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Poets and Pancakes Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.

Why did the legal adviser lose his job in the Gemini Studios?


The legal adviser worked in the story department of the Gemini Studios which was later closed by
the boss. So, in this way, the legal adviser lost his job.

Q.2. What do you understand by ‘the fiery misery’ of those subjected to make up? Answer: The
makeup room was glowed by many incandescent lights which produced very fiery heat. Artists had
to face that extreme heat as they had to sit there for makeup. They were pitiful and could not do
anything in this regard.

Question 3. What was the poet’s preconceived idea about communism? Answer: The poet opined
that the communists were heart-less and godless persons. They did not love their wife, children as
well as relatives. They were always ready for violence and to tease the innocent people.


Who was Greta Garbo?


Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress who received honorary Oscar for her unforgettable screen
performances. Guiness Book of World Records named her the most beautiful woman who ever lived
and she was also voted Best Silent Actress of the country.

Question 5.

What do you infer of Robert Clive from the text?


Robert Clive was Commander-in-Chief of British India who owned many buildings in Madras and
fought many battles and married a maiden in St. Mary’s Church in Fort St. George in Madras.


What do you understand by national integration?


The national integration is a combination which consists of each and every, many castes, tribes and
communities in it. National Integration is above than any of the religion or thinking and it unites
various people from various places and cultures.
Question 7.

What is a hierarchy?


Hierarchy is a process in which members of any of the organigation or society are ranked according
to relatives their, their status and authorities.


What is the designation‘a office boy’ signify?


The office boy is a person of no age limit who works in various offices and departments. He simply
does the ordinary or menial tasks as fetching the coffee or drinks, filing, introducing visitors to the
office etc.

Question 9.

What happened with Subbu’s literary achieve-ments? ‘


Though, Subbu was a tailor made for films but he had a talent of poetry and writing novels. Later, as
his filmy career grew higher, his literary talent and achievements were overshadowed and dwarfed
by his own success.


What could be the reason of the shut of the story department?


The story department was comprised of many poets and writers and also a lawyer with them. But
later, it was closed. The possible reason for the shutting down of the story department may be its
uselessness or unbearable expenses or regular salary of the members and less output in return.


Which poets from England were known to the Gemini Studios’ staff ?


The ordinary staff of the Gemini Studios knew or heard about Wordsworth and Tennyson; and the
more literate ones knew of Keats, Shelly and Byron or about Eliot. But they didn’t know about
Stephen Spender, who was invited at the Gemini Studios.

Question 12.

‘The God That Failed’ was the composition of six eminent men of letters. Describe.

The God That Failed’ contained six separate essays of six renowned essayists about their journeys
into communism and their disillusioned return. Those six distinguished writers were : Andre Gide,
Richard Wright, Ignazio Silone, Arthur Koestler, Louis Fischer and Stephen Spender.


What does the writer mean by ‘the fiery misery’ of those subjected to make-up?


The writer means that the artists who were subjected to make-up had to bear very intense heat due
to the multiple incandescent lights and reflecting big mirrors.

Question 14.

What is the example of national integration that the author refers to?


Make-up department is the fine example of national integration that the author refers to as people
from various and distinct parts of India used to work there together.


What work did the ‘office boy’ do in the Gemini Studios? Why did he join the studios? Why was he


During the crowd shooting in the Gemini Studios, the office boy used to paint their faces slapping
with heavy paint. Thinking that he would become a top star, screen writer or a director or lyrics
writer; he joined the Gemini Studios. He couldn’t succeed and was disappointed due to his faliure
and thought that his talent was going to be wasted.


Why did the author appear to be doing nothing at the studios?


The author’s duty was to cut the newspaper clip-pings for the subject, arrange them in a file and
some-times writing by hand and this work appeared to be ^useless or valueless in others’ view.

Question 17.

Why was the office boy frustrated? Who did he show his anger on?


The office boy was frustrated because he assumed that his talent was being wasted working in a
department that was suitable only for barbers and perverts. He showed his anger on
Kothamangalam Subbu for his negligence and dishonour.
Question 18.

Who was Subbu’s principal?

Answer: Mr..S.. Vasan, the owner of the Gemini Studios, was the principal of Subbu.

Question 19. Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. List four of his special abilities.

Answer: Though Subbu was a versatile character having many qualities, nevertheless his main four
abilites can be counted as following: he was tailor-made for films, could solve any of the problem;
he, being a poet could write any type of poetry; he was always joyful and having very sound
relationship with his relatives and acquaintances; and lastly he was also having a talent of writing

Question 20.Why was the legal advisor referred to as the opposite by others?

Answer:Instead of solving the legal problems of the people, the legal advisor himself used to create
problems for them. Once, when a talented heroine heard her own voice, she was disappointed and
her growth and career became steady and unfruitful.


What made the lawyer stand out from the others at Gemini Studios?


The lawyer, in comparision with other members of story department, used to wear trousers, shirts
and tie whereas others wore dhotis and especially khadi. So, sometimes wearing a coat also, the
lawyer stood out different from others.

Question 22.

Did the people at Gemini Studios have any particular political affiliations?


No, the people at Gemini Studios had no political affiliations. They wore khadi and were devotees of
Gandhiji. They didn’t have any opinion about any political party or even with communism.

Question 23.

Why was the Moral Re-armament Army welcomed at the Studios?


The Moral Rearmement Army was welcomed at the Gemini Studios as they staged two successful
plays many a times and the army was invited by the owner of the Gemini Studios. They were also
appreciated for their sense of costumes and arrangements.
Question 24.

Give one example to show that Gemini Studios was influenced by the plays staged by MRA.


The Gemini Studios was actually influenced by the sunset and sunrise scenes presented by MRA
through their play ‘Jotham Valley’, The scene seemed to be unique with white background and a
tune played on the flute.

Question 25.

Who was the boss of Gemini Studios?


Mr. S.S. Vasan was the boss of Gemini Studios

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