Activity 8

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5

Species 1 and Fitness of (1) Explanation Fitness of (2) Explanation General

2 as affected by as affected by Interaction
(2) (1)
Giant Cacti The Gila The Giant
(1) and Gila 0 Woodpecker 0 cacti is not Commensalism
Woodpeckers digs a hole in negatively
(2) the Giant impacted
Cacti for a from the
nest. The cavities that
Giant cacti Gila
develops a Woodpeckers
thick skin and create.
is not harmed
by the hole.
Gila Specialize in As they are
Woodpeckers + hunting bees _ the prey of Predation
(1) and Bees and make Gila
(2) them a part of Woodpeckers
their regular
Lizards (1) Lizards are They are
and Bees (2) + natural _ know as prey Predation
predator of of lizards.
Gila Gila Appears to
Woodpeckers + woodpecker _ have limited Interspecies
(1) and Lizard do not share food than Competition
(2) food woodpeckers
with lizard
2.) Based on videoclip # 2, identify 4 interactions of two groups of organisms that are present in
the video. Determine the type of general interaction and explain why you have determined such
interactions to be present between each pair.

Pair 1: Long spined sea urchin and Algae

-The sea urchin reduce the abundance of Coral Algae and shows Herbivory type of

Pair2: Starfish and Sea urchin

-They have mutual interaction where both species are present and is able to
enhance the fitness of both thereby providing a synergistic boost to their growth.

Pair 3: Titan Triggerfish and Long spined sea urchin

-The Titan Triggerfish and Long spined sea urchin shows a predator and prey interaction
where Titan Triggerfish plays as predator of sea urchin where Triggerfish serve as hunter and
protector of starfish to prevent harm to coral reefs.

Pair 4: Titan Triggerfish and Coral reef

-They have mutual interaction where Titan triggerfsih keep the coral reef
ecosystem in balance where it protects it territory agains venomous spines of long spined sea
urchin and starfish. So with the presence of both organism, they enhance both of their fitness
providing growth.

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