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Project Management

Highlight part is done again below by Waqar haider, Awais Mir, Haseeb rehman
and Shehzi
JUNE Sultan
2, 2022

Group Members
Waqar haider 1811199
Haseeb Ur Rehman 1811124
Saif Ali Khan 1811527
Awais Alam 1611170
Shehzi Sultan 1711219
Mujahid Hussain 1811254

Table of Contents
1: Introduction (Shehzi Sultan and Awais Alam)....................................................................................2
2: Initiation..............................................................................................................................................2
2.1: Business Case...............................................................................................................................2
2.2: Stakeholders.................................................................................................................................2
3: PLANNING (Saif Ali Khan)...............................................................................................................4
3.1 Project Management Plan:.............................................................................................................4
4: Execution (Haseeb ur Rehman)...........................................................................................................7
4.1: Direct and manage project execution............................................................................................7
5: Monitoring and controlling (Waqar Haider)........................................................................................9
5.1: Project scope.................................................................................................................................9
6: Closing and Handover (Mujahid Hussain).........................................................................................11
6.1: Final product evaluation.............................................................................................................11

1: Introduction (Shehzi Sultan and Awais Alam)

Terminal 5 at London Heathrow airport opened to passengers on 27march 2008, the two
terminals that make up phase 1 of 4.3 billion development T5A and T5B were designed to be
highly functional airport buildings but with special component that would allow owner BAA to
realize its vision of T5 as the world’s most successful airport development.
A total of 40,000 of steel were used to create 280,000m₂ of space in the main terminal buildings
T5A and form a clear span roof 156m × 396m to enclose it. This affected structure is the main
point of the T5 and was required to provide a hospitable, friendly and efficient interchange for
departing, arrivals and transferring passengers.
Departing passengers arrive in T5A on bridges from the rail interchange forecourt and car park
and then check in and clear security on the upper level, from there they either proceed to the
middle level of T5A or via track transit system to T5B for gate filling and retail space, arriving
passengers use the lower level of T5A to clear immigration collect their bags and move out
towards surface transport for their onward journey.

2: Initiation
2.1: Business Case
Heathrow Terminal 5 is one of the busiest Airports in UK, it provides internationally flights; this
project intends to fulfill the customers’ needs, additional satisfaction and provide best airport
service in the world. As it provides better opportunities for their customers, it may further
succeed through offering improved services and innovative facilities in this Airline and also
through controlling and overseeing the duties and performance of Heathrow terminal staff as

2.2: Stakeholders
In this project Heathrow Terminal 5 there are different stakeholders internally and externally
some of which are given below;
1. Directors.
2. Shareholders of T5.
3. Workers (Trade union groups).
4. Customers.
5. Key suppliers.
6. Local community.
7. Airlines in one world alliance.

2.3: Project Charter

Terminal 5

Project charter

Project title Terminal 5 Project Marco Ng

Project start date September 2002 Project end date March, 2008
Business Need
There is extreme need for Terminal 5 in Heathrow airport London to alleviate congestion by facilitating growth, it
helps in summer session when there is tourist flow it handle huge masses and manage many planes this will
eventually achieve economies of scale. And make greatest airports in the worlds and improving scalability.
Project scope Deliverables
Construction of the Terminal at Heathrow airport To achieve economies of scale, gain more profit to
London minimize congestion, to facilitate growth. Increase
passenger capacity.

Issues and risks Assumptions and dependencies

The main risk was completion dates begin to move T5 has to be the world biggest airports, Resource
Machine failure risk availability throughout the Life cycle of the Project. It’s
IT failure assumed the derived T5 agreement will effectively work
Logistical issues between BAA and suppliers, team work can be
effectively achieved.
The estimated budget to complete Terminal 5 Project
was GPB 4.3 Billion.
Mile stone Target completion date Actual Date
Completion of landside civil October 2002 November 2002
process. January 2002 April 2002
Completion of Terminal 5 building. June 2003 August 2003
Completion of Airfield and runway February 2004 December 2004
Completion of Rail and Road August 2006 October 2006
Infrastructure and Testing and Land
scrapping phase
Project team Approval/Review committee
Project manager Marco Ng Sponsor ABB’s powerful
Team Richards Rogers Business division head
Pascall & Watson Business unit head
Laing O’Rourke Finance manager

3: PLANNING (Saif Ali Khan)

3.1 Project Management Plan:

In 1993 BAA submits a planning application after that in 1995 public inquiry of Terminal
5 begins which finished in 1999. In the history of UK this is the longest inquiry ever. Then it was
approved in 2001 from secretary of state for transport. Then in 2002 its construction begins. The
plan was to divide it into 5 different key stages:
1. Preparing the site to start the activities. This included many archeological excavation,
construction of site roads, logistic centers and offices. From July 2002 – July 2003.
2. In this stage main groundworks are done like rail tunnels, drainage, terminal basement
and connection of substructures. From Nov 2002 – Feb 2005.
3. In this stage major structures were built like course A and course B. course A was main
terminal building and course B was first satellite. From 2003 – 2006.
4. In this stage different electronic systems were put in like, track transit people mover
system, the baggage system etc. From Feb 2005 – Sept 2007.
5. In this phase operational readiness was implemented. In which systems were tested, staffs
were trained, ensured that infrastructure was fully complete. From Oct 2007 – Mar 2008.

3.2 Collect requirement:

Sno Objectives Priority Source Requirements Validation

1. Completion of High Sponsor Contracting with the vendors It was assessed
project on time while holding all the by internal
financial risks and the T5 stakeholders.
2. Making Air travel High Sponsor A new terminal with new Internal and
easier electronic systems. external
using it will
3. Increasing the Medium Sponsor A new terminal with a Internal
Capacity of the capacity of 30 million stakeholders’
airport and customers a year. asses. Now this
minimizing terminal looks

congestion. around 600

Increasing the flights on
profit weekdays and
4. Faster services Medium Sponsor Training new employee to Internal stake
cope up with this much holders will
crowd. examine.
5. Gaining more profit Medium Sponsor Running this terminal Internal and
smoothly and fast. external stake
holders will

3.3 Scope (Cost, time and quality) Planning:

This project will make air travel for the customers. Will also increase the capacity of the
airport. Total cost spent on this project was £4.3 billion. This project had a specific completion
date started on September-2002 and finished March-2008. The quality was maintained by getting
items from a trusted supplier.

3.4: WBS

3.5: HR Planning:


Andrew Wolstenholme Project Director Responsible for the overall
success of the Project. The
Project director is responsible
for approving that work
activities meet established
acceptability criteria and fall
within acceptable variances
British Airport Association Sponsor The investment was done by
Arup Team Provide services for project
management and movement

3.6 Risk Planning:

BAA had a main source of risk identification are the lessons that they learned while
building 1,2, 3 and from the time it took for enquiry and planning. According to the Collin
Mathew chief executive of the BAA the lessons learned from other airport projects are also taken
into account and they are already aware of different risks they can face son T5 project. In
addition, BAA view things differently, they think partners are more worthy than suppliers so they
developed an integrated project team approach, which focuses on the main causes of risk. This
partnership allows BAA to minimize risk along supply chain.
The relation of project parties had a huge role in this project’s success regarding time and cost.
Another major area where risk was identified was IT systems that would go into T5. Therefore,
after completion T5 underwent 6 months of testing before opening. Almost all the testing was
regarding IT.
3.8: Phase Approval:
In 1993 BAA submits a planning application after that in 1995 public inquiry of Terminal
5 begins which finished in 1999. In the history of UK this is the longest inquiry ever. Then it was
approved in 2001 from secretary of state for transport. Then in 2002 its construction begins.

4: Execution (Haseeb ur Rehman)

4.1: Direct and manage project execution

The execution of the project was followed by phases of processes as given below:

● Assignment of clear instruction and accountabilities to all team members

● Reminding the end goal of the project to the team member, so that it was kept in mind
during the execution stage.
● Keeping all the stakeholders on board in decision making on every phase.
● Checking progress on a regular basis of each stakeholder i.e Suppliers, construction team,
procurement department, vigilance committee etc.
● Minimizing human and material wastage and maximizing effectivity of each resource.

4.2: Perform Quality Assurance:

Quality assurance was an essential part in the building of Terminal 5. The deliverables were kept
in mind and potential risks were also measured and minimized. A culture of accountability of

each stakeholder was established and project managers worked hard on increasing efficiency and
vigilance of the team members.

This was done using a quality framework design that ensured that each team member was
appointed for the task according to their expertise in the field to maximize human resource. There
was regular reporting of details of statistical data of the project and communicated to all
stakeholders. Any mistake, incompetence was identified and rectified to streamline the processes.

4.3: Develop Project Team:

With the help of the stakeholders, BAA introduced the T5 agreement, in which they decided to
take on the risk of all project contracts and developed the concept of assimilating teams with
stakeholders such as developers, constructors, designers, and builders to shape a relationship of
partnership. Stakeholders stated that they were primarily concerned with reducing project risks,
and that is why the incorporated team was required to be on the same page and be well-versed in
the overall factors and characteristics involved.

BAA encouraged problem-solving, cooperation, and accessibility of information. The

construction, as well as the time, budget, scope, and quality implicated, were all praised by the
project team.

4.4: Project communication management

An efficient communication strategy was planned by the project manager in order for team
members to have a greater comprehension and coordination, and a good communication strategy
is critical among team members/stakeholders/customers/clients.

The goal of the communication strategy is to improve communication among project team
members while also keeping track of the project's progress and challenges. As a result, the need
for a communication strategy for Heathrow Terminal-5 was evaluated based on the occurrence of
activities and the certainty of task completion during the various phases.

4.5: Risk Management


The act or practice of managing these risks is known as risk management. It entails risk planning,
risk identification, risk analysis, risk response planning, and risk assessment and analysis to
determine how risks have been modified.

The goal of project managers of Terminal 5 was to ensure potential issues that may arise during
the project life cycle so that risk can be monitored and controlled throughout the process. Risk
management is an integral part that was performed all across the life cycle of the project,
beginning with the planning phase. Risk management is made up of the following processes:
4.6: Identifying the Risk

4.7 Risk evaluation

* Risk Reduction

5: Monitoring and controlling (Waqar Haider)

5.1: Project scope
Construction of the Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport in London, it will be Heathrow Airport
largest Terminal, and T5 was to be the largest free standing structure in the UK, capable of
handling 35 million passengers annually, It is designed to handle huge masses which is Planned
to be opened in March of 2008. There were more other goals and objectives included in the
terminal 5 project which are as follow

 60 Aircraft stands
 Baggage handling system
 600 Bed hotel
 4000 Space car park
 Road and rale extension
 Air traffic control tower
 2 River diversions
 Major tunnelling and excavation
 Complete new drainage system
 Gain the trust and support of key stakeholders

All of these goals must be met in seven years, with a budget of GBP 4.3 billion.
5.2: Monitor and control risks

Each project team for instance baggage, construction, luggage, train etc record measure and
monitor each project performance on monthly basis each project has different supervisors. And
the major performance measures are reported as a Balanced Scorecard on a monthly basis. And
to ensure adherence to plan contractors are given bonuses if the complete their task on time and
on budget. For quality assurance managers set an offsite assembly and testing, that was separate
from construction site.
Control risk
For risk control terminal 5 all the projects from construction, designing, engineering and
architecture. All these were integrated to each other, for instance there was an incident during
construction a tunnel collapse fortunately no loss of life has happen, and no one blame each other
and start working again as a team and worked collectively. And to mitigate cost the uses JIT
inventory system. To reduce risk, Terminal 5 has worked with the same supplier for the past five
years since he is familiar with the project and does not experience delays in material and
equipment delivery. A crew was assigned to monitor the budget and visit the site every two
months to ensure that everything was completed on schedule and on budget.

5.3:Manage Project Team

Project management handbook to all the members of T5 to work under a set of collaborative
rules for integral project team working and partnering.
To manage project work has divided according to relevant field:
Project manager: Atishibi
Project director: Andrew Wolstenholme his work is to integrate team work, ensure safety,
quality, budget constrain.

Designed and engineer: Arup, Richard Rogers

Head of Design Management: Dervilla Mitchell
Project architecture: Richard Rogers, Mike Davies

5.4: Manage Stakeholders Expectation

To manage stakeholders expectation terminal 5 project manager hold meeting every 3 months
and project manager is connected via Email and calls, With the other managers and heads to
discuss about the project.

 Define roles and responsibilities

 Define schedules and task dependencies within the team
 Establish KPIs and metrics
 Set up a communication plan.
 Changes and escalation
 Risk and issues
 Budget and cost

6: Closing and Handover (Mujahid Hussain)

6.1: Final product evaluation
The T5 project was completed on March 2008, it was a successful project as it was completed on
time and within budget, until the opening as opening was catastrophic.
 Environmental friendly terminal-5 building with better quality and services.
 Sixty aircraft stands which can adopt most advanced aircrafts and runway connections
 Passenger capacity enhancement.
 Modern Air Traffic Control tower, new rail station and links to the central London with
Heathrow express and Piccadilly line extension.
 The new spur road links to M25 motorway and its widening to reduce the traffic

6.3: Project goals and objectives status

All the T5 projects goals and objectives are successfully completed on time and within budget.
T5 was fully operational. As the objectives and gorals were mentioned before all those are
6.4: Project Handover/ Closing documentation
Closing documents are handed over to the sponsor of the T5 there are some check lists which
The main sponsor/client was: BAA British Airlines Authority


Project Management

Project Resubmission with changes

Date 5 June, 2022

Submitted by waqar Haider 1811199
Shehzi sultan 1711219
Awais Alam 1611170
Haseeb Ur Rehman 1811124
Submitted to Sir Bilal Ahmed

1: Monitoring and controlling (Waqar Haider part).................................................................3
1: Verify Project scope.................................................................................................................3
1.2: Monitoring............................................................................................................................3
1.3: Control risk...........................................................................................................................6
1.4: Manage project team.............................................................................................................6
1.5: Manage stakeholder expectation...........................................................................................7

Introduction (Shehzi Sultan and Awais Mir)

Terminal 5 at London Heathrow airport opened to passengers on 27march 2008, the two
terminals that make up phase 1 of 4.3 billion development T5A and T5B were designed to be
highly functional airport buildings but with special component that would allow owner BAA to
realize its vision of T5 as the world’s most successful airport development.

A total of 40,000 of steel were used to create 280,000m₂ of space in the main terminal buildings
T5A and form a clear span roof 156m × 396m to enclose it. This affected structure is the main
point of the T5 and was required to provide a hospitable, friendly and efficient interchange for
departing, arrivals and transferring passengers.

Departing passengers arrive in T5A on bridges from the rail interchange forecourt and car park
and then check in and clear security on the upper level, from there they either proceed to the
middle level of T5A or via track transit system to T5B for gate filling and retail space, arriving
passengers use the lower level of T5A to clear immigration collect their bags and move out
towards surface transport for their onward journey.


Business Case

Heathrow Terminal 5 is one of the busiest Airports in UK, it provides internationally flights; this
project intends to fulfill the customers’ needs, additional satisfaction and provide best airport
service in the world. As it provides better opportunities for their customers, it may further
succeed through offering improved services and innovative facilities in this Airline and also
through controlling and overseeing the duties and performance of Heathrow terminal staff as


In this project Heathrow Terminal 5 there are different stakeholders internally and externally
some of which are given below;

8. Directors.
9. Shareholders of T5.
10. Workers (Trade union groups).
11. Customers.
12. Key suppliers.
13. Local community.
14. Airlines in one world alliance.

Project Charter

Terminal 5

Project charter
Project Development of T5 at Project Laing O'Rourke
title Heathrow Airport manager
Project September 2002 Project end March, 2008
start date date
Business Need
There is extreme need for Terminal 5 in Heathrow airport London to alleviate
congestion by facilitating growth, it helps in summer session when there is tourist
flow it handle huge masses and manage many planes this will eventually achieve
Economies of scale. And make greatest airports in the worlds and improving
Project scope Deliverables
 Environmentally friendly terminal-5
 Construction of main terminal building with better quality and services.
building, satellite building,  Sixty aircraft stands which can adopt
control towers, aircraft stands, most advanced aircrafts and runway
multi-story car park, road & rail connections.
infrastructures, runways.  Passenger capacity enhancement.
 Maintenance of terminal after  Modern Air Traffic Control tower, new
handling it over to BAA. rail station and links to the central
 Environmentally friendly London with
terminal 5.  Heathrow express and Piccadilly line
 Aircraft stands which can adopt extension.
most advanced aircrafts and  The new spur road links to M25
runway connections. motorway and its widening to reduce the

Objectives and Scope

 To Increase the capacity of

passengers flying per year by 30
million. •
 To construct a Terminal-5
building, inherits all modern
facilities while meeting the
Environmental standards. •
 To construct sixty new aircraft
stands inclusive of stands
designed for the most advanced
aircrafts like Airbus A380.
 To develop the Rail
infrastructure by extension of
Heathrow express, London
underground Piccadilly Line and
creating six platform Rail
 To construct a state-of-the-art
Control Tower, designed to meet
the demands of Air traffic
control at Heathrow in the
 To improve the road
infrastructure, new spur road to
the M25 linking the terminal to
the national road network.
Issues and risks Assumptions and dependencies
 Security & Safety T5 has to be the world biggest airports,
 Communication Resource availability throughout the Life cycle
 Scheduling of the Project. It’s assumed the derived T5
agreement will effectively work between BAA
and suppliers, team work can be effectively
The estimated budget to complete
Terminal 5 Project was GPB 4.2
Project Milestones
 Archeological work
 CTB work
 SAT works
 Civil works
 Systems & rail installation

 Commissioning & bringing into use

Project team Approval/Review committee

Project Laing O'Rourke Sponsor British Airlines
Team Richards Rogers Business unit head Spencer Adaway

Pascall & Watson Finance manager Javier Echave

Execution: (Haseeb Ur Rehman )

1. Direct and manage project execution

The T5 approach adopted by BAA:

● The structural complexity was managed by breaking the project down in 4 main areas and
147 subprojects. They had dependencies within these subprojects so they had
arrangements for it as well. The single model environment helped with the structural
complexity using prefabrication in which they assembled the parts off the site where there
was lots of stuff going on already.

● To deal with the socio-political complexity, the T5 agreement and the integrated team
were the innovations that they put in effect. It was the code of behavior about how the
teams are going to work together in a well integrated manner.

● Emerging complexities were dealt by reimbursable contracts between BAA and suppliers
and incentives to innovate during the project and just-in time logistics.

● Uncertainty was minimized by early experimentations and standardization of major

components, by pre assembly, by pre off site testing to prove constructability and a policy
of not adopting untested technologies.

2. Perform Quality Assurance:

T5's performance management system is based on carefully considered key performance

measures and indicators to ensure quality assurance.

The KPIs are chosen as high standard indicators to guide the major developments of the project
objectives and requirements, making sure that stakeholders are identified, specifications and
standards are agreed upon, examinations and tests are planned to ensure that they are completed
correctly the first time, and work is completed.

The following are some of the best quality assurance practises that BAA followed:

● Encouraging supplier collaboration and contractors' proactive participation in project

quality and standard compliance monitoring and improvement;

● Identifying and giving the KPI through three main themes: enablers, monitoring progress
and displaying results alongside the life cycle of the project till the completion and
handover of work.

● After detailed conversations and meetings with stakeholders, the performance measures
and procedures are affirmed, followed by supporting documents, a communication
campaign, and training sessions.

● A powerful step in the process is the ongoing tracking and reporting of non-conformance
reports (NCRs), which is accompanied by the cost estimation of non-conformance and
development of the projects using root cause analysis. This creates possibilities for
quality oriented innovations.

3. Develop Project Team:


BAA felt it wanted a framework to actively mitigate risks on the project to reach the desired
budget, time, and quality outcomes. It created a custom relational contract (T5 agreement) for its
T5 tier 1 suppliers, which include architects and engineering design professionals, as well as
primary and specialized manufacturers and contractors.

Between the suppliers and the client, a fully integrated project team was established. This was
created to reduce conflict between parties by incentivizing collaboration and fostering positive
problem-solving behavior patterns. Suppliers, such as architects, contractors, and consultants,
were co-located and asked to collaborate from the beginning of the project to reduce risk, even
with contractors who had previously been competitors.

Over 1,000 designers worked on 16 different projects, all organizations who were competitors
came under the T5 agreement and worked as a well integrated team.

BAA encouraged problem-solving, cooperation, and accessibility of information. The

construction, as well as the time, budget, scope, and quality implicated, were all praised by the
project team.

4. Project communication management

An efficient communication strategy was planned by the project manager in order for team
members to have a greater comprehension and coordination, and a good communication strategy
is critical among team members/stakeholders/customers/clients.

The goal of the communication strategy is to improve communication among project team
members while also keeping track of the project's progress and challenges. As a result, the need
for a communication strategy for Heathrow Terminal-5 was evaluated based on the occurrence of
activities and the certainty of task completion during the various phases.

5. Risk Management

An efficient risk management strategy influences the level of uncertainty in a project in a positive
(decreasing) way. The Heathrow Terminal 5 program's risk management strategy included
numerous concepts, tools, and techniques, and it has since become a benchmark for risk
management that businesses all over the world have adopted.

The project's decision-making procedure was decentralized, with specialized contractors wielding
significant decision-making authority. Furthermore, those decisions have been made using the
LRM approach, that "mapped out the most recent date" on which critical decisions would be
made. This technique reduced the risk of squandering time, money, and other resources due to
rash decisions followed by changes in circumstances.

Aside from LRM, the project's risk management plan also included aggregation of supplier risks
(risk pooling). The law of variance pooling describes the benefits of aggregation, the most
important of which is a lower level of uncertainty when it comes to risks. According to Pretorius
(2008), even a "relatively small number of assets can eliminate a very large proportion of
return/risk uncertainty" in a portfolio of diversified risks.

Furthermore, BAA was the sole owner of all risks in the project, which meant they were
responsible for every issue that arose in various areas of the project. Contractors could have
concentrated on their project tasks (reduced variability), and BAA had total control over all
procedures (reduced uncertainty, lower risk hideability, concentrate on the entire system, higher
risk assessment team engagement due to sole responsibility).

1: Monitoring and controlling ( Waqar Haider part)

1: Verify Project scope
Construction of terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport, Biggest terminals in Europe and one of the largest in the
world. Below are the objectives of terminal 5



COMPLETIO March , 2008 Project sponsor BAA


1 Handle 35 million passengers annually
2 Planned to opened in March 2008/ Budget GBP 4.3 Billion
3 60 aircraft stands
4 Baggage handling system
5 4000 space car parking
6 Road and rale extension/ air traffic control tower
7 2 rivers diversion
8 Major tunnel and excavation
9 New drainage system
10 Gain the trust and support of key stakeholders

Monitoring and controlling risk

1.2: Monitoring
There was a tunnel in terminal 5 to link terminal 3 and terminal 4, it was included in the project.
Sol Data was tasked with installing and monitoring the current Heathrow Express running tunnel
between Terminals 1 and 2. With the passing of the 3rd and 5th terminals into the current turnout
with a tunnel boring machine stub, as well as during the breakup of the current tunnel, this tunnel
links terminal 1,2,3,4 with the new terminal. There was a software used to check the progress
named as Geo scope software. The illustration is below:

To ensure adherence allowances were given to the worker who ever complete work on time and within
allocated budget he will be get benefit.
Monthly performance of construction, design, architecture, baggage was checked by unit supervisors
illustrated below.
Progress Monitoring


Train/ tunnel
These both were considered Monitor
to be most essential part of
the project because both link
to all the existing terminals.

Monitor Engineers and contractor were
Progress given task to check that the
design of luggage system is
aligning with assigned design

The progress team ensures
that the terminal's design
adheres to established criteria.


Construction was checked on

monthly basis and if any things
goes wrong then they call
relevant field manager to make

Cost and time check

A whole unit was there to
ensure that the job was
completed on time and on

1.3: Control risk

To control risk Project integration management is used to coordination of all elements of a project.

 Same supplier for 5 years

 Used JIT system ( just in time inventory system)
And the main step taken by project manager of terminal 5 is they distributed the risk as explained in the

Conventional Terminal 5

Client Client

Contractor stakeholder

Risk Risk
 Client dump risk on customers .clients and stakeholder both bear
 Price in advance risk equally.
 Success driven

1.4: Manage project team

Project management team has handed a book to all the members of T5 and stakeholder where
rules are regulations were written down to work under a collaborative rules for integral project
team working and partnering. PM has divided work according to unit’s which are as follow.

Project Manager Atishibi

Managers and work Distribution

Project director Andrew, Directs and integrates the activities of multiple,

primary project operations
Engineer and Architectures Arup and Richard Rogers, Designing, analyzing, and altering
plans, prototypes, or structures. Ensuring building plans,
prototypes, and structures are operating safely, efficiently,
and reliably. Assisting team members with project objectives,
budgets, and timelines. Establishing project goals.
Main sponsor BAA over look all the process
Principal Contractors Laing O'Rourke/Mace/Balfour Beatty/AMEC
Quantity Surveyor: Quantity Surveyor: Turner & Townsend/E.C. Harris
Project analyst supporting the project manager with overseeing and
coordinating projects, contributing to project planning,
preparing and maintaining documentation

1.5: Manage stakeholder expectation

To manage stakeholder expectations, the terminal 5 project manager holds meetings every three
months, and the PM communicates with other managers and heads of units via email, phone, and
face time to discuss the project. PM manage stake holder expectations by providing several
information which are as follow.

schedule, task
Define needs within
roles and team
KPI, S and

of Terminal5/
information to
Set up a
stakeholders communication
Budget and

Risk and and
issues escalation

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