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B.Sc. (Psychology) Degree Examination, NOVEMBER 2021
(2020 & 2021)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 75 Marks
Answer ALL questions: (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
Choose the best answer
1. Which neuron detects changes in the external or internal environment and
sends information about these changes to the central nervous system?
a) Motor b) Interneuron c) Sensory d) Unipolar

2. Who first observed that although all nerves carry the same electrical
impulse, we perceive the messages of different nerves in different ways
a) Muller b) Descartes c) Hippocrates d) Helmholtz

3. Find which of the following refers to a word-finding difficulty

a) Anomia b) Aphasia c) Apraxia d) Alexia

4. Which cortex of the brain plays an important role in control of emotional

behaviour and damage to which can impair social judgement?
a) Pituitary b) Parietal c) Dorso-medial d)Orbitofrontal

5. What is the record of the brain’s electrical activity called?

a) Electrogram b) Electroencephalogram c) myogram d) polygraph

Fill in the blanks

6. _________ is a sheath that surrounds axons and insulates them, preventing
messages from spreading between adjacent neurons.
7. _________ is the gradual change in the structure and physiology of plant
and animal species as a result of natural selection.
8. The full form of GABA is __________.
9. _________ is known as the master gland of the brain.
10. Stimulation of the cerebral cortex by means of magnetic fields that
disrupt the function of the region being stimulated is called _____________.

Answer ALL questions: (5 x 5 = 25 Marks)

11. (a) Show the basic structure of a neuron using a diagram and label its parts.
(b) Show the classification of the nervous system.
12. (a) Define the adrenal gland and label its secretions.
(b) Define the nature of physiological psychology.
13. (a) Utilize 2 examples to describe how hormones affect behavior.
(b) Contrast Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia.
14. (a) Summarise the evidence for emotional expression as innate responses.
(b) Identify the behavioral, autonomic and hormonal components of an
emotional response with the help of an example.


15. (a) Recall the use of microdialysis to measure brain’s secretions

(b) How are brain lesions produced?
Answer ALL questions: (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)

16. (a) Outline the communication between neurons.

(b) Identify the parts of human brain and its functions.
17. (a) Relate physiological and psychological principles in our understanding of
human consciousness.
(b) Explain the disorders of Reading and Writing.
18. (a) Summarise the neural basis for communication of emotions.
(b) Recall the major Endocrine Glands, their hormone secretions and functions.
19. (a) Identify the research methods to study genetic factors that influence behavior.
(b) Compare the various research methods in experimental ablation that are used
to study the brain.

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