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Self Study Guide 4

I Part. Administrative information

Teacher´s Name: Andrea Hernández
Academical English
STudent’s Name: Class: 8 -
Unit/Theme: Let’s celebrate!!!
Level: 8th
Schedule: Distance Learning: Institution: Uladislao Gamez Technical High School
Scenario: 1 ( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( )

Established period for the development of the self-study guide:

From August 11th to September 11th, 2021
II Part. Pedagogical Planning
Physical space, materials or teaching Resources that I Will Suggested materials:
need: (It is important to consider the situation of each Student) Notebook, pencil, pen, eraser, highlighters, etc.
Self-Study Guide
Computer & Internet access if possible
Conditions of my place to work
Avoid strong noises, work in a silent well-lit place, make sure you feel comfortable.
General instructions: Delivery ways to send this document with conectivity
Please send this document by private chat or e-mail (oficial way)
Delivery ways to send this document without conectivity
Delivery in paper to the high school. Write your full name and class in the
provided space. Delivery on time to the teacher and sign in the delivery
1. The document is done in Word and sent it in PDF format. Do not send photos.
(no enviar el trabajo en fotos)
2. The file must be upload it in the following format: Self-Study Guide #, Name
and Last name and class.
Example: Self-StudyGuide#1 Leonardo Calderón Aguirre 8-1A

Detailed Planning of the Activities carried out by the Student.

Goals or Linguistic Achievements:
• Describing different ways of celebrating holidays in my family.
• Describing what people do in order to celebrate different holidays in Latin America.
• Describing the most important celebrations and festivals all around the world.
• Describing my favorite holiday, celebrations or festival.
Task Outline for the implementation of pedagogical mediation using Blended Learning
Learning Evidences
1. Pre-Task: (Connection-Clarification) Home ( ) Type:
1. What is your favorite celebration? ( ) Knowledge
2. How do people celebrate Christmas? Easter? The Independence Day? Institution ( X ) (X)
Students and teacher brainstorm about CELEBRATIONS Performance
( ) Product
CHRISTMAS Independence Day



2. Task Rehearsal: (Clarification and Collaboration)

Read the following text and answer the questions. Type:
The Little Devil’s Celebration Home ( ) (X)
Last year, I went to one of the Costa Rica’s biggest indigenous events. The native Boruca Institution ( X ) ( )
community celebrated their traditional “Fiesta de los Diablitos”. The four-day annual event is Performance
celebrated from Dec. 30 to Jan. 2 in the Boruca village in Talamanca Mountains. ( ) Product
The people of Boruca keep their rich ancestral traditions alive, expressed through their language,
legends, dance and crafts. I learned that the Borucas were particularly famous for their colorful,
hand-carved masks made from lightweight balsa wood. I saw that these masks were an important
part in the Fiesta de los Diablitos, because it was a representation of the Boruca’s victory over the
Spanish conquerors. Something that called my attention was that one man took the role of a mock
bull, representing the evil Spanish intruders. However, only Boruca men who have carved their own
mask may participate.
During the four-day festival, the bull and the diablitos performed a ritual dance pretending to fight
around a bonfire, known as the Dance of the Diablitos. On the last day, the diablitos triumph over
the Spanish – just as they did historically. The bull is “killed” – the costume is burned on the large
bonfire in the middle. It was a different experience for me.
1. What were the Borucas celebrating? ________________________________________
2. What does the mask represent? _______________________________________________
3. What was the mock bull representing? ________________________________________
4. How long was the celebration? _______________________________________________

3. Post Task: Construction/ Application (Oral and Written Production) Home ( X ) Type:
Read each sentence and check true or false using information from the previews text. ( ) Knowledge
True False Institution ( ) (
1. The Little Devils Game is celebrated every two years. Performance
2. The masks were made of wood. (X) Product
3. Women can participate as Little Devils.
4. The party starts on December 25th.
5. The Boruca Village is in San Carlos.
6. The dance represents a fight.
7. People dance around the bonfire.
8. At the end of the party costumes are burned.

4. Assessment Project: Construction/ Application

Complete the following sentences using words from the box. Home ( X ) Type:
( ) Knowledge
wore- ran- carved- played- represented- celebrated- fought- danced Institution ( ) (X)
( ) Product
1. The Boruca people________________ the Little Devils party every year.
2. My friend Martin ______________ his own mask. The mask was made of wood.
3. They ______________ costumes to look like devils.
4. During the party Martin ______________ after “the Bull”, one of the main characters.
5. This celebration _____________ the battle against the Spanish conquerors.
6. The little devils ______________ against the bull until they catch it.
7. The little devils ______________ around the bull to make it get tired.
8. Martin _______________ with the bull’s tail, and then the bull gets angry.
1. Pre-Task: (Connection-Clarification) Home ( ) Type:
Listen to Alfred’s description about the Afro-Costa Rican Culture Day. Complete the diagram ( ) Knowledge
Institution ( X ) ( )
Celebration: Performance
( ) Product

When: Where: Activites: Food:

2. Task Rehearsal: (Clarification and Collaboration) Home ( X ) Type:

Complete the following Facebook post about “My FavoriteCelebration” using your own ( ) Knowledge
information. Institution ( ) ( )
( ) Product
3. Post Task: Construction/ Application (Oral and Written Production) Home ( X ) Type:
Take turns to ask and answer the following questions. Write complete answers in your notebook. ( ) Knowledge
What is your favorite celebration? Institution ( ) Performance
What kind of food do you eat during that celebration? ( ) Product
When is it celebrated?
What kind of activities do you do to celebrate it?
Where do you celebrate it?
Who do you celebrate it with?
4. Assessment Project: Construction/ Application Home ( X ) Type:
Read the next conversation with your partner. ( ) Knowledge
Institution ( ) ( )
Anne: What is your favorite celebration? Performance
Martha: My favorite celebration is the Oxcart Driver Day, which is celebrated here in Escazú the ( ) Product
second Sunday of March.
Anne: What activities do people do to celebrate it?
Martha: There is an oxcart parade with oxcarts full of beautiful and colorful designs. Also, there is
a “Mascarada”.
Anne: What is it?
Martha: A parade with people wearing handcrafted masks; there is music and dances. Also, you
can enjoy traditional foods like “tamales” and “chicharrones”.
Anne: Why is it celebrated?
Martha: It is celebrated to commemorate the oxcart drivers and their oxcarts who were the prime
mean of transportation.
Anne: Sounds interesting and funny!

B. Write with your partner a similar dialogue using the previous information as a guide, and
role play it in front of the class
Task-Building Process: Home ( ) Type:
1. Pre-Task: (Connection-Clarification) ( ) Knowledge
Teacher explains the simple past tense Institution ( X ) ( )
It is used for: Performance
Negative Sentences in Simple Past ( ) Product
I / he / she / It / we / they / you/ didn’t/ did not visit Guatemala.

Yes /No -Questions

Did I / he / she / It / we / they / you/ go to the barbecue? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Information -Questions
How did I / he / she / It / we / they / you/ celebrate New Year’s Eve?

What- when- where- who- which- why- how

2. Task Rehearsal: (Clarification and Collaboration) Home ( ) Type:

Complete the conversation in simple past. ( ) Knowledge
Institution ( X ) ( )
A: Hi Oscar! you (go) to Guatemala? Performance
B: Yes! I , but I (not stay) there for too long. ( ) Product
A: Really, so what you (do) there?
B: I (eat) a lot of delicious traditional food. I (take) a lot of
pictures. People (decorate) the
streets with carpets made of colorful sawdust.A: you
(help) doing the carpets?
B: Oh no, I (not/help). You know I’m not good at arts!
Home ( X ) Type:
3. Post Task: Construction/ Application ( ) Knowledge
Listen to Lisa talking about her experience in Limón Carnival, and complete the blank spaces with Institution ( ) ( )
the missing words. Performance
Last October, I was in Costa Rica and I had the chance to enjoy the Limon . ( ) Product
People were celebrating “Día de las Culturas”. I ate some of the Caribbean
such as rice and beans, rondon (seafood soup) and patí a delicious spiced meat
pie. The main day of the carnival people played and danced Calypso an Afro-
Caribbean _______________.
There were colorful with Caribbean designs. Another exciting
aspect was the Children’s , which featured marchers wearing
gigantic handcrafted .
The first day, people celebrated the Miss Carnival . At night families
gathered around to share food and stories.

4. Assessment Project: Construction/ Application Home ( X ) Type:

Read the text and answer the questions using simple past ( ) Knowledge
Institution ( ) ( )
“I had the chance to experience the Mexican Independence Day ( ) Product
Celebration. It was on September 16th, in fact people started to celebrate on
September 15th at night. People decorated their houses with Mexican Flags.
There were “plazas” with music, dances, parades, rodeos and bullfights.
people shouted, “Viva Mexico” “Viva la
Independencia”, and they threw confetti as part of
the celebrations. At night people gathered to see the
fireworks and to enjoy the food. I ate “Chiles en
Nogada”, Oaxaca Black Beans Soup and tamales;
the food was really delicious. I visited Plaza Garibaldi;
there I looked at a group of dancers performing
traditional dances with beautiful traditional costumes
of different areasof Mexico. It really was an amazing

1. What did the writer celebrate in Mexico?______________________________

2. When was the writer in Mexico? _______________________________________
3. What activities did people enjoy at the “plazas”? _____________________

4. What did the writer say about the food? ______________________________

5. Did the writer enjoy the experience? _____________________________
1. Pre-Task: (Connection-Clarification) Home ( X ) Type:
( ) Knowledge
Match the following pictures with the given sentences.
Institution ( ) ( )
( ) Product

1. It is an annual festival held in Venice, forty days before Easter.

2. People were dancing Samba and wearing amazing costumes.
3. People were releasing floating lanterns.
4. People were celebrating with a dragon dance.

2. Task Rehearsal: (Clarification and Collaboration) Home ( X ) Type:

( ) Knowledge
Grammar: Past continuous
Institution ( ) ( )

( ) Product
Use the past continuous to describe actions in progress in the past

• He was wearing a costume. Yes/No Questions

• They were dancing Samba. Was he wearing a costume?
Were you dancing Samba?
Negative Form
Information Questions
• He was not (wasn’t) wearing a costume. What was he wearing?
• They were not (weren’t) dancing Samba. What kind of music were you dancing?

Use the past progressive form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. People (share) food with their neighbors.
2. The lanterns (float) on the water surface.

3. My aunt (not / cook) the party food.

4. The children (sing) a beautiful song.

5. Everybody (throw) tomatoes.

6. I (dance) with my best friend. 9

3. Post Task: Construction/ Application

Home ( X ) Type:
Listen to Anthony describing his experience inVenice, Italy. Complete the text with the missing ( ) Knowledge
words Institution ( ) ( )
Last year, I was 1. some weeks in Venice, Italy. There, my friends were 2. Performance
( ) Product
prepared to celebrate the Venice Carnival. This
Carnival full of charm and traditions took place forty days before the Easter. The day of the
carnival, I was 3. a mask and a costume. There were spontaneous
parades, sounds and dancing and a lot ofmusic. Also, many street artists were 4. at the St.
Mark’s Square. The last day, there was a runway wherepeople were 5. masks
and costumes.
4. Assessment Project: Construction/ Application
Home ( X ) Type:
Write a paragraph using the past continuous to describe theactivities you were doing
during a celebration. ( ) Knowledge
Institution ( ) ( )
Step #1 first-then-after that - finally.

Step #2 Write the paragraph.


Activity #1

Activity #2

Activity #3

Activity #4
I CAN Yes No

L.1. understand main information in short, straightforward audio

messagesif these messages are delivered slowly and clearly.
L.2. understand specific details in an audio advertisement if it is
delivered clearly and related to his/her interest.
L.3. understand the gist of overhead conversations.
R.2. follow a set of clear-cut instructions especially if there are pictures.
R.3. understand chronological order within special sentences
structures using linkers: sequential past time.
SI.1. ask and answer about local holidays, celebrations and festivals.
SI.2. ask and answer about holidays and festivals in Costa Rica, Latin
America and around the world.
SP.1. describe a holiday, celebration and festival in a short presentation.
W.2. write a text message or a postcard/e-postcard to friends to give
newsabout holidays, festivals or celebrations.

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