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Carestream Health, Inc., Rochester, NY 14608


Kodak Point-of-Care CR-ITX 560 SYSTEM

Service Code: 1783

Connecting to Kodak EC1.1 WORKSTATION


Several CR-ITX 560 SYSTEM installations have encountered problems connecting to the
Kodak EC1.1 WORKSTATION. This document describes how to set up the EC1.1 and
Kodak QC SOFTWARE in order to ensure transfer of Modality Worklist from the Kodak

Required Files (please get the file from your Carestream Health service contact)

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Setup on EC1.1
1. In the EC Server extract the HE_ST_AE zip file to the following EC path:
C:\Program Files\Kodak-EC\devices\profiles.
(The path letter can vary, depending on the workstation installation).

Figure 1: Extract zip files

2. Go to the EC Administrative Page and click on Device. The device

“HE_ST_AE” should be in the list of available devices.

Figure 2: EC Device Manager page

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3. Select HE_ST_AE and click [Copy].

Figure 3: Select HE ST AE

4. In the dialog window insert the name the new device for the CR ITX-560
SYSTEM (i.e. ITX) and then click [Copy Device].

Figure 4: Copy Device Web Page Dialog box

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5. The new device ITX is now listed in the Device List.

Figure 5: Device Manager with New Device listed

6. Select ITX device and click [Mappings Suite].

Figure 6: Choose New Device

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7. Select MWL In, and then click [Continue].

Figure 7: Select MWL In

8. Select Scheduled Procedure Step Out

Figure 8: Select Scheduled Procedure Step Out

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9. Select the DICOM tags (0040 0010) and (0040 0001). In this fields put the
scheduled_station_name and scheduled_station_Ae_Title (i.e. ITXAE and

Figure 9: Enter Station details

10. Click [Save] and return to the main administration page.

11. Perform resource mappings as usual.
12. Restart the ITX Device.

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Setup on Kodak QC SOFTWARE

1. Start Kodak QC SOFTWARE and go to Settings>Setup >DICOM Settings.

Figure 10: ITX-CR 560 DICOM Settings

2. Please take write down the following as backup:

• Worklist
• MWL section,
• Modality Work Query
• DICOM char set.
3. Please note that AE Title and Station name must be the same as at in Step 9
4. Remove any text from “Query all patient ID” and “Query all accession
5. Save the configuration and restart application. Then make the query.

Additional Information

Please be aware that during testing we saw that if you select “Today” you only get
today’s bookings with booked time before the current system time. For instance,
if the booking is at 16.30 and the querying at 16.15, you don’t see that booking.

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Jack C. Williams, Service Engineer - Rochester, NY

For more information please contact:

Carestream Health, Inc.

Technical Service Center (TSC)
6200 Tennyson Parkway
Plano, TX 75024, USA

1-800-328-2910 (USA only)

972-805-1500 (Outside the USA)

Carestream is a trademark of Carestream Health.

Kodak and Orex are trademarks of Kodak used under license.

Printed in the USA.

© Carestream Health, Inc., 2007
Rochester, NY 14608

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