Full Form of PDF

Press Document Format

Portable Document Format

Problem Document Format

Paper Document Format

Correct: +1

13 What is the full form of "EVM"?

  Electronic Voting Machines

  Electronic Voters Machines

Electrical Voting Machines

Electronic Vote Machines

Correct: +1

14 What is the full form of "PSLV"?

Polarised Source Laser Viewing

Polar Survey Landing Vehicle

  Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

  Precise Source Locating Vision

Correct: +1

15 What is the full form of "ISRO"?

Abbreviation · Abbreviation · Questions Page 3 of 14

  Indian Satellite Research Organisation

Indian Solar Research Organisation

Indian Site Research Organisation

  Indian Space Research Organisation

Correct: +1

16 What is the full form of "DRDO"?

  Defence Region and Development Organisation

Defence Research and Development Organisation

Defence Reruitment and Development Organisation

Defence Research and Developed Organisation

Correct: +1

17 What is the full form of "PPP"?

Public Private Partnership

Purchase Produce Provide

Purchasing Power Parity

  People's Programme & Priority

Correct: +1

18 What is the full form of "PIN"?

Postal Indent Number

Postal Index Number

  Past Index Number

  Postman Index Number

Correct: +1

19 What is the full form of "PWD"?

  Person Works Department

  People Works Department

  Private Works Department

Public Works Department

Correct: +1

20 What is the full form of "R&D"?

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Research and Development

  Research and Developed

  Research advane Development

  Recruit and Development

Correct: +1

21 What is the full form of "RADAR"?

  Radio Device and Ranging

  Region Device and Ranging

Radio Detecting and Ranging

Radio Detect and Rangs

Correct: +1

22 What is the full form of "RAW"?

  Research & Analysis Wing

  Research & Analytical Wing

  Radio & Analysis Wing

  Raw & Analysis Wing

Correct: +1

23 What is the full form of "B2B"?

Brain To Business

Business To Business

  Business To Broad

  Business To Best

Correct: +1

24 What is the full form of "AI"?

All Indian

Artifical Intelligence

Accurate Information

Aeronautical Information

Correct: +1

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25 What is the full form of "AIDS"?

Asian Institute of Defense Sector

  Assesment on Insurance Deficit System

  Artifical Intelligence Development System

  Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

Correct: +1

26 What is the full form of "AICTE"?

  All India Council for Technical Education

  Asian Institute for Computer Technology

  American Institute for Clinical Technology

Active Investment on Commodity and Trading Entity

Correct: +1

27 What is the full form of "AIIMS"?

  All India Institute of Medical Science

All Indian Institute for Medical Science

Asian Institute for Information and Medical Science

American Institute for Innovation and Material Science

Correct: +1

28 What is the full form of "BIS"?

  Bureau of Investigation Science

  Bilingual Institute of Science

Bureau of Indian Standards

  Basic Investment Scheme

Correct: +1

29 What is the full form of "CBSE"?

Central Board of Secondary Education

  Common Board for Secondary Education

  Code for Business and Statistical Education

  Center for Business and Statistical Environment

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Correct: +1

30 What is the full form of "CAT"?

Code of Admission Test

  Common Admission Test

  Common Application Test

  Code of Authentication Technic

Correct: +1

31 What is the full form of "NDA"?

National Dairy Authority

National Dental Academy

  National Defence Academy

National Development Agency

Correct: +1

32 What is the full form of "NTPC"?

  National Travel Pass Scheme

  National Textile Policy Scheme

National Thermal Power Council

National Thermal Power Corporation

Correct: +1

33 What is the full form of "CAD"?

Code Access Design

Computer Aided Design

  Common Account Deposit

  Computer Architecture Design

Correct: +1

34 What is the full form of "CSIR"?

Center for Share and Investment Ratio

  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

  Center for Science and Industrial Research

Council for Scientific and Informational Research

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Correct: +1

35 What is the full form of "SAIL"?

Sales Analyst Income Level

  System Analysis in Logistics

Steel Authority of India Limited

  Silicon Authority of India Limited

Correct: +1

36 What is the full form of "TOEFL"?

Tour on European and French Logistics

Test of English as a Foreign Language

  Test on Engineering and Finance Lesson

  Travel Over Education and Foreign Language

Correct: +1

37 What is the full form of "UPSC"?

Union Public Service Commission

United Public School Committee

Union Public Service Council

United Public Service Commission

Correct: +1

38 What is the full form of BSF?

Border Sanitation Force

Border Security Force

Bangladesh Security Force

None of the above

Correct: +1

39 What is the full form of EU?

European Union

Eurasian Union

Europa Union

Emergency Union

Correct: +1

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40 What is the full form of GDP?

Gross Domestic Product

Gross Domesticated Product

Gross Domestic Production

Global Domestic Products

Correct: +1

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1. Abbreviation
- 40 Questions

Section 1 : Abbreviation
- 40 Questions

1 Permanent Account Number

2 Universal Serial Bus

3 Graphics Interchange Format

4 Portable Network Graphics

5 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

6 Compressed Natural Gas

7 Board of Control for Cricter in India

8 University Grant Commission

9 Global Positioning System

10 Know Your Cutomer

11 General Packet Radio Service

12 Portable Document Format

13  Electronic Voting Machines

14  Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

15  Indian Space Research Organisation

16 Defence Research and Development Organisation

17 Public Private Partnership

18 Postal Index Number

19 Public Works Department

20 Research and Development

21 Radio Detecting and Ranging

22  Research & Analysis Wing

23 Business To Business

24 Artifical Intelligence

25  Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

26  All India Council for Technical Education

Abbreviation · Abbreviation · Answers Page 10 of 14

27  All India Institute of Medical Science

28 Bureau of Indian Standards

29 Central Board of Secondary Education

30  Common Admission Test

31  National Defence Academy

32 National Thermal Power Corporation

33 Computer Aided Design

34  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

35 Steel Authority of India Limited

36 Test of English as a Foreign Language

37 Union Public Service Commission

38 Border Security Force

39 European Union

40 Gross Domestic Product

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1. Abbreviation
- 40 Questions

Section 1 : Abbreviation
- 40 Questions















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Abbreviation · Abbreviation · Solutions Page 14 of 14

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