Bid of A Company: Instructions To Tender

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Sulaimani Polytechnic University Project Management

Technical College of Engineering Class:3rd stage

Dep. of Petroleum and Energy Engineering Time: indicated in the classroom

Date: 07/03/2022

Instructions to tender
The followings are three bids offered by three different companies on a project of installing electric generators in one of Sulaimani’s districts. The companies filled out
the tenders and their details are in the three tables below. The following is extra information on the tender.
Information about the tender:
1.    The estimation by the directorate: $310,000
2.    This is the first announcement
3.    No. of participants: 3 companies
4.    All the companies are registered legally
5.    Consider all the criteria for all the companies are the same.

Check the tenders and correct the mistakes without using any formular in the cells, then prepare it for analyzing.

1. Bid of A Company
Unit Price$ Unit Price$
Items Unit Quantity in numbers in writing Amount
(‫)بە ژمارە‬ (‫)بە نووسین‬
1 Providing and installing Generator 1KVA No. 5 30,000 Thirty thousand 150,000
2 Construct and build a service room No. 5 40,000 Forty thousand 200,000
Provide materials, manpower, transfer and install Diesel
3 No. 2 500 Five hundred 1,000
fuel tank with capacity 2000 litter
Provide materials, manpower, transfer and install solar
2 No. 1 7,000 Seven thousand 7,000
panels with capacity 10000watt in max.
Total (three hundred fifty-eight thousand) 358,000

2. Bid of B Company
Unit Price$ Unit Price$
Items Unit Quantity in numbers in writing Amount
(‫)بە ژمارە‬ (‫)بە نووسین‬
1 Providing and installing Generator 1KVA No. 5 30,000 Thirty thousand 150,000
2 Construct and build a service room No. 5 50,000 Fifty thousand 250,000
Provide materials, manpower, transfer and install Diesel
3 No. 2 500 Five hundred 1,000
fuel tank with capacity 2000 litter
Provide materials, manpower, transfer and install solar
2 No. 1
panels with capacity 10000watt in max.
Total (Four hundred-one thousand) 401,000

3. Bid of C Company
Unit Price$ Unit Price$
Items Unit Quantity in numbers in writing Amount
(‫)بە ژمارە‬ (‫)بە نووسین‬
1 Providing and installing Generator 1KVA No. 5 35,000 Thirty five thousand 175,000
2 Construct and build a service room No. 5 29,000 twenty nine thousand 145,000
Provide materials, manpower, transfer and install Diesel
3 No. 2 600 six hundred 1,200
fuel tank with capacity 2000 litter
Provide materials, manpower, transfer and install solar
2 No. 1 3,000 three thousand 3,000
panels with capacity 10000watt in max.
Total (Three hundred twenty-four thousand two hundred) 324,200

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