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KUD Lesson Planning

Teachers Name: Grade:
Corey Handy

Unit/Lesson Title:

The Holocaust
Bloom’s Taxonomy Alignment to Standards
 Evaluation SS.CS.21 – Demonstrate an understanding of the events surrounding WW2: Examine and Evaluate the suffering
 Synthesis and human cost of the propaganda and genocide of the Nazi Holocaust.
 Analysis
 Application
 Comprehension
 Knowledge


Students will KNOW: Students will know that the Nazi Holocaust was the systematic, state sponsored persecution and
murder of European Jews, gypsies, political opponents, and other “enemies” of the state. They will also know an
introductory history on the largest and most notorious concentration camp, Auschwitz.

Students will UNDERSTAND THAT: Students will understand that the Holocaust was a watershed moment in the
history of the world. They will also understand that concentration camps were inhumane and were used to carry out the
mass extermination of enemies of the Nazi State.

Students will DO: Students will be organized into small groups and given an information sheet on Auschwitz. They
will then work through a variety of activities that cover various topics on the concentration camp. These include an
introduction to Auschwitz, deportations, & arrival and selections.
How are you collecting evidence of student understanding?
How are you using that information to inform your instruction?
Summative & Formative Assessments, Performance Task(s) & Other Evidence i.e. Pre-assessments, Unit
Tests, Quizzes, Essays, Exit Cards, etc.

Pre-assessment: Student ideas on what the Holocaust is based on their prior experiences and knowledge on
the topic.

Formative Assessment: Student observations during group discussion on the designated questions and
explanations during instruction.

Summative Assessment: Completion of the Life in a Concentration Camp Journal Entry. This requires students
to create a first-hand account of their experiences during the Holocaust.
Instructional Learning Plan
How will the lesson(s) support student acquisition, meaning-making and transfer of content knowledge,
understandings and skills?

KUD Lesson Plan Template 2020

Learning Activities: (Brief summary & description of how you will orchestrate instructional best practices during this
lesson to ensure student understanding i.e. Differentiated Instruction, Marzano, National Board Core Propositions etc.
Differentiated Instruction: Student Grouping (Based on student readiness, teacher selection)

KUD Lesson Plan Template 2020

 Auschwitz Information Sheet
 Virtual Tour of Auschwitz

Lesson Plan:
 The teacher begins lesson by organizing students into small groups.
 Students will be asked the following question: What is the Holocaust? This will be discussed within the groups.
 The teacher will ask the previous question again. Groups will be allowed to respond.
 The Holocaust and Auschwitz will be shortly introduced.
 Students will be provided with an information sheet over Auschwitz. As a group they should read through the
document to gain a basic understanding of the operation of the camp.
 A nine-minute virtual tour of Auschwitz with survivor interviews will then be played for the class.
 The video will be paused at various points in order for students to discuss questions.
 Pause at 3:15. Students will discuss the following questions with their group.
1. Why did the girls have to run through the gate after standing in the cold weather?
2. In your opinion, why did the guards kill the ones who could not accomplish this?
3. What is one detail you noticed about the gas chambers?
 Students will share explanations with the class. The video will then be continued.
 Pause at 7:45. Students will discuss the following questions with their group.
1. What sights, sounds, or smells might have you perceived when arriving at Auschwitz?
2. According to the interview, who was taken to concentration camps?
3. What did you notice about the two barracks shown in the video?
 Students will share explanations with the class. The video will then be continued.
 In the interview the name Mengele is mentioned. Students will research Doctor Mengele and discuss amongst
themselves his significance.
 Explanations of Doctor Mengele will be shared with the class.
 The teacher will walk around the class observing while students are completing work.

Lesson Closure(s):
 Students will be tasked with rethinking their answer to the opening question. They should discuss within their group
what the Holocaust is and how this lesson changed their perception on the event.

Formative Assessment:
 Student observation will be used to assess whether or not students are on task and have successfully acquired
essential information on the Holocaust.

Extended Learning (Homework)

 Students will write a journal entry from the perspective of a Jew that was relocated to Auschwitz. The journal entry
should include details on what they would have experienced while at the concentration camp.

Lesson Accommodations (Special needs and gifted)

 Selective Grouping
 Text to Speech

KUD Lesson Plan Template 2020

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