Second Chance Love by M

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Second Chance Love

M. Robinson
COPYRIGHT© 2022 Second Chance Love by M. Robinson

All rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or
locations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity and are used fictitiously. All characters
are a figment of the author’s imagination, and all incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s
mind's eye and are not to be interpreted as real. Though several people, places, and events portrayed in
this book are correct, the story is fiction that the author has made up for entertainment purposes only.
To readers who love their heroes with a pierced cock…

1. Evie
2. Evie
3. Evie
4. Evie
5. Evie
6. Evie
7. Caleb
8. Caleb
9. Evie
10. Evie
11. Caleb
12. Evie
13. Evie
14. Caleb
15. Evie
16. Evie
17. Caleb
18. Evie
19. Evie
20. Evie
21. Evie
22. Evie
23. Evie
24. Evie
25. Evie
26. Caleb
27. Evie
28. Caleb
29. Evie
30. Evie
31. Caleb
32. Caleb
33. Evie
34. Caleb

Meet M. Robinson
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announced as he tugged me into the side of his body.
We’d been in each other’s life since I showed up at our father’s office
four years ago, demanding to know my half-brother. From that night on, I
finally found what I’d been looking for the last eighteen years of my life.
Someone who loved and protected me like Jax did. He wasn’t just my
half-brother—he was also my best friend who happened to be the number one
quarterback in the NFL. From the beginning of his career with Miami, Jax
had always been a private person, making it easy for the world not to know of
my existence in his life.
His parents were still married, and his mother had no idea her husband
had another family he was taking care of. Not to mention the endless women
he’d cheated on her with. Our father was a grade A piece of shit, and my
mother wasn’t far behind him.
Jax was all I had.
He didn’t explain who I was to people. They knew I was an important
person in his life, and that was all that mattered. The only person who knew
the truth about me was his agent and best friend, Caleb. Which was a bigger
story in itself. Over the last four years, Caleb’s and my dynamic had been so
up and down.
Unbeknownst to my brother.
Jax was the one who threw me a birthday party with all his friends and
the few I had. He wanted to have everyone there, and by everyone, I mean
everyone. His house was filled to the brim with people, some I knew, most I
didn’t. The one person I did want to see wasn’t anywhere to be found, and I
was beginning to wonder if he’d show up at all.
Caleb’s and my relationship, if you could even call it that, was confusing
to say the least. I’d never met a man who was so hot and cold. If he wasn’t
being a grumpy asshole to me, then he was the complete opposite. Sometimes
he helped me with things I needed, saying it was solely for Jax of course.
Although, our bickering would often lead to sex.
Despite the complexity of our connection, even when we were fighting,
there was passion behind it. There were times I’d catch him staring at me, and
he’d always play it off in one way or another. Caleb didn’t do relationships.
I’d never known him to be in one, and he reminded me often he wasn’t made
like that.
His push and pull were a drug to me.
A magnetic force I couldn’t resist.
One minute I hated him, and the next I was in his bed.
“Happy birthday to you!” the singing brought my attention back to the
After I blew out my candles, I unexpectedly found myself wishing for
Caleb to show up for me. Once and for all, I needed to know where we stood
and if there was a future between us.
Trust me, I wanted there to be one.
It was as if I felt him from across the room. His powerful stare was like a
blaze tearing through my chest and into my heart. As soon as I looked up, we
locked eyes.
It was immediate.
Our connection.
Usually, Caleb didn’t hold my gaze for longer than a few seconds, and I’d
be lying if I said I didn’t feel his smoldering glare on every inch of my body.
It was the effect he’d always had on me—from the first time I woke up in his
Nobody knew about our hookups. Especially my brother. He wouldn’t
approve, and neither one of us wanted to disappoint Jax. It wasn’t until my
heart skipped a beat and I sucked in a visible breath that I realized Caleb
wasn’t alone.
My eyes shifted toward the woman holding his hand. Before I could give
it too much thought, they were standing in front of Jax and me.
She was glowing.
“Happy birthday, Evie!” She pulled me into a tight hug, though my stare
was still on Caleb.
I couldn’t read his expression, and I never wanted to know what he was
thinking or feeling more than I did in that moment.
When she added, “I’m sorry we’re so late!” I cocked my head to the side,
repeating, “We’re?”
Jax arched an eyebrow, silently asking the same question I was. I’d never
seen them together. I had no idea they were friends. Yet there they were,
holding fucking hands.
At. My. Birthday. Party.
From that point forward, everything stopped.
From my heart, to my breathing, to the reckless thoughts creating havoc
in my mind, holding me captive where nothing made sense. Suddenly, a
surge of panic flooded through my core. I just knew whatever she’d reply
would hurt.
To the point of no return.
Caleb looked over at her, eyes laced with an emotion I couldn’t place.
“Tessa,” he warned in a familiar tone.
He’d use it on me often, and I hated that he was now using it on her.
It was mine.
He was mine. Right?
At first it was like a movie, and the anticipation of knowing what was
coming was stronger than the ability to stop it.
She caressed the side of his face with the back of her fingers, softly
expressing, “Is it so wrong that I want to share and celebrate our news?”
I tried to act unfazed. The last thing I wanted was for Jax to realize there
was more going on between me and his best friend. I wasn’t just his client’s
little sister. I was more than that…
At least I thought I was.
With the intensity of her question, the entire room became heightened by
some sort of cosmic energy. An alternate universe where my worst nightmare
was becoming my reality. Right before my eyes, a spinning web of lies.
Did I mean anything to him? Had I ever? What was she doing with him?
I couldn’t hold back any longer, trying to swallow the lump in my throat
before I asked, “What news?”
Our gazes connected again. However, this trance between us was
different than anything I’d ever felt with Caleb. We’d been doing this dance
with our eyes for as long as I could remember.
As soon as she wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning into the side
of his chest, I was almost certain he sent me a sad smile, but I might have
imagined it.
Hoped for it.
I knew the second the words fell from her lips that would be it. The end
of us. I just never thought it would only lead to the beginning of them.
Everything happened so fast, yet it felt like it played out in slow motion.
My heart beat out of my chest as she flung her left hand out in front of us,
declaring, “We’re getting married!”
This was what getting hit by a freight train felt like. I stood there
motionless, unable to speak, to do anything but feel the weight of her
statement falling on top of my head.
Married? What the fuck was happening?
I couldn’t tell you what happened next. My mind protected my heart from
shattering into a million pieces for Jax to see. All I could focus on was the
truth staring me right in the face.
I would forever remember this day as the day the man I thought I loved
was getting married to the woman I least expected…
My roommate.


Evie wouldn’t look at me.

Talk to me.
Not that I could blame her. This was all my fucking fault. I didn’t sleep
for shit last night. She consumed my thoughts. Tessa wasn’t supposed to say
anything to anyone because we’d only just gotten engaged.
After debating what was right or wrong, I jumped in my car and drove to
their apartment. I needed to see Evie, now more than ever.
Call it intuition.
A sixth sense.
Or maybe we just had this connection that was fucking unbreakable.
Whatever it was, she knew when she opened her door I would be standing
Inhaling a deep breath, I steadied my mind for what was to come. This
wouldn’t end well. Nothing between us ever did. As soon as she opened the
door, there she was…
Fucking breathtaking.
She was wearing a clingy dress that accentuated all the curves of her
body. It reminded me what she felt like riding my cock—moaning, panting,
screaming my name. Exactly what I craved. It didn’t matter how many
women I had slept with. Evie was simply the best. Her pussy was made for
Her heart wasn’t supposed to be mine, but I stole it anyway.
Despite the fact I could tell she’d been crying, everything about her was
stunning like always. Her bright green eyes bared into mine in a way I’d
never experienced before.
She wasn’t just upset—she was broken.
I’d done that.
No one else but me.
Evie didn’t hesitate, not that I expected her to.
She instantly bit, “If you’re here to see your fiancée, she’s not home.”
“I know. I’m here to see you.”
“So it’s true?”
There was nothing I could say to make this better for her.
For me.
For us.
Instead of trying to comfort her, I blatantly replied, “I wouldn’t be here if
it wasn’t.”
She shook her head and then slammed the door in my face. But she
wasn’t fast enough. I caught it and quickly slipped inside her place, closing
the door behind me.
“You asshole!” she seethed, standing her ground. “What do you think
you’re doing? You think you can string me along all these years—”
“Let’s get one thing straight, sweetheart. I’ve always been crystal fucking
clear about who I am—”
“Yeah! The guy who doesn’t do relationships! But here you are! Fucking
engaged!” She shoved me. “To my roommate!”
“Evie, I’m sor—”
“Screw you and your apologies, Caleb! That’s how I find out you’re
getting married?! At my birthday party?!”
With a heavy heart and a guilty conscience, I coaxed, “I didn’t know she
was going to do that.”
“So that makes it better? Because you didn’t know?”
“What do you want me to say, Evie? What can I possibly express to you
that will change what I have to do?”
“What does that even mean? Why do you have to do anything?”
Nothing I could tell her would take away the pain she was experiencing,
so I kept my mouth shut.
“Fine! How about you start with the truth? How long have you been with
her? I didn’t even know—”
“It’s not like that.”
“Then how is it? Or what? You’re just getting married for the hell of it?”
she scoffed in disgust. “I can’t believe you. You’re the most unattainable man
on the planet! Trust me, I would know!”
“Evie, I never meant to hurt you.”
“Bullshit! You don’t think I deserved a phone call, a text message, a
fucking email! Something! Anything other her blindsiding me at my own
party? I didn’t even know she was your girlfriend, and now she’s your
fiancée! What the hell, Caleb?”
“I’ve never lied to you. Just think about it for a minute. I don’t do
relationships. Specifically, ones with my clients’ siblings.”
“Isn’t it a little late to play that card?”
“It’s not a cop out, Evie. It’s the truth. I’ve been telling you this for years,
and you haven’t given a shit! Your brother isn’t just another client of mine.
He’s my best friend, and we both know he’d have a huge fucking problem if
he ever found out about us. He has you up on a pedestal, and I’d never be
good enough for you.” I paused, allowing the truth to sink in.
“I’ve spent the last eight years warning him not to shit where he eats. I’m
the worst fucking hypocrite, considering I’ve been devouring every inch of
“Yeah, I’m your dirty little secret.”
“That’s not true.”
“All I know is what you tell me. It’s all I have. It’s all I’ve ever had.” Her
eyes rimmed with tears as she narrowed her gaze at me. “Do you love her?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.”
“It shouldn’t.”
“Stop telling me how to feel, Caleb! It’s bullshit!”
I yanked my hair back, wanting to tear it the fuck out.
“I don’t understand. Please make me understand. You owe me that much,
don’t you think?”
I couldn’t help myself, stepping forward to stand right in front of her face
and to my surprise she didn’t step away.
“I’m an asshole, Evie. I’m a selfish fucking prick. I’ve done some really
shitty things to you, but it ends now. We were never together, I promised you
nothing, and I’ve kept my word.”
“You didn’t have to promise me anything. Your eyes, your touch, your
smile, it all spoke for itself, Caleb. I know you love me. Why can’t you just
let us be together? Jax would eventually understand. There has to be
something else, something you’re not telling me, and I can’t for the life of me
figure out why you’re constantly fighting this connection we have.” Tears
slid down the sides of her face.
“It’s not fair. And now, all of a sudden, you’re getting married? How is
this even happening? You just said so yourself—you don’t do relationships,
commitment isn’t your thing, so why her, huh? Why her of all women? I
guess she must have one hell of a pussy.”
Sweeping the hair away from her face, I tucked it behind her ear. Letting
my fingers linger on her soft skin, I rasped, “Yours is the sweetest pussy I’ve
ever had.”
Our eyes locked.
“Then why are you marrying her?”
“I told you it doesn’t matter. It won’t change anything. I’m marrying her,
whether I want to or not.”
In the saddest tone I’d ever heard come out of her mouth, she repeated,
“I need to go.”
“No!” She adamantly shook her head. “You don’t get to show up here
and pretend to be the victim. You’re not leaving until you tell me why.”
I brushed away a single tear that rolled down her beautiful face.
I wasn’t expecting what she said next. “I love you, Caleb. You know I’ve
always loved you. There were so many times I’ve wanted to say it, but I held
back. Thinking we’d have more time. That eventually we would be together.
I thought…” She bowed her head, expressing how she truly felt about me for
the very first time. “I mean … I know you love me too.” Looking up through
the slits of her eyes, she coaxed, “Right?”
“Evie … please don’t make this harder than it already is.”
“Then tell me I imagined it. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t
love me.”
She was pleading.
I’d never seen her this way. Evie was always strong, confident,
determined. I hated myself for breaking her down.
I needed to let her go. We could never be. Then or now.
As if reading my thoughts, she begged, “Please don’t marry her.” Placing
her hand over my heart, she added, “Marry me instead.”
The power of her words brought me to my knees. I should have begged
for her forgiveness. Instead, I took one last look at her, not wanting to
remember her this way, but I was fully aware this moment would forever
haunt me.
She would forever haunt me.
With the last ounce of strength I had, I broke her heart for the last time.
Finally confessing…

“She’s pregnant with my baby.”

Chapter 1

Now: Eight and a half years later


jolt awake.
We immediately covered our naked bodies with the sheet as my hands
flew to my hammering skull.
“My head is pounding,” I groaned, closing my eyes. “Please stop
shouting, Sophie.”
“What are you guys doing in bed together?”
Caleb reached for his boxers. “Isn’t it obvious?”
She gasped. “How long has this been going on? Does Jax know?”
“No!” I called out. “And you’re not going to tell him either. This was just
a drunken mistake.”
“A mistake?” Caleb bit, eyeing me up and down. “That’s not what you
were screaming last night.”
I glared at him. “Listen, you arrogant asshole—”
“Yeah? Well, this arrogant asshole made you come five times, and I’m
only counting on my cock.”
“Caleb!” I shrieked with wide eyes, shaking my head. “Stop talking and
get dressed.”
“Holy shit,” Sophie breathed out, bringing my attention back to her.
“Please tell me this was just a drunken hookup and you guys haven’t been
sneaking around behind Jax’s back since your divorce, Caleb?”
He didn’t pay her any mind, and I couldn’t understand why. This man
spent years reminding me we couldn’t be together because of my brother.
Now my sister-in-law just walked in on us naked, and he didn’t have a care in
the world about it.
He simply stood and threw on his black slacks, causing his abs to
constrict from the harsh movement. It only emphasized the deep cut of his
Adonis belt and six-pack that was right above his happy trail. His muscular
physique was doing all sorts of things to my core when it shouldn’t. Even
with a hangover from hell, my body still responded to the way his back
muscles flexed while his toned arms were prominently on display.
My thighs clenched the moment he realized I was gawking at him, but it
was the much-needed reprieve to my defenses against him.
Damn you, tequila.
Never. Again.
“Is someone going to answer me, or am I going to have to assume?”
“Can I have some coffee before we get into this?”
“Evie!” Sophie chastised. “It’s the morning after our vow renewal.”
It was true. I ended up in bed with the best man.
How freaking cliché is that?
Jax and Sophie had been through so much. They deserved to be happy
after months of pretending to be married. Although, they were actually
married. Legally that is. My brother found her after he’d broke her heart
years ago. He was coming off a scandal after his trade from Miami to Fort
Worth. His management decided the best solution was for him to get married
to take the heat off his fans thinking he was a traitor.
After months of proving himself to Sophie, everything came to a head
between them. The truth was finally out. There was a huge misunderstanding
about how they fell apart to begin with. However, she finally knew who I
was. Their whole family did. Thankfully, we didn’t have to hide our father’s
secret anymore.
His mother also knew the truth, and she filed for divorce the very next
day. Neither one of us spoke to our father. I hadn’t for years, and I hadn’t
spoken to my mother either. Jax was all I had, but now his new family was
included in my life too.
Sophie was everything I ever wanted in a sister. I felt horrible about the
situation we suddenly found ourselves in with her. I didn’t think she would
walk in on us. Which was precisely the problem.
I didn’t think at all.
Once again, after years of us staying away from one another, I fell victim
to Caleb’s bullshit charm, and it was as toxic as us waking up in this bed
“You do realize in a few hours this house is going to be filled with family
and friends again for our luncheon, right? When are we supposed to have this
I shrugged. “How about never?”
“What Evie is trying to say,” Caleb chimed in, “is that we have a lot to
discuss before we can—”
“We have absolutely nothing to discuss. I drank too much tequila and
made stupid decisions. It won’t happen ever again. End of conversation.”
He narrowed his enticing hazel eyes at me for a second before his gaze
shifted to Sophie.
“Can you give us some privacy? Evie and I need to talk.”
I shook my head at Sophie, silently praying she wouldn’t listen to him
and leave. The last thing I wanted was to get her involved, but it was
becoming clear I didn’t have a choice in the matter.
“Ummm…” Her stare went back and forth between us until it settled on
me. “Why do I feel like this isn’t the first time you guys have slept together?”
“I wouldn’t call what we did sleeping.”
“Caleb! Oh my God! Who are you right now?” My eyes snapped to
Sophie’s. “It’s not what you think.”
I needed her to understand this wasn’t serious between us. It was just a
mistake. A very stupid mistake I already regretted.
Evie, what did you do?
“I can’t imagine what Jax would have done if he was the one who walked
in on you and not me.”
“Well,” Caleb emphasized, sliding on his dress shirt. “For one, he would
have knocked.”
“What? You want to pretend like last night didn’t happen? I hate to break
it to you, darlin’, but you look thoroughly fucked. Not to mention, I left
marks all over you, so good luck covering those up.”
I threw my hands up in the air, exhausted with all of this. There was only
so much I could take, and I was reaching my breaking point.
Sophie must have noticed because she quickly excused herself, leaving us
alone. However, I could tell by the expression on her face that this
conversation was far from over. She would get to the bottom of what was
happening between Caleb and me.
Except, I barely understood us.
Grabbing my silk robe from the end of the bed, I carefully slid it on.
When I lifted my gaze to meet Caleb’s, he was grinning at me like a fool.
“You were sitting on my face a couple of hours ago. Isn’t it a little late to
play coy?”
I glared at him again, standing tall while tying my robe into a tight knot.
Taking a step in my direction, he baited, “You think that’s going to keep
me away?”
I stepped back and held my hand out in front of me, halting his descent.
“You can gloat all you want, but you’re never going to see me naked
“I can see you naked anytime I want. All I have to do is close my eyes
and fuck my fist to the memory of you riding my cock.”
“Why are you talking to me like this?”
“How would you like me to speak to you, Evie?”
“Not like this. You spent the last … what? Eight years ignoring me? Now
I’m supposed to suddenly swoon over you because we casually hooked up?
Get over yourself, Caleb. I want nothing to do with you.”
“Darlin’, your pussy contradicts you. It still loves me.”
“There’s a very thin line between love and hate, asshole.”
“I meant everything I said to you last night.”
I jerked back, confused. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
My response finally got his attention. “You don’t remember?”
“Does it look like I do?”
“What’s the last thing you recall?”
I blinked while hasty images of last night tore through my mind. One
right after the other with no end in sight.
His lips slammed onto mine. “Fuck, I missed you…”
My head hit the wall as he slid my panties to the side, rubbing my clit in a
back and forth motion.
“Jesus, you’re soaking wet. When was the last time someone touched you,
“What?” I moaned, taken aback.
“You heard me, but I’ll elaborate. When’s the last time someone made
your sweet cunt come?”
My eyes rolled to the back of my head. “Stop talking.”
He grinned against my mouth. “That long, huh?” To prove his point, he
slid two fingers inside of me, going right for my g-spot.
I leaned into his hand, rocking against it. “We’re not having this
“Great, seeing as I have no desire other than to make you come down my
hand. Give it to me, Evie.”
Faster and faster, I swayed my hips in the opposite direction of his skilled
“Let me love you, darlin’.”
My eyes shot open. “What?”
“Did I stutter?”
“You can’t just—”
“What? Huh? What can’t I do? Tell me as I get on my knees in front of
“Caleb, please…”
“Of course, darlin’. How can I say no when you’ve asked so fucking
nicely?” In one swift motion, he did exactly that.
The liquor coursing through my veins had me losing all sense of reason
when it came to him. We were at my brother’s vow renewal, in a corner of his
house where anyone could catch us. The thrill of getting caught was as much
of an aphrodisiac as all the booze in my blood.

For the first time in over eight years, we were hooking up.
Chapter 2

his embrace, making my body shudder and head spin.
Lightly, he bit my clit through my panties. “This what you want, Evie? My
mouth on you? Tell me … I want to hear you beg for my love.”
“Caleb, stop saying the word love.”
He roughly pulled my panties to the side to blow on my clit. “Then tell me
you don’t want this… Tell me you don’t think about me anymore… Tell me
you’ve never made yourself come to the memory of my tongue fucking your
“Holy shit, just stop talking.”
“I’ll stop when you tell me you still love me… Just say the words, and I’m
forever yours.”
I gripped onto his hair. “Caleb,” I panted, trying to form a coherent
sentence while he rubbed my clit with his hand.
“You don’t know me, and you never did.”
“Bullshit. I know what it feels like when you come.” He slid his fingers
back inside of me in a much more demanding way than before. “I know how
your face gets flushed. How your breathing elevates, and you moan the
sweetest fucking sound as you whimper my name. I know your pussy pulsates
so goddamn tight that it pushes my fingers out, just like it is right now.”
I bit my bottom lip and suppressed another moan, not wanting to give him
the satisfaction of how well he still knew my body.
“I know what you taste like, but most importantly, I know what it feels
like to be inside you.”
I gasped the second he sucked my clit into his mouth.
“And I’m not talking about your sweet cunt. I’m talking about your heart.
You’re going to let me back into your life, Evie. Because that’s what I want.
You and me. Then. Now. Always.”
There was no holding back—I was about to come.
“You want me, darlin’?”
Silence. Not one word from me.
“You’ve always been a stubborn little shit. It was one of my favorite
things about you. Nice to know you haven’t changed and my girl is still the
I snapped, “I’m not your girl.”
He chuckled before making love to me with his mouth. It didn’t take long
until I was crazy with desire for him. Right as I was about to come, he moved
his finger and lips away as he threatened, “Tell me or I’ll stop.”
“Oh, come on,” I griped in distress.
“I’ll give you what you need as soon as you give me what I want. Now tell
Without giving it another thought, I shoved him away and sternly stated,
“Not a chance in hell.”
I took a step, about to leave, but he used my momentum against me. He
gripped onto my wrist and spun me around until my face was against the wall
and the front of his body was along my back.
“You stubborn little shit,” he whispered in my ear from behind me. The
sound of his belt unbuckling was loud and sharp, echoing off the walls. His
zipper was next, and the removal of both felt like atomic bombs. My mind and
heart raged war with one another, knowing what would come next.
“Don’t worry, darlin’. I have no problem fucking it right out of you.”
I opened my mouth to reply at the same exact moment he thrusted deep
inside of me.
Immediately, I shook away the memory, fucking seething, “You didn’t
use a condom!”
He smiled, fully aware of what I just remembered.
“Evie, since when have we ever used condoms?”
Unable to resist, I pushed him. “That was before, asshole! Who the hell
knows how many women you’ve been—”
“There was Tessa, and then there was you.”
“You’ve been divorced for almost a year. You really think I believe you
haven’t had sex since your wife?”
He folded his arms over his chest. “Why would I lie? And it’s been more
than a year.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means last night was the first time I’ve had sex since my daughter,
Ariel, was conceived.”
“Ariel is five.”
He smirked, loving the fact that I knew how old his baby girl was.
“What are you going to tell me next, Caleb? Before Ariel you didn’t have
sex since your son, Ethan, was conceived two years prior?”
“I don’t have to. You just did.”
I rolled my eyes. “You must really think I’m stupid if you expect me to
believe you’ve only had sex with your wife twice.”
“She’s not my wife.”
“Whatever. Your ex-wife.”
“Darlin’, there’s a lot you don’t know.”
“I’m sure there is.” I nodded. “It’s what happens when you completely
cut someone out of your life.”
“I had no choice.”
“You always have a choice, Caleb. Just like you chose to marry Tessa,
and then you chose to have two kids with her. Now you’re choosing to lie to
me about how many times you’ve had sex with her. All your choices. Take
some accountability for once.”
“Alright, if you insist. The first choice I’ve made in a long time was to
divorce Tessa. The second was to bury my face in between your legs.
Satisfied? Or do you need my mouth on your pussy again? Trust me, darlin’.
I could eat you all day.”
“Stop,” I roared, becoming furious. “I don’t need to hear your lies
anymore. Last night was a mistake that was stirred solely by way too many
shots of tequila. I barely remember any of it, especially what you claim you
said to me.”
“You remember enough that if I touched your pussy right now it’d be
wet…” He paused for effect. “For me.”
“We’re done now.”
Instantly, I spun, but he gripped onto my arm and made me face him
again. His mouth was now inches away from mine.
“The fuck we are. If anything, this has only begun between us.”
“I have nothing else to say to you.”
“Well, I have plenty to say to you. Starting with, I never stopped lov—”
I shoved him as hard as I could, and he barely wavered, which only
infuriated me further.
“Fuck off, Caleb.”
“I’d much rather fuck you. Again. But I have no problem proving myself
to you this time around, so please let me. I want to make things right between
“I’m not the one who pushed you away.”
“I know, darlin’, but—”
“But nothing! Everything is still the same. Jax is still my brother. I’m still
his sister. He’s still your client and best friend. The only thing that’s changed
is the time I’ve wasted since you approached me last night.”
“Evie, let me worry about Jax.”
“Oh! Now you want to handle Jax? How convenient for you. What else
would you like, Caleb? My heart and soul?”
“Yes, but I’ll start with being your friend.”
“We were never friends.”
“You’re right. We were so much more than that.”
“That’s not how I remember it.”
“Then let me remind you of the man who saved you once.”
I yanked my arm away. “I don’t want to remember him. I spent years
trying to forget him.”
“Evie, just let me explain.”
“You’re a day late and a dollar short. I don’t care to hear your bullshit
anymore. I’m not that doe-eyed young girl who loved you. She’s gone,
Caleb, and she’s never coming back. Get used to it. Last night I was horny,
and you were available. End. Of. Story.”
With that, I turned around and rushed toward the bathroom, making sure I
locked it behind me, needing to keep him out. It was where he belonged.
I turned on the shower, trying to tune out the memories of last night. It
was nearly impossible. Especially when I took off my robe and looked in the
The truth was staring me in the face. He wasn’t lying—there were marks
on my neck, my breasts, stomach and thighs.
Fucking bastard.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out he did it on purpose. He wanted to
mark me, claim me, make me remember the night we shared, and I hated him
more for it. The audacity of that man was inconceivable. He had some brass
balls, but he always had.
Deciding to shake off the anger, I stepped into the hot shower, wanting to
wash away any stench of him on my skin. When I made my way back into
the bedroom, he was nowhere to be found. Not that I expected him to be.
Once again, taking a deep, reassuring breath, I reached for my overnight
bag and grabbed the maxi dress I was going to wear today. Something else
fell onto the bed. Right there before my eyes was our past glaring at me with
a blaze of glory.
Damn you, Caleb. How did he still have this?
It was the first photo we’d ever taken together. The same night he saved
me, catapulting my mind back to another place and time.

When I fell for the man who’d only end up breaking me.
Chapter 3

Then: Twelve years ago


I smiled at my new roommate, Tessa. She was two years older than me. I
found her ad on the bulletin board in the common area of our university. She
was looking for a new roomie since hers graduated last semester.
The apartment was close to campus, it was spacious, and fully furnished.
I had my own bedroom and bathroom. It was perfect. Exactly what I was
looking for. The rent was higher than I would have liked, but Jax was
adamant he’d pay for my living expenses on top of depositing extra money
into my account for anything I might have wanted or needed.
Thankfully, I had a full ride to the university since I graduated from high
school with honors. At least he wasn’t paying for my classes. Although, he
wanted to until he found out I had scholarships and didn’t need his assistance.
I refused to have our father pay for anything in my life. I wasn’t just another
woman he could pay off to clear his conscience.
My mom and I never had the best relationship. I hated that she was the
other woman while she was proud of that fact. We didn’t see eye to eye on
almost anything in life. She wasn’t what I would define as a loving mother.
She was more concerned with her own life than she was mine.
A huge part of me knew that she intentionally got pregnant to trap my
father into being in her life. It worked. He paid for her silence on my
existence, giving her everything she craved. From the moment I could
understand their relationship, I knew who she was to him.
Which made me the bastard child.
I hated that title. However, it didn’t make it any less true. It was
disgusting, the little respect she had for herself. Since I was her only child, all
I had was Jax. I was beyond grateful to have him in my life. I knew he would
be different. Which was why I hassled our father for years to meet him.
Finally taking matters into my own hands, I showed up at his office and
demanded that Jax know he had a half-sister.
For months, I felt horrible that Jax found out about me the way he did.
Our father, being the piece of shit he was, blackmailed Jax into not telling his
mother. Using his girlfriend, Sophie, against him.
I wasn’t aware of what he held over Jax’s head. All I knew was that Jax
and Sophie were no longer together, and I blamed myself for it. I never asked
Jax what our father had threatened him with. He had enough on his plate with
being the number one NFL draft pick straight out of college.
He was an all-star quarterback for Miami. The press and the National
Football League had already declared he would be the greatest of all time. Jax
was born to be on the field. It was in his DNA. I couldn’t have been prouder
of him. His face was splashed all over our university since he was alumni
It was as if we didn’t lose the last eighteen, almost nineteen years of my
life. We fell into this comfortable place where it felt like we’d been in one
another’s life since the day I was born and not just the last six months. Jax
was the best. I was lucky to have him, and I’d never take anything he was
doing for me for granted.
Hence, the nice ass apartment I was now living in. I wouldn’t have been
able to afford it on my own. Thanks to him, I didn’t have to get a job. I could
focus solely on my classes instead. I was a business major with a minor in
finance. My ultimate goal was to have my own company one day. It was why
I studied so hard to graduate with honors. School was the only way I’d have a
successful future and not have to depend on anyone.
“Evie, did you hear what I said?”
“Yeah, something about a party.”
“It’s not just any party,” Tessa exclaimed. “It’s the first party of the year.
It sets the tone for all the other parties to come! Our sorority always teams up
with Sigma-Nu fraternity. Since our houses are off campus, we can serve
alcohol. You have to come!”
The name of the fraternity sounded familiar. Wasn’t that Jax’s fraternity?
“Tessa, I’m eighteen. I mean, I’m almost nineteen,” I reminded. “I can’t
drink until I’m twenty-one.”
“I know that, silly. It doesn’t mean I can’t sneak you some punch. You
“I’m not a big drinker, Tessa.”
“Of course you’re not. You’re a bookworm. My roommate is a nerd.”
I shrugged it off. It wasn’t the first time someone called me a nerd, and it
wouldn’t be the last.
“You know what? You should pledge! Oh my God!” She jumped up and
down. “You totally should! Then we could be sorority sisters! How fun
would that be?”
I nervously chuckled. “I’m not much of a partier, Tessa. It’s just not my
“I know, I know… Will you still come tonight, though?” She placed her
hands together in a prayer gesture. “Pretty please.”
I didn’t want us to start off on the wrong foot. She was extending an olive
branch, making an effort to include me in her social life. It was the first thing
I noticed about her. Tessa was a social butterfly with an even bigger
personality. She was beautiful, reminding me of Malibu Barbie.
“I guess I could stop by for a little while.”
She beamed.
For the next hour, I let her play dress up with me, like I was now her
Malibu Barbie. Before I knew it, I was wearing a skin tight black dress that
accentuated all the curves of my body. Despite not wearing outfits like this
often, I loved the dress. It was soft and sexy. Something I wouldn’t normally
wear, making a mental note to buy a few for myself.
By the time we walked into the party, it was packed to the brim with
people. Booze was flowing loosely. I could smell the tequila instantly filling
my senses.
Tessa had to handle a couple sorority things, leaving me close to the bar
alone. It was surrounded by people, but I tried to make my way through. It
was easier said than done.
It wasn’t until someone shouted, “Smile!” that I abruptly turned around
and slammed into a hard, rigid torso.
My hands flew out in front of me and landed right on his chest.
“Oh shit,” I exclaimed, looking up at him. “I’m so sorry.”
It was only then that I locked stares with enticing hazel eyes. I’d never
seen an eye color quite like his before. They were mesmerizing, luring me in
without even trying.
“This is great! Get together, you two!”
Our gazes shifted toward the same voice that made me bump into him in
the first place. Feeling shy, my cheeks blushed with heat.
“Caleb, pull her toward you!”
He glanced over at me, grinning, taking in my flushed expression.
“Can I?”
Oh my God. Even his voice was dark and dreamy.
“Can you what?” I blurted, instantly feeling like an idiot.
He smiled, showing off his perfectly straight white teeth.
I wonder if he wore braces?
“Can I grab you?”
“Grab me?”
He nodded toward the cameraman.
“Oh, right! Yes, sure, I mean, of course, you can grope me.” I shook my
head, dumbfounded at how ridiculous I was being. “I mean, of course, you
can grab me.”
He chuckled and reached around my stomach. In one strong hold, he
tugged my body into the crevice of his arm, right against his muscular chest.
I gasped slightly, not expecting him to be so forward. He didn’t let me go
either. His hand stayed firmly grasped on my hip. I had no idea what to do
with my own, as it awkwardly hung in front of us.
The scent of his whiskey breath assaulted my personal space as he leaned
over into my ear and whispered, “You can grab me too, but I could go for the
groping as well.”
I faintly chuckled, getting lost in the sound of his voice. I couldn’t move
—I was barely breathing. When I didn’t react fast enough, he grabbed my
hand and laid it on his chest.
“Perfect!” the cameraman hollered, snapping a polaroid of us.
The flash brought my attention back to the cameraman, but it was too
late. He’d already taken the photo.
“Here you go,” he said, handing me the picture.
The image came into focus, revealing a handsome-looking Caleb, smiling
directly at the camera, while I stared up at him all doe-eyed and infatuated.
You could see it clear as day.
“Ugh,” I groaned, feeling embarrassed. “That’s a horrible photo.”
Caleb snatched it out of my grasp, stating, “It’s mine now.”
I nervously chuckled, realizing I was still in his embrace. I watched as he
slid the picture inside his suit jacket.
Was he really going to keep it? Why?
I was the first to pull away, immediately feeling the loss of his warmth
and smell of his cologne.
“Let me buy you a drink,” he offered, smiling at me again.
“I’m only eighteen. I mean … I’m almost nineteen, though.”
“Then let me buy you a Shirley Temple...” Cocking his head to the side,
he silently asked me for my name.
“Evie. Evie Monroe.”

“Is that a yes, Evie Monroe?”

I smiled, knowing this guy was going to be my kryptonite.

Chapter 4


he was as attracted to me as I was to him.
Caleb didn’t hesitate as he grabbed my hand and led me to the corner of
the bar. The bartender took his order instantly even though there was still a
crowd of people waiting to order drinks.
“Do you have some sort of pull or something?”
“You could say that.” He grinned. “I’m alumni to this fraternity.”
“Oh, that would make you…”
“Twenty-five. Almost twenty-six.”
“Does that make me old?”
I giggled, feeling a little brazen. “Ancient.”
He chuckled. “Is that right?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Does that make me too ancient for you?”
“No.” I smiled, playfully joking, “I actually have daddy issues.”
“I see… So you should come with a warning label? Is that your red flag?”
“No, my red flag is flirting with old men.” I winked.
“Lucky for me then.” He smiled and grabbed our drinks from the
bartender. “Add it to my tab.”
The guy nodded.
“Do you want the cherry?” I asked as he handed me my Shirley Temple,
pulling it out of the glass. “I don’t like it.”
With a mischievous expression, he leaned forward and bit the cherry from
between my fingers. I watched in awe, thinking it was odd he was going to
eat the stem too.
After a few seconds, I questioned, “What’s your red flag?” before taking
a sip of my cocktail.
He didn’t falter in replying, “I love to eat pussy.”
I choked on my drink, causing him to laugh again.
I tried to recover quickly, clearing my throat. “And that’s a bad thing
I never expected what happened next. He pulled the cherry stem out of
his mouth, showing me it was now in a knot.
My eyes widened as he answered, “Women fall in love with me.”
“I can see why. That’s a pretty impressive magic trick you have up your
sleeve. Does that mean you’re a one-time kind of ride?”
“No, by all means you can ride me all night.”
I scoffed out a snicker. “I don’t know if you’re saying this to shock me or
you’re being serious.”
“I’m a lot of things, Evie, but I’m not a liar.”
“Good to know.”
“Great, now I want to know about you.”
“What about me?”
“Where are you from?”
“I was born in Georgia, but I grew up in Dallas. How about you?”
“Born and raised in Kentucky.”
“Oh, so you’re a country boy? Where’s your accent?”
In thick Southern twang, he responded, “Darlin’, I’m fixin’ to take ya
home wit’ me, so ya can gimme some suga’.”
My hands flew to my mouth. “Ah! That’s the cutest accent I’ve ever
“Which is why I don’t use it. In my line of work, I need to be taken
seriously. I’ve spent years perfecting my dialect.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a sports agent.”
I resisted the urge to ask him if he knew Jax, aware he would ask how I
knew him and I’d have to lie. For some reason, I didn’t want our first
conversation to have any lies.
“Is that why you’re all dressed up in a suit?”
He nodded, taking a swig of his drink.
“Do you have a brother you could introduce me to? I really like your
“I do, but we’re not close.”
“Why is that?”
“I don’t like to share.”
I giggled. “Sucks for me then.”
“Darlin’, I can give you something to suck.”
My cheeks flushed. “You have a very dirty mouth, Caleb. Anyone ever
tell you that?”
“Every time my momma washed my mouth out with soap.”
“And still, you didn’t learn?”
“What can I say? I don’t follow orders very well.”
“I guess we have that in common.”
“Are you a bad girl, Evie? Am I going to have to take you over my
“I’m not much for spankings.”
“Be my good girl, and then I won’t have to.”
Before I could give it another thought, he changed the subject. “Do you
have any siblings?”
“I do. I have a half-brother,” I confessed, shocked as shit I shared that
with him. “I can’t believe I just told you that.”
“Is it a secret?”
“Something like that.”
“I don’t like secrets.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
“Let’s not have any, alright?”
“Is this where I should tell you I’m really a serial killer?”
He eyed me up and down with a predatory regard, rasping, “I’ll take my
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I’m not worried.”
“Rude! How do you know I don’t have stealth-like moves?”
As the last word left my mouth, he gripped onto the sides of my throat
avoiding my windpipe. He applied just enough pressure to make my thighs
clench and my pussy to throb. In the snap of a finger, he pinned my back
against the bar.
“Because I know I do.”
My eyes widened again, feeling turned on.
Holy shit.
Slowly, he let go and placed his hand into the pocket of his slacks, acting
like he didn’t just make me wet. With my mouth suddenly dry, I brought my
Shirley Temple up to my lips and took a few sips.
Our eyes stayed locked, lost in this intense connection I’d never felt with
anyone… Until someone tapped on his shoulder from behind him,
interrupting us.
They spoke for a few seconds before he told me, “Alumni duties call.
Wait for me here, alright?”
I nodded, happy our banter didn’t end.
“Don’t go killing anyone while I’m gone.”
“Don’t worry. I already have my sights on you.”
Licking his lips, he smirked. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Once he was gone, I sat at the bar, checking my social media for I don’t
know how long. All of a sudden, a random guy spilled his drink down the
front of my dress.
“Shit!” he exclaimed. “I’m a clumsy fuck. I’m so sorry.”
I jumped off the barstool, wiping away the liquor. It was so cold against
my heated flesh.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”
“No, it’s not fine. Let me make it up to you.” He nodded to my empty
glass. “What are you drinking?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to. I feel horrible. It’ll make me feel so much better.”
“Honestly, it’s not a big deal. I’m wearing a black dress. You can’t even
see there’s a drink on me.”
He smiled. “Don’t make me beg.”
I sighed, reluctantly giving in. “Okay. I’ll take a water.”
“Water? You’re at a party. How about a beer?”
“I don’t—”
“Bartender!” he shouted over the crowd. “I’ll take two Coronas!”
I looked around for Caleb, but he was nowhere to be found.
“Here.” The guy brought my gaze back to him, handing me the beer.
“My name’s Ryan.”
“I’m Evie.”
“Evie? That’s a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl.”
“Thanks.” I smiled, sitting down. “I’m actually waiting on someone.”
“I’ll wait with you.”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that.”
“I want to. It’s not every day I meet an Evie.” He clinked his beer with
mine. “To new friends.”
“Right…” I brought my drink up to my lips, taking a few sips.
We talked for a bit before I needed to use the bathroom. Excusing myself,
I made my way over there, but I started to feel drunk which didn’t make any
sense. I barely drank any of that beer.
Needing to find solid ground, I placed my hand against the wall in front
of me, whispering, “What’s happening?”
“Hold onto me, Evie.” Ryan was unexpectedly standing beside me,
holding me up.
“I don’t feel so good.”
“Just lean into me.”
“The room is spinning, Ryan. I can’t see.”
“I know, just hold onto me.”
In what felt like seconds, the room closed in on me.
“I think I’m going to fainttt…”
Faster and faster. the world caved in on me, and there was no controlling
it. All I could do was hope for the best because the next thing I knew…

Everything. Went. Black.

Chapter 5


I stirred awake, and my eyes fluttered open. Almost instantly I realized I
wasn’t in my bedroom, and my body jolted forward, sitting straight up at
“Oh God,” I whimpered, closing my eyes as I grabbed my throbbing
I couldn’t contemplate where I was, my blinding headache wouldn’t
allow it. Fear crept its way into my chest, with panic quickly following. I
didn’t remember anything beyond talking to that guy.
What was his name again? Ryan?
Sweat pooled at my temples while my body shook. I was freezing, feeling
like I was going to be sick.
Where was I?
Seconds later, I heard a familiar voice ask, “So tell me, darlin’. Do you
make it a habit of accepting drinks from strangers?”
My eyes shot open, following Caleb’s voice. Although the room was dim,
all the blinds were closed. I could see he was sitting in a chair beside the bed,
one leg draped over his knee while his elbow laid on the armrest. His fingers
were over his mouth, rubbing his lips in a back and forth motion.
“I can’t tell you how relieved I am to see you right now.”
“Really?” he countered. “Seeing as I’m fucking furious with you.”
“I … I … I don’t know what to say.”
“How about you start with answering my question?”
“Caleb.” I anxiously shook my head. “I don’t feel so goo—” My body
moved on autopilot. One second I was sitting there, the next I was jolting
forward over the edge of the mattress, projectile vomiting all over the floor.
Kill me now! How embarrassing!
I blinked, and Caleb was at my side, placing a garbage can in front of me.
His close proximity triggered my nerves, only making me throw up harder.
All I wanted was for him to leave the room. I couldn’t believe this was
happening. I felt my hair being pulled away from my face, and I realized he
was holding it back for me.
“It’s alright, Evie. You need to get it all out.”
“I’m so sorry,” I stressed, resting my forehead on the rim of the can,
wanting to feel the cool metal against my clammy flesh. “I’ve never felt like
this before.”
Finally, I fell back into the bed. Exhausted was an understatement. I was
weak and helpless—this was not my finest moment by any means. As soon as
I felt the cold washcloth over my face, I loudly moaned in satisfaction. Caleb
let me lay there, wallowing in misery for what felt like forever.
Once I didn’t feel like I was dying, I breathed out, “Thank you so much.”
“Can you sit up? You need to take this medication.”
“What medication?”
He didn’t wait for me to move. Instead, he sat me up against the pillows
that were resting on the headboard. I watched as he opened what looked like
a bottle of pills. Grabbing the glass of water from the nightstand, he gestured
for me to open my mouth. I did, silently praying it would make me feel
normal again.
“Lift your arms.”
What happened next was unexpected. He pulled off my dress, but quickly
replaced it with what I assumed was his hoodie. It was soft and smelled
amazing. His cologne lingered on the fabric.
“Thank you.”
We locked eyes.
“You look good in my clothes.”
I swallowed hard under his predatory regard. Wanting to shift the sudden
strain, I asked, “What medication did you give me?”
“I called in a favor.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I drove you back to my place. My friend who’s a doctor hurried
over here to check on you while you were blacked out in my bed.”
My eyes widened. “What happened?”
“You were roofied.”
“I was what?!”
“You heard me.”
“I … I … I don’t understand.”
“What part do you not understand, sweetheart? Where you accepted a
drink from a stranger, or where he drugged you with plans of raping you?”
My eyes rimmed with tears. “Did he…”
“No, but he did end up in the ER.”
My gaze shifted to his hands, seeing that his knuckles were bruised and
“What did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
I thought about it for a moment before I questioned, “How did you know
what happened to me?”
“I told one of the pledges to keep an eye on you. When you walked to the
bathroom pale as ghost, he came and got me. I found you outside with that
motherfucker carrying you to his car.
“Oh my God. He … he just… He spilled…” Faint images played through
my head. “A drink! He spilled a drink on me, and then he bought me one to
apologize… I didn’t want it, but he was insistent.”
“That should have been a bright red fucking flag, Evie.”
“I didn’t think—”
“That’s exactly my point! You didn’t fucking think at all!”
“Stop yelling at me. I took a drink from you too!”
“That’s different.”
“How is that dif—”
“Because I don’t drug girls to take advantage of them!”
I couldn’t help it. I burst into tears. There was no controlling it. I broke
down and started crying. This was all too much. I didn’t even want to go to
that stupid party.
Covering my face with my hands, I hid myself from Caleb. I was
mortified, scared, ashamed. There was a plethora of emotions taking over my
body. If Caleb hadn’t saved me, I don’t know what would have happened.
For all I knew, I could have ended up dead in a ditch somewhere. The
thought alone made my skin crawl.
I cried a sea of tears until Caleb’s strong, comforting arms wrapped
around me.
“Shhh … it’s alright, darlin’. You’re safe.”
Gently, he laid me on his chest. His words were soothing while he rubbed
my back. It didn’t take long for him to calm my uncertainty. The
overwhelmingness was gradually subsiding.
“Thank you, Caleb.” I started to get upset again. “I can’t imagine what
could have happened if you—”
“I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“I’m normally not that careless, I swear. I told him I was waiting on
someone. I never intended on leaving with him. I’m so sorry. Are your hands
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”
Feeling emotionally and physically drained, I closed my eyes. For the
second time, everything went black, and sleep swiftly came.
Except this time, I passed out in Caleb’s arms.
Feeling safe.


What was this girl doing to me?

I didn’t do this—this wasn’t who I was. I didn’t bring women back to my
place. They didn’t sleep in my arms. They didn’t lay in my bed. I didn’t
worry about them. I wasn’t this man.
I was fucking furious with her shitty decisions. The worst part was I
didn’t want her to leave. I wanted her here.
With me.
In my home.
My sanctuary.
My personal space.
I loved the feeling of her in my arms. The way she simply melted into my
embrace like it was the most natural thing in the world. I barely knew her, yet
it felt as if we’d known each other all our lives.
She was young.
Still a kid.
I knew better than to get involved with her, but I couldn’t stop my
attraction to her. From the moment I laid my eyes on Evie’s beautiful face,
there was this magnetic force I couldn’t resist.
Her smile.
Her scent.
Her ridiculous fucking giggle.
It was all an allure to me.
I’d never felt anything like it before. I kept women at a distance. I didn’t
have time for the emotional bullshit, nor did I want any part of it.
For years I thought I wasn’t made that way. I was a coldhearted bastard
who left before they woke up, just so I could avoid the expectations that
always presented itself the next morning.
The only reason I didn’t bring women back to my condo was I didn’t
want them to know where I lived. Their place. A hotel room. It was easier
that way. I made no promises. It was on them if they created an illusion of
who I was for the night.
There were no dates. No wining and dining. I didn’t fuck the same
woman twice. Repeats led to emotions which led to expectations which led to
bullshit and a relationship. I’d never had a girlfriend. I didn’t care for one.
My career consumed my life. I traveled all over the world. From one client to
the next.
I was happy.
There was no loneliness.
But last night was completely out of character for me. When I saw him
carrying her to his car, I lost all sense of reason. Confronting him was easy.
Beating him the fuck up was even easier. If it wasn’t for my friend Aaron
tearing me away from his unconscious body, who knows if I would have
stopped myself from killing him.
I would have been doing the world a favor. One less abuser walking
among us in broad daylight. Every time I thought about what could have
happened to Evie, I felt that rage taking over every last part of me all over
How this girl got into my head was beyond me. There was an instant
spark and connection between us that couldn’t be ignored or denied. She was
perfect, filling this void I didn’t know I had until she was lying in my arms.
My reactions to her were unfamiliar, uncharted emotions were taking
over, and I wasn’t sure I wanted it to stop. I sure as hell didn’t fight too hard
to control it. Which only added to the plaguing thoughts ripping through me.
It was the most intense feeling I had ever felt. As if I was standing at the
edge of a cliff, looking down, ready to jump. Not giving a shit if there would
be land or water beneath me.
I was ready to take the plunge.
For her.
I couldn’t control, label, or even understand it.
Which was a terrifying thing for a man like me. The walls were caving in
on me, and my emotions were suffocating as she slept in my arms.
I gave into it.
I gave into her.
Closing my eyes, I relaxed in her embrace.
For once in my life, I was along for the ride.

Ready to see where we’d end up on the other side.

Chapter 6

with my chin on his chest.
“Mmm,” he groaned, stirring awake while our gazes connected. “Are you
watching me sleep?”
Even his raspy morning voice was sexy.
Smiling, I shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Are you plotting on how you intend to kill me?”
“I decided to let you live.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“I do what I can.”
He chuckled. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better. Whatever medication you gave me did the trick.”
“My friend called it in for you. My assistant brought it over shortly after.”
Sweeping a piece of hair out of my face, he asked, “What time is it?”
I loved the adoring expression on his face. No one had ever looked at me
the way he was. Despite not wanting to break our connection, I grabbed his
wrist and read his watch.
“It’s almost noon.”
“I don’t remember the last time I slept in this late.”
Bringing my attention back to him, I questioned, “Are you an early
“Mmm hmm.”
“How early?”
“Usually by five A.M.”
“Five in the morning? That’s crazy! Who wakes up at five A.M.?”
“I get a workout in before I head to my office.”
“Are you trying to tell me you’re a workaholic?”
He smiled, rubbing my back. “That’s what happens when you own your
own agency.”
“That’s pretty admirable. You’re still so young.”
“I thought I was ancient?”
“You might still have a few good years left.”
“Do I get to spend them with you?”
“If you play your cards right.”
“Well, what do you know, I’m actually holding four of a kind.”
“I’ll see your four of a kind and raise you a royal flush.”
He smiled, big and wide. “My girl knows how to play poker.”
Again with my girl.
I didn’t call him out on it. Instead, I changed the subject. “Do you know
your body temperature runs hot?”
He arched an eyebrow. “What?”
“You’re very warm. Almost like a heated blanket.”
“Good to know.”
“No other girl has told you that before?”
“You’re the first girl I’ve ever woken up with.”
I eyed him skeptically. “Oh, come on. You expect me to believe that?”
“I told you. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a liar.”
“So you’re telling me you’ve never had a woman spend the night?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Because you’re an almost twenty-six-year-old successful entrepreneur
who is easy on the eyes.”
“I said I’ve never woken up with a woman, not that I’ve never fucked
“Oh…” I nodded. “I get it. You’re that guy.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“You know, the one who never settles down. Sleeps around. My guess is
that you have deep rooted issues.”
“And what issues would those be, Dr. Monroe?”
“Smart ass.” I grinned. “It’s actually a textbook case. Who was she?”
He arched an eyebrow again, looking at me confused.
“Who was the woman who broke your heart?”
He laughed, big and throaty. “Never had my heart broken, darlin’.”
He shook his head. “I’ve never been in a relationship.”
“What?!” I sat up, staring deep into his eyes. “You’ve never had a
“That shocks you?”
“Of course! That’s insane.”
“How about you?”
“I don’t really swing that way, but I have kissed a girl.”
Now that got his attention. He crossed his arms behind his head which
only accentuated his defined, muscular arms. Doing all sorts of things to my
Grinning like a fool, he demanded, “Tell me more.”
“You’re such a guy.” I blushed. “Does this mean you’re not mad at me
“I’m livid.”
“What if I told you her lips were soft and she tasted like Juicy Fruit
bubble gum.”
“I’m listening.”
I rolled my eyes, smirking. “It was a high school party. We were playing
truth or dare in the woods.”
“I’m enjoying this mental picture. Did she make you wet?”
“Caleb! I was fifteen. I didn’t know what wet was.”
“And who was the boy who showed you what wet was, Evie?”
“Considering I’ve only had one boyfriend. His name was Kyle, and I
don’t think he knew what wet was either.”
He laughed, enjoying my response. “That’s what happens when you fuck
with a boy, darlin’.”
“Oh yeah? Are you up for the challenge, old man?”
“Trust me, Evie. If I had my hands on you, you’d know what wet was.”
My thighs clenched.
“Does that mean you’ve only been with one boy?”
I nodded. “We were together on and off all through high school, but it
wasn’t meant to be.”
“Did he make you come?”
“That’s a no.”
“Oh my God, you’re horrible.”
“Did you love him?”
I wanted to make him sweat a little, so I stated, “This is some deep
conversation before breakfast, and I’m starving.”
“How about you let me feed you?”
“That would be great, but I need to take a shower first.”
“My bathroom is behind you, and there’s fresh towels under the sink.”
“Ummm.” I looked down at myself. “I don’t have any clothes—”
“My assistant took care of that for you. They’re on the couch over there.”
I turned around, following his stare. There on the couch were several
pieces of clothing, from a dress, to jeans, to a couple t-shirts. There was even
undergarments, while sandals and sneakers were on the floor below them.
“Looks like your assistant bought me a whole new wardrobe.”
“I didn’t know what you’d like.”
“I can pay you bac—”
His sharp tone shifted my gaze back to him.
“When someone buys you gifts, you simply thank them.”
“Thank you, Caleb. That was very thoughtful of you.”
I never expected him to add, “Do you need my help in the shower?”
Backing away, I slowly stood up off the bed. “I think I can handle it on
my own.”
“If you change your mind, you know where I’ll be. Or you can help me
with my shower. You know”—he showed me his hands—“I’m injured and
“Do you need me to wash your back?”
“Is that before or after you wash my cock?”
My mouth dropped open, and he stood, striding toward me. Each step was
sexier than the last. It was the first time I noticed what he was wearing—
sweatpants. My eyes shifted to the bulge swinging between his legs.
Holy shit!
He instantly noticed where my stare went. “Like what you see, darlin’?”
I swallowed hard, trying to play it off like I wasn’t impressed by what he
was packing.
Once he was standing in front of me, he whispered in my ear, “Go take a
shower before I eat you for breakfast instead.”
With that, he left his room, and I stayed there frozen.
Excited for the day ahead.

She didn’t take long time to shower and get ready which I appreciated.
There wasn’t much she needed to do to make herself more breathtaking than
she already was. When she walked out into the kitchen, she was wearing a
light pink summer dress that was tight on her breasts and loose toward her
luscious ass. The white sneakers made her look fucking adorable.
She held onto the sides of her dress, giving me a little twirl, then throwing
my question back at me, “Like what you see?”
“It’s shorter than I would have liked, but you’re going out with me, so I’ll
allow it.”
“You’ll allow it? Umm … excuse me, old man. Last time I checked, only
I control what I wear.”
“That was before you met me.”
“Hmm…” She put her finger up to her mouth in a contemplating gesture.
“I’m going to let that red flag slide, but only because you saved me last
In three long strides I was in her face. “Being protective is not a red flag,
Evie. Last night proves that you need someone protecting you.”
She snapped, “Last night was a careless mistake that won’t happen again.
I can take care of myself, Caleb. I’ve been doing it for a very long time.”
“Did I hit a nerve?”
“I don’t like being told what I can and can’t do. I’m not a little girl.”
“No, but you are very young, darlin’. Men can smell it on you.”
“Oh really? And what smell is that?”
Without thinking twice about it, I grabbed the back of her thighs and
lifted her, setting her on the kitchen island then stood between her legs. My
hands stayed on her skin, rubbing her soft flesh with my thumbs. Her mouth
parted, realizing our sudden change in position.
Leaning forward, I rubbed my lips along the column of her throat and
inhaled her sweet scent.
“You smell good enough to eat.”
Her pulse heightened against my lips.
“Would you like that, Evie? My mouth on you?”
“Your mouth is on me.”
“It’s not your neck I want to kiss.”
She sucked in a breath.
“But first…” I pecked my way up to her ear, loving the effect I was
having on her. “I’m going to feed you.” Pulling away, I lifted her off the
counter and took her hand in mine.
“Hey! I was enjoying that!”

I smiled, speaking with conviction, “Trust me, sweetheart. I’ve only just
Chapter 7


have here. It goes from zero to sixty in 3.5 seconds.”
I started the car, and the engine purred to life, vibrating her entire body.
She beamed with adrenaline pumping wildly through her veins.
Easing my foot off the clutch, I popped the shifter into reverse and
backed out of my condominium’s garage.
Quickly, I shifted through the gears, tearing down the street, showing her
how fast this sports car could truly go. Once we got to the highway, I gunned
it down the road, feeling her excitement beside me.
“That was awesome! I love this car!”
“Is that right?”
“Definitely. I hope to own one eventually.”
“And what does Evie Monroe want to do with her life?”
She turned to the side, laying her arm against the console to look at me.
“I want to be the boss.”
“The boss of what?”
“Well… I want to help people, so I was thinking maybe I’d open a
recruiting agency.”
“That’s a lot of connections you’re going to need. Good thing I know a
lot of people.”
She smiled, reading between the lines of my statement. “How did you
become so successful so young?”
“My family is very wealthy. Old money. I knew if I wanted to get out
from under their thumb, I’d need to do it on my own.”
“That’s very admirable. Most people in your position would just live off
their parents or follow in the family business.”
“They have my brother for that.”
“I see. Do you get along with your family?”
“I do. I see them often. How about you?”
“I don’t really have any family other than my half-brother.”
“And it’s a secret that you have a half-brother?”
“For now. His mother doesn’t know that our father is a piece of shit and
had a whole ass other family he was taking care of. I don’t talk to either of
my parents. I refuse to be a pawn in their games.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Evie.”
She shrugged. “You can’t choose the family you’re born into. It’s not a
big deal.”
I reached for her hand and placed it in my lap. “Don’t do that, darlin’. We
don’t lie to each other, remember?”
She took in my words, declaring, “I can’t believe I just told you all that.
Nobody knows the truth about my family.”
“I’m glad you confided in me.”
She leaned her head against the seat. “Me too.”
Bringing her hand up to my mouth, I kissed it before resting it on my lap
as I drove us to my favorite breakfast spot. It was a small café I frequented
often. I found it my first semester at college.
We sat at my usual corner table.
“Hey there, handsome,” the waitress greeted.
Immediately, I noticed Evie didn’t appreciate her flirty personality as she
took our orders. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t loving the fact that she was
getting jealous.
It was amusing.
“She pretty much put her boobs in your face, Caleb.”
I chuckled.
“Do you know her?”
“Does it matter?”
“Ugh. Please tell me you haven’t had sex with her?”
“If I had, we wouldn’t be here.”
She hid her smile. “Good answer. You pass.”
“I didn’t know I was being tested.”
“I’m just full of surprises.”
“Do any of them include your pussy on my face?”
Her cheeks turned bright red.
“Stop being so delicious,” I remarked, referring to her shyness.
“Then stop saying dirty things when we’re out in public, but that’s
probably like asking you not to breathe.”
I grinned, enjoying how she called me out. “So tell me, Evie. How long
have you lived in Texas?”
“Not very long. Maybe over a year. My mom moved us here from
Georgia because she wanted to be closer to my father. How about you? How
long have you lived here?”
“Since freshman year of college.”
“Does that mean you know all the cool spots like this one?”
“I do. It’s what’s on the itinerary for today.”
“Oh, so you’re my tour guide for the day?”
I nodded.
“Today is going to be great.”
For the rest of the afternoon, I drove Evie around to all my favorite
places, showing her what the city had to offer. We walked around, holding
hands, talking about nothing in particular, just laughing and enjoying each
other’s company. Seeing her face light up with the simplest things was a
memory I’d take to my grave. She was the sweetest thing.
Her smile.
Her laugh.
Her ridiculous fucking giggle.
I loved it all. For the first time in my life, I was looking forward to
learning everything about her. I never had any intention of settling down, but
with Evie, I saw a future play out with her in my life. It was such a foreign
feeling, the thrill she was bringing into my mundane world.
I was used to working all hours of the day. Today was actually the first
time I’d taken a day off in I don’t remember how long. She didn’t have to ask
me. I wanted to. There was no way I was letting her leave my bed without
getting to know her as much as I could.
The longer we hung out, the more I realized that maybe I truly was lonely
in some aspect of my life. Busying myself with work was easy. It was
instinctual. I treated my agency like it was my only priority. Living and
breathing my business was what I did best.
After dinner, I drove us to our last destination. Wanting to show her the
best view in Dallas was how I was ending our day.

We drove in silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it felt

natural. It seemed like everything with Caleb was effortless. The day flew by,
and the longer we were together, the further I realized how much I really did
like him. It wasn’t hard to fall for him.
He said he didn’t do relationships, but he was such an attentive, caring
man. It was hard to believe he wasn’t in one before. The way he catered to
my needs as if it was the only thing that mattered to him wasn’t lost on me.
He’d make an amazing boyfriend.
Without trying, I began to think that maybe I’d be his first girlfriend. Or,
at least, we’d start dating. It was definitely what I desired and hoped for.
I didn’t ask where we were going. I hadn’t all day. I was loving the
surprise with each of the places he was taking me to. It was like gift after gift
he was giving me without even realizing he was doing so. The emotions I
was experiencing with him were feelings I never wanted to end.
He pulled into the parking lot of the most exquisite building downtown.
As soon as I saw his name on the reserved parking spot, closest to the
elevator, I had an inkling of where we were.
“Caleb Hawkins,” I whispered to myself, recognizing the last name. “Are
you part of the Hawkins dynasty? Are you that Hawkins?”
He narrowed his eyes at me, grinning. “You’re familiar with my family?”
“I’m from Georgia, of course I am. Your family owned the first tobacco
plantation in the early 1700s. That’s quite a legacy you were born into.”
He didn’t pay me any mind. Instead, he opened the door, stepped out of
his car, and I followed suit. Once we were by the trunk, he grabbed my hand
and led the way toward the elevator.
The doors opened, and we walked inside where Caleb pressed the button
to the top floor.
“This is your building, isn’t it?”
He smiled, but didn’t answer my question.
“I can’t believe you’re acting this humble. Your family is one of the
richest in the world.”
“It’s not my money, Evie. Everything I’ve accomplished, I’ve done on
my own.”
“Wow. That’s very admirable, Caleb.”
I was falling in love with this man.
“Close your eyes,” he demanded.
I did, and he once again grabbed my hand, leading the way. I walked with
my eyes closed, ready for whatever he was about to show me. I heard a door
open and then shut behind me.
“You can open your eyes now.”
Slowly, my gaze opened, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There
was a three-hundred-sixty degrees view from his floor-to-ceiling windows
throughout his entire office.
“Oh my God! This is incredible.”
All of downtown was in sight. It was magical the way the lights
illuminated the dark sky. The colors, the energy, it was such a perfect way to
end the day.
I let go of his hand and walked around his office, which was just as
impressive as the view itself.
“This might be the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, Caleb.”
I felt him come up behind me, rasping in my ear, “Darlin’, you’re the
most beautiful sight in my office right now.”
My chest was rising and falling, anticipating what was going to happen
It was like he knew what I was thinking when he questioned, “What do
you want, Evie?”
I turned around to look deep into his eyes. There was no hesitation on my
part when I replied, “You.”
It was all he needed to hear.
Growling, he roughly smacked my ass, causing me to yelp. Picking me up
off the floor next, he wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me to his
desk that was in the middle of the massive room.
Maybe it was the predatory regard on his face.
Maybe it was the fact I knew I’d seen another side to him that no other
woman had.
Or maybe it was just because I knew I was going to touch him, feel him,
experience things I never had.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful,” he praised with a sincere tone, sitting me
on the edge of his desk. “Spread your legs for me, Evie.”
My thighs clenched.
My pussy throbbed.
My world became solely him.
Exactly the way I craved.
Chapter 8

I wanted to ease her anxiousness for what was to come.
“Stay still. Stop moving.”
Her dress hiked up her toned thighs, and my hands glided up her legs.
They were as soft as they were inviting.
I was fucking done for.
Pressing soft kisses up her neck, I confessed, “You have me questioning
everything about myself, Evie.”
She sucked in a breath, realizing the sudden change in my demeanor.
“All I know is that I want you. For the first time in my life, I’m struggling
with the reality that maybe you were made for me, darlin’,” I huskily
groaned, hanging on by a very thin thread.
My hands moved at a gentle, torturous speed, up to where I really yearned
to touch her. Evie’s dress rode up her thighs, exposing the pink lace panties I
bought her.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?”
She peeked up at me through her lashes, simply moaning, “Show me.”
“This isn’t why I brought you here. Tell me you know that.”
“I do. I want you too.”
I reached up, stroking the side of her cheek. Her face leaned into my
embrace. Shifting my hand to the back of her neck, I tugged her closer to my
mouth. Her lips found mine, and what started off as a peck turned into
something else entirely. Taking on a life of its own. I opened my mouth and
sought out her tongue. This was our first kiss, and it was fucking explosive.
We explored each other’s mouths. Our tongues twisted as we tasted one
another. It felt amazing.
She felt amazing.
But like everything with Evie, it quickly moved on its own accord. I
gripped onto the sides of her face, kissing her more aggressively than before.
All the buildup of the day was just fucking foreplay. It was better than I
imagined, having her at my mercy.
My fingers moved down her chest in an agonizing motion. She held her
breath as I cupped her breasts, softly kneading them while still devouring her
mouth. Nothing could have prepared me for this moment.
Her moaning.
The way she rocked her hips on my hard cock.
Our legs entwined, rubbing together and moving all around my desk. I
kissed along her jawline, her neck, deliberately making my way back up to
her lips. I no longer had any control over my movements.
“Fuck … Evie,” I rumbled into her mouth. “We need to stop.”
“I don’t want to stop.”
I pressed my hand over her throat, holding her down against my desk to
stare intently into her eyes.
“There’s only so much restraint I have left for you. If we don’t stop now,
I’m going to show you what it’s like to be with a real man.”
Her eyes widened. “Yes…”
My restraint snapped.
Loud and clear.
My eyes glazed over like a possessed man as my jaw clenched with my
thumb gliding over her mouth.
“I don’t want anything in between us. I want to feel every inch of your
pussy coming down my cock. I’m clean, darlin’. I get tested regularly. Now
tell me you’re on the pill.”
“I am.”
I growled, tearing at her dress.
“Hey! That’s my dress!”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll buy you a new one.” With that, I ripped it
Until all she was left in was her panties and bra.
“Christ, you’re fucking gorgeous.”
Unable to hold back, I stripped her naked, leaving her bare beneath me.
Taking a moment, I completely took her in. From her luscious breasts, to her
tiny waist, to her captivating fucking hips and legs until my greedy regard
found her pussy.
“Evie, do you have any idea what I’m about to do to you?”
Her eyes lit up, big and bold, luring me in even further.
“Spread your legs for me, darlin’, I want to show you what wet feels
Not waiting for her to answer, I got down on my knees and gripped onto
her thighs, tugging her ass to the edge of my desk with my face now inches
away from her cunt.
“Darlin’ you have the prettiest fucking pussy.”
I had no intention of stopping there. I’d only just begun.
“Your scent is fucking addicting. You know that, Evie?”
Her breathing hitched, waiting for my next move.
Her legs trembled.
Her body shook.
Her hips swayed, baiting me to continue.
“How should I make you wet first? Should it be with my fingers? My
mouth? Tell me how I should make you come?”
“Anyway you want me to…”
She moaned as I slid two fingers inside of her warm, welcoming pussy.
“I’m going to make you come down my hand by finger fucking you right
… here.” I pushed on her g-spot, not letting up. Her head fell back, and her
legs tightened around my face.
“Caleb … please…”
“Begging me isn’t going to give you mercy. If anything, it only triggers
me to do the opposite. Now the question is, should I make you come or make
you squirt. All I have to do is push back further and hit … right … here…”
“Oh God! Don’t stop… Please … right there … don’t stop…”
“You feel that, Evie? Now that’s me finger-fucking your g-spot, and it’s
what’s going to make you squirt for me.” Moving my fingers back and forth,
getting right up in there.
I gave her everything I had.
With the palm of my other hand, I stimulated her clit from side to side,
never letting up on my assault inside of her.
“Fuck my face my, Evie. Yeah ... just like that… There’s no one here,
darlin’. I want to hear you scream my name.”
It didn’t take long for her to do exactly that, screaming, “Caleb!” in pure
abandon. Coming so fucking hard, she almost pushed my fingers out.
I allowed her to ride the wave of ecstasy before huskily groaning, “Now
we can get to my favorite part.”
Our eyes connected.
What started off as tender became rough and demanding.
“I’m going to fuck you with my tongue.”
I stuck it into her pussy as far as it would go. Still playing with her
swollen, sensitive nub, manipulating it with the palm of my hand until she
came in the back of my throat.
“Caleb, Caleb, Caleb…”
The salty sweetness of her come was delicious.
My dick throbbed to the point of pain, so I unzipped my slacks and pulled
out my cock. I instantly stroked it up and down as she watched through a
hooded gaze, while I ate her out. There on my desk, overlooking downtown.
I’d never brought a woman back to my office, and yet I couldn’t wait to do
this with her again.
She went crazy with desire, coming so goddamn hard again. Her juices
dripped down my face and throat, and I loved every second of it. She even
drenched the top of my button-down shirt. Locking my other arm around her
thighs, I held her down.
She was squirming, begging for mercy. Her breathing was heavy and
deep, and her skin was bright pink and shimmered with a light film of sweat.
She shined bright with the afterglow of her orgasms.
I’d never tire of watching her come undone.
She was fucking breathtaking.
Letting her rest for a couple seconds, I wiped my mouth with the back of
my hand and licked the rest of her come from my lips, savoring it in my
mouth for as long as I could. Placing her legs on my shoulders, I stood in
front of her.
In one swift movement, I thrust deep inside of her. She jolted forward,
feeling the impact of my cock.
“You feel huge, Caleb.”
“Words every man loves to hear, darlin’.”
To prove my point, I pulled out and slammed back into her which caused
her body to inch higher on my desk.
The feel of her cunt.
The taste of her come.
The smell of her arousal.
I. Was. Fucked.
My mind was reeling with so many conflicting emotions, I couldn’t keep
up with them. There was so much I wanted to say, but I barely understood
what was wreaking havoc on my mind. I wanted to remember her just this
way. Her long hair spread all over her face. The way her cheeks were slightly
flushed and how the blush crept down her neck. How her lips were swollen
from my touch, and her serene eyes glazed over.
So beautiful.
So captivating.
Everything I didn’t know I could have until this moment.
I loved seeing every emotion I felt through her gaze as I thrust in and out
of her pussy. Her green eyes watched me passionately as I took what I
What she was giving me.
“Caleb, I never thought it could feel this way. What are you doing to
“I’m the man who’s given you your first orgasm, and I’m not stopping
anytime soon. Now I want you to come on my cock.”
Her body shuddered. Her pussy fit me like a glove.
I could have come right then and there, but I wanted to feel more of her.
Gripping onto her waist, I slammed in and out of her, getting as far as I could
inside of her.
Wanting to make us one person.
“Yeah, darlin’, just like that. Come down my balls.”
She let go, almost taking me with her. It was only then I let go of her legs
to lean forward and kiss her. Hugging around her neck, I brought her lips
closer to me. Our mouths fused together, unable to get enough of one
another. It seemed like hours had passed and the whole world was left behind
“Caleb…” she moaned, her pussy pulsating around my shaft, clamping
down hard.
I thrust in and out a few more times, and it felt so fucking good, until I
couldn’t hold back any longer. I came deep inside her.
Knowing all along…
I was falling for her.


I spent the night at his house again. Waking up in his arms was becoming
my new favorite thing.
“Mmm…” I groaned, feeling sore everywhere, but in the most amazing
Caleb stirred awake at the same time I did, both of us looking at the clock
on his nightstand. It was noon.
“Crap!” I jolted awake. “How do we keep sleeping in this late?”
“I wouldn’t call what we did sleeping.”
I smiled. “Yeah, you’re insatiable.”
“And you’re fucking addicting.”
I smiled bigger. “I have to go.”
“Oh, I see. I make you come all night, and now you’re leaving me?”
I giggled, loving his smart-ass personality. “I have to meet my brother.”
“Lucky for you, I have somewhere I have to be too, or else I’d hold you
captive in my bed.”
“You can hold me captive tonight if you want?”
He didn’t waver in replying, “It’s a date.”
“A date, huh?”
I squealed as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
“You can leave after we take a shower.”
“I’m going to be late!”
Smacking my ass, he argued, “Blame it on my insatiable need for your
addicting pussy.”
I was indeed late, arriving at Jax’s house an hour after I was supposed to
be there. I had to stop at my apartment and grab a couple of things I wanted
to show him. Caleb let me leave with his hoodie, and I didn’t take it off. I
wanted the scent of him on me for the rest of the day.
Using the key Jax gave me, I walked into his new place. This was his
second home, and he spent most of his time living in Miami, where he played
for the Miami Sharks. He wanted to make sure I still had access to his condo
in case I needed to stay there for whatever reason. He actually wanted me to
move in there, but it was too far away from campus, and I wanted my own
Closing the door behind me, I shouted, “Jax! I’m so sorry I’m late! I lost
track of time!”
He hollered, “I’m in the kitchen!”
I made my way over there, quickly realizing he wasn’t alone.
“Oh, crap. Am I interrupting you?”
“Not at all. This is actually why I wanted you to come over.”
What happened next could only be described as an out of body
experience. His guest turned around, stopping me dead in my tracks.
“Evie, I’d like you to meet my agent.”
My stomach dropped to the ground when he announced…

“Caleb, meet my half-sister, Evie.”

Chapter 9


first time since I’d met Caleb, I couldn’t read the expression on his face.
He was calm.
Why am I the only one freaking out?
“Evie, are you alright?” Jax questioned.
“Yeah, it’s just that we alre—”
Caleb extended his hand to me. “Nice to meet you, Evie.”
I jerked back, not expecting him to act like he didn’t know me.
What. The. Fuck.
Caleb’s stare turned guarded, showing me an expression I didn’t want to
see. Following his lead, I extended my hand to shake his. I couldn’t find the
words to speak.
Electricity jolted through me when our hands shook, and I knew he felt it
too. It didn’t matter who we were around, our connection was still very much
“What were you saying?” Jax persisted.
“Nothing.” I shook my head, trying to play it off as if my heart wasn’t
being stomped on by the man I was falling for. “I thought…” I hated that I
was going to lie.
His words, “No lies between us,” ran rampant in my mind.
Thinking quick on my feet, I reacted. “I thought I recognized your agent,
but I guess he just has one of those basic faces.”
I smiled, feeling great about my dig.
Caleb’s jaw clenched, fully aware I was baiting him.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Evie. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Jax looked me up and down. His tone quickly changed to protective. “Whose
hoodie are you wearing?”
My eyes connected to Caleb’s. “It’s the style now. Girls wearing men’s
“You still look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m just shocked you told him about me is all.”
I was surprised he was sharing this information with anyone. Jax and I
didn’t really talk about his career. The few times I’d heard him talking about
his agent, he never referred to him by name.
I had no idea Caleb and Jax even knew each other.
“I trust Caleb, Evie. He’s not going to run his mouth to anyone. Before he
was my agent, he was my fraternity big brother when I was a freshman.
We’ve been best friends ever since. He’s the reason I have this place to begin
with. He worked it in my contract. Caleb has my back, and I know he’ll have
yours too.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was like an episode of The
Twilight Zone.
“The season’s about to start. Most of my time is going to be spent in
Miami. You don’t have anyone other than me, and Caleb lives twenty
minutes from here. He can look out for you. It’s why I told him. With me not
around, you’ll still have family with you.”
Caleb winced. It was quick, but I saw it.
His loyalty was to my brother.
But where did that leave us?
I opened my mouth to respond, but again I couldn’t form words.
Is that why he’s pretending he doesn’t know me?
Finally, my heart caught up to my mind, and I questioned, “Jax, don’t you
think this is something we should have discussed first?”
“I didn’t expect Caleb to show up before you. You’re late.”
“Is this what you wanted to tell me?”
“It’s what I wanted to tell both of you. He’s already promised me he’ll be
around for you, Evie. And I can’t tell you how much peace of mind that’s
giving me. I don’t want to worry about you. You’re a kid in a new city.”
“I’m almost nineteen.”
“With no life experience.”
“I’m the bastard child, but I have no life experience?” I folded my arms
over my chest. “Make that make sense, Jax.”
“Listen…” He held his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “I’m not
trying to offend you. That’s not my intention. I just want to know that you’re
taken care of while I’m not here. You don’t have anyone else but me, Evie.
Can you put yourself in my shoes?”
I sighed, feeling like shit. However, I was still pissed. This situation was a
clusterfuck of emotions. I understood where Jax was coming from, but his
approach was all wrong.
Or maybe if Caleb wasn’t the man he was relying on, I wouldn’t feel so
upset about it. Either way it sucked. To make matters worse, Caleb
pretending like he didn’t know me only added insult to injury.
“Just consider Caleb like another brother.”
I scoffed, resisting the urge to reply that my new brother fucked me
senseless all night.
Feeling spiteful, I snapped, “Aren’t you worried he’s going to fall in love
with my amazing personality, Jax?”
After everything he said to me last night, I wanted to throw it in his face.
How was he going to keep this charade up?
Caleb glared at me, understanding what I was insinuating.
Good. Two can play this game, asshole.
Jax laughed. “That’s the least of my worries. I told you, I trust him. I
wouldn’t have asked him to look after you if I didn’t. Besides, he doesn’t do
relationships, and from the casual hookups I’ve seen him with, you’re not his
type, baby sister.”
“I’m not a baby.”
“Evie, I know you’re not a baby. But you’re my baby sister, and my job is
to protect you. No one has protected you since you were born, and there’s no
way in hell it’s going to continue that way. I told you I wanted you to transfer
to Miami University, but you were adamant on staying in Texas. Had I
known I had a half-sister a year ago, I would have played for my hometown
to stay close to you, but it’s too late now.”
My eyes shifted to Caleb. “You don’t have a problem with my brother
throwing me at you?”
My heart was pounding out of my chest, waiting for his retort. This was
his opportunity to speak up and be honest. Jax trusted him. One of the first
things Caleb told me was that he wasn’t a liar, and I believed him. I needed
him to come through on his word.
But Jax replied for him, “What’s with the attitude, Evie? I’m not
throwing you off on him.”
“I don’t like being treated like a child. I don’t need anyone’s protection. I
can take care of myself.” Glaring at Caleb, I alluded, “If you think you can
use me, then think again.”
Caleb stepped toward me. “It’s fine, Jax. She’s just a kid throwing a
temper tantrum.”
“You fuc—” I caught myself. “I need to go.”
“Evie, what is your problem?” Jax exclaimed.
“Him!” I pointed at Caleb. “He’s my problem!”
“Man, I am so sorry,” Jax apologized. “She doesn’t normally act this
“You need to call in for that phone interview, Jax.”
“Shit.” He looked down at his phone. “I forgot about that. I’m going to
step out real quick.” Nodding to me, he mouthed, “You need to chill,” before
he left us alone.
As soon as we heard the door close, Caleb was in my face.
In a sharp tone, he snarled, “That’s enough, Evie.”
He caught me off guard, causing me to completely lose my shit.


“Oh, so now you know me? That’s convenient for you. Should we call
Jax back into the room, so he knows his best friend just fucked his baby sister
like what? Two, three hours ago? And now he’s trying to fuck her over?”
I wanted to tear my hair out. I couldn’t believe this was even happening.
Out of all the women in the world, she ends up being my best friend’s little
Fuck me.
“Evie ... you need to stop acting like a child.”
“Well then, you need to stop acting like you don’t know me. What the
hell was that? Are you really going to keep this charade up?”
“Sweetheart, we barely know each other. It was one day.”
She jerked back. The hurt was evident all over her face.
What could I do?
Either way, I was fucked.
“So everything you said last night was bullshit? What was that? Just a
game to get me into bed?”
“You know that’s not true.”
“I don’t know shit. All I know is I showed up to my brother’s house, and
the man who told me that I make him question everything is pretending like
he doesn’t know me.”
“I promised you nothing.”
“Are you for real?”
“If I had known Jax was your brother, Evie, last night wouldn’t have
“What about the night before? You would have just let Ryan throw me in
his car?”
My expression immediately turned heated.
“Oh, so you do care. Good to know I didn’t just imagine it.”
“You need to calm down.”
“And you need to stop telling me what to do. Despite what my brother
thinks, I don’t answer to you.”
“You’re going to find out really fucking quick that you actually do.”
She ignored my warning. “So what? Yesterday didn’t happen? I’m
supposed to pretend like your dick wasn’t in my mouth? How about
everything you said to me? Am I supposed to forget that too?”
“Last night was between two consensual adults. Whatever I said was in
the heat of the moment. Now knowing who you are, there’s no way in hell
I’m ever going there with you again.”
I had to draw the line. It was pointless to lead her on in anyway other than
me looking out for her. I wouldn’t lose control with her again, and she
needed to understand that. The man she met was long gone. The only thing
that was left of him was my guilty conscience.
Shoving away the memories of her, I admitted, “I don’t want to hurt you,
but your brother means more to me than you.”
She grimaced, making me feel like an even bigger piece of shit.
“I’m such an idiot. I should have known better than to trust you. Men are
all the same. Thanks for reminding me of that.”
“No! You don’t get to call me that. I don’t ever want to see you again.”
“You don’t have a choice. I already promised your brother, so, darlin’,
get used to my presence in your life because I’m not going anywhere.”
“We’ll see about that.” Slowly, she stepped back. “Tell Jax I had a
migraine and had to leave, but the truth is, I can’t look at you anymore. You
might be able to pretend like you didn’t feel everything I did yesterday, but
I’m not as great of a liar as you are.”
There was nothing I could say that could change the outcome of this day.
This was just how things between us needed to stay. If she wanted to hate me,
that was her problem. I made a promise to my best friend that I would be
there for her regardless.
Adding the final nail to my coffin, I demanded, “I want my hoodie before
you go,” referring to the one she was wearing.
Shaking her head in disbelief at my cold demeanor, she pulled it off and
threw it at me, and I caught it midair. Right when she opened the door to
leave, I couldn’t help myself in stressing…
“You’re my responsibility now.”

Meaning every last word.

Chapter 10

Now: One month later


“Evie, I’m so sorry to do this to you,” my office manager, Khloe,
informed. “We have a very disgruntled client who is demanding to speak to
For the last five years, I’d owned a recruiting agency, and this didn’t
happen often. Our clients were always satisfied and pleased with our
referrals. We only worked with reliable, professional people who wanted a
job in whatever field a client was looking for. My company prided itself on
the success we had with our recruits.
Despite wanting to do this on my own, Jax recommended me to all of his
friends and teammates. From the start of my business, we had athletes,
celebrities, entrepreneurs—you name it, and we had them as a client.
The first year alone, my agency grossed over ten million. I relocated my
company about a month ago, moving from Atlanta back to Fort Worth,
Texas. I wanted to be close to Jax and his new family. Especially now that
they wanted a fleet of kids.
All my employees moved with me, which spoke highly of my
organization. I treated my staff like family. I was a firm believer in taking
care of my employees, and in return they’d do the same for me.
To hear a client was upset didn’t sit well with me.
“What happened?”
“We’ve been working with this client for the last three months. Every
nanny we’ve sent him has been fired within the first few days of working at
his home. They all report back saying he’s a miserable, grumpy asshole and
that they couldn’t do anything right. They were constantly getting yelled at
by him. He’s super OCD about his kids’ schedules. About what they need to
be eating, watching, etc. You name it and it’s been an issue, Evie. It’s just
been one thing after another with this man.”
“How many nannies have we sent him?”
“He just fired the fifteenth nanny.”
“Fifteen?” I exclaimed. “That’s insane.”
“Tell me about it. And the problem isn’t with the recruits we’re sending.
Everyone is highly qualified with several recommendations from our elite
clients. It’s ridiculous. Usually, I’ve been able to deal with this man over the
phone, but today he showed up out of nowhere. And let me tell you, Evie,
he’s an absolute control freak, who wouldn’t be happy if we sent him Mary
Poppins herself!”
“Where is he now?”
“In my office. I’m using the phone in the lunch room. He wouldn’t leave
until he spoke to you. He’s yelled at everyone, including me. He needs a new
nanny by tomorrow. He’s flying to Spain with his kids for his business
opening there and is demanding a new nanny or else. The problem is we
don’t have anyone left. He’s fired them all. The worst part is he’s not taking
any accountability. Per our contract with him, he says it’s our responsibility
to fulfill his needs and we have yet to do so.”
“Jesus, this guy sounds like a prick.” I took a deep breath. “Don’t worry,
I’ll handle it. Please escort him to my office.”
“I’m emailing you his file. May the force be with you, Evie. You’re going
to need it with this guy.”
I hung up, anxiously waiting for him to arrive. My computer dinged with
a new email, bringing my attention to the screen in front of me.
“Oh my God…” was all I could express when I saw his name in the
subject line.
Before I could open his file, the door to my office flung open and
slammed into the wall behind it. There in front of my eyes was the man I
least expected looking fucking furious.
Ready to go to battle with me.
Abruptly, I stood and greeted, “Good afternoon, Mr. Hawkins.”
“Mr. Hawkins?” he bit, shutting the door in Khloe’s face.
What an asshole!
“You’re really going to pretend like you don’t know me?”
I smiled, refusing to give him an inch or he’d take a mile.
“Please have a seat.”
“Don’t patronize me, Evie. You owe me a nanny.”
“Mr. Hawkins, it’s been brought to my attention you’re dissatisfied with
our services, but let me remind you that we’ve sent you fifteen—”
“I don’t give a shit if you’ve sent me a hundred. What kind of agency are
you running that you can’t send me a capable nanny to watch my children?”
“Mr. Hawkins—”
“Enough with the Mr. Hawkins bullshit, sweetheart. You were deep
throating my cock a month ago.”
My hands fisted at my sides.
Do not let him get to you, Evie. All he wants is to get under your skin.
Clearing my throat, I politely denied, “I don’t recall that interaction with
He stepped toward me, each stride more determined than the last.
“No?” he baited, cocking his head to the side.
I could see it in his eyes, he was coming…
For me.
“How about you get on your knees, and I’ll remind you—”
“Excuse me, Mr. Hawkins,” I sternly interrupted, not playing this game
with him. “You’re in my office, so either you give me the respect I deserve,
or you will leave.”
“I’m not leaving until you give me another nanny.”
“I will happily refer another agency for you—”
“I don’t want anyone but you.”
The tone in his voice insinuated he wasn’t referring to a nanny, and it
pissed me off that I still caught on to his innuendos.
“It’s obvious we’re not meeting your demands, and another agency could
“Per our contract, you owe me a nanny or else.”
“Or else what, Mr. Hawkins?”
“I’ll hold you liable. Do you want me to tarnish your reputable name by
telling everyone I know how incompetent your nannies have been?”
“Everyone we have sent you is personally screened by me before they’re
added to our recruitment list. I know for a fact that the fifteen nannies we’ve
sent you in the last three months have been well overqualified to look after
your children.”
“If by overqualified you mean they can’t understand or follow a simple
schedule, then I’d hate to see what you think underqualified is, Evie.”
“Maybe your schedule is too demanding, Mr. Hawkins.”
“If you call me Mr. Hawkins one more time, I’m going to bend you over
your desk and fuck my name out of your mouth.”
Unable to control it any longer, I snapped, “You arrogant son of a bitch!”
I regretted it immediately, fully aware I just gave him exactly what he
sought out of me which simply infuriated me further.
“But look what it’s done for your perspective. At least you’re not
addressing me as Mr. Hawkins anymore.”
“I have tons of names I could call you. How about I start with lying
bastard? You think I don’t know what you’re doing?”
He grinned as he sat down. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on
his knees, linking his fingers together in a prayer gesture as he arched an
“By all means, darlin’. Enlighten me.”
“Fine. Let’s start with the fact that not once did you mention you were
using my agency for a nanny at Jax’s vow renewal. You’re doing this on
purpose, manipulating your way back into my life. Exactly how you did
when I was in college. This is so catty of you. I can’t believe you’d stoop to
this level to bulldoze your way into my life again.”
“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but that sounds more like your
fantasy than our reality of what’s happening right now.”
“Then why did you use my agency?”
“Everyone said you were the best. Come to find out, you’re far from it.”
“If you were so unhappy with our services, why didn’t you bring it up at
the vow renewal?”
“When was I supposed to mention it? When my face was buried in your
pussy or when you were riding my dick?”
“How about when we were at the bar slamming shots?”
“The only thing I slammed was my cock into your cunt.”
“Holy shit, Caleb!”
He smiled, big and wide. “And just like that, I’m Caleb again.”
“What you are is a liar! Old habits die hard, huh?”
“If you have to tell yourself that in order to continue this pretense that I
don’t mean anything to you, then I’ll make myself crystal fucking clear. If I
don’t have a new nanny knocking on my door tomorrow morning”—he stood
and took one last look in my direction as he walked backward toward the
door—“then you’re in for a reminder of what I’m capable of.”
“Oh, trust me, Mr. Hawkins. For what feels like the hundredth time in my
life, you’re just trying to fuck me over. Again! When I’ve done nothing to
deserve it. I’ll find you a nanny, okay? But I’m going to need more time.”
“You have twenty-four hours. I need someone at my house tomorrow
morning. I want to introduce my kids to their new nanny and see how she fits
in with us before we leave for Spain the following day. I’m opening an
international agency, and for the next three months I have to be there to get it
off the ground.”
“What about Tessa?”
“What about her?”
“She’s letting you take the kids for the next three months?”
“She has no say.”
“What does that mean?”
“I told you there’s a lot you don’t know.”
“I’m listening.”
“Great. Then I expect to have a new nanny at my door tomorrow
morning, fully packed.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Time and place, darlin’.”
I rolled my eyes. “You always were a control freak.”
“And you were always a pain in my ass.” He smiled, speaking with

“Good to know my girl’s still the same.”

Chapter 11


don’t want another nanny. Why can’t we just have you?”
“Baby, I already told you. I’m going to need help while we’re away.”
She folded her arms over her chest, frowning.
“Ariel, don’t look at me like that.”
“But, Daddy, we don’t want anyone but you. Right, Ethan?”
He was sitting in the seat beside her, playing on his iPad. Not listening as
Pinching the bridge of my nose, my patience with him was wearing thin.
“Ethan, how many times have I told you that you can’t be on your iPad
all morning?”
“But Mom lets me.”
“If I hear that one more time, I’m taking it away.”
“But, Dad, it’s true!”
“Give me your iPad, Ethan.”
“Fine.” He set it on my desk, bowing his head.
I sighed, inhaling a deep breath.
This wasn’t the relationship I ever wanted to have with my kids.
However, Tessa never gave me a choice in the matter. I was always the
primary parent, setting rules, discipline, making sure they stayed on schedule,
they ate, they went to their activities, and so forth.
The list was endless.
The only thing Tessa was good at was spending my money. She gave the
kids everything they wanted, often making us argue about her lack of
parenting skills. She didn’t give a fuck. Tessa only cared about one person,
and that was her. Mother wasn’t the word I’d use to describe her role in our
kids’ life. We had been in a nasty custody battle since we got a divorce over a
year ago.
Currently, I had full custody of our kids with her having visitation rights.
I didn’t trust her to be alone with them, and she proved me right time after
time. The kids were a weapon she used on me every chance she could get.
They were just a pawn in her web of manipulation.
How she got two children out of me to begin with was as mind-blowing
to me as it was to anyone who was around us. I didn’t pretend to be anything
other than our kids’ father. Still, after over a decade, she meant nothing to
However, I wouldn’t give my kids up for anything.
I loved them in ways I didn’t think was possible. Everything I did was for
them. Especially when it came to their mother. Which was why I needed a
qualified nanny who could handle my rigorous demands when it came to my
children. I wouldn’t settle for anything but the best.
I struggled with trying to find time for Ethan and Ariel. It was the only
aspect of my life I was failing at. I spent a lot of time working. Now, with
starting a new agency abroad, it was going to be more difficult to find the
right balance between working and being present in their lives.
Up until three months ago, my mom was helping me with the kids. She
had since Ethan was born. They bought property near my home to be in our
lives after Tessa and I got married, realizing very fucking quickly Tessa was
unstable and couldn’t be trusted.
Now they were dealing with my brother’s never ending bullshit. They
couldn’t help me like they were before. Hence, why I needed a nanny.
It was almost 9 A.M., and I was beginning to worry no one would show
up. I was royally fucked if I didn’t have a nanny to travel with us. My
assistants could only watch the kids for so long. They needed stability and a
routine. Someone they could count on other than me.
Between them and my agencies, my plate was full to the max. I had to
have someone I could trust in their lives and in our home.
No matter what, it was my job to protect them.
Looking at the clock again, the doorbell rang, echoing off my office
walls. My assistant interrupted us, telling the kids to come with her, so I
could deal with who was at our door.
I grabbed my cell phone and stuck it inside the pocket of my suit jacket
while grabbing the files I had for the kids’ schedules off my desk. Once I had
everything I needed, I made my way downstairs.
The doorbell rang again as I opened it.
Revealing a very pissed off Evie.


Before he could speak a word, I shoved the document against his chest,
catching him off guard. He clutched the paperwork before it fluttered to the
“Here’s our contract. If you agree to all of my terms, you’re looking at
your new nanny.”
He didn’t bat an eye as he flung the document back at me. “I’m not
signing this.”
“What?” I scoffed. He was already testing my patience, and it was only
nine in the morning. “You didn’t even look at it.”
“I don’t have to look it over to know it’s full of terms and conditions I
refuse to follow.”
“Well then, I’m not going.”
“Darlin’, even if I signed your bullshit agreement, I’m not going to obey
it. We both know I don’t answer to anyone.”
“Especially me, right?”
“Did I say a word?”
“You didn’t have to. It was implied. But I’m not surprised in the least. It
won’t be the first time you’ve broken a promise to me.”
“The only thing I’ve ever broken is your heart.”
“Don’t give yourself that much credit, Caleb. Actually, I’m grateful we
never worked out.”
“Is that right?”
“Absolutely. I don’t have to answer to you. I didn’t then, and I don’t
“Then why are you standing at my door with your suitcase?”
“You’ve given me no choice. Again, you’ve forced your hand in my life.
Except this time it’s through my business. I’ve worked too damn hard to have
the best agency around, and I won’t let you take that away from me. So here I
am. You need a nanny. I have rules. Take it or leave it.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Since when have we ever followed the
rules, Evie?”
“That was before. I won’t fall for your antics this time. I don’t even drink
tequila anymore, so don’t think you’ll be able to get into my pants through
“You make it sound like I took advantage of you, sweetheart, which
couldn’t be further from the truth. I gave you what you wanted, or better yet,
what you were begging me for.”
“I’m not here to talk about that mistake. In fact, I don’t want to discuss
anything that isn’t about Ethan and Ariel, as you’ll see on page three of my
contract. We’re not friends, Caleb. I have no interest of going down that road
with you.”
“Going down or on?”
“Per condition twelve on page four of our agreement, you’re not allowed
to talk to me like that anymore.”
“I haven’t signed a thing. I can speak to you any damn way I please.”
“Fine.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Good luck on your trip with your
kids. Talk never.”
With that, I spun around to leave, but he caught my wrist, stopping me.
A spark of electricity sizzling through my skin was not what I expected.
Even after all these years, the lies, the pain, the memories of what could have
been, I thought I’d put it all behind me.
However, it was still alive and thriving. Our connection wasn’t something
I could ever ignore. Trust me, I’d spent years trying. My body’s reaction to
him was another emotion I wasn’t prepared for.
Instead of succumbing to him, I yanked my arm back and snapped,
“Don’t touch me.”
The bastard actually had the brass balls to grin, knowing exactly why I
was warning him. I don’t know how long we stood there, a power struggle
raging between us. Until out of nowhere, his baby girl wrapped her arm
around his leg.
This was the first time I’d seen her in person. After he married Tessa,
Caleb completely shut me out of his life in every way, shape, or form. I’d
only run into him randomly a couple times throughout the years. I’d seen
pictures of them at Jax’s house and in the press. Caleb was the best sports
agent in the industry, and reporters loved his rugged, handsome face. He was
getting better looking with age.
He was a private person. I’d never read or seen an interview with him.
Very rarely had I seen photos of his kids on gossip sites or magazines while
they were out in public. I had seen a few pictures of him and Tessa over the
years, but they weren’t intimate shots.
No one knew about my history with Caleb. It was always something I had
to go through alone, making me hate him even more for putting me through
the wringer with his over possessive bullshit. The number of dates this man
ruined for me while I was in college would blow anyone’s mind. Not to
mention, all the parties he would miraculously show up to. It was ridiculous.
I was young.
Fucking stupid.
Thinking he was doing it because he was in love with me when in reality
who the hell knows. Having his daughter look up at me with such a guarded
expression hurt my heart for her. This wasn’t about Caleb and me—this was
about his kids.
Jax unknowingly kept me in the loop over the years. He didn’t hide his
distaste for Caleb’s wife and his concern for their kids. Jax was their
godfather, and he loved them like they were his own. He often stated that
Tessa wasn’t fit to be called, “Mom,” saying Caleb was raising them on his
own, and all she did was spend his hard-earned money.
He felt bad for Ethan and Ariel. Now seeing Ariel for myself, I couldn’t
help but love her immediately, which only added to my confused emotions on
where I stood with Caleb.

And what would come of us.

Chapter 12


Did you know that my favorite movie is The Little Mermaid?”
She shyly smiled, hiding part of her face behind his leg.
“You kind of look like her.”
“That’s what Daddy says.”
Hearing her address him as Daddy did all sorts of things to my core.
Stupid vagina.
“Maybe we can watch it today?”
“Ariel’s screen time is reserved for Saturday afternoons only.”
I glared up at him, quickly remembering that Khloe mentioned his
schedule for his kids was asinine. It was crazy, the way his demeanor
suddenly changed with Ariel there. I was used to the hot and cold from him,
but not in this form.
Not wanting to argue with Caleb in front of his daughter, I replied, “I
guess we can watch it on Saturday.”
She didn’t say a word, eyeing me suspiciously.
“Oh!” Out of nowhere, a woman appeared near the foyer. “There you
are,” she said to Ariel, crouching to her level. “I was just looking—”
Caleb interrupted in an annoyed tone, “How hard is it to keep track of a
little girl?”
What a grump! Who is this man?
“Hi,” I announced, bringing the woman’s attention over to me. “I’m the
new nanny.”
“You are?” Ariel chimed in with her bright hazel eyes staring into my
I smiled at her adorable face. “Do you want me to be?”
She instantly gazed up at her father, waiting for his approval. It was like a
knife to my heart, the way she was waiting on him to lead her one way or
“Ariel.” The woman nodded at her. “Your piano instructor will be here
soon. We need to get you dressed.”
She frowned.
What five-year-old needs to be learning the piano?
Ariel reluctantly left with the woman. I could tell she wanted to tell her
dad she didn’t like the piano but was scared to.
The little interaction I had with his daughter was enough for me to go
against everything I refused to give into. The kids needed me—that much
was evident. End of story.
The last thing I wanted was to get emotionally attached to his children in
an unprofessional way, but it was obvious I’d have no choice in my affection
for them. It was only day one and already Ariel had me wrapped around her
little finger, and I knew it would be the same with his son.
The connection between Caleb and me was obviously extending to his
children in a way I didn’t anticipate.
Taking a deep, reassuring breath, I bartered, “Ignore the contract I made
for us. I only have one condition, okay?”
“And what’s that?”
“Absolutely no sex.”
He scoffed out a chuckle.
“I mean it. I’m your nanny for the next three months, but that’s it. Do you
“Do you?” he arrogantly countered.
“I’m with someone.”
“See, unlike you, I’m not a liar.”
“You weren’t with someone a month ago.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m with someone now.”
“What’s his name?”
“I’m not telling you his name.”
“Why? Because he doesn’t exist?”
“Because it’s none of your business.”
“You’ll be living with me and taking care of my kids. Everything you do
will be my business.”
“Talk about red flags, Mr. Hawkins. I’m being serious.”
“I’ll remember that the next time you’re begging me to make you come.”
“You’ll be waiting forever, seeing as it’s not happening. Now do we have
a deal?”
He stood back and fully opened the door, nodding toward the entryway.
Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?
The kids needed me. I just had to keep reminding myself of that. My sole
focus was on them.
Just them.
I stepped inside, taking in his home as we walked toward what I assumed
was his office. His house was stunning, immaculate, and everything was in its
place. It didn’t look like the kids were even living there. No pictures adorned
the walls along the hall, nothing made the house feel homey or loved.
Shaking my head in disbelief, I strode into his office, taking a seat in
front of his desk. For the next hour, he went over their schedules, activities,
and what would be expected of my care for them.
After another absurd duty in their routines, I blurted, “You do realize
Ethan and Ariel are only kids, right?”
Caleb leaned back in his leather chair.
“I mean, do you see this rigorous schedule you have them on? When do
they get to play and just be kids?”
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion. I fired the last nanny who
gave me her unsolicited judgment.”
“I’m not judging. I’m just concerned for their wellbeing.”
“I’m not paying you for your concern about anything, Evie.”
“Don’t you want what’s best for them?”
“It’s why you’re sitting in front of me.”
“Then allow me to do my job. I’ll follow your schedule to an extent,
Caleb, but I’m also adding activities that don’t include piano lessons for a
five-year-old. For example, hide and seek or making cookies.”
“How are either of those activities going to help my children in their
future? I followed the same schedule as a child, and look how well I turned
“Hmmm…” I lifted my finger to my mouth, pausing for effect.
“Debatable.” Before he could object, I continued, “Not everything is about
their future. Being an adult is hard enough without having memories of a
carefree childhood. Trust me, I would know.”
He considered it for a second. “I’ll give you one day a week.”
“I want one fun activity a day.”
“Absolutely not.”
“I suggest you don’t raise your voice to me in my home, Evie.”
“In a minute, I’m going to raise more than that.”
We went back and forth for what felt like an eternity until we finally
came to a mutual agreement on his demanding routine for the kids.
“Since it’s one o’clock,” I mocked, pointing to where they would be on
his calendar, “I’m going to go crash their swim lesson.”
I stood, halting my step as soon as I heard, “You need to sign this NDA
before you go.”
I jerked back. “You can’t be serious.”
“Does it look like I’m not?”
“You don’t trust me?” I bit, offended.
He folded his arms over his broad, muscular chest.
Stop checking him out, Evie!
“You know, for someone who hates me, you sure have an issue with me
not trusting you.”
His statement fueled my fire. I grabbed the NDA off his desk and signed
Throwing it back at him, I asserted, “My hate for you is still strong, Mr.


My son took to her almost instantly. It wasn’t a surprise, though—like

father, like son. I couldn’t help but watch them from my office window when
I should have been working on finalizing the contracts of my new employees.
Over the last thirteen years, my agency had acquired several different
offices throughout the United States, but the one in Spain would be my first
international organization. All eyes were on me. The pressure to deliver
weighed heavily on my mind. My companies were the best, and it was never
a title I took lightly.
I needed to make sure everything was ready to open in the next couple of
days once we landed. Instead, I was standing at my fucking window,
watching Evie step out of the pool, wearing a black bathing suit. It wasn’t
revealing by any means, but damn her body looked amazing. Evie always had
big, perky tits for being so fucking tiny.
Her skin was flushed.
Her body wet.
Her nipples peeking through her triangle top.
My intense gaze trailed down her neck toward her breasts, right to her
narrow, small waist. The memory of gripping onto her hips and slamming her
down onto my cock a month ago was messing with my head.
Her soft skin, slender thighs, and round, plump ass…
Made me lose control. Where I handed it right over to her.
Narrowing my eyes, I continued my visual assault down to her tight, flat
stomach, wanting to kiss my way toward her perfect pussy.
“Fuck me,” I groaned, leaving my office.
I’d memorized every curve of her body, every inch of her flesh—every
part of her was engrained in my mind. Right where I wanted it. Once I was
by the outdoor kitchen near the pool, she started splashing around, playing
with the kids.
Ethan and Ariel watched her as if they were staring at a wild animal,
unaware of how to react to her antics. When they realized I was standing
there, they looked over at me for guidance.
Evie followed their stare, landing right on me. Her gaze connected with
mine, and I could see it in her mischievous eyes.
“Don’t you—”
A flood of water flew in my direction, soaking my suit in seconds.
I stepped back, threatening, “Don’t start a war you can’t win.”
Of course she didn’t let up. If anything, my words simply provoked her
“Oh, come on, Mr. Hawkins! Show your kids you can smile!”
“You want me to smile, Evie?”
I didn’t hesitate on removing my jacket and rolling up the sleeves of my
button-down shirt. Kicking off my shoes next, I jumped into the deep end and
swam straight toward her. My kids probably thought I’d lost my damn mind.
In a way, I had. Evie always had this power of bringing me out of myself,
if that made any sense at all. Over a decade later, she still had that influence
over my personality. If she wanted a smile out of me, then it would be on my
Her legs kicking through the water as she hauled ass away from me was
enough to make me laugh, but I still gripped onto her ankle and tugged her
under the surface. I held her down for a few seconds before letting her up for
“How about that for a smile?” I taunted, grinning. “Are you smiling
“Not as much as you are!”
I dunked her again. It was then I heard my kids laughing for the first time
in what felt like forever.
“Are you done?” I asked, holding her up out of the water.
I submerged her in the pool a few more times until I finally let her go.
Unable to resist, I held onto her for a minute. Loving the feel of her body
against mine. The memories of another place and time played out like a
movie that was happening right then and there and not years ago. There was
so much I wanted to say to Evie, yet I didn’t know where to start explaining
the last eight years to anybody, let alone her.
I whispered the only thing I could in that moment, “I told you,
sweetheart, don’t start something with me you can’t finish.”
She sucked in a breath, aware I did that on purpose.

If I was going to go down memory lane, then I was taking her with me.
Chapter 13

Then: Three months later


“Thanks.” I slid off my jean shorts. “I don’t think I’ve ever owned a
bathing suit with this little bit of fabric on it.”
“That’s what happens when they don’t have your size. You’re welcome.”
Tessa and I didn’t hang out a lot, but she was always inviting me to
sorority and fraternity parties. This was the first one I’d attended since the
incident with Ryan. I wanted to enjoy college and not live in fear. I decided
today was the day to give this social scene another try.
My school load was intense, and I was busy with classes, therefore hadn’t
made any friends yet. Despite parties not being in my comfort zone, I was
hopeful I’d meet some new people to bring into my life.
Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of friends. I was definitely more of a
loner, being raised as an only child. It was hard on me. The older I became,
the more I wanted to know Jax in hopes of having a sense of family in my
life. It was why I was adamant to meet him, and waiting eighteen years was
long enough.
Now that Jax was living in Miami for the season, I couldn’t continue to
isolate myself anymore. I depended solely on him, and it wasn’t fair. Like
everyone else my age, I had to step out of my comfort zone to enjoy the
college experience or I’d regret it.
It was nice feeling like there were new opportunities that would arise. It
was easy to connect with people at the party. Everyone was friendly and
welcoming. It was reassuring that I’d made the right choice by attending.
I don’t know how I got dragged into playing “chicken” with a couple of
people in the pool, but there I was…
Sitting on Josh’s shoulders.
At least he was in my economics class, so we weren’t complete strangers.
Josh had a great smile and laugh. His body wasn’t bad either. We quickly hit
it off, getting to know one another. When he asked me if I wanted to go out to
lunch with him the next day, I told him I’d get back to him.
Dating was just another thing I needed to do.
I hadn’t been in a relationship since dating Kyle my junior year of high
school. Though, for some unknown reason, every time I thought about dating
again, I saw Caleb’s handsome face.
As much as I wanted to forget about him and the night we shared, I
couldn’t. The last time I saw him was at Jax’s place. However, he did end up
getting my phone number from Jax that afternoon. Caleb began texting me a
few times a week, asking me how things were going. I never responded. I
didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of my time and energy.
I silently chastised myself for thinking about him while I was sitting on
another guy’s shoulders. Instead of focusing on things I couldn’t change
between us, I shook away the thoughts of Caleb and concentrated on kicking
this girl’s ass in “chicken.”
“Yes! Get it, babe!” Josh celebrated our win, turning me around on his
shoulders. My core was now in his face.
“Josh!” I exclaimed, surprised by the turn in events. Jolting back, I lost
my balance and fell into his arms.
I swear there was a drastic shift in the air. It was the weirdest sensation
I’d ever felt. One minute, I was laughing and having fun. The next, I was in
Josh’s embrace with my legs wrapped around his waist.
I felt him before I actually saw him. Subconsciously, my stare shifted
behind Josh, finding the man I least expected. Who was glaring at us with
such disdain.
“Oh, shit,” I breathed out, pulling away from Josh.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m saving your life.”
I swam away from him, going toward the stairs. When I lifted my head
out of the water, there was a white towel in my face, and I didn’t have to
wonder who was holding it. Shoving the towel away, I stood in front of him.
He immediately started off on the wrong foot, snapping, “What the fuck
are you wearing?”
“Are you always this aggressive, or do I just bring out the worst in you?”
“Evie, you need to put some fucking clothes on.”
“Or what?”
“You’re going to answer to me.”
“What’s your problem? I haven’t seen you in months, and you show up
out of nowhere, barking orders at me like I’m your dog.”
“If I had a dog, it would listen to me. You do not.”
“Whatever. I’m just wearing a bikini. You need to relax. Or what?” I
extended my arms. “You don’t think I look good?”
Caleb’s stare turned predatory as he took me in, from my breasts to my
legs and back up again. Although I was trying to feel empowered by my
rebuttal, the expression on his face made me feel the exact opposite.
Vulnerable and naked.
I was learning that was never a good thing when it came to the man
staring daggers at me.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“You don’t have a problem with every other man here looking at you the
way I am.”
Before I could reply, he wrapped the towel around my body, holding it
closed out in front of my chest.
“Feel better, old man?”
“Darlin’,” he warned through a clenched jaw. “Don’t fucking test me.
Now go inside and put some goddamn clothes on.”
“You’re not the boss of me.”
“Oh!” I mocked. “Suddenly you remember who I am? Funny how that
“Don’t bait me, sweetheart. I’m in no mood for your temper tantrums.”
“Then why are you here?”
“To drive you home.”
“I don’t want to go home.”
“I don’t give a shit what you want.”
“Yeah, that much is clear, but you’re not ruining another thing for me.
I’m hanging out with Josh. We’re going on a date tomorrow.”
“The fuck you are.”
“Now you think you control my dates? What the hell is that? What am I
supposed to do? Huh? Sit at home and become the cat lady?”
“At least your pussy wouldn’t be in some random guy’s face.”
“Hey! That was an accident. He was trying to get me off of him.”
“He was definitely trying to get something off, but it sure as shit wasn’t
you from his body.”
“You don’t even know him.”
“Neither do you.”
“No shit, Sherlock. That’s why we’re going on a date.”
“I won’t repeat myself again, Evie. Get your ass inside and go change, so
I can drive you home.”
“Josh didn’t do anything wrong. He was just trying to get me off his
“Like Ryan was just trying to take you home to read you a bedtime
“I can’t live in fear forever, Caleb. We were playing “chicken.” You
know, in case you weren’t stalking me up to that point. What do you want me
to do? Never leave my apartment? Would that make you happy?”
“If your brother saw what you were wearing right now, he wouldn’t be
“You know what else wouldn’t make my brother happy? The way you’re
acting right now.”
“I’m protecting you.”
“For whose benefit? His or yours?”
“That’s enough, Evie.”
I shook my head, annoyed he was treating me like a child. “What are you
even doing here?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Do you have a tracker on me or something? How did you know I was
I never expected him to shamelessly admit, “I have pledges watching
My mouth dropped open. “You’re spying on me?”
“I gave Jax my word.”
“Your word, huh? Were you protecting me when you were balls deep
inside of me a couple months ago?”
He growled.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Old Grumpy Pants. Did I hit a nerve?”
“Evie,” he cautioned in a voice I didn’t appreciate.
Smiling wide, I threw off the towel and jumped into the pool, splashing
“Did you forget how to have fun because you’re so old?”
“You want me to have fun?”
I should have known better, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to get a
rise out of him. I just didn’t anticipate him jumping in after me to dunk my
head under the water.
“Don’t start a war you can’t win.”
He plunged my head under again, holding me down for a few seconds.
“You done?”
The crowd began cheering him on, only triggering Caleb to keep dunking
my head until he finally let me go.
“I told you, sweetheart, don’t start something you can’t finish.”
“You bully!”
He smiled. “I thought you wanted me to have fun?”
“By trying to drown me?”
“By getting you wet.”
I didn’t hesitate in arguing, “I was wet before you got here, thanks to
Josh. Now you’re just sloppy seconds.”
With that, I stormed out of the pool and purposely strutted my ass inside
the house, running into Tessa on my way to the bathroom.
I left my bag under the sink and wanted to change out of my wet bikini to
tell Josh I’d love to go on a date with him.
“How do you know Caleb?” Tessa asked, catching me off guard.
“Oh, I uh, met him at the last party I went to with you.”
“So you guys are friends now?”
Suddenly, Caleb was standing beside us, asking the same question, “How
do you two know each other?”
“Evie’s my new roommate.”
Caleb’s expression was unreadable while Tessa’s was clearly surprised.
What’s happening?
The atmosphere quickly turned awkward, and I excused myself from the
tension that was happening between them.
Did they hook up?
The plaguing question was annoying as I locked the bathroom, knowing
Caleb would more than likely follow me in there if I didn’t.
Seconds later, he ordered, “Open the door, Evie.”
“No, I’m good.”
What happened next was straight out of a movie. The lock on the door
turned and Caleb barged in, shutting it behind him.
“What the hell? Now you’re MacGyver? Did you just pick the lock?”
He leaned his back against the door and folded his arms over his chest.
“Is that a yes?”
“It’s not a no.”
Unable to resist, I blurted, “Did you have sex with Tessa?”
“You answered awfully fast.”
“Because it’s the truth.”
“Then what was that back there?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does to her.”
“Yet you’re the one who’s asking me.”
“Stop with the reverse psychology bullshit, okay? I’m not stupid. The
tension between the two of you was palpable. Did you fuck her over like you
did with me?”
“I didn’t fuck you over, Evie.”
“Yeah, whatever. You didn’t answer my question.”
“There’s nothing to answer.”
“So if I asked Tessa, she’d say the same?”
“It depends on what personality she has that day.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Tessa wasn’t around a lot. She spent more of her time at the sorority
house than she did at our apartment. I didn’t think anything of it until that
“You need to get dressed.”
“I said you need to get dressed.”
“Ugh! Fine!”
I didn’t think twice about it, reaching for the strings of the top and bottom
of my bikini.


“You want me to change? I’m going to have to get naked first.”

For a minute, I thought she was toying with me. Little by little, she
proved that she wasn’t. Slowly, she pulled the strings of her bathing suit. I
should have stopped her, but I couldn’t get my mouth to move.
I tried not to watch, but fuck me … there was no choice. My eyes drank
her in as the fabric fell to the floor, leaving her naked in front of me. I was
rendered speechless by the beauty that was Evie Monroe. Nothing compared
to the vision of her petite body, curvy in all the right places.
She’s your client and your best friend’s little sister. Get your shit
together, Caleb.
She was wet.
Her hair cascaded down the sides of her face, looking like a fucking angel
when she was the devil trying to lure me in.
I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly feeling dry as hell. The moment I
saw her sit on the edge of the sink, I was done for. There would be no coming
back from this.
“What, Caleb? I thought you said you wanted me to change? I’m just
doing what you asked.”
“I didn’t ask you to strip for me.”
“You followed me in here, didn’t you? What else did you think was going
to happen? I have to get naked to change out of my bikini, right?”
The fucking minx spread her legs wide open, and I almost fell to my
knees to devour her. I had no idea how things escalated so quickly. Her
demeanor took on a whole different persona, showing me a side of her I
didn’t know existed. Her eyes glazed over with a heady allure, appearing
alive and vibrant as she glanced in my direction.
One look almost knocked me on my ass, and my head spun with where
she was going with this.
She smiled, reading my mind.
“You gave my brother your word, but the way you’re looking at me isn’t
what I consider protection.”
“You need to get dressed.”
“I’m just proving my point.”
“And what’s that?”
“You promised Jax that you’d protect me, but, Caleb…” she teased,
slightly rubbing her fingers on her pussy. “Who’s going to protect me from
you?” Arching an eyebrow, she added, “Should I keep going?”
The little shit was being spiteful. It was the cold bucket of water I needed
to quit this game she was playing with me.
I was in control.
With a heated glare, I flipped the script on her. I gripped onto her throat
and pinned her against the mirror behind her.
Her breathing hitched, thinking she was getting what she wanted.
We locked eyes, realizing the compromising position I held her in.
Her tits on my chest.
Her pussy inches away from my cock.
Despite losing control for a minute, she needed to understand this
wouldn’t happen again.
“This what you want, darlin’?”
Her gaze widened, bright and bold. “Not as much as you do.”
“Is that right?”
“And what do you think I want, Evie?”
She swallowed hard. “Me.”
Letting her go, I backed away. “What I want is for you to get dressed.”
She flinched, and the rejection was clear across her expression. I should
have left, but I couldn’t take the look in her stare.
It was too painful.
“Let’s get one thing straight—what I want and what I have to do are two
different things.”
“Or we could just tell Jax the truth. You just proved you still want me.
Try to deny it—I dare you.”
The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, but it was the only choice I
had left.
“Sweetheart, you’re just another girl who threw herself at me.” I yanked
the towel off the rack and threw it at her. “Don’t be so fucking desperate. It’s
not a good look.”
She grimaced, catching the towel and wrapping it around her chest.
“Now put some fucking clothes on. I’m driving you home.”
I turned around and left. Although, once again, it was the last thing…

I wanted to do.
Chapter 14

Now: Three weeks later


first time I made it back before midnight. I bought a five thousand square foot
house in Barcelona. Years ago, I applied for my citizenship, knowing I’d
eventually open an international office in Spain.
My building was in the city, but I wanted my kids to have a yard and a
pool for their activities. I didn’t want to change their routine more than I
already had with up and moving us to another country for a few months.
I wish I could tell you our divorce was hard on them, however, I’d be
lying. Most of the time, Tessa lived in her own little world. The bit of
attention she did give our children wasn’t any different than her relationship
with them now.
Our divorce settlement and alimony set her up for life. I was paying her
more than my lawyers advised. I assumed she wouldn’t fight me for custody
of our kids if I paid her off, so to speak.
I was wrong.
Now we were in a heated battle over her demanding joint custody. I
refused to allow that to happen. I was paying a fuck load of money to my
lawyers and private investigators to catch her in anything we could use
against her in court.
She knew she was being watched, careful with her every move.
I’d barely seen my kids—or Evie, for that matter—since we’d arrived in
Spain. My daily life was consumed with my agency. It was one thing after
another. I was being pulled in a hundred different directions. My employees
were the best of the best, and already my agency was jam-packed with clients
needing representation.
Everyday a new challenge presented itself that I had to personally handle,
leaving very little time for anything else. The only way I’d see my children
was through the cameras that were set up all over the property. Except for
Evie’s bedroom. I had to talk myself out of that one, craving to see what she
did when she was alone.
I loved watching the carefree happiness she brought into our house.
The estate was beautiful, everything my kids deserved. Seven bedrooms,
nine bathrooms, two living rooms, a theater room, a huge ass kitchen that was
actually being used by Evie, although I hired a staff—a cook being one of
them. From the first day in the house, Evie took it upon herself to cook for
Including me.
Every night, I’d open the fridge, and there would be a plate of food
waiting for me. I was used to having a cook, growing up with one and then
hiring one for myself as an adult, but I’d never had a woman cook for me
before, so Evie going above and beyond wasn’t overlooked by me. I
appreciated her effort in making sure I ate. Despite saying she hated me, her
actions always spoke louder than words.
I loved that she hadn’t changed. My girl was still in there, waiting for me
to bring her home.
I walked into the kitchen, finding Evie alone.
“What is that amazing smell?”
She gasped, placing her hand over her chest. “You just scared the crap out
of me.” Turning the music off from her phone, she was shocked by my
presence. “What time is it?”
Her stare widened. “And you’re home already?”
I grinned, calling her out, “Home?”
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
I nodded to the cookie dough on the island. “Did I interrupt you and your
She sighed.
“Darlin’, deep breaths are so reassuring. Isn’t this the time you usually
cook every day?”
“Umm … how do you know that?”
I didn’t falter in confessing, “I watch you through the cameras.”
Her mouth dropped open. “What cameras?”
I nodded toward the corner of the room. “That camera.”
“That’s a camera?!”
“What did you think it was?”
“I don’t know! It looks like a sconce. Why do you have cameras?”
“To keep you safe.”
“Oh! So if something happens you’re miraculously going to grow wings
and Batman your way over here?”
“The cameras are monitored by the security company and the police
“The police station is watching us too?!”
I hid back my smile. “Not in the way you think they are.”
“How many cameras are in this house, Caleb?”
“Aside from the bathrooms, there’s one in every room.”
“Oh my God! I’m going to strangle you! There’s a camera in my
bedroom? That’s an invasion of my privacy! I could sue you!”
Leaning against the counter, I argued, “Does it look like I want to be
yelled at?”
“You need to explain yourself before I do more than just yell at you.”
“What are you so concerned about? I’ve already fucked every hole in
your body.”
“You arrogant dick! You have no right—”
“You’re in my home, taking care of my children. I have all the right in the
world to protect what’s mine.”
“I’m not yours. I want the camera from my room removed—”
I lied, “But I’ve already seen you play with your pussy, sweetheart. So,
the real question is what memory are you envisioning of me while you come
down your hand?”
“Caleb! What I do with my private time is none of your business. Do you
understand me?”
“I understand that you’re pissed.”
“I’m not even thinking about you.”
“Then why are you moaning my name?”
“Oh! That’s just me imagining all the many ways I can murder you and
then hide your body.” She smiled. “You could see why that would please
I scoffed out a chuckle. “Don’t worry, darlin’. There’s no camera in your
room. I lied.”
“Why would you want to make me mad?”
“It’s the only time you’re ever honest.”
“Stop comparing me to the girl you knew over a decade ago, Caleb. It’s
“Trust me, there’s no comparison on my behalf. Especially when she’s
still standing right in front of me.”
“Listen, Mr. Hawkins—”
“Oh, I see, I’m ‘Mr. Hawkins’ when you’re embarrassed, but it’s ‘Oh,
God, Caleb,’ when you’re fucking your hand?”
She snapped around to the cutting board. “We’re done having this
Instinctively, I came up behind her and placed my hands on the counter in
front of her. Her body was in between my arms as I hovered behind her small
With my chest against her back, I whispered in her ear, “But it was just
getting good.”
Her composure tensed almost immediately. I could physically feel the
conflicting emotions radiating off her. They were mimicking mine, and like
anything with her, I allowed my impulses to take control.
“What’s the matter, darlin’? Are you pissed that you thought I had a
camera in your room? Or are you mad I still know that you think about me
when you’re fucking that sweet little cunt of yours?”
The second her ass grazed my cock, she abruptly turned, and we locked
Her lips parted.
Her breathing hitched.
Her natural response to me was flowing out in tumultuous waves, and I
couldn’t seem to get enough of it.
Our silence was deafening. Her penetrating gaze felt like an array of tiny
razor blades on my skin, stabbing deep into my core and making me want to
surrender all my restraints when it came to her.
She was still mine.
I knew that now more than ever before.
Jesus, she was beautiful.
She tried to break our connection, asking, “Why are you torturing me?”
“That’s not my intention.”
“What do you want, Caleb?”
“You in my bed.”
“It’s never going to happen again.”
“Don’t you want me to tuck you in at night?”
“Considering you don’t tuck in your own kids, why would I believe
I growled, feeling her statement in the pit of my stomach.
“I’m serious—I’m just your nanny.”
“If that were true, your body wouldn’t be reacting to my touch the way it
is right now.”
“It doesn’t matter what my body wants. I’m not that young girl I once
was. I’m finally thinking with my head. I won’t ever go down that road with
you again.”
“Are you trying to bait me?”
“No, but the truth hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Not as much as your lies do.”


The audacity of this man was mind-blowing. Though, I’d be lying if I

said I didn’t miss the warmth of his skin when he backed away to walk out of
the room.
“Where are you going?”
“To my office. I have a lot of work to do.”
“Your work is always going to be there. How about you eat dinner with
your kids instead?”
“Maybe some other time.”
“So that’s just another task we have to schedule into their routine?”
“Do you have any idea how hard it’s been for me to connect with your
children for the last three weeks?” Before he could reply, I added, “Of course
you do. You’ve been watching us.”
Since we’d arrived in Spain on his plane, things had been super stressful
for me. I thought it would be easy to befriend Ethan and Ariel, allowing them
the liberty to just be kids.
Except, I couldn’t have been more wrong. His children wanted nothing to
do with me. They were like trained puppies, sticking to their schedules on the
daily. Anytime I tried to take them out of their routine, they didn’t care for it.
Most of Caleb’s staff moved to Spain with him. He was adamant they
continue with their normal instructors, including Ethan’s teacher. I couldn’t
imagine how much it was costing him to uproot and bring everyone to
Barcelona with them. Yet he didn’t bat an eye over it. Caleb had always been
successful. I’d never seen a drive quite like his before. His work ethic was on
another level. It always had been, and it was obvious it only got worse as the
years went on.
However, back then he was just different. The man I knew would
prioritize his kids, no matter what. He was happy, content, and so full of life.
His demeanor was completely opposite now. The weight of his world hung
heavy on his shoulders. It was crystal clear with his cold and distant behavior
toward everyone, and he was becoming more detached as the days passed.
“Do you know I tried to get them to make cookies with me tonight?
Cookies, Caleb!”
“Yes, I heard you the first time.”
“Kids love baking cookies. I even told them they could eat a bite of the
batter. You know what they said to me? They said they weren’t allowed to
eat cookies. What the hell is that? You don’t allow them to eat cookies?”
“It’s unnecessary sugar.”
“You want to know what’s unnecessary?”
“No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”
“You bet your ass I am! It’s absolutely unnecessary that we’ve lived here
for three weeks and this is the first time you’ve come home before midnight.”
“I’m working, Evie. It’s why they have you.”
“What about you? They need their father too.”
“They have me.”
“I watch them all day long.”
“They don’t know that. When do you spend time with them?”
“Time is what I don’t have.”
“So what? That’s your excuse? Not only do they not have their mother,
they also don’t have their father. What kind of bullshit is that?”
My eyes followed the movement of his strained expression. At least I was
getting through to him. The air was suddenly so thick between us, it almost
made it hard to breathe.
“When’s the last time you ate dinner with them, Caleb? Or tucked them
into bed? Read them a bedtime story? They need more than just a rigid
schedule. They need to feel loved and adored by you. Why can’t you give
them that?”
“I give them everything I can.”
“Except for your time.”
He grimaced. It was quick, but I saw it.
He deserved to feel like the absentee father he was. I didn’t hide the
concerned expression in my empathetic stare. Deciding what I was going to
reply, I held back my temper, fully aware I wouldn’t get far if I kept
criticizing him.
“I know you think you’re doing what’s best for them. Truly, I do. But I
grew up with a father who threw money at the problem every chance he
could get. I’m not saying you’re doing that, but in a way you are.”
“Do they not have a roof over their heads? Or food on the table?”
“Stop being defensive and actually listen to what I’m saying to you, Mr.
Grump. Your kids need you, and the worst part is you know I’m right.”
Our eyes locked.
Fusing together.
Tethering as one.
An intensity I couldn’t begin to put into words.
To explain.
To rationalize.
To make any sense of at all.
“At the end of the day, you can do what you want, Mr. Hawkins, but
don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
I was the first to shake off the effect he always had on me, walking over
to the stove as I thought our conversation was over. I got my point across.
When I once again felt him standing behind my back, I froze.
“So we’re back to Mr. Hawkins?”
“Yes. That’s your name. You’re my employer. Nothing more. Nothing
“That’s where you’re wrong, Evie. We’re so much more than that.”
“Can you please stop touching me? It’s very inappropriate. My boyfriend
“I don’t give a flying fuck about your make-believe boyfriend.”
“Would you like for me to call him?”
“Here, I’ll make it easy for you.” He lifted up his phone, quickly
snapping a photo of us. “Text him this.”
The picture sent me over the edge with the compromising position we
were suddenly in. It was enough for me to shove him away.
He chuckled, stepping back.
I watched him leave, realizing I was living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
I couldn’t tell what mood he’d be in the next time I saw him. What was worse
was that it had always been that way. Caleb was the king of hiding his
emotions. I’d spent years trying to analyze what I was to him until he got
married and completely shut me out of his life.
I never thought I’d be in a situation where I’d be taking care of his kids.
At one point in our tumultuous relationship, I was hopeful he’d eventually
come around and we’d tell my brother the truth about us.
Fuck the consequences.
When it didn’t happen, and he carelessly moved on, I was heartbroken for
years, wracking my brain over how he ended up with my roommate in the
first place.
“Ugh!” I exasperated in a frustrated breath.
Deciding to take my frustrations out on dinner, I cooked up a spread of
food. While I was annoyed, I couldn’t help but contemplate how I was going
to get through to Caleb about spending quality time with his children. There
would come a day when hormones would eventually kick in and they
wouldn’t care to have him around. He was losing precious moments with
them, and he didn’t even realize it.
Or maybe he did and refused to acknowledge it.
Through the intercom, I called the kids down for dinner before I made my
way into the dining room to set up their plates. The night proceeded as it
always did. I tried to strike up conversations with the kids, only to receive
one-word responses or nods of their heads.
By the time I finished cleaning up the kitchen, they were already in bed.
Ethan and Ariel were the first kids on the planet to actually go to sleep at
their bedtime without excuses of wanting to stay up later. After they were
asleep, I usually tucked them in and kissed their foreheads, wanting them to
feel some sort of connection to me.
They weren’t making it easy by any means.
I walked into Ethan’s room first, and he was passed out with a book on
his chest. I made a mental note to read it to him. Turning off the lamp on the
nightstand, I brought the covers up to his chin and whispered, “Good night,
little man.”
“Good night, Evie,” he grumbled in his sleep, bringing a huge smile to
my face.
At least sleepy Ethan liked me.
I shut the door, leaving a crack open in case he needed something in the
middle of the night. Ariel’s room was down the hall, and as soon as I walked
up to the door, I stopped dead in my tracks, never expecting what I saw.
Caleb was sitting on the edge of her bed, kissing her forehead like I just
did to his son. His lips lingered on her skin, and my heart almost burst in my
chest when I heard him mutter, “I love you, my Little Mermaid.”
It wasn’t until she repeated, “I love you too, Daddy,” that I felt as if I was
making a difference in their lives. This moment only proved I was right.
Caleb needed them.

Just as much as they needed him.

Chapter 15

two steps forward, only to take three steps back. I’d barely spoken to him
since the night he came home early, and it didn’t look like anything had
changed after our discussion.
Taking a deep, sturdy breath, I cleaned up the kitchen. I was getting ready
to tuck the kids into bed for their seven-thirty bedtime when Ariel walked
into the room.
“Miss Evie,” she expressed in the cutest tone.
“Sweetie, how many times have I told you to call me Evie?”
She shrugged in response, looking at me all shy. “When is Daddy coming
“I don’t know, honey. Do you need something?”
She shrugged again.
“Are you okay?”
The expression on her face told me she wasn’t. I picked her up off the
ground and sat her on the island in front of me.
Placing my hands on the side of her tiny body, I asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Is Daddy going to leave like Mommy did?”
I jerked back, never expecting her to question that. Thinking quick on my
feet, I affirmed, “I know your parents’ divorce is hard to understand, but your
daddy is never going to leave you.”
“That’s not what Ethan said.”
I cocked my head to the side. “What did he tell you?”
“That you were our new mommy now.”
Oh. My. God.
“Ariel, I could never replace your mommy. I’m just here to take care of
you, baby.”
“But that’s what Mommies do.”
I understood where she was coming from. Her concerns were valid.
“Yes, mommies do take care of their kids, but sometimes they need
nannies to help.”
“So you’re going to leave us too?”
This kid was breaking my heart into a million pieces.
“Sweetie, I promise I’ll always be in your life.”
“With my daddy?”
“No, honey, not with your daddy.”
“You don’t love him?”
I opened my mouth to respond, but quickly shut it.
How do I answer that?
“Your daddy is my boss.”
“But Daddy told me you’re the love of his life, like Prince Eric is with
The Little Mermaid.”
My eyes widened. “When did he say that to you?”
She scratched her little head. “I don’t remember.”
“Ariel, are you sure he said that to you?”
“Yes. I’m sure.”
“Was Ethan there as well?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know.”
Was this why Ethan thought I was his new mom?
“Your daddy and I have a very complicated relationship.”
“Daddy says he rescued you from a bad guy.”
“What else did he tell you?”
“That Uncle Jax is your brother, like Ethan is mine.”
“Okay, anything else?”
“Hmm…” She thought about it for a second. “That you’re beautiful and
have a big heart. And that you would take care of us, so he didn’t have to
worry because Grammy and Grampy can’t help him right now.”
I’d never met his parents before. Caleb didn’t talk about his family often.
From my impression, I didn’t think they were close. At least not back then.
To unexpectedly find out they were helping him raise his kids was eye-
opening to hear.
How much did I not know about him?
“Was that all he told you?”
“No, he said you would love us too.”
I smiled. “Of course I do.”
“Does my mommy love us too?”
“Of course she does, sweetie.”
“How do you know?”
This was the longest conversation we’d ever had together. I wasn’t
surprised Ariel’s vocabulary was prolific for a five-year-old. Everyone
treated her and Ethan like adults.
“Because that’s what mommies do.”
“Do you have kids?”
“How come?”
“I’ve never met the right person to have them with.”
“What about my daddy?”
For some reason, my eyes flew to the camera in the room.
Did Caleb put her up to this?
Staring straight into the camera, I repeated, “Honey, like I said, your
daddy is just my boss.” Shifting my gaze back to Ariel, I reiterated, “But it
has nothing to do with my love for you and Ethan. Or your mommy’s love
for you two.”
“Okay, Miss Evie.” She giggled, “I mean, Evie.”
I beamed, finally feeling like I was getting somewhere with her.
“Can I have a hug?”
She nodded, throwing her arms around my neck before I could pull her
into my chest.
“How about I read you a bedtime story?”
“Can you read Peppa Pig?” she questioned, looking at my face. “She’s
my favorite.”
“Peppa Pig is my favorite too.”
I helped her off the counter as the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” Ethan exclaimed, rushing down the stairs.
“Ethan, wait for me!” I hurried after him at the exact moment he opened
the door, revealing a man I’d never seen before.
“Uncle Joseph!” Ethan greeted, catching me by surprise.
Who’s Uncle Joseph?
Ariel hid behind my legs, seeking comfort from me for the first time.
“Hey there, princess. Don’t I get a hug?”
Ariel peered up at me, waiting for my approval. I nodded, giving her my
okay. After she timidly hugged him, she wrapped her arms around my legs
again, and I rubbed her head in a reassuring gesture.
“Hi, I’m Joseph.” He extended his hand. “Caleb’s brother.”
“Oh!” I replied, caught off guard. I shook his hand. “Hello, I’m Evie, the
kids’ nanny.”
“Nice to meet you, Evie.”
There must have been something in the Hawkins’ genes. Joseph was as
handsome as his brother. They both had dark hair, hazel eyes, and a killer
“Come in.”
“Is Caleb around?”
“No. He’s at work.” I shut the door behind him. “Does he know you’re
here to see him?”
“Not exactly.” He grabbed the back of his head. “I’ve learned over the
years it’s just better if I surprise him.”
I nodded, unsure of what he meant by that.
“I don’t know what time he’ll be home, but you’re more than welcome to
wait for him in the living room.”
“That’d be great, thanks.”
I let the kids catch up with their uncle for a little bit before putting them
to bed. By the time I returned downstairs, it was after nine at night. Joseph
was where I’d left him, sitting on the couch with Caleb nowhere to be found.
He was gazing at his phone while the television was on.
“I wish I could tell you Caleb will be home soon, but I honestly have no
idea what time he’ll be back.”
“It’s Caleb, so it’ll probably be late. Don’t feel pressured to keep me
company, though. I can wait for him alone.”
“Well.” I smiled. “I haven’t had much adult conversation this last month,
so if you don’t mind, I can wait with you.”
He gestured to the seat beside him. “By all means, Evie. I’d love your
I smiled again, sitting down. Wanting to break the ice between us, I
asked, “Do you live in Texas too?”
He looked at me funny. “I see my brother hasn’t mentioned me to you.
Good to know things haven’t changed with him.”
“Caleb’s never been one to share much about his family, or his personal
life for that matter.”
“It sounds like you’re speaking from experience?”
“You could say that.”
“Are you and him…”
“Oh, no.” I shook my head. “We’ve never been together like that. I’m just
here to help him with the kids while they’re in Spain.” Intentionally, I
changed the subject. “Do you talk to Caleb a lot?”
He chuckled. “Does Caleb talk to anyone often?”
“Good point.” I wanted to be hospitable. “Would you like anything to
drink or eat? We have plenty of leftovers from dinner tonight.”
“A nanny who cooks too? Caleb lucked out with you.”
“Hardly.” I stood, making my way into the kitchen. “Would you like a
glass of wine? We have that too.”
“A woman after my own heart.”
“I have to admit,” I laughed, “this adult conversation might be the
highlight of my day. Did you want me to warm you up some food too?”
“A beautiful woman waiting on me, I’d be an idiot to say no.”
We locked eyes.
“I see the Hawkins charm runs deep in your family.”
For the rest of the evening, we sat on the couch, drinking and eating,
talking about nothing in particular.
Except, I was not expecting him to ask…

“So what’s going on with you and my brother?

Chapter 16


“What makes you think there’s something going on between us?”
“I know my brother, and you’re far too beautiful for him not to fuck it up
in one way or another.”
I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it.
“Let me guess, and stop me if I’m wrong.”
I nodded, slightly amused.
“From what I gathered over our conversations tonight, you’re completely
in love with Ariel and Ethan, and I don’t blame you. They’re great kids. He’s
done an amazing job raising them. Which doesn’t surprise me—Caleb
doesn’t do anything half ass. Women have always been disposable to him,
but he’s trusting you with his children, so I assume there’s a reason for that.
Caleb doesn’t trust anyone.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Does he trust you?”
“Caleb and I have always had an up and down relationship. Our history
isn’t the best, but at the end of the day, we’re still brothers. I’m hopeful the
future will have a better outcome for us.”
“I see.”
“Now that I’ve barred my soul.” He winked. “It’s your turn, Evie.”
“That’s quite a request, Joseph, because when it comes to your brother
and me, I never know where to start.”
“The beginning works for me.”
Taking a sip of wine, I shared for the first time with anyone, “Caleb is the
first man I ever fell in love with. I met him when I was eighteen and he was
“That was what?” he pondered, glancing around the room. “I’m two years
younger than him and he’s thirty-seven now, so it would have been like
what? Twelve years ago?”
“Something like that.”
“Which would make you?”
“Wow. You don’t look thirty.”
“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“It was meant as one.” He cocked his head to the side. “So what
happened next?”
“I found out he was my brother’s best friend and agent. Wow…” I
paused, shocked I was confessing this to him. “I can’t believe I’m telling you
all this.”
“What can I say?” He shrugged. “I’m easy to talk to.”
“Obviously.” I smirked. “But to make a really long story short, he chose
my brother’s friendship over me. And the next four years, we played this
game of cat and mouse.”
“Which one were you?”
“I don’t even know. All I know is that I’m not that girl anymore, and for
the next two months, I’m strictly here as his nanny.”
“Is Caleb aware of that?”
“I remind him when he forgets.”
“Yeah, Caleb doesn’t take no for an answer very well. He’d be a fool not
to want you back in his life. I’m sure that’s why you’re here in the first place.
He trying to win you over.”
“You’d think that, but he’s never home, and even if he was, that ship
sailed a long time ago.”
“What happened to make it end?”
“Ethan happened.”
“Oh, Evie—”
I abruptly stood. I didn’t want to see the expression on his face. Through
my rapid movement, I accidentally spilled my wine all over his shirt.
He bolted off the couch.
“Oh shit!” I grabbed the hem of his shirt. “Take it off, and I’ll throw it in
the wash before the stain sets in.”
Once I had his shirt in my hand, I started to feel tipsy. It was only then I
realized I might have drunk more wine than I initially anticipated. Tripping
over my own two feet, I fell into his arms and into a fit of giggles. My
laughter must have been contagious, because Joseph started laughing too.
I don’t know how long we stayed like that, chuckling over nothing until
we heard, “What the fuck?” in a booming, murderous tone that echoed off
the living room walls.
And into the pit of my stomach.


I unlocked the front door and stopped dead in my tracks when I heard
Evie giggling like a fucking school girl. Instantly, I recognized that laugh.
Although, I hadn’t heard it since Jax’s vow renewal.
Who’s making her giggle like that?
As soon as I walked into the living room, I jerked back from the scene
unfolding in front of my seething glare.
In seconds, I was fuming. Seeing nothing but fucking red.
Bright. Fucking. Red.
There was Joseph.
My brother.
Evie … in his arms.
They were laughing.
Enjoying each other’s company.
“What the fuck?” I roared with my fists clenching at the sides.
They both jumped, peering over at me.
“Hey,” Evie greeted with glossy eyes and flushed cheeks, holding up
what I assumed was Joseph’s shirt. “I need to wash this. I mean…” She
shook her head, stumbling over her words. “I spilled my drink on his shirt,
and I was going to throw it in the washer before the stain set in.”
I didn’t pay her any mind. It was my brother who had my full attention.
Zeroing in on Joseph, I suspiciously eyed him up and down.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
He scoffed out, “Nice to see you too, Caleb.”
“Whoa!” Evie exclaimed, bringing our attention back to her. “Why are
you being an asshole to him?”
I stepped toward her, but she stepped back and fell into the couch.
“Evie...” Joseph coaxed, leaning forward. He grabbed onto her arm and
wrapped it around his neck to help her up. “Let’s get you to bed.”
I was over to them in three strides, tugging her out of his arms. With one
deadly stare, he backed away from me with his hands out in front of him in a
surrendering gesture, understanding my not-so-subtle warning.
Evie swayed against my chest, and before she could argue, I cradled her
body into my arms and carried her out of the room. I desperately needed to
get away from my brother to calm the fuck down.
Despite hating the circumstances of why I was carrying her up the stairs, I
loved the feel of her against my torso. I tried to keep my focus on that instead
of the rage coursing through my veins and eating me alive.
Fucking Joseph.
I couldn’t believe he had the balls to show up here.
To hang out with Evie as if it were their first fucking date.
To see my kids.
To step into my home.
To hit on my fucking nanny.
Thinking about all the reasons why I wanted to knock him the fuck out
wasn’t helping me cool down.
It wasn’t until Evie announced, “I can walk you know,” that my anger
shifted to her.
“That’s an interesting perception. Seeing as you could barely stand
seconds ago, darlin’.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“You don’t want me to call you what I’m thinking.”
“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s false.”
“That’s good, considering I want to beat the fuck out of my brother for
even touching you.”
“I fell into his arms.”
“Even worse.”
“It’s not what you think.”
“It never is with you, is it?”
“You’re overreacting like always.”
“And you’re a pain in my ass like always.”
“I just want the record to show that I don’t feel well, and it’s the only
reason I’m letting you carry me to my room.”
“Who said I’m taking you to your room?”
“The way I see it you have two options, sweetheart. One, you can sleep in
my bed. Or two, you can sleep on the couch in my room. Either way, you’re
drunk, and I’m keeping an eye on you.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“Tell that to your feet when you stand.”
To prove my point, I abruptly set her down, and she instantly stumbled
over her feet, which only pissed me off further. Instead of continuing this
bullshit conversation about what happened tonight, I threw her over my
“Hey!” she huffed out. “I liked it better the other way you were carrying
Once I stepped into my bedroom, I didn’t think twice about it. I spanked
her ass.
“Caleb, what the fu—”
“Actions have consequences, Evie.”
“Caleb, if you don’t—”
I laid her down roughly on my bed and hovered above her small frame.
“If I don’t what, darlin’?”
She gasped.
The smell of merlot assaulted my senses, reminding me why I was pissed
off to begin with.
“You can’t do this.”
Narrowing my eyes at her, I challenged, “Then try to stop me, Evie.”
“I can’t believe you’re manhandling me again. You know how much I
hate it when you act like this.”
“I know how much you love pretending that you hate it.”
She rolled her eyes. “You don’t know anything. Especially when it comes
to me.”
“I know if I reached into your panties you’d be wet. Especially when it
comes to me.”
“Thanks for reminding me that all I ever was to you was a meaningless
“Your pussy was the last thing I wanted, but it was always the first thing
you threw at me.”
“You asshole!”
I growled, gripping onto her neck. “It was never about fucking you, Evie.
It was always about loving you.”
Her eyes widened while her body melted into the mattress. Her skin
flushed a deeper shade of red with each second that passed between us. I
could see it in her heady gaze—she wanted me to kiss her. Evie could never
hide her feelings from me. It didn’t matter how hard she tried. I could always
see right through her, making our connection that much stronger.
When she licked her lips, I knew she was baiting me, and because I
couldn’t resist, I inched closer to her mouth.
Almost touching her lips with mine, I rasped, “I can still taste you in my
She swallowed hard, and I felt it against my fingers around her throat.
“If all you ever were to me was just a meaningless fuck, then I’d fuck you
right now, and you’d let me.”
I pushed off the mattress and left her there, craving my touch, fully aware
I was right. I had to walk back into the living room to get my head straight. If
I didn’t, I’d fuck her right then and there just to remind her who she belonged
Joseph was cleaning up their mess and paused when he saw me standing
there. I tried to keep a calm composure, but my temper wouldn’t allow it.
Stepping into his face, I spewed, “What the fuck are you still doing
He didn’t back down, not that I expected him to.
“What is your problem? I haven’t seen you in over a year. I can’t visit my
brother, niece, and nephew?”
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, Joseph? This is what you
do. You show up out of nowhere, always causing a disaster that you leave me
to clean up. When are you going to grow up and be a man, huh? What do you
need this time? More money? Who do you owe now?”
“Actually…” He cunningly grinned. “Since you’re still never around and
drowning yourself in work, I thought I’d fuck your lonely nanny—”
My fist connected with his jaw. His body whooshed back and stumbled
into the fireplace behind him where he caught himself.
“That’s your one warning, Joseph. Stay the fuck away from Evie and my
Raising an eyebrow, he rubbed his jawline as he backed away from me.
“You always did have a temper, big brother.”
“Get the fuck out of my house!”
He smiled and chuckled. “Fine, but this isn’t over.”
“Nothing ever is with you.”
I watched him leave and locked the door behind him. I couldn’t stop
thinking about what I walked in on. I swear Joseph’s timing was always
impeccable, making his presence known when I least expected it. He was still
a fucking mess. I could see it in his eyes. It wouldn’t be the last time his
gambling addiction got him into trouble. I was exhausted from having to bail
him out.
For years my parents and I tried to help him, save him from himself, but it
didn’t matter what we did for him. It was never enough. He had an addicting
personality, and everything he did was to the extreme. Even as a child, he
was pure chaos running around our home.
Who knows what kind of problems he had now…
The only time he reappeared in my life was when he needed something.
He made the worst decisions. Since he was a kid, there was no controlling his
poor choices. Most of the time, they were complete and utter bullshit.
Getting suspended from school.
Dropping out of college.
Losing money left and right.
The list of his mistakes was endless.
I was fighting a battle I couldn’t win with him.
And now I was in a war with a woman I couldn’t live without. All I knew
was I couldn’t lose her again. I wouldn’t survive it. I barely did the first time.
To catch her in my brother’s arms, regardless of the reason, turned my
world upside down. Our relationship was frustrating, having no clue where
the fuck I stood with her.
One minute I felt like we were making progress, going in the right
direction, and the next I didn’t recognize the woman standing in front of me.
For the last eight years, I thought about her every day. Whether it was for a
few seconds or couple hours, I never stopped thinking about her.
I opened the cabinet in my bathroom and grabbed some pain reliever for
Evie before making my way back into my bedroom. She was passed out on
my pillow on my side of the bed. Her hair cascaded around her face,
reminding me of all the times I watched her sleep while she was in my arms.
I didn’t want to wake her, but if I didn’t then she’d wake up with a hell of a
“Darlin’, you need to take this.”
She half-opened her glossy eyes, nodding at me.
After she swallowed the pills, I laid her back down. She was already
asleep when I began sliding off her jeans. I left her in her shirt and panties.
She rolled onto her stomach, groaning, “Caleb,” into my pillow.
I sat in the armchair by my bed, rubbing my temples in an effort to calm
the migraine that was looming.
“Mmm … Caleb…” she moaned, making me wonder what she was
dreaming about.
There was so much I wanted to say, so much I needed to tell her, but I
didn’t know where to start. I didn’t want to scare her away. She was finally
back in my life, and I was determined to keep her there. My brother showing
up out of nowhere was unexpected. It seemed like it was one thing after
I still had hours of work ahead of me and decided to bring it into my
bedroom so I could watch over Evie as she slept. Although, I left before she
woke up the next morning. It was better that way. I didn’t sleep, and I was
fucking exhausted, running myself ragged.
Evie was right. I was missing so much time with my kids. They were
growing up so fast. Before I knew it, they’d be driving, in college, getting
married, beginning their own lives. I had to try to be present for them and
their futures.
I just hoped…

Evie would still be in mine.

Chapter 17

Then: One year later


Texas. Tomorrow was the Super Bowl, and I was flying out to Miami for
Jax’s big night. All it took was one season for him to take his team to the
most important game of the year.
Which didn’t surprise me. Jax was a natural born leader. Football was in
his blood. He was made to be a quarterback and be the best in the league.
“Hello,” I answered his call.
“Hey, man. Did you leave yet?”
“No, I will in about thirty minutes.”
“Perfect. I need your help.”
This was how all our conversations began in reference to his sister.
“What did she do this time?”
“She missed her flight.”
“Of course she did.”
“I tried to get her another ticket for later tonight, but it’s Super Bowl
weekend in Miami. All flights are sold out. I need you to do me a favor…
Well, actually, I need a few favors.”
“I’m listening.”
“I think her missing her flight is a sign that she needs supervision. I’m
going to be all over the place with practice and interviews this weekend. This
is her first time in Miami, and I don’t want her to be alone. The city is going
to be wild and crazy. More than it usually is, especially after we win on
“Mmm hmm,” was all I could reply.
“You’ve been so great with her since I moved. Honestly, man. I’m truly
thankful for everything you’ve done for her.”
Over the last year, I’d seen Evie a couple times a month for one thing or
Whether it was a flat tire…
“Ugh!” she loudly groaned, storming out of her car when she saw mine
pulling up behind her. “What are you doing here? I swear you have a tracker
on me!”
“You think I want to haul ass over here to save your ass when I’m
supposed to be in a meeting? What are you doing in this neighborhood? Do
you have any idea how dangerous it is?”
“I. Got. Lost. Dad. Now, I’ll ask again. What the hell are you doing
“Your brother texted me. Triple A won’t be here for hours. He pinged me
your location.”
“Great!” She flung her arms out in the air. “I get punished because I
accidentally took the wrong turn. You know I would have been fine, right?
I’m in my car, the doors are locked, and I have pepper spray. Plus, I know
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“What? I’m being serious. I could totally kick your ass.”
I narrowed my eyes at her, amused with her threat.
She snidely smiled, stepping up to me.
“What? I’m not scared of you.” To really prove her point, she started
jumping up and down from her left foot to her right, holding her fists out in
front of her like a real boxer. “I’ll lay you out. Right here, right now.”
“Evie… I don’t have time for your games. I need to get back to work.”
The little shit actually swung at me, but I caught her wrist midair. She
didn’t stop there, swinging her other arm toward my face, but I caught that
one as well.
“You’re going to hurt yourself, darlin’.”
“Stop calling me that!”
She tried to knee me in the balls, and I used her momentum against her. I
spun her so fast that her back collided with my solid chest. Snaking my arm
around her neck, I held her tiny frame captive.
“You done now, sweetheart?”
As soon as she felt my hold loosen, she crouched to the ground, but she
wasn’t fast enough. In one quick swoop, I tackled her onto the grass.
With my body now hovering above hers, I bit, “Not so tough when you’re
lying beneath me.”
She gasped, surprised by the turn of events. My body was in between her
legs, and my cock on top of her pussy. One hand was gripping her throat
while the other was holding me up.
The scent of her perfume caused a wave of sensations I’d never felt
She smirked as if she could read my thoughts, baiting, “I could say the
same for you, old man.”
I immediately got off of her.
It didn’t end with me fixing her tire either. If anything, I felt like I was
always rescuing her. One night I had to fix the pipe that burst in her kitchen.
She swore up and down it wasn’t her fault. Come to find out, she was
organizing her pots and pans and hit the supply line, causing it to explode.
“Oh shit! Oh shit! Please stop running!”
I rushed into her apartment, pissed the door wasn’t locked. I never
expected the sight in front of me. There was water everywhere, gushing from
the pipe under the sink, but that wasn’t what caught my attention the most.
It was the fact that Evie was wearing a fucking white silk nightie, and her
nipples were hard and exposed. I could see every inch of her body, including
the lips of her pussy.
“Oh. My. God!” She had a bucket in her hands, filled with water. “What
are you doing here?”
In four strides, I was under the sink. Grabbing the wrench I brought with
me, I tightened the valve and shut off the water.
“You can’t keep barging into my life like this!”
“Barging into your life?” I stood and leaned against the sink. I was
soaked, and she was giving me shit… “Are you kidding me? How about a
thank you for saving your ass yet again?”
“Why would I thank you if I didn’t even call you?!”
“Evie!” I bit. “Go put some fucking clothes on!”
Then there were all the times I had to stop by her apartment just to make
sure she was alright because the little shit would ignore when I’d text or call
to check on her.
She opened the door, only to slam it in my face, but I caught it with my
“You know I wouldn’t be here if you answered my texts?”
“When someone doesn’t answer your texts, Caleb, it means they don’t
want to talk to you. It doesn’t mean you show up at their place uninvited and
“It’s a fucking text message, Evie. Takes you two seconds to write a
simple okay.”
“It also takes me two seconds to shut the door in your face. Now move
your foot!”
“I promised your brother I’d look out for you. All you have to do is
answer my goddamn texts.”
“You fail to realize that I don’t have to do shit about what you expect me
to do. It’s not my problem—it’s yours.”
“You’re making this harder than it has to be. Stop acting like a child.”
“Then stop treating me like one!”
Most of our interactions were hostile. We spent a lot of time arguing back
and forth. The number of times I picked her up from a party to take her home
wasn’t lost on her, and she hated me for it.
“She’s going to give me shit for this, but can she fly out with you? You’re
going to have to pick her up, but it’s better if you just show up at her
apartment and tell her she’s going with you. If I call her and talk to her, she’s
going to lose her shit that I’m using you to help her again. But what am I
supposed to do? You’re the only one I can count on. She’s going to have to
get over it and get used to you being in her life.”
“Easier said than done.”
“I know she’s been a brat to you too, man. Again, I appreciate everything
you’ve done for her, and I know she does too. She’s just too stubborn to
admit it.”
“She’s something alright.”
“As a thank you for your help, I booked you the penthouse suite of the
hotel. I know… I know… But before you say I didn’t have to do that, I need
you to let Evie stay in one of the suite bedrooms this weekend. There’s plenty
of room for both of you. She was going to stay at my condo, but I’m barely
going to be there, and like I said, it’s her first time in Miami. I don’t want to
worry about her when I need to be focused on the game.”
“Are you asking me to babysit?”
“Yeah… I mean, don’t tell her that. Just make something up. Like my
place is being fumigated or something, and she can’t stay there. I just need
you to keep her busy. Can I count on you?”
What the fuck was I supposed to say?
“I’ll see what I can do.”
He breathed out a huge sigh of relief. “Thanks, Caleb. I owe you.”
You sure as shit do.
“See you soon.” I hung up.
Already feeling the migraine I knew Evie would evoke.


I opened the door.

“Oh, no!” I went to shut it, but I wasn’t fast enough, and he was able to
barge into my apartment. Annoyed and confused, I questioned, “What are
you doing here?”
“I’m here to pick you up.”
“Excuse me, what?”
“You heard me, Evie.”
“I may have heard you, Caleb, but I have no idea what you’re picking me
up for.”
“You’re flying to Miami with me.”
“No, I’m not.”
“How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?”
“As many times as I’ve told you that you’re a pain in my ass.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Because I don’t have a choice. Your brot—”
“Oh. My. God. I’m going to kill Jax. I’ve told him a hundred times now I
don’t need you—”
“You’re coming to Miami with me whether you want to or not, so grab
your shit, and let’s go. We have a flight to catch and unlike you, I don’t like
wasting people’s time.”
She glared at me. “You can’t just boss me around.”
“Watch me.” With that, he grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward him.
“Caleb, don’t you dar—”
He leaned over and abruptly picked me up, completely unfazed by my
weak attempt to fight him off.
“Stop manhandling me!”
He threw me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing.
“Stop pretending like you don’t want me to.”
He grabbed my bag, and we were out my door which now automatically
locked on its own. One night out of nowhere, Caleb showed up at my
apartment with a keyless lock.
“You’ve got to be kidding me?” I contended.
“You won’t lock your doors. Now you don’t have to. It’ll lock for you.”
“I’m going to kill my brother.”
“This wasn’t from your brother.”
I jerked back, shocked. “Wait, what?”
He didn’t reply, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want him to.
“You arrogant asshole!” I thrashed around to no avail. Giving up on my
struggle, I knew it was no use—he was built like a brick house.
Minutes later, he sat me down in the passenger seat of his car, ordering
me to put the seat belt on. I didn’t talk to him the whole ride to the airport,
staring out the window with my arms folded over my chest in defiance.
Except, we didn’t pull into the airport like I assumed we would. We drove
into what appeared to be a private hangar. I wanted to ask whose plane we
were taking, but I didn’t want him to think I was impressed. However, I was.
I’d never flown on a private jet before.
“Are you going to walk, or do I have to carry you again? Because either
way, you’re getting on that plane.”
“This is bullshit.”
“No. What’s bullshit is the way you’re acting. Don’t you want to see Jax
win the Super Bowl?”
I sighed, taking in what he was questioning.
He was right.
I refused to show him any interest, sitting as far away from him on the
plane as I possibly could. I watched a movie through the entire flight, feeling
his eyes on the side of my face the whole time. Two and a half hours later, we
landed with a driver waiting for us.
All I had to do was put up with him for a little while longer and then I’d
be free in Miami to do what I wanted. Or, at least, so I thought. When the
chauffeur opened the door to the SUV, I realized we were parked outside the
hotel doors. A bright, huge lobby awaited us.
I don’t know why I thought this was where our time would come to an
After the receptionist announced, “Please enjoy your stay in our
penthouse suite,” I came to the brutal realization that our time together…

Had only just begun.

Chapter 18


bed in the biggest suite I’d ever seen in all my life. “You’ve gone too far this
“Evie, please don’t give me shit right now.”
“What do you expect? For over a year, you’ve had Caleb watching my
every move. I’m almost twenty-years-old, and you’re treating me like a ten-
year-old. It’s not fair! How much longer is this going to go on? Do I need to
get a boyfriend to get you and your best friend off my back?”
“It’ll be the opposite of that.”
“So what are you saying? I’m stuck being treated like a child? What have
I done for you not to trust me?”
“You’re my little sister, and nobody has protected you all your life. I’m
making up for lost time, okay?”
“Since I did grow up on my own, don’t you think I’m fully capable of
taking care of myself?”
“I’m not going to let you roam around Miami alone, Evie. I don’t give a
shit what you say. It’s not going to happen.”
“That’s this weekend, Jax. What about back in Texas?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“I want you to promise me you won’t ask Caleb to be up my ass
“If he were up your ass, then we’d be having a different discussion.”
“You know this overprotective big brother thing you have going on is
getting really old.”
“It’s not going to end anytime soon, so you need to just accept it.”
“Jax! You’re not listening to me!”
“I am. I’m trying to do what’s best for you.”
“You think what’s best for me is to sleep in the same suite as your
“As a matter of fact, I do. Miami is crazy on a normal day, let alone a
weekend when people from all over the world are flying in for the Super
Bowl. You want me worrying about you when I’m supposed to be
concentrating on the game?”
“You know I don’t.” I rolled my eyes. “I never should have missed my
“It doesn’t matter. You still would have ended up with Caleb this
“Ugh! You’re unreal!”
“And you love me for it.”
“I don’t like you at all right now. Actually, every time Caleb shows up
out of nowhere, I really don’t like you.”
“You’re going to have to get used to it. He’s not going anywhere.”
I rolled my eyes again.
“Can you just try to have fun? Caleb will take you wherever you want to
“Oh yay! Is he going to hold my hand too? Or, you know what? Maybe
he should sleep in my bed? You know, to make sure I’m protected while I’m
“Evie, that’s enough.”
The only thing I could do was surrender for now. It was Jax’s moment to
shine. I was here to support him, even though I wanted to punch him.
“I have commitments with my team tonight, but I’ll try to come by in the
morning for breakfast.”
“Can’t wait.”
“Be a good girl, Evie.”
“I’ll do my best,” I mocked in a high-pitched tone before I hung up.
If he was going to continue to throw Caleb at me, then I needed to come
up with a better plan. Getting through to Jax wasn’t working out for me.
Maybe if I provoked Caleb enough, he’d tell my brother he couldn’t follow
through with his promise anymore.
I smiled, loving that idea.
After I showered, I put on the smallest tank top I owned with cheeky boy
shorts. If Caleb was going to babysit me, then I was going to make sure he
regretted his decision. I used the only weapon I had at my disposal.
My body.
It still had an effect on him. I could see it in his eyes every time I was
showing some skin. It was evident in his demeanor.
“He’s the number one draft pick this year,” I heard him say on the phone
as I walked into the living.
“We’re not settling for anything less than five million. You want a three-
year commitment, then you’re going to have to—”
His eyes followed my body to the chair parallel to the couch he was
sitting on.
“I’m going to have to call you back.”
He hung up, taking one look at me before he questioned, “Where did your
clothes go, Evie?”
I smirked. “Jax said I needed to get comfortable with having you in my
life since you aren’t going anywhere. Well, this is how I hang out in my
apartment when Tessa isn’t home.”
“Evie, that’s not what your brother meant, and you know it.”
“Do I, though? I’ve yet to understand his reasoning for having you as my
guard dog.”
“You need to go put some clothes on. I can’t talk to you when you’re
dressed like that.”
“Dressed like what?” I looked down at myself. “It’s just a tank and boy
shorts, Caleb. I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve seen an outfit like this.”
“That’s far from an outfit, sweetheart.”
I leaned into the chair, giving him a better view.
“But I’m so comfy and cozy.”
“You’re quite the cock tease these days, huh?”
My eyes dilated, thinking I was getting what I wanted, but instead, he
stood and was over to me in one long stride. Picking me up off the couch, he
threw me over his shoulder like a rag doll.
“Stop manhandling me!”
He spanked my ass as he walked into my bedroom.
“Stop it!”
“Keep baiting me, and you’ll have a permanent reminder on your ass
In one sudden movement, he slammed my body onto my bed.
“What the hel—”
“The next time you leave this room, you better be wearing clothes, or I’ll
have no choice but to lock you in here instead.”
I groaned, frustrated.
“Now get dressed. I’m taking you to dinner.”
“I don’t want to go anywhere with you.”
“Is this how it’s going to be all weekend?
“I don’t know, Caleb, you tell me. Since you and my brother are so great
at planning my life, you can tell me how I’m supposed to act.”
His eyes widened like he wasn’t expecting me to lash out, but it was
quickly replaced with a small grin.
“Dinner it is then.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Darlin’, stop being a little shit and let me feed you.”


She didn’t say one word at dinner.

I tried to initiate several conversations with nothing more than a shrug in
response. She played around with her food the entire time, rolling it around
on her plate with her fork.
After dinner, we walked down Ocean Drive for a bit, but she didn’t say a
word to me until we returned to the penthouse.
“You know you’re an asshole, right?”
“Excuse me? You want to try that again?”
“Why? You heard me the first time.”
I scoffed, “Who do you think you’re talking to, Evie?”
“You. You’re the only person in the room.”
I opened my mouth but quickly shut it, keeping my temper at bay. I
needed to cut her some slack when I wanted nothing more than to throw her
over my knee and remind her who she was speaking to.
“I’m going to take a shower and watch a movie. You’re free to join me if
you want.” I walked away.
“To the shower or the movie? Because neither sounds very appealing.”
Now she was just fucking provoking me.
“Enough of this bullshit.” I snapped around and got in her face. “I have
been trying to play nice, but there’s only so much I can take. I’ve reached my
breaking point with you. I get it. You’re over this situation we’ve found
ourselves in, and to be completely honest with you, I’m over it too. But you
don’t see me treating you like shit because of it.”
“I didn’t ask you to bring me here. I don’t need you to babysit me. I don’t
even want to be here with you.”
“Then what do you want, Evie? Because I have no fucking idea.”
“I want you to stay out of my life!”
I grabbed her arm. “Is that right?” I grit through a clenched jaw.
“Yes.” She tried to pull her arm away, but I wouldn’t let her, only holding
her tighter.
“Let go of me!”
“Not until you tell me why you’re acting this way.”
She didn’t falter. “Fuck you!”
I immediately yanked her toward me, and she lost her footing. Grabbing
both of her arms, I sat her up on the counter and placed my body in between
her legs. She tried to move away, but I held her down firmly with my hands
around her waist. She wasn’t going anywhere unless I wanted her to.
“Let’s try this again. You need to stop testing me, little girl. I promise you
it won’t end well for you. Now tell me what the hell is your problem?”
“For fuck’s sake, darlin’, just tell me.”
“You can’t do this!” she yelled. “You can’t—”
“Try to stop me, Evie.”
She tried to shove me away, anything to break free and run away.
“You always do this. You always manhandle me, and it’s not fair!”
I gripped her hands, locking them by her sides, and she screamed out in
defeat as she whipped her body around.
“What’s not fair, sweetheart? That you love it? Is that what’s not fair?”
“We can do this your way, or we can do it mine, but either way, you’re
going to stop with your pointless temper tantrums.”
She thrashed a bit more, until she realized she wasn’t going anywhere.
“You’re being a dick!”
“Unfortunately for you, I don’t give a fuck.”
She breathed heavily, in and out, her chest rising and falling. Her hair
cascaded all over her flushed face.
“I hate you, Caleb Hawkins. You hear me? I. Hate. You.”
I growled from deep within my chest. There was something about hearing
her say those three words that sent me over the edge.
I saw it clear as day.
The boundary I set for us was suddenly blurred, and I couldn’t find the
line I’d drawn.
Feeling lost made me lose control, and I crashed my mouth onto hers.
Clutching the sides of her face, I roughly bit her bottom lip, losing all sense
of reason in that moment.
The taste of her.
Feel of her.
Scent of her.
After all these months…
I branded myself into her.
Hundreds of thoughts and questions crossed my mind, but I reluctantly
pushed them away when I shouldn’t have. There was something agonizing
and desperate in the way my mouth moved against hers while she tried to
follow the momentum of my lips.
Her hands reached up, but I intercepted them. I couldn’t let her touch me.
If I did, it would be game over for me, and I’d take her to my bed. This was
already bad enough.
How could I let this happen?
I growled at the thought, pissed about my sudden weakness when it came
to her. I’d spent the last year keeping her at arm’s length, and now it was all a
clusterfuck of emotions I didn’t want or have time for.
I needed to stop this madness, but Christ, she felt amazing. I couldn’t
bring myself to kill this undeniable connection we had between us since day
What the fuck are you doing?
“Caleb…” she breathlessly moaned.
And it was all I needed to instantly back away from her, leaving her there
all alone.
On the counter.
In the kitchen.
Of the penthouse suite her brother rented for us, so I could look out for
his little sister.
When in reality…

I almost fucked my name out of her mouth.

Chapter 19

follow him. The sound of the suite door slamming shut was enough for me to
know a part of me still lingered on his mouth. Thinking about his lips on
mine, I rode the high that was Caleb Hawkins and walked into his room,
making myself at home on his bed.
I was going to wait for him, and what better way than in his space. He
wouldn’t be able to run away from me this time. I wouldn’t allow it. I’d get
to the bottom of his feelings for me if it was the last thing I did.
Laying on his bed, I stared at the ceiling. I incessantly rubbed my fingers
over my swollen lips, tasting him all over again. Although he wasn’t there
with me, I still felt him in every bone of my body.
I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about him in ways I shouldn’t for
the last year, but I couldn’t help it. Every time he made his presence known
in my life, the little voice in the back of my head kept telling me there was
more to it than him just keeping his promise to Jax.
I wanted to hate him, truly I did.
But can you hate and love someone at the same time?
I laid there for hours until I looked over at the clock on the nightstand
which read two in the morning. Who knew where the hell Caleb went and
when he’d be back. At some point, I must have fallen asleep. The sound of
his footsteps descending down the hall woke me up. I instinctively rolled
over and put my back toward the door to pretend like I was sleeping.
He shuffled around his room, opening and closing drawers before making
his way into the en-suite bathroom where he turned on the shower. The
bathroom door opened minutes later, and out walked Caleb filling the space
with steam and his fresh masculine scent. Despite him taking a shower, the
pungent smell of whiskey assaulted my senses as I waited for his next move.
If he was surprised I was passed out in his bed, he didn’t show it. Nothing
happened for what felt like forever, but I swear I could feel his conflicting
emotions rolling off him in waves.
Especially when I felt the bed dip behind me.
My heart pounded out of my chest, faster and harder with each second
that passed. There was so much I wanted to say, but I couldn’t form the
words. Too many thoughts and emotions were overwhelming my mind at a
rapid pace.
Neither one of us said a word until finally, I felt his arm wrap around my
waist and pull me toward him. I swallowed hard. Conflicted was an
understatement of what I was feeling from what was unexpectedly
I didn’t know what to anticipate by coming into his room and falling
asleep in his bed. I guess I was running on pure adrenaline at that point, not
thinking about the consequences of my actions in that moment.
The instant I felt his hand slowly glide down my stomach, I didn’t move
an inch, wanting to see where he was going with this. Little by little, his
fingers slid closer to where I craved them the most.
Would he?
Lightly, he skimmed his fingers across the seam of my panties. The
summer dress I was wearing made it easy for him to do so. I could feel his
intoxicated breaths on the back of my neck, and I shut my eyes, anxious and
excited all at the same time.
At first, he went back and forth over the elastic as if he was fighting the
urge to do what we both obliviously desired. He softly caressed my lower
abdomen with his knuckles, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He slipped
his fingers into my panties, and I sucked in another breath.
His hand moved slowly until it was on my pussy. With each elevated
breath that escaped my lips, he moved them faster. Again, I didn’t say a
word, too afraid he would stop if I did. His fingers spread me open to rub my
clit, making me moan in encouragement.
Which was enough to trigger the response I wanted out of him. I knew he
could feel my wetness, urging him to keep going. He slid his fingers over my
nub in a side to side motion before trailing circles and causing me to see stars
fairly quickly. There were still no words from either of us, just heavy
breathing and moans.
I swayed my hips to match his skilled movements as he curved his fingers
inside of me, angling them directly toward my g-spot. He released a growl
from deep within his chest, vibrating against my core while working me over
with his fingers. I could only imagine what his cock felt like, but I didn’t
have to for very long.
It was rock hard against my ass.
Caleb fucked me faster with his fingers, determined to set me over the
edge. I rode his hand harder and harder. I wanted to hear him say my name,
but I didn’t want to push his limits. I was aware he was breaking every rule
he’d set and followed for the last year when it came to me and his role in my
life. I focused on what I could control in this moment because I knew he’d
lost his.
My head spun.
My body quivered.
My pussy pulsated.
I gasped, sucking in air, climaxing so hard…
I saw galaxies.


I woke up with a hell of a hangover and with Evie in my arms.

“Shit,” I breathed out.
The memories of last night instantly side swiped me like a fucking freight
train with no end in sight. I drank my weight in whiskey at the bar, pissed as
shit for kissing her. Only to come back to the suite and finger fuck her in my
bed. I didn’t count on the fact that she would be waiting for me, and now I
was in way over my head.
I scooted her off my chest, careful not to wake her in hopes of trying to
figure out what the hell I was thinking. Which was the problem to begin with
—there was no thought on my part.
Not for one second.
Throwing on some pants and a shirt, I made my way into the kitchen for
coffee. Time seemed to fly by. I blinked and was standing out on the balcony,
lost in my thoughts.
In my own fucking world.
All of a sudden, Evie snuck up behind me and wrapped her arms around
my torso.
My body locked up, stiffening from her embrace. Without any hesitation,
I grabbed ahold of her wrists and shoved them away, then walked back into
the penthouse. I didn’t say a word to her. It wouldn’t matter, she was going to
get the harsh truth out of my mouth whether I wanted her to or not. All I did
was buy a few extra seconds of my inner turmoil eating away at me. Feeling
like the piece of shit I was until she followed me inside.
In one breath, she asked, “What’s wrong?”
I froze in the living room, needing a moment of clarity before I turned
around to face her. My eyes immediately roamed her body. Her hair was
damp, fresh from a shower. She was wearing my white button-down shirt that
looked more like a dress on her.
It was the cruel wakeup call I needed to jump back into the protective role
I was given.
Cocking my head to the side, I bit, “Did I say you could wear my shirt?”
Her eyes widened, taking in my cold, distant demeanor. Her smile fell
from her lips, staring at me with confusion.
“You shouldn’t be wearing my shirt. You don’t belong to me, Evie.”
“So what was last night?”
I didn’t waver in speaking the reality of our future. “A mistake that won’t
happen again.”
She jerked back from the impact of my words, shaking her head in
“Evie, nothing has changed between us.”
“Everything has.”
“You’re still Jax’s little sister.”
“I was still his little sister last night, Caleb. You know, when you had
your tongue down my throat and then your fingers in my pus—”
I snapped, “That’s enough.”
“No! It’s not nearly enough! You’re giving me whiplash! How can you
say this to me after last night?”
“This conversation is over. Now go get dressed before your brother gets
here and sees you in my clothes.”
“It won’t be the first time he’s seen me in your stuff.”
“You’re acting like a child.”
“And you’re acting like an asshole! You know what? I don’t have to
stand here and take this.” She shoved past me. “I’m taking the first flight
I grabbed her arm and spun her to look at me. “You’re not going
She tried to yank her arm out of my grasp, but it only made me hold onto
her tighter.
“You think you can just use me and then throw me away like I’m
“Your brother is on his way over here. What would you like me to say to
“How about admitting you wanted to kiss and touch me? That you’ve
wanted to for the last year! That every time you’ve shown up in my life it’s
been because you wanted to, and you didn’t do it for my brother. How about
you start by admitting the truth for once? Instead of the stupid lies you keep
telling yourself about me!”
“Get your ass in your room and get dressed,” I gritted through a clenched
jaw. “Now!”
“No! I want to go home!”
“What am I supposed to tell Jax?”
“Just tell him another one of your lies about me.”
“Stop calling me that!”
“I’ll call you anything I damn well please. Now go get fucking dressed.”
“Caleb, let go of me!”
“You don’t want to watch your brother win the Super Bowl? After
everything he’s done for you. Think about him. It would crush him if you
weren’t there.”
“You have no one to blame but yourself.”
“You’re absolutely right. This is all my fault. I should have known better,
and like I said, it won’t happen again. But I’m not going to stand here and tell
you what you want to hear when it’s complete and utter bullshit. We both
know nothing can come of what I irresponsibly did last night. If I could take
it back, I would. I was drunk, and you were here. End of story.”
“When are you going to get it through your thick skull that it’s not the
end of the story just because you say it is? You think you can boss me around
whenever you feel like it, but that’s not the case, Caleb. I’m a grown ass
woman. I don’t owe you shit. If I want to go to a party, go on a date, fuck five
guys at once, then guess what? It’s my choice! Not yours or my brother’s.
You want to pretend like last night didn’t happen, just like you want to
pretend the day we shared before we found out about Jax didn’t happen
either.” She paused, letting her words sink in.
“You claim he’s your best friend and that you made a promise to him, but
all these lies are just piling on top of each other, and it’s sickening! Also,
news flash, asshole! You weren’t drunk when you kissed me. Think about the
reason why you kissed me in the first place. It was right after I said I hated
you. Your reaction was to kiss me and then come back and touch me?”
“I never would have touched you had you not been in my bed.”
I was in her face in two strides. “You want the truth? I’ll give you the
fucking truth. I’m a man. I was drunk. And you were throwing yourself at me
like you always do, sweetheart. Now go get fucking dressed!”
“You’re so full of shit, and you know it. The fact that you expect me to
believe your lies is mind-blowing. I’m not Jax, Caleb. I can see right through
you. You want to know my truth?”
“No, but you’re sure as shit going to tell me anyway.”
She glared at me. “I do hate you, but I also have these deep feelings for
you I can’t shake. I’ve tried. For over a year I’ve prayed they would go away,
but then you show up in my life and mess it all up again. I can’t get over you
because you won’t let me!”
“I gave Jax my word. It’s the only reason I’m still in your life to begin
“Bullshit! It’s just your excuse. It’s your cop out to continue being in my
life without any real repercussions. You want me, Caleb. As much as I want
you, and at least I’m not scared to admit it. I love my brother. I don’t want to
hurt him, but at the end of the day, he wants me to be happy. I’m sure he
wants you to be happy too. So why is that so wrong if we make each other
“Evie…” My patience was wearing thin. “What would make me fucking
ecstatic is for you to go change.”
“You’re not even listening to me!”
“I am, and all I’m hearing is another one of your goddamn temper
She pushed me, but I didn’t move an inch. Taking a deep, solid breath, I
refused to let her leave.
I did the only thing I could in this situation—I bargained, “If you stay for
the rest of the weekend”—I purposely let go of her arm—“I’ll do whatever
you want.”
Her eyebrows lowered while she folded her arms over her chest. “What
does that mean?”
“It means exactly what I just said.”
“I don’t need anything from you.”
“I’m sure you can think of something as long as it doesn’t involve my
dick inside of you.”

With a wicked grin, she thought about it for a second.

“Oh, no, Caleb Hawkins,” she mocked in a condescending tone. “If I’m
staying here with you, then you’re going to pay for it. At your dick’s
I narrowed my eyes at her, not understanding.
I just never expected her to add…

“You have to get your cock pierced.”

Chapter 20


I vindictively smiled. “If you’re going to torture me to stay and not admit
you’re barging into my life because you want me any way you can have me,
then I’m going to make you pay for it.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Actually, it’s pretty perfect. You’re going to feel the same pain you’re
putting me through. And I’m not talking about just one piercing, Caleb. If
I’m staying against my will, then you have to get a Jacob’s Ladder.” I smiled
wider. “Since you’re old, let me break it down for you. It’s three piercings
down the shaft of your dick in the shape of a ladder. Hence the name. The
first barbell goes through the head of your cock, and the other two follow.”
I felt immense satisfaction when he rubbed his forehead, knowing he was
losing his shit. Caleb thrived on control, and for the first time since I’d met
him, I held all the power.
“You can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack,” I emphasized, standing my ground. “You have to get
it pierced sometime this weekend too.”
“You’re the one who said you’d give me whatever I wanted. These are
my conditions—take it or leave it. However, I’ll be the one who’s leaving if
you say no. You can be the one who spends the rest of the weekend lying to
my brother about why I’m not here.”
“For fuck’s sake.”
I shrugged. “When you play with fire, you’re bound to get burned.
Consider me the match, asshole.”
He snarled, “Darlin’—”
The lock on the door clicked.
“Go change,” he quickly mouthed, stubbornly pointing to my room.
I cunningly shook my head, smiling like a fool. The second Jax opened
the door, Caleb darted out of the living room. I resisted the urge to laugh
when I saw Jax.
Let Caleb try to explain why I was in his button-down to Jax.
“Hey,” I welcomed, walking toward him.
“Hey.” His stare tapered at me before he pulled me into a tight hug.
“What are you wearing?”
“Caleb’s shirt.”
“Why are you in his clothes?”
Caleb walked back into the room. “Hey, man,” he greeted, nodding at
him. Shifting his gaze to me, he held up his cell phone. “They found your
luggage, Evie.”
“Her luggage?” Jax questioned.
“Yeah, she dropped it off with Delta before she missed her flight. It’s
why she’s in my shirt.”
It was that moment, this precise second, that I realized how much my
brother truly trusted Caleb. He didn’t question his lie at all. He simply
nodded it off, not thinking twice about it.
I rolled my eyes, pissed I finally thought I had him trapped to be honest
with Jax. When in reality, it was just another lie that escaped his lips so
“I’m going to go put my dress on and leave.”
“Leave? I just got here. Where are you going?”
“They’re bringing your suitcase to you, Evie. I told them to park near the
piercing shop.”
“Oh.” I beamed, assuming I won this battle. “You’ll meet Jacob then?”
I swear Caleb’s poker face was on point.
He didn’t break a sweat in replying, “Yes, we’ll have to thank him for
finding your luggage.”
It was all I needed to hear to stay put in this hotel suite for the rest of the
weekend. After room service brought up a spread for breakfast, Jax and
Caleb talked business for the rest of the morning.
“Once you win the Super Bowl, I’ll re-negotiate your contract for next
“What are you thinking?”
“Depends on how long you want to play for Miami.”
“I’ll stay as long as it feels right.”
“Twenty million for three years feel alright to you?”
“You think they’ll go for that?”
“If they don’t, I’ll find a team that will.”
Unable to resist, I chimed in, “Caleb, are you always this arrogant?”
“Evie,” Jax chastised in a stern tone I ignored.
Caleb didn’t miss a beat, leaning back in his seat.
He simply stated, “I always get what I want.”
And for some reason…
I thought he was talking about me.


The day flew by, and before I knew it, Evie was dragging me into a
piercing shop at one in the morning.
“Come on, old man! A deal is a deal!”
I groaned, feeling the pain I was about to endure. On our way back to the
hotel from the Super Bowl party, she saw the shop on the corner of the street,
demanding we pull over immediately.
She spent most of the night by Jax’s side, being the only family who
attended his game tonight. We barely said more than a couple words to one
another the entire day. It was chaotic, exactly as I expected it to be. Being
yanked in every direction for Jax kept her at arm’s length from me for most
of the day.
After seeing the look in her eyes during the game and the party, I knew
what she was envisioning.
A family.
The one she never had before.
The pride and admiration that was radiating off of her wasn’t something I
could overlook. She genuinely loved him in every sense of the word. Only
confirming what I already knew—I couldn’t come between them.
Even if I wanted to.
It was the cold, hard reality I needed to witness in order to return to our
dynamic in the way it had been for over a year. I’d be hurting her way more
than I was if I took Jax away from her too. He’d flip the fuck out if he knew
we’d been lying to him for this long. There was no way I could tell him the
And what truth would that be anyway?
Half the time I had no idea where I stood with her or what personality I’d
get when I’d show up in her life. We’d been alone several times, but last
night was the first time that I’d lost all of my control with her. The instant I
saw her in my shirt this morning, I’d be lying if I said my cock didn’t get
hard. She looked breathtaking. I couldn’t help but remember what laid
beneath my shirt.
It didn’t help that every time I was around Evie with a crowd of people,
she was always the center of attention in any room without even trying.
Men’s eyes were on her all night, from Jax’s teammates to random people,
and I desperately tried to keep my temper in check.
My jealousy was a traitorous emotion I didn’t want to feel. It took
everything inside me not to claim her right then and there. In front of her
My client and best friend.
There was no controlling the internal battle that surfaced in my core—it
was a wave of sensation I refused to feel. There was something about kissing
her, touching her, making her come that drove me insane all day.
When she suddenly caught my stare from across the room at the party,
she knew what I was going through. I kept my distance, watching her from
afar like I didn’t just finger fuck her the night before.
I didn’t look away, wanting her to know I was conflicted and torn. I
should have known better than to put my hands on her again, fully aware I
wouldn’t want to stop if I did.
She was the first to break our connection, gazing at the ground instead of
my eyes. If she adverted her gaze for my benefit or hers, I had no idea, but I
didn’t give it too much thought either.
I couldn’t.
The minute I began contemplating if I was doing the right thing would be
the moment I’d give up everything for her. I shoved it away, out of respect
for her brother and our friendship. It was easier to pretend she was just his
little sister and I was looking out for her because of my promise to him.
She was right.
I did want her.
I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone in all my life.
Bringing my attention back to her, she asked, “Aren’t you excited? I
mean, Jax did win the Super Bowl.”
“I had no doubt he’d win.”
Evie was on a mission as I followed close behind her up to the
She greeted, “Hi,” enjoying my agony way too fucking much. “We’re
here to get his dick pierced.”
I let her handle all the logistics, along for the ride that was my cock about
to get pierced. Once I was sitting in the chair in a private room with both
women staring at me, it was game fucking over.
My dick lost.
The only thing I could do was pray this wouldn’t hurt like a
“Is this your first piercing?” the woman named Leeann asked.
“First and last.”
“Never say never, Caleb. This could be the start to your addiction for new
“She’s right,” Leeann agreed. “Piercings and tattoos are addicting. Are
you sure you want to go through with it? Jacob’s Ladder is a pretty intense
piercing for your first body jewelry. The recovery time is long as well.”
“Recovery time?” I scoffed out.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “You can’t have sex for six months.”
My glare locked with Evie’s.
It was only then I understood her true intentions. She blazingly smiled,
knowing I’d caught on to her spitefulness.
The little shit even winked at me.
“Bodily fluids could cause infection until the piercings are completely
healed. Like I said, this is an intense piercing. You sure you want to go
through with it?”
“Of course he’s sure,” Evie confirmed, grabbing the clipboard out of her
hands for me to sign the disclaimer.
“Anything else I need to know before I sign this?”
“Nope. After you sign, you’ll get your dick hard, and then I’ll—”
“Dick hard?” Evie interrupted, arching an eyebrow. “Wait? What?”
“The skin has to be stretched in order to do the piercings correctly. I can
leave you two alone.”
“No need,” Evie informed. “I’m not his girlfriend.”
“Oh…” Leeann smirked. “Well in that case, I can help you.”
“Umm…” Evie peered back and forth between us. “Isn’t that a little
“It’s only unprofessional if he doesn’t want me to.”
I signed the waiver and grinned as I leaned back in my seat. I purposely
wanted to piss Evie off. I unzipped my slacks next and replied, “By all
means, I’d appreciate any assistance.”
Leeann licked her lips, leaning forward before Evie stopped her with her
hand on Leeann’s forehead.
“You can leave now.”
“I thought you said he wasn’t your boyfriend?”
Cocking my head to the side, it was my turn to wink at Evie while she
glared back at me.
With one foot in front of the other, Evie abruptly walked to the door and
opened it.
“Forget what I said. I’ll let you know when you can come back in.”
I chuckled, unable to resist. I was amused by her sudden change of mind
when it came to my cock and who was actually touching it.
Leeann closed the door, and Evie walked toward me, each stride more
determined than the last.
I stopped her dead in her tracks when I stated, “The only touching you’re
going to do, darlin’, is on yourself.”
Her eyes widened.
“Spread your legs for me, sweetheart. Let me see your perfect pink
Conflicted, she questioned, “Why can’t I touch you?”
“Because I’ll end up fucking you.”
“Why is that so bad?”
“Because if I break that last rule, Evie, once my cock is inside of you, I
won’t be able to stop myself from fucking you whenever I want.”
“Again, why is that so bad?”
“I told you I’d do whatever you wanted if you stayed this weekend. I’m a
man of my word. Now shut the fuck up, pull your panties to the side, and
spread your legs for me, darlin’.”
“You know this bossin—”
I pulled out my cock, rendering her speechless.
“Time is money, Evie, and you’re wasting mine. Now spread your
fucking legs.”
She swallowed hard, sitting in the chair Leeann was just in before sliding
her panties to the side.
“Is this what you want?”
I growled, “More than you’ll ever know.”
Her concentrated stare zeroed in on my dick as I stroked it up and down.
“I want to watch you fuck yourself.”
“How did I get dragged into this?”
“The second you kicked her out of the room, you brought it on yourself.”
Up and down, I fisted my cock. Never letting up until she began playing
with her clit.
“That’s right, Evie. Just like that.”
Watching her wasn’t a sight I was expecting. This wasn’t ideal by any
means, but at least I wasn’t touching her again.
I could basically taste her on my tongue.
Feel her against my fingers.
Coming down my dick...
Long and hard.
Giving me exactly what I hungered for.
It didn’t take long for my cock to get hard. I didn’t stop her, longing to
keep the Evie show running right in front of me for as long as I could. She
was the vision of flawlessness. Everything about her was exquisite.
However, this was the last time I’d let anything like this happen between
us, so I took advantage of it.
Thoroughly mindful…
I. Was. Fucked.

There would be no coming back from this.

Chapter 21

Now: Three weeks later

“Miss Evie … I mean, Evie…” a little voice coaxed me awake.

“I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?”
I startled awake, seeing Ariel standing at the edge of my bed with her doll
in her arms, hugging it close to her chest.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
“There’s a monster under my bed. He’s trying to get me. Can I sleep with
you? Pretty please?”
“There are no monsters under your bed. They’re not real.”
“Yeah, they’re not real for grown-ups, but they are for little kids.”
I nodded. “Fair.”
Smiling, I scooted over for her, and she jumped into my bed. I was
surprised she came into my bedroom and not her father’s. Although, since
our conversation that evening, she was suddenly my new best friend. Sticking
to me like glue.
I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame, pulling her close against my
body. Ariel sighed peacefully, leaning into my embrace. We both fell fast
Sometime later during the night, I felt like someone was staring at us, and
my eyes popped open. No one was there, but I couldn’t shake the feeling,
finding it hard to fall back asleep.
The alarm on my phone woke us both up at seven in the morning. After I
showered and got the kids ready for the day, I left them in the playroom to go
cook breakfast for us like I did every day.
They weren’t technically allowed playtime until noon, but I didn’t care.
They were kids. I let them play before they had to start their strenuous routine
for the day. Ariel usually looked at her picture books while Ethan played with
his Legos until I called them down for breakfast through the speaker system
in the estate.
Typically, as I cooked, I thought about my day ahead. I never expected to
be in this role, which made me feel like I was more than a nanny as the days
went on. From day one, I treated Caleb’s kids like they were my own. The
crazy thing was, a huge part of me felt as if they were.
Trust me, I was fully aware of how insane that sounded, but it didn’t take
away the emotions I instinctively had for them. I wanted to protect Ethan and
Ariel any way I possibly could. Even if it meant going against their father if I
had to. Caleb was still the same man he’d been for almost two months now.
Always working, never around.
I spent a lot of time thinking about his absence from their lives, knowing
this wasn’t the Caleb Hawkins I knew and fell in love with all those years
Or maybe it was, and I was just oblivious to it?
Time was all they needed, and it was the one thing he wouldn’t give up
for them.
What kind of father does that?
The more I thought about it, the further it infuriated me. Especially since
his kids were so well behaved. Seriously, they were angels. If Caleb’s mother
was truly helping him raise his children, then they had done a hell of a good
All these thoughts and emotions plagued my mind on the daily. I went
from not talking to or seeing Caleb for years, to sleeping with him at my
brother’s vow renewal, to now caring for his children. It wasn’t that I was
unfit for the role I’d stepped into, but it was more of the fact that I never
really gave parenthood much thought before this.
I guess I never considered having kids of my own…
I mean, I’d dated on and off throughout the years, but it wasn’t anything
serious. Nothing more than meaningless fun. I worked a lot. Overnight, my
business had become my baby, and I was happy prioritizing that. It was the
most important thing in my life aside from Jax and his family.
One reason why I never considered settling down and having a family of
my own was because I never had one growing up. It wasn’t a major fixture in
my life like it was for most kids. Particularly, little girls. I didn’t fantasize
about finding Prince Charming or buying a home with a white picket fence.
Which was yet another reason why I resented Caleb in reference to his
children. He was doing the same thing my parents did to me. I had to grow up
alone, having to always take care of myself. It wasn’t easy, and I grew up
fast. I learned early on that I couldn’t depend on anyone but myself. Not even
my parents.
I saw a lot of myself in Ethan and Ariel, and it hurt me in ways I didn’t
see coming…
My mind was spinning as I made my way into the kitchen, and I came to
a complete stop when I saw Caleb sitting at the kitchen island with his laptop
on the counter.
“Whoa.” I stepped back, shocked. “What are you still doing here?”
“Good morning to you too, darlin’.”
“Shouldn’t you be at work?”
He closed his computer, giving me his full attention.
“I should, but I’m not.”
“What does that mean?”
He looked around. “Where are the kids?”
“In the playroom.”
“Isn’t it a little early for them to be playing?”
“Are you here to reprimand me for not following your schedule? You see
us through your cameras. This isn’t the first time I’ve thought about what
they need and not your overbearing demands.”
He placed his elbows on the marble slab. “How often do you break my
“I don’t know how to answer that without making you mad.”
He grinned. “That often?”
“You didn’t answer my question. Why aren’t you at work?”
“I thought you wanted me to spend more time at home.”
“You’re listening to what I want now?”
“I’ve always listened to you, Evie. I just couldn’t give you what you
wanted until now.”
“Which is?”
“My time.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You will.” He slid what looked like a brochure over to me.
“What’s this?”
“Read it and find out.”
There in front of my gaze was the dream vacation for any family. Five
days on a private yacht and island.
Meeting his engrossed stare, I stated, “I still don’t understand.”
“What are you not understanding? You wanted time, and I’m giving you
five days.”
I jerked back, surprised. “We’re going to this?”
He nodded.
“So let me get this straight… It’s me, the kids, and you? On a yacht and
private island for the next five days?”
He nodded again.
“Why aren’t you speaking?”
“Actions always speak louder than words.”
“Caleb,” I emphasized, holding up the pamphlet. “This is marketed as a
family vacation. We’re not a family. I don’t want to confuse your children.”
“You let me worry about that.”
“Like I should let you worry about Jax?”
“Jax has nothing to do with this.”
“I know, but it’s just another example of the rollercoaster that is you.”
He got off the stool and walked toward me.
“The Evie I used to know loved rollercoasters.”
“She also loved you.”
He didn’t hesitate in professing, “She still loves me.”
I put my hand up, trying to stop his steps. “Caleb…”
Of course he didn’t give a shit. If anything, my objection only triggered a
much faster chase. Like a lion, he pounced, caging me in with his arms
around my body as he backed me against the wall.
My breathing hitched.
“I’ll tell you right now. If I’m the reason you want this vacation with your
kids, then it’s for all the wrong reasons.”
“Evie, you know me better than that.”
“I don’t you at all.”
“You know me more than anyone.”
“That’s sad. It’s also another lie. Nobody knows you better than my
brother. You know, the man you spent years using against me.”
“Is that what I was doing when I was fucking you senseless?”
“No. It was always before and after.”
“I made a mistake.”
“You’ve yet to apologize for.”
“Is that what you need from me? An apology for always protecting you?”
“That wasn’t protection, Caleb. It was control.”
He grinned, leaning into my lips. “Control isn’t what I would call it,
“I didn’t think I could hate you calling me that more than I do right now.”
Ignoring my statement, he ordered, “You need to go pack.”
“I feel like this is a trick.”
“We’re leaving in thirty minutes.”
“You’re not listening to me like always.”
Finally, he stepped back, giving me the space I thought I wanted.
Why did I instantly miss his touch?
“I’ve always listened to you, Evie.”
“How many more lies do you plan on telling me on this trip?”
“I might not have listened to your words, but I’ve always listened to your
heart. You’ve always wanted a family, and Jax was all you had back then.”
“He’s all I have now.”
“No, you have me and my kids.
My eyebrows lowered, taking in what he’d declared.
“I refused to be the man who’d steal that from you.” Sweeping the hair
away from my face, he spoke with conviction…

“You see, Evie Monroe. When you love someone, truly fucking love
someone, you put their needs ahead of yours. Even if it means, breaking their
heart in the process.”
Chapter 22

The question troubled my mind the entire time I was packing the kids’
suitcases and then mine.
The captain announced, “Sir, welcome aboard Living the Dream,”
bringing my focus back to the present. “We’re so excited to have your family
onboard for the next couple of days.”
“Oh,” I breathed out, caught off guard. “I’m just the nanny.”
I could feel Caleb’s anger burning a hole in my side.
“Evie.” Ariel tugged my shirt.
“Yes, honey?”
“You’re my best friend too.”
I smiled at her before locking eyes with Caleb. He was staring at us with
affection, but there was also something I couldn’t quite place.
Quickly shaking off the sentiment, I responded to Ariel. “Baby girl,
you’re my best friend too.”
For the next hour, the captain and his crew showed us around their
massive yacht. From the seven staterooms to the fully stocked kitchen, where
the chef would cook for us at any time of the day, to the living room, dining
area, the crew’s quarters, then down to the top deck of the yacht which had
the most amazing view of the ocean. There was a landing pad for a helicopter
to arrive if needed and two jet skis for us to play on.
I’d never seen anything like this luxury home on the water. I couldn’t
imagine what this was setting Caleb back. He even brought his assistant,
Jennifer, to help with Ethan and Ariel. I’d met her the morning I rang their
doorbell, letting him know I was his new nanny for their trip to Spain. The
kids liked her, and it was all that mattered to me.
While they were unpacking with Jennifer, Caleb barged into my
stateroom, making himself at home on my bed. He leaned against the
headboard, smiling at me.
“Don’t you know how to knock? I could have been changing.”
He grinned, looking at me with a predatory regard.
“You being naked isn’t anything I haven’t seen before.”
“That was different, and you know it. I have a boyfriend who wouldn’t
appreciate your—”
“My what, Evie? Love for you?”
“Why do you keep throwing out that word?”
“What word would that be?”
“Don’t be a smart ass. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“You used to love my smart ass personality. I thought I’d bring that back
for you too.”
“I don’t need you to bring anything back for me, Caleb. In fact, I love
feeling like I don’t know you. It makes it easier to hate you.”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself, sweetheart.”
I rolled my eyes. “What do you want?”
“Can’t I enjoy a casual conversation with my nanny?”
“I’m not your nanny. I’m your kids’ nanny.”
“What if I need you to tuck me in at night too?”
“That would make it hard, seeing as you’re never home.”
“Home?” He grinned again.
“You know what I mean.”
“Do you?”
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?”
“The flirting.”
“Is that what I’m doing?”
“Caleb, I mean it. My boyfriend—”
“Is a fucking idiot for letting you come live with me.”
“I’m not living with you. Besides, he doesn’t control my life unlike some
men I know. We actually have a healthy relationship. One that’s built on trust
and respect.”
“Your make-believe boyfriend sounds like a pussy.”
My mouth dropped open. “He’s a nice guy!”
“I’m a nice guy.”
“I hardly define you as a nice guy.”
“Is that right?”
“You scared away every date I had in college.”
“That’s what nice guys do.”
“Okay, what about knocking up my roommate? Is that what nice guys do
“Considering I came to your apartment that night to tell you how much I
loved you—”
“You heard me.”
“You came to my apartment to tell me you loved me, but ended up
getting my roommate pregnant? How did that happen, Caleb? Did you fall
and your dick just happened to slip into her—”
“She was in your bed. I thought she was you.”
My heart began pounding against my chest. “In my bed? What was she
doing in my bed?”
“Tell me, Evie.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Did you ever inform
Tessa of who my family was?”
“I … I … I don’t remember, but why does it matter if I did?”
“Because she—”
“Evie!” Ariel shouted down the hallway, running into my room with
Ethan behind her. “I don’t want to do piano today. Can we go to the island
instead?” She halted her steps when she realized her father was on my bed.
“Daddy, what are you doing in here?” She giggled in the cutest sound.
My head was once again full of questions I couldn’t ask him with his
children around.
Because she what?
Resisting the urge to ask, I answered Ariel. “He’s in here so I can help
him plan all the fun things we have in store for you two.”
“Fun things?” Ethan questioned, looking at him. “You’re not going to
“Not this time, bud.”
“You mean you’re going to stay here with us?”
I could hear the hesitation in his voice, making me sad for all of them.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
To my surprise, Ethan glanced over at me with the same expression that
was on his sister’s face. Both of them stared at me like lost puppies, waiting
for my reaction.
Or maybe it was my approval?
I smiled, nodding in reassurance.
“Baby girl.” Caleb smiled at her. “I think going to the island is the best
“Really, Daddy?” She beamed.
“Of course, and you have me all to yourself.”
“Ethan! Did you hear what Daddy said?”
“You swear, Dad?”
“I promise.” He nodded. “This trip is the first of many to come.”
Shifting his gaze to meet my eyes, he added, “As a family.”
Rendering me speechless.


I was going to tell her everything.

I just needed to find the right time without getting interrupted by two little
people, demanding my time as well.
“Dad, go long!” Ethan yelled while we were playing football on the
private island.
We’d been on the island for most of the day. Evie and Ariel were sitting
in the loungers under the umbrellas, eating lunch and laughing. I loved
hearing them laugh. It was the greatest sound in the world.
The way my kids took to her as if she was what they’d been waiting for
all their lives was exactly the reason I fell for her in the first place. She had
this power to bring out the best in people.
Her contagious laugh.
Her carefree personality.
The way she loved with all of her heart and soul.
It was all addicting.
She was addicting.
Being there with her and my children was a dream I’d been fantasizing
about for as long as I could remember. From the moment Tessa told me she
was pregnant—this was what I wanted.
With Evie.
For the first time in I don’t know how long, I enjoyed the fresh air and
sun, soaking up all the happiness and excitement that was pouring out of my
kids in a way I’d never seen before.
I ran over to Ethan, catching him by surprise. He didn’t expect me to
throw him over my shoulder and toss him into the water. From the expression
on his face, he was startled I was being so playful, but he quickly pushed it
away and jumped onto my back. Ariel didn’t waste any time as she darted
down the beach with her little legs, making me laugh at her adorableness.
“Ethan! Let’s get Daddy!”
We all wrestled around in the water while Evie laughed her ass off at the
sight of us, loving the lightheartedness that was happening in front of her.
I couldn’t help but want to include her in the fun.
“Oh, you think you’re safe from getting wet?”
“Caleb,” she warned as I treaded toward her, determined to get what I
Wet Evie pressed against my body was always my favorite.
She put her hands out. “Don’t you dare!”
“But you used to love when I’d get you all wet for me.”
“Caleb, I’m not playing!”
I didn’t listen to a word she said. She was about to get away, but she
wasn’t fast enough. Gripping onto her hand, I threw her over my shoulder
with her ass now near my face.
“Caleb!” She thrashed around. “Put me down!”
“Where would the fun be in that?”
“Yay! Daddy!” Ariel excitingly exclaimed. “Let’s get her!”
“Yeah, Dad! Throw her in!”
“Hey!” Evie laughed. “You two are supposed to be on my side, not his!”
Before she could say another word, I tossed her in, throwing her into the
deeper part of the ocean.
“You give up?” I challenged when her head came up for air.
Grabbing her shoulders, I dunked her again.
“What about now?”
“Never!” she shouted, trying to catch her bearings.
I reached for her, but this time she was prepared for it and attacked me
using all her weight. Except I didn’t budge. Ethan and Ariel came to her
rescue, and it was three against one. I had to surrender, which only earned me
more of their laughter.
We stayed in the ocean, playing for hours until the kids wanted to have a
sandcastle competition with one another. They stayed by the shoreline, and I
helped them for a bit before I went back to Evie.
Since she was laying out on a towel with her huge sunglasses covering
her eyes, I took the opportunity to take in her bikini.
Fuck, she was gorgeous.
“Stop ogling me, Mr. Hawkins.” She smirked as I laid sideways beside
“Mr. Hawkins, is it?”
“You’re setting a bad example for your son.”
“I’m admiring a beautiful woman. I can’t think of a better example to
give my boy.”
“You’re horrible.”
“And you’re fucking stunning.”
She turned her head, looking at me before sliding her sunglasses down
her nose a little.
“You’re just full of it today.”
“What can I say? You bring out the best in me. You always have. You
know that, right?”
“Your memories of our past don’t align with mine.”
I ignored her, not wanting to break our cheerful banter.
“You don’t see me complaining about you eye fucking me when I was
throwing the football with Ethan earlier.”
She gasped. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mmm hmm…”
“Anyway, you look a little tired there, old man. Can’t keep up with your
kid’s stamina?”
“No, but I could keep up with yours.”
She shook her head, hiding a smile.
These were the moments I wished I knew what she was thinking.
Envisioning the most.
Our dynamic had always been confusing as much as it was simple. From
the first conversation we had, it came easy to be around each other.
“Darlin’, I can feel your mind reeling.”
“What do you think is going to happen while we’re here, Caleb?”
“I want to bond with my kids. Be the father they deserve.”
“You expect that to happen in a couple of days?”
“No, but it’s a start.”
“So what happens after this trip?”
“Evie, we’ve never been on a family vacation. I can’t even think of the
last time we ate dinner together. I’ve wanted to be present for my kids for as
long as I could remember, but I didn’t know how or where to begin.”
My heart clenched. Hearing my confessions was a lot harder than I
imagined it would be, but she needed to hear it. Finally, I had to admit to her
what I’d become.
What I’d lost.
“I worked so fucking hard to be the man my family wanted me to be. I
didn’t want to marry Tessa, but I had to. After that, I stopped smiling, I
stopped laughing, I stopped living… I coped the only way I knew how—by
drowning myself in work. It was the only control I had over my life. For a
man who thrives on control, I was lost in my very own home.”
She shuddered, feeling the weight of my truths.
“I told you there’s a lot you don’t know, but after this trip, I want you to
know everything.”
“Why now, huh? Why are you doing this to me now?”
“I’ve already lost you once. For eight years, Evie. I won’t lose you again.
I can’t. I won’t survive it.”
She opened her mouth to reply, though quickly shut it.
“I couldn’t tell you then, but I can now. I’ll say it to you every day for the
rest of our lives if that’s what it takes to have you in my life.”
“Caleb.” She adamantly shook her head. “You say you barely survived it
the first time. Well, I’m barely surviving it now. I can’t do this with you
again. I refuse to.”
With that, she stood and left, and I let her. Silently praying she’d
understand once I told her the truth. However, I was coming to the hard

I’d have to show her instead.

Chapter 23


I laughed, and before I could bend down to pick her up, Caleb did instead,
throwing her up on his big, broad shoulders.
“Whoa, Daddy! I’m tall like you now!”
We were heading up to the deck of the yacht for dinner and a movie. The
crew put together a huge projector screen under the stars for us. For the last
three days, we’d spent most of our time on the island. Caleb played with the
kids while I sunbathed and caught up on the book I was reading.
It was extremely relaxing, and I was enjoying every second of it.
Everyone was. The kids truly warmed up to their father. It was quite a sight
to see how involved he was with them. Every night, he read them a bedtime
story, checking under Ariel’s bed for monsters. He was an attentive parent,
making sure their needs and wants were met.
My favorite memories of the last couple of days stirred in my mind.
“Dad! I got you! I got you!” Ethan hollered, holding the biggest water
gun known to man.
Ariel and I were walking toward the ocean when Caleb suddenly grabbed
me from behind, using me as a shield in front of his body.
I gasped. “Ethan, don’t—”
A spray of rapid-fire cold water released all over my body. Ethan soaked
me from head to toe while Caleb’s laughter vibrated against my bones.
“Oh my God! You’re using me as protection?”
He shamelessly replied, “Oh, this you need protection from?”
I elbowed him in the ribs, snatching the water gun out of his grasp.
“How’s this for protection?”
He went to tackle me, but it was my turn to give him a taste of his own
medicine. My trigger-happy finger exploded, drenching every inch of his skin
until he tackled me to the sand. Ethan and Ariel came to my defense, dousing
him again.
“Get him!” I encouraged, making everyone fall into a fit of laughter.
I smiled, thinking of the fort he’d helped them build last night.
“Daddy, I’m the princess of forts, and Ethan is the prince.”
“Okay, Princess Ariel. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Dad, you’re the king, and Evie is the queen. You don’t answer to us.”
“How did I get dragged into this?” I asked Ethan from the couch. “I’m
over here reading my book.”
“That’s what queens do, Evie.” Ariel hopped up onto the couch next to
me. “The king and queen are married, so we need a baby.”
Caleb and I locked eyes for a second.
“That can be arranged,” he simply stated, grinning like a fool.
I was the first to break our connection, wrapping my arm around Ariel’s
waist, as I sat her in my lap.
“You’re the baby,” I clarified, ignoring Caleb’s remark as I tickled Ariel.
I tried to break the unexpected tension I was feeling.
“I’m not a baby!” She giggled, whipping her legs around.
But my favorite memory by far was the breakfast they served me in bed
this morning.
“They made you breakfast,” Caleb announced, stepping into my
stateroom with the kids.
My eyes shifted to him. “Did you make them do that?”
He shook his head.
I beamed. “You guys did this for me?”
“We wanted to do something nice for you,” Ethan explained.
“You guys…” I coaxed, trying not to cry.
I pulled them both into a loving hug.
Ariel declared, “We love you so much, Evie!”
I sniffled. “I love you guys too.” Closing my eyes, I held them as tight as
possible against my body.
This was the first time they said they loved me. There was no holding
back the tears.
“Thank you. This is the best surprise ever.”
“We just wanted to see you smile,” Ethan added, only causing more tears
to form in my eyes.
To say I was a little stunned about the kids saying they loved me would
be an understatement.
How was I going to stop being their nanny and being present in their
lives everyday?
The question beat into my head for the rest of the day, just adding more
plaguing questions I’d have to face soon. There was one month left in my
contract. My time with them would be coming to an end soon.
How would they handle that?
The kids were my biggest concern, especially since they didn’t have their
mother in their lives. The saddest thing about that was they’d barely
mentioned her since I started caring for them. I didn’t want to break their
I couldn’t.
It would kill me.
“What are you thinking about over there, darlin’?”
We were sitting at the table, eating the fish Ethan and Caleb had caught
“Daddy.” Ariel scratched her little head. “Why do you call Evie darlin’?
That’s not her name.”
He smiled. “It’s a term of endearment.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s like a nickname.”
We ate in silence for a couple minutes until Ariel questioned out of
nowhere, “Daddy, is Evie still the love of your life?”
I choked on my drink, coughing up a storm. “Ariel,” I hacked out. “A
little warning next time.”
Caleb mouthed, “You alright?”
I nodded. “I think this is where I’m going to excuse myself for the rest of
“I’m okay. I promise. I was going to give you guys some privacy after I
was done eating anyway. I’m sure the kids would love to have you all to
“Are you sure?” Caleb asked, concerned.
“Of course. I’m exhausted. I’d love to take a bath and finish my book. I’ll
see you guys in the morning.” I kissed Ariel on her head and then Ethan.
“Good night, guys.”
Caleb teased with a grin. “Don’t I get a kiss good night too?”
The kids giggled while Caleb looked at me with a mischievous
expression. He knew I wouldn’t be able to call him out on his flirting with the
kids around. Instead of making a big deal about it, I kissed my hand and set it
on his head.
I could tell by the look on his face he wasn’t pleased with my gesture, but
since the children were there, he kept his mouth closed. Before giving it
another thought, I left them alone and walked down to my stateroom.
Once I was there, I realized I could still hear them through the open
window in the corner of the room.
I was about to close it when Caleb responded, “Evie will forever be the
love of my life, baby girl.”
I sucked in a breath.
“If she’s the love of your life, Dad, why aren’t you together like that?”
“Yeah, Daddy. Why can’t she be our new mommy?”
Talk about breaking your heart…
“Evie is your uncle Jax’s little sister.”
“Really?” Ariel exclaimed. “We love Uncle Jax!”
“We all love Uncle Jax,” Caleb agreed. “Especially Evie. When I met her
for the first time, I didn’t know she was Jax’s only family. Back then things
were complicated, and to make a really long story short, I didn’t want Jax to
know I had fallen in love with his sister.”
“Why?” Ethan questioned while I hung on to every word Caleb was
“Jax was very protective of her. Evie didn’t grow up with the best
“Was her mommy like our mommy?”
“Something like that, baby.”
“Oh…” Ethan muttered.
“What about now?” Ariel requested. “Can she be our new mommy
because we really love her?”
“There’s a lot I have to make up for.”
“What did you do?”
He didn’t respond to Ethan’s question for what felt like forever.
“I broke her heart.”
“Oh, no, Daddy, why?”
“I ask myself that every day.”
Yeah … me too.
“Did you say you’re sorry?”
“It’s more than an apology, son. I owe her an explanation.”
What does he have to tell me?
“Maybe you should tell her.”
“I’m trying, Ariel.”
“She will forgive you because I think she loves you too.”
I jerked back, not expecting her to say that.
“She looks at you like Jasmine looks at Aladdin.”
I scoffed out a chuckle.
“I’ll keep that in mind, baby girl.”
“Dad, maybe you should tell her you love her.”
“I’m trying, Ethan.”
“Maybe you should try harder.”
“You know what, son? I think you’re right.”
My hand instinctively went to my heart. Except he wasn’t breaking it

He was mending it instead.

Chapter 24

“D ARLIN ’…”
“Hmm,” I mumbled, stirring awake beneath my tangled white sheets as I
faintly felt someone’s lips laying soft kisses down the side of my neck.
“Wake up, birthday girl…”
My eyes fluttered, trying to wake up, but my body wouldn’t allow it, and
sleep won out. I was tired from spending so much time in the hot sun, falling
asleep fast and hard as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Dreaming only about Caleb.
Even in my deep slumber, I could still smell his intoxicating scent.
I could feel his soft lips trailing along my skin, making his way down my
“Should I keep going?”
“Mmm hmm,” I hummed. Kiss by kiss, he pecked every inch of my
heated skin until he reached the edge of my panties, making my body shudder
at the heady feel of his mouth so close to my core.
I fisted my sheets.
His tongue on my pussy.
When I felt his fingers tug the waist of my panties, my breathing hitched
and my eyes snapped open, big and wide. Coming face to face with the last
person I expected to see, hovering above me.
There was no way I was still dreaming, but if this happened to be a dream
within a dream, then I didn’t want to wake up. In that moment, the world
stopped spinning, stopped moving, and time just stood still for us.
“What are you doing?”
“I think that’s pretty obvious.” He grinned. “You said I could keep
“I was sleeping.”
“I was trying to give you your birthday present.”
With everything that was going on, my birthday had slipped my mind.
“Should I keep going?”
I shook my head.
“Are you sure, birthday girl? There’s nothing else I’d rather do than make
you come in my mouth.”
I was so disoriented.
“Your pussy wants me to keep going.”
“Yeah, well, it’s always wanted bad things for me.”
“I’ll make you feel really fucking good.”
“Where are the kids?”
“I love that you always think about them, Evie.”
“If they barge in here like their daddy—”
“I could get used to you calling me that.”
I rolled my eyes. “Can you please back up?”
“What? You used to love my face in your pussy.”
“Caleb, I mean it. If the kids—”
“They’re with Jennifer on the island.”
“Island? What time is it?”
“Almost noon.”
“What?” I exclaimed, caught off guard.
“It’s your birthday. I wanted you to sleep in.”
I grabbed my head. “My mind is spinning.”
“Let me take care of you then.”
“You’re the cause.”
He smiled.
“That’s not a good thing.”
“I could think of worst things.”
“Yes, because you’ve done them.”
“I’ve done some pretty great things too.”
“I don’t remember it that way.”
“As much as I’d love to continue where my mouth was headed, you need
to get dressed.”
“You sure are using that word a lot this week.”
He smiled. “I’m making up for lost time.” With that, he pushed off the
bed, ordering, “Get dressed. We’re leaving in twenty minutes.”
“Leaving? Where are we going?”
With an even bigger smile on his face, he informed, “To make up for
your last birthday that I ruined.”


By the time I walked back into her stateroom, she was sitting on the bed
wearing a light pink dress, deep in thought.
Slowly, I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the doorway,
wanting to remember her in this moment.
Her hair was pulled away of her face.
Her lips were still swollen from sleep.
Her dress clung to her skin, accentuating her curvy figure.
There was no taking my eyes off her. I couldn’t, and I didn’t fucking
want to. She was breathtakingly beautiful sitting there.
She looked like a dream.
My dream.
She didn’t turn toward me or acknowledge I was there, lost in her own
little world. A world I desperately wanted to be a part of again.
I gazed at the side of her gorgeous face, willing her to say something, but
her eyes remained front and center toward the middle of the room while mine
remained on her. The breeze blowing through the thin white curtains did little
to cool the surge of heat I felt for her.
I could see it in her eyes.
The doubt.
The insecurity.
The pain I’d caused.
My truths were weighing heavily on her mind.
I had no idea where we went from here. Evie was always my biggest
weakness and my greatest strength.
Unable to help myself, I walked into her room and caressed the side of
her face. To my surprise, she leaned into my embrace with her eyes closed,
melting into my touch.
The smell and feel of her was all around me, making me burn with desire
to claim every last fucking inch of her heart, body, and soul.
I wanted to capture this moment and hold onto it for as long as I could. I
wanted to remember her just like this.
For me.
“What are you doing to me, Caleb?”
“I need you to give me a chance.”
She opened her eyes, staring straight into mine.
“A chance for what?”
“To show you the man you once loved.”
“And what if I can’t?”
“I need you to try. Please. Do it for my kids.”
She pulled away from my touch. “That’s not fair.”
“They deserve to have you in their lives.”
“They do—”
She gasped as my thumb pulled on her bottom lip.
“I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you. Even when you hated
having me around, they were still the best moments in my life. You made me
laugh, smile, feel like I was living again. You make me want to be a better
father for my children and a better man … for you.”
“You know that, don’t you? The affect you’ve always had on me? From
your eyes, to your words, to the way you are with my kids. You’re my
family, Evie. You’ve always been my family. You fill this void I didn’t know
I had in my life until I met you. There’s no coming back from you, Evie. I’ve
I was a man of a few words. Yet there I was, laying it all out for her.
Word by word.
Sentence by sentence.
Making my thoughts and emotions known for the first time.
“I plan to have you all to myself today. Just you and me. Now tell me you
want that too…”
“Do people always do what you want?”
“Yes, you should try it sometime.”
She smiled, and it lit up her entire face.
“I can’t think when you’re this close to me.”
“Then I’ll make sure to stay close to you all day.”
She backed away, reaching for her purse. “Okay, Mr. Hawkins, let’s see
this amazing day you have planned for my birthday.”
In two strides, I grabbed her hand and led her off the yacht where there
was another boat waiting for us. The day started with sightseeing and
exploring the town where Evie was amazed by all the small shops. She tried
to buy a couple of things for herself, Ethan and Ariel, but I paid for them
For the first time since she came back into my life, she finally allowed
herself to enjoy my company.
We laughed.
Talked about nothing and everything.
Except for what I really wanted her to know which would come later
The day couldn’t have been better. I loved every second with her,
remembering how truly easy it was for us to hang out. Our banter flowed
loosely, effortlessly like always. The day quickly turned to night, and I had
the crew cook up a spread for her birthday.
I made her close her eyes before she saw what I prepared for her. We
were on the top deck of the boat that picked up us to take us to town. I
wanted complete privacy, knowing we wouldn’t get that with my kids
around. If these last couple of days proved anything to me, it was how much
they were glued to her side.
I couldn’t blame them. Evie was even easier to love.
“Caleb, this is stunning.”
They decorated the table with LED candles and an assortment of pink
roses, her favorite. A bottle of champagne chilled in the metal bucket.
“I can’t believe you did this.”
The stars sparkled in the night sky with the full moon looming over the
horizon. There was this energy between us that flowed into the air. This
magnetic pull that never went away. If anything, it only intensified as the
years evolved.
Evie always controlled my thoughts.
My actions.
My choices.
Consuming every last part of me since the first time I set eyes on her.
“Come here.” I motioned with my finger.
She cunningly smirked, as I pulled her toward me instead, making her
straddle my lap. She didn’t say a word, but she didn’t have to.
Her eyes spoke for themselves.
“I’d do anything for you. Look up, darlin’. Look at all the stars.”
She glanced up for a second before she questioned in a conceding tone,
“Why are you doing this to me, Caleb? Is this just another scheme to get your
“You know that’s not true.”
“Which part? The one where you pretended you didn’t know me after the
day we had shared? Or how you not only ruined my social life, but also my
dating life all through college?” Her voice remained sturdy and strong,
though the tormented expression on her face gave away her anguish. “Or how
about all the years you pushed me away before you knocked up my
roommate and then married her?”
I didn’t respond, listening intently to the allegations I knew she still had
to spew.
“Do you know I’ve hated my birthday until today?”
“At least I did something right.”
“Why would you do that to me, Caleb? How could you hurt me like that
when you’d already hurt me enough?”
I winced. Her admitting that was worse than already knowing it.
“You want me to forgive you, but it’s so hard to do that. You pushed me
away, completely dropped out of my life. Why? I deserve to know the truth. I
knew there was something more to you and Tessa. It was written all over
your face when you came to my apartment the next morning. You wouldn’t
tell me then, but you have to tell me—”
“If I didn’t marry her…” I paused for a moment, catching my bearings.
This would be the first time I’d ever confessed this to anyone. I didn’t
think I’d get a second chance to make things right, and I wasn’t going to
waste another minute without her by my side.
Looking deep into her glossy gaze, I finally told her the truth…

“Tessa was going to tell Jax about us.”

Chapter 25


“I’m not exactly sure, but she did.”
“She didn’t tell you how she knew?”
“Tessa doesn’t tell me much, Evie.”
“Then why did you sleep with her?”
“Darlin’, I don’t even remember fucking her. It was weeks before your
birthday, and I wanted to do something special for you. You already had
everything because Jax made sure of it. I was going to offer you the only
thing I could. Me. But with that came the realization of how much I’d hurt
you, and I started second guessing myself. Fucking drank my weight in
whiskey, then I somehow ended up at your apartment. I walked into your
bedroom, and she was in your bed, but I thought it was you. All I remember
is waking up the next morning with her in my arms.”
My heart was pounding against my chest.
Beating into my head.
“I threw her off me. We fought and before I left, I threatened her. I told
her to keep her mouth shut, or I’d make her pay. It’s why I stayed away from
you. I couldn’t bring myself to face you after what I did. Weeks later, she
ended up at my place telling me she was pregnant. I didn’t believe it was
mine until we took a paternity test, proving it was.” He grabbed my face. “I
swear to you the only reason I married her was because of Jax. I couldn’t let
you lose him too.”
“Ugh!” I abruptly stood, suddenly pissed as fuck. “After all this time? All
these years? You hid this from me?!”
“No! This is bullshit! You have no idea what I went through! For years,
Caleb, I hated you! I still fucking hate you!”
“You don’t mean that. You’re just mad at me.”
“I’m more than mad at you, Caleb! I’m fucking furious!”
“I understand. Trust me, I’m fucking livid too!”
“Oh, no! You don’t get to play that card!”
“Evie, I lov—”
“I hate that you made me feel so alone for so many years! I hate that I
missed you every single day you weren’t with me! I hate that I felt like I was
this pathetic little girl chasing you around, praying you would love her!”
“I fucked up. I know that. Don’t you think I know that? I lost you too,
darlin’. It’s why I stayed away while we were married. I couldn’t see you
because if I did, I would have told you the truth! Screamed it from the
fucking rooftops, and then what? Huh?”
“I would have fought for you. I did fight for you!”
“I fought for you too, Evie.”
“Bullshit! All you did was hurt me, and now you just expect me to
forgive you like it’s nothing! Like you didn’t ruin me for every other man
who came into my life!”
“I wish I’d known that six years ago, but then my baby girl wouldn’t be
here, and I wouldn’t give up my kids for anything. Despite the shitty fucking
hand I was dealt with Tessa, she gave me Ethan and Ariel, and I wouldn’t
change that for anything. They’re my everything.”
“What does Ariel have to do with me?”
“I saw you out at a bar one night. You were with this guy who had his
hands all over you. I was seconds away from tearing him off you except you
were smiling, laughing, soaking it all up. I couldn’t face the reality that I may
have lost you, so again, I drank away my sorrow. The next morning, I woke
up with Tessa. We didn’t sleep in the same bed. We never did. In my eyes, it
wasn’t a real marriage.”
“Oh, I see… So you fucked your wife and then knocked her up again, and
it’s suddenly my fault. What about all the other times you had sex with her?
Am I to blame for those too?”
“I’ve fucked Tessa twice, and both times I don’t remember it.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Why would I lie to you? Now? After all this?”
“Because all you do is lie! You lied to Jax! You lied to me! You lied to
yourself about not wanting me! I can’t tell the difference between your truths
and lies!” I didn’t hesitate in spewing, “But here’s another truth for you! I
hated you, Caleb Hawkins! Do you understand me? I still fucking hate you!
But mostly...” I paused, reconsidering if I was really going to be honest with
Throwing caution to the wind, I yelled, “I hate that I have to lie to you
about having a boyfriend in order to pretend like I don’t love you anymore!
Because the truth is, the biggest hatred I have in my heart is that I can’t stop
loving you!”
Before the last word flew out of my mouth, he was in my face, slamming
his lips against mine and kissing me with a force I never expected.
“Caleb…” I rasped into his mouth. “I hate you. I hate that I can’t stop
loving you, dreaming about you, wanting a future with you…”
He growled, sticking his tongue past my lips.
“I hate that you made me love your kids,” I breathed out against his
mouth. “I hate that just thinking about you and them not being in my life
everyday makes me hate you all over again.”
I yanked my lips away from his, thrashing around, desperately wanting to
get out of his arms, but he wouldn’t let me. He held me tighter while both of
us tried gaining control over the other.
“Evie, stop! Look at me! Just fucking look at me!”
I firmly closed my eyes, thrashing all around.
“Evie, please,” he begged in a voice I didn’t recognize.
“No! You stop! Let go of me!”
“Darlin’, look at me. Open your fucking eyes and look at me,” he
demanded, gripping onto my face.
I was at my wits end, and he gently kissed all over my face, caressing me
softly, showing me what I needed to feel. I surrendered to him.
To us.
“I’m sorry, Evie. I’m so fucking sorry, darlin’. Do you hear me?”
“I’ve always wanted you. I swear on my kids’ life. You’re all I ever
wanted. Just you. No one else but you.”
I couldn’t take it anymore and pushed him to break free from his grasp.
“Stop! I hate you, Caleb! Do you hear me? I fucking hate you!” I shouted
it over and over again, trying to make us both believe it.
However, he wouldn’t let up and continued caressing me, kissing me,
whispering to me that he was sorry. So fucking sorry. Battling my hateful
words with his loving ones. I could feel he was reaching his breaking point,
as much as I was.
It wasn’t until he professed, “I love you, Evie Monroe. I fucking love
you. I’ve always loved you, and I always will,” that I gave up all the fight left
inside of me.
Going full speed, I kissed him as he pulled me against his torso. I
wrapped my legs around his waist before he settled me onto the table to stand
in between my legs. Glass fell to the floor, shattering around us.
He pinned me beneath him, locking his body on top of mine.
Panting profusely.
Overwhelming my emotions and overriding my thoughts the only way he
ever could.
“I’m not asking you to forget, darlin’. I’m begging you to forgive me. I’ll
spend the rest of my life proving to you how sorry I am for breaking your
heart. I love you, Evie. You’re my whole world.”
I exhaled the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding, feeling emotions I
couldn’t begin to place. Gliding my tongue into his mouth, I surrendered into
his passionate embrace. He could feel my chest rising and falling against his
torso, my hard nipples firmly pressed against his clothed chest. He hadn’t
even touched me yet, and I was already splitting at the seams.
“Caleb,” I expressed, strangled and frantic.
He kissed me until my body undeniably yielded to him.
Until I was anxious and trembling, soft and supple in his arms.
Until every muscle pulsed with anticipation.
With need.
With want.
With desire to once again be his and only his.
He was my undoing.
Caleb Hawkins had always been my soul mate.
Our lips moved like they were made for one another. Full of desperation
and urgency, desire and hunger, fighting our past and our way back to each
other. I could hear the pounding of his heartbeat and feel the thrumming of
his pulse quickening with a rhythmic, alluring sound that both soothed and
controlled me in ways I never wanted it to stop. Not for one second.
It was maddening.
Everything I wanted it to be.
His lips moved from mine, descending down my neck—pecking, nipping,
licking. My head extended back even though I whimpered at the loss of his
mouth against mine.
It was slow and instinctual.
Further surrendering to his touch, to his love, to the man who owned my
heart and soul.
“Caleb … please kiss me again.”
He eyed me with a predatory regard. “I will.” He grinned. “But first I’m
going to kiss your pussy.”
Roughly gripping onto my thighs, he slid my ass down to the edge of the
table where he tore off my panties and dress next. Once I was naked, he
dropped to the floor and sucked my clit into his mouth.
I gasped a heady breath, turned on but also startled by his aggressive
gesture. He took his time. Inch by inch, leaving me breathless beneath him,
working me into a frenzy.
Fucking me with his skilled tongue.
“Beg me, Evie. Beg me to make you come.”
I sat up on my elbows and pleaded, “Please…” causing my back to arch
when he did exactly what I asked.
I exploded, coming so hard I think I blacked out for a moment.
“Caleb…” I purred his name, fisting my hand in his hair.
“Whose pussy is this, Evie? Who owns every last part of you?”
I moaned in response.
“Tell me? Tell me who you fucking belong to?” he demanded, standing
above my body.
I watched as he threw off his shirt and unbuttoned his slacks, pulling out
his huge, hard cock. It was only then I noticed...
“You’re still pierced?”
He deviously smiled, looking utterly delicious.
“You weren’t at Jax’s vow renewal.”
“I only wear it for you, darlin’. Now answer my question.”
Placing his shaft along my opening, he soaked the tip with my wetness
and parted my lips. Slowly and deliberately swaying up and down, he knew
my clit was still sensitive from his relentless tongue.
“You,” was all I could say.
In one hard thrust, he was deep inside of me. Under the stars on the deck
of the boat, he made me his on the pink roses I loved.
“Fuck me,” he growled.
My hands gripped the edge of the table while he slammed in and out of
me. I could feel my pussy clamping onto his cock, tighter and tighter with
each push and pull of his dick.
With each moan that escaped my lips.
With each deep thrust of his cock.
With each clench of my pussy, stirring down to his balls.
I lost myself to him.
I couldn’t stop coming on his dick.
He leaned forward, resting his forehead on mine to stare deep into my
hooded eyes.
Our hearts pounded.
Our skin was covered in sweat.
Our lungs were completely out of breath.
He made love to me, completely oblivious to everything around us.
Vanished in our abandonment.
In our own world.
In our own everything.
All I could hear was desire over the waves crashing onto the boat,
mimicking the rhythm of our hearts as he took what belonged to him.
When he moved his hands to my clit, my breathing escalated.
“Yeah, Evie. Come on my cock … just like that … give it to me…”
I could feel my pussy tighten, gripping his dick like a vise. My body
shivered from the ocean breeze hitting my sweat-soaked skin.
He kissed me more aggressively than before and grabbed the back of my
neck, wanting to bring me closer to him. Our lips moved on their own accord,
no longer having any control over our actions.
He kissed my jawline to my neck and then deliberately made his way
back up to my mouth.
“Goddamn … you feel so fucking good,” he groaned, roughly gripping
onto my hips.
Moving harder, faster, for his pleasure and mine. He could feel my g-spot
on the tip of cock, only fueling his thrusts. My body was on the verge of
shuddering as I took his vigorous assault.
Both our mouths parted, breathless, riding the high, and waiting to fall
over the edge.
He plunged his tongue into my mouth when he felt my pussy throb
against his cock, pulsating long and tight. Muffling my screams.
I was his undoing.
Another groan escaped from deep within his chest as he came so hard and
deep inside of me. He released his come as deep into my pussy as he possibly
Both of us tried to catch our breaths.
Our thoughts.
Our emotions.
Until he growled, “I love you, Evie.”
Making me feel…

Whole again.
Chapter 26


“Morning, gorgeous.”
She shyly smiled, peeking up at me through her long lashes.
“How long have you been watching me sleep?”
“Who said I slept?” I grinned. “I spent most of the night inside of you.”
We stayed the night on the boat, not wanting to go back to the yacht just
“What time is it?” she asked, stretching like a feline cat.
“Almost ten.”
“What time are we leaving today?”
“This afternoon.”
“Should we head back? I miss the kids.”
I smiled big and wide. “I love that you miss them. I miss them too.”
“Do you have to go back to work tomorrow?”
I shook my head.
“What?” She narrowed her eyes, trying to hide her excitement. “You’re
“We’re actually going on another trip.”
She pulled the white sheet up her to cover her breasts as she sat on her
knees in front of me.
“Darlin’, you don’t have to cover yourself. I’ve seen them.”
She blushed. “Where are we going?”
“To Kentucky.”
“Wait? What?”
“It’s my grandfather’s ninetieth birthday. I’m taking you home to meet
my family, Evie.”
Her eyes widened as she jerked back.
Sweeping her hair away from her face, I caressed her cheek with the back
of my hand.
“Are you serious?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“I’m going to meet your parents?”
“We’re staying at my childhood home. My mother wouldn’t have it any
other way.”
“Oh my God!” She playfully slapped my chest. “How could you wait this
long to tell me? You’ve never talked about your family, and now you want
me to meet them? What if they don’t like me?”
“They’re going to love you as much as I do.”
Her expression quickly turned apprehensive.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. What are you going to tell them?”
“About what?”
“Caleb…” she coaxed. “You know what I mean! Like, how are you
introducing me?”
I arched an eyebrow. “How would you like to be introduced?”
“Umm… I’m not sure. I don’t want to confuse the kids.”
“So we’ll tell them first.”
“Tell them what?”
“That we’re getting married.”
She jumped off the bed, taking the sheet with her. “What?!” she shouted,
completely caught off guard.
“You heard me.”
“I heard you, but what the hell? How did we go from hanging out and
getting along to walking down the aisle?”
“No!” She put her hand up in the air. “Don’t darlin’ me. You’re not sweet
talking your way out of this one, buddy. Besides, when did you propose? Did
I black out and miss that?”
I didn’t hesitate in proposing, “Marry me, Evie.”
Her stare widened while her arms flailed around.
“Have you lost your mind?!”
“Actually, for the first time in my life, I’m thinking pretty fucking
“Caleb, you’re insane!”
“Insanely in love with you.” I opened the drawer on the nightstand next to
me, grabbing the turquoise Tiffany box I’d left in there.
“Caleb…” she warned, her voice laced with unease.
“What?” I played coy, sitting up against the headboard. “It’s your
birthday present.”
“My birthday was yesterday.”
“I was busy making love to you all night. Consider it a late gift.”
“Don’t you want to open it?”
“What’s in it?”
“You know what’s in it, Evie.”
Since she wasn’t moving from the spot she seemed cemented to, I opened
the box for her. As soon as she saw the five-karat princess cut diamond ring
shining bright against the sun, she loudly gasped and her hands shot to her
Fervently shaking her head, she yelled, “Oh my God! How long have you
“Since you showed up at my doorstep, claiming you were the new
“I am the new nanny.”
“Sweetheart, we both know you’re much more than that.”
“We’ve barely been speaking up until yesterday, and every time we did
talk, we were arguing.”
“That wasn’t fighting.”
“Oh, really? What would you define it as?”
“Fucking foreplay.”
“I can’t believe you. I don’t even know what to say to you.”
“A yes would be great.”
“Are you asking me because you want your kids to have a mom?”
I expected her to say that, but it didn’t take away the sting I felt deep in
my core.
“I want you to be my wife because I love you. We’ve already lost eight
years, Evie. I’m done playing games. I want you in our lives forever, and I’ll
do whatever it takes to make that happen. It’s really quite simple, darlin’.”
She placed her hand on her chest. “I think I’m having a heart attack.”
I chuckled and climbed out of the bed.
“Caleb, stay right there.”
“No, I mean it. I can’t think when you’re close to me.”
“What do you need to think about?”
“Oh, I don’t know! Let’s recap, shall we? First, I find out that Tessa knew
about Jax, and she basically blackmailed you into marrying her. Then you tell
me you don’t remember having sex with her, but you have two kids from
those encounters. So you must have some super sperm, Caleb. On top of the
fact you’ve finally admitted you’ve loved me all this time. What else?” She
placed her finger on her lips. “Oh! You just asked me to marry you, but you
didn’t exactly say the words. News flash, Mr. Hawkins, Jax is still my brother
and has no idea about us.”
“I told you to let me worry about Jax.”
“That’s your reply? What about everything else I just said?”
“It’s all in the past.”
“No, it’s not. It’s standing right in front of me. You come with all these
bad memories.”
“I also come with some pretty great memories too.”
She sighed. “You do. Which is even more confusing for me. I’m still
trying to work through everything you confessed to me last night, and now
you’re throwing in a marriage proposal? I mean, what the hell? You’re not
making any sense, and if you took a second to think about that, you’d realize
“Quite the contrary, darlin’. I’m completely rational.” Sliding on my
pants, I got down on one knee in front of her.
She didn’t move.
She didn’t speak.
She was barely breathing.
I grabbed her hand and kissed the palm, allowing my lips to linger on her
skin before I declared, “I’ve loved you from the moment I set my eyes on
you. There is no me without you. My kids love you. I love you. You’re mine,
Evie. You’ve always been mine.” Holding up the ring, I repeated, “Marry me,
Her mouth was wide open. “I … I … I don’t know.”
“Well…” I cocked my head to the side. “At least it’s not a no.”
“It’s not a yes either.”
I stood. “It will be.” Handing her the box, I added, “I just have to be
“You, patient?”
Once again, I didn’t falter in expressing another truth. “I’d wait forever
for you, Evie.”
Silently praying, I didn’t have to.


The last twenty-four hours of my life were a whirlwind of emotions. It

went from one thing to another, and I was desperately trying not to lose my
shit more than I already had. Especially in front of his kids.
“Evie, are you okay?” Ethan asked on our drive home.
Home? Why did I keep thinking that? Did it feel like my home?
“I am. I’m just tired.”
“Me too,” Ariel agreed. “Daddy, when do we leave for Grammy and
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, yay! We get to spend more time with you and Evie!”
“You’re going to get to spend a lot of time with me from now on, baby
“Yay! Ethan, did you hear?”
“Really, Dad?”
“I promise.”
I leaned my head against the seat.
“Evie, are you coming with us too?”
“I am, sweetie.”
“Yay! This is the best day ever!”
Was it?
There was no controlling the inner turmoil or the wave of thoughts
soaring through my mind and taking over every last inch of my headspace. I
couldn’t form logical thoughts in my brain. I could only feel the anxiety
flowing through every bone in my body, and it wasn’t letting up, holding me
captive for the entire drive back to his estate.
My thoughts relentlessly spun for what felt like the hundredth time.
Question after question tore through my mind, catapulting me into this
downward spiral of what the fuck was happening in such a short amount of
How did Tessa know about Jax?
I never told her. I never told anyone. I couldn’t fathom how she’d found
out. Jax didn’t come to my apartment. I always went to his. We didn’t hang
out in public together often, and even if we did, it wouldn’t matter.
How would anyone know he was my brother based on us hanging out?
Caleb reached over and lightly caressed my hand. The kids were busy on
their iPads, and they couldn’t see him being affectionate with me.
Did I want to marry Caleb?
I inhaled a deep, solid breath while he held onto my grasp. Caleb always
went from zero to one hundred, and this was just another one of those
circumstances. He didn’t half ass anything ever, but I couldn’t help but think
he only wanted to marry me to give his children a mother.
What would they think of this? What about his parents? Would they like
me? Did they know about me?
We hadn’t finished our discussion about how he was introducing me to
Was I his girlfriend now? Or still just his nanny? Ugh!
One problem would occur while the next one was forming. I felt like I
was going to explode at any minute, and I didn’t want the kids to see it.
However, Caleb was making that really fucking hard.
I did love him…
I never stopped.
Did I want to be his wife?
Everything was changing at a moment’s notice, and I was hanging on by
a very thin thread that felt as if it was on the verge of snapping. I closed my
eyes and must have fallen asleep at some point, waking up to Caleb
unbuckling my seat belt.
“You’ve been exhausted these last few days.”
“Yeah.” I nodded, shaking away the daze. “It’s probably from all the
sun.” I looked around. “Where are the kids?”
“They’re with Jennifer. She’s helping them pack.”
“Is she coming with us too?”
“No. It’s just our family.”
An SUV pulled into the estate, bringing our attention over to the vehicle.
“Are you expecting someone?”
“No,” he responded.
For a second, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I refused to
believe what I was focused on, thinking my overly active imagination was
stringing me along for some sort of ride for shits and giggles.
“Is that—”
For some reason, I glanced down at my phone which was on silent. I
forgot to turn the sound back on this morning. It was then I noticed there
were twelve missed calls from Sophie and fifteen text messages.
I opened one as we heard a car door open and then slam shut. There, clear
across the screen on my cell phone in black, bold lettering.
She texted…
Jax knows.
Two words that had the power to end us before we even began.
Caleb followed my gaze on my phone, rasping, “Fuck,” when he read
Sophie’s text message.
In less than a second, my worst nightmare played out in front of me like
we were suddenly in a horror movie. With a wide, terrified expression, I
locked eyes with the man we least expected.

As he viciously roared, “How long have you been lying to me?”

Chapter 27


“You motherfucker!”
“Jax!” I shouted.
How was this happening?
It felt like I was in this alternate universe as he stomped over to Caleb.
Thinking quick on my feet, I stood in front of him with my hands out in
surrender, stopping him.
This wasn’t what I wanted.
It was far from it.
It was also the last thing we needed right now.
“It’s not what you think,” I instinctively coaxed.
“Not what I think? How about you tell me what I’m thinking, Evie?”
“I … I … I don’t know.”
He shoved what looked like a folder into Caleb’s hand.
“Explain this to me. Now!”
I jolted out of my skin while Caleb read the file. Abruptly he seethed,
“What?!” I shouted, nervous and overwhelmed.
“The story is going to leak unless I pay them ten million dollars.”
“Story? What story?”
“I’m being extorted for your fucking lies!”
“Jax, I’ll pay it.”
“Fuck you, man! You think that’s what matters to me?! They’re labeling
her as a homewrecker, you son of a bitch!”
“Whoa! Time out! Someone explain to me what the hell is going on?”
Jax nodded to Caleb. “Go ahead, Caleb. You tell her.”
His eyes went back and forth between us until he stated, “I swear I
thought we were being careful.”
“Careful?” Jax intervened. “What part of fucking my sister on the deck of
a boat is careful?”
I loudly gasped. “Oh my God!” I grabbed the papers from Caleb’s hands.
There in front of my eyes was the story FLX was going to run. It was the
biggest gossip magazine in the world, and the headline read:
NFL Quarterback Jax Colton’s little sister is a homewrecker.
“Oh my God,” I repeated, hardly breathing.
There were photos of us from the last week, but mostly from last night on
the deck of the boat. Despite my heart being in my throat, I continued
Entrepreneur Evie Monroe knows what her clients need in and out of her
multi-million-dollar office, playing “the nanny” to Jax Colton’s agent and
longtime best friend Caleb Hawkins, who unexpectedly filed for a divorce
earlier this year from his wife of eight years, Tessa Hawkins. The two share
two children, but that didn’t stop homewrecker Miss Monroe from sinking
her claws into him. This explains the surprising divorce for the happy couple.
The question in everyone’s mind is how long have they been having an
affair? Our sources tell us they’ve been sleeping around for years. Ladies,
make sure to keep an eye on Miss Monroe if you hire her services. Who
knows whose husband she will snatch next…
I couldn’t read anymore.
Peering up, I looked deep into my brother’s eyes. “This isn’t true, Jax.”
“What part isn’t true? The one where you slept with a married man? Or
where you fucked my best friend?”
“Jax,” I breathed out, dangling on the brink of a panic attack.
It only got worse when Caleb decided to affirm, “I’m in love with your
sister. I’ve been in love with her since the moment I saw her.”
My eyes snapped up at his statement. “Caleb! Stop it!”
“Stop what, Evie?” He snatched the folder out of my hand. “She didn’t
break up my marriage, but she was the reason I filed for divorce.”
“Why on earth would you choose to say that now?!”
“Evie, I’m done lying to him and to everyone else!”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I bit. “Now’s the time you decide to be
I couldn’t believe this was the moment he brought this upon us, like
dealing with him wasn’t already enough of a challenge.
“Jax, I swear last night was the first time we’ve been together since…”
“Since when?” he demanded, furious with the both of us. “Finish that
“I … I…”
“Since I fucked up the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Jax’s ferocious glare erupted in Caleb’s direction, scoffing out, “How
long has this been going on?”
I swallowed hard. The whole world was spinning around me, and I was
trying to hang on for dear life.
In one sudden movement, Caleb shifted me aside, standing up to my
brother. Getting right in his face, he didn’t back down.
I’d be lying if I said I never considered it would come to this. There were
even times I wished it would have. However, having it actually happen was
an entirely different story. This was the first time since Caleb and I started
whatever the hell you’d call us that I truly felt ashamed.
The only time I’d ever seen Jax scowl at someone like he was at Caleb
was with our father. The hatred and disgust were evident in his expression
and the tension was suffocating me, sucking all the air from my lungs.
“This is the last time I’ll ask you, Caleb. How long has this been going
“Jax, please…” I begged for I don’t know what.
Again, Caleb didn’t miss a beat. “Since the day before you introduced her
to me.”
Everything happened so damn fast, but at the same time it felt as if it
played out in this slow motion reel of black and white images clicking across
my eyes.
“Jax, no!” I yelled in a high-pitched tone as his fist collided with Caleb’s
face. His head whooshed back, taking half his body with him.
It didn’t take long for Caleb to catch his balance, stumbling for a couple
seconds before he found solid ground and began rubbing his cheek.
I lunged into action, gripping onto my brother’s arm. My attempt at
stopping him wasn’t enough. He simply shoved me away, only pissing Caleb
off further.
“Don’t fucking touch her!” Caleb pushed Jax.
“You’re telling me not to touch her?! Fuck you, Caleb!”
“Please, Jax, this isn’t the way. His kids are inside. I’m begging you.”
“You’re my best friend!” Jax growled, going toe-to-toe with Caleb. “I
fucking trusted you! With my career! With my money! With my little sister!
All those times! All those fucking times I called you to look out for her, all
you were doing was screwing her behind my back?! What kind of best friend
does that, asshole?!”
“That’s not what happened. Just let me explain.”
“Explain? Explain what? Huh? What other lies do you need to tell me?”
Caleb snapped, “I’m done fucking lying! I’ve wasted so much time lying
to everyone. Especially myself! For years, I pushed her away because of my
loyalty and friendship to you. I didn’t want to love her, but for fuck’s sake!
You know your sister—it’d be impossible not to love her.”
I sucked in a breath.
“I tried. Trust me, man. I tried for over a year to just do what I promised
you and protect her, but you had to go and fucking book us a suite together!”
Jax staggered back. I could tell he was reliving that morning all over
“She was in your shirt,” he uttered so low we could barely hear him.
Almost like he didn’t want to remember it himself.
“I didn’t… I mean…” I paused, trying to get my words out. “We
“You didn’t what, Evie? What didn’t you do?”
I bowed my head, unable to reply. The shame was eating me alive.
“I kissed her and touched her, but it didn’t go further than that because
again—I couldn’t do that to you.”
“You piece of shi—”
“You’re right! I am a piece of shit! But nothing happened between us
until months later when I couldn’t stay away from her anymore. You made
sure of it!”
The memory of him unexpectedly showing up to my apartment raced
through my mind at rapid speed as if it was happening right then and there.
I opened the door, seeing Caleb standing in front of me.
“What are you—”
His mouth crashed onto mine, rendering me speechless. Before I could
move an inch, he gripped onto the back of my thighs and carried me into my
bedroom, shutting the door with his foot behind him.
“You wanted me to pierce my cock,” he growled into my mouth, throwing
me onto my bed.
Standing by the edge of my mattress, he unbuckled his slacks and pulled
out his cock.
I hadn’t seen it since the night he had it pierced.
“Well, darlin’, you’re going to be the first woman this jewelry touches.”
I shook away the memory.
After that night, he didn’t stop himself anymore when it came to me. I
never asked him why he changed his mind, scared he’d stop if I did.
But there was no more wondering when Caleb shared, “Months after you
won the Super Bowl, I still tried my best to stay away from her and keep my
word to you, but I couldn’t do it anymore. I had a taste of her that weekend,
and there was no going back. I fucking cracked and took what’s always felt
like mine to begin with. We snuck around behind your back, and for that, I’m
truly sorry.”
My head wasn’t just whirling, it was losing all reliability. I could hardly
keep up with what he was admitting. I wanted him to stop.
Right? Then why couldn’t I get my lips to move?
“But I’ll never apologize for loving her.”
Around and around my head twirled like I was suddenly a ballerina,
performing for my brother and his best friend. Except, I wasn’t the one who
stole the show.
It was Caleb once he announced…

“I want her to be my wife.”

Chapter 28

Never in my wildest dreams did I think a fucking tabloid magazine would
spill a twisted version of our love story. I had no choice but to explain and try
to reason with Jax, knowing in the end I might lose my best friend to the
woman I couldn’t continue to live without.
At least, I was somewhat in control of the situation. Based off the article,
he had every right to be furious with me, but I was ready to fight for Evie.
Even if it meant losing him in the process.
No matter what, Evie was mine. If I had to prove it to her in a hundred
different ways, I would. In the meantime, man to man, her brother and I
would deck it out. The time had come for the truth to prevail.
Regardless of the consequences.
“What?” Jax harshly questioned.
“You heard me. I already asked her to marry me.”
His eyes widened while Evie listened intently to what I was saying. “A
couple weeks before her twenty-second birthday, I was going to give it all up
for her, but I started questioning if it was right or wrong. I found myself at
the bottom of a bottle of Jack and ended up at her apartment. Tessa was in her
bed, and one thing led to another. However, I don’t remember a damn second
of it. A month and a half later, Tessa showed up at my condo to tell me she
was pregnant.” I paused to let my words sink in.
“And the only reason I married her was to keep my relationship with Evie
from you. Tessa found out about Evie and me. She knew you were her
brother, and she was going to tell you if I didn’t make her my wife. You’ve
said it yourself several times, Jax. I was just trying to do the right thing by
her. Except, it wasn’t the right thing for my child, but it was the right thing
for Evie not to lose you to me.”
He stood there, contemplating what I had said before he asked, “How did
she know about Evie and me?”
“I have no fucking idea.”
“Don’t try me, Caleb! Not right now!”
“Or what?” I countered, cocking my head to the side. “You’re going to
punch me again? It’s not going to change our past. It doesn’t matter how
many times you hit me. It won’t change anything! I’m done pretending like
she isn’t my whole fucking world!”
He shoved me, and since I was expecting it, I didn’t budge, which further
triggered the fury in his blood.
“How could you lie to me? I trusted you with everything! Including my
baby sister!”
“Jax, enough!” Evie ordered, stepping in front of me. “I’m not a baby!
I’ve never been a baby! I didn’t need Caleb’s protection then, and I don’t
need it now! You need to back up and just stop. I’m not a child. I can make
my own decisions. I understand you thought you were doing what’s best for
me, but for one second, you never considered what I thought was best for me.
You blame our father for not protecting me. Well, I blame you for
overprotecting me. This could have been avoided. All these years of pain and
lies, if you’d just let go of the image of me that you had in your mind.”
“What do you want from me, Evie? I didn’t have a family until I met you.
You loved me unconditionally right from the start. You fought our own father
so I could be in your life. What did you expect me to do? Huh? Just forget the
fact you didn’t have anyone else but me?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Of course not. I appreciate everything you’ve
ever done for me. I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for you. I love
you, Jax, but I can’t take this anymore. If I want to be with Caleb, then it’s
my choice. Solely my decision. Not yours or anyone else’s for that matter. I
don’t tell you how to live your life, and it’s not fair you won’t grant me the
same respect. What have I ever done for you not to trust me?”
“I trust you, Evie.”
“You have a shitty way of showing it.”
“You think this is the best way for me to find out? Through fucking
extortion?” He grabbed the folder out of my hands. “I’m fresh out of one
scandal, and now I have to deal with this? When you could have just fucking
told me the truth?”
Caleb chimed in, “And what would you have done, Jax? What would you
have said if I told you I was in love with her back then?”
“Fuck!” He tugged his hair away from his face as if he wanted to tear it
out. “I don’t know! All I know is right now I want to fucking kill you!”
“You would have wanted to kill me back then too.”
“Not as much as I want to kill you right now!”
“Jax, please,” Evie pleaded. “You need to calm down. This isn’t helping
anyone. You’re only making things worse.”
“I’m making things worse?” he mocked. “I’ve seen pictures of my best
friend’s dick inside of you like you’re a fucking whore—”
“Caleb, no!”
My fist flashed past Evie’s face to crush against her brother’s jaw.
“Oh my God! Can we please stop hitting each other for one fucking
“Don’t you ever call her a whore!”
She gripped onto my arm. “Stop it! You’re as bad as he is!”
“I can’t stop thinking about how many times you were alone with her! I
was supposed to protect her, but all I did was hand her right to you! Do you
have any idea how sick that makes me?”
“You know that’s not true.”
“Caleb, I don’t know shit. I don’t know you at all.”
“Fuck, Jax! What do you want from me? I’m telling you the truth! You
want to hate me? Fine. Be fucking livid with me! But don’t take your anger
out on Evie. She loves you. You’re the only family she has. She doesn’t
deserve that. She’s done nothing wrong. I hate that this is happening. I hate
that I can’t do anything about it. But please, don’t blame her for this.”
“I don’t know how to get past this.” He shook his head, disappointed.
“How did I not know what was going on between you two? I love Evie more
than anything in this world, and I couldn’t see it? How many times were we
all together and still I was so fucking blind?”
“I … don’t…” I sighed, not knowing what to say.
“I can’t look at you right now. I can’t even look at my own sister. Do you
know how hard that is for me? You two are the most important people in my
life, and I can’t stand to face either of you. All I see is your lies.”
“I’m sorry, Jax. I don’t know what else I can say to make this right.”
“Sophie knows, doesn’t she?”
“Don’t drag her into this, Jax.”
He faintly nodded. “Shit…” was all he managed to say. “I’ll tell you this
right now. In front of both of you. You hurt her, Caleb. I’ll beat you within an
inch of your life. You hear me? I’ll end you.”
“I swear on my life. I’ll die before I ever hurt her again.” My eyes
connected with Evie’s. “I love you.”
“I don’t agree with this,” Jax added, backing away. “There’s no point in
pretending like I do. Who’s to say that won’t change, but for right now, I still
want to fucking kill you.”
I nodded, fully aware…
He meant it.


I handed Jax some pain reliever for his bloody lip.

“You okay?”
He shrugged, grabbing a beer from the fridge.
Caleb went to go check on his kids, and I wanted to be alone with my
He asked out of nowhere, “Did you say yes to his marriage proposal?”
Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the island.
“I told him I didn’t know which version of our past is the truth. Although,
I want you to know that I was the one who pursued him, Jax. He didn’t want
to hurt or disrespect you. For the longest time, I didn’t understand his
reasoning behind it. I’m not going to lie to you, but I resented you for it. I
never felt the way Caleb did. I always wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t
betray him. I knew it would be Caleb who you’d go against, and I couldn’t do
that to either of you. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love. I lost
both of my parents.” Tears formed in my eyes. “I can’t lose you too, Jax. I
won’t survive it.”
He immediately pulled me into his arms.
“Evie, don’t cry. You’re not going to lose me. I swear it. I promise that
I’ll always be your brother. No matter how much you piss me off. All I’ve
ever wanted is to protect you. I’m sorry if I went about it the wrong way.
You’re always going to be my little sister. As livid as I am at both of you, I’m
going to try to accept it. You’re right. You’re entitled to your own happiness,
and I’m sorry that I interfered with that. I didn’t mean to. I was just trying to
be the big brother you deserved.”
I pulled away. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”
“Do you love him?”
“I’ve never stopped loving him.”
He sighed deeply. “I meant what I said—if he hurts you again, he’ll have
to answer to me.”
“Does that mean you’re not going to fire him?”
“Is that what you think I would have done had you told me this back
I nodded. “Maybe.”
“From the moment I met you in Dad’s office, I promised myself I’d take
care of you, but I guess I never realized you could take care of yourself. That
you’d been taking care of yourself for a long time before I came along.” He
lovingly smiled. “I’ll always be here for you, Evie. Even when you don’t
want me to be. I’m your big brother, and you’re fucking stuck with me.”
I chuckled, and he kissed my forehead.
“What about Caleb?”
“He’s still my agent. We’ll see what happens with our friendship.”
“If you can forgive me, Jax, then you can forgive him too. He’s your best
friend. You’re the godfather to his children. Be mad all you want. You have
every right to be, but you need to find it in your heart to forgive him. Please.
Do it for me.”
Neither one of us said anything for what felt like forever.
Until he shared, “Speaking of kids, you’re going to have another niece or
My hands flew to my mouth, trying to hold back more tears. “Sophie’s
“Oh my God!” I jumped into his arms. “Congratulations!”
Caleb kept his distance from us for the rest of the evening. Jax and I
talked a bit more before he left to fly back home. It was late by the time I
began packing and heard a knock on my bedroom door.
“Come in.”
Caleb entered, closing the door behind him and then leaned against it.
“Wow. You actually knocked. Did that bruise on your cheek finally give
you some manners?”
He grinned, arching an eyebrow. “Don’t get used to it.”
“How are you going to explain the bruise to your family?”
“I was thinking of telling them you beat me.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help it.
“Jax left?”
“He did.”
“Everything alright between you two?”
“Yes. Thankfully.”
“You need to ice your cheek, Caleb. It’s going to look a lot worse in the
morning. I feel horrible you got hit in the first place.”
“I’m fine.”
“There’s a bag of peas in the freezer. I can get it for you.”
“You want to take care of me?”
“Considering I’m the reason you’re hurt, I think I owe you that much.”
“At least he knows now.”
“What about the article? If it gets published, I’m going to lose my
business. No one is going to want to work with—”
“I took care of it.” He made his way toward me.
“What do you mean? You paid them the money?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Caleb, that’s ten million dollars. Not to mention, extortion is illegal.
They should be prosecuted, not rewarded.”
“Darlin’, I promised I’d always protect you.”
He silenced me with his mouth on mine, kissing me as if his life
depended on it.
“I love you, Evie Monroe. I’d give up everything for you.”
For the first time in what felt like forever…

I believed him.
Chapter 29

at the flower shop to buy his mother a mixture of pink roses, my favorite.
“Stop fidgeting.”
“I can’t help it. I’m freaking out.”
Despite his mother wanting to send the chauffeur to pick us up from the
private hangar, Caleb had an SUV waiting for us. He was adamant about
having his own vehicle which didn’t surprise me. He was a control freak like
Ethan and Ariel were on their iPads. They were watching a movie with
their headphones on, so we could speak naturally.
“What if they don’t like me?”
“I like you.” He winked at me. “A lot.”
“Caleb.” I playfully slapped his chest. “I’m serious. I’ve never met
someone’s parents before.”
“Is that right?”
“Yes. My dates never got that far. You would know, you ruined most of
He smiled proudly. “They’re going to love you, darlin’.”
“Do they know about me?”
“They do.”
“Okay … and?”
“And what?”
“Oh, come on! I’m dying here. Don’t make me beg.”
He whispered, “But you know how much I love it when you’re on your
knees for me.”
My eyes shifted to the kids. They weren’t paying us any mind.
Giving into his demands, I mockingly pleaded, “Please, oh please, Mr.
Hawkins. Tell me what your parents know about me?”
He laughed, throwing his head back.
“Did it work?”
“It’d be better if you were actually on your knees, but I’ll take the bait.”
I bit my lip, anxiously waiting for his response.
“They know everything.”
My eyes widened. “You’re joking.”
“Why would I joke about that?”
“So they know like everything, everything? Like our history too?”
“Cliff notes version.”
“When did you tell them?”
“When you started working for me.”
I gasped. “Caleb!”
“What?” He chuckled. “My mother is extremely overprotective.
Especially when it comes to her only grandchildren. I had to ease her mind by
telling her you’ve come on my coc—”
“Oh my God. You better be joking.”
He reached for my hand, kissing it. “I am. Relax. She knows how much
you mean to me and my kids. They wouldn’t stop talking about you when
they last spoke on the phone. Trust me, you’ve won them over already, and
they haven’t even met you yet.”
“This isn’t making me feel any better.”
“You can sit on my face. That usually works for you.”
I rolled my eyes, nodding to the kids in the back.
“We can sneak into my bedroom.”
“Eww! Where you’ve taken all your high school hookups? No thank
“Sweetheart, I never fucked anyone in my bed.”
I smirked.
“I always fucked them in theirs.”
My shouting caught Ethan and Ariel’s attention. For the rest of the ride,
we interacted with them until Caleb drove through these huge golden gates
that entered an enormous estate.
Their property was massive. I thought my brother had a compound, but it
didn’t compare to Caleb’s parents’ estate.
“Yeah, try growing up in this place.”
As soon as Caleb parked, Ethan and Ariel booked it out of the SUV,
running toward the front door while I stayed glued to the seat.
“Come on, darlin’, let’s go.”
“Do I look okay?” I pulled down the visor, looking in the mirror.
“You look gorgeous. Now get your ass out of the car before I do it for
He stepped out, and I followed his lead, unconsciously grabbing his hand.
“I have one more question.”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Do they know the truth about you and Tessa?”
“They fucking hate Tessa. They’ve always hated Tessa. My mother spent
months trying to convince me not to marry her.”
“Okay.” I inhaled a deep breath. “I feel much better now.”
My heart was pounding out of my chest as we walked inside. Their home
was like a museum with columns, portraits, and antiques in every corner. I
couldn’t believe he grew up in this extravagance and decadence. I was
mesmerized, trying to focus on one thing at a time, but there was too much to
“This is crazy,” I muttered under my breath.
“Tell me about it. This estate has been in my family for generations.”
“I can see that. The painting by the door? Is that a real Picasso?”
“Everything you see is real.”
“That painting alone is worth a fortune. There’s being rich, and then
there’s wealthy. Your family is beyond both.”
“Don’t let it intimidate you.”
“How can I not?”
“Caleb!” His mom calling for him interrupted us. “Honey, we’re in the
kitchen with the kids!”
I inhaled another deep, solid breath, making our way into the room.
“Caleb.” His mom rushed over to him, instantly pulling him into her
They embraced for a couple of seconds before our eyes connected.
“Hi.” I extended my hand to her. “I’m Evie, so nice to finally meet you.”
“I know who you are. Welcome to our home,” she greeted, pulling me
into a snug hug.
I was a little caught off guard. However, I quickly hugged her back. The
rest of the day was easy, although I didn’t think it would be. Caleb’s father
was just as kind as his mother was. I enjoyed being around them. It was
effortless, like my connection with their son.
They caught me up on his life, telling me all about him when he was
young. She even brought out photo albums, and we spent hours going
through each one. The kids loved seeing their dad as a child.
One thing was for sure, though, Caleb was his mother’s everything. It was
blatantly obvious how much she cared for him. It was amazing to witness the
love they all had for each other. I didn’t have this growing up, and I was
beyond grateful to see it for the first time in my life. Don’t get me wrong,
Jax’s family was loving too, but this was different.
Familiar yet new.
After Caleb left to put the kids to bed, I walked outside, needing a minute
to take in the day we’d just shared with his family. I didn’t realize how much
being around him and his loved ones would affect me.
Until I heard a voice ask from behind me, “You love him, don’t you?”
I immediately turned, finding his mother standing there.
“I’ve always loved him.”
“I can tell.” She smiled. “My son is an amazing man.”
“He is. He’s an amazing father too. Ethan and Ariel worship the ground
he walks on. You did a great job raising him.”
“Thank you. He was the easy child. Joseph was the opposite. They were
both raised with the same morals too. Just proves it doesn’t matter how you
raise your children. In the end, all you can do is hope and pray they’ll find the
right path in life.”
“That must be hard, worrying about Joseph.”
“I worry about Caleb too. He’s had to play both roles as a parent. We’ve
tried to help him as much as we could, but his brother has a way of pulling us
back into his world.”
“Is Joseph alright?”
“We think so. It’s hard to tell with him sometimes.”
“Is he attending the party?”
“Who knows with him. Have you met him yet?”
“Briefly. He was charming,” I nervously breathed out. “He stopped by
unexpectedly while we were in Spain.”
“How did Caleb take it?”
“Umm … they don’t seem to have the best relationship.”
“Through the years, Joseph has done a lot of damage, and Caleb has been
there for him several times. I don’t blame Caleb for being distant with his
brother. Although, I do wish they’d have a better relationship, but I’m
hopeful that one day it will happen.”
Unsure of what to reply, I simply smiled in reassurance.
Changing the subject, she questioned, “How is Jax these days?”
“He’s good.”
“He’s such a wonderful man and can throw a football like no one can.”
“That’s why they call him the greatest of all time.”
“I’m glad you three were able to work everything out.”
“Caleb told you about that, huh?”
She chuckled. “I’m a prying mother.”
“I understand. My brother is like that with me. He spent years having
Caleb look out for me when I didn’t really need it.”
“It’s his job to protect you.”
“Yeah, and Jax takes—”
“I’m not talking about Jax.”
“Oh … well, in that case, I honestly don’t know which one is worse if
we’re comparing my brother and your son.”
“I can only imagine. Caleb has always been the protector of our family.
Even as a child, he didn’t have very many friends. He always wanted to make
sure he could trust them before they came into our home.”
“I can totally see that. He’s a very private person.”
“He’s always been that way. I don’t want to bring up a sore subject,
I knew our conversation would eventually lead to the kids’ mother, but it
didn’t stop the uncertainty I felt when she asked, “Have you seen Tessa
Chapter 30

“I HAVEN ’ T .”
“Of course not. She won an obscene amount of money in the divorce
settlement. It’s all she ever wanted anyway.”
“Yeah, so I’ve been told.”
“Evie.” She sympathetically nodded. “I’m sorry for what Caleb must
have put you through. He made a mistake, and it cost him years of his life.
Tessa is a horrible woman, let alone mother. My grandchildren deserve
better. They always have. I can’t tell you how happy I am that they have you
now. Like I said, I worried about them constantly, and over the last two
months, I’ve started worrying about them less and less. Today only proves
how much of an effect you’ve had on their lives. Including my son’s.”
“They’ve all had the same effect on me, Mrs. Hawkins.”
“Please, call me Gale.” She spoke so soft and eloquently. “We all have
choices in life, Evie. Whether they’re good or bad, they’re ours to make. My
son has always wanted to do the right thing. He loves you, and I can see you
love him too, but I can also see something else in your eyes. You’re scared,
and I don’t blame you. Love can be a scary thing sometimes.”
“Did he tell you he asked me to marry him?”
She nodded again.
“I want to say yes. Truly, I do. I guess I don’t really know what’s holding
me up. My brother knows about us now. He was the main reason we couldn’t
be together in the first place. Now that he knows about us, I feel like there’s
still another shoe waiting to drop.”
“Tomorrow you’ll meet the whole family, and maybe it will help ease
your apprehension about the future.”
“You might be right,” I agreed, feeling better than I did. “Thanks for
taking the time to talk to me.”
“Honey, that’s what family does.” She hugged and kissed me goodnight,
excusing herself to go up to bed.
Caleb’s room was on the far end of the estate, and before I knew what I
was doing, I knocked on his door.
He answered shirtless and devastatingly handsome. My heart literally
skipped a beat, as I jumped into his arms. There was no uncertainty of his
He welcomed me into his arms, wrapping one behind my back and the
other behind my head, murmuring, “You alright?”
I tucked my face into the nook of his neck.
His kindness.
His patience.
His gentleness.
His love.
It was perfect.
He was perfect.


I picked her up, then kicked the door shut before I carried her over to my
bed and laid her on the mattress. Softly, I kissed all over her face, longing to
take away all the pain I’d caused her.
My regret would be my biggest hardship to overcome.
Evie gazed deep into my eyes, trying to understand our connection, our
love, the fact that we couldn’t stay away from one another for very long.
Even when we had to.
“Make love to me,” she coaxed, just loud enough for me to hear. “Please
make love to me. Touch me like you’re never going to let me go. Make me
I didn’t have to be told twice.
My lips moved to hers, and I gently kissed her, my tongue seeking out
“You’re so beautiful, Evie. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are
and how much you mean to me?”
She lovingly smiled as I unbuttoned her blouse, discarding it onto the
floor. Her skirt, bra, and panties quickly followed until she was completely
naked for me.
So vulnerable.
So exposed.
Everything I ever wanted.
Her breathing became erratic, and I had barely touched her. I wanted to
take my time to love her like she deserved, to show her what she did to my
heart and what I did to hers.
I grabbed the back of her neck, claiming her mouth once again. My hands
roamed her silky skin in a slow, torturous melody. I was torn with craving to
feel her and wanting to see her come undone, knowing her mind mimicked
mine by the expression on her face.
For the first time, her emotions poured out of her, wreaking havoc all
around us. Her delicate fingers caressed the sides of my face, and I knew she
was telling me she loved me without having to say it. The words were written
clearly across her face.
My fingers lightly touched her nipples, making them hard within seconds.
I leaned forward, breathing on them, and took one into my mouth while my
hand caressed the other.
Evie grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer before bringing my
mouth back to hers. I pecked her at first, teasing her lips with the tip of my
tongue and then all along the outline of her pouty pink mouth.
My fingers ran against her cheek and down her body, finding her perfect
pussy that was already wet for me. I tried to move my mouth, wanting to taste
her, but she wouldn’t let me.
“Caleb…” She shuddered.
My fingers moved faster around her clit as her breathing became heavy.
Both our mouths were open from her looming orgasm that was rising higher
and higher with each rub of my fingers.
“Yes… yes…” she panted as she came apart, dripping down my hand.
My body laid on top of hers, caging her in with my arms and legs. Evie
loved it rough, but in that moment, she wanted me to go nice and slow for
her, and I happily obliged.
Gently, I thrust into her tight, wet pussy, worshipping her with my cock. I
affectionately kissed all around her face, jawline, and neck, thrusting in and
out of her at a slow and soft pace.
I could sense her love and adoration for me. It was spilling out of her,
engulfing me like the waves of the ocean. I lapped at her breasts, leaving tiny
marks where I sucked.
I groaned, “Does that feel good?” kissing my way back up to her mouth.
“Yes … harder,” she breathed out.
She hugged me close to her body to put more of my weight on her. She
wanted to feel surrounded by me and what I was giving her.
The pleasure.
Her eyes stayed open the entire time, and I pressed my forehead against
hers. Our mouths were still parted, simply breathing in each other’s air as we
panted profusely. The skin-on-skin sensations while my cock hit her g-spot
was all-consuming. I swear you could hear the pounding of our hearts
echoing off the walls.
I could feel her begin to unravel, and I was right there with her. Pulling
her knee up to meet my hip, I thrust in harder and more demanding. Rotating
her hips, she met each and every one of my thrusts. Her pussy pulsating made
my dick throb.
“Come with me, Caleb,” she moaned into my mouth.
“Fuck… I love you…”
It was all she needed to hear to climax all around my cock, taking me
right along with her. We shook, trembling with our release while I never
stopped kissing her. It didn’t take long for me to get hard again. I made love
to her into the morning hours.

Until there were no more I love yous groaning out of my mouth.

Chapter 31


ninetieth birthday party at his estate. In a room filled to the brim with my
family and his guests, we found one another without even trying.
I couldn’t get over her clingy fucking dress, accentuating all the curves of
her luscious body.
Suddenly, the music changed to a slow song, blaring through the speakers
as I started walking toward her. Once I was standing in front of her, I reached
out my hand, simply stating, “Dance with me, darlin’.”
She smiled, grabbing my arm. “I’d love to.”
Leading us to the dance floor, I molded her body against mine and pulled
her tighter into my chest.
“Look at you, Caleb. I didn’t know you could dance.”
I winked, guiding her arms up around my neck. Leaning into my
embrace, she slow danced with me. We swayed to the beat, in sync with each
“You feel good in my arms, Evie.”
“You don’t feel so bad yourself.”
“Are you having fun?”
“I am. Your family is amazing, Caleb. I still can’t believe I’m in the home
of Beau Hawkins or that I’m in the presence of the Hawkins dynasty.”
“It’s just a brand.”
“It’s more than a brand. Your family is a legacy. Do you ever have
regrets of walking away from all this?”
“Absolutely. I know what it involves, and I never wanted any part of it.”
“Not even when you were younger?”
“Especially when I was younger.”
“I wanted to make a name for myself that didn’t involve my family’s
“Your grandfather is still the CEO?”
“He is. My grandmother passed away several years ago, and he’s never
been the same. She was the love of his life.”
“I love how your family’s marriages have all been together a lifetime.
That’s so rare to find these days. Who’s going to take over the company
when he retires?”
“My cousin Tristian wants it. He’s worked for my grandfather for as long
as I can remember.”
“Why haven’t you ever talked about your family before?”
I thought about it for a second.
“When I was growing up, it was hard to make friends I could trust.
Everyone in this town knows who we are. It’s one of the reasons I moved to
Texas. I wanted a fresh start where people didn’t know my last name and
what it stood for. If it wasn’t for Tristian, I would have spent a lot of my
childhood alone.”
“Are you still close to him?”
“I am. We’ve kept in touch throughout the years. Even after he was sent
“Sent away?” Her eyes narrowed. “What happened?”
“My family name happened. When I saw what they did to him, it
reinforced my desire to not have anything to do with the company.”
“And your parents were okay with that?”
“They were. My grandfather wasn’t, but over time he realized the
business I established for myself was lucrative and successful, and he forgave
“What about your brother?”
“What about him?”
“He didn’t want it either?
“He was never considered.”
“Wow. So who gets all this”—she gestured to the house—“when your
grandfather passes?”
“It will all go to the heir of the company.”
“So Tristian?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“What about your grandfather’s fortune?”
“I’m sure it’ll be split up among the family.”
“Then your kids will be set for life?”
“You could say that.”
“That’s inspiring. I really thought your family would be all stuffy and
pretentious, but they’re not at all. They’re so humble and kind. Very
welcoming too. They made me feel right at home.”
“Wherever I am is your home, Evie.”
She smiled, lighting up the room.
“Have I told you how stunning you look tonight?”
“Do you like my dress?” she baited, beaming.
“I’ll like it more when it’s on my bedroom floor.”
“That’s quite presumptuous of you, Mr. Hawkins, considering I had to
sneak back into my bedroom this morning.”
“You only did that for the kids, not me.”
“I also did it for your parents. I would have died if your mother had
walked in on us.”
“Darlin’, I’m a grown ass man.”
“And what a man you are,” she teased as I spun her, guiding her back to
“But I still want to be respectful in their home.”
Unable to hold back any longer, I repeated for what felt like the
hundredth, “Marry me, Evie.”
She smirked. “I don’t think I’ll ever tire of you saying that.”
“Soon it will be give me a baby, Evie.”
Her lips parted. “You want more kids?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“I mean, you already have the perfect boy and girl.”
“I do, but I want to make more perfect babies with you.”
“Babies? As in plural?”
“Who knows,” I rasped in her ear, causing shivers to course down her
spine. “My baby might already be inside of you.”
“Is that why you haven’t used protection?”
“Since when have we ever used protection?”
“I was on the pill back then.”
Rubbing my facial hair along her neck, I asked, “Are you implying you
aren’t now?”
She giggled. “You need to behave. Your kids are around here somewhere,
and they still don’t know about us.”
“And what us would that be?”
“Marry me, Evie.”
“Caleb,” my uncle Robert interrupted, much to my disapproval.
“I’m sorry to cut in, but Tristian is losing his shit in your grandfather’s
office right now.”
Our eyes connected.
“What’s going on?”
“I’ll explain on our way to his office.”
I nodded, looking over at Evie. The smile on her face quickly faded into
“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”
I could sense she wanted to come with me. However, she reluctantly
agreed instead. I resisted the urge to kiss her in case my kids were around.
Once we were away from her, I asked Robert, “What’s going on?”
“Your grandfather is retiring soon, and Tristian wants the company.”
“I know. What’s the problem?”
“You know your grandfather, Caleb. There are conditions.”
“Why are they discussing business during his party?”
“When are they not discussing business?”
His office wasn’t far from the room where Evie and I were dancing. I
couldn’t help but remember how many times I’d played in his office as a
child while my father and him talked business. It was in the Hawkins’ blood.
We didn’t know how to not be workaholics.
We opened the French doors to my grandfather’s office as Tristian yelled,
“This is fucking bullshit!”
“You need to calm down,” Grandfather ordered.
I stayed by the door, waiting for the right moment to interfere if needed.
They were so caught up in their argument, they didn’t realize we’d walked
into the room.
Tristian roared, “Calm down?” holding up what appeared to be a
document. “I’m not going to calm down until you tell me this is some kind of
mistake. I’ve worked my ass off for you, giving up my whole life, and this is
how you repay me? With this fucking bullshit?” He slammed the document
onto Grandfather’s desk. “I won’t stand for this! Do you understand me? I
deserve this company, and I won’t let you play your damn games with me.”
“It’s not a game, Tristian. You either meet my conditions, or I won’t hand
Hawkins Enterprise down to you. It’s really quite simple.”
“Nothing about your contract is simple, Grandfather.”
“Merging companies with the enemy is the best future for our legacy.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking. Because of your rivalry, I
destroyed her.”
“Then consider this your second chance rival.”
Were they talking about Belle?
She was the granddaughter of my family’s biggest adversary. There was a
generational feud between my family and hers. For decades they hated each
other, competing over whose business would take out the other, which was
just another reason why I wanted no part in the company. I didn’t want to
take on that war.
Tristian warned through a clenched jaw, “I won’t stand for this! Do you
understand me?”
“You have no choice. You either take it or leave it. It’s my bottom line. If
you don’t make it happen, then I’ll find someone who will.”
“After everything I’ve done for you. I can’t believe you’d repay me like
this. I live and breathe this company, old man.” He backed away. “You made
sure of it.” With one last menacing glare, he left through the other door near
Grandfather’s desk.
I followed him and called out, “Tristian,” through the corridor.
He turned around, relieved when he saw me walking toward him.
“How can he ask me to sign away my entire life?”
I sympathized with him, experiencing first-hand how hard it was to please
my grandfather.
Cocking my head, I countered, “Why do you think I walked away from
He opened his mouth to respond, but a familiar voice interjected,
“Always the boy scout, aren’t you, Caleb?”
My eyes snapped to my brother who was suddenly standing beside us,
shocked as shit he was there. He never showed up to family events, having no
interest in them.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“What?” He shrugged. “I can’t show up for our grandfather’s birthday
“Seeing as you didn’t show up for the last ten, I think you can understand
my surprise.” I nodded behind him. “Grandfather is in his offi—”
“I’m only here for you.”
I cocked my brow, confused.
“We need to talk.”
“This isn’t the time or the place, Joseph.”
“I tried to talk to you last month, and you didn’t give a shit.”
“I still don’t.”
“Trust me, you’re going to want to hear what I have to share with you.”
Intrigued, my eyes shifted to Tristian. “Email me Grandfather’s contract.
I’ll have my lawyers take a look and see if there’s anything you can do to
avoid his stipulations.”
“I appreciate that, Caleb.”
We shook hands, and he walked away.
Once he was out of sight, I glared at my brother. “You have ten minutes.
Now let’s go.”
With that, I led him out to the garden, away from everyone at the party.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t on edge as we walked outside. For the life of
me, I couldn’t figure out what his urgency was about.
“You’re going to want to sit down.”
I shook my head. “Enough with the cryptic bullshit, Joseph. What do you
want? More of my money?”
“No, but your ex-wife sure as shit does.”
“Tessa?” I questioned, utterly baffled. “What does she have to do with
I never expected him to reply…

Chapter 32

“I need you to know that no one has to find out what I’m about to tell
“Joseph, what’s going on? What kind of trouble are you in now?”
“I’m not the one who’s in trouble.” He opened his suit jacket, grabbing
what looked like a photo. “This time it’s you.”
Before I could reply, he handed the photo to me. Almost instantly I tried
controlling my temper. However, I failed miserably as I stared at a photo of
him kissing the woman I least expected.
“When was this taken?”
Feeling the shift in my demeanor, he coaxed, “Caleb, what I’m about to
divulge will make you hate me, but I need you to know I was beyond fucked
up back then. Drinking, drugs, gambling. You name it, and I was doing it.
I…” He shook his head, stumbling over his words. “If I could change what I
did, I would.”
“Enough with the pep talk.” I glared at him, holding up the picture.
“When the fuck was this taken?”
“A year before she got pregnant.”
My heart began beating at a rapid pace, a mile a minute with each word
that drew me closer to what he had to confess.
“After Grandfather didn’t even consider me for the business, I was lost,
blaming all my fuck ups on you. You were always the good son. All my life
I’ve felt as if I’m walking through your shadow. Nothing I did was ever good
enough, compared to what you could accomplish.”
My hand fisted at my side while anger coursed through my veins. The
audacity of this piece of shit to blame me for his insecurities.
“I owed a lot of people money, and I didn’t know what else to do but con
I jerked back. “Con me?”
“Yeah. We came up with a plan.”
“A plan for what?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, anxiety radiating off of him.
“To take your money.”
Our chests heaved in sync with one another, our heated emotions running
wild. I could feel his remorse surrounding every last part of me. Just like a
ticking time bomb, I waited for it to explode in my face.
“How did you know Tessa?”
“We randomly met at a bar one night. I thought I loved her.”
“So what? That makes it okay?”
“No. I’m sorry, Caleb. I wasn’t thinking. I would never—”
“I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses! Now fucking tell me what
else you need to say!”
He hesitated for a moment. “The plan was to get you to marry her, but we
didn’t know how until she ran into you and Evie at a pool party. For years she
thought something was going on between you two, but as you know, Evie
was your best kept secret. One night when she was in the shower, Tessa
snuck into her bedroom and looked at her phone. After months of trying to
figure out her password, she finally nailed it. It was your birthday.”
The realization hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. “That’s how she knew
Jax was Evie’s brother.”
He nodded. “She found their text messages when she was looking for
yours. I followed you around for weeks, trying to figure out how we could
get you to marry her. We needed more ammunition other than blackmailing
you with Jax, in case it wasn’t enough to convince you to marry her. It was
the only way, Caleb.”
“What was?”
“You’ve always done the right thing. It’s who you are. It’s how you’re
I was aware of where he was going with this. “You knew I’d marry her if
she was carrying my baby.”
I tugged my hair away from my face, wanting to tear it the fuck out. “So
you waited until I was shitfaced to make your plan go into effect. That’s why
Tessa was in Evie’s bed that night.”
He nodded again. “Except we couldn’t risk her not getting pregnant.”
I grimaced, hanging on by a thread. “No … please don’t tell me…”
I thought I could handle anything the world threw at me. Especially when
it came to my brother. However, nothing could have prepared me for what
happened next.
Not his lies.
Not his truths.
Not. One. Damn. Thing.
The atomic bomb didn’t just explode in my face. It erupted throughout
my entire body, leaving very little in its place as he declared, “Ethan’s my
It was loud.
Triggering me to see nothing but fucking red.
Bright. Bold. Red.
I reacted.
Forcefully gripping onto his collared shirt, I slammed his back against the
cement wall behind him, ready to fucking kill him.
He loudly gasped, sucking in the air I was taking from him.
“He’s not your son! He will never be your son!”
“I know he’s yours, Caleb. I swear to you.” He shook uncontrollably in
my grasp. “I don’t want them, I swear … but I had to tell you. These lies are
eating me alive!”
I stumbled back, letting him go with tears in my eyes.
“I’m sorry, Caleb. I’m so fucking sorry, but…”
“No…” I begged for I don’t know what. “Please … don’t…”
Another bomb detonated through my soul as he confessed, “Ariel is mine
I fell to my knees. My legs couldn’t hold me up anymore.
This was what dying felt like.
Eliciting feelings I never thought possible, emotions no one should ever
have to experience. I felt every loss of breath as if he jammed a knife into my
heart. Agony clutched my heart and wouldn’t let go.
“Your prenup stated the more kids you had, the more money she’d get if
you divorced. We knew you’d eventually file, so we made Ethan to get you
to marry her, but we made Ariel to get more money out of you. We just had
to wait for the perfect timing to get you to think you’d slept with her.”
I whispered, “We never had sex.”
“No, we just made you believe you did. We rigged the paternity tests to
prove you were the father of both of them.”
All the air from my lungs vanished.
I couldn’t breathe…
I couldn’t fucking breathe.
Not for a second.
A minute.
A lifetime.
My heart shattered into a million pieces.
It was raw.
Downright torture.
I was suffocating in his lies and now I was drowning in his truths.
Without thinking twice about it, I charged at him, ramming my shoulder
into his stomach. My brazen glare never wavered from the man who’d just
ruined my life and everything I believed in.
My chest heaved.
My nostrils flared.
I looked like a rabid fucking dog.
His body tumbled to the ground from the impact of my vigorous attack.
Not letting up, I punched him in the face over and over again.
I hit him until my knuckles bled.
Until my fists were numb.
Until my body couldn’t feel anything at all.
“Caleb! Caleb!” I faintly heard some yell, “Stop! You’re going to kill
I didn’t.
Using all my strength, I brutally assaulted him as bile rose in the back of
my throat with each gasp for my next breath. Chaos blasted all around us.
The pain.
The torment.
Blow after blow after blow.
I didn’t stop.
I couldn’t.
Once I heard Evie shout, “Caleb, please stop!”
Her voice had the power to halt my attack. I stopped, taking in Joseph for
the first time since I began beating the shit out of him.
“You’re dead to me! Do you understand me?! You’re fucking dead to
I leaned back, sitting on the balls of my feet.
Joseph groaned, rolling onto his stomach and coughing up blood.
The sound of footsteps brought my attention to her. As if things couldn’t
get any worse, my eyes connected with the woman hauling ass next to Evie.
Days could have flown by.
Time seemed to stand still for me while Evie skidded across the floor,
suddenly in front of me. Though my stare was still locked on the woman who
ruined my life.


I couldn’t believe she had the balls to show up to his grandfather’s

birthday party. Thank God I saw her before anyone else did. I walked outside
looking for Caleb as she made her way toward the front door.
Before I could say a word to her, we heard Caleb yelling. My feet moved
on their own accord, trailing the sound of him and Joseph fighting. We ran
toward them.
I didn’t understand what was happening. All I knew was Caleb needed
I felt it.
I felt him.
As soon as he saw Tessa, he stood and roared, “What the fuck are you
doing here?”
“I came here to stop Joseph from telling you the truth, but I’m obviously
too late.”
“You conniving bitch!”
I looked back and forth between them. “What’s going on?”
“Listen.” She placed her hands in the air. “You were never supposed to
find out until this one…” She nodded to Joseph who was now sitting up,
leaning against the cement wall.
His face was covered in blood, and I could barely see his skin.
“He suddenly decided to grow a conscience.”
“How could you do this to me?” Caleb bit, holding himself back. “What
did I ever do to you to deserve this?”
“I got what I wanted, okay? You don’t need to worry about me.”
“You don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but yourself.”
I tried to keep up with what they were discussing, but everyone was
talking at once, the details being muddled through their anger. All I could do
was wait until Caleb would tell me. Until then, I listened intently, hoping I’d
catch on.
“You’re right.” She shamelessly shrugged, unfazed by his remarks. “I
don’t give a fuck. That’s what happens when you grow up poor! But you
wouldn’t know anything about that now would you, Caleb Hawkins. You
were born with a golden spoon on a silver fucking platter. I had nothing! You
were my only shot at a good life. I saw an opportunity, and I stole it, alright?
Call me whatever names you want—I don’t fucking care. I did what I had to
do to survive!”
“I’m only going to say this once, Tessa. If you or Joseph ever come near
my kids again, I will take you to court and make sure you don’t ever see a
dime of my money. Do you understand me?”
He snarled, “Do you understand me?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
“I’m going to have my attorney’s draw up contracts for the both of you.
You’re signing all your rights over to me. And, Joseph, you’re signing a non-
disclosure agreement.”
The truth? What truth?
Joseph grumbled in pain, holding onto his ribs. “I already … told …
you.” He wheezed for air. “I won’t … tell a … soul.”
“If you do, you’ll be planning your own fucking funeral. Am I making
myself clear?”
“I … swear.”
“Your word means shit to me. Now get the fuck out of my face! Both of
you. Leave!”
I’d never seen Caleb this furious before, and it was starting to scare me.
What happened?
The only thing I could do was be there for him.
For of all them.
They were my family.

Now more than ever before.

Chapter 33

that Caleb felt sick and we were heading back to their home.
Caleb was quiet the whole drive, quickly stepping out of the car as soon
as I parked in their circular driveway. There was so much I wanted to ask
him, but I knew it wasn’t the right time.
I left him to himself until he was ready to talk. He sat on the lounger on
the balcony of his room for a few hours, until I finally walked out there to
check on him.
“Are you coming to bed?”
He shook his head.
“Come on, Caleb. You can’t stay out here all night.”
Our eyes connected before he finally agreed. I grabbed his hand and led
him inside.
When we passed his bed, he questioned, “Where are you going?”
“You’re covered in Joseph’s blood. We need to shower.”
“Shhh, let me take care of you.”
He reluctantly sighed and followed me into the bathroom.
I turned on the shower, and within seconds the glass fogged up from the
steam of the hot water. Clutching his hand tighter, I spun to face him.
His eyes never lied to me. They were currently filled with nothing but
devastation. There was no indecision on my part as I began unbuttoning his
shirt. One-by-one, my fingers moved down his torso before carefully pulling
it down his arms.
I reached for his belt next, and I buttoned his slacks, stripping them off as
well. He stepped out of them, never breaking our intense connection. In one
quick move, I pulled off my dress, bra, and panties. Stepping into the shower,
I brought him with me.
He closed the doors as I approached him with caution, terrified he’d push
me away, but not caring if he did.
I needed to look at him.
Hold him.
Show him how much I truly loved him.
Delicately, I washed away the blood from his body before I kissed the
cuts on his knuckles. I’d never seen him appear as vulnerable as he did in that
moment, worrying me a little.
He shuddered when I touched him, but I didn’t stop. I wanted to get rid of
all the hurt and pain he was feeling. The hot water cascaded above our heads,
washing away the night of pure devastation.
I watched him, silently praying that what I’d express next would be
enough to soothe him.
Wholeheartedly, I rasped, “I love you, Caleb. I never stopped loving you.
From the second I first saw you, I was yours. I’ve always been yours. Mind.
Body. Soul. I belong to you.”
For a moment, he was captivated by my words.
Leaning forward, he kissed my lips then whispered, “I never slept with
Tessa.” Gripping the sides of his face, he added, “I was just a game.”
This was what I’d been waiting for this whole time. I just knew it in my
heart which was pounding against my chest.
I lost myself in his eyes.
“I don’t understand.”
“They conned me,” he stated, looking deep into my gaze. “All they
wanted was my money. I spent years away from you for nothing.”
I blew out a long breath, feeling emotions I couldn’t begin to understand.
“Joseph is my kids’ biological father,” he revealed, and all the blood
drained from my face.
“Oh my God.”
In an instant, all the layers of our regrets.
Everything that kept us apart was stripped away, and all that was left was
I finally felt what I’d been waiting for.
We gazed into each other’s eyes as he claimed my mouth the way I so
desperately wanted him to. My breathing labored, waiting for the words that
never came, so I said them instead.
“I’ll marry you, Caleb.”
Breathing life back into him again.


“Say it again.”
“I’ll marry you, Caleb. Today, tomorrow, whenever you want. I want to
be your wife and the mother to your kids. I’m so sorry this happened to you,
but it doesn’t matter who biologically created Ethan and Ariel—they’re
yours. Ours.”
She had the power to bring me to my knees. She always did. I could feel
her chest rising and falling against my torso. Her hard nipples firmly pressed
against my skin.
“Caleb,” she coaxed, strangled and frantic.
I kissed her until her body yielded to me.
Until she was no longer concerned and shaky, but soft and supple in my
Until every one of her muscles pulsated with anticipation.
With need.
With want.
With the desire for me to own every last inch of her.
That was my undoing.
She was my undoing.
There was no need for conversation. I just wanted to feel her, dropping to
my knees. Dying to taste heaven.
Forcefully yet gently, I sucked her sensitive clit into my mouth until she
was completely at my mercy. She responded to every sensation my tongue
inflicted while I inhaled her addicting scent of arousal mixed with the sweet
smell of her pussy.
“Caleb…” she purred my name, fisting my hair and using it as leverage to
stay upright.
I made love to her with my mouth.
I worked her clit from side to side and up and down as she rocked her
hips in a back and forth motion against my lips and tongue. She was going to
rip out my hair. Making my cock throb so fucking hard, I started to fuck my
I watched her unravel from the inside out, her juices dripping out of her
core. Possessing every last fiber of her being, I made her come again and
Her body shook so violently from the pressure and pleasure, screaming
out, “Caleb!”
I stood, wrapping her legs around my waist before I turned off the shower
and carried her back to my bed. I laid her down and hovered above her,
placing my muscular frame on top of hers.
“Do you have any idea how much I love you?”
“I do. I love you so much too.”
Through hooded eyes, she gave me what I craved.
“Good girl.”
Needing to bury myself inside her, I longed to feel her tight pussy
clenching around me. She didn’t have to wait long. I positioned my dick at
her opening and slowly thrust my way in. Deliberately taking my time, I
wanted to cherish this moment. My head was spinning, and I wanted to forget
this night ever happened.
I kissed all over her face.
Her neck.
Her breasts.
Back to her lips again.
Until I couldn’t take it anymore.
I had to look at her.
I had to watch her.
I had to make sweet love to her.
“How do you feel so fucking perfect? You’re mine. All mine.”
“I’m yours,” she breathlessly moaned.
Every moan that escaped her lips.
Every thrust of my dick against her g-spot.
Every grip of her pussy.
Stirred in my heart and soul.
I rested my forehead against hers, staring into her glossy, hazed eyes. Our
hearts pounded, our skin still wet from the shower, and our lungs completely
out of breath.
Vanished in our abandonment.
In our own world.
In our own love.
“Give me a baby,” I growled.
All I could hear was her desire encouraging me to go faster, harder.
“Yeah, Evie. Take my cock. Just like that.”
Grasping the back of her neck, I wanted to bring her closer to my face.
Our mouths found each other, no longer having any control over our actions.
“Give me a baby,” I repeated, fueling my need to thrust my come deep
inside of her.
Her pussy throbbed around my cock, pulsating long and hard.
“Give me a baby.” I couldn’t stop saying it, like it would magically
happen if I repeated it enough.
She came with such a force, taking me over the edge with her. I released
my seed as far back into her cunt as I could, both of us trying to catch our
Until she smiled. “Caleb.”
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“I’ve been trying to find the right time to tell you.”
My eyebrows pinched together. This night went from my worst nightmare
to my best dream.
When she announced…

“I’m pregnant.”
Chapter 34


it was time for us to go back home to Texas earlier than we were supposed to.
My agency could run on its own now. They didn’t need me around anymore.
After being with my family, I could tell Evie was missing her brother and
his kids. She insisted we throw a farewell party with all of my employees and
clients who lived in Barcelona.
My parents flew back with us, wanting more time with their
grandchildren. They were taking them for the night, so we could have some
adult time. My parents and Jax knew Evie was pregnant. My parents were
ecstatic, and although Jax was giving me a hard time, we knew he was
thrilled too.
Especially once we shared we were getting married too. We hadn’t told
the kids yet, but I wanted to speak to them first by myself. Grabbing the ring
from my pocket, I walked into their playroom.
“Daddy,” Ariel addressed, looking at me. “I didn’t know you were home
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Surprises are my favorite!”
In the last couple of weeks, I had truly turned a corner in my relationship
with my kids. Ethan was my buddy, following me around like a shadow from
the second I walked through the front doors. We talked about everything, and
Evie said I was his new hero. It wasn’t a hard role to fill. They both made it
so easy, often fighting for my attention.
Evie had been sneaking into my bedroom every night after they went to
bed, sleeping in my arms. Until this morning, when Evie forgot to set her
alarm, and we woke up with Ethan and Ariel staring at us. Thank fuck we
weren’t naked. She was just sleeping in my arms.
Before we could explain, they hauled ass out of my room laughing.
Neither one of them said anything about it during breakfast.
I had to go into the office for a couple hours to tie up some loose ends.
“I have another surprise for you, baby girl. Actually, it’s a surprise for
you too, Ethan.”
They stopped playing and walked over to the couch I was sitting on.
“I have something to show you.”
They stared at me with curiosity as I opened the ring box.
“Wow…” Ariel breathed out, looking at the diamond with amazement.
“That’s super pretty, Daddy.”
Unable to gauge their reaction, I stated, “It’s for Evie.”
“You got Evie a present?” Ethan questioned.
“Something like that.” I smiled.
“I think she’s going to love it. It’s so shiny and big. Can I try it on
I let her.
“Daddy, do you think one day a boy will give me a ring this pretty?”
“Not if I can help it.”
She giggled.
“Are you trying to tell us something, Dad?”
“You’re too smart for your own good, Ethan.”
Ariel cocked her head. “What are you trying to tell us?”
“I asked Evie to marry me.”
Her mouth dropped open. “You did?”
“Mmm hmm. What do you guys think about that?”
“Can I be the flower girl? Please, Daddy! I promise I’ll do the best job
“Of course. What about you, Ethan? You want to be my ring bearer?”
“Does this mean Evie is going to be with us forever?”
“Is she going to move into our house, or are we going to move into hers?”
“I was thinking we would buy a whole new house where we can make a
bunch of new memories.”
His eyes went from the ring to me. “Does that mean she’s going to be our
mom now?”
I chose my words carefully. “Evie would love to be your mom, but she
can be whatever you want her to be.”
Ariel scratched her head, confused. “So we don’t call her Mommy?”
“Baby girl, you can call her whatever you want.”
Her gaze shifted to her brother, then back to me again. Before she could
reply, Evie walked into the playroom, looking like a fucking goddess. She
was stunning in her lilac dress.
My whole world was in this room, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


“Hey! I didn’t hear you come in, Caleb. You need to go get ready. People
will be here soon.”
The playroom suddenly felt stifling.
“What’s going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
Ethan and Ariel peered at each other with smiles on their adorable faces.
“What are you gu—”
“We love that you’re our new mommy!” Ariel exclaimed.
And my heart just exploded.
They ran to me and jumped into my arms.
“Daddy says I can be the flower girl and Ethan is the ring bearer!”
Tears formed in my eyes.
“Now that the king and queen are getting married, we still need a baby,”
Ariel added, hugging me as tight as she could.
My gaze connected with Caleb’s, and he nodded, silently giving me his
approval to tell them. I crouched to their level so I could look into their eyes.
“What if I told you there’s already a baby in my belly?”
“We’re going to be a family!” Ethan shouted as they tackled me to the
floor, falling into a fit of laughter with Ariel.
Caleb didn’t waver, sitting next to us. “Get her,” he playfully demanded.
“Yes, let’s get her good, Daddy.”
“On the count of three, okay?”
“Caleb…” I warned.
They both nodded, counting, “One...”
“Ariel,” I coaxed.
“Two…” they added in unison.
“This isn’t fair.”
“Three!” they yelled together.
I instantly got up to take off running, but Caleb wrapped his arm around
my waist before I took a step, flinging me up in the air.
“Caleb!” I giggled, loving this game even though I liked to pretend I
He placed me down on the ground, straddling my legs. The kids attacked
me, tickling me everywhere as I thrashed around, screaming and laughing all
at once.
“This isn’t fair! It’s three against one!”
Caleb held my arms above my head, tickling my neck and face with his
“Oh my God! Stop!” I thrashed around, moving my face from side to side
until they jumped on Caleb’s back, tickling him now.
He placed the diamond on my finger, confirming, “It’s where it belongs
I smiled at him while the kids were no match for his strength. He threw
both of them over his shoulders and walked out of the room. It was the cutest
sight to see.
For the first time in my life, I had everything I wanted and didn’t think I
could have.
After Caleb’s parents picked up the kids, he walked up behind me in the
“I want you to wear something for me.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Pulling something out of his pocket, he showed me.
“What is this?”
“Vibrating panties.”
“Umm, excuse me? What?”
“It gets better.”
He revealed a controller next. “Now I get to control your orgasms for the
rest of the night.”
“You’ve got to be joking.”
With a wicked grin on his face, he grabbed the edge of my panties and
slid the silk down my legs. He pulled the vibrating panties on and then stood
back behind me.
“Did I ever tell you,” he whispered in my ear, “payback’s a bitch?”
My mouth dropped open. “There’s no way you’re still holding that over
my head.”
“I got my cock pierced for you, you little minx. I couldn’t have sex for six
“Oh, trust me, I remember. You barely lasted five minutes the first—”
He turned on the toy, and I fell back against his chest, immediately
“What was that, darlin’? I didn’t what?”
“You’re … oh God … cheating.”
“Am I now?”
He turned up the pulsation, making my legs shake from the intense
vibration on my clit.
“I’m … going … to … come…”
And just like that, the bastard stopped it, moving away from me.
“Oh, you have to be kidding me!”
He eyed me up and down with a predatory regard.

“Like I said, payback’s a bitch, little girl.”



helping me paint the wall in the nursery.
“Nah, it’s a boy,” Ethan gave his two cents.
When we got back to Texas, we put our homes up for sale. It didn’t take
long to sell either of them.
We needed a fresh start.
All of us together.
Within weeks, we found a breathtaking three-story home, with a beautiful
lake view. Despite me wanting to help pay for the house, Caleb was adamant
on paying for it himself.
I’d never been so happy before in my entire life. My whole world was in
a room where we were beginning to form a new life. We didn’t want to know
the sex of the baby, leaving it to be a surprise.
My days were filled with nothing but happiness. The past didn’t matter
anymore. I truly believed with all my heart that it was what led us to this
place and time.
Our future.
Together forever.
I loved being pregnant, knowing that this baby was a part of Caleb and
me. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time was amazing. Then feeling the
flutters and kicks. There was no feeling like it in the world. Caleb would
spend hours talking to our unborn baby, so he or she would know who their
daddy was. We had come full circle, and nothing else mattered but our little
family anymore.
We finished painting the room just in time as our guests started to arrive.
I quickly made my way up to our bedroom to change out of my overalls.
“Caleb, stop!” I ordered, trying to change into my sundress. “Our families
are downstairs.”
He kissed the back of my neck. “I don’t see a problem with that.”
I turned around to face him, and he gripped onto my ass, lifting me onto
the jewelry armoire in my closet.
“You’re insatiable! I’m six months pregnant. How does my belly turn you
on this much?”
“There’s more for me to love on.”
I tried pushing him away, but he didn’t move an inch.
“Caleb, go hang out with Jax.”
“I’d rather hang out in you.”
Quickly, he slid my panties to the side. “I’ll be quick.”
“Oh, three words every woman loves to hear.”
Pushing two fingers deep inside of me, he muttered, “I always make sure
you come first, darlin’.”
“Oh God…”
“Oh, now you want to hang out with me, do you?”
“Yes, there … right there…”
“I know where to finger fuck you, Evie. I’m the man who taught you
everything you beg me for.”
“Ohhhh … yes … right there…”
My mind began spinning while my vision became hazy, and he could see
it in the way my body always responded to him.
“Look at you, coming down my hand.”
“Of course I am,” I moaned, swaying my hips against his fingers.
“That’s why you love me.”
“I can think of a few other reasons.”
“Is that right?”
“I can think of another thing.” In one second flat, his cock was deep
inside me, drowning my moaning with his tongue in my mouth.
My life was finally complete, and I owed it all to the man who was
making me come down his cock. Giving me the family I always dreamed of.

Tucking my dick back into my pants, I grinned and winked at Evie as I
backed away.
“You’re shameless, Mr. Hawkins.”
“And you love it, Mrs. Hawkins.”
We had a private ceremony with immediate family only on the island we
were on for a week. I refused to fly back to the States with Evie not being my
wife. We’d waited long enough.
Our new home was filled with the most important people in ours lives.
Jax and I were on better terms. He was slowly accepting my love for his
“Evie,” Sophie announced while we were standing outside, watching the
kids play. “You are the cutest pregnant woman.”
“I certainly don’t feel that way.”
I tugged her toward me, hugging her tiny frame into my chest to look
down at her. “Have I told you how beautiful you look with my baby inside of
“Once or twice, but you’re going to be thirty-eight soon, old man.”
I teasingly spanked her.
“Hey!” Jax chimed in. “Watch where your hands are. What do you think
you’re touching there?”
“What’s mine,” I replied not taking my eyes off Evie.
“You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass again.”
“I don’t remember it happening the first time.”
“Alright,” Evie scolded. “Let’s remember that we like each other, okay?”
She nodded to the delivery man, pulling up to our mailbox. “Make yourself
useful and get our mail.”
I murmured into her ear, “I’ll remember that later when you’re begging
for my cock.”
Things couldn’t be any more perfect even if I tried. For the first time in
my life, I finally had everything I’d ever wanted. There was no looking back,
just forward.
I grabbed the mail from the mailbox, gesturing hello to the postman. I
was skimming through the mail as I made my way back to Evie when the
bright manilla envelope caught my attention. The return address was what
really had my notice.
“What’s wrong?” Evie asked as I opened the envelope.
I never thought I’d see the day.
“Caleb, you’re scaring me.”
Looking up at her, I was shocked as shit. Completely rendered speechless
for a minute.
“It’s a wedding invitation.”
“Who’s getting married?”
With wide eyes, I divulged…

“Tristian’s getting married.”

The end.

For Caleb and Evie.

It’s only the beginning or is it the end for…

Tristian and Belle.

Hate sex never felt so damn good.

Second Chance Rival (Standalone/Second Chance Romance)
Releasing August 23, 2022


Executive assistants & all around the reason I can write: Silla Webb &
Heather Moss
Editor: Silla Webb
Cover Designer: Lori Jackson
Paperback, Ebook Formatter: Silla Webb
Publicist: Danielle Sanchez
Agent: Stephanie DeLamater Phillips

Bloggers/Bookstagrammers: Without you I’d be nothing. Thank you for all

your support always.

My VIPS/Readers

Photographer: Wander Aguiar

Cover Model: Vinicious
Street Team Leaders: Leeann Van Rensburg & Jamie Guellar
Teasers & Promo: Heather Moss, Silla Webb, & Shereads.pang

My VIP Reader Group Admins:

Lily Garcia, Leeann Van Rensburg, Jennifer Pon, Jessica Laws, Louisa

Street Team & Hype Girls: You’re the best.

My alphas & betas:

Thank you for helping me bring this book to life.
Meet M. Robinson

M. Robinson is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of
more than thirty novels in Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense.
Crowned the “Queen of Angst” by her loyal readers, you’ll feel the cut of her
pen slicing through your heart as your soul bleeds upon the words of her
stories with each turn of the page.
Most notably known for the Good Ol’ Boys, M’s newest venture has
graced her with the #1 Bestseller on Apple Books with Second Chance
Contract. The Second Chance Men are powerful, intelligent and will sweep
you off your feet and leave you weak in the knees–every woman’s wildest
M. lives the boat life along the Gulf Coast of Florida with her two
puppies and real life book boyfriend, the inspiration for all her filthy talking
alphas, Bossman.
When she isn’t in the cave writing her next epic love story, you can
usually spot her mad-dashing through Target or in the drive-thru of
Starbucks, refueling. Yes, she’s a self-proclaimed shopaholic, but only if
she’s spending Bossman’s money.
You can follow M, Ted, Marley, and Bossman on Facebook, Instagram,
and her absolute favorite social platform-TikTok.
Connect With M


More Books by M. Robinson


Second Chance Contract
Second Chance Vow
Second Chance Scandal
Second Chance Love
Second Chance Rival
Second Chance Mine

The Kiss
The Fling


El Diablo
El Santo
El Pecador
Sinful Arrangement
Mafia Casanova: Co-written with Rachel Van Dyken
Falling for the Villain: Co-written with Rachel Van Dyken


Complicate Me
Forbid Me
Undo Me
Crave Me


Choosing Us
Choosing You


Hated You Then
Love You Now

Road to Nowhere
Ends Here


Lost Boy


From the First Verse
‘Til the Last Lyric

Road to Nowhere/Ends Here
Jameson Brothers
Sinner/Saint Duet
Pierced Hearts Duet
Love Hurts Duet
Life of Debauchery Duet
Los Diablos
Sinacore Crime Family Collection

The Madam
Two Sides
Tempting Bad

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