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Represented above are five identical balloons, each filled to the same volume at 25C and 1.0 atmosphere pressure with the pure gas indicated. (a) Which balloon contains the greatest mass of gas? Explain. (b) Compare the average kinetic energies of the gas molecules in the balloons. Explain. (c) Which balloon contains the gas that would be expected to deviate most from the behavior of an ideal gas? Explain. (d) Twelve hours after being filled, all the balloons have decreased in size. Predict which balloon will be the smallest. Explain your reasoning (a) two points CO2 because all contain same number of molecules (moles), and CO2 molecules are the heaviest Note: total of 1 point earned if CO2 not chosen but same number of molecules (moles) is specified (b) two points All are equal because same temperature, therefore same average kinetic energy Note: just restatement of "same conditions, etc." does not earn second point (c) two points CO2 either one: it has the most electrons, hence is the most polarizable it has the strongest intermolecular (London) forces Note: also allowable are "polar bonds", "inelastic collisions"; claiming larger size or larger molecular volume does not earn second point (d) two points He Any one: greatest movement through the balloon wall smallest size greatest molecular speed most rapid effusion (Graham's law)

2. How many moles of an ideal gas at 138.85oC does it take to fill a 19 m3 container at a pressure of 1.459 x 10 5 Pa ? 809, 8 moles

3) You decide to go on a long hot air balloon ride, so you decide to bring some shampoo to wash your hair with. However there is some gas inside the shampoo bottle when you start to climb into the basket at the beginning of your journey. In fact, because you are a good scientist you decide to constantly take measurements of your surroundings. The shampoo bottle contains 435ml of gas, under a pressure of 1.10 atm, at a temperature of 30.0C. When you climb high into the air the bottle starts to expand eventually exploding and covering you and your companions with Pert Plus. Eager to explain this phenomenon you take some measurements: the pressure, you note, has dropped to 0.734 atm and the temperature has dropped to 5.00C. To what new volume did the gas inside the bottle expand?
) 598 mL

4. The Hindenburg was a famous hydrogen-filled dirigible that exploded in 1937. If the Hindenburg
5 3 o

held 2.0 x 10 m of hydrogen gas at 23 C and 1.0 atm, what mass of hydrogen was present?

5. Chlorine is widely used to purify municipal water supplies and to treat swimming pool waters.

Suppose that the volume of a particular sample of Cl is 8.73 L at 755 torr and 24 C.

a. How many grams of Cl are in the sample?


b. What volume will the Cl occupy at STP?


6. In an experiment reported in the scientific literature, male cockroaches were made to run at different speeds on a miniature treadmill while their oxygen consumption was measured. In one hour the average cockroach running at

0.08 km/hr consumed 0.8 mL of O at 1 atm pressure and 24 C per gram of insect weight.

a. How many moles of O would be consumed in 1 hour by a 5.2 g cockroach moving at this

speed? b. This same cockroach is caught by a child and placed in a 1-quart fruit jar with a tight lid. Assuming the same level of continuous activity as in the research, will the cockroach consume more than 20 percent of the available O in a 48-hour period? (Air is 21 mol

percent O .)

7. Cierto gas tiene una densidad de 3,17 gdm3 en condiciones normales La masa molar de dicho gas es: b) 71 gmol1 c) 7 gmol1 d) 86,12 gmol1 a) 38,65 gmol1 Sabiendo que le volumen molar de un gas en condiciones normales es 22,4 L

8. Cul ser la presin total en el interior de un recipiente de 2 L que contiene 1 g de He, 14 g de CO y 10 g de NO a 27C? a) 21,61 atm b) 13,33 atm c) 1,24 atm d) 0,31 atm

9. Dos moles de distintos gases, en igualdad de condiciones de presin y temperatura, tienen: a) La misma masa. b) El mismo nmero de tomos. c) La misma energ a interna. d) El mismo volumen. 10.Considerando el aire como una mezcla homognea de composicin volumtrica 78% de nitrgeno, 21% de ox geno y 1 % de argn, la masa molar aparente del aire resulta ser: a) 14,68 g/mol b) 28,96 g/mol c) 29,36 g/mol d) No se puede conocer.

11. Una muestra de Kr (g) se escapa a travs de un pequeo agujero en 87,3 s y un gas desconocido, en condiciones idnticas, necesita 42,9 s. Cul es la masa molar del gas desconocido? a) 40,5 g/mol b) 23,4 g/mol c) 20,2 g/mol d) 10,5 g/mol 12. Se dispone de una mezcla de 150 g de N2 (g) y 150 g de H2 (g) para iniciar la s ntesis de amon aco. Si la presin total de la mezcla gaseosa es de 1,5 atm, la presin parcial de N2 (g) es: a) 0,10 atm b) 0,25 atm c) 1 atm d) 1,25 atm e) 0,75 atm 13. Un recipiente contiene a 130C y 760 mmHg, 50 g de cada uno de los siguientes gases: CO2, O2, Ne, N2 y H2O. Las velocidades moleculares medias son: a) CO2 > Ne > N2 > H2O < O2 b) O2 > Ne > CO2 > N2 > H2O c) CO2 = Ne = N2 = H2O = O2 d) H2O > Ne > N2 > O2 > CO2 Qu suceder a con la presin de un gas si sus molculas permanecieran estticas? a) Aumentar a la presin. b) Seguir a igual la presin. c) Descender a la presin. d) Sera nula la presin.


volume 0 not posible

16. 25.0 mL of Carbon dioxide gas is collected by water displacement in a gas collecting tube. The water level inside the collecting tube is 58 mm above the level of the outside water. The temperature of the system is 27oC and the barometric pressure outside is 777 mmHg. What would be the volume of just the carbon dioxide gas (the Dry Gas) if the conditions are changed to STP? (at 27oC the water vapor pressure = 26.739 mmHg) a) answer ________________8) 22.3 or 22.4 mL , Daltons and Combined Gas laws b) what 2 laws are used to solve this problem? _______________ & ______________________
2. An open-end manometer possesses a 20.4L reaction chamber. The complete combustion of a certain quantity of propane gas produces 13.203g of CO2 gas and 7.2064g of water vapor. If the temperature of the chamber is 353.15K and the equilibrium mercury level is 11mm higher on the reaction side of the chamber, what is the atmospheric pressure in torr?

20. How many liters of H2(g) measured at STP are formed from the complete reaction of 1.31 g of magnesium with hydrochloric acid? The reaction is Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) H2(g) + MgCl2(aq)

How to calculate molecular formula from density?

determine the molecular formula of a substance that contains 92.3%C and 7.7%H by mass. This same substance when in the gas phase has a density of 0.00454g/ml at stp conditions assume 100 grams carbon = 92.3 grams x ( 1 mole / 12.0 g) = 7.69 moles hydrogen = 7.7 grams x (1 mole / 1.0 g) = 7.70 moles divide by the smaller and you find the empirical formula to be CH and CH has mass of 13.0 g / mole CH

next... assume you have an ideal gas... PV = nRT n = mass / mw PV = (mass / mw) RT

mw = mass RT / PV = (mass / V) x RT/P = x RT/P mw = (.00454 g/ml x (1000 ml / L)) x (.0821 Latm/moleK) x (273.15K) / (1 atm) mw = 101.8 g / mole so molecular formula = (101.8 g / mole unknown molecule) x ( mole CH / 13.0g) = = 7.83 CH's per molecule.... are you sure about those numbers? if the density was 0.00464, instead of 0.00454, then..... mw = 104.1 and your molecular formula would be C8H8

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