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Oliver & Nicole Paine

Tel: 07817 209102

A collection of ideas and things we like that could be used to help create ideas for the
development of a logo for,

Company name: Little Toy Adventures

Company tag line: Imagination Shapes Play
1) We prefer soft rather than sharp edges.
2) Impression of quality and most importantly TIMELESS
3) A friendly logo with a lasting impression.
4) For Children 12months to 6 years
5) A logo that makes you want to go and explore the product further.
6) Curvy, flowing.
7) Strong Fonts but something that makes you know “We Sell Toys”.
8) Options to have FAVICON for Social Media
9) We would like the logo with our name and a version with the TAG line underneath for
occasions when we want to use it.
10) Colours that are gender neutral – attractive to both male and female.
11) Having the word adventure in our name could lead to it having an adventure feel???

This image is only here as a

reference to colours we really
do like.
We recently purchased a
painting by numbers image for
our 9-year-old son and we are
totally drawn and attracted to
the colours show in this image
below. They feel vibrant, warm,
joyful, and pleasing on the eye.
We even like the idea of
multiple colours merging it
keeps us looking.

Oliver & Nicole Paine
Tel: 07817 209102

We have attached this logo found on Google as we like specific elements. The flowing text and
how the use of connecting letters like the “D connected to the E”. The use of the backplate that
flows around the shape of the letters is equally an attractive feature. One of our favourites and
although the colours are not as bold as the image, we have provided on page 1, we do like them
very much.

Although the colours do not quiet resonate in the same way, this logo below still has some bold
features, and we are drawn again to the frame around the words and the bold red accent that
catches your eye. It is a great striking font that is modern and bold.

Oliver & Nicole Paine
Tel: 07817 209102

We love the colours on this logo and the use of the underlining images underneath the brand
name. The pictures of the Toys are nice, but this is often done but many Toy companies and does
not make it incredibly unique. We do like the shape of the logo very much.

This logo below has some lovely colour combinations, but I think the classic saying is “ Less would
have been more”.
We think the concept is great, but the font gets a little bit lost and there is too much going on
around the brand name.

Oliver & Nicole Paine
Tel: 07817 209102

Although we are not passionate about these colours, we were attracted to the font styling and the
way the tail on the “S” at the end flows back under the overall logo.

We picked this logo because we have the word “Adventure” in ours and the use of building blocks
could be something used in our name? This has a combination of curvy text and shapes which are
all things that children will learn from an early age.

Oliver & Nicole Paine
Tel: 07817 209102

We are not keen on the clouds in the background of this logo, however the variation in Font sizes
works well and again the border around the logo enhances it. Nice colour combinations.

File types we will require please.

.psd/ai of the design itself
.png versions with transparent backgrounds
Full colours, greyscale and black and white
Written confirmation of HEX codes used

Brand Vision
We are here to create a world in which interactive toys will enhance the development of early
years children through the discovery of imaginative and creative play.

Oliver & Nicole Paine
Tel: 07817 209102

Little Toy Adventures

Imagination Shapes Play
It was only when my wife and I started closely looking at early year’s toys in specific categories that we
noticed a variety of toys available do not necessarily seem to be complete or could have been enhanced if
only they had included additional items.
At Little Toy Adventures our passion is imaginative and creative play and it is our goal to research products
that can add value to a child’s learning experience by combining them with other exciting complimentary
We realised if you expand on the initial product you improve the child’s play experience because you present them
more opportunities and more learning resources.

Think of it this way…if you gave a child a Cowboy costume, they are more than likely going to be a Cowboy. If you
gave them a blank costume they could draw over and design themselves, they would dream up all kinds of incredible
imaginative ideas taking them on all kinds of different adventures.

So we do not see ourselves as just another toy company, we are dedicated to enhancing a child’s play experience
through carefully selected choices resulting in inspiring innovative play.

Our mission is to positively impact creative play with our unique toy bundle combinations.

Join us on this incredible journey, support our vision and watch your child’s imagination and creativity flourish with
the introduction of a product by Little Toy Adventures.

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