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Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977

An empirical study on the correlation between knowledge

management capability and competitiveness in Taiwan’s industries
Pang-Lo Liu a, Wen-Chin Chen b, Chih-Hung Tsai a,
Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, 1, Ta-Hwa Road, Chung-Lin, Hsin-Chu 30050,
Taiwan, ROC
Graduate Institute of Management of Technology, Chung-Hua University, 30, Tung-Shiang, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, ROC


There have been dramatic changes in business enterprise management since Internet technology has been widely applied. World-
wide network users can share all kinds of knowledge through the Internet. Knowledge has currently become a main part of manu-
facturing resources and a prerequisite for success in the production environment. Competitiveness and the resulting rewards can be
obtained by taking advantage of knowledge management (KM) and intensive learning. This empirical study validates the relation-
ship between knowledge management capability and competitiveness in Taiwan’s industries. This research shows the impact of
knowledge management capability on competitiveness. A hypothesis test and theoretical model are proposed in this study.
# 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Knowledge; Knowledge management capability; Competitiveness

1. Introduction ment not only groups individual knowledge, but also

solidifies and enriches tacit knowledge. Strengthening
Over the past 12 years science and technology, trade knowledge management and increasing the company’s
and business management have created tremendous competitiveness is a long-term strategy a company
knowledge and wealth. Land and natural resources must face. Industry infrastructure is now reaching a
have become less important in this period. A country transition and the various knowledge fields for obtain-
and its enterprises must survive and succeed in the ing knowledge, refining knowledge, storing knowledge,
midst of these dramatic and accelerating changes. All and applying knowledge must be evaluated. The desti-
rely on knowledge. Since the input and output of enter- nation is to create wealth.
prises is knowledge, obtaining, refining, storing and The purpose of this study is to verify the correlation
sharing knowledge has become the main part of an between knowledge management capability and compe-
enterprise’s activities. As we enter the new millennium, titiveness for an organization. The influence of knowl-
we find that cash, raw materials and land, which were edge management capability on competitiveness can be
crucial factors for enterprise development in the past obtained using a theoretical foundation. In other
are now no longer the most important factors. Knowl- words, knowledge management capability is more than
edge management (KM) collects all information that a catch-all for information and knowledge. It is a tool
flows around enterprises. By systematically rearranging for maintaining information that will help us to work
and analyzing data and information, knowledge man- more efficiently.
agement is now becoming richer in content. The appli-
cations for conducting business are more inclusive.
Moreover, knowledge management combines each 2. Literature review
individual and group. Therefore, knowledge manage-
There has been much research dealing with knowledge

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-886-3-5430-466; fax: +1-886-3-
management capability and competitiveness. You (1997)
5926-848 proposed a performance measurement method for
E-mail address: (C.-H. Tsai). companies to justify their researches and development
0166-4972/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
972 P.-L. Liu et al. / Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977

projects meeting the market’s needs. In the paper, he applications for knowledge diffusion and transfer. Tsai
adopted a competitiveness function curve to describe (2000) defined knowledge management as knowledge
various expected competitive values. In another refer- obtaining, knowledge refining, knowledge storing and
ence, Chen (1997) pointed out that the Taiwanese knowledge sharing. Lin (1999b) noted that product life
Government adopted an economic policy to increase cycles are becoming shorter. He emphasized that the
nationwide competitiveness when Taiwan’s industries only way for an enterprise to win this battle is to culti-
were in a labor-intensive to technology-intensive tran- vate core capabilities and convert this into a sharp
sition. These two papers concentrated on competitive- weapon. Porter (1990) presented in his book entitled
ness issues. Few papers dealt with the correlation ‘The National Competitive Advantage’. He proposed a
between knowledge management capability and competi- diamond model representing a nation’s competitive-
tiveness. Lin (1999a) suggested that establishing a knowl- ness. Chi (1999) defined a measurement index for com-
edge management database could lead to benefits from petitiveness as follows: (1) Forecasting capability: an
data sharing and knowledge creating. This could also organization can adapt itself to the changes in the
increase competitiveness. Moreover, Liu et al. (2001) environment and have the capability to plan strategies
suggested that taking advantage of the knowledge man- against change. (2) Innovation capability: having
agement could excite employee potential and accelerate strong research and development capability, continu-
the integration of employee knowledge. Knowledge man- ous improvements in the business management and
agement has become one of the necessary conditions for product processes. (3) Marketing capability: the ability
enterprises to survive in a competitive environment. Dav- to open new markets, increase sales and create profits.
enport and Prusak (1998) produced a definition for (4) Quality in product and service: to fulfill customers’
knowledge management in their book entitled ‘The Digi- needs. (5) Enterprise image and responsibility: enter-
tal Nervous System’. They stated that knowledge man- prises must fulfill their social responsibilities, and
agement involves collecting and organizing information develop a good image. (6) The capability to cultivate
and transferring information to those that need it. The talent: develop the employee’s maximum potential to
founder of Matsushita said, ‘Current marketing is very achieve the enterprise’s goals. (7) The capability to
complicated and competitive’. The respect and adoption make use of information technology: whether an enter-
of each employee’s intelligence is the key to continuous prise can effectively use information technology to
company management (Davenport and Prusak, 1998).’ increase efficiency. (8) Financial affairs: whether an
Drucker (2000) statted that ‘for each type of organiza- enterprise can effectively use cash to increase efficiency.
tion, transformation into an information-oriented (9) The capability to manage international business: the
organization is the best’. Polanyi (1958) divided knowl- ability to maximize profits through mastering global
edge into tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge based resources and business internationalization.
on the degree of expression. Nonaka and Takeuchi
(1995) defined tacit knowledge as a kind of personal
characteristic that is too abstract to transfer or even 3. Methodology
express using words. Howells (1996) thought that tacit
knowledge is a kind of expertise that is not editable. This This research centers on the four main functions of
knowledge is obtained through informal learning beha- knowledge management capability. Obtaining, refining,
vior and a sequence process. Leonard-Barton (1995) storing and sharing knowledge are the measurement
defined knowledge as core endurance. It consists of four factors (independent variables). The enterprise char-
factors: solid system, management system, employee skill acteristics, technology advantages and scale of the
and knowledge, and value/specification. According to enterprise are the dependent variables. The conceptual
the professional level, Quinn et al. (1996) categorized and theoretical structure is shown in Fig. 1.
knowledge into know-what, know-how, know-why and
care-why. Grant and Gordey-Hayes (1996) further poin- 3.1. Assumptions
ted out that the integration of knowledge relies on a form
of common knowledge. He then divided the common The following assumptions were used in this study:
knowledge into five groups: language, symbolic com-
munication, common expertise, the meaning of sharing, 1. The relationship between knowledge management
and recognizing the individual field of knowledge. capability and competitiveness
Chang (1999) classified knowledge management tools
into four groups. These were the application of infor- H1 The difference in knowledge management
mation technology/tools for knowledge retrieving, capability for various organizations will result
information technology/tool applications for knowl- in significant differences in competitiveness.
edge creation, applications for information technology/ H1-1 The capability for obtaining knowledge is dif-
tool accumulation, and information technology/tool ferent in competitiveness.
P.-L. Liu et al. / Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977 973

Fig. 1. The research model for this study.

H1-2 The capability for refining knowledge is differ- 2. Knowledge management capability: knowledge man-
ent in competitiveness. agement capability is the requisite technology and
H1-3 The capability for storing knowledge is differ- expertise for product design, assembly and manufac-
ent in competitiveness. turing during the product manufacturing process.
H1-4 The capability for sharing knowledge is differ- This study centers on the capability to obtain, refine,
ent in competitiveness. store, and share knowledge and discuss the corre-
lation to competitiveness.
2. The relationship between enterprise status and com- 3. Competitiveness measurement: the competitiveness
petitiveness measurement index in this study includes: enterprise
forecasting ability, renovation capability, sales abil-
H2 Different enterprise status has significant ity, product and service quality, enterprise image,
influences on competitiveness. Some sub- training capability, information technology capa-
assumptions come from the dependent vari- bility, financial capability, international management
ables are following: capability, etc.
H2-1a Different enterprise characteristic has a sig-
nificant influence on competitiveness. 3.3. The questionnaire collection and data analysis
H2-1b Under different enterprise characteristic, the
knowledge management capability has a sig- Taiwanese high technology manufacturers were used
nificant influence on competitiveness. as the verification example in this study. The manu-
H2-2a Different advanced technology has a signifi- facturers listed in the ‘Catalogue of Manufacturers in
cant influence on competitiveness. the Hsin-Chu Industrial Park’ and ‘Catalogue of Man-
H2-2b Under different advanced technology, the ufacturers in the Tainan Industrial Park’ are the sam-
knowledge management capability has a sig- pling population. Precision machinery and biotech
nificant influence on competitiveness. manufacturers were excluded. Because these two kinds
H2-3a Different enterprise scale has a significant of manufacturers are small in scale in employee num-
influence on competitiveness. bers and product quantity, they were not included in
H2-3b Under different enterprise scale, the knowl- this study. Integrated circuit (IC), information tech-
edge management capability has a significant nology software, computers and peripherals, tele-
influence on competitiveness. communications and photo-electronics, were the
industries chosen for this study. There are still many
3.2. The definition of research variables and small businesses in the high technology sector. Only
measurement companies that had 50 or more employees were sam-
pled and studied. All surveyed information about these
1. Enterprise status: three basic conditions related to manufacturers was obtained from the database of the
competitiveness must be considered. They are the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic
enterprise characteristics, advanced technology (tech- Affairs in Taiwan. Because data collection problems
nology advantages) and the scale of the enterprise. always occur in high technology enterprises, we decided
974 P.-L. Liu et al. / Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977

Table 1
The confidence value for each variable

Questionnaire criterion KM capability

Knowledge Knowledge refining Knowledge storing Knowledge sharing Competitiveness
Cronbach a 0.8508 0.7073 0.7016 0.8537 0.8925

to send questionnaires to all of these companies. The result shows that all measured items revealed no signifi-
questionnaire design used a Likert five-point scale to cant differences.
measure each company’s attitude and comment on
each question. The measurement scale ranged from 4.2. The relation between enterprise status and
agree very much to disagree very much. The data and knowledge management capability
information analysis in this study was performed using:
(1) Chi-square test; (2) Variance analysis; (3) Relation In accordance with the different enterprise character-
analysis. An anonymous questionnaires were sent out istics and scale, we are now in a position to determine
to 300 companies at the beginning of September 2002. their influence on the knowledge management capa-
A total of 111 questionnaires were returned by Novem- bility. The results from Table 3 show that the enter-
ber 2002. Among them, 102 were valid; the other nine prise characteristics and scale have no effect on
were incomplete or unclear, and discarded. From the knowledge management capability.
survey, we derived the following implementation status
description. 4.3. The analysis of variance for knowledge
The term ‘competitiveness’ in the questionnaire is management capability
based on the theory in the related literature. Measure-
ment scales and items from the literature are cited to The difference between each respondent was
support our arguments. Comments from scholars and obtained based on the capital, sales and number of
experts are also included. According to the completed employees. Note that the single-factor analysis of vari-
questionnaire, the Cronbach coefficient for each factor ance (ANOVA) was used to measure these differences.
was calculated based on the points graded for each The result is shown in Table 4. Note that a significant
respondent. Based on Nunnally (1978), the reliability difference was determined for the refining capability
level is acceptable if the value is at least 0.8 for the (P¼ 0:092) in the capital item. In general, knowledge
basic research and 0.7 for the exploratory research. In refining is one of less involved items, but it is impor-
refining, storing and sharing knowledge, the competi- tant since it correlates somewhat with the company’s
capital. By inputting more funds, the science and tech-
tiveness performance reliability for each case was larger
nology of an enterprise can be accumulated faster, thus
than 0.7. This study therefore meets the requirements
refining the company’s capability. Note that the shar-
for reliability, shown in Table 1.
ing capability (P¼ 0:230) does not present a significant
difference, but the remaining items present a significant
difference. There is significant difference for knowledge
4. Verification results obtaining, knowledge refining, and knowledge storing
4.1. Relation between enterprise status and for the number of employees. Only knowledge sharing
does not present a significant difference.

The Chi-square test was used to distinguish the dif- 4.4. The variance analysis of competitiveness
ference between enterprise status and competitiveness.
Table 2 represents the Chi-square test results. The The difference among various competitiveness factors
for companies with different amounts of capital, sales,
and number of employees was studied. The result is
Table 2
The Chi-square test of enterprise status and competitiveness
shown in Table 5. From the table, enterprise competi-
tiveness does not present any significant difference for
Competitiveness capital (P¼ 0:378) and sales (P¼ 0:136). This is prob-
Enterprise status
v2 P-value ably because a company with more capital could
Enterprise characteristics 239.534 0.858
devote more attention to process capability and pro-
Scale of the enterprise 313.665 0.143 duct quality. This plays an important role in the
increase in sales. The number of employees does not
P.-L. Liu et al. / Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977 975

Table 3
The Chi-square test of KM capability and enterprise status

KM capability Knowledge obtaining Knowledge refining Knowledge storing Knowledge sharing

Enterprise status v2 P-value v2 P-value v2 P-value v2 P-value

Enterprise 180.479 0.924 89.247 0.748 87.619 0.990 181.315 0.182

Scale of the enterprise 226.544 0.515 110.660 0.411 124.779 0.660 171.420 0.664

Table 4
Analysis of variance among four KM capabilities

Variables Capital Sales Numbers of employee

Dependent variables F-value P-value F-value P-value F-value P-value

Knowledge obtaining 1.158 0.203 3.244 0.015 2.972 0.023
Knowledge refining 2.059 0.092 5.189 0.001 3.550 0.010
Knowledge storing 1.372 0.249 2.994 0.022 2.485 0.049
Knowledge sharing 1.335 0.263 1.519 0.230 0.234 0.919
Note: P < 0:1; P < 0:05; 
P < 0:01.

Table 5
Analysis of variance for competitiveness

Variables Capital Sales Numbers of employee

Dependent variables F-value P-value F-value P-value F-value P-value
Competitiveness 1.088 0.378 1.402 0.136 1.487 0.100

show a strong influence on process performance 4.6. Correlation analysis for knowledge management
improvement. capability and competitiveness

This study adopted Pearson’s correlation analysis to

4.5. The relation between knowledge management
determine the correlation of each knowledge manage-
capability and competitiveness
ment capability factor and their correlation with com-
Table 6 presents the Chi-square test results for the petitiveness. For the correlation among all knowledge
correlation between the four knowledge management management capability factors, the result shows a
capability factors and competitiveness. That is, these strong correlation among them. For the correlation of
four factors are strongly connected to competitiveness. knowledge management capability factors with compe-
This verifies our assumption H1, which states that the titiveness, the result shows the correlation value
difference in knowledge management capability for between each knowledge management capability factor
various organizations will result in a significant differ- and competitiveness reaches a significant level. This
ence in competitiveness. represents a highly positive correlation among those
factors, as shown in Table 7.

Table 6
The Chi-square test of KM capability and competitiveness 5. Conclusions
KM capability Knowledge management includes four main func-
v2 P-value tions, knowledge obtaining, knowledge refining, knowl-
Knowledge obtaining 696.035 0.000 edge storing and knowledge sharing. This research
Knowledge refining 358.820 0.000 discussed the effect of knowledge management
Knowledge storing 402.655 0.005 capability on competitiveness in Taiwan’s industries.
Knowledge sharing 857.226 0.000 By considering the interim enterprise status variable
Note: P < 0:1; P < 0:05; 
P < 0:01. with the appropriate theory application and literature
976 P.-L. Liu et al. / Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977

Table 7
The correlation

Enterprise Scale of the Obtaining Refining Storing Sharing

characteristics enterprise capability capability capability capability
Enterprise Pearson correlation 1.000 0.117 0.025 0.064 0.040 0.021 0.016
characteristic Sig. (two-tailed) – 0.243 0.806 0.526 0.689 0.833 0.876
N 102 102 102 102 102 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.117 1.000 0.141 0.234 0.222 0.047 0.086
Scale of the Sig. (two-tailed) 0.243 – 0.156 0.018 0.025 0.641 0.396
enterprise N 102 102 102 102 102 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.025 0.141 1.000 0.846 0.866 0.393 0.480
Obtaining Sig. (two-tailed) 0.806 0.156 – 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
capability N 102 102 102 102 102 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.064 0.234 0.846 1.000 0.819 0.418 0.498
Refining Sig. (two-tailed) 0.526 0.018 0.000 – 0.000 0.000 0.000
capability N 102 102 102 102 102 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.040 0.222 0.866 0.819 1.000 0.395 0.473
Storing Sig. (two-tailed) 0.689 0.025 0.000 0.000 – 0.000 0.000
capability N 102 102 102 102 102 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.021 0.047 0.393 0.418 0.395 1.000 0.972
Sharing Sig. (two-tailed) 0.833 0.641 0.000 0.000 0.000 – 0.000
capability N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson correlation 0.016 0.086 0.480 0.498 0.473 0.972 1.000
Competitiveness Sig. (two-tailed) 0.876 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 –
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed); ; Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).

survey this paper developed a correlation model used advice that companies increase their knowledge man-
to analyze high-tech enterprises, such as electronic and agement capability considering the cost and gradually
information technology, software and the hardware expands their overall international knowledge manage-
industry, etc. The result reveals that knowledge man- ment capability. It is not easy for a company to
agement capability has a tremendous effect on competi-
increase knowledge management capability within a
tiveness. The hypothetical assumption ‘The more
knowledge management capability you have, the more short period. This must be achieved by accumulating
competitiveness you possess’ has been verified by our capital, technology, manpower and experience. When
statistical analysis. Three variables, enterprise char- enterprises intend to increase their knowledge manage-
acteristics, technology advantages and the enterprise ment capability, they must first make use of their own
scale, proved to be interacted with knowledge manage- specialties and qualifications with the help of outside
ment capability. They also produce multiple positive assistance. The goal for overall international knowl-
effects on product competitiveness. Conversely, the edge management capability can then be gradually
influence of the enterprise scale on knowledge manage-
ment is a good topic worthy of study. This paper
This research conducted an investigation into high-
proved that the scale of the enterprise is one of the key
tech enterprises. Because of the high evolution of high-
factors to success. This research gave equal weighting
numbers to each knowledge management capability tech enterprises, the proportion of enterprises pursuing
factor. From the questionnaire survey, we found that high-tech products is also increasing. Enterprises can
each manufacturer views these factors with a different perform an evaluation of their knowledge management
level of importance. capability. A future study will be aimed at other types
When enterprises decide to increase their competi- of enterprises. A standard package for knowledge man-
tiveness, there is a need to improve their knowledge agement will be developed in that work. We are now
management capability first. The advantage of knowl- entering the age of knowledge economics. All nations
edge management allows the enterprise to achieve this
in the world are actively engaging in developing their
goal. Technical knowledge acquisition, refining, storing
and sharing allows enterprises to strengthen their science and technology industries. By consulting this
knowledge management capability. The more knowl- research, all nations can adapt themselves to determine
edge management capability an enterprise has, the their knowledge management status to increase their
more competitive the enterprise will become. It is our competitiveness.
P.-L. Liu et al. / Technovation 24 (2004) 971–977 977

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