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SIOP® Lesson Plan Template 2


THEME: Cookies

LESSON TOPIC: Making decorated sugar cookies

Students will be able to follow directions to create their own decorated sugar cookie.
Students will be able to recognize the written steps in the process of creating a
decorated sugar cookie and match them a picture of that step.

Students will be able to demonstate how to make decorated sugar cookies by
independently creating their own product out of clay.
Students will be able to describe the process of creating decorated sugar cookies by
putting the steps in chronological order on a worksheet.

LEARNING STRATEGIES: Students will complete a picture sort and sentence sort using the
vocabulary words that we introduce in the lesson. They will do this by identifying the steps of
the cookie making process in sentences and pictures provided on a worksheet. We are using
these strategies to emphaize the vocabulary words that we introduced and allow students to
learn visually through the pictures. The total physical response strategy is being used because
students will physically go through the cookie making process. We are using this strategy
because it is enagging for students and allows them to have a hands-on learning experience
that emphaizes what they learned during the lesson.

KEY VOCABULARY: piping bag, flood consistency, outline consistency, parchment paper,
royal icing

MATERIALS: sentences and pictures for the sorts, play doh, cookie cutter, cookies, icing,
paper plates, parchment paper

The teachers will begin by asking students if they have ever baked something before, what the
baked, and what steps they followed. The teacher will introduce and explain the four vocabulary
words. Then, using that information students will individually use the 4 corners vocabulary
strategy for two of the words.

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
The teachers will present a powerpoint which describes the process of creating cookies from
start to finish and will include pictures of each step. The presentation will also include a video of
the decorating process. The powerpoint will also include each of the vocabulary words and the
teacher will go over the definitons again in the context of the step.


(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
To practice, students will independently complete a worksheet to place the images from the
powerpoint in chronological order. Then the students will independently write a sentence

© 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP® Lesson Plan Template 2
describing the step being shown in each image. Students will share their completed worksheet
with their groups.
For application, students will decorate their own sugar cookie by following the steps taught with
given supplies. The students will be thinking critically during the design process of cookies.


(Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)
The teacher will ask for volunteers to share what they created and explain the steps or at least
one step that they followed. Then, the class will review the objectives and how they met each

If time allows, students will do the beginning steps of creating a cookie like rolling out play doh
and cutting it out. If time does not allow, they will just design the cookie and skip to decorating
the cookie.
(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2008. Making Content
Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model.)

© 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

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