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Proposal Document

[Project Title]
Industrial Project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science

Supervised By: [Advisor Name]

By: [Group Members List]

Hossana, Ethiopia
[Date of submission]
[Technical Proposal Template]


Approved by Advisor

Full Name Signature Date

Approved by Board of Examiners

Full Name Signature Date

Full Name Signature Date

Full Name Signature Date

[Date] 1
[Technical Proposal Template]

Table of Content

1. Project overview...........................................................................................................4
2. Problem Definition.......................................................................................................5
3. Objectives of the project.............................................................................................5
3.1 general objective............................................................................................................5
3.2 specific objective............................................................................................................5
4. Proposed Solution........................................................................................................5
5. Methodology.................................................................................................................5
6. Technology Consideration..........................................................................................5
5.1 Application Front-end Technologies............................................................................6
5.2 Application Backend Technologies..............................................................................6
7. System Security............................................................................................................6
8. Quality Assurance Mechanisms.................................................................................8
9. Project Deliverables.....................................................................................................8
10. Project plan..................................................................................................................8

[Date] 2
[Technical Proposal Template]

List of Tables

Table of Figures

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[Technical Proposal Template]

Executive Summary

The first step to completing a Project Proposal is to write an Executive Summary. This
section will summarize the entire document by describing the background for the project
and the proposed Solutions, Goals and Timeframes. In essence, it sets the scene for the
project and makes the document appealing enough to read and endorse, so that the project
can be kicked-off. So summarize each of the sections in this document concisely by
outlining the:

 History, requirements and proposed solution

 Project goals, deliverables and timeframes
 Resources and budget

[Write your content here]

1. Project overview

Before you describe the proposal in depth, you need to provide the reader with a brief
historical view of the company, so that it sets the context upon which the project will be
initiated. As this is the basis upon which the project is created, you need to describe all of
the relevant history that has taken place up until now.

For instance, if this was a proposal to create a project to implement a new software
package for the business, then this section would describe historically which software
packages had been used until now, which had succeeded and which had failed, as well as
when the software is due for replacement and who the relevant software vendors are.

Without this information, there may be delays in the approval of this document because
the Project Evaluator may wish to know more about the basis upon which the project is
being created.

[Write your content here]

[Date] 4
[Technical Proposal Template]

2. Problem Definition
Most projects are created to either solve a society or business problem in the real world.
This problem is the reason that the project is being kicked-off, so you need to describe it
here in depth.

If you have a society or business problem that needs to be solved by this project, then
describe the problem in depth here. Describe the type of problem and symptoms that the
society is experiencing as a direct result of the problem. For example, a society problem
might be that it is struggling financially, has poor communication or low customer

[Write your content here]

3. Objectives of the project
3.1 general objective
3.2 specific objective
4. Proposed Solution

In this step you have to describe the solution to the problem that the project must deliver.
In describing the solution, you need to make clear the:

• Purpose of the solution

• Scope of the solution (i.e. what’s in or out of scope)
• Way in which the solution must be delivered (i.e. approach)

Remember, the project has one purpose and one purpose only, which is “to deliver the
solution to that problem within the timeframes required”. So the more that you can
describe the solution in depth, the easier it will be for the project evaluators to know what
has to be delivered and by when.

[Write your content here]

5. Methodology
The system development methodologies followed by the team in the study and in the
planned implementation phases for the system are presented in detail and reason in this

6. Technology Consideration
The team should engaged in the selection of technologies for the implementation of the

[Date] 5
[Technical Proposal Template]

software systems besides its study on the requirements analysis of the project. Generally
those technologies can be divided into such categories as back-end or database, front-end
or user interfaces, and programming languages. Major criteria, the team should consider,
for selecting appropriate technologies for this project, from a range of options are listed

 Performance

 Reliability

 Scalability

 Security

 Robustness

 Compatibility and Multi-Platform support

 Ease of use

 Expertise Availability

 Cost

Based on the above criteria and others in relation with the ICT infrastructure, and
financial capabilities of our country the team should, in principle, decide to use free
software products.

5.1 Application Front-end Technologies

[Write your content here]

5.2 Application Backend Technologies

[Write your content here]

7. System Security
System security is one of the development team concerns. Computer based systems
unlike the traditional systems is more vulnerable to an unauthorized access of information
and theft. However, with effective security policies and measures in place, it is possible
to control security threats.

One of the reasons for choosing the above mentioned technologies is could be security
issue. Web based application’s business logic execution and all the very important

[Date] 6
[Technical Proposal Template]

authentication and authorization are performed at the server side than at the client side.
This enables the possibility of controlling the software system from one centralized place.

The implementation of the software system should address information security in terms
of their confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, and assurance.

[Write your Proposed Security Options here]

The following is an example of proposed security options.

The team will integrate the following security assurance architectures to the software
systems development and implementation.

 Application Security

 Development of application security policies like:

 Acceptable computer use policy

 Email policy

 Backup Policy

 Applications use policy

 Password policy

 Authentication

 Securely stored password

 Storing passwords using hash function

 Usage of strong password

 Authorization – use of Multilevel Security (MLS)

 Different user groups at different levels using access control

lists may view resources.

 Input validation (at the front-end) – protects against:

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[Technical Proposal Template]

 SQL injection (the biggest issue)

 Cross site scripting (especially with web application

based systems)

 Data Security

 Confidential as well as important data has to be encrypted.

8. Quality Assurance Mechanisms

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a group of related activities employed throughout

the software life cycle to positively influence and quantify the quality of the delivered
software. Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is not exclusively associated with any
major software development activity, but spans the entire software life cycle. It consists
of both process and product assurance. Its methods include assessment activities such as
formal inspection and testing.

Auditing, Formal Inspection, Reviews, Walkthroughs, Testing, Causal Analysis and

Defect Prevention Processes, Reliability Prediction and Statistical Process Control are
some of the Software Quality models that your team is going to perform in assuring the
software deliverables.

[Write what you are going to do to assure your software quality]

9. Project Deliverables
The project will have the following deliverables

1. The Technical Proposal Document of the project.

2. The Requirements Analysis Document of the system.

3. The Software Design Document of the system.

4. The Testing document of the system.

5. Working Software system

10. Project plan
 Time schedule

[Date] 8

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