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Ayşe İkbal Öztürk

1 hour CAS STRAND : ?

We did a drama work about a topic we learned in TITC

lessons with IB y1 students. It was really enjoyable. We
recollected data about topic, wrote a scenario, shared
the roles and prepared the play. It wasn't a
proffessional work of course, it was pretty newbie job.
but I can surely say that it was really helpful to us for
covering that topic well. I'm thinking that I won't miss
any questions about this topic. I'm not saying that I
know enough, but its quite enough. If I work about it
more, then it will be enough I'm sure.
My role at the play was an interviewer. I was doing an
interview with a woman which had the "mubadele" and I
asked a few questions to her about what she felt, what
and how happened, etc. It was not hard, but I wasn't
perfect I think. We couldn't practice much (just 2 times
before the play) so it was the reason wy our play wasn't
proffessional. I won't add anything. It was quite good
for me.

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