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Technologies required for e-commerce [P1]

In this assignment I am going to explain the importance of the ecommerce. I will divide the
assignment into different sub heading and explain in detail. I will also add images and videos
so my audience can have a clear understanding of what e-commerce is. I will also
recommend them what is best for them and how to protect themselves online.

A database is a structured collection of data that is
electronically accessible and stored. Large databases are
housed on computer clusters or cloud storage, whilst small
databases can be stored on a file system. There are four main
types of databases, those being Hierarchical Database System,
Network Database System, Relational Database System and
Object-Oriented Database System.

Web servers

The servers communicate with browsers using Hypertext Transfer

Protocol. Web servers can also support SMTP and FTP. Web servers are
also used for hosting websites and data for web applications. Without a
web servers’ cuckoo cannot sell to its customers online unless they use
someone else platform like Amazon or eBay. These may contain fees and
perhaps some percentage of profits which cuckoo should be mindful of.

These programs display and navigate between web pages
with a graphical user interface. They are useful when
shopping online and make things easier. This would be
beneficial for Cuckoo this would be because it allows
people to access their products from all around the world
and would allow them to expand their business to make more money.

TCP/IP addresses
IP Addressing in TCP An Internet addressing mechanism included in TCP/IP enables users
and applications to locate a particular network or host to connect with. Like a postal
address, an Internet address enables data to be forwarded to the desired location.

Domain names

A domain name is a unique string of text that is used to identify a specific resource on the
internet. It allows user access their website whenever they want, and they all have unique
domain names otherwise every link would lead to the same website and would be good for
Cuckoo as they are trying to expand their business.

Download Speeds

The rate which online data is transferred back over from your device to another source. This
would be helpful for Cuckoo as they would need to collect the information from their
customers as quickly as possible to guarantee the satisfactions of their customers. Slow
speeds can decrease customer experience as they are used to going on social media and
have speeds that open up extremely quickly.

browser and platform compatibility

The ability of a particular website to seem completely functioning on various browsers that
are offered on the market is referred to as "browser compatibility." This implies that the
HTML coding of the website and any scripts on it must be compatible with browser
functionality. This is quite important, especially in the modern era when there are so many
different web browsers available.

The impact of an e-commerce system on an organisation [P2]

global marketplace
This picture is a presentation to show cuckoo of the number of countries of what they use
for their global marketplace. As you can see amazon is the highest behind Alibaba.
A marketplace is a website or platform that offers numerous benefits to both buyers and
sellers. Similar to an e-commerce website or mobile app, an online marketplace brings
shoppers and sellers together to exchange goods and services. All transactions, including
payments, transactions, and processes, are the responsibility of the website. This would
help Cuckoo this would be because it allows them to sell 24/7 as various parts of the world
have different time zones so one country would stop selling while another would have just
opened this means that they can maximise the amount of money made in the business.

gathering customer information

Gathering data from your customers helps businesses understand what their customers
want form them and it can how bring in a lot of customers as you can implement ideas from
customers to grab the attention of more customers to expand their business. There are a lot
of methods of data collection that anyone can use, including asking your customers for
information, offering surveys, or tracking their buying habits. Mostly using qualitative data is
extremely helpful as that consists of observations, Questionnaires, feedback and much
more. This is very important information that can help cuckoo meet the demands of
customer needs and wants

search facilities

In a large store, if you want to find a product, you might need to search the pages or ask a
shop assistant. No matter how large an e-commerce store is, if it provides a search facility
(which most do), it should take just seconds to find the product you want. This is a huge
benefit to customers who are shopping online for convenience and speed. This would be
beneficial for Cuckoo as it would allow their customers to search for the items, they need
instead of spending hours looking for a certain product this would boost the number of
customers as they know they do not have to spend too much time looking for a specific

24/7 trading

Worldwide trading online means that there is no store that needs staff and trading can be
conducted at any time, day, or night, in all the different time zones around the world. Unlike
a traditional business, there are no closing times. Because websites can be automated, no
staff are required to make sales. All orders and money transactions can be taken and
processed automatically. Again, this is significant impact on an organisation because it does
not inhibit people that are unable to travel to your shop and purchase products during your
opening times from buying your products.

Delivery issues
Let’s say you as a customer bought a beautiful watch from Cuckoo. Your excited to wait for
the product to come to your home but there is a delay. This happens often as delivery issues
tend to be a pain for businesses. As some of them promise “free shipping” which actually
charges the business to buy the additional packaging and shipping. Even worse depending
on if its across the world some of them must follow legislations and pay VAT so its cuckoo
might get smaller margins on its product if it does not price right. Depending on the quality
of delivery. Some of them do not care about fragile packages so do not expect your product
to be broken pieces however I advise customers to inform the company about it. Either send
it back and get a new one or refund.

Security issues
Security issues is crucial for cuckoos’ business as this provides protection from potential
hackers, Viruses or anything harmful that comes online. If they do protect their assets, they
can prove to their customers that their data is safe whenever they want to make a purchase
online. Without the trust of customers making that payment online they will lose money
and customers will go to competitors. The ways to educate you customers to protect their
money is by using PayPal, or credit cards as they have incredibly good return and
protections policies. As credit cards the customer is not purchasing from their own pocket
but from the bank so the bank will protect its money online and find out if anyone is
scamming. If that happens, they will be punished under the Law

Lack of human contact

As e-commerce allows businesses to access customers around the world there is few
drawbacks to this as online you cannot physically see the product, neither feel it. Customers
want to put trust into their brands and cuckoo will have to do a lot of convincing by fulfilling
the customer Needs and wants so they are most likely to go for cuckoo’s big competitors
like Rolex, Seiko, and curry’s Pc world. The customer service won’t be same you will be
going inside a physical store, the only type of customer service you will have is either a
chatbot or phone them which that will require communications with the employee as he
might face customers that don’t speak the same language or maybe different accents which
can be a pain.

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