B767-300 Faa STC

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of Transportation Transport Airplane Directorate
Aircraft Certification Service
Federal Aviation
Administration 1601 Lind Avenue Southwest
Renton, Washington 98057

DEC 2 1 1009
In Reply
Refer To: 100S-09-259

Mr. Vladimir Novicov

Certification Project Manager
Civil Aviation Authority ofIsrael
P.O. Box 8
Ben Gurion Airport
Tel Aviv 70100

Dear Mr. Novicov:

Subject: Transmittal of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type

Certificate (STC) ST02040SE for IAI 767-300BDSF

In accordance with paragraph 3.0.3(g) of the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement and the
associated Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness between the United States of
America and the State of Israel, the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel (CAAI) provided the
Statement of Compliance, reference CAAI Letter Number G386-C 171209002, dated
December 17,2009, confirming that the subject aircraft modification is in compliance with
the applicable FAA requirements listed in the FAA Issue Paper G- I Stage 4 rev. I dated
December 10,2009, for the subject airplane. Based on this, the FAA has issued the subject
STC. The original STC is enclosed with this letter. The FAA requests the CAAI to transmit
the STC to Israel Aerospace Industries (lAI) Ltd.

In additions to the FAA STC we have also enclosed the following FAA approved

1. Signed approval pages of Section 9 on Airworthiness Limitations and Certification

Maintenance Requirements (CMR) of thc 767 Supplementary Maintenance Planning
Document (MPD), IAI document numbcr TR 368-00-00-94 I07 Rev. R dated
November 2009.
2. Original Signed page of the Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, IAI document number
TR 371-00-00-C0489-EUA Rev. New.
3. A copy of FAA Issue Paper ES-I Stage 4 dated December 16,2009, closcd.
4. A copy of FAA IP G-I Stage 4 Rev. I dated December 10,2009, closed.

A separate lettcr 100S-09-260 approving altcrnate methods of compliance (AMOC) for 50

airworthiness directivcs requiring AMOCs is also being sent to the lAI.
100S-09-259 2

We appreciate the cooperation and support of the CAAI and IAI for the subject STC
process. Please extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to IAI.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kanji Patel, Program Manager, by telephone
at (425) 917-6407, by facsimile at 1-425-917-6590, or by E-Mail at kanii.pateI@faa.gov.


Jeffrey E. Duven
Manager, Seattle Aircraft
Certification Office

~Jmtut rl ~8JI"il••latiutr-.J'mmd 1\'''''''11 !\bI.iI,"le"Anl't1
aJ11Pt Qtutffialtt
~~, ST02040SE

Israel Aerospace Industries, LTD.

Bedek Aviation Group
LaD. 70100

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'.//t,,,A:--.' Boeing
,J6,.,,w:. 767-300 Series

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Conversion of a Boeing 767-300 passenger configuration airplane to a special
freighter (SF) configuration in accordance with Israel Aerospace Industries, LTD. (IAI) Master Document List (MDL) TR-371-00-00-
C0010 Revision New, dated December 8, 2009, or later Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved revisions. The freighter
configuration is designated as 767-300 BDSF. The modification includes an electrically operated left side main deck cargo door
with a control and warning panel, a redesigned floor beams and posts, floor panels replacement, cargo loading system provisions,
a 99 barrier design, modification of passenger accommodations to a Class E cargo compartment with new linings and a main deck
srnoke detection system, a modification of the air conditioning distribution system to a freighter configuration, accommodations for
t"ree (3) supernumeraries in the flight deck, in addition to existing two crew and one observer positions making a total occupancy
of six persons, control cable rerouting, design, and redesign of avionics and electrical system to accommodate freighter features.
Operating weight limits update as approved and is specified in the applicable Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) and Weight & Balance
Control and Loading manual supplements .

.~;'.n(ff./h;VI4"u,,/ 1)';.,,,..41',;""4.' Approval of this change in type design applies to the aircraft model listed above only. This
approval should not be extended to other aircraft of this model on which other previously approved modifications are incorporated
unless it is determined that the relationship between this change and any of those other previously approved modifications,
including changes in type design, will introduce no adverse effect upon the airworthiness of that aircraft. A copy of this certificate
and the following IAI FAA approved documents, or later FAA-approved revisions, must be maintained as part of the permanent
records for the modified aircraft.
(Limitations and Conditions continued on Page 3 of 5)

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dak w,o{d iJ de tf'a.1iJ~ ~.da// ~ v. e#d u.n.U/.1~

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g"", .y." 4: ••••. September 25, 2006

SA"", .y.:;_. December 21, 2009

Manager. Seattle Aircraft Certification Office


Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by aline of not exceeding $/,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years. or both.

This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 2/.47.

:iInih'b ~tntrfJ, Q)f .Aml'rim
~epnrlnteltt of 'Cirrmtsporlntiolt - Jlf dlernl !,-ftintiolt !,-ltntiltistrntiolt

~uppl.em.enhtl WtlP.eQI.ertifirat.e
(QIontinuntion ~qeet)
./~~eP ST02040SE

.9'•.J",,,/ /,.., Israel Aircraft Industries, LTD .

.q"/~,./9''''""",,u.' December 21, 2009

Document Number DESCRIPTION Revision for Revision or Approval

FAA STC FAA approval
371-00-00-C0010 Master Document List New December 8, CAAI approval
2009 accepted
371-00-00-C0011 AJC Effectivity list B767-300BDSF New December 8, CAAI approval
conversion 2009 accepted
371-00-00-C0757 767 -300BDSF Conversion E December 8, CAAI approval
Compliance Check List 2009 accepted
371-00-00-C0489-EUA Airplane Flight Manual November 18, FAA
Supplement for Boeing 767-300 New 2009
Special Freighter
371-08-00-C0510- Supplement to Weight & Balance A December 2, CAAI approval
CDI1 Control & Loadina Manual 2009 accepted
368-00-00-94107 767-200SF/-300BDSF Section 9 December 15 FAA
on Airworthiness Limitations and R 2009
CMRs of Supplementary
Maintenance Planning Document

Concurrent installation of STC Number ST02767CH dated October 15, 2009 for the Main Cargo Loading
System Modification, is required for the installation of this STC.

The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, IAI Document 371-00-00-C0004, Revision New, dated
September 16, 2009, or later FAA-accepted revisions, must be incorporated into the operator's maintenance

This modification may not be installed after August 30, 2010, unless (1) previously approved electrical wiring
interconnection system (EWIS) instructions for continued airworthiness (ICA) have been approved by the FAA
Oversi9ht Office (Refer to 14 CFR part 26 9 26.11).

This engineering approval of a changed type certificate limitation does not permit a change in operating rule
applicability to the operator of the changed aircraft. An applicant for an operating rule applicability change must
obtain any change in operating rule applicability through consultation with their responsible certificate
management office (CMO).

STC Applicability
The design approval under this STC is applicable to the design configuration of Boeing Model 767-375, Serial
Number 24086. Applicability to other Boeing Model 767-300 series airplanes is identified in the IAI document
TR 371-00-00-C0011.

)fny alteration of tliis ctrtifUatt is punis1ia6k 6y a fine of not t~eedi1llJ $1,000, or imprisonmtnt not e~tedi1llJ 3 years, or 60tli..

FAA Form SII()"2(1~S) 'T1iiscertifUate may 61'transftrred in accoraana '«ltk if')f1J?.21.47. Page 2 of 5
llnitl'b jiilall'!i <Df }\mnira

~epltrtmCltI of Wrltltsportllliolt - Jlf e~erltl Ci\&illtioltJ\~lltiltislrntiolt

~upplem£ntal WUP£QI£rtifil:at£
(<lIontinuation cSqeet)

,0/,;.;",,,,//,,.. Israel Aircraft Industries, LTD .

.q,,/•."/7,;.;"",,r~.' December 21,2009

STC Compatibility
The design approved under this STC is compatible with the 767-300 type design and other STC's incorporated
in Boeing Model 767-375 Serial Number 24086 at the time of approval. Compatibility of this design change with
other previously approved designs or modifications on any Model 767-300 Series airplanes must be
determined by the user and installer of the approved data.

Rights to Design Data and Installation of the Data

Possession of the STC document does not constitute rights to the design data or installation of the approved
design data. The STC and its supporting data (drawings, instructions, specifications, etc.) are the property of
the STC holder. II is incumbent upon the user to contact the STC holder to obtain rights for the use of the STC
and the design data contained herein. If the holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificate to
alter the product, the holder shall give the other person written evidence of that permission.

Availability of Copies of STC

Anyone may request a copy of the STC in writing. An FAA response letter must accompany copies of the STC
with the following statement referencing the STC number: "Possession of the Supplemental Type Certificate
does not constitute rights to the installation of the modification or the design data contained therein. The STC
and related information (drawings, data, specifications etc.) are the property of the STC holder. The Federal
Aviation Administration will not release proprietary data without authorization from the holder. The user is
required to obtain installation approval and/or data rights from the STC holder.

Based on 14 CFR !l!i 21.115 and 21.101, and the FAA policy for significant changes in FAA
Order 8110.48, the certification basis for the Boeing Model 767-300 series passenger to Freighter is as
a. The type certification basis for Boeing Model 767-300BDSF series airplanes is shown on TCDS A1NM
for parts not changed or not affected by the change.

b. The certification basis for parts changed or affected by the change since the reference date of
application, September 25,2006, is based upon part 25 as amended by Amendment 25-119. Based
on 14 CFR 99 21.115 and 21.101, and the FAA policy for significant changes in FAA Order 8110.48,
the certification basis for this modification of the 767-300 is as follows:

Regulations at the latest amendment 25-0 through 25-119

9925.301-25.307, 25.365, 25.395 - 25.405, 25.415, 25.471, 25.489, 25.493 - 25.495, 25.503 - 25.511,
25.561 - 25.562,25.581 - 25.625,25.631,25.671,25.681 - 25.693,25.773,25.777,25.783,25.785',
25.787 - 25.803, 25.807", 25.809, 25.810', 25.811 - 25.812, 25.813', 25.843, 25.853, 25.855, 25.856,
25.857",25.858,25.863,25.865,25.869",25.903, 25.981, 25.1301, 25.1307 - 25.1316, 25.1317(a),
25.1322, 25.1351, 25.1353"', 25.1355 - 25.1357, 25.1381, 25.1438, 25.1441 - 25.1445, 25.1447",
25.1449,25.1453-25.1459,25.1529, 25.1541,25.1555-25.1561,25.1581-25.1585, Appendix F,
Appendix H,

)lny a(teration of tliis certiftate is punislia6k 6y a Jim of not eJ(ceedlne$1,000, or imprisonment not ~eedlne J years, or 60th.

fAA focln 8110-2(10-681 Tflis certiftate may 6e trans/en-til in accon{arn:e'witli If";41{2J.47. Page 3 0f 5
~nill'b 5'tntrs Q)f J\tmricn
J1epnrtmeut of '(llrnusportntiou - JIf ebernl J\&intiou J\bmiuistrlttiou

~upplcmcntal mypc QIcrtifiratc

(QIontinuntion J&4ecl)
.'7';";",V/ /1'.' Israel Aircraft Industries, LTD.
!!f?,,/P 1'/9,;..;""",,.,... December 21. 2009

Regulation at amendment 25-122

~ 25.1317(a)

Regulations at an intennediate amendment

~ 25.571 Amendment 25-54

~ 25.831 (except paragraph (g)) Amendment 25-87
~ 25.841 Amendment 25-38
~ 25.869" (data/voice recorder) Amendment 25-72
~ 25.1353*** (data/voice recorder) Amendment 25-42

Regulations at the amendment level in TCDS A1NM

~~ 25.321 - 25.333,25.341 - 25.351,25.473,25.479 - 25.485,25.491,25.499,25.629

* Exemption 9853 dated April 10, 2009 provides relief from the requirements of Sections 25.7850>;
25807(g)(1) and (i)(1); 25.810(a)(1); 25.813(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(6); 25.857(e); and 25.1447(c)(1) to allow for
the carriage of supernumeraries on the 767 -300BDSF.

** ~ 25.869 is at latest amendment for changes related to ECS distribution system. main deck cargo
compartment, supernumeraray area. and wire re-routing, and at Amendment 25-72 for the data recorder

*** ~ 25.1353 is at latest amendment except for voice data recorder location, which is at Amdnement 25-42.

Concurrent Change

The certification basis for the following change is the original certification basis for the Model 767-300 as
shown on TCDS A 1NM:
Replacement of the lower lobe cargo (Class C) smoke detectors. Same as the new detectors in the
main deck (Class E)

Part 26 regulations

Based on ~ 21.101 (g), applicable provisions of part 26 are included in the certification basis. For any future
part 26 amendments. the holder of this STC must demonstrate compliance with the applicable sections.

)fny a(teratwn of tliis eertifiratt is punislia6fe 6y a fine of not e:(Seeding$1,000, or imprisonment not ~eeJino 3 years, or 60tli.

FAA Form 8110-2 (10-68) 7TriscertifUate may Detransferredin accor.farutu"tli 'f}lrJ{.21.47. Page 4 0f 5
;Unitdt Jjtlltrfi (f)f ,Amtrit'll
:!gepltrtment of Wrltnllportlttion - Jlf ellernl ci\bilttion J\llminilltrlttion

~uppI£m£nhtI mtlP£ ([£rtifh~at£

(QIontinuation ~4eet)
.A~t&p ST02040SE
.'YJ.J"'''/I',.... Israel Aircraft Industries. LTD.
5(,,r~,../.'YJ.J""",rr.' December 21.2009

Special Conditions: Special conditions that are part of the certification basis for the 767 -300
Series apply to the airplane operating in the 767-300BDSF configuration.
unless otherwise noted.

Exemptions: Exemption 9853 dated April 10, 2009 provides relief from the requirements of
Sections 25.7850); 25.807(g)(l) and (i)(l); 25.810(a)(l); 25.813(b)(l), (b)(2),
and (b)(6); 25.857(e); and 25.1447(c)(1) to allow for the carriage of
supernumeraries on the 767-300BDSF.

Equivalent Safety Equivalent Level of Safety Findings have been made for the following
Findings: regulation(s): SS 25.855(i), 25.857(c)(1) and documented in TAD ELOS
Memo 5T1 01 23SE-T-ES-l

TCDS Notes: All Notes in TCDS A 1NM that apply to the 767-300 Series also apply to an
airplane operated in the 767-300BDSF configuration.

Optional All optional requirements in TCDS A 1NM that apply to the 767-300 Series
Requirements: also apply to an airplane operated in the 767 -300BDSF configuration.

Compliance to Part 121.313 UH2) must be shown prior to operation under Part 121. This FAA Regulation
states that after October 1, 2003, for transport category, all-cargo airplanes that had a door installed between
the pilot compartment and any other occupied compartment on or after January 15, 2002, each such door
must meet the requirements of Sec. 25.795(a)(1) and (2) in effect on January 15, 2002; or the operator must
implement a security program approved by the Transportation Security Administration for the operation of all
airplanes in that operator's fleet.

All other changes resulting from the Passenger to Freighter Product Level Change are either Secondary or
Not Affected in accordance with S 21.101 and AC 21.101-1.

If the holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificate to alter the product, the holder shall give the other
person written evidence of that permission.


)lny afteratwn of tliis eertifUate is punislia6/L 6y a fine of not 4Jeeding J1,000, or imprisonment not e:({wfino 3 years, or 6otli.

FAA FOOl 8110-2 (10-68) 'Inis certificate may 6e transfema in aecoraanu witli 1f')l1{21.47. Page 5 of 5

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