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Cardenas 1

Norberto Cardenas

Dr. Nelson

English 1301 119

October 17, 2022

Reflection of Essay Two

English 1301 119 is intellectually hard. Writing assignment prompts are confusing; however,

upon understanding, the task becomes manageable. The previous is true for most of my essays:

the prompt is hard to grasp, yet I come to understand it when there is more instruction from my

professor and when I ask questions. The learning process at work. After the completion of essay

two final draft, my learning process changed for the better. Through reflection, I have discovered

that my writing habits have developed from the start of English 1301 119 to the present day

through the following revisions:

 The relationship between essays one and two

 The lessons of essay two's assignment

 The paper itself and its conclusion to my writing skills 

In essay one, I learned all about genre analysis. The meaning behind textual and genre

components helped me better analyze the content and how it used its elements. I utilized my

basic genre analysis knowledge from essay one in essay two. For example, in my first essay, I

used the community of my textual analysis to argue my point; in my second essay, again, I

utilized the community around the visual text to argue my point. Some of the knowledge I did

not transfer to essay two was inapplicable. The use of genre did not apply to my second essay

since it was an image.

Cardenas 1

Essay two also came with new discoveries. Because it was an analysis of images and not text, I

quickly learned the new things that need to be known for visual analysis. Using the background

knowledge of an image to understand further it is one. I can use this learned skill in other

courses. For instance, investigating the origins of a photo might hint at hidden clues. Meanwhile,

learning about how the color of an image can make you focus in on something will not be

employed in other courses.

Essay two visual analysis gave me a skill set to improve my writing. Now, I will approach

writing works from a different angle. I will be able to analyze visuals at a more complex level.

Definitively, my writing will become more cohesive and specific. Based on peer review, my

strengths and weaknesses have remained mostly the same: my clear thesis and my unspecific

paragraph points with evidence. 

Essay two proved to be challenging and manageable. Coming up with points for my visual text

elements purpose was challenging. The least difficult part was my thesis. I knew the purpose of

my learningherbs Instagram post analysis was to entertain viewers and to argue a point. 

All in all, the reflections on essay two have helped me develop a strong understanding of my

writing skills. After completing this essay, my identity as a writer has further solidified.

Confidence and undoubtfulness are traits I have developed from this work. Reflections are

necessary for self-discovery. 

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