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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS



The Modal Verbs are a special group of auxiliary verbs. We use them before other
verbs to express certain meanings_ for example permission, possibility, certainty,
Modals have different grammar from other verbs. For example, they have no “–s” on
the third person singular: We say he can, NOT he cans. And they have NO “-ED”
Questions are formed by inverting the modal and the subject:
They can speak four languages. >>>>> Can they speak ………?
The negatives are formed “n’t” or modal + not.
Only the base form of a verb follows modal verbs.

Modal Verbs can be in a special structure with have+ past participle (e.g. should
have phoned) This is used mainly to talk about possibilities in the past; the exact
meaning depends on the particular modal (perfect).

ALLOWED TO are similar to modals in some ways, and they are included in this

Which FUNCTION has the modal verb in the following sentences?

1- You mustn’t step on the grass. =________________

2- Let’s phone him. He might still be at home. = ___________________
3- Maria could read and write when she was 5. = __________________
4- You can go out and take my car this weekend. = _________________
5- Shall I carry the bags for you? They’re too heavy. = ________
6- You are on holidays now! You can’t feel sad or tired. = _________
7- At this school students don’t have to wear a uniform. They can wear
anything they want to. = ____________
8- Will you open the window, please? = _____________
9- We could watch a film tonight. = _______________
10- You must go to school. = _______________
11- You’re ill. You should stay in bed today.
12- He must be your father. You have his eyes! = ______________
13- After some time he was able to build his house alone. = __________
14- She doesn’t have to buy a present! I‘ve bought something. = _________
15- May I go to the party mum? = ________________
16- She could be angry with you. She hasn’t phoned you for a long time. = _________
17- Shall we buy her some chocolates for her birthday? =_______________
18- You have to study if you want to pass the test. = _________
19- Can you help me to do this exercise? = ______________
20- Were you able to mend the pc? = ____________

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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS

ABILITY: (see Heinemann: p.63, 64)

1- Use these phrases with “can” and “can’t” to complete the sentences below:
can hear can’t hear can see can’t see(x2) can smell
a) I _______________ you, but I ________________ you. Where are you?
b) There’s something good in the kitchen. You _____________ it from here.
c) Turn the radio up a bit. I __________________ it very clearly.
d) There’s a lovely view. On a clear day you __________________ for miles.
e) Can you move over a bit? I ______________ anything when you’re in the way.

2- Which of these things can you do? Which can’t you do? Write 3 true sentences
about you like this: I can play chess, but my brother can’t.
And three like this: My brother can’t play chess, but I can.
understand sign language ride a horse sail a boat play “truco”/chess ski
dance “Salsa” count to twenty in (French) walk on your hands swim well

3- Now write down 5 questions about the things above to ask a partner.
Can you play chess really well?
4- How many of the things above (or other) could you do when you were 10 years
old? Write down 3 things you could do and 3 things you couldn’t.
5- Now write down 3 questions to ask someone else:
When you were 10, could you count to twenty in another language?

6- Complete these sentences using can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

a) There was a woman with a big hat in front of me. I ___________ see a thing!
b) I’m sorry, you’re in my light. I ________ see what I’m doing.
c) It was a huge hall and we were at the back, so we _________ hear very well.
d) She was phoning from Singapore, but I ________ hear her very clearly.
e) _________ you hear me at the back?

7- Complete the sentences using “can’t”, “could”, “couldn’t”, “were able to”, “will be
able to”, “won’t be able to”.
a) I don’t think we ______________travel to Mars before 2020.
b) Luckily the weather was great, so we ___________ have a picnic.
c) My cousin _______________ swim when he was three, but I still _________.
d) The music was so loud that I ___________ hear what you were saying.
e) If we don’t finish early, we __________________ see the programme on TV.

POSSIBILITY: (see Heinemann pages 77-78-79)

8- Read these sentences and decide if they are future(F) or present(P):
a) “Where’s Sue?” “She might be at the office.” _____
b) “I’m sure his wife’s name is Elise” “You may be right” _____
c) Valerie might not come to school tomorrow. She’s a bit ill. _____

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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS

d) “Is Chris Sutton a football player?” “He might be, I’m not sure” _____
e) Chinese may be the most important language in the future. ______
f) John may be back home now. Give him a ring. ______
g) Try this cheese. You might like it! ______

9- Change the sentences using may/might

e.g. Perhaps he is at the party. He might be at the party.
a) Perhaps the shops are closed now.
b) Perhaps the weather will be good tomorrow.
c) Perhaps they will go to the disco tonight.
d) It’s nice here. Perhaps I’ll stay an extra week.
e) They’ve trained a lot. Perhaps they’ll win the match.
f) Perhaps it’s broken.

NOTE: You can also express possibility with can/could:

Swimming after eating can be dangerous.
Making mistakes can be a good way of learning.
Smoking cannot be good for you!
Without a map, you could get lost.

10-You hear a strange noise at night. What do you think it “could be”?
e.g. a burglar? It could be a burglar.
a) one of the neighbours?
b) the wind in the trees?
c) Someone at the door?
d) a ghost?

When there is a possibility that something happened in the past, but you’re not
certain if it actually happened you use: “could have, might have, may have” +
past participle.
“What was that noise?” It could have been a wild animal or some cats on the roof.
Now imagine that you heard the noise last night. Rewrite the sentences using
“could have been”.
We also use COULD and MIGHT (BUT NOT MAY) with HAVE+PARTICIPLE to say
that something was possible in the past but did not happen:
*He was silly to try to fly that plane alone. He might have killed himself!
*My cousin left the car unlocked outside his home last night. He was
lucky…Someone could have stolen it…

11- Complete these sentences using either “may not” or “can’t”

a) There ___________________be anybody there when you arrive.
b) That ____________________ be true! It’s absolutely impossible.
c) I don’t know if she will agree…She ______________________ want to.
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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS

d) You ___________________ be serious. You’ve got to be joking.

e) It may very well happen, but on the other hand it ___________________.
f) It ________________ be done. It’s quite out of the question.

PERMISSION: (see Heinemann: P 65 to 68)

12- All of these sentences can be used to ask for permission. Rewrite each one
using “can”.
a) Do you mind if I open this window just a little? Can I open this window….?
b) I’d like to ask you one more question.
c) Is it all right if I give you a ring some time later?
d) Do you think I could go home now?
e) I wonder if I could come back later.


13- Rewrite these sentences asking for permission, starting with the phrases given:
a) I’d like to have a little more time. I wonder if I could have a little more time.
b) Can I start now? Do you think________________________________
c) Can I listen to the radio while you’re working? Do you mind if___________
d) May I come in now? Is it all right if __________________________

14- Rewrite these sentences giving permission, starting with the words given.
(“May” is also used to give permission, but it’s more formal= you may leave as soon
as you have finished)
a) You’re allowed to do whatever you want. You can _do whatever you want.
b) It’s all right to have visitors after three o’ clock. You’re allowed to______
c) You may all go home as soon as you’ve finished work. You can all___________
d) I’ll let you use my pen until I need it myself. You can ___________________


When we were at school, we could use the computers whenever we wanted.
When we were at school, we were allowed to use the computers whenever we wanted.

BUT: We were allowed to use the computers last Thursday. (permission in a particular past
situation= we must use was/were allowed to)

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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS

15- Fill in the gaps with could (not) or was /were (not) allowed to, as in the
a) The children weren’t allowed to watch the film last night. They had to go to
bed at half past eight.
b) _____________ I use your pen for a minute, please?
c) When I was fourteen, I ________________ stay out until eleven ‘o clock. I
had to be home by 10 or 10.30.
d) The policeman informed us that we ____________________ park the car
outside the French Embassy.
e) The head teacher told the students that they __________________ bring
their skateboards to school anymore.

16- Read the following situations and ask for, give or refuse permission.
a) Your sister/brother wants to wear your (leather jacket) but you’re going to
wear it yourself. What do you say?
b) You want to borrow your father’s car for the evening. You ask him and he
agrees. What does he say?
c) You’re on a train and you want someone to help you with your luggage. You ask
the inspector. What do you say?
d) You have a new job. You don’t know the rules yet. You want to use the
photocopier. What do you say?
e) You are on a plane and you are listening to your MP3. After a while, a flight
attendant tells you that you are not allowed to use it. What does he/she say?


(See Heinemann p 84, 85)

17- Make six requests from this table, using “Could I”, “May I” and “Could you?”

another cup of tea

a look at your newspaper please?
Could I have something to eat
May I one of those biscuits
Could you ( let me) a bit of advice
a little more time
leave the room
show me how to do this

18- Turn these instructions into polite requests by starting with the words given:
a) I can’t hear very well. Speak up. Do you think you could speak up?
b) Give me your full name. Would you mind_________________________

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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS

c) Give Joan a message. I wonder if_______________________________

d) Hold this for me. Would you mind_______________________________
e) Tell me when you’re ready. Could you_____________________________
f) Post this for me on your way to work. Do you think____________________


19-Emilio’s father was a police officer. He has always been so proud of him that he
has decided to join the POLICE. Look at the prompts and write down some of
the things you have to do there: (Rules)
Get up early Keep your boots clean
Keep fit Clean your bedroom
Train a lot/ do exercises Shave every day
Salute your superiors Keep / hair short
Learn to shoot Be very punctual

20-Sally is feeling very ill. What advice does her doctor give her? Write
sentences using “you must” or “you mustn’t”
a- You / medicine/ before every meal.
b- You / bed/ not get out.
c- sleep/ plenty.
d- food/ not eat.
e- lots of water.

21-Match these clauses with the “have got to” clauses:

a- It’s getting late 1- …so I’m afraid we’ve got to walk.

b- You broke the window 2-… so I’ve got to start all over again
c- The car has broken down 3-…so we’ve got to look after ourselves.
d- Mother is away 4-…so you’ve got to pay for it.
e- I’ve got it all wrong 5-…so we’ve got to go.

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22- Emilio has just left the Police. List some of the things “he doesn’t need to” do
anymore. E.g. He doesn’t need to wear a uniform.

23- Sally is better now. List the things she “doesn’t have to” do now.
E.g. She doesn’t have to stay in bed. (She needn’t stay in bed now)

24-Add comments to these sentences, using “needn’t have”.

a- e.g. The letter was so untidy, I wrote it out again. = Really? You needn’t have
written it out again.

b- He was so worried about being late that she sent the letters by fax.
c- She was so worried about not getting a seat that she bought a first-class
d- We weren’t sure about sheets and towels, so we brought our own.
f- The old people thought the room was dirty, so they cleaned it out themselves.

MILD OBLIGATION AND ADVICE (See Heinemann p 74 to 76)

25- Complete the following sentences using “ought to” or “ought not to”
a- _____________________ drive carefully on a busy road.
b- _____________________ eat between meals if you want to lose weight.
c- ______________________ pay your bills regularly.
d- ______________________ smoke too heavily.
e- _____________________ go to the dentist’s regularly.

26- Match these situations with the advice you might give in each one.

You should see a doctor.

a- It’s raining! You should take a rest.
b- It’s too far to walk. You should take an umbrella.
c- Someone doesn’t know which way to go. You should wear an overcoat.
You should ask a police officer.
d- Someone is feeling hot and has a headache. You should take a taxi.
e- Someone is tired out. You should call the police.
f- You have seen sb. breaking into a shop window. You should set your alarm clock.

g- It’s going to be a very cold day.

h- Someone has to get up early in the morning.

27- Write a new sentence with the same meaning.

a- If I were you, I’d take an umbrella. I think you’d _______________________

b- Is Saturday morning school compulsory in your country? Do students________
c- Sheila changed the battery in her camera, but it wasn’t necessary.

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Sheila ________________________________ the battery in her camera.

d- You look really ill. If I were you, I’d stay at home today.
You look really ill…________________________________________
e- It was a bad idea to leave the windows open while it was raining.
You ________________________________________________
f- The theatre tickets were free, so there was no need for us to pay.
The theatre tickets were free, so we___________________________

28- Rewrite these sentences using “should have” or “shouldn’t have”.

a- Why didn’t you phone to say that you’d be late? You should have phoned to say
you’d be late.
b- I wish I had got home earlier.

c- We didn’t read the instructions carefully.

d- Why did you spend so much money?

e- I wish you had told me you were coming.

f- It was very bad of them to make such a noise.


29- Use “should” or “ought to” with one of these verbs and an appropriate ending to
comment on each of the sentences below.

have get win ♥a comfortable trip ♥ easily ♥ really interesting

be(x3) do ♥some peace and quiet ♥ very well ♥ a nice day

a- We are going to Japan for a holiday this summer. It should be really interesting.
b- Bill’s asked me to his birthday party. That………………….
c- There’s a good match on this Wednesday. Yes, our team……
d- We couldn’t get standard tickets so we’re traveling first class. Well, at least
e- The weather forecast for tomorrow is excellent. Yes, it….
f- Jan has just opened a new shop in the High street. I know. It ……
g- Our hotel is right out in the country. That’s good. You …….

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30- Write comments with “must” or “can’t” after the following sentences.

a- You haven’t eaten for a whole day? (You /hungry!) You must be hungry!

b- But you‘ve just eaten your dinner! (You / hungry)

c- They’ve been traveling all night. (They/ tired out)

d- It’s only five pm. ( you / tired)

e- He doesn’t look at all like Bill. (He/ his brother)

f- She looks just like you! (She/ your daughter)

g- I saw him going in. (He/ at home)

h- I saw him going out. (He/ at home)

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UNVM- Gramática Inglesa 1 MODAL VERBS


A) Which function has the modal verb in bold?

1- Jane could swim 200 meters when she was nine.

2- Kate looked after the children, so we didn’t have to take them to the nursery.
3- I think you’d better go to the doctor. You look terrible!
4- You can’t leave your bicycle there.
5- Shall I open the door for you?
6- I won’t be late.
7- That definitely can’t be Mario. He’s in Brazil.
8- My father should be at home by now. He’s normally there at night.
9- We’ll have to start work earlier tomorrow.
10- Lucas is late. He might have missed the bus.

B) Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb. Sometimes more than one answer is
1- A: I __________ roller-skate when I was young.
B: So could I. Those were the days.
2- A: Dad’s car broke down yesterday. B: ______ he ________ repair it?
B: No, he took it to the garage.
3- Those men look alike. They ____________ brothers.
4- A: You ________________ leave all your toys on the floor. You’ll cause an accident!
5- A: Shall I do Grandma’s shopping for her?
B: No, you _______________________. She wants to do it herself.
6- A: You ___________________ tidy your room TODAY.
B: Oh, do I ________________?
7- A: Where is Collin? B: I’m not sure. He _________________ be in his office.
8- A: What _______________________ we do at the weekend?
B: We __________________ go swimming.
9- A: My brother ________ ride a motorbike. B: Really? _______ he drive a car, too?
10- A: I’m extremely tired today… B: You ____________ go to bed early tonight.
11- A: ______________ help you, Sir? B: No, thank you. I’m just looking around.

C) Read the situations and complete the sentences with an appropriate modal verb.

1- You are at school. Your teacher tells you to bring your homework with you tomorrow.
____________________________________________ with you tomorrow.
2- You have fallen over. Your arm hurts. Your friend thinks it might be broken. She
advises you to go to the hospital.
_____________________________ go to hospital.
3- Your friend is having a birthday party on Saturday. You want to go. Ask your parents
for permission.
__________________________________________ on Saturday?

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4- You’re eating lunch with your family. You can’t reach the salt. Make a request.
__________________________ pass the salt, please?
5- Your mother asks where your brother is. You think he is at the cinema with friends.
___________________________________ at the cinema with his friends.
6- Your parents are planning to go on holiday this summer. They can’t decide where to
go. You suggest going to Bariloche.
__________________________________________ go to Bariloche.
7- You are at the beach with your mother. She is going to buy a drink. She asks you if
you want anything. Ask for an ice-cream.
_____________________________________ buy me an ice-cream, please?

D) Choose the correct answer: A, B or C.

1- I _______ understand what he was saying because he was speaking French.

a- can’t b- couldn’t c- can
2- The door was locked so I __________ go inside.
a- will be able b- wasn’t able c- can
3- Where _______ we go on Saturday night?
a- must b- ought to c- shall
4- You __________ talk in the library.
a- mustn’t b- will c- shall
5- She ________________ bought him a present. We’ve already given him one.
a- needn’t b- needn’t have c- mustn’t

E) Correct the mistakes.

1- Might we visit Mary and Tony tonight?

2- I’m not sure where Ed is. He mustn’t be at work.

3- Will I help you wash the dishes?

4- He can’t run long distances when he was a boy.

5- You mustn’t get up early tomorrow. It’s a holiday.

6- Marta had a bad cold but she could do all her work at the office.

7- You shouldn’t go to the dentist if you have a toothache.

8- Shall I borrow your pen, please?

9- I might climb trees when I was a child.

10-He drives a Porsche. He must be poor.

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