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sebagai pendekatan penelitian

Andika Indrayana, S.Sn., M.Ds.
ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bagaimana manusia
memproduksi tanda dan memahami berbagai
macam tanda

Thomas A. Sebeok. 1994. An Introduction to Semiotics. UK:

Semiotics. UK: University of
Toronto Press.

semiotics involves the study not only of what we refer

to as ‘signs’ in everyday speech, but of anything
which ‘stands for’ something else

Umberto Eco
semiotics is not about simply accepting the
meanings that we think are being given us. Instead,
it is about questioning, reframing, and sometimes
making shifts in, the perspectives from which certain
signs are viewed

Sean Hall, 2012, This Means This. This Means That. A User’s
User’s Guide to Semiotics,
UK: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
The fundamental question in semiotics is how
meanings are formed. Semiotics explores the
content of signs, their use and the formation of
meanings of signs at both the level of a single sign
and the broader systems and structures formed by
the signs.

semiology offers a very full box of analytical tools
for taking an image apart and tracing how it works
in relation to broader systems of meaning

Gillian Rose, Visual Methodologies , 2001

karena komunikasi visual menciptakan
makna, maka dapat dianalisis
menggunakan semiotika
objek dkv merepresentasikan mitos tradisional & modern
• lemahnya tingkat objektivitas, cenderung bersifat subjektif , arbitrer,
dan ideologis
• pendekatan semiotika perlu dikombinasikan dengan metode lain;
content analysis , semantic differential , dan etnografi (Piliang, 2012: 316)
• Alex Sobur, 2006, Semiotika Komunikasi, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya
• Arthur Asa Berger, 2010, The Objects of Affection, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
• Benny H. Hoed, 2014, Semiotik dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya, Depok: Komunitas Bambu
• Daniel Chandler, 2007, The Basics Semiotics, NY: Routledge
• David Crow, 2010, Visible Signs (2nd Edition), Switzerland: AVA Publishing SA.
• Laura R. Oswald, 2012, Marketing Semiotics , NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.
• Marcel Danesi, 2010, Pesan, Tanda, Makna, Yogyakarta: Jalasutra
• Osgood, Charles E. dkk., 1957, The Measurement of Meaning, US: The Board of Trustees of the
University of Illinois
• Roland Barthes, 2009, Mitologi, Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana
• Roelof van Straten, 2000, An Introduction to Iconography, NY: Taylor & Francis
• Sean Hall, 2012, This Mean This, This Mean That. A User Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King
• Terence Hawkes, 1977, Structuralism and Semiotics , CA: University of California Press

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