10-11 Happiness and Prosperity

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Happiness and Prosperity

 It is feeling that you can expect effortlessly and naturally.

 Such as Trust, Respect, Being confident about future etc.
 If we observe such feelings then we are in harmony.
 If Harmony is there, we feel relaxed but when it is disturbed we feel
 Therefore, Happiness is “ The state in which I live, if there is
harmony in it, then I like to be in that state or situation”
1. Respect
Respect is a state of harmony between two human beings.
When I respect others and the other respects me, I like to be
in that situation.

2. Trust
Trust plays an important role in human relations.
If trust is not there the relations do not last for long.
if somebody trusts me, It will make me happy.
•When we experience failure, disrespect, lack of
confidence, being doubtful in ourselves. We feel unhappy
as these lead to a state of conflict.
•This is the state when there is lack of harmony, either
within us or between us and others.
•We do not wish for a continuation of these feelings.
•We call this Unhappiness
•Thus, Unhappiness is “The state in which I live, if there
is conflict in it, then I would not like to be in that state or
•Prosperity is related to “Physical Facilities”.
•Prosperity is the feeling of having physical facilities more
than required.
•There are two things of prosperity which are essential
Correct assessment of want for physical facilities.
The availability of more than required physical facilities.
•We can be prosperous only if there is a limit to the want
for physical facilities.
•If there is no limit to one’s wants , then the feeling of
prosperity cannot be assured.
•It is concerned with being satisfied with what we have,
without the greed for more.
•Wealth “ It means having •Prosperity “ It is feeling of
money, or having lot many having more than required
physical facilities, or both”. facilities”.

•If a person does not have

•Many a times people are enough wealth still he/she
wealthy but they don’t feel welcomes you into his/her
prosperous as they always house and ask to stay back for a
have a greed to acquire more. few days then this is the
indication of feeling prosperous.
•Nowadays, people are busy
•In order to feel prosperous , we
in accumulating wealth, but need to decide how much
don’t feel prosperous. wealth do we want.
 Acquiring Physical facilities in today’s world amounts to
happiness .
 An increase in the accumulation and consumption of physical
facilities lead to an increase in happiness.
 But this notion of happiness and prosperity being related to
physical facilities is confronted with the fact of human
wants being unlimited and the resources to satisfy them
being limited.
 Which would in turn render people unhappy as their needs
and wants would seldom or rather never be fulfilled. Or
Results Of Wrong Notions Of
happiness and Prosperity
•At the level of Individual- Rising problems of depression,
psychological disorders, suicides, stress, insecurity,
loneliness etc.
•At the level of the family- breaking of joint families,
mistrust, conflict between older and younger generations,
family feuds etc.
•At the level of the society- growing of terrorism and
naxalism, rising communalism, spreading casteism, racial,
wars between nations etc.
•At the level of nature- global warming, water, air soil,
noise etc pollution, resource, depletion of minerals and
mineral oils.
Is needed in myself. I need
1. Right to study myself, the human
being, & the entire
Understanding existence of which I am a

2. Relationship Facilities

Mutual Fulfillment Mutual Prosperity

We are in relation ship The things we use, come from

with people, other human what we call as nature
Right understanding + Relationship = Mutual

Right understanding + Physical facilities =

Mutual prosperities
•Continuous happiness and prosperity are the basic human
aspirations. This can be verified to be true by each one of
•Happiness may be defined as being in Harmony in the state
that I live in. Unhappiness is a lack of this synergy or
•Lack of right understanding of happiness and prosperity
has led us into a variety of problems at different levels of
our living, be it at the level of individual, or family, or
society, or nature.
• We need to evaluate various questions and confusions that
we are having on the issue of happiness.

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