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CHAPTER -4 STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM | Atorts are the basi units of matter and the defining structure of elements. Matters are rede of tiny pauticls called atom Atoms mee of thee particles; electron proton and neutron ‘These patticles are called furedamental particles of en atom or sub atomic piticles. Electron (€)- Electrons dented by‘e’ and is a negatively charged particle. The absolute chauge over an electrons equal to 1.610" of negative charge aris comnidered equal t0~ 1. ‘The relative muss of electronis 1/1836. Since the rass of an electrons very sl, thus its ‘considered equal to 0. Electrons revolve round the nucleus of ators, ‘Proton (p’) - Protonis denoted by ‘p' ants postively charged particle. The absolute charge over proton s 1.6x10"” coulont of postive charge anit is considered as unit positive charge. ‘Thus absolute charge over a proton is equal to +1, ‘The absolute mass of a proton is equal to 1.6x10™ g ard considered equal to 1 as itis equal to the mss of 1 hydrogen atom Protonis presert inthe racleus of atom. ‘Neutron (n) ~ Neurons denoted by ‘rt arelis a neural paticle ‘The absohie ress of neutronis 1.6 x 10 g. The relative rss of reuton is equal t0 1. Neuonis presents in the ruxlets of atorn Nucleus The centre of atomis called nucleus. Nucleus comprises of neutron and proton, "Nucleus of an atom cortaits the whole ness of anarom, (QL What are canal rays? Answer: ane rays are positively charged radiations that can pass through perforated cathode plate. ‘These rays consist of positively charged particles known as protors. — (Q2. fan atom contains one electron ane one proton, wilt cary any charge or no? Answer: ‘Anelectonis a negatively charged pile, whereas a proton is a postive charged pice ‘The nmgnitude oftheir changes is equa. Therefore, an atom cortairrg one electron and one proton wil ne cany any chaye. Ths it wll be a neural atom Discovery of Electron 1n 1897; J.J. Thomson a Buitsh piysicst, proposed that atom cortains atleast one negatively ‘charged particle. Later this paticle was ramed as electron Thorson called those peutcles “corpuscles. Discovery of Proton: Emest Goldstein in 1886 discovered the presence of new radiation in gas dischae tube even before the identification of electron. He called these rays as Canel Rays, His experert led to the discovery of proton Discovery of Neutron: 1n 1932 J. Chaxinick ciscovered another subatorrc paticl called neutron. Neutronis present inthe muciews of all atone, Ere J. Thomson proposed the model of atom sinlarto a Chuistres Purkng or sina to a water elon His model of atomis generally called plum and puriding model of arom __ Spherical cloud of positive charge Electron ‘Thomson's Plum pudding model He proposed that electrons are embedded the way black seeds of water melon are embedded: in the sphere of positive charge. According to Thorson. (@) Anatomcorsists of positively chuged sphere in which electrons are entbedded (b) The quatta of negative and postive charges are equal, The equal ruber of negative charge and positive charge makes an atom decticlly neutral Emest Rutherford in 1909 with his team bombarded very thin gold foil with «~ particles, He found thet (a) Most ofthe « ~ particles passed without ary hindrance. (b) Some of the a paticles deflected from their origiel path at noticeable arge. (c) Very few of the a ~ particles bounced back at their original path, Onthe basis of his observation, he proposed the model of atom The Rutherford’s Model of Atomisas follows: (@) Most ofthe part in an atomis emp. (1) There isa positively charged certerinatomy which contais realy the whole mass of atom. ‘The certre called rucleus. (©) The size of rucews is very smell compared to an atom (@ Elecoors revolve round the mclews. Radioactive sample emits beam of alpha particles ‘Some alpha particles are deflected Most alpha particles hit here ‘The Rutherfort s Experimert is aso knownas Geiger Marsden Experiment, ‘Source of Alpha meses Nana Deflection ___ circular Detector Beam of Alphas ‘Mos! Portcles Undellected I ‘Thin Gold Fol tead Cotimator -Ruthertord Scattering Apparatus BOHR’S MODEL OF ATOM Neils Bol, a Danish physicist, in 1913 proposed model of atom which rectified the problers left hy Rutherfore’s Model, He proposed that (q Electrons revolve rourd the nucleus ina fixed ont. @) He called these orbits as stationery oxi’ (0) Each statiorny orhitis associated with fixed armourt of energy, ts electrons do not radiate energy as lorg as they keep on revolving around the maclews in fixed ont. ‘The circular path around the ruclews is called onit, energy level or shel, Energy level are represerted by letter K, L, M, N,... aredso on. Therefore, —_ + 1 orhitis denoted by K + 28othitis denoted by 1 + S*orhitis denoted by—M, andl so on. ‘The orbits are denoted y 1, 2,3, andiso on shen she Kho zerx QL. On the basis of Thomsan’s model of an atom, explain how the atom is neutral as a ‘whole. Answer: ‘As per Thonsoris mode of the atom an atom.corsists both negative and positive charges \which are equal in mumber ane magriture. So, they balance each other as aresuit of which tomas a whole is electrically neutral. Q2. On the hasis of Rutherfont's model of an atom. which subatomic particle is present inthemdlens of an atom? Answer: ‘Onthe basis of Rutherford's rode of an atom protors are presert in the nucleus of an atom, (Q3. Draw sketch of Boht’s modd of an atom with three shells Answer: M shell Lshell K shell Nucleus (Q4. What do you think would be the observation if the a-particle scattering experiment is carried! out using a fil of a metal other than gold? Answer: 1fcepaaticle scattering experiment is canied out using a foi of ary metal as thin as gold fo wed by Rutherford, there would be ro charge in observations, But since other etal are mot so malleable so, such a thin fois dificult to obtain, I've use a thick fi, then more oe particles would bounce back and ro iden abour the location of positive muss inthe atom would ‘eavallale with sucha certainty. Q1 Name the three sub-atomic particles of an atom. Answer: ‘The thee sub atomic particles of anatomare: () Protons (i Electrons, and (ii Newtons (Q2 Helium atom has an atomic mass of 4 u and two protons in its nncleus, How many snautrons does it have? Answer: Number of neurons = Atomic mass - Nutber of protons ‘Therefore, the number of neutrons inthe atom= 4-2 = 2 1 inanothit is of ‘av is uber of obit. ‘Therefore, ‘Number of electrons in K-shell Le in 1" orbit. Heren= 1 Therefore, ar=2x1°=2 ‘Thus, maximum ramtber of electrons in K shell i.e. 1 shell = 2 [Number of electrons in L-shell, ie in Heren= 2, therefore, a= 2x2) ‘Thus, tenia rumber of electrons in shell = 8 Number of electrons in M-shell, Le. in 3" orbit 5, therefore, x3= 18 ‘Thus, madman umber of electros in M-shell = 18 Number of electrons in N-shll ie. ind” shel Heren = 4, therefore, 2 ‘Thus, meximumrumber of electors in N-sbell = 32 {In sinalar wey meximmuma rumber of electrons in any shel can be calculate, ATOMIC NUMBER Atomic rumtber iste furdarertal proparties ofan ator Every atoms identified by its ‘unique atomic rumtber. Atomic natber is denoted by 2’. ‘Atomic nurther is equa to the nutber of protons present inan atom Since an atomis electrically neutral, thas rumtber of protons and number of electrons are equal ‘to make an atom elecuically neta. Atomic nunber = Nutber of protons = Number of electrons Example ‘The atomic ruber of Hychogenis 1, heliumis2,lthiumis 3, byliumis 4, boronis 5 catbonis 6, nitrogen 7, oxygens 8, Sanple exercise (Q) Atomic rumber of calcumis 20, Calculate th ruber of electrons ae rotors in calcium, Solution: Since, Atomic runber= Number of protons = Number of dectrons Therefore, [Nurrber ofeletrrs in caium= 20 [Nurnberof protons incaleium= 20 (2) Number of protons in sodium atoms 1, find the atomic rurrber are runtber of electrons inasodiumarom Solution Since, Atomic number = Nunber of protons = Number of electrons Therefore, Atornc rurtber of sodium = 11 ‘Number of electrons in sodium = 11 Lithium, Li Carbon, ‘Atomic number: 3 ‘Atomic number: 6 ‘Average atomic mass: 6941 amu Average atomic mass: |201 amu 3 protons = 3 amu 6 protons = 6 amu + 4neutrons = 4amu + 6 neutrons = 6 amu atomic mass = 7 amu atomic mass = 12 amu (MASS NUMBER OR ATOMIC MASS ‘Mass rumtber of an etomis defied as the sum of the number of protons are ruber of 1eutrons. Mass rumiber is nealy equal to the ator mass of an atom Since, protors are ‘neutrons reside inthe mnclets, thus they are also krown as nacieors ‘This means ‘Mass nutber of an atom= Nunber of protons + Number of neutors, Exanple (2) Atoric mess of alurinumis 27 u and atomic rumber is 13, find the rarer of protons, ard rurrber of reurors in aunirium Solutior, Since, ‘Atoric rumtber = 13 ‘Therefore, number of proton = 13 We krow that; Atomic mass (Mass rumrber) = Nuber of protons + Number of neutrons On n= 27-1314 ‘Therefore, nurber of proton= 13 ard munber of meutron = 14 (2) The atomic mtber of carbons 6 and mumber of neutron is equal to 6. Fird the atomic russ or mass rumrber of carbon, Solution: Sinke atortic ruber of carbor ‘Therefore, nurber of proton= 6 Now, Atomic mass = ruber of proton + ruber of neutron Or, Atomic ress or rss urbe wu “Thes, ess ruber or atomic mss of carbon = 12u Coney ‘of electrons canbe obtained by 2 where 1s the oxbit ramrber: This after krowirg the resdirum number of electrons for a particular shel, the anargemert of electrons in an ator can be identified Its called Bohr Bury Scherves. Rules to write the electronic configuration of an atom (@) Maxinumnrber of eectrons in an orbit is calculated by 217, where‘? is numberof oxbit are may be equa to 1,2, 3, - (@) Electors occupy the nest oft orky ater filling the inner ortit completely. (0) The mimdarumnunrber of electrons in outermost orbit will not be more than 8. ‘Maximum rumtber of elections in 1" orbit = 2 Sinee, Iychogen tas only one electron, therefore, it will reside in 1 ort. ‘Thus dectonic configuration of tycrogen Number of orit present in yerogen = 1 Atomic rumnber of helium = 2 ‘Therefore number of electrons = 2 ‘Therefore, electronic configuration of heiumis [Number of ott in peliumatom= 1 ‘Atomic runber of Lithium: ‘Therefore rumber of electors = 3 Since the rximum ruber of electors in 1" onbit is equal 10 2, therefore, after accommodating 2 electrons in orbit, the third electron wil go in 2™ orbit. ‘Thus, electronic configuration of ithiurmis )) ‘Therefore number of electrons = 4, ‘Tas, electronic cofiguation of Bey [Nuber of orbit in brylium: While revolving in these discrete orbits electrons do not radiate energy. These orbits or cells are represerted by te letters K, L, M,N ec. or the rumrbers, n= 1,2, 3,4, as showin below figure. Ls sta Posty ite | = Anatom consists ofa = Bohr agreed with pach onic | pathy capccten | sips cn featmavereaith |ieecgtieetee | Mite ca 2 Henaieane” | Svcaueee SEEnGane ae | Saieeaneee themes ante | gocconaiebn op gal Ree magnitude. As a result the

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