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SIOP FINAL Lesson Plan

Name: Mia B., Meghan C., Kaylee E.

Theme: Knee Physical Therapy

Lesson Topics: Knee exercises, anatomy of the knee (Knee Rehilbiltation)

Lesson Objectives:

Language: Students will verbally and physically demonstrate 3 different types of knee



● Students will be able to accurately label a diagram of the knee anatomy.

● Students will be able to apply concepts that were learned to create different exercises to

rehabilitate the knee.

Learning Strategies:

● Vocabulary Strategy: Vocabulary match-up cards; so everyone gets a card either with a

definition or vocabulary word. They will have to get up and move to find their match.

This is effective because it has the students interacting with the vocabulary in a different

way which will help deepen their understanding of the word and help to remember them

in the future.

● Think- Pair-Share: the students will have to think about injuries that may require PT and

then they will share with their tables. After that we will open up the discussion to the

whole class. This is effective for students because it has the students discussing with

others about what they thought about the question. It allows them to bounce ideas off of

eachother and fill in some of the gaps that they might not have thought of or forgot.
● Snowball fight: Students write what they know on a piece of paper and throw it in the

middle of the circle. Then students take turns picking up pieces of paper and share what

is written on the paper. This is effective for the student and for the teacher because it

allows the teacher to see what was learned and what might be a misconception with the

class. It is good for the students because it has them summarize everything that they

learned during the lesson.

Key Vocabulary: ACL, PCL, Meniscus, Rehabilitation (specific), Patella, quadricep muscle

Materials: Diagram of the knee, video, exercise band, ankle weights,

(Building Background)
● “Raise your hand if you have ever had an injury… and when you are injured we need to
do things to heal your injury”
● Talk with your tables and make a list of injuries that may require physical therapy
● Fixing your injuries can be called rehabilitation *introduce rehabilitation and then
specific to the knee*
● “Some other vocabulary words we will be talking about are ACL, PCL, meniscus, and
patella” *then explain what each of the vocab words mean and where they are in the

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
● Read through the powerpoint. Check for comprehension throughout and discuss any
unknown words.

Practice and Application:

(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and interaction, feedback)
● Students will follow along with the teacher as they perform/ teach knee rehab
● One student will act as a physical therapist and the other student will be the
patient. They will be performing at least three exercises in which the patient may

Review and Assessment:

(Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)
● Students will act as a physical therapist and teach some of the exercises that they just
learned to another student who is acting as the patient
● Snowball wrap up activity

● Students will fill out a diagram of the knee

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