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Corrosion Prevention and

AERN422 – Aircraft Engine maintenance systems
Prepared By:
Ahmed Atef Saber 1165168
AbdelRahman Magdy Ibrahim 4180284
Amgad Samir Elabd 1162223
Abdallah Mohamed Elshayeb 1170205

Submitted to: Submission Date:

Egypt Air Training Academy 12/5/2022
Prof. Aly Hashem
AERN422 - Aircraft Engine Maintenance Systems

Corrosion Prevention and Control | Report

Table of Content

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….… 2

Topic I - Corrosion Prevention

• Manufacturing and Design Methods:
- Choice of Material ………………...…………………………..…………… 3
- Correct Design ……………………………………….……………..……… 4
- Stress Reduction …………………………………………………....……… 4
- Protective Coating ……………………………………...……………..…… 4
• Maintenance Procedures …………………………………………...………… 5

Topic II - Corrosion Control

• Treatment of Corrosion:
- Degrees of Corrosion …………………………………...……………..…… 5
- Removal of Corrosion ……………………………………………..…..…… 6
• Damage Assessment:
- Skin Panels …………………………...………………………………..…… 7
- Load Bearing Members ………………………...………………………….. 7
- Tubular Members ……………………………………………………...…… 8

Topic III - Material Selection

• Material Selection ………………………………………………………..…… 8

Topic IV - Cathode and Anodized Protection

• Anodizing …………………………………………………………………….. 11
• Cathode Protection …………………………………………..………....…… 13

Topic V - Protection of Titanium from Hydraulic Spillage

• Magnetron Sputtering ……………………………………………….....…… 15
• Cold Spray …………………………………………………………………… 16
• Thermal Spraying …………….…………………………………………...… 17
• Shrouded Plasma Spraying …………………………………………….…… 18

Conclusion …………………..…………………………..………………….………. 19
References ………………………………………………………………….………. 19
Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Choice of Material Examples | Corrosion Resistance .................................................................... 2

Figure 2 - Protective Coating | Corrosion Resistance....................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 - Maintenance Procedures | Corrosion Resistance ............................................................................. 2
Figure 4 - Steel Corrosion .................................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 5 - Load Bearing Member | Wing Box Corrosion ................................................................................. 2
Figure 6 - Material Selection for Corrosion Resistance ................................................................................... 2
Figure 7 - Galvanic Series | Schematic .............................................................................................................. 2
Figure 8 - Electrolysis Process | Schematic ....................................................................................................... 2
Figure 9 - Anodizing Process | Schematic ......................................................................................................... 2
Figure 10 - Cathodic Process | Schematic.......................................................................................................... 2
Figure 11 - Magnetron Sputtering | Schematic .................................................................................................. 2
Figure 12 - Cold Spray | Schematic ................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 13 - Thermal Spraying ............................................................................................................................ 2
Figure 14 - Shrouded Plasma Spraying | Schematic .......................................................................................... 2


In light of Aerospace Industry, Corrosion is discussed referring to it as natural

conversion of a refined metal into a more stable form such as its oxide, hydroxide or
sulphide state that leads to deterioration of the material. One of the most effective
ways of corrosion prevention is using metals that are not prone to corrosion.

Correct Design, Protective Coating, Material Selection, Cathodic and Anodic

Protection are from the fundamental factors that affect corrosion resistance and aim
to prevent its occurance.

Last but not least, effective ways for protecting titanium from corrosion
against hydraulic spillage are discussed in details of Magnetron Sputtering, Cold
Spray, Thermal Spraying and Shrouded Plasma Spraying.

Corrosion Prevention

Manufacturing and Design Methods

Preventing corrosion can be done in the design phase of the product and the
manufacturing phase. Choosing the right materials, correct design of the system,
reducing the stresses and using protective coatings are examples of corrosion
prevention in the design and manufacturing phases.

Choice of Material
No material is resistant to all corrosive situations, but materials selection is critical to
preventing many types of failures. Examples of potential solutions include metals,
plastics, fiberglass, concrete, and other nonmetals. Factors that influence materials
selection are:
• Corrosion resistance in the environment
• Mechanical properties
• Cost
• Maintainability
• Compatibility with other system components
• Life expectancy
• Reliability

Figure 1 - Choice of Material Examples | Corrosion Resistance

Correct Design
Appropriate system design is important for effective corrosion control. This can
involve the consideration of many factors, such as:
• Materials selection
• Process and construction parameters, geometry for drainage
• Avoidance or electrical separation of dissimilar metals
• Avoiding or sealing of crevices
• Operating lifetime

Stress Reduction
Stress corrosion cracking can be prevented through:
• Avoiding the chemical species that causes stress corrosion
• Control of hardness and stress level (residual or load)
• Introduce compressive stress by shot-peening for example
• Use of materials known not to crack in the specified environment
• Control operating temperature and/or the electrochemical potential of the alloy

Protective Coating
Types of coating protection include:
• Barrier: Protect by preventing water, oxygen, and electrolytes from contact
with an underlying metal.
• Inhibitive: Coatings that contain chemicals that work to hinder corrosion
• Sacrificial: Thin metal
layers that have lower
electrode potential values
or those having higher
levels in the
electrochemical series are
• Combination.
• Materials typically used in
protective coatings are:
• polymers, epoxies, and
polyurethanes for non-
metallic coatings. Figure 2 - Protective Coating |
• zinc, aluminum, and chromium for metallic coatings. Corrosion Resistance

Maintenance Procedures
Good maintenance practices are important to help prevent corrosion, for example:
• Cleanliness.
• Avoidance of protective
coating damage.
• Avoidance of spillage,
thorough cleaning.
• Early repair.
• Tidiness.

Figure 3 - Maintenance Procedures | Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion Control

Treatment of Corrosion

There are several options to treat corrosion, depending on the severity of the
corrosion. Superficial surface corrosion can often be removed by sanding down the
surface with an abrasive such as emery cloth, crocus cloth or a bristle brush. Then, the
area should be treated with an anti-corrosion product and a protective layer of paint, if
necessary. When corrosion is too severe, the corroded component will need to be
removed and replaced by a maintenance technician.

The treatment decision of any defected component depends on depth of

corrosion in relation with material thickness and the extent of corrosion in relation to
surface area. Also, the method used depends upon the metal and the degree of

Degrees of Corrosion
• Light corrosion: A discoloration or pitting to a depth of approximately 0.001
inch maximum. This type of damage is normally removed
with light sanding by hand or a mild chemical treatment.

• Moderate corrosion: Almost the same as Light corrosion, but there can be

evidence of flaking, scaling, or blistering. Pitting can be
to the depth of 0.01 inch. This type of damage is
normally removed by vigorous manual sanding or by
using mechanical sanding equipment.

• Severe corrosion: More severe than moderate corrosion. There is evidence of

severe blistering, exfoliation, and scaling or flaking. Pitting
is deeper than 0.01 inch. This type of damage is removed
by hard mechanical sanding or grinding.

Removal of Corrosion
1) Surface Corrosion: Wipe off using a chemical cleaner ensuring it is non
flammable and does not give off fumes.

2) Clad-Aluminum Alloys: Heavy corrosion products must be removed by

chemicals since abrasive methods will remove too
much cladding which cannot be replaced. The non-
affected areas must be masked off. Thickened
phosphoric acid should be applied and brushed in
using a bristle brush until all corrosion products
have been removed. Flood the area with clean water
to remove all traces of acid.

3) Non-Clad Aluminum Alloys: Heavy deposits can be removed using a

scraper, wet sanding paper, or aluminum wool,
but do not exceed dimensional tolerances.
clean afterwards with a General Purpose of
surface wash.

4) Steels: Various phosphoric acid rust

removing and inhibiting
solutions are available which
dissolve the oxide film before
inhibiting the surface against
further rusting. Wash off
afterwards. Mechanical
methods using scrapers,
paper, or wire wool can also
Figure 4 - Steel Corrosion

be used but care should be taken not to overheat or remove an
excessive amount of metal.

5) Magnesium Alloys: Use only chemical cleaning with a chromic/sulphuric

acid solution brushed well into the corroded area. Wash
off with clean cold water within five minutes to ensure
complete removal of the cleaner.

Damage Assessment

Skin Panels
If there is no apparent pitting or roughening, the damage may be regarded minor, and
the area must be well protected. If the surface is rough and pitted, fine wetted
sandpaper may be required to smooth to the surface.

To determine the thickness of the remaining metal, use the depth gauge.
If the damage exceeds the manufacturer's general restrictions, the damaged area may
need to be cut away and repaired as described in the Repair Manual, or the panel may
need to be replaced.

Load Bearing Members

Wing spars and other highly stressed sections require extensive inspection, which is
challenging due to accessibility issues. Optical probes, x-rays, and other imaging
techniques will be useful.
Dye penetrant or other NDT techniques
should be used to inspect pitted regions
for cracks.

A selection of attachment bolts may

need to be removed for inspection.
To avoid any distortion, the structure must
be firmly supported before and throughout
the removal. Using magnetic particle
methods, check the bolts for fractures and Figure 5 - Load Bearing Member | Wing
replace any that are suspected. Bolts that show Box Corrosion
symptoms of wear should be replaced as well.
The bolt holes should also be very carefully inspected using endoscopes, eddy current,

or another appropriate NDT technique. Any excessive corrosion or cracks must be
reported to the manufacturers who will devise a repair scheme. Before the bolts are
refitted the correct jointing compound must be applied.

Tubular Members
Structures made of welded steel or aluminum tubing may be used in airplanes and
helicopters. Because these tubes are thin, the presence of corrosion significantly
reduces their strength. External corrosion can be recognized and treated with special
attention to its depth. However, internal corrosion is difficult to detect and may not be
detected. For this reason, during the manufacture of structures, such pipes are
internally protected and then sealed. Internal corrosion reduces the thickness of the
material and can be detected using ultrasound or X-ray NDT methods. Corrosion may
not be removed, so the thickness of the remaining wall should be evaluated to
determine if repair or replacement is required. Assuming neither is needed, corrosion
must be controlled with a liquid inhibitor.

Material Selection

• Selecting the proper material is essential for long-term corrosion control.

• Aluminum is the most widely used airplane material.

• Aluminum and low-alloy steels are the two

groups of airplane materials most
susceptible to corrosion.

• Clad aluminum sheet and plate are used

where weight and function permit, such as
for fuselage skins.

• Corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys and

tempers are used to increase resistance to
exfoliation corrosion and SCC.
Figure 6 - Material Selection for
• example of such a change is the Corrosion Resistance
replacement of 7150-T651 aluminum plate
on upper wing skins with 7055-T7751 plate, which is not as susceptible to

• Major structural forgings are shot peened to improve the fatigue life of
aluminum and steel parts and to reduce susceptibility to SCC.

• Corrosion-resistant titanium alloys are considered for use in severe corrosion

environments, such as floor structure under entryways, galleys, and lavatories.

• Corrosion-resistant steels are used wherever possible, but a number of highly

loaded structural parts, such as landing gear and flap tracks, are made from
high-strength, low-alloy steel.

• Magnesium alloys are no longer used for primary structure.

• Fiber-reinforced plastics are corrosion resistant, but plastics reinforced with

carbon fibers can induce galvanic corrosion in attached aluminum structure.

Figure 7 - Galvanic Series | Schematic

• this table lists active metals according to the order of the relative activity
within an electrolyte environment.

• The table starts with the most active, or anodic, metal in the series and lists
metals down to the cathodic, or least active, metal. The list starts with the
most active metals that are most likely to undergo corrosion, such as
magnesium, alloys of magnesium, aluminum and zinc.

• The metals that are last on the list are considered cathodic and the least likely
to undergo corrosion.

• The galvanic series plays a vital role in determining and preventing corrosion.
Also known as the "electro potential series," this series identifies semi-metal
and metal nobility.

• it is also important to consider how two or more materials might behave when
in contact with each another.

• galvanic corrosion occurs when two different metals immersed in an

electrolyte are joined together. In this case, the base or the metal with lesser
nobility will undergo corrosion.

• the corrosion rate can be determined based on the nobility of metals and the
electrolyte to which they are exposed.

• material selection can be done effectively so that metals with the least
tendency to undergo a galvanic reaction can be chosen. In cases where
galvanic interaction is most likely, there will be a need to have a certain level
of protection in order to reduce possible potential reactions.

• For example, a carbon steel part placed in contact with a stainless-steel part in
an electrolytic solution will undergo galvanic corrosion at a much faster rate
than it would if it was not contacting the stainless-steel part.

10 | P a g e
Cathode and Anodized Protection

• anodizing technique uses non-metallic substances that, after an electrolysis
process, provide aluminum or an aluminum alloy with a corrosion resistant
coating. This is achieved by submerging the metal in a bath containing
chromic acid or a material capable of producing chromic acid at the anode.

• Probably the most important treatment for aluminum alloys, anodizing is a

conversion process in which the metal surface is changed to an even film of
aluminum oxide which is a form of corrosion.

Figure 8 - Electrolysis Process | Schematic

• The metal to be treated after thorough cleaning and drying is suspended in the
electrolyte to become the anode.

• The cathode which is only there to complete the circuit, is often stainless steel.

1) When the process commences the oxygen liberated around the anode
combines with its surface and converts it to a thin film of aluminum oxide.
The process of anodizing:

11 | P a g e
- The aluminium sheet or part is immersed in a solvent suitable to
remove grease, then rinsed in hot water to prepare it for becoming the

- The time taken depends upon the surface area and the depth of film
required but only 25 to 30 micron is possible.

- Then prepare the acid solution for anodization. It must contain 3%

chromic anhydride and be free of sulphuric acid and sulphates. The
cathode can be carbon and the temperature should be raised to 40
degrees celsius before the aluminium sheet or part is placed in the
solution bath.

- Once this has been done, the voltage should be gradually increased
over 15 minutes to 40 volts. After maintaining 40 volts for at least 35
minutes, the voltage is increased over a further 5 minutes to 50 volts
and kept at this level for 5 more minutes.

- The object can then be removed from the bath, washed and dried. It is
now ready for further processing, such as painting, oiling or dying.

- The resulting anodic films will increase the surface resistance to

corrosion and provide better adhesion for paints and adhesives.

Figure 9 - Anodizing Process | Schematic

12 | P a g e
- There are many different types of anodizing process like:

1) Sulphuric Acid Process

- It gives 'deep', transparent, film of oxide and a good surface finish.

- The cathode is the tank lining (lead).
- The electrolyte: weak solution of sulphuric acid, which is heated
and agitated.

2) Chromic Acid Process

- This process uses a weak chromic acid solution which is less
corrosive than sulphuric acid.
- only used for anodizing components which involve folded or
riveted joints or crevices in which the electrolyte could be trapped.
- it produces only a very thin oxide film.

3) Hard Anodizing
- This is a sulphuric acid process in which the electrolyte is
maintained at a low temperature.
- It produces a hard, abrasion resistant, as well as corrosion
resistant surface, but at the expense of some fatigue resistance
and an increase in dimensions.
- It leaves a dark grey surface.
- the phenomenon of dimensional increase is sometimes used to
advantage during manufacture in order to recover a component in
aluminum alloy.

• After anodizing process takes place it leaves the surface porous so another
process takes place named sealing.

Cathode Protection

• Cathodic protection is a proven corrosion control method for protection of

underground and undersea metallic structures, such as oil and gas pipelines,
cables, utility lines and structural foundations.

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• Cathode protection used in electro-plating, which this is a process in which
the base metal is coated with another metal having a high degree of natural
corrosion resistance, for example, cadmium or steel.

• In electro-plating, the metal to be plated is made the cathode and the plating
metal the anode, whilst the electrolyte is a liquid salt of the plating metal.

• During the process the electrolyte gives up its metal to plate the component
whilst the anode gradually dissolves to maintain the strength of the electrolyte.

• For cadmium plating for example:

- the cathode is the component to be plated,
- the anode is the plating metal - cadmium,
- the electrolyte is cadmium cyanide,

Figure 10 - Cathodic Process | Schematic

Protection of Titanium from Hydraulic Spillage

As light metals, titanium and titanium alloys provide high specific strength,
exceptional biocompatibility, and excellent corrosion resistance.

At present, titanium and titanium alloys have been used more and more for
corrosion protection because they offer a high chemical resistance against various
corrosive media (Especially to Chloride-containing) due to a dense self-sealing oxide
layer formed immediately when exposed to an oxygen containing atmosphere. On the
other hand, production steps for titanium and its alloys have to be carried out
carefully in inert atmosphere conditions for their affinity of oxygen and other gases.

The difficulty in processing makes titanium expensive which hinders a broad

use of this metal. So, protective coatings of titanium combined with cheap bulk
materials offering the strength and ductility are expect to provide sufficient
protection from hydraulic spillage and lower the cost. Research work in the past
decades showed that it was a more effective method by the protective titanium or its
alloy coatings to provide improved corrosion resistance.

14 | P a g e
Magnetron Sputtering

Sputtering is a common method to deposit thin films and its popularity stems
from the simplicity of the physical processes involved, versatility, and flexibility. A
simple OC glow discharge can be used to sputter conductive targets but radio
frequency sputtering is preferred for insulating targets. Magnetron sputtering is one of
important sputtering methods. Its sources can be classified as diode devices in which
the magnetic fields are used in concert with the cathode surface to form electron traps.
The charged particles are confined by a closed magnetic field and high-density plasma
is produced in the vicinity of the cathode. This results in a drastic increase in the
deposition rate. This sputtering system can deliver large ion currents to the substrates
and can be operated under a wide range of pressures. The coatings can be produced on
large substrates, even for complex shapes

Radjabov et al1 deposited titanium coatings on steel by magnetron sputtering

prior to painting in order to improve the protective ability. The Ti coating was
characterized by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and had a thickness of
3000 A. The corrosion test
consisted of immersing the painted
samples in a 3% NaCl solution
with a pH and an addition of H2O.
Their results showed that, in
accelerated corrosion tests, paint
coatings on surfaces prepared in
this way withstood corrosion for
which were more than an order of
magnitude longer than those
without surface modification.
These coatings also withstood
corrosion for significant longer
times than paint coatings on Figure 11 - Magnetron Sputtering | Schematic
phosphatized steel. The
advantage of titanium magnetron sputter deposition had been shown for cold-rolled
low carbon steels with a real surface micro-profile (unpolished) as an environmentally
clean technology for surface treatment of metals prior to painting.

15 | P a g e
Cold Spray

Coating processes using the high-velocity impact of solid particles have been
attracting considerable industrial interest in recent years because they can effectively
eliminate thermal degradation of the raw materials during processing. The most well-
known processes among them are cold spraying, in which metallic powder is
accelerated to high velocity by using a supersonic gas nozzle and projected onto a
substrate, and rapidly build up as a layer of surface coating (as shown in Figure 12).
Upon impact with the target surface, the solid particles undergo plastic deformation
and bond to the substrate and each other allowing coatings to be built up rapidly. No
melting of the powder occurs and therefore the original powder chemistry can be
preserved during spraying.

The main parameter that controls the cold spray process is the critical particle
velocity, above which the particles are able to adhere and form the coating. Since
particle impacting is very fast, intensive shear plastic deformation takes place at the
interface of a powder particle and the substrate. If the impact condition meets a certain
criterion such as the particle velocity exceeding a critical value, local heating and
softening of the material in this heavily deformed region causes a so-called shear
instability, which means local domination of thermal softening over work hardening
associated with a discontinuous jump in strain, temperature, and an immediate
breakdown of stress. Moreover, in this instability region, the viscous flow of softened
material generates an out-flowing material jet. All these phenomena can modify the
microstructure of the materials and thus influence the bond strength of coatings.

Figure 12 - Cold Spray | Schematic

16 | P a g e
Thermal Spraying

Thermal spraying is a generic coating technique whereby heat sources like

electric arc discharge, combustion, and plasma are used to melt the powder feedstock
or wire consumable, enabling any material that melts or partially melts without
decomposition, and then projected at speed onto a substrate to build up a coating (as
presented in Figure 13).

Thermal spraying can be

divided into following
main categories:

• High velocity oxy-

fuel (HVOF)
• Plasma spraying
• Arc spraying
• Flame spraying
• Detonation spraying
• Warm spraying Figure 13 - Thermal Spraying

Thermal sprayed coatings are formed by successive impingements and inter-

bonding materials among the splats, solidified individual molten particle. Thermal
spraying can provide thick coatings (approx. thickness range is 20 micrometers to
several mm, depending on the process and feedstock), over a large area at high
deposition rate as compared to other coating processes such as electroplating, physical
and chemical vapor deposition. The density of the coating is dependent on the
material, the state of the particle on impact and the particle velocity. Adhesion of the
coating to the substrate depends on all of these factors plus the condition of the
substrate surface, which must be clean and roughened by grit blasting or machining
prior to spraying. The bond between a sprayed coating and the substrate is primarily
mechanical, and not metallurgical or fused. Usually coating quality is assessed by
measuring its porosity, oxide content, macro and micro-hardness, bond strength and
surface roughness.

17 | P a g e
Shrouded Plasma Spraying

Among all thermal spray technologies plasma spray is considered to be the most
flexible coating technique. However, air plasma spraying of corrosion-resistant
coatings of titanium is difficult because dense coatings are not produced, and
oxidation of these metals increases coating porosity. On the other hand, molecules of
nitrogen and oxygen from the air are subjected to thermal dissociation when heated by
plasma. This endothermic reaction removes energy from plasma and results in a sharp
drop of velocity and temperature. In order to prevent titanium from too much
oxidation the spray process has to be carried out in vacuum or inert atmosphere.
Within the thermal
spray area, low
pressure plasma
spray (LPPS) or
vacuum plasma
spray (CVPS) has
been the promising
technique used for
titanium deposition
because of its inert
atmosphere and
ability to form dense
Figure 14 - Shrouded Plasma Spraying | Schematic coatings with low
porosity and oxygen
content less than 0.2 mass. Corrosion resistance similar to that of bulk Ti has been
reported if proper spray parameters including the size of the feedstock powder are
optimized. However, this process has limitation of the size of components and is rather

Shrouded plasma spray can be considered as a useful technology to produce low

oxygen containing titanium coatings (as shown in Figure 14). This is to modify
plasma spray torches by using a gas-shrouded attachment onto an atmospheric plasma
spraying torch. The attachment itself shields the plasma jet as it exits the torch. A gas
shroud envelops the plasma jet as it leaves the attachment. The additional shroud gas,
usually an inert gas such as argon, is injected around and envelopes the plasma jet,
shielding the molten particles from reacting with the surrounding environment,
reducing the amount of entrainment of cold and heavy ambient air and delaying the
corresponding drop in velocity and temperature, and thus retards particle cooling and
reduces oxygen content, oxidation and porosity of the resulting coating.

18 | P a g e

We discussed in this report the damage caused by corrosion in aircrafts and how to
prevent and control it through different methods be it mechanical or chemical.
Corrosion prevention can be done in the design and manufacturing phase of the
product through material selection, good design and stress reduction.

To control and treat the corrosion you need to know the metal and the degree of
corrosion, then every metal has its treatment methods. Material selection depend on
many conditions, important one is depended on galvanic series which material near
each other in galvanic table can use with each other to avoid corrosion and to make
material which we want save it from corrosion is anode and another is cathode


Materials Selection and design for Corrosion Control. AMPP. Retrieved May
12, 2022, from

Protective Coatings for Corrosion Control. AMPP. Retrieved May 12, 2022,

Aircraft Corrosion. AOPA. (2016, August 16). Retrieved May 12, 2022, from

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (2012). The Aviation Maintenance

Technician Handbook. U.S. Department of Transportation.

Prabhu, S. (2022, April 15). Aviation Coatings for Corrosion Prevention.

Corrosionpedia. Retrieved May 12, 2022, from

Chawla, S. L., & Gupta, R. K. (1993). Materials Selection for Corrosion

Control. ASM International.

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