Imtahan Suallari

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Azərbaycan Respublikası Dövlət Turizm Agentliyi

Mingəçevir Turizm Kolleci

Publik Hüquqi Şəxsi

Təsdiq edirəm :

Fənn birliyinin sədri


28 dekabr 2021-ci il

İxtisas : Maliyyə İşi

F.B.K: Xarici dillər
Tədris ili: 2022/2023 cu il payız semestri
Kurs: Ⅱ
Qrup: MAİ 2
Fənn: Xarici dildə işgüzar və akademik kommunikasiya

İmtahan sualları:
1. “ To be” in the present
2. “ To be” in the past
3. “ To be “ in the future
4. Pronouns
5. Personal pronouns
6. Possessive pronouns
7. Reflexive pronouns
8. Some, any
9. Demonstrative pronouns
10. Article
11. Definite article
12. Indefinite article
13. Noun
14. Plural nouns
15. Singular nouns
16. Possessive case of noun
17. Countable nouns
18. Uncountable nouns
19. Imperatives, “let’s”
20. Adjectives
21. Degrees of adjectives
22. Positive degree
23. Comparative degree
24. Superlative degree
25. The present simple
26. Negative form of present simple
27. Interrogative form of present simple
28. Adveribials of present simple
29. Question words
30. Word order in questions
31. Prepositions
32. Preposition of time
33. Preposition of place “at, on, in”
34. Adverb
35. Position of adverb
36. Modal verbs
37. “can, could”
38. “must, mustn’t “
39. “may, mayn’t, might”
40. “should, need”
41. Object pronouns
42. The Past simple
43. Negative form of past simple
44. Interrogative form of past simple
45. Regular and irregular
46. There is / are
47. There was / were
48. Quantifiers
49. Much, many, a lot of
50. Little , a little
51. Few, a few
52. The future simple tense
53. Interrogative form of future simple
54. Negative form of future simple
55. Future time of expressions
56. Have / has got
57. Synonyms
58. Antonyms
59. Translation
60. Exercises

Tərtib etdi: Əliyeva Ü.Y

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