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Dì liù kè

qí páo dà yī yǔ yī T- xù shān

chèn shān wài yī

cháng kùzi lián yī qún niǔ zǎi kù

duǎn kùzi qún zi

 běn

 bǎ (measure word
for something with sǎn mào zi
a handle)

 dǐng
(measure word for hat)

tuō xié yùn dòng xié
measure word for
shoe and paired
gāo gēn xié
 jiàn (measure word for clothes)
 tiáo (measure word for trousers)
 qián (money)
 duō shǎo (how much)
 líng (zero)
 chuān (wear)
 tuō (remove , take off)
gè shí bǎi qiān wàn shí bǎi qiān yí yì shí
wàn wàn wàn yì

1 10 100 1000 1,0000 10,0000 100,0000 1000,0000 hundred billion


20 110 5000 26000 15,0000 780,0000 2000,5000

40 210 6700 78600 30,6000 210,0300 2560,0400

85 375 8300 40200 40,0050 655,0000 3705,0000

90 406 6070 50050 89,6500 432,0050

708 1005 30450

S + duō shǎo qián ?
(how much is it?)
S + yǒu + duō shǎo qián ?

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