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3850-205 SAMPLE PAPER – SET 9

Certificate in English Reading and Writing – Stage 3

Making a Difference

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• All candidates need to use a black/blue pen. Do not use a pencil or gel pen, unless otherwise instructed.
• If provided with source documents, these documents will not be returned to City & Guilds, and will be
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* I declare that I had no prior knowledge of the questions in this examination and that I will
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General information
• The duration of this test is 2 hours.
• There are two sections in this test.
• The maximum marks for each question are shown.
• The maximum number of marks for this test is 70.
• Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

© The City and Guilds of London Institute 2020

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Candidate instructions

What you have to do

• Complete this test using a blue or black pen.
• Make sure your name and details are on the front cover of this test.
• Read the source documents and each question carefully.
• Answer all the questions.
• Write your answers in this answer book.
What you will need:
• this test paper
• source document
• a dictionary and/or thesaurus
• a blue or black pen.


Section 1 (35 marks)

Read the documents in the source document and answer the following questions.

Questions 1 to 5 are about Document 1.

1 The main purpose of the document is to 1 mark

a) discuss

b) explain

c) criticise

d) describe.

Tick the correct answer.

2 Name three layout features that make the document easier to read. 3 marks




3 Who thinks that less well-known people should be celebrated for their  1 mark


3 See next page


4 The phrase ‘I believe’ in the text is used to 1 mark

a) encourage more comments

b) express an opinion

c) stress the need for equality

d) promote strong leadership.

Tick the correct answer.

5 Caroline Houlihan thinks society is unfair to sports people because 1 mark

a) we expect too much of them

b) they only want to win competitions

c) they don’t set a good example

d) we don’t celebrate their success.

Tick the correct answer.


Questions 6 to 9 are about Document 2.

6 Identify three countries where Dr Cicely Williams treated sick children. 3 marks




7 Identify the three main points made in the text. 3 marks

Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica and needs to be prepared carefully.

Cicely showed determination throughout her career.

Identifying the cause of an illness can lead to an effective treatment.

It was unusual for women to work in the medical profession.

Dr Williams was a very skilled and talented lady.

Cicely Williams worked in over 50 countries.

Tick   3   the three correct answers.

5 See next page


8 Which one of these words best replaces ‘prejudice’ in the sentence below? 2 marks

Underline the correct answer.

Being in a man’s world was challenging and Cicely had to fight

prejudice in order to get a job in England.
disadvantage passion discrimination preference

Which one of the following words best replaces ‘outstanding’ in the

sentence below?

Underline the correct answer.

Cicely is one of the most outstanding Jamaican scientists and

humanitarians on record.
exceptional remaining notorious unsettled

9 What was Dr Williams’ cure for protein deficiency? 1 mark



Questions 10 to 14 are about Document 3.

10 Identify three groups who benefit from Dominique’s modelling career. 3 marks




11 What two pieces of advice did Dominique’s mother give her? 2 marks



12 Which two words does Dominique use to describe her childhood? 2 marks



7 See next page


13 Which one of the following sentences summarises the article? 1 mark

a) Dominique enjoyed life more before she became


b) Dominique works for charities instead of fashion

designers now.

c) Dominique still has to work hard to afford things

for her children.

d) Dominique has kept the same values although

her life has changed.

Tick   3   the correct answer.

14 According to the diagram in Document 3, which part of the Caribbean does 1 mark
Dominique originate from?



Questions 15 and 16 are about all the documents.

15 Use a dictionary to give definitions of the words below. 3 marks

Word Definition

innovator .....................................................................................................

remarkable .....................................................................................................

originate .....................................................................................................

16 Which documents contain information about people who have made a positive  1 mark
difference in the world?

a) Documents 1 and 2

b) Documents 2 and 3

c) Documents 1 and 3

d) Documents 1, 2 and 3

Tick the correct answer.

9 See next page


Questions 17 and 18 are about grammar and punctuation.

17 Circle the three correct grammatical options. 3 marks

There are so many people who have had a

positive influence on us without ever having
realised it. I will/need/would always be grateful for
the kindness of my doctor when I was little. She
was a lovely lady, who discovered why I was ill and
make/made/makes me better. Now I know not to
eat ackees until they have ripened properly. I
hope I can help others one day, as Doctor Williams
help/helped/helping me.

18 Insert the three punctuation marks that are missing in this text. 3 marks

Look! That’s a photo of you on that poster. Don’t you

think that’s the most amazing advertisement you’ve
ever seen Let’s stop and take a photo of it ourselves. It
wouldnt be right not to get something to remember it
by in the future, would it? I always knew you’d be
famous one day. It’s because you’re tall beautiful and
talented. I’m so pleased for you.


Section 2 (35 marks)

Write a letter to the editor of the Daily Star about what you plan to do to make a positive
difference to your parish.

You must explain:

• what you would like to do and why
• what help you would need to implement your idea
• what difference this would make to your community.

Use these bullet points to help you think about what you are going to write.

Write 300 – 400 words. You must write at least 300 words.

Note: Do not use any information from documents 1, 2 and 3.

You will be given marks for:

• the plan
• content
• writing in a logical order
• how easy it is to read
• length (at least 300 words)
• layout of the document, including paragraphs
• spelling, punctuation and grammar
• use of language.

Use the box below to plan your ideas for the writing.

11 See next page


Write your letter here.

Make sure your writing is clear and easy to read.

Remember to check your spelling, punctuation and grammar.













































 Ask for more paper if you need it.

Sign your name below if you have checked your work for accuracy and meaning.

Signature: .................................................................................................................................

13 End of See
next page

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