3 - W.sheets (Water) Updated-19

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Past-papers Session of Pak.

st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

Past Paper Questions from Unit # 3 , Water

(a) (i) Study Fig. 5, which shows a diagram of the karez system of irrigation.

Choose three terms from the list below and use them to label the diagram in three of the spaces
provided: maintenance -shaft aquifer canal tunnel water table [3]
(ii) Give an example of a barrage in Pakistan and name the river it is on. [2]
(iii) State why barrages are needed in Pakistan. [2]
(iii) Give reasons why the Indus River floods. [2]
(c) Study Fig. 6, which shows water use by sector in Pakistan in 2008.

1|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(i) A: Which sector used least water? [1]

B: How much water was used by the irrigation/livestock sector? [1]
(ii) Name a type of industry that uses large amounts of water. [1]
(iii) About 60% of irrigation water is lost before it reaches crops. Give three reasons why
irrigation water is lost in this way. [3]
(d) Read the following two views about water shortages in Pakistan:

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider both View A and View B in your answer. [6]

2|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(a). (i) Describe two ways in which water supplies can be polluted. [2]
(ii) For one of these ways explain how the problem caused by pollution can be solved. [2]
(b) Study Fig. 1, a map showing the major rivers of Pakistan.

3|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(i) Locate the following two dams on the map:

• Warsak (W); • Diamir Bhasha (under rcnstruction)
(D). This dam is 150 km downstream of Gilgit.
Mark their positions using the appropriate symbol from the key and label each with the correct letter[2]
(ii) What are the advantages of building a dam at the Diamir Bhasha site? [4]
(iii) Read the following article about the proposal to build a new dam, the Kalabagh, on the River
Indus at the point indicated on the map, Fig. 1.

Kalabagh Dam - A Controversial Issue : Punjab wants the Kalabagh Dam to be built,
but there is opposition to the project from a section of the population in Sindh,KPK and Balochistan.
Those who oppose the dam argue that it might be beneficial for Punjab and harmful for the other
provinces.The Kalabagh Dam issue is difficult to resolve at this stage.
Q. Describe the disputes over water availability and use which can arise from proposals to

4|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

build dams at sites such as this. [4]

(a). Study Photograph “A” showing the Hanna Dam.

(i). Describe the site of the dam. [3]

(ii). What evidence shows that the water level in the reservoir is low? [1]
(iii) What can be done to stop the amount of water in the reservoir from reducing further? [3]

5|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

Study Photograph B showing the Balloki Barrage:

(b). Compare the barrage shown in Photograph B with the dam in Photograph A. [3]
(c). Study Fig. 1, a graph showing the amount of water stored in the reservoir of the Hanna Dam.

6|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(i). By how much did the amount of water decrease from 1974 to 2004? [1]
(ii). Suggest why the amount of water stored in the reservoir is decreasing. [2]
(iii). What can be done to stop the amount of water in the reservoir from reducing further? [3]
(d). (i) Why is HEP (hydel) a cheap source of electricity? [2]
(ii). What problems occur when supplying electricity from reservoirs to areas of high populations? [3]
(e) Explain why there is a shortage of water for irrigation in the Indus Plains. [4]

7|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(a) Study Fig. 1 which shows a map of Pakistan.

(i) The rivers E, F and G. [3]
(ii) One of the dams H or J. [1]
(b) What is meant by:
A: a link canal B: a perennial canal C: an inundation canal? [6]
(c) Explain the importance of the Indus Water Treaty to Pakistan. [4]

8|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(a) Study Photograph A , a Persian Wheel:

(i)With reference to the photograph, explain how this machine is used for water supply. [3]
(ii)What are the advantages and disadvantages of replacing this Persian Wheel with a tubewell? [4]
(b)Study Fig. 1, which shows canal water supply in Pakistan:

9|Page By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(i). In which year was the water supply highest? [1]

(ii) How much higher was this than the supply in 2002? [1]
(c) Why is there not enough water supply from canals to meet the needs of all users? [4]
(d) Explain why waterlogging and salinity of soils causes problems to farmers. [4]

10 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(e) Water pollution is a major problem in urban areas.
With reference to examples, explain some of the causes of this pollution, and why it is a major problem
to the people who rely on this water supply. [6]
(e) Read Fig. 3 an extract from a magazine:

Most farmers in Balochistan do not have access to water from the River Indus.There are many small
rivers that flow into shallow lakes but they are dry for most of the year, These small rivers can provide
some water for irrigation.Other sources of water are underground, and some water flows in tunnels
from the mountains. (Irrigation News)

Describe the irrigation methods that can be used by farmers in Balochistan and comment on the success
of such schemes for increasing farming output. [6]

11 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(a) Study Fig. 4 which shows an irrigation system.

(i)Name the irrigation system shown in Fig. 4. [1]

(ii) Name an area of Pakistan where it is used. [1]
(iii)Explain how this system provides water for agriculture in this area. [4]
(iv) Name a fruit crop grown in this area. [1]

12 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(c) Rivers are an important resource for human settlement and economic activity, but flooding is an
increasing problem which can hinder development. Read the following two views about ways to
manage flooding in Pakistan:

A: More flood management schemes are needed along rivers to prevent floods.

B: Flooding brings benefits… so rivers should be allowed to flood naturally.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to

examples you have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer. [6] (June-2109)

2 (a) Study Fig. 2.1, a map showing the major rivers of Pakistan. (oct-19)

international boundary
province-level boundary
disputed boundary JAMMU AND
disputed territory

0 100 200 300

Arabian Sea km

Fig. 2.1

(i) Name rivers V, W, X and Y. [4] (oct-19)

(ii) Name dam Z shown on Fig. 2.1. [1]

13 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

(b) (i) Name two examples of barrages. [2] (oct-19)

(ii) State the differences between barrages and dams. [4] (oct-19)

(iii) Suggest four problems caused by siltation. [4] (oct-19)

c) Explain why rivers are important to Pakistan. You should develop your answer. (oct-19)

d) Read the following two views about providing solutions to the challenges of water supply in
Pakistan: (oct-19)

A: Small dams are the best way to solve water shortage problems and assist development.

B: Large dams are the best way to solve water shortage problems and assist development.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer. [6]

14 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

Guided reading task(unit # 3:Water)

1. What are the sources of water available in the world? Which ones are called fresh water-
resources. [do by yourself]
2. More than 70% of earth consists of water then why is the world facing shortage of water?
[do by yourself]
3. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources of energy? Give
examples. [Pg. # 50 including fig. 3.1 ]
4. What is meant by hydrological cycle / Water-cycle? [pg. # 50 & 51 including fig 3.2]
5. What is importance of Rivers to Pakistan? [Pg. # 51 ,Fig. 3.3]
6. Discuss the importance of eastern & western tributaries of river Indus.[Pg. # 51 & 52]
7. Label the eastern and western tributaries of Indus river on the map.[Figs. # 3.5 & 3.6]
8. Describe the drainage pattern of the rivers of Balochisan. [5 bullets on pg. # 53]
9. What is meant by aquifer and water-table? [pg. # 53 ]
10. What are the domestic ,industrial and agricultural uses of water? [pg. # 54 including fig. # 3.9]
11. Why is rainfall not effective and reliable in Pakistan? [Fig. # 3.10 , pg. # 55]
12. Discuss the factors leading to the development of the world biggest canal irrigation system in
Pakistan. [ fig. # 3.11, pg. # 55]
13. Describe these conventional systems/techniques of irrigation : [pg. # 55,56,57]
14. i- Shaduf , ii- Charsa iii- Persian wheel iv- Karez v- Inundation canals
a. vi- diversion canals vii- Tank irrigation
15. Discuss the effectiveness and limitations of conventional irrigation methods. [pg. # 57]
16. Describe these modern systems/techniques of irrigation : [pg. # 57,58]
17. Perennial canals ii- Tube-wells iii- Sprinklers and spray irrigation
18. iv- Drip irrigation v-Tankers
19. What is the difference between a dam and a barrage? [do by yourself]
20. Write down the names of famous dams and barrages in Pakistan. [pg. # 59]
21. Describe Indus Water / Basin Treaty in detail. [do by yourself]
22. What is a link canal ?Write the name of 10 famous link canals in Pakistan. [pg. # 59]
23. Discuss the important facts and figures realted to Mangla- dam . [pg. # 59]
24. Discuss the important facts and figures realted to Tarbela- dam . [pg. # 59]
25. Discuss the scope of small and large dames for Pakistan. [pg. # 59, 60]
26. Compare the benefits and drawbacks of small and large dams. [Fig. # 3.24 , pg. # 60]
27. Attempt the Q-Box given at pg. # 60. [only for grades 8 & 9… Do by yourself ]
28. Describe the main irrigation projects in Pakistan. [Fig. 3.25]
29. What is siltation? Discuss its causes , effects and the ways to control it . [pg. # 60]
30. Describe the main features of a barrage. [pg. # 61]
31. Describe the location and irrigation areas of famous barrages in Pakistan. [Fig. 3.28, pg. # 61]
32. What is water logging and salinity? Discuss its harms for the agriculture and economy of
Pakistan. [pg. # 62]
33. How can we solve the problems of waterlogging and salinity ? [fig. 3.31 , pg. # 62]
34. Describe the project of SCARP launched by the govt of Pakistan in 1959. [pg. # 63,first 2
35. Discuss the benefits of Eucalyptus trees for Pakistan. [Fig 3.36]
36. Discuss the reasons of surface water pollution in Pakistan. [pg. # 63]
37. Discuss the importance of water as a source of economic development in a country like
Pakistan. [pg. # 64]

15 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

Past-papers Session of Pak.st ,paper-2(geography,unit #3: Water

38. What is meant by the “management of water resources”? Why is it so much important for
Pakistan? [pg. # 64]
39. “Climate changes are also going to create huge disasters including severe water shortage in
Pakistan” Do you agree? Suggest some ways to reduce these negative after-effects of these
climatic changes…..[pg. # 64 & 65 , blue-line area…….. just for reading……not for writing…..]
40. How are the water supply issues creating conflicts between India & Pakistan …? [pg. # 65 , the
headline “international” and its all bullets on pg. # 66 too ]
41. Describe Indus-Water/basin treaty. [Do by yourself]
42. How is India violating Indus-Water/basin treaty? Why are we getting less water in our western
rivers Jehlum and Chenab? [ the blue area the headline “Baghlihar Dam”on pg. # 66 & 67 ]
43. How are the water supply issues creating conflicts between the provinces of Pakistan…?
[pg. # 67]
44. What is IRSA? Discuss its importance for Pakistan. [do by yourself, pg. # 67]
45. Why has Kala-Bagh dam become a disputed project? Discuss the objections /reservations of the
provinces KPK and Sindh about this dam. [Pg. # 67]
46. Describe the consumption of fresh water in Pakistan.What are the problems and crisis faced by
different users of water in Pakistan? [pg.# 68]
47. What steps can be taken to conserve and sustain the scarce water resources in Pakistan? [pg.#
68 , the blue box]
48. Attempt all the “End of Unit” exercise questions given at pg. # 69 of the text-book. [only for
grade-9. Take help from the solved past-papers]
49. Elaborate these abriviations; i- WAPDA ii- WASA iii- IRSA iv- HEP
v- SCARP vi- GDP vii- GNPviii- IWT ix- KPK x- W.B [search from
the text-book]

16 | P a g e By : Adnan Ashraf , Beaconhouse , Liberty Campus , Lahore

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