Activity 5

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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016



I. Introduction
In theory, any kind of organism could take over the Earth just by reproducing.
For instance, imagine that we started with a single pair of male and female rabbits. If
these rabbits and their descendants reproduced at top speed ("like bunnies") for 7 years,
without any deaths, we would have enough rabbits to cover the entire state of Rhode
Island. And that's not even so impressive – if we
used E. coli bacteria instead, we could start with just one bacterium and have enough
bacteria to cover the Earth with a 1-foot layer in just 36 hours.

As you've probably noticed, there isn't a 111-foot layer of bacteria covering the entire
Earth (at least, not at my house), nor have bunnies taken possession of Rhode Island.
Why, then, don't we see these populations getting as big as they theoretically could? E.
coli, rabbits, and all living organisms need specific resources, such as nutrients and
suitable environments, in order to survive and reproduce. These resources aren’t
unlimited, and a population can only reach a
size that match the availability of resources in its local environment.

Population ecologists use a variety of mathematical methods to

model population dynamics (how populations change in size and composition over
time). Some of these models represent growth without environmental constraints, while
others include "ceilings" determined by limited resources.
Mathematical models of populations can be used to accurately describe changes
occurring in a population and, importantly, to predict future changes.

II. Objectives:

At the end of this activity, students should be able to:

1. Differentiate logistic and exponential growth
2. Demonstrate how logistic and exponential growth is done in a laboratory
3. Discuss how logistic and exponential growth occurs in a nature

III. Concept/s Explanation

In this activity, we will be looking at two growth models to help us
understand how population grow.

In exponential growth, a population's per capita (per individual) growth

rate stays the same regardless of population size, making the population grow faster
and faster as it gets larger.

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In nature, populations may grow exponentially for some period, but they will
ultimately be limited by resource availability.

In logistic growth, a population's per capita growth rate gets smaller and
smaller as population size approaches a maximum imposed by limited resources in
the environment, known as the carrying capacity (K).

Exponential growth produces a J-shaped curve, while logistic growth

produces an S-shaped curve.

IV. Work/Practice Exercise

For Exponential Growth

Note: You are to prepare nutrient agar medium prior to this activity and have
it autoclaved.

1-In a sterile petri dish, pour about 20 ml nutrient agar following aseptic technique 2-
Upon solidification of the medium, label your petri plate.
3- Remove cover and expose the plate for 30 minutes and cover it. 4-
Incubate the plate in an inverted position at 370C
5- Make observation by counting the colonies after 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours.
6- Tabulate your data and enter it in Table 1
7- Make a graph showing the growth of bacterial culture (Figure1)

For Logistic Growth

1- Pour 1 cup (240 mL) of warm water each into 2 clean, empty bottles. Heat up the
water in a microwave or on the stove until it’s between105–115 °F (41–46
°C). Check the temperature with a kitchen thermometer. Use a funnel to ensure that none
of the water spills when you pour it into the bottle

2- Make sure the bottles are larger than 20 fluid ounces (590 mL) so they can hold the
liquid and gas during the experiment without causing the balloon to explode

3- Label 1 bottle as control and the other as experimental. Write "E" on one of the bottles
for experimental, and "C" on the other for control. Be sure to use a marker that won’t rub
or wash off of the bottle if it gets wet

4- Pour 1 teaspoon (4 g) of granulated sugar into each bottle. Add the sugar to both
bottles, since you’re going to compare how much CO2 is produced with yeast and
without yeast. The control and experimental bottles should have exactly the same
ingredients aside from the yeast

5- Add 1 teaspoon (3.5 g) of active dry yeast to the experimental bottle. Next, pour the
yeast into only the bottle labeled "E." This will start the reaction of the yeast and sugar,
so try to work quickly after you add the yeast. DO NOT ADD YEAST TO THE

6- Combine ingredients until the sugar and yeast dissolve. Hold the bottle in your hand
and move the bottle in small circles until there are no solid particles

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remaining in the liquid. The liquid will turn to a light brown color due to the yeast, and
some bubbles may start forming at the top of the water

7- Stretch a balloon over the mouth of each bottle and make sure there is no air leaking
out of the balloon from the mouth of the bottle

8- Place the bottles in a sunny spot to encourage fermentation. Yeast works more
efficiently in warmer temperatures, so move the bottles next to a window. If the sun isn’t
out, you can place the bottles next to a heat source like a vent or a radiator

9- Measure the circumferences of the balloons every 10 minutes. Wrap a piece of flexible
measuring tape around the widest part of each balloon, and write down the measurement.
Make sure to note how many minutes have passed since the balloon was placed on the
bottle. Continue taking measurements for 1 hour to gather at least 6 measurements

10- Tabulate your data (Table 2) and make a graph of the growth of yeast
(Figure 2)

11- Accomplish worksheet at the end of the activity

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Table 1. Bacterial growth

Incubation Period Number of colonies

24 hours 21
48 hours 46
72 hours 63

Bacterial Growth
60 63
Number of colonies

20 21
24 48 72

Figure 1. Number of colonies in (a) 24 hours, (b) 48 hours, and (c) 72 hours of incubation

The graph above shows the number of colonies in 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours of

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incubation. As you can see, after 24 hours of incubation, each white circle represents as a
colony, and there is a total of 21 colonies. In 48 hours, there are small and big white circles
present with a total of 46 colonies and for 72 hours there are 63 totals of colonies found in the
petri dish. The line in the graph is going up as the time goes by the number of colony is

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Table 2. Fungal Growth

Time Circumference
(unit of measure)
10 minutes 11.1cm
20 minutes 13cm
30 minutes 18.5cm
40 minutes 19cm
50 minutes 20.2cm
60 minutes 23.4cm

Fungal Growth
25 23.4
Circumference (Unit of

20 18.5

15 13


10 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes 50 minutes 60 minutes

Figure 2. The circumference of fungal growth during (a) 10 minutes, (b) 20 minutes, (c) 30
minutes, (d) 40 minutes, (e) 50 minutes, and (f) 60 minutes

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Guide Questions:

1. What type of growth does your data in figure 1 shows? Explain

The figure 1 shows the growth of exponential wherein the colony is continuously
increasing or growing which is proportional to the size of the population meaning the growth of
colony is very fast when the time goes by and the rate of growth does not change.

2. What type of growth does your data in figure 2 shows? Explain

The data in figure 2 shows the logistic growth where the carrying capacity is the
maximum number of a species that can be sustainably supported by the environment. It will
eventually be seen in any stable population occupying a fixed geographic space.

The data in figure 2 illustrates the logistic growth in a situation where the carrying capacity is the
greatest number of a species that the ecosystem can support indefinitely. Any steady population
living in a defined geographic area will eventually experience it.

3. Discuss any changes observed in the growth pattern of both data in figure 1 and 2.

In figure 1, the growth pattern is exponential. Wherein there are small and big white circle
present in the petri dish wherein it represents as the colony. As we observed day by day the colony
inside the petri dish is increasing and it growing very fast. The colony's population is changing very
In figure 2, logistic growth patter wash shown where fungal growth was observed for atleast
1 hour. As what we have observed, as long as there are enough resources available, there will be an
increase in the number of individuals in a population over time. However, most of these populations
cannot continue to grow because they will eventually run out of water, sunlight, space or other
resources. As these resources begin to run out, population growth will start to slow down
Figure 2 depicts the logistic growth pattern where fungal growth was seen for at least an hour.
According to what we've seen, a population will grow in size over time as long as there are enough
resources available. But the majority of these communities cannot expand because they will
eventually run out of resources like water, sunlight, or space. Population growth will begin to
decelerate as these resources start to become limited.

4. What could have the factors for such changes?

For exponential growth, main factors for such changes is when a population is given
unlimited amounts of resources, such as food and water, moisture, oxygen, and other environmental
factors, it will grow and have changes exponentially.
For logistic growth, the main factor that determines for such changes is the amount of
available resources. A lack of available resources, in whatever way these resources might manifest
themselves, would result in the formation of a carrying capacity. Multiple explanations involving
density dependent factors are also a possible factor. For example, when the population size is close to
the carrying capacity, the population is probably using up most of the resources in its environment.
Each individual won’t get as many resources, so they are more likely to die or won’t produce as many
offspring. This makes the population grow more slowly.
The availability of resources is the primary determinant of changes in logistical growth. There
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would be a carrying capacity formed if there were insufficient resources, regardless of how they would
appear. Other potential contributors include numerous explanations incorporating density-dependent
variables. For instance, when a population is close to its carrying capacity, it is likely utilizing the
majority of the resources available to it. Because there are less resources available to each individual,
they are more likely to die or have fewer offspring. The population grows more slowly as a result.


The Exponential growth is where the population is continuously increasing or

increasing fast while the logistic growth is the population where it increased and then
decreased as population size approaches a maximum imposed by limited resources.
For exponential growth, the activity we did is bacterial growth wherein we cooked the
agar, wait until it decolorized and then autoclaved. After, transfer the agar in the petri
plate aseptically and wait until it solidifies. Then, exposed it to an open area for 30
minutes and close it with a clean paper. For logistic growth, we prepare 2 flasks wherein
the first flash is experimental and the other one is control. The experimental contained a
100ml water, and 20ml hot water with a 3 grams sugar and 1.75g yeast and shake it
gently. In nature, Exponential growth is when the rate of growth is proportionate to the
size of the population, whereas logistic growth entails exponential population expansion
with a constant growth rate.

The logistic growth model also shows a decrease or reduced rate of population
growth as the population begins to exceed the necessary number of resources

Pour 120 ml water each into 2 clean, empty erlenmeyer flask with 100 ml distilled water
and 20 ml hot water to make it warm.

Next, label 1 erlenmeyer as control and the other as experimental.

Add 2 grams of sugar to each bottle. The control and experimental bottles should have
exactly the same ingredients aside from the yeast

The sugar acts as the "food" or the major resources for the yeast to consume while it
produces the gas in the bottle

Next, add 1.75 yeast to the experimental bottle.

Don’t add the yeast to the control bottle since you want to be able to compare the growth
of the balloon from the bottle with yeast to the bottle without. This ensures that the yeast
is the ingredient producing the CO2.
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Combine ingredients or shake the erlenmeyer until the sugar and yeast dissolve. Hold the bottle
in your hand and move the bottle in small circles until there are no solid particles remaining in
the liquid. The liquid will turn to a light brown color due to the yeast, and some bubbles may
start forming at the top of the water.

Stretch a balloon over the mouth of each bottle. After the ingredients are combined, remove any
bottle caps and quickly attach a balloon to the mouth of each bottle. Make sure there is no air
leaking out of the balloon from the mouth of the bottle

Place the bottles in a sunny spot to encourage fermentation. Yeast works more efficiently in
warmer temperatures, so move the bottles next to a window.

Measure the circumferences of the balloons every 10 minutes. Wrap a piece of flexible
measuring tape around the widest part of each balloon, and write down the measurement. Make
sure to note how many minutes have passed since the balloon was placed on the bottle.
Continue taking measurements for 1 hour to gather at least 6 measurements

The control balloon will likely not expand.

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