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First of all,what is sustainibility? Sustainibility refers to the ability to

fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs
of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth,
environmental care and social well-being.In other words sustainiblity is
using the resources balancedly.This allows for the other generations to use
our resources and keep our environment clean and safe.So how is this
achieved? Well, the United Nations had set 17 goals for us to achieve before

Goal 1: End Poverty
The goal of eradicating poverty in all its forms is a
goal that has been set so that everyone can meet their
most basic human needs. Within the scope of this
target; The necessity of universal basic income and
access to adequate food, clean water and sanitary
conditions was also emphasized.

Goal 2: No Hunger
It is a target set against the problem of hunger and
malnutrition. It is aimed to ensure that everyone,
including children, has adequate nutrition. It is aimed
to increase agricultural productivity and to ensure
food security with sustainable agricultural practices.
It is also within the scope of this goal to improve

Goal 3: Health and Quality of Life

It is a goal created for everyone to have a healthy and
quality life. In this context; It is aimed to reduce child
and maternal deaths and to fight diseases such as
AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. This goal includes
promoting happiness through the promotion of
mental health.

Goal 4: Quality Education

This goal, which includes support for lifelong
learning, aims to ensure that everyone has access to
quality and inclusive education. In this context, it is
aimed that all children, including pre-school
education, can participate in free and quality
education. In addition, the necessity of having
equally accessible quality technical and vocational
education was emphasized.

Goal 5: Gender Equality

This goal is about ending gender-based
discrimination. It is aimed to prevent inequality of
opportunity in decision-making processes in political,
economic and social life based on gender inequality.
It was also emphasized that the end of violence,
which includes all forms of abuse, was also

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

It is an established goal to achieve universal access to
drinking water and to combat water scarcity.
Managing water more sustainably and making
healthy conditions accessible to all fall within the
scope of this goal.

Goal 7: Accessible and Clean Energy

This goal is related to access to energy that closely
affects daily life. It covers securing affordable access
to energy for all. It is aimed to make sustainable and
clean energy universally accessible. In addition, it is
aimed to create a reliable energy system that supports
economic development.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

The goal of increasing decent employment also
includes the goal of inclusive and sustainable
economic growth. This aim emphasizes the necessity
of improving working conditions as well as new
employment. Realizing this goal means achieving a
just life through decent work.

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

This goal is focused on economic growth and social
development. It aims to support sustainable
development through innovation and infrastructure
investments. Thus, it will be possible to eliminate the
inequalities created by globalization. It is also a goal
that has been set so that everyone can benefit from
the advantages of sustainable development.

Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities

This goal is about reducing inequalities in all
countries and internationally. In this direction; It is
aimed to eliminate inequalities based on age, gender,
disability, race, ethnicity, religion or any status.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

This target is related to the increasing urban
population. Cities are aimed to have a more
sustainable structure. It aims to build inclusive and
safe sustainable cities where everyone has access to
affordable housing and basic services. Within the
scope of this goal, it is aimed to protect the cultural
heritage and natural resources of the world.

Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption

This target is related to ensuring sustainability in the
field of production and consumption. In this context,
it is important to regulate the use of natural resources
and to establish an effective waste management. It is
within the scope of this target to manage the damage
done to nature through the reduction of waste
generation. It is aimed to adopt more responsible
production and consumption practices.

Goal 13: Climate Action

The goal of climate action is about the need for
urgent action to combat climate change, which is a
global crisis. Necessary measures to prevent the
effects of climate change should be integrated into
national policies and strategies with a holistic
approach. Developing the capacity to manage
climate-oriented risks in all countries is considered
necessary for an effective climate crisis management.

Goal 14: Life in the Water

The goal of protecting the oceans, seas and marine
resources highlights the importance of ecosystems
and biodiversity. This goal focuses on the protection
of natural resources with a holistic approach to
sustainable development. In addition, it is closely
related to the reduction of marine pollution.

Goal 15: Terrestrial Life

Terrestrial life refers to an area that includes vital
forests and biodiversity. The aim of preventing
deforestation, drought and desertification means the
necessity of protecting natural habitats. Protecting
terrestrial ecosystems with a sustainable approach
also contributes to preventing the reduction of

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

This goal is related to the social dimension of
sustainable development. It includes the aim of
reducing all kinds of violence. It encourages the
building of societies centered on values such as
inclusion and justice. In addition, it is aimed to
provide everyone with access to justice through
accountable institutions. This goal highlights the
social dimension of sustainable development.

Goal 17: Partnerships for Purposes

The subject of this goal, which is complementary to
all other goals, is the revitalization of the global
partnership in the path of sustainable development. It
is aimed to develop international cooperation in areas
such as finance, technology and trade. In addition, the
importance of supporting national plans to realize the
17 sustainable development goals was also

Capital Santiago; note - Valparaiso is the seat of the national
: legislature

Currency: Chilean pesos (CLP)

Total Area: 291,931 Square Miles 756,102 Square Kilometers

Southern South America, bordering the South Pacific Ocean, between

Argentina and Peru

Language Spanish (official), Mapudungun, German, English

GDP(Real Growth Rate): 1.7%

GPD(Per capita): 24.000.00 USD

What are the bold actions being taken by

the Government to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals in Chile?

. In Chile, the Government continues to show commitment to integrate the

Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development into its national policies. Working
across the board with various ministries including foreign affairs, social
development, environment, economy and tourism, Chile established a National
Council that oversees the integration of the Development Agenda. Moreover,
its Government Programme for 2014 to 2018 aims to promote inclusive
development focusing on the reduction of inequalities and poverty in all its
forms. A human rights approach is also being incorporated into the national
programme. The Government has launched several more initiatives in
promoting sustainable development. To advance economic growth, the
Government adopted an Agenda for Productivity, Innovation and Growth. The
conventional methodology for measuring poverty within the country was
revisited so as to take into account the multidimensional aspects of poverty
and the consumption patterns of people in today’s Chile. In efforts to promote
quality education, the “Inclusion Law” was put into place to help thousands of
young people access free higher education. A programme that focuses on
childhood integral protection subsystem, has also been amplified. The Ministry
of Women and Gender Equality was also created, and the creation of a Ministry
of Indigenous Peoples is being discussed. In addition, on environmental
conservation, the Government established a sustainable energy policy called
“Energía 2050.”

Sources: Semtrio Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir 17 Kalkınma Hedefleri

Chile: Taking action for sustainable development

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