Vocabulary Portfolio LBD

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Lala Boria Díaz ENGL4021 L03 Dr. Pier A.

Le Compte

1. Cognate

Definition: A word that has the same origin as another word, or is related in some way to

another word. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: Sometimes tourist from the United States understand words when they come to

Puerto Rico if they are cognates such as “accident” in english and “accidente” in spanish.

2. Convey

Definition: To express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people.

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: Romeo could never really understand what Juliet truly conveys about love.

3. Memorandum

Definition: A short written report prepared specially for a person or group of people that

contains information about a particular matter. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: Sophia forgot to write a memorandum for her report about climate changes

directed towards a Global Warning campaign.

4. Encompass

Definition: To include different types of things. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: People that go to research conferences always encompass the whole

investigation including information from others to get the most accurate results.

5. Stilted

Definition: Of a person's behaviour or way of speaking or writing too formal and not

smooth or natural. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: During a presentation most students were stilted when speaking.

6. Permaculture

Definition: Systems for growing crops, plants, etc. that cause little damage to the

environment and can therefore continue for a long time. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: Working in a farm that carries a permaculture system may benefit the new

owners from showing how sustainable their new company is.

7. Seed bank

Definition: A place where seeds are stored to preserve genetic diversity for the future.

Sentence: The government have seedbanks that in the future may be used if farmers don’t

have enough resources to keep growing plants.

8. Monoculture

Definition: The practice of growing only one crop or keeping only one type of animal on

an area of farm land. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: Sometimes farmers have monocultures of different types of plants like corn or


9. Glyphosate

Definition: A chemical that is used to kill weeds. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: The product Roundup created by Monsanto has a chemical known as

glyphosate that kill weeds.

10. Dicamba

Definition: A selective herbicide in the chlorophenoxy family of chemicals. (Bunch et al.

Sentence: People confuse glyphosate with dicamba when like glyphosate is used for

weeds but it does not kill grass.

11. Terminator gene

Definition: A gene that has been designed to make a plant unable to produce new young

plants. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: A terminator gene can be a cause for sterile seeds making farmers have the

need to spend money every time they want a new crop.

12. Extraction

Definition: The process of removing something, especially by force. (Cambridge


Sentence: When Owners of a large furniture company want to create a new product they

tend to first start with an extraction of the area where most if not all of the material is


13. Planned obsolescence

Definition: A situation in which goods are deliberately made or designed so that they do

not last for a long period of time. (Cambridge Dictionary).

Sentence: Technology brands create phones that are designed to go bad around the same

time a new version comes on the market creating a planned obsolescence.

14. Perceived obsolescence

Definition: When consumers believe a product is no longer useful or no longer holds

value, so they purchase the newer model or upgrade that product. (Woerner, 2022)
Sentence: Every year people get a perceived obsolescence because of new fashion trends

and begin to buy what is new on the market even though they already have the older but

still good version.

15. Upcycle

Definition: To make new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used things or waste

material. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Sentence: Students from ENGL4021 had to make an upcycle project where they turned

something old or unused to something new while also giving it more value.


Bunch, T. R; Gervais, J. A.; Buhl, K.; Stone, D. 2012. Dicamba General Fact Sheet;

National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services.


Definition of cognate. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cognate

Definition of convey. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.


Definition of encompass. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.

Definition of extraction. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.


Definition of glyphosate. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.


Definition of memorandum. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.


Definition of monoculture. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.


Definition of permaculture. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.


Definition of planned obsolescence. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary &

Thesaurus. Cambridge University Press.


Definition of stilted. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus. Cambridge

University Press. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/stilted

Definition of terminator gene. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press.

Definition of upcycle. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus.

Cambridge University Press. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/upcycle

Gosling, R. (2020). What is a seed bank, how does it work and why is it important?

Woodland Trust. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/12/what-is-a-seed-


Woerner, J. (2022). Perceived Obsolescence in Consumer Economics. Study.com.


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