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Sales Management

Submitted by Waqar Haider

REG 1811199

Submitted to Sir Omar Ijaz

Assignment 2

Date 20May, 2022

Engro case study

Q1: What are the core values for ENGRO and how this company use its core values in

Decision making?

Core values of Engro chemicals are At Engro Energy, they support their leadership culture
through unique systems and policies which ensure open communication, foster an environment
of employee and partner privacy, and guarantee the well-being and safety of their employees.
Their core values form the basis of everything they do at Engro Energy; from formal decision-
making to how to conduct business to spot awards and recognition. At Engro Energy they never
forget what they stand for. Engro chemicals is one of the best performing company in Pakistani
market, Engro has always emphasized quality assurance in its product and its operations, core
value of the ECPL is they have one of the best management and professional team with the
highest standards of corporate governance and business strategy, to increase sales target Engro
marketing strategy allow farmers educate on effective use of fertilizer, Engro want to create a
culture that encourages individuals to think creatively, act responsibly, and contribute to the
company and the environment. Engro is committed to protecting the environment by managing
resources responsibly. They support workplace safety and forward-thinking human resource
policies because they benefit their employees, who are critical to their success. They invest in
their communities because strong, healthy communities create the framework for the company's
growth. It has also signed with UN global compact to serve for human rights, labor rights,
protection of environment and anti-corruption.

Engro Uses core value in decision making by the values inform how decision are make in long
run and short run. They inform the top level strategic decisions that determine the direction the
company is going in, how and why. And they also inform the more mundane everyday decisions,
made at every level throughout the company. And the also invested in communities like in labor
rights and human rights so it’s easy for them to forecast the demand and how company is
positioned in customer minds, they also have well performing professionals this helps company
to redesign tasks as needed.

Q2: ENGRO is most successful fertilizer company, how they can further improve their Sales

Engro chemicals can further improve their sales operations as Engro has a strong niche in Sindh
They may boost their sales by putting in place a robust distribution system that reaches across the
country. As stated in the case study demand of fertilizer decreases due to flooding and soil
erosion, Engro cannot prevent flooding as it’s a natural process but they can mitigate soil erosion,
if they provide a solutions to soil erosion, their sales will improve.

Another way to increase sale is nowadays the world is heading towards green products, demand
for organic products is growing at fast pace, With the growing demand for pollution-free
agricultural goods and green products, the phrase organic has become an appealing trend in
modern agriculture that is causing a stir in the worldwide fertilizer business, Organic fertilizer
demand is predicted to rise as organic agriculture develops quickly and demand for organic food
grows, Furthermore, government and environmental initiatives aimed at reducing waste and non-
biodegradable raw material usage have resulted in an increase in organic fertilizer production.
So, in order to maintain and grow sales, Engro will need to make adjustments to their product in
the long run for instance redesign their products.

Q3: what are the key actors and forces that enhance success of ENGRO chemical Pakistan limited?
How Engro management is the key competitive success?

The key actor and forces that enhance success of ENGRO chemicals is the good corporate
governance, they protect shareholder values they have set strategic and company business
objectives. Engro chemicals has also keep quality control in its product and operations as their
top propriety that plays a significant role in attaining success, Engro has dedicated to long term
development. Engro operates in extremely secure markets, and its business models rely on stable
demand they are particularly good at forecast demand, Engro is also known for their
professionalism, with one of Pakistan's best management teams practicing corporate governance
and business strategy at the highest levels this plays an essential role in success of Engro. Engro's
management has lately expressed interest in demerging its fertilizer Core business from itself by
forming a separate organization dedicated entirely to the fertilizer industry. They also focus on
educating farmers to tell them the effective use of fertilizers. They also contribute for CSR
corporate social responsibility they invest on communities and signed the UN global compact for
ten principles with respect to human rights, labor rights, the protection of the environment and
anticorruption. At last they study their competitor weakness and identify market opportunities.
Engro management is the key competitive success because human are paramount in any
organization, they are line managers, manufacturers, controllers and distributers. And a good
management makes a difficult easy for their employees, work efficiently avoid wastage of
resources. They boost profits by using little input and producing greater output.

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