Common Job Interview Questions

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Knowledge of "Aduana Domiciliaria" and "RAF" Knowledge of HS Code ( classificaao aranceraria ) Knowledge of Import/Export Documents (issuance, analysis, etc)

Knowledge of Import/Export operation under AIR, SEA and ROAD way. Knowledge of Cost Bread Down preparation for Import/Export Operation Good knowledge of IT Tools, as Excel, Power Point, Access, SAP, Maria System, Internet. 2. BEHAVIOUR PROFILE (DESIRABLE) Good communication (clear and direct) Good posture/disposition/deportment Good capability to plan (short, middle and long term) Good capability to lead/guide/conduct issues and team Good skills to deal with distinction situations and to act a lot of hability to solve difficult situations. Good capability to analyse different situations (clean idea for any possibility) Easy hand in all levels (customers, partners, associateds, chiefs, etc) To be well-mannered, diplomatic and mainly know to hear To have pratical common sense To be humbleness and, always when necessary, ask help. To be creative and, To like of challenge While it is impossible to guess exactly what you will be asked during an interview, you can prepare yourself by developing answers to the most common job interview questions. This kind of preparation will not only help you remain calm during the interview, it will help you control the results. Common Job Interview Questions Regardless of your field, there are five things that almost every interviewer asks:
1. Can you tell me about yourself?

This is the most hated and most common question in interview history. Typically asked at the beginning of the job interview, this question gives the interviewer an opportunity to gain knowledge about you and your capabilities. When you answer, offer a summary of your personality, skills, experience, and work history. Do not mention your knitting hobby or your pet iguana. Try to stick (seguir) with facts that will demonstrate why you are the person for the job.
2. Why do you want to work here?

Even if it is true, do not answer with: Because I really need a job and you were hiring. If you did any research prior to the interview, you can answer this question. Utilize what you know about the company. Tell the interviewer why you admire the company, their practices, or their product. If all else fails, make a connection between the job description and your abilities. Tell the interviewer why you are compatible with their company.
3. Why should we hire you?

This is one of the most important questions that you will be asked, and you need to make sure that you have a very good answer. Try to be as specific as possible. Explain in detail: why you would make a good employee, why you are the right fit for the job, and what sets you apart from other applicants. Point out your achievements, accomplishments, and applicable experience.
4. Why did you leave your last job?

This is actually more of a test than a question. The interviewer wants to see what pushes your buttons. Your answer should be as honest as possible, but whatever you do, try not to sound bitter, angry, or violent. And most importantly, do not badmouth your former company, boss, or co-workers.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Why do interviewers continue to ask this question? Because- it shows them how motivated you are and it offers insight into your professional intentions. Instead of telling the interviewer that you would like to be

sailing in the Bahamas, try offering information about your professional goals as the relate to your job or industry. Preparing for Your Job Interview tm Regardless of: a pesar de Prior: previo Fit: encaje, forma Set: poner, colocar Apart: separado Point out: sealar Push: empujar, presionar, exigir pushes your buttons: hacerlo reaccionar, provocar bitter: amargo, cortante badmouth: mal hablado former: antiguo dazzle: deslumbrar, encandilar Land: arrive, aterrizar Layoff: despedir, despido To ace: dominar (una entrevista) Attire: atuendo Gadgets artilugios, chismes Trial run: prueba Greet: saluda To frame: elaborar

Transcript: Job Interview Tips Hi, I'm Alison Doyle for For any job interview, it's important to be prepared to ace the interview and impress the interviewer from the moment you arrive. Here are some tips on how you can make the right impression. Interview Tip 1: Look the Part Plan to dress professionally in conservative clothing with appropriate shoes, minimal jewelry, and perfume. Even if the office is casual, you should dress in business attire. Interview Tip 2: Before the Interview Bring a portfolio with extra copies of your resume, a list of references, and a notepad and pen. Use a breath mint before you enter the building. Leave the gadgets at home or turned off in your bag or briefcase. Interview Tip 3: Arrive on Time Arrive a few minutes early for your interview. If you're not sure where you're going get directions ahead of time (Mapquest or Google Maps) and do a trial run, so you know where you're going. When you arrive for your interview, greet the receptionist and let him or her know why you are there. Interview Tip 4: Answer Questions Calmly During the interview try to remain as calm as possible. Ask for clarification if you're not sure what's been asked and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to frame your responses so you can be sure to fully answer the question. Interview Tip 5: Ask Questions About the Job Be prepared with questions of your own, because you will probably be asked if you have any at the end of the interview. Having questions will show that you've done your homework and are truly interested in the position. Interview Tip 6: Follow Up

Ask your interviewer for a business card. That way, you'll have the correct spelling of names and job titles for your thank you notes and follow up calls. It's important to thank the interviewer for their time and to let them know that you look forward to hearing from them. Follow up by sending a thank you note to everyone you interviewed with. Thanks for watching. To learn more visit us on the

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