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suuguuT suugg PETTVTTITTVTIIVTVTTUY puusuus Brim een Lesson 1 Lesson 2 1A Finding Meanings p.4 —2AUsing Words in Context p14 bd 4b Tee a ee 2db Sb< abd thc 3C SBC LC LI Beeb Bed 9 da eG ae sede ei oe Reader adic ran adc 1B Just the Right Word ps 1. lack &. maniered ie Ce Cr ng 2, developed 7 represents Cb tec GC a io 3: projects 8. benefit pe ae ee ec tte diese 9. patriotism ee 5. complete 10. dismayed At aeonaenied 28 Making Connections p.16 bd a 1C Applying Meanings pe 2c Te Tae 5bcd 3b ab Racd Bad aac ae 3bed na Sac 10.¢ aap Bad : 2C Determining Meanings p.17 10 Word Study: Synonyms B72 1bd sad 1. benefit, help 6. hall, greet 2 ab 6 abd 2. finish, complete 7. shortage, lack 3B bd 7.b6d 3. develop, grow 8. suggest, recommend aad B be 4. alarm, dismay 9. comment, remark : 5. e98e, comfort 10, utes, s2y 20 Completing Sentences p18 1, Amature person would (Idea: think carefully before 1E Vocabulary in Context acting) (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1. He loved his people, worked for them, and had their best interests at heart. 2. Utter means “to speak.” 3. There were no books written in Cherokee before 1821 because the Cherokees lacked a written language. 4, Sequoya was dismayed at what the white settlers were doing Develop means “to bring into being.” He used the letters of these alphabets to represent syllables in the Cherokee language. The Cherokees had eighty-six sounds to represent. His work took twelve years to complete. He worked on the project with his daughter. It was popular because they could learn it with ease. We can tell the Cherokee leaders liked the new system because they recommended that it be taught to ‘everyone who wanted to learn to read and write 12, Hailed means “welcomed with enthusiasm and admiration.” 13, Those who mastered it taught others. 14. He was a silversmith, 2 painter, and a soldier, as well as the inventor of the Cherokee alphabet. 15. A written language enables people living far apart to ‘communicate with each other by exchanging letters. 2. I woul find it hard to resist (Idea: sleeping in tomorrow) 3. When you scoreh a piece of toast, you (Idea: burn it slightly. 4 If the school play isa towering success, that means the tickets (dea: willbe sold out) 5. To affect an interest in a book isto (Idea: pretend to care about it. 6. When you calculate the answer to @ math problem, you (Idea: work it out carefully. 7. If the weight in an elevator must not exceed four hundred pounds, that means (Idea: itis dangerous to hhave more than four hundred pounds in the elevator 8. You might stretch out your limb if (idea: you want to reach something). 8. Our teacher does not permit us to (Idea: leave the classroom without asking). 10, Something mammoth in size is (dea: 2 wale). 2E Vocabulary in Context (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) 1. Forest fires scorch their surface, 2. You can find them in Redwood National Park, in northwest California. Its forbidden in some areas to cut them down. The lowest limbs can be 150 feet above the ground The trunks of redwoods look like the columns of @ Greek temple. 6. The oldest sequoia and redwood trees can exceed three thousand years. 7. Towering is a good word because the trees are as tall as towers, Student Book Answer Key 207 ‘8 Their bark is thickest when they are mature, 9. Thick bark helps them resist disease. 10. California does not permit you to cut down a sequoia, 11, Redwood is used because it does not decay as quickly as other wood, 12 Sequoias don’t grow along the coast, because they need the colder, drier climate inland. 13. The mammoth General Grant sequoia's trunk is almost 3 hundred feet around. 14. It has been calculated that a full-grown sequoia contains enough wood to build thirty houses. 15. They have lived so long because they are not affected by fre and disease the way other trees are. Lesson 3 3A Finding Meanings p.27 td-e Sb 8&do Zed Geb Feb Bb Fab Wad ab 3B Just the Right Word 1. drowsy 6. migration 2 cease 7. severe 3. hibernate 8. reduction 4. nestled 8. burrowed 5. approaches 0. observed 3C Applying Meanings Lad Sabd 2b Badd 3 bd Zabod 4abod Babe 3D Word Study: Latin Roots 1. propius, near 6. servare, watch 2. hibernus, winter 7. severus, serious; strict 3. fames, hunger 8. jacere, throw p.31 4. plere, complete 9. bene, well 5. cessare, stop 10. calculus, pebble 3€ Vocabulary in Context p.32 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) 1. Groundhogs hibernate in winter. 2. Agroundhog makes a nest and closes off the openings fof tunnels that lead to it 3. The groundhog becomes so fet it can hardly move. 4. Before it begins its long sleep, it starts to feel drowsy. 5. They keep from freezing by sleeping in a burrow deep underground. 6. The temperature might be below zero in a severe winter. 7. We know it needs only a little oxygen because its breathing almost ceases. I nestles in its underground bed. ‘The groundhog's size is reduced to only half of what it was in the fall 10. Observe means “to notice.” 11. It is famished because it hasn't eaten all winter. 12 He could forecast the weather. 208 Wordly Wise 3000 - Resource Book 4 13, The groundhog ventures above ground; if he sees his shadow, it means winter is not over, and he goes back to sleep. 14, Many northern birds migrate south in the fall and return in the spring, 15. Groundhogs eat garden plants during the summer. Lesson 4 4A Using Words in Context lericerersinlgeeesesanchema7aic ie ee ee es) Wat BC SETI ole ance Onc Orie ce) pe ee 2c eC BC 1c. | 21 ad LC B10 48 Making Connections te bac 2bed Tab Ba ae 4 bd 9 bd 5d 10.6 4C Determining Meanings p43 1.a,bd 5.abd zad Babic Bad Tad aab Bac 4D Completing Sentences pad 1 If someone imposes on me, I might feel (idea: angry or surprised). If two lines are parallel, that means they are ( Idea: always the same distance apart) ‘An animal that is paralyzed is (Idea: unable to move). ‘A pessimist thinks (Idea: everything turns out badly) Ihave seen a graceful (idea: dancer) ‘To expose something means to (Idea: make it known). If you contract with someone, that means (Idea: you sign an agreement) Something important that! think people should attend to is (idea: homelessness) 9, An astounding news story might be (Idea: someone ‘has invented time travel). 10. fyou have been an active member of a club for three years, that means you (dea: have put your time and ‘energy into the club for three years) 11. A modest ie skater might say (Idea: “I'm not that ‘great at ice skating.”) 12. When someone says something nice about you, your response might be (dea: to thank them), 4E Vocabulary in Context p45 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) 1. It wasn’t until she was eight that the family had saved ‘enough money from their modest income. 2. She was paralyzed and could neither run nor walk. @gaenennene aeenen £ a2enne € mnnnnenn © FETFTTTITVTFTTITITISFTITFITIVITITVIIVVITTY seuuU"G a J suU 3. They were pessimistic about her living more than 2 year or two. They get very sick, and their muscles are affected. Active means “lively; moving around a lot.” . The narrative says he cherished her. /. He wias surprised that she was able to walk as well as she did. ‘8. Her movements were jerky. 9. She was eager to go to school. 10. Attend means "to go to.” 11. They begin at a certain distance apart, and that distance remains the same no matter how far they are extended. 12. Sample answer: They probably didn't want their citizens to learn about conditions in other countries or foreigners to learn about conditions in China 13, She gave recitals for visitors. 14, Sample answer: The person probably expected her either to stay at home or to use a wheelchair 15. Sample answer: She might have left the stage. Lesson 5 5A Finding Meanings p53 d-a 5.d-a 8b Zab 6&d< cb Reb Zab ac 4. boc 5B Just the Right Word p55 1. sensitive 2. quaint 3. abrupt 4. achieved 5. entertained 6. persists 7. mocked 8. glimpsed 9. revise 10. phase 5D Word Study: Prefixes p.57 1. unpatriotic 2. unremarkable 3. immature 4, unaffected 5. insufficient 6. incomplete 7. undeveloped 8, unpersuasive 9, immodest 10. insensitive 11. inactive 12. unprepared SE Vocabulary in Context p.58 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) Sample answer: He might have felt hurt and lonely. He entertained his parents by putting on plays. They were dressed in quaint clothes that he made. . Sample answer: His father died when he was eleven. Sample answer: He might have told her he would be happier there and might find work. He had failed at every job he attempted. They treated him with contempt. No. His plays were rejected. ). He tried acting, dancing, singing, and writing plays. His fairy tales were his greatest achievement. He recalled the stories his father told him when he was litle. 12. He revised his sentences until he got them just right. 13, He was persistent. 14, He was different—a daydreamer and an artist. 15, It gives his readers a glimpse into the author's life Lesson 6 6A Using Words in Context p.64 fa aaa Cieetsaicht ea7ac Ce oer Hh Shc eke ce acl i ee 2c 4b ba 2.1 abc TT 10K Ret eC Get BE HWE WC Ad LC BC tO. 668 Making Connections p. 66 1. An exquisite performance | have seen is (idea: @ concert with my favorite band). 2. If I met a crafty person, | would (Idea: not trust him or her) 3. If you could peer into the future, you might see (Idea: fying cars) 4, You should never disclose a friend's secret because (Idea: it is unfair to your friend). 5. Something | have applauded is (Idea: my best friend's honesty) 6. A vain person is someone who (Idea: tries to be the center of attention), 7. To jeer at someone means to (Ides: mock them). 8. | expect to make progress in (Idea: playing hockey), Student Book Answer Key 209 9. | feel uneasy when dream). 10. Something | intend to do someday is (Idea: learn to play the drums) (idea: Ihave @ bad 6E Vocabulary in Context p69 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1, He spent hours peering at himself in the mirror, 2. They told him the new clothes would make the old ‘ones seem drab. 3. Someone with refined taste likes only the most beautiful things. 4, It was impossible because they were just pretending and weren't really working. 5. They were scoundrels because they were dishonest and were tricking the emperor. 6. A child in the crowd shouted out the truth, 7. They were uneasy because they were lying to the emperor. 8, They told him his new clothes were the most exquisite they'd ever seen, 9. They probably thought they were very crafty. 10. Sample answer: They wanted to make him appear ridiculous and show people how vain he was. 11. They were pretending to admire his “new clothes.” 12, The child was telling the truth and describing what the crowd actually saw. 13, Palace officers made sure everyone turned out to see him, 14, He ran back because the crowd was jeering at him. 15. Vain describes him perfectly because it means that he had much too high an opinion of himself and his appearance. Lesson 7 7A Finding Meanings Lad 5. d-< 9 ad Zeb 6 ab 10. Bb Tob aad B ba 78 Just the Right Word p.78 1. limp 6. confusing 2. embraced 7. alteration 3. shallow 8. distributed 4. scurried 9. surrounded 5. instant 10. ejected lying Meanings p.78 6 ab ned Babe 7D Word Study: Prefixes p.80 1. re, against 6. ex, out 2. ex, out 7. rex, again 3. pre,, before 8. ex, out 4, um, not 9. e-, out 5. rey again 10. re, again 210 Wordly Wise 3000 « Resource Book 4 7E Vocabulary in Context p.81 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) 1. It changes its color to match its surroundings. 2. It can change colors in an instant. 3. It makes a “screen” to confuse an attacker. 4. It ejects a blob of black, ink-like liquid. 5. It makes it easy for the octopus to alter its shape. 6. If they had bones, the octopus's arms would be less flexible. 7. Ithas two rows of deeply set suckers that give it a powerful grip, 8. ts arms help it to seize animals that go by. 9. A crab would start scurrying because it could easily be seized by the octopus's arms. 410, It uses its beaks to crack the shell of its victim. 11. Its eyesight is very keen, 12. They are distributed throughout the world’s oceans. 13. They live mostly in warm, shallow water. 14. No. if you don’t struggle, but remain relaxed, the ‘octopus will let you go. 15, Limp means “not stiff, but relaxed.” Lesson 8 8A Using Words in Contexts waC aC (5a, Tac aC i Ce cae Be ee a ce ee te mc mc tC mC ital 1 abt eC TOD. wc | Act Bet ket tC te adc (81 akc edt £86 Making Connections p.90 tae 6a 2b had ad aad ab gc 5. bd Wad 8C Determining Meanings p.ot acd Zed Gab 3 be Zab Abed B bd 8D Completing Sentences poz 1. My favorite passage from a story describes (Idea: silver cows jumping back into a lake). 2. The most ancient thing | know of is (Idea: the Egyptian pyramids). 3. A century is (Idea: one hundred years) 4. If redecorated the interior of my room, | would (Idea: paint it purple) 5. An intrusion to my sleep would be (Idea: my dog barking) 6. A spacious bedroom has room for (Idea: a big bed, 2 desk, and twa chairs). 7. If I gave a portion of my money away, | would give it to (Idea: an animal shelter) @eenrenenenenn an eaaaeeneeennst € mannnnne PSSFTCTSTSTIITTSTITFTITIITUSITFVTTITVVVIIVIIIVVUSEY 8. | think the most precious thing is Idea: my baby sister). 9. The best way to locate a lost object is (Idea: fo /ook where you had it last), 10. A ramp might be used for (Idea: wheelchairs). BE Vocabulary in Context p.93 (Possible answers, students’ sentences may vary) 1. Its the only ancient site that remains today. 2. One goes through passages connecting the rooms. 3. The rooms in the interior must not have had windows on the outside and so did not get any light. ‘They dragged them up a ramp of earth, Ithad to ceme by water because it came from quarries near the Nile River. 6. The people who worked only a portion of the year were farmers whose fields were flooded at that time, meaning they could not farm. It is one of the most spacious rooms. ‘Chamber is another word for room. 8. Jewels and objects made of gold might have been left with the dead king. 10. The Egyptians put granite slabs outside the tomb to keep people from gaining entry to it. 11. Intruders stole the gold and the jewels 12. The Great Pyramid was built over forty-five centuries ago. 13, They believed he was a god, a descendant of the sun god Ra, 14 At first its surface was smooth white limestone, but ‘most of this is now gone. 15, Cairo is in Egypt Lesson 9 9A Finding Meanings p.102 ab Sac &ab 2ba Bed Fea Rd—< 7.d-a 10.c-b abd 9B Just the Right Word p. 103 1. distance 6. founder 2. parched 7. scarce 3. advantage 8 typical 4, sole 9. host 5. shrewd 10. tormenting 9C Applying Meanings a Sab 2bod 6ab Rbed Zabe aabd Bbc 9D Word Study: Suffixes p.105 1. alteration 5. persistence 2. confusion 6. migration 3. exclamation 7. preparation 4. intention 8, location gE ocaullary In Contest Ee Pe) (Possible answers; students sentences may vary) ‘They were known as the forty-niners. They sold water at very high prices. . The businessmen wanted to get rich quickly. Water was very scarce in the desert. . No, the typical person earned only about a dollar a 4 ‘They suffered from hunger and thirst, as well as heat. No, San Francisco was just a tiny hamiet. Sample answer: People might have been worried about leaving their families and thelr jobs, and taking 2 risk that they would find gold 9, Sam Brannan was one of the founders of San Francisco. 10. He bought pickaxes, shovels, and pans so he could sell them for a higher price. 11. President Polk made It known that gold had been discovered. 12. ites over seventeen thousand miles 13. The growth of San Francisco was astoni 14. They are called prospectors. 15, Only newspapers gave this kind of information. ing. Lesson 10 410A Using Words in Context p13 i ee te or ee a ke fe Got (ieee PeiCee asec ed eto Ce oa Gee dhe oul) mac 4 Ct tC ee abe, a eee duce Pa a ee te. 1 Pi ie Ce i oie 4108 Making Connections pins Tae 6d 2b 7abd 3 bc Babe aod ae 5. abd 10.6 10C Determining Meanings p16 Tac 5.bcd 2 abd 6 bd Bac Tad aod Bacd 10D Completing Sentences p.t7 1. To regain something means to (Idea: get it back after losing it 2. A farmers livelihood is (Idea: planting crops and raising livestock) 3. If you are a communicative person, that means you (Idea: are good at sharing information). 4, I may want to deliberate if (Idea: / have a big decision to make). 5. Amisfortune for me might be (Idea: tripping and breaking a leg). Student Book Answer Key 211 6. A precipitous drop in temperature might make us (dea: grab our coats) 7. symptom of hunger might be (Idea: a growling stomach). 8, My most des City). 8. | would cower from (Idea: an angry dog). 10. | banish fear by (Idea: singing a happy song). le place to visit is (Idea: New York 10E Vocabulary in Context p.118 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1, Tokoyo and her father were reunited, and her father regained his freedom. 2. No. She had a father 3. Misfortune struck means “terrible things happened suddenly.” 4, The sea god had cast a spell on ailments. 5. They tried to console her and raise her spirits 6. He lived in the depths of the sea 7. She searched for him and had her knife ready so she could attack him. 8. Communication between father and daughter was forbidden. 9, He was banished to the island because he made a joke about the emperor. 10. She went to the island because she had a strong di to see her father, 11, She was about to be thrown into the sea as a sacrifice to the sea god. 12. She was cowering in fear 13, She wanted to get to the bottom of the sea so she could slay the sea god. 14, All his symptoms disappeared. 15. Diving for oysters was their livelihood. They were searching for pearls. im, causing many Lesson 11 114 Finding Meanings p. 126 boa ab od ab od boa due bo an boc 118 Just the Right Word p.127 yield annual boring evaporates nourishes crude blending hhues vision artificial 212 Wordly Wise 3000 « Resource Book 4 11C Applying Meanings p. 128 1 be 5acd Zed Bab 3. be Zad 4abd Bad 11D Word Study: Antonyms p. 129 1. lessen 6. natural 2. rise 7. lose 3. slight 8. upset 4. new 9. worthless 5. cramped 10. refined 11 Vocabulary in Context (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) 1. The syrup is a blend of cane sugar syrup and real maple syrup. 2. Cane sugar syrup is cheaper and more plentiful than real maple syrup. ‘Another word for the leaves of a tree is foliage. |. Maple trees are a visual treat in the late fall, 5. You might see brilliant reds and golds. ‘The amount varies between twelve and twenty gallons. jeld means “to produce.” 3. Sap nourishes the trees. . On sunny days, the flow of sap increases. ‘They needed axes to make gashes in the trees. ‘This method could cause considerable damage to the tree. 12. In order to get at the syrup, tree farmers bore holes in the trunk, 13, That syrup is crude and needs to be refined before itis, ready to use. 14, When itis boiled, the water in it evaporates. 15. Maple sugaring occurs annually. Lesson 12 2A Using Words in Context p. 137 fe ie ae 7a, ee ic hc hl bc ob.C tet 3c. € Sct Ie 9.1 14.1 3d. 5d.C 70.1 9d. ¢ Pac meee commence Sine gc Hema! 2b. | 4b. 1 6b.C B.C 106. Reo Aad 6. 1 Be. C 0c. 1 24.1 4d.c 6d. 8d. 1 10d. 1 128 Making Connections p. 139 abd 6a Za acd Bod ab 3b 10.4 12C Determining Meanings p.140 tbe Dabe 6B bod 3. bod Zed aad Bad @ees € @ene manners anmaenn2nnnenneeeennnnenens e PSESTTTFIFIFITFIFIFIFTVFIFTTTIIITIVFIVUTITTITITIIVIVTTVVTVUTY 12D Completing Sentences p.141 13D Word Study: Latin Roots p. 156 1. Ifyou have a blissful expression, you look (Idea: very 1. solus, alone happy). 2. rumpere, to break 2. Imove around furiously when (Idea: Jam ina rush to 3. visus, to see get somewhere). 4, centum, hundred 3. A gentle caress feels (Idea: very soothing). 5. tempus, time 4. Something | wish | could shun is (Idea: Brussels 6. visus, 10 see sprouts). 7. amicus, friend 5. An example of an amiable greeting is (Idea: a hug and 8. annus, year a smile) 9. focus, place 6. Sometimes | mope when (Idea: / don’t get my way) 10. jacere, to throw 7. I would like to request (Idea: new shoes for my birthday). 13E Vocabulary in Context p.157 8, If countries are separate, that means they are (Idea: set apart from each other). 9. To prefer something is to (Idea: like it better than something else) 10, Something | like to clutch is (Idea: my pillow when I sleep). 12E Vocabulary in Context p. 142 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) 1, Gesture means “movement of the hand." 2. She became ill and had to be separated from the other gorillas. 3, She preferred books with pictures of gorillas and cats. 4, She gave her a cat because Koko requested it. 5. Koko had an amiable personality, 6 7. Furious means "very angry.” She could not be coaxed, and refused to play with the toy cat 8, She shunned it because she knew it wasn't real, and she wanted a real cat 9. She picked it up and caressed it 10, All Ball clutched Koko's fur. 11, She moped for days. 12, Replace means "to take the place of.” 13, She recovered her good spirits. 14, it gave her the ability to make jokes and tell lies, 15, You would feel totally, completely happy. Lesson 13 138 Just the Right Word p.154 1. depend 6. invaded 2. dreary 7. suspects, 3. isolated 8, terror 4. temporary 8. routed 5. appalled 10. tragedies 13C Applying Meanings p.155 tab 5. bod Zabod Bad Zabod aod 8 abd (Possible answers; stuclents’ sentences may vary.) Answers will vary Hitler’s armies invaded their country. . He intended to do away with all the Jewish people in Europe. He had a fanatical hatred of them. They lived in terror that the Germans would kill them, Occupied means “lived in.” ‘They depended on friends to bring them food. ‘They hoped Hitler would be defeated, Answers will vary. . She revealed the details of her life in hiding as well as her feelings; she was the same age as many of her readers. 11. They had no contact with the outside world and were crowded in a small space. 12. Sample answer: She may have been most dejected when, after two years, they were still in hiding. 13. No one suspected that they were hiding behind the bookshelf. 14. His armies were routed by the Russians, Americans, and British, 15. Answers will vary Lesson 14 14A Using Words in Context tC 3aC 5a 7a aac (Bee chic sale 7osce ctac fe Sere Ug ye a oci| esi ede T eta ee | on Pa A ee ec ec ec tierce dt ad. Gt BGT 100.1 148 Making Connections 1 bd 6c 28 Tbe 3d Bac aad 8 bc 5. bc 1.4 14C Determining Meanings p.166 acd 5. bic 2ad Bod 3 abd ha aad Babd Student Book Answer Key 213 14D: Completing Sentences 167 15C Applying Meanings p.178 1. A musical chord is (Idea: three or more notes played tac 5. bc together. 2b 6 abed 2. L always make an exceptional effort to (Idea: keep my 3. a, bd 7b room clean). 4.3,b Babd 3. If something is on the fringe, that means it is (Idea: on the outer edge). 15D Word Stud) p. 179 4 I wish | could afford to (idea: buy a new baseball bat). 1. con, with 5. lam fortunate because (Idea: | have a family that loves >. cor, together ime) 3. com, with 6. Amelancholy person feels (idea: very sad) 4 com, with 7. An obstinate person might say, (dea: “Iwill neverdo con, with in 6. con with 8 To relent means to (Idea: become less strc) 7. con, with 8. Something | have submitted i (idea: my homework). ean, tagether 10, A humble person is someone who (Idea: does not 9. com, with dlemand attention) 10. con with 14E Vocabulary in Context 9.168 15 Vocabulary in Context p.180 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary) They grew along the fringes of the lake. . The music became very melancholy. . Afford means "to be able to pay for.” 1 They lived in a humble cottage. She boasted to her neighbors about the silver cows. 3 They went up the mountain to a meadow by tthe lake. 7. They seemed to be responding to the chords he played on his harp. It was of exceptional quality She felt fortunate because the silver cows gave twice {as much milk as the black and white ones dig. 10, When his mother told him to be quiet, he submitted to her will 11, He pleaded with her to spare the animal 12. No. She would not relent. 13. Trudged suggests he was sad and heavy-hearted. 14, She was a very obstinate person, 15, He last saw the silver cows when they ran to the edge Of the lake and plunged in. 158 Just the Right Word p.177 fragile pounced . prompted talons trophy contrasts concentrate considered 214 Wordly Wise 3000 » Resource Book 4 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1. A farmer would be most likely to kill a bald eagle when helshe sees it with a small animal in its talons. 2, It became apparent in the 1950s, 3. Their eggs were fragile, and when they broke, the chicks inside were killed, 4, The number of bald eagles has been increasing in recent years, 5. Human beings are the only creatures that menace the bald eagle. 6. It pounces on small animals and fish: 7, She wrote Silent Spring, @ book about the damage ‘ome chemicals were doing to wildlife. 8, It became concentrated in lakes and streams. 9, It was in widespread use in the United States. 10. They had them stuffed as trophies. 11. Considered means "thought to be.” 12. It was important because there was a big drop bald-eagle population. 13. Congress passed a law banning the use of DDT. 14, It got its name from its white-feathered head, which contrasts with its brown-feathered body. 15, Itis a symbol of America, inthe Lesson 16 16A Using Words in Context p.187 aa saree tbc | 3B1 SLC LC wet CC Vince sd ee since da) oes aC fC bat BL aL Da aC ecb sec 05) ZC eC BC BEC 2c dt GC BO. 168 Making Connections p. 189 1b Sad Zac Tb 3 abc Bb a acd 9d 5b 10. > errnrnrnneen meen € aamenene : aeennenn € € maeananannennenn PETTTTTITTTTTTVVTEVEY PEVVTTVVTVVVTITSUY veuvue” 16C Determining Meanings p.190 17C Applying Meanings 7 p.203 tac 5. bd tabod 5b 2 bc 6 ab Zab 6 abod 3b Zad Babd Zabed 4 abc abd 4. bic Bac 16D Completing Sentences p.191 17D Word Study: Homophones ep 204) 1. One thing | detest is (Idea: cheating on a test 1. hail 8. boar 2. At dusk, the sun (Idea: goes down), 2. hale 9. fare 3. I would like to obtain (Idea: permission to go to my 3. pier 10. fair friend's house). 4. peer 11. chord 4, need to practice (Idea: throwing the football). 5. vein 12. cord 5. One way to extinguish a candle flame is (Idea: to 6. vain 13. bough throw water on i), 7. bore 14. bow 6. In an orchard you might find (Idea: apples). 7, A food that is familiar to me is (Idea: mangoes). 17E Vocabulary in Context p.205 8. To wander means to (Idea: roam freely) 9. It concerns me that (\dea: my friend is being bullied) 10. if a man is stout, that means he is (dea: large and heavy) UGE MOcab ys Content ee ae) Possible ansivers; students sentences may vary) 1. It's an apt name because he planted apple seeds as he traveled. 2. As result of his planting, orchards grew wherever he had visited 3. His clothes were threadbare, but that did not bother him, 4, He detested all killing. 5. He usually just wandered from one place to another. 6. Practice means “something that he usually did 7, He obtained them from cider mils in New England. 8 8 . He got his walking stick from an apple tree. ‘At dusk, he looked for a place to spend the night. 10. He was content to sleep outside. 1, He once extinguished his campfire because it was attracting mosquitoes, who were killed by the flames. 12. He loved the sight of blossoms on the apple trees. 13, The boughs of the trees were full of fruit. 14, He was a familiar sight to people who lived in the Ohio (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1. No. He was shy and afraid to speak. 2. Hearty means “satisfying.” 3. Instead of giving his leftover food to needy families, he gave it to his pigs. 4, The tajri did not get what he wanted—the goat. He was granted only the right to smell the goat. 5. The smells of delicious food would not have wafted out. 6. He saw the maskini inhale deeply and look blissful. 7. He needed an escort because he probably wouldn't have gone to jail willingly. 8. Yes, he was summoned before the court. 9. The decision would be based on the facts of the case. 10. The tajiri claimed the maskini was depriving him of the smells from the kitchen. 111. Sample answer: He was probably terrified of losing his goat. 12, An older person whom other villagers respected might. become an elder. 13, The chief addressed the crowd near the court. 14, Concluded means "formed an opinion." 15, Sample answer: They might have applauded. River Valley. Lesson 18 15, He would return so he could prune the trees torhake sure they stayed healthy. ‘8A Using Words in Context__ ps 212 rachael 0 mma Camu ORC ce es en ate Lesson 17 tet 3c. 5c. 1 eC 91 oe Gee ele a 178 Finding Meanings p.200 bd Sd-b Sand wc 4.0 fC OA 2da 6ba od< eee abi peee ict eed ebi cae noc Bd 7eb 1. b~< ee ae ra aad Gl de od oa 0d 178 Just the Right Word p.202 188 Making Connections pz 1. wafted 6 approval Le 6 ad 2 deprived 7. hearty 2 abd Tac 3 fare 8. stingy 3 be ad 4. conclusion 9. merits ad Sad 5. escort 10. addressed 5b 10.2 Student Book Answer Key 215 18C Determining Meanings p.215 19C Applying Meanings p.227 abd 5. bead ac 5 abe 2. a,b. 6 abd Rad Bad Bacd wee 3. abc ac abc Bab abd Be 18D Completing Sentences s P.216 19D Word Study: Prefixes p.228 1. A barrier to getting good grades might be (Idea: not 1. triangle listening in class). 2. trillion 2. To ensure a good night's sleep, | (Idea: close my door). 3. triplets 3. A frequent wish of mine is (Idea: to swim in the 4. trial ocean), 5. tricycle 4, You might keep abreast of what's happening in the 6. trident world by (Idea: watching the news on television). 7. izicolor 5. If you cross the frontier into another country, that. 8 trio ‘means you (Idea: cross the border). 9. tribe 6. A peasant is someone who (Idea: makes a living 10. triplicate working in the soi). 11. tripod 7. A threat to a mouse might be (idea: a cat). 12. trickle 8. A vast distance is one that (Idea: covers many miles) 9. An example of an external item of clothing is (Idea: a 19 Vocabulary in Context p.229 coat) 10, To utilize is to (Idea: put to use). 18E Vocabulary in Context p.217 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1. They visit it because itis one of the most famous sites in China. . It takes a long time because it is such a vast country, . Beijing is the capital of China. twas built as a barrier against tribes from the north. He worried about external attacks 5. They spent most of their time feuding. / Sample answer: He might have influence over only ‘that small kingdom, 8, Those tribes were threatening his rule, 2. & (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) Dance companies go on tour around the country. She eliminated things she felt were unnecessary. They had tight waists, short skirts, tights, and stiffened ballet shoes. It was a stage that was stripped to its essentials, with bare stage settings and simple costumes. They were based on sentimental stories and followed fixed patterns of movement. She used a variety of sources, including Native ‘American life, scenes from American history, and the poetry of Emily Dickinson. She was entranced by her work. She wanted to concentrate on teaching and. developing her own style of dancing. 9. It would have taken place on China's northern frontier. 9. Engage means “to hire.” 10. They utilized whatever was close at hand. 10. A tio of dancers is three dancers. 11, They housed the emperors soldiers. 11. Recognized means “accepted and approved.” 121 The top was so wide that ten people could walk 12. At the time of her death, she was creating 2 new abreast. dance for her company. 13, The breadth of the wall s nearly twenty feet. 13. She elevated modern dance to a new American art 14, They were forced to leave their farms and had to carry form, everything either on their backs oF slung on poles 14, She was one of the foremost dancers of the twentieth 15. Yes, it ensured the safety of Shi Huangai's empire by century. protecting it from outside attacks. 15. You have to audition. Lesson 19 Lesson 20 419A Finding Meanings _ = 20A Using Words in Context p.237 ed fad Ted aa eae oa esa C7 cee oC Zb-a Sb< Bb te EE Biba 6d-a oda fe ache fei nce Wt dT BE TCT 4198 Just the Right Word p.226 1. foremost 7, sentimental Jac fac GC BC H.C 2 trio 8 created a a a 3 source 9, recognizes RC fe BL BEE He 4 eliminate 10. auditions 2d Adt GC BAL 10d. C 5. engaged 11. entrancing 6. elevate 216 Wordly Wise 3000 « Resource Book 4 @eaeapreenenen € eaaaeennnnennes € e mnannannenn . PUTT TSTVFTTTTTVITTFTUTTVTUTUUUUSUUTY puuU"U 4 y 208 Making Connections 1. be 6 bd 2d he 3b Bab ab 8 abc 5a 10. b,c 20€ Determining Meanings p.239 abd 5. a,b 2ad 6d 3. abc 7. bd aa Babd 20D Completing Sentences p.241 1. The person who can arrest someone is called a (police officer) 2. Eventually | hope to (Idea: win a trophy in gymnastics). 3. If lam humiliated, | feel (idea: embarrassed) 4. | might implore my teacher to (Idea: skip the test next week). 5. I think its an outrage that (Idea: my parents don’t let ‘me go shopping by myself). A different word for dispute is (Idea: argument). Something | am capable of is (Idea: making my own dinner). 8, If you are sullen, that means you feel (Idea: angry or hurt) 9. When you insert a key into a door, you (Idea: unlock the door) 10. Something | should be congratulated for is (idea learning my vocabulary). 20E Vocabulary in Context p. 242 (Possible answers; students’ sentences may vary.) 1. Yes. His "crime" was refusing to bow before the cap oon the pole, Although they obeyed the order, they were sullen. ‘The cap was a symbol of Austrian rule, |. They don't believe he really existed. Gessler despised the Swiss people. . He ordered him to be sent to jail because he was ‘outraged when Tell told him he would have killed him If his son had been hurt. 7. He didn’t think they were capable of ruling themselves. 8, They were waiting for him to release the arrow. 9. He inserted the first one in his crossbow and the second in his belt 10. Quiver means "a case for holding arrows." 11, He intended to pierce Gessier’s heart. 12, He congratulated William Tell for demonstrating such skill 13, The crew cowered below. 14, They implored William Tell to take over. 15, It eventually led to Swiss freedom from Austrian rule. Lessons 1-4 Crossword Puzzle page 50 Lessons 5-8 Crossword Puzzle page 98 Student Book Answer Key 217 Lessons 9-12 Lessons 13-16 Hidden Message Crossword Puzzle pages 147-149 page 197 | Al Fielale fr | vialaly) Hla Re lclolviela] Prlele]re) ele cloln|s oul le [elalv[w Easy iy) siclale cle Lessons 17-20 Crossword Puzzle page 247 From Urvielt frm ]olo]o) slelp alelalt[e] Reouels ts Flolu|n[olelais 218 Wordly Wise 3000 » Resource Book 4 AMAA HRALAAKAAHLAAHAAHLAHLHLAHRAAHLAHAHHLAHRLAHKRAHRHAHKHLHLMLLE

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