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Case 15-42373-rfn11 Doc 544 Filed 10/26/15 Entered 10/26/15 19:21:22 Page 1 of 22

Edward L. Rothberg
State Bar No. 17313990
Melissa A. Haselden
State Bar No. 00794778
T. Josh Judd
State Bar No. 24036866
Hoover Slovacek LLP
5051 Westheimer, Suite 1200
Galleria Tower II
Houston, Texas 77056
Telephone: (713) 977-8686
Facsimile: (713) 977-5395
Attorneys for Debtors



IN RE: § Chapter 11
MID-CITIES, LP et al., 1 §
§ Jointly Administered





The Debtors in these cases, along with the last four digits of their respective taxpayer ID numbers, are Victory Medical
Center Mid-Cities, LP (2023) and Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP, LLC (4580), Victory Medical Center Plano,
LP (4334), Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC (3670), Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch, LP (9340), Victory
Medical Center Craig Ranch GP, LLC (2223), Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP (9689), Victory Medical Center
Landmark GP, LLC (9597), Victory Parent Company, LLC (3191) Victory Medical Center Southcross, LP (8427),
and Victory Medical Center Southcross GP, LLC (3460).

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Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP. (“Mid-Cities”) and Victory Parent Company,

LLC, Debtors and Debtors-in-Possession (collectively “Victory” or “Debtor”), move this Court to

enter an order pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§105 and 363 and Rules 2002, 6004, 9007 and 9014 of the

Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure authorizing the sale of non-leased furniture, equipment,

inventory, medical equipment and other miscellaneous items located at the Mid-Cities location

(the “Purchased Assets”) free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and other interests

to Providence Health, LLC (“Providence”), subject to higher and better offers (the "Mid-Cities

Sale Motion"). In support of the Mid-Cities Sale Motion, the Debtor respectfully states as



1. The Debtor unsuccessfully tried to sell the Mid-Cities hospital as an ongoing

concern for more than a year and ultimately closed the facility in August 2015. Since that time,

substantially all the non-leased furniture, equipment, inventory, medical equipment and other

miscellaneous items utilized by the hospital remains at the leased premises. The Debtor has

received several bids to purchase these assets and has entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement

to sell the Purchased Assets to Providence for $2.2 million, subject to higher and better offers. By

this motion, Mid-Cities is not seeking to sell any asset that is subject to a lease.

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2. Expedited consideration of this motion is required because the APA requires

closing of the sale no later than November 9, 2015 2. Additionally, the Debtor is required to pay

rent to the landlord in order to preserve the value of the Purchased Assets for the benefit of the

Debtor’s estate. The reduced rent that has been negotiated with the landlord through October is

$25,000 per week. Thus expedited consideration of this motion will obviate the need for payment

of another full month of rent.


3. This Court has jurisdiction by virtue of 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334. This matter is

a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157(b)(2)(M).

4. Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1408(1) and (2) because

Debtor Mid-Cities’ principal place of business has been located in this district for more than 180

days preceding the filing of these bankruptcy cases and there are pending affiliated cases for which

joint administration has been requested.

5. The statutory predicates for the relief requested in the Sale Motion are sections

105(a) and 363 of title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) and Rules 2002,

6004, 9007 and 9014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the ”Bankruptcy Rules”).


6. The above captioned Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases were each filed on June 12, 2015

(“Petition Date”) 3 under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. §§101 et sq.

(the "Bankruptcy Code"). The Debtors continue to manage their respective property as a debtors-

The attached APA requires closing by October 30, 2015. However, the parties have agreed to extend the closing
deadline to November 9, 2015 and will modify the APA accordingly.
Debtors Victory Medical Center Southcross, LP filed a Chapter 11 petition on July 10, 2015 and Victory Medical
Center Southcross GP, LLC filed its Chapter 11 petition on July 16, 2015.

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in-possession pursuant to §§ 1107 and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. The Court entered an Order

Authorizing Joint Administration of these cases on June 19, 2015.

7. No trustee or examiner has been appointed in the Debtors’ bankruptcy cases. On

June 22, 2015, an official committee of unsecured creditors was established.

8. At the time these cases were filed, Victory managed a network of surgical hospitals

in Texas. Mid-Cities, Plano, Craig Ranch and Landmark and are four of the six hospitals managed

by Victory Parent. The other two hospitals are located in Beaumont and East Houston and to date

have not filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

9. The Debtors have sold substantially all the assets of Victory Plano and Victory

Landmark. No qualified bids were received for the Mid-Cities or Craig Ranch hospitals and those

hospitals have been closed. The Debtors intend to continue to utilize these Chapter 11

proceedings to sell any remaining assets of the hospitals and utilize collections of account

receivables as the basis of a plan to treat creditors’ claims.


10. Through the Sale Motion, Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP, seeks to

sell the Purchased Assets to Providence for a cash purchase of $2.2 million, subject to higher and

better offers. A copy of the proposed Asset Purchase Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”

and incorporated herein by reference (“APA”). Schedules of the Purchased Assets, as well as a

schedule of excluded equipment, is attached to the APA. Providence has also tendered a $100,000

good faith deposit in connection with the APA and is required to close on the sale no later than

November 9, 2015.

11. By this motion, Mid-Cities is not seeking to sell any asset that is subject to a lease


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12. The Purchased Assets are located at the leased hospital facility where the Mid-

Cities Debtor formerly operated. The Debtor is currently continuing to pay post petition rent on

this space to the landlord in order to maintain the Purchased Assets and preserve the value for the

benefit of the Debtor’s estate. The reduced rent that has been negotiated with the landlord through

October is $25,000 per week. Thus, a quick sale of the Purchased Assets is required to allow the

Debtor stop the accrual of administrative expenses for maintaining these assets at the hospital


13. The Debtor has received several inferior bids for the Purchased Assets which are

lower in amount, ranging from $950,000-$2.1 million, and which require additional time to close

on a sale. The bid from Providence is the highest bid that the Debtor has received for the

Purchased Assets and on significantly more attractive terms.

14. The Purchased Assets are collateral of IberiaBank, Mid-Cities’ primary secured

creditor, in connection with various loan agreements and related documents including: (i) a term

note which provided, among other things, that IberiaBank extend Mid-Cities a loan in the principal

sum of $5 million to fund the purchase of Debtor’s assets; (ii) an equipment loan note in the

principal sum of $1 million to purchase new equipment and (iii) a revolving line of credit note in

the principal amount up to $3 million for working capital (collectively the “IberiaBank Loans”).

The IberiaBank Loans were subsequently modified on or about April 13, 2014 to change various

financial covenants and the maturity date on the loans to April 15, 2015. The current balance of

the Iberia Loans is approximately $6.9 million.

15. Iberia Bank consents to the sale of the Purchased Assets to Providence, subject to

higher and better offers.

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16. To the extent that a party makes a competing bid, it must be in substantially same

form as the Providence offer, including: (i) payment of at least $2.3 million in cash or certified

funds to seller immediately upon Court approval of the sale and (ii) closing to occur no later than

November 9, 2015.


17. By this Motion, pursuant to sections 105 and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code and

Bankruptcy Rules 2002 and 6004, the Debtor seeks:

a. authorization of the sale of Purchased Assets to the Buyer free and clear of all
liens, claims, interests, and encumbrances in connection with APA;
b. waiver any 14-day stay imposed by Bankruptcy Rules 6004 and 6006; and
c. such other and further relief as is just and proper.

18. Pursuant to Section 363(b)(1), a Chapter 11 debtor-in-possession "after notice and

a hearing, may use, sell, or lease, other than in the ordinary course of business, property of the

estate." 11 U.S.C. § 363(b)(1). Courts have held that Section 363(b)(1) may be used to dispose of

all or most of a Chapter 11 debtor's assets through the sale as a going concern or by liquidation. In

re Tex. Rangers Baseball Ptnrs, 431 B.R. 707, 710 (Bankr. N.D. Tex. 2010); In re Bombay Co.,

2007 Bankr. LEXIS 3218, *6 (Bankr. N.D. Tex. Sept. 26, 2007). In fact, General Order 2006-02

of this District, establishing procedures for complex chapter 11 cases, contemplates such


19. In determining whether to grant a debtor-in-possession’s motion to use, sell, or

lease property of the estate, the Court should grant the relief sought if the Debtor is exercising

sound business judgment. Richmond Leasing Co. v. Capital Bank, N.A., 762 F.2d 1303, 1311 fn.10

(5th Cir. 1985); In re Bombay Co., 2007 Bankr. LEXIS 3218 at *12.

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20. In this case, Debtor Mid-Cities is not selling all of its assets, rather, it is only selling

its non-leased furniture, equipment, inventory, medical equipment and other miscellaneous items

held by Mid-Cities relating to the Mid-Cities hospital which is now closed.

21. Moreover, without the immediate sale, the Debtor will likely be forced to liquidate

the Purchased Assets at a substantially reduced price, or accept a lower bid than the Providence

bid, which will also require a longer closing period. Both of these options would likely results in

increased rent payment to the landlord, thereby reducing the value of the Debtor’s estate.


22. Actual written notice of the Sale Motion was provided to the following parties (the

“Notice Parties”): (i) the United States Trustee for the Northern District of Texas; (ii) the

collective list of top twenty unsecured creditors in these cases; (iii) counsel to the Purchaser; (iv)

counsel to IberiaBank; (v) the Internal Revenue Service; (vi) parties who have submitted written

bids for these assets and (vii) all persons or entities filing a notice of appearance or request for

notice of the proceedings in these chapter 11 cases.

DATED: October 26, 2015

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Respectfully submitted,


State Bar No. 17313990
State Bar No. 00794778
State Bar No. 24036866
5051 Westheimer, Suite 1200
Galleria Tower II
Houston, Texas 77056
Telephone: 713.977.8686
Facsimile: 713.977.5395



I hereby certify that on October 26, 2015, a true and correct copy of the foregoing Motion
to Authorize Intercompany Advances was served on the parties listed below via email at the email
addresses listed below:

15-42373-rfn11 Notice will be electronically mailed to:

David George Aelvoet on behalf of Creditor Bexar County

Robert Dew Albergotti on behalf of Creditor FAEC Holdings (TX), LLC,

Atmos Energy Corporation

Keith Miles Aurzada on behalf of Creditor Head & Spine Institute of Texas,;

Shiva Delrahim Beck on behalf of Creditor SI-BONE, Inc.

James H. Billingsley on behalf of Creditor Columbia North Hills Hospital Subsidiary, L.P.
d/b/a North Hills Hospital

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Shawn Kevin Brady on behalf of Creditor Americorp Financial, L.L.C. c/o Brady Law Firm,

Deirdre Carey Brown on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch,

Deirdre Carey Brown on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,;;deirdrecbrown@yahoo.c

William Steven Bryant on behalf of Creditor General Electric Capital Corporation

Gwyneth A. Campbell on behalf of Creditor Infection Prevention & Management Associates,


Elliott S. Cappuccio on behalf of Creditor Alliance Partners, LLC,;;

Jeffery D. Carruth on behalf of Creditor Pentacrown, L.L.C. d/b/a JAN-PRO of Dallas/Fort


Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch GP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,

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Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Medical Center Houston, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Medical Center Southcross, LP,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Defendant Victory Parent Company, LLC,

Annie E. Catmull on behalf of Interested Party Victory Parent Company, LLC,

Matthew Dudley Cavenaugh on behalf of Creditor Iberia Bank,

John Mark Chevallier on behalf of Creditor StoneGate Senior Living, LLC

Eli O. Columbus on behalf of Creditor HC-5330 N. Loop 1604 West, LLC,

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Paul T. Curl on behalf of Creditor Glasir Medical, LP,

Peter C. DApice on behalf of Creditor ARHC VSMCKTX01, LLC

Donald J Detweiler on behalf of Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured


John P. Dillman on behalf of Creditor Harris County

John P. Dillman on behalf of Creditor Montgomery County

Haakon T. Donnelly on behalf of Creditor Andrew Shimer, M.D., P.A.,

Michael J. Dulaney on behalf of Creditor Sullins Johnston Rohrbach & Magers

Lisa C. Fancher on behalf of Creditor Popp Hutcheson, PLLC,

Matthew Thomas Ferris on behalf of Creditor LegacyTexas Bank,

Forshey & Prostok, LLP

Blair Grant Francis on behalf of Creditor Intercede Health, Inc. and Inpatient Medical
Services, P.A.

Robert P. Franke on behalf of Creditor Strasburger & Price, L.L.P.,;

Toby Michael Galloway on behalf of Creditor L2 Surgical, LLC

Jeffrey K. Garfinkle on behalf of Creditor McKesson Medical-Surgical Minnesota Supply, Inc.,;

Eric S. Goldstein on behalf of Creditor First Financial Corporate Leasing LLC d/b/a First

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Financial Healthcare Solutions,;

Lee Gordon on behalf of Creditor Denton County;;

Ian A Hammel on behalf of Creditor ARHC VSMCKTX01, LLC,

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch,

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP,

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP,

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross GP,

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Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch GP, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross GP, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross, LP,

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Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,;

Melissa A. Haselden on behalf of Interested Party Victory Parent Company, LLC,;

Michael Scott Held on behalf of Creditor Iberia Bank,;

Amanda B. Hernandez on behalf of Creditor Heartland Business Credit Corporation,

Susan B. Hersh on behalf of Creditor TCF Equipment Finance, Inc.,

Patrick B. Howell on behalf of Creditor Titan Spine, LLC,;

Joshua Andrew Huber on behalf of Creditor CHP Hurst TX Surgical Owner, LLC,

Laurie Spindler Huffman on behalf of Creditor Allen ISD,

Laurie Spindler Huffman on behalf of Creditor Bexar County,

Laurie Spindler Huffman on behalf of Creditor Tarrant County,

Heather H. Jobe on behalf of Creditor Cumberland Surgical Hospital of San Antonio, LLC

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch GP, LLC,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch, LP,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP, LLC,

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T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP, LLC,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,

T. Josh Judd on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP,

William Wade Kannel on behalf of Creditor ARHC VSMCKTX01, LLC

Jason Michael Katz on behalf of Creditor MediSource Partners, LLC,;;

Angeline Vachris Kell on behalf of Creditor Timberloch, Inc.

William B. Kingman on behalf of Creditor Capital Partners Financial Group USA, Inc.,

Meredyth Kippes on behalf of U.S. Trustee United States Trustee

Matthias J. Kleinsasser on behalf of Creditor L2 Surgical, LLC

Matthias J. Kleinsasser on behalf of Plaintiff L2 Surgical, LLC

Deborah Kovsky-Apap on behalf of Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured


Jay L. Krystinik on behalf of Creditor Head & Spine Institute of Texas,

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Lynda L. Lankford on behalf of Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured


Louis David Levinson on behalf of Creditor Method Spine

Lloyd A. Lim on behalf of Creditor LegacyTexas Bank

Kevin M. Lippman on behalf of Interested Party Neurosurgeons of North Texas PLLC,

Joe E. Marshall on behalf of Creditor Atmos Energy Corporation

Brent W. Martinelli on behalf of Creditor HELIX MEDICAL GROUP, L.L.C.,

Susan C. Mathews on behalf of Spec. Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &
Berkowitz, PC

David B. McCall on behalf of Creditor COLLIN COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Claims Agent EPIQ Bankruptcy Solutions, LLC,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,

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Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross GP,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross, LP,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,

Curtis W. McCreight on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP,

Bruce W. McGee on behalf of Creditor T-Med, LP, dba Monitoring Concepts

Mark A. Mintz on behalf of Creditor A.M. Surgical, Inc.,;

Matthew John Mussalli on behalf of Creditor MP2 Energy Texas, LLC,

Al Odom on behalf of Creditor Schiffer Odom Hicks & Johnson PLLC

Alan Bartlett Padfield on behalf of Creditor De Lage Landen Financial Services, Inc.

Heather J. Panko on behalf of Creditor ARHC VSMCKTX01, LLC

Mary Alice Parsons on behalf of Creditor Fire and Life Safety America

Lisa M. Peters on behalf of Creditor General Electric Capital Corporation

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Benjamin H. Price on behalf of Creditor Primedia Group, LLC

Jeff P. Prostok on behalf of Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors,;;

Bradley James Purcell on behalf of Creditor Head & Spine Institute of Texas

Matthew J. Pyeatt on behalf of Creditor Bank of the West,;

Thomas Rice on behalf of Creditor Alliance Partners LLC,

Derick J. Rodgers on behalf of Creditor Meridian LifeScience LLC,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch
GP, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC

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Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Consolidated debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch GP, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Craig Ranch, LP,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark GP, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Landmark, LP,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Plano GP, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Plano, LP,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Medical Center Southcross GP, LLC,;,

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Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Debtor Victory Parent Company, LLC,;,

Edward L. Rothberg on behalf of Interested Party Victory Parent Company, LLC,;,

J. Casey Roy on behalf of Interested Party Texas Department of State Health Services

Thomas C. Scannell on behalf of Creditor Bank of the West,;

George Colby Scherer on behalf of Creditor Lewisville Independent School District,

Erin Marie Schmidt on behalf of U.S. Trustee United States Trustee,

Brian Patrick Shaw on behalf of Creditor Synergy Surgical, LLC,

Michelle E. Shriro on behalf of Creditor SpecialtyCare, Inc.,;

Robert A. Simon on behalf of Creditor KR Medical Technologies, LLC,;

Robert A. Simon on behalf of Creditor Synergy IOM, LLC,;

Robert A. Simon on behalf of Creditor Vintage Medical, LLC,;

Mark S. Siurek on behalf of Creditor Kirsten Cavaness

Owen M. Sonik on behalf of Creditor Montgomery County Municipal Utility District # 6,;

Owen M. Sonik on behalf of Creditor The Woodlands Road Utility District #1,;

Elizabeth Kay Stepp on behalf of Creditor L2 Surgical, LLC

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John Mark Stern on behalf of Creditor Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts,

Sabrina Lynn Streusand on behalf of Creditor Dell Financial Services L.L.C.,

Sabrina Lynn Streusand on behalf of Creditor Dell Marketing, L.P.,

Nicola G. Suglia on behalf of Creditor Canon Financial Services, Inc. c/o Fleischer, Fleischer
& Suglia,

Eric J. Taube on behalf of Creditor Texas Capital Bank,;;

Marc W. Taubenfeld on behalf of Creditor PIRF Operations, LLC

Marc W. Taubenfeld on behalf of Creditor StoneGate Senior Living, LLC

Mark C. Taylor on behalf of Creditor Texas Capital Bank,

Steve Turner on behalf of Creditor Urban Financial of America, LLC,

United States Trustee,

Dominique M. Varner on behalf of Creditor First American Equipment Finance

Kristin N. Wallis on behalf of Creditor The Sybaris Group, Inc.,

Thomas J. Walthall, Jr. on behalf of Creditor Nelson Interiors, LLC,,,

Michael D. Warner on behalf of Creditor Olympus America Inc.,

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Michael L. Weems on behalf of Creditor First American Equipment Finance

William Keith Wier on behalf of Creditor Financial Corporation of America,

Elizabeth A. Ziegler on behalf of U.S. Trustee United States Trustee

/s/ Melissa A. Haselden n


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TIDS AGREEMENT is made on October 7th, 2015, by and between Providence Health
LLC, 837 Cypress Creek Suite 108, Houston Texas 77090 ("BUYER"), Victory Medical Center Mid-
Cities, LP (""Seller"), and Victory Parent Company, LLC ("VPC'). Buyer, Seller and VPC may be
referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."


WHEREAS, Seller previously operated a hospital located at 1612 Hurst Town Center Drive,
Hurst Texas 76054 Hurst, Texas ("Mid-Cities Hospital")

WHEREAS, on June 12, 2015 (the "Petition Date") the VMCMC Seller and VPC filed
voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code (the "Bankruptcy
Code") in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division
(the "Bankruptcy Court"). These bankruptcy cases are being jointly administered for procedural
purposes only with affiliated Debtor bankruptcy cases under Case No. 15-42373 (collectively, the
"Bankruptcy Cases");

WHEREAS, the Seller and VPC have continued in possession of their respective assets and
have continued in the management of the Business pursuant to Sections l 107(a) and 1108 of the
Bankruptcy Code;

WHEREAS, Seller and VPC have determined to sell certain assets ("Assets") to Buyer and
Buyer desires to purchase, the Assets described in this Agreement, all upon the terms and conditions of
this Agreement and subject to Bankruptcy Court approval.

NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the above premises and of the covenants and
agreement as hereafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:

1. Purchase and Sale. On the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement,
at Closing, and subject to entry of an order by the Bankruptcy Court approving the Agreement
and this sale, Buyer shall purchase from Seller and VPC, and Seller and VPC shall sell to Buyer,
the Assets listed on the attached Addendums "A" and "C", excluding the equipment and items
listed on Exhibit 1 attached hereto (collectively the "Purchased Assets") free and clear of all
claims, encumbrances, debts, demands or liabilities of any kind. SELLER hereby agrees to sell,
convey, transfer and assign to Providence Health LLC, free and clear of all liens, mortgages,
pledges, encumbrances, claims, charges and interests of every kind, the Purchased Assets and
Providence Health LLC agrees to purchase the Purchased Assets for the price and subject to the
terms and conditions herein contained.

2. Cash Purchase Price. In consideration for the transfer by the Seller and VPC to the Buyer
of the Purchased Assets, Buyer shall pay and deliver, or cause to be delivered on Buyer's
behalf, Two Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($2,200,000.00) (the "Cash
Purchase Price"), at Closing. The Cash Purchase Price shall be paid at Closing from (i) the
$100,000 in deposited funds ("Good Faith Deposit") held by the Escrow Agent pursuant to the
terms of that certain escrow agreement between Seller, Buyer and Escrow Agent attached hereto
as Exhibit 2 (the "Escrow Ag1·ee111ent") and (ii) the balance of $2,100,000.00 shall be paid
directly by Buyer at Closing by certified, cashier's check, or bank wire transfer as directed by
SELLER. Should Closing not occur due to a breach by Seller or VPC not occuning, then all

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amounts escrowed by Buyer in connection with this Agreement shall be returned to Buyer within
three (3) business days of Buyer's request, which shall include wiring instructions for where said
escrowed funds are to be sent.

3. Earnest Money Deposit. The Cash Purchase Price shall include Buyer's cash deposit in
the amount of $100,000.00 (the "Good Faith Deposit"), which amount shall be held by the
Escrow Agent pursuant to the terms of the Escrow Agreement, a copy of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit 2, and applied to the purchase price at Closing or returned to the Buyer if there
is a breach by Seller or VPC or Buyer is not the Highest Bidder. If Buyer breaches its obligation
to close the sale transaction in accordance with this Agreement, the Good Faith Deposit shall be
forfeited to the Seller as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, which shall be Seller's
exclusive remedy.

4. Closing. Closing will take place within two (2) days of the date the Bankmptcy Court approves
this Agreement but in no event later than October 30, 2015 ("Closing'~, unless otherwise
extended by written agreement of the Parties.

5. Representations and Warranties of SELLER. SELLER hereby represents and warrants to

Providence Health LLC as follows:

a. Purchased Assets Sold "As ls, Where Is." BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND

b. Organization and Qualification of Seller - Seller is a limited partnership, duly formed

and validly existing under the Laws of the State of Texas. Seller has the requisite
partnership power and authority to own, operate or lease the properties and assets now
owned, operated or leased by it and to carry on the Business as currently conducted by
Seller. Seller is duly qualified to do business as a limited partnership and is in good
standing in each jurisdiction where the character of its properties owned, operated or
leased or the nature of its activities makes such qualification necessary.

c. Organization and Qualification of VPC- VPC is a limited liability company, duly

formed and validly existing under the Laws of the State of Texas. VPC has the requisite
power and authority to own, operate or lease the properties and assets now owned,
operated or leased by it and to carry on the Business as currently conducted by VPC.
VPC is duly qualified to do business as a liruited partnership and is in good standing in
each jurisdiction where the character of its properties owned, operated or leased or
the nature of its activities makes such qualification necessaty. ... ::.c·

d. Capacity; Enforceability -VPC and Seller have all requisite power, capacity and
authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform their respective
obligations hereunder. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered
by, and is a valid and binding obligation of, VPC and Seller enforceable against VPC and
Seller, as applicable, in accordance with its terms, except as the enforceability may be

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limited by (a) applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization, fraudulent

conveyance or similar Laws in effect which affect the enforcement of creditors' rights
generally; or (b) general p1inciples of equity. As of Closing there will no encumbrances
on the purchased assets.

e. Consents and Approvals. Other than Bankruptcy Court approval of this sale and the
Agreement, no waiver, Order, Permit or authorization of or from, or declaration of filing
with, or notification to, any person or govermnental authority is required on the part of
the Seller or VPC in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement or
other transactional document contemplated hereunder.

f. Title to Assets. Subject to the Sale Order, the Seller or VPC has good and valid title to
all the Purchased Assets free and clear of all liens (except for those that will be
released/paid upon Closing), and at the Closing will convey good and valuable title to
all such Purchased Assets to fue Buyer.

6. Representations and Warranties of Providence Health LLC. Providence Health LLC hereby
represents and warrants to SELLER as follows:

a. Providence Health LLC has all requisite power and authority to operate its business as it
is now being conducted, and has complete and unrestricted power to enter into this
Agreement and purchase fue Purchased Assets.

b. Providence Health LLC will provide adequate personnel to supervise and conduct the
removal and transfer of the Assets, and perform its other duties pursuant hereto, will use
reasonable ordinary and customary care to insure fue safety of its employees, agents and
invites with on fue Premises, and will use commercially reasonable efforts to insure the
minimum amount of damage and wear and tear to the Premises resulting from the
removal/disconnection of the Assets.

7. Choice of Law. It is the intention of the parties that the internal laws of the State of Texas shall
govern the validity of the Agreement, the construction of its terms, and the interpretations of the
rights and duties of the parties. The parties further agree that, in the event of a dispute arising
hereunder, the jurisdiction and venue of any proceeding shall be in any court of competent
jurisdiction in County of Harris, State of Texas.

8. Risk of Loss. All risk of loss wifu respect to the Purchased Assets shall pass to Providence
Health LLC on the date hereof and Providence Health LLC shall be solely responsible for any
damage to or loss of the Purchased Assets, for whatever reason, occurring after the date hereof.

9. Entire Agreement Modification. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement of the Parties
and supersedes all prior Agreement and understandings whether written or oral; and shall not be
assigned, changed, modified, altered, or amended except by written agreement duly executed by
all parties.

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IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have cause this Agreement to be duly executed on the
day and year first above written.

Providence Health LLC (BUYER) Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP (SELLER)

By its General Partner, Victory Medical Center
Medical Center GP, LLC, a Texas limited liability

Victory Parent Company, LLC

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Schedule of Purchased Equipment
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Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
129645 Steris Corp. Renaissance 3043 Remanufactured Sterilizer, Prevac, Integral Steam Boiler SPD R8118104-03 1351 N/A None
129646 Steris Corp. Eagle Stage 3 3013 Sterilizer, Prevac, Integral Steam Boiler SPD R8019104-03 1349 N/A None
129647 Steris Corp. Reliance 444 Washer Disinfector, Single Chamber SPD 3617504002 N/A N/A None
129648 Steris Corp. Amsco Century 16C, V-116 Sterilizer SPD 0230612-01 1350 N/A None
129652 GE OEC Healthcare C-Arm, Large 9800+ C-Arm, Large, w/ Monitor and Printer OR 8S-3103 1126 2006 None
204250 Siemens Healthcare Mobilett XP 01818363 Portable X-Ray Unit CT Room 1056 N/A 2004 None
204251 Del Medical ATC 725 110-0100G1 X-Ray Controller / Generator ER 03534-0804 N/A 2004 None
204252 GE OEC Healthcare C-Arm, Large 9900 Elite C-Arm, Large, w/ Monitor and Printer OR ES-0010 1128 2006 None
204253 GE OEC Healthcare C-Arm, Large 9900 Elite C-Arm, Large, w/ Monitor and Printer OR ES-2736 N/A N/A None
204254 GE OEC Healthcare C-Arm, Large 9800+ C-Arm, Large, w/ Monitor and Printer OR 8S-2620 1125 N/A None
207062 Lisa Laser Products Revolix Jr. Revolix Jr. 30 Laser, Fiber Delivered, 105204121 OR 00149 N/A N/A None
207718 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26483 N/A N/A None
207719 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26518 N/A N/A None
207720 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26538 N/A N/A None
207721 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26504 N/A N/A None
207722 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26532 N/A N/A None
207723 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26505 N/A N/A None
207724 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 28015 N/A N/A None
207725 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26513 N/A N/A None
207726 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26465 N/A N/A None
207727 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26492 N/A N/A None
207728 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 32711 N/A N/A None
207729 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 28022 N/A N/A None
207730 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 28017 N/A N/A None
207731 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 32682 N/A N/A None
207732 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 32251 N/A N/A None
207733 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 26528 N/A N/A None
207734 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PSU 2nd Flr 32716 N/A N/A None
208189 Mcgaw Inc. (American) CoPilot VL 855 Video Laryngoscope, w/ Stand OR LDI00088 N/A N/A None
208190 Mcgaw Inc. (American) CoPilot VL 855 Video Laryngoscope, w/ Stand OR LDI00061 N/A N/A None
208191 Mcgaw Inc. (American) CoPilot VL 855 Video Laryngoscope, w/ Stand OR LDI00211 N/A N/A None
208192 Mcgaw Inc. (American) CoPilot VL 855 Video Laryngoscope, w/ Stand OR LDI00097 N/A N/A None
208193 Mcgaw Inc. (American) CoPilot VL 855 Video Laryngoscope, w/ Stand OR LDI00188 N/A N/A None
208194 Mcgaw Inc. (American) CoPilot VL 855 Video Laryngoscope, w/ Stand OR LDI00177 N/A N/A None
211651 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor on Anesthesia Machine OR DT-32004130 1179 N/A None
211686 Steris Corp. Renaissance 3043 Sterilizer, Prevac, Integral Steam Boiler, Future Health Conc SPD 0101195-01 N/A 2014 Feb 04 2016
211687 Mindray Medical A3 0633F-01000-00 Anesthesia Machine, w/ Patient Monitor OR FA-2C000206 1134 N/A None
211689 Mindray Medical A3 0633F-01000-00 Anesthesia Machine, w/ Patient Monitor OR FA-31000207 1441 N/A None
211690 Mindray Medical A3 0633F-01000-00 Anesthesia Machine, w/ Patient Monitor OR FA-31000223 N/A N/A None
211691 Mindray Medical A3 0633F-01000-00 Anesthesia Machine, w/ Patient Monitor OR FA-2C000187 1222 N/A None
211692 Mindray Medical A3 0633F-01000-00 Anesthesia Machine, w/ Patient Monitor OR FA-31000224 1178 N/A None
211693 Mindray Medical A3 0633F-01000-00 Anesthesia Machine, w/ Patient Monitor OR FA-2B000181 1129 N/A None
211694 Datex Ohmeda Aestiva/5 7900 Aestiva/5 7900 Anesthesia System Procedure Rooms AMRH01804 N/A N/A None
211695 Datex Ohmeda Aestiva/5 7900 Aestiva/5 7900 Anesthesia System Procedure Rooms AMRH01805 N/A N/A None
212500 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 2 Bank ER Exam None N/A N/A None
212501 Datascope Corp. Passport 2 Passport 2 Patient Monitor ER Exam TS10257517 N/A N/A None
212502 Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 692 Electronic Thermometer ER Exam 8341843 N/A N/A None
212503 Welch Allyn 767 76751 Opthalmoscope ER Exam None3 N/A N/A None
212504 Datascope Corp. Accutorr V Accutorr V Vital Signs Monitor, w/ Stand ER Exam A7517947F2 N/A N/A None
212505 Hospira Corp. Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump, w/ Stand ER Exam 17440889 N/A 2011 None
212506 Pedigo 540-1 540-1 Stretcher ER Exam 21805 1325 N/A None
212507 Physio Control LifePak 20 Defibrillator / Monitor ER Exam 38388185 N/A 2009 None
212508 Welch Allyn CP 100 CP 100 Electrocardiograph ER Exam 10004339 N/A N/A None
212509 McKesson Entrust Entrust Exam Light ER Exam B3H0002998 N/A N/A None
212510 Tanita Corp BWB-800 BWB-800 Scale ER Exam 7090929 N/A N/A None
212511 Sunrise Medical Horizon Horizon CPAP Machine, DeVilbiss ER PD190161 N/A N/A None
212512 Smiths Medical Asd, Inc. Parapac 200D IPX4 Portable Ventilator ER 709302 N/A N/A None
212513 Burton Medical Products 2GX13 2GX13 Exam Light ER Exam 40062522J N/A N/A None
212514 Detecto Scales 253 253 Scale, Infant, Manual Storage Corridor 0509-334 N/A N/A None
212515 Stryker Corp. WiSe 26" WiSe 26" Wireless HDTV Monitor, 26 Inch, on Roll Stand OR VHW261C0154 1039 N/A None
212516 Olympus Corp. OEV-261H OEV-261H LCD Video Monitor Procedure Rooms 7359660 N/A N/A None
212517 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CV-190 Video System Center Procedure Rooms 7365699 N/A N/A None
212518 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CLV-190 Light Source Procedure Rooms 7335662 N/A N/A None
212519 Olympus Corp. ESG-100 ESG-100 Electrosurgical Unit Procedure Rooms 12284P500009 N/A 2012 None
212520 Olympus Corp. OEP-5 OEP-5 Video Printer Procedure Rooms A312132 N/A N/A None
212521 Olympus Corp. UCR UCR CO2 Insufflator Procedure Rooms 7227636 N/A N/A None
212522 Olympus Corp. OFP-2 OFP-2 Flushing Pump Procedure Rooms 21304765 N/A 2013 None
212523 Karl Storz SC-WU26-A1511 SC-WU26-A1511 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Storz Tower OR 13-21464 1054 N/A None
212524 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39601 1107 2013 None
212525 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump OR 26527 N/A N/A None
212526 Valleylabs Inc. Force Triad Force Triad Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR T7A39079EX N/A 2014 None
212527 Ethicon Endo-Surgical LLC GEN11 GEN11 Surgical Driver, ESU, w/ Cart and Foot Control OR 111143085 1089 2011 None
212528 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank OR None1 N/A N/A None
212529 Steris Corp. Harmony LA 500 Surgical Lights, Old Bulb System OR 0417403091 N/A 2002 None
212530 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor on Anesthesia Machine OR DT-32004101 N/A 2013 None
212531 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CTK31061939 N/A N/A None
212532 Mindray Medical AG 6800-30-50502 Multigas Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CFA2C236363 N/A N/A None
212533 Karl Storz SC-WU26-A1515 SC-WU26-A1515 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Storz Tower OR 12-210071 1042 N/A None
212534 Karl Storz Thermoflator 264320-20 Insufflator OR NW15375-B 1080 N/A None
212535 Karl Storz 9601HD 9601HD Scope Tower OR XX605038-T N/A N/A None
212536 Sony UP-DR80MD UP-DR80MD Video Printer OR 88234 1071 2013 None
212537 Karl Storz SCB Image 1 222000-20 Camera Controller OR ZX701120-P N/A N/A None
212538 Karl Storz Xenon 300 300 Light Source, EndoSkope OR 0W0687116 1077 N/A None
212539 Karl Storz SC-WU26-A1515 SC-WU26-A1515 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Storz Tower OR 13-215930 1055 N/A None
212540 Olympus Corp. OEV-261H OEV-261H LCD Video Monitor OR 7359649 N/A N/A None
212541 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CV-190 Video System Center Procedure Rooms 7365784 1061 N/A None
212542 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CLV-190 Light Source Procedure Rooms 7335657 1063 N/A None
212543 Olympus Corp. OEP-5 OEP-5 Video Printer Procedure Rooms A211777 1069 N/A None
212544 Olympus Corp. ESG-100 ESG-100 Electrosurgical Unit Procedure Rooms 12282P500007 1066 2012 None
212545 Olympus Corp. UCR UCR CO2 Insufflator Procedure Rooms 7328093 1065 N/A None
212546 Steris Corp. 5085 5085 Surgical Table OR 048011150 N/A 2010 None
212547 Steris Corp. Harmony LED585 Surgical Lights, LED OR 0434403111 N/A N/A None
212548 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor OR DT-32004153 N/A 2013 None
212549 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module OR CTK31062003 N/A 2013 None
212550 Mindray Medical AG 6800-30-50502 Multigas Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CFA2C236356 N/A 2013 None
212551 Karl Storz SCB Thermoflator 264305-20 Insufflator OR NW15487-B 1081 N/A None
212552 Karl Storz 9601HD 9601HD Tower, Endoscopy GoKart OR NW605352-T 1037 N/A None
212553 Karl Storz 201 201331-20 Light Source, EndoSkope, Xenon 300W OR OW0687124 1078 N/A None
212554 Karl Storz 222010-20 222010-20 Camera Controller, Head OR NW702047-P 1075 N/A None
212555 Sony UP-DR80MD UP-DR80MD Video Printer OR 88395 1072 N/A None
212556 Stryker Corp. Neptune Rover 700-1 Fluid Waste Management System OR 308601433 1186 N/A None
212557 Karl Storz SC-WU26-A1515 SC-WU26-A1515 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Storz Tower OR 13-214418 1041 N/A None
212558 Zimmer Incorporated A.T.S. 1200 A.T.S. 1200 Pneumatic Tourniquet System OR 1Z08BABF 1085 2008 None
212559 Ethicon Endo-Surgical LLC GEN11 GEN11 Surgical Driver, ESU, w/ Cart and Foot Control OR 1111304528 1139 2013 None
212560 Valleylabs Inc. Force Triad Force Triad Electrosurgical Unit, W/ Cart and Foot Controls OR T4A39083EX N/A 2014 None
212561 Stryker Corp. Core 5400-050 Shaver Controller, Arthroscopy Shaver Storage Corridor 715100233 N/A N/A None
212562 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump OR 26542 N/A N/A None
212563 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank OR None2 N/A N/A None

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Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
212564 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39597 1094 2013 None
212565 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39599 N/A N/A None
212566 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39603 N/A N/A None
212567 Steris Corp. Harmony LED585 Surgical Lights, LED OR 0422113093 N/A N/A None
212568 Steris Corp. Quantum 3085SP Surgical Table OR B413304006 1111 1999 None
212569 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor OR DT-32004096 N/A N/A None
212570 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module OR CTK39071720 N/A N/A None
212571 Zeiss - Carl OPMI CS OPMI CS Surgical Microscope, Neuro Spine OR 265101 1485 N/A None
212572 Valleylabs Inc. Force FX-CS Force FX-CS Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR S3E08812AX N/A 2013 None
212573 Steris Corp. Quantum 3085SP Surgical Table, without Mattress OR B149504109 N/A N/A None
212574 Stryker Corp. Vision Elect HD 240-030-930 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Stryker Tower OR VEH261B0164 N/A N/A None
212575 Stryker Corp. Pneumo Sure 620-040-610 Insufflator OR 1104CE103 N/A 2011 None
212576 Stryker Corp. SDC Ultra/HD 240-050-988 Dig. Capture Device, Imaging Mgmt Sys, Endo Recorder OR 11D051524 N/A 2011 None
212577 Stryker Corp. 1288HD 1288010000 High Definition Camera, Endoscopic OR 11D025864 N/A 2011 None
212578 Stryker Corp. L9000 220210000 Light Source, Endoscopic, LED OR 11D042264 N/A 2011 None
212579 Stryker Corp. SDP1000 SDP1000 Digital Color Printer OR 81608 N/A 2011 None
212580 Medtronic Aquamantys System 40-402-1 Electrosurgical Unit OR TL200-4780 N/A N/A None
212581 Zimmer Incorporated A.T.S. 2000 60-2200-101-00 Pneumatic Tourniquet System OR EL080120 N/A 2001 None
212582 Stryker Corp. Neptune Rover 700-1 Fluid Waste Management System OR 319800983 N/A N/A None
212583 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR XSPT0932 1086 N/A None
212584 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR XSPT0929 1185 N/A None
212585 Stryker Corp. WiSe 26" WiSe 26" Wireless HDTV Monitor, 26 Inch, on Roll Stand OR VHW261C0156 1228 2011 None
212586 Karl Storz SC-WU26-A1515 SC-WU26-A1515 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Storz Tower OR 13-214648 1229 N/A None
212587 Olympus Corp. OEV-261H OEV-261H LCD Video Monitor Procedure Rooms 7259224 N/A N/A None
212588 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CV-190 Video System Center Procedure Rooms 7264984 1060 N/A None
212589 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CLV-190 Light Source Procedure Rooms 7235160 1062 N/A None
212590 Olympus Corp. ESG-100 ESG-100 Electrosurgical Unit Procedure Rooms 12884P500004 1067 2012 None
212591 Olympus Corp. OEP-5 OEP-5 Video Printer Procedure Rooms A212057 1068 N/A None
212592 Olympus Corp. UCR UCR CO2 Insufflator Procedure Rooms 7228085 1064 N/A None
212593 Olympus Corp. OFP-2 OFP-2 Flushing Pump Procedure Rooms 21220703 1070 2012 None
212594 Surgical Tables Inc. Streamline 3 Streamline 3 Surgical Table Procedure Rooms 021513-03 1146 2013 None
212595 Stryker Corp. Vision Elect HD 240-030-930 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Stryker Tower OR VEH261B0174 1002 2011 None
212596 Stryker Corp. PneumoSure 45L 620-040-610 Insufflator OR 1104CE100 1008 2011 None
212597 Stryker Corp. SDC Ultra/HD 240-050-988 Dig. Capture Device, Imaging Mgmt Sys, Endo Recorder OR 11D051544 1012 2011 None
212598 Stryker Corp. 1288HD 1288010000 High Definition Camera, Endoscopic OR 11D025874 1015 2011 None
212599 Stryker Corp. L9000 220210000 Light Source, Endoscopic, LED OR 11D042244 1020 2011 None
212600 Stryker Corp. SDP1000 SDP1000 Digital Color Printer OR 81723 N/A 2013 None
212601 Smith & Nephew Dyonics 25 7211010 Fluid Management System, Fluid Pump, w/ Cart OR ZN05373 1046 2011 None
212602 ArthroCare Corp. Quantum 2 RF12000 Electrosurgical Unit OR B13944 N/A 2012 None
212603 Smith & Nephew Dyonics Power II 72200873 Pwr Control Sys, Shaver, Soft Tissue & Bone Resection OR AAX15608 1045 2012 None
212604 Smith & Nephew Vulcan EAS 7210812 Electrosurgical Unit, Arthroscopy, w/ Cart OR ZL10068 N/A 2013 None
212605 Stryker Corp. FloSteady 150 Arthroscopy Pump, Fluid Management System, w/ Cart OR 0801CE191 N/A 2008 None
212606 Smith & Nephew Dyonics 25 7211010 Fluid Management System, Fluid Pump, w/ Cart OR 5765 1206 2011 None
212607 Smith & Nephew Dyonics Power II 72200873 Pwr Control Sys, Shaver, Soft Tissue & Bone Resection OR AAX15586 1207 2012 None
212608 Stryker Corp. FloSteady 150 Arthroscopy Pump, Fluid Management System, w/ Cart OR 1011CE695 N/A 2010 None
212609 Stryker Corp. Serfas 279-000-000 RF Generator, Ablation System OR 07F057154 N/A 2007 None
212610 Stryker Corp. I-Switch 277-200-100 Foot Control, Wireless OR N/A 1032 N/A None
212611 Stryker Corp. Core 5400-050 Shaver Controller, Instrument Driver, w/ Cart OR 1133913313 1090 2011 None
212612 Smith & Nephew Dyonics 25 7211010 Fluid Management System, Fluid Pump, w/ Cart OR 5986 1050 N/A None
212613 Depuy Mitek VAPR 3 VAPR 3 Electrosurgical Unit, Soft Tissue Ablation OR 921831 N/A 2009 None
212614 Smith & Nephew Dyonics Power II 72200873 Pwr Control Sys, Shaver, Soft Tissue & Bone Resection OR AAX15595 1049 2013 None
212615 Smith & Nephew Vulcan EAS 815000 Electrosurgical Unit, Arthroscopy, w/ Cart OR VG2688 1208 2001 None
212616 Arthrex Inc. DualWave AR-6480 Irrigation Pump, w/ Cart and IV Pole OR NX37245B 1053 2013 None
212617 Arthrex Inc. APS II AR-8300S Shaver Handpiece, Power Control System OR 630506 1052 2013 None
212618 Arthrex Inc. DualWave AR-6480 Irrigation Pump, w/ Cart and IV Pole OR NX37415B 1215 2013 None
212619 Arthrex Inc. APS II AR-8300S Shaver Handpiece, Power Control System OR 620872 1216 2009 None
212620 ArthroCare Corp. Quantum 2 RF12000 Electrosurgical Unit OR B02893 1051 2008 None
212621 Depuy Mitek VAPR 3 VAPR 3 Electrosurgical Unit, Soft Tissue Ablation OR 421231 1047 2004 None
212622 Stryker Corp. Serfas 279-000-000 RF Generator, Ablation System OR 07F057284 N/A N/A None
212623 Stryker Corp. WiSe 26" WiSe 26" Wireless HDTV Monitor, 26 Inch, on Roll Stand OR VHW261C0157 1006 2011 None
212624 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39625 1188 2008 None
212625 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39627 1440 2008 None
212626 Baxter International Inc. Infus O.R. Infus O.R. Syringe Pump OR 13100190SR N/A N/A None
212627 Steris Corp. Harmony LA 500 Surgical Lights, Old Bulb System OR 0414604041 N/A 2002 None
212628 Steris Corp. 5085 5085 Surgical Table OR 0405511072 N/A N/A None
212629 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank OR NSN212629 N/A N/A None
212630 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor OR DT-32004072 N/A 2013 None
212631 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module OR CTK36068069 N/A 2013 None
212632 Mindray Medical AG 6800-30-50502 Multigas Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CFA35242364 N/A 2013 None
212633 Zimmer Incorporated A.T.S. 1200 A.T.S. 1200 Pneumatic Tourniquet System OR 1209GAAH 1439 2009 None
212634 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR XSPT0923 N/A N/A None
212635 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR XSPT0928 N/A N/A None
212636 Stryker Corp. Core 5400-050 Shaver Controller OR 717617773 N/A N/A None
212637 Valleylabs Inc. Force FX-CS Force FX-CS Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR S3E08819AX N/A N/A None
212638 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump OR 32235 N/A N/A None
212639 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 32623 1384 2012 None
212640 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39607 1438 2013 None
212641 Baxter International Inc. Infus O.R. Infus O.R. Syringe Pump OR 13090121SR N/A N/A None
212642 Steris Corp. Harmony LA 500 Surgical Lights, Old Bulb System OR 0414604044 1177 2002 None
212643 Stryker Corp. Vision Elect HD 240-030-930 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Stryker Tower OR VEH261A0204 1003 2011 None
212644 Stryker Corp. Pnemo Sure XL 620-040-610 Insufflator OR 1104CE096 1010 2011 None
212645 Stryker Corp. SDC Ultra/HD 240-050-988 Dig. Capture Device, Imaging Mgmt Sys, Endo Recorder OR 11D053864 1014 2011 None
212646 Stryker Corp. 1288HD 1288010000 High Definition Camera, Endoscopic OR 11D025834 1018 2011 None
212647 Stryker Corp. L9000 220210000 Light Source, Endoscopic, LED OR 11D042254 1022 2011 None
212648 Stryker Corp. SDP1000 SDP1000 Digital Color Printer OR 81663 N/A N/A None
212649 Steris Corp. 5085 5085 Surgical Table OR 405511076 1101 N/A None
212650 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank OR NSN212650 N/A N/A None
212651 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor OR DT-32004130 N/A N/A None
212652 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module OR CTK31062014 N/A N/A None
212653 Mindray Medical AG 6800-30-50502 Multigas Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CFA2C236366 N/A N/A None
212654 Zimmer Incorporated A.T.S. 1200 A.T.S. 1200 Pneumatic Tourniquet System OR 1213FACN 1142 2013 None
212655 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR 22205 1109 N/A None
212656 Stryker Corp. Core 5400-050 Shaver Controller, Instrument Driver, w/ Cart OR 717302293 1182 N/A None
212657 Valleylabs Inc. Force Triad Force Triad Electrosurgical Unit, W/ Cart and Foot Controls OR T9G12848E 1091 2009 None
212658 Ethicon Endo-Surgical LLC GEN11 GEN11 Surgical Driver, ESU, w/ Cart and Foot Control OR 1111139761 1476 2011 None
212659 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump OR 26487 None
212660 Karl Storz SC-WU26-A1515 SC-WU26-A1515 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Storz Tower OR 13-215966 1040 N/A None
212661 Karl Storz Thermoflator 26432020 Insufflator OR OW15614-B 1082 N/A None
212662 Karl Storz Telecam DX II 20205620 Camera Controller OR OW605477-T 1036 N/A None
212663 Karl Storz Xenon 300 201331-20 Light Source, EndoSkope, Xenon 300W OR RW0687994 1079 N/A None
212664 Karl Storz SCB Image 1 222000-20 Camera Controller, Head OR NW701893-P 1076 N/A None
212665 Sony UP-DR80MD UP-DR80MD Video Printer OR 88355 1073 N/A None
212666 Stryker Corp. Vision Elect HDTV 240-030-960 Video Monitor, 26 Inch, HD, Mounted on Stryker Tower OR VEH261B0180 1004 2011 None
212667 Stryker Corp. Pneumo Sure 620-040-610 Insufflator OR 1104CE095 1011 2011 None
212668 Stryker Corp. SDC Ultra/HD 240-050-988 Dig. Capture Device, Imaging Mgmt Sys, Endo Recorder OR 11D053944 1013 2011 None
212669 Stryker Corp. 1288HD 1288010000 High Definition Camera, Endoscopic OR 11D025844 1017 2011 None
212670 Stryker Corp. L9000 220210000 Light Source, Endoscopic, LED OR 11D042234 1021 2011 None
212671 Stryker Corp. SDP1000 SDP1000 Digital Color Printer OR 82225 1026 2011 None

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Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
212672 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39629 N/A N/A None
212673 Baxter International Inc. Infus O.R. Infus O.R. Syringe Pump OR 11070116SR N/A N/A None
212674 Steris Corp. Harmony LA 500 Surgical Lights, Old Bulb System OR 0409213055 N/A 2002 None
Surgical Table, Jackson w/ Proneview Platform (MdlD28700CE) &
212675 Mizuho OSI 5803 5803 OR 4030 1442 2004 None
Wilson Frame (Mdl 5321G), and Emergo Molenstraat 15
212676 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank OR NSN212676 N/A N/A None
212677 PEAK Surgical Inc. Pulsar II PS100-100 RF Generator, PEAK PlasmaBlade OR 13C22030 N/A 2013 None
212678 Stryker Corp. Core 5400-050 Shaver Controller, Instrument Driver, w/ Cart OR 717703203 1138 N/A None
212679 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump OR 32220 N/A N/A None
212680 Valleylabs Inc. Force FX-C Force FX-C Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR F1A16005A 1140 N/A None
212681 Medtronic Aquamantys System 40-402-1 Electrosurgical Unit OR TL200-4225 N/A N/A None
212682 Misonix, Inc. BoneScalpel BoneScalpel Bone Scalpel, Utrasonic Bone Dissector, w/ Stand Storage Corridor BC-0436-2012 1474 2012 None
212683 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor OR DT-32004159 N/A N/A None
212684 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module OR CTK31062033 N/A N/A None
212685 Mindray Medical AG 6800-30-50502 Multigas Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CFA2C236849 N/A N/A None
212686 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR 24305 N/A N/A None
212687 Luxtec Corp. 9300XSP 9300XSP Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, on Roll Stand OR 20905 1083 N/A None
212688 Zimmer Incorporated A.T.S. 750 A.T.S. 750 Pneumatic Tourniquet System OR AF010375 1180 N/A None
212689 Mindray Medical M7 UMT-300 Diagnostic Ultrasound, Portable OR NW-003588 1191 N/A None
212690 Steris Corp. QDJ06 QDJ06 Warming Cabinet, Dual Compartment OR 0420404069 N/A N/A None
Surgical Table, Jackson w/ Wilson Frame, Two Arm Pads and Two
212691 Mizuho OSI 5803 5803 OR 4651 1100 2006 None
Flat Panels
212692 Mizuho OSI 5803 5803 Surgical Table, Jackson w/Flat Board (Imaging Board) OR 8674 N/A 2013 None
212693 Steris Corp. Quantum 3085SP Surgical Table OR B419504115 1122 2003 None
212694 Mindray Medical Datascope Passport V Passport V Patient Monitor PACU PV02045-K9 1330 N/A None
212695 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 41454 N/A 2013 None
212696 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062952 N/A 2004 None
212697 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 42989 N/A 2013 None
212698 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062941 N/A 2004 None
212699 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 42893 N/A 2013 None
212700 Stryker Corp. 1069 1069 Stretcher PACU 0610 079547 N/A 2006 None
212701 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 41471 N/A 2013 None
212702 Pedigo 540-2 540-2 Stretcher PACU 21806 1326 N/A None
212703 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 42977 N/A 2013 None
212704 Hill Rom Transtar P8000 Procedural Stretcher PACU 73D0000FJS N/A N/A None
212705 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 42981 N/A 2013 None
212706 Hill Rom Transtar P8000 Procedural Stretcher PACU C093AN7044 1310 N/A None
212708 Steris Corp. Quantum 3085SP Surgical Table OR B419504107 1084 N/A None
212709 Mizuho OSI 5803 5803 Surgical Table, Jackson w/Flat Board (Imaging Board) OR 8675 1219 N/A None
212710 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PACU DT-2B003657 1235 2012 None
212711 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 42973 N/A 2013 None
212712 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 26485 N/A N/A None
212713 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PACU DT-2B003669 1239 2012 None
212714 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PACU CTK2A057510 N/A N/A None
212715 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PACU CTK2A057463 N/A N/A None
212716 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 41467 N/A 2013 None
212717 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 32208 N/A N/A None
212718 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PACU DT-2B003702 1237 2012 None
212719 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PACU CTK28055282 N/A N/A None
212720 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 41459 N/A 2013 None
212721 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 26520 N/A N/A None
212722 Datascope Corp. Datascope Passport V Passport V Patient Monitor PACU PV02250-K9 1232 N/A None
212723 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 32698 N/A N/A None
212724 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PACU DT-2B003644 1238 2012 None
212725 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PACU CTK2A057522 N/A N/A None
212726 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 41450 N/A 2013 None
212727 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 32696 N/A N/A None
212728 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PACU DT-2B003737 1236 2012 None
212729 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PACU CTK2A057495 N/A N/A None
212730 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU 41483 N/A 2013 None
212731 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 32261 N/A N/A None
212732 Datascope Corp. Datascope Passport V Passport V Patient Monitor PACU PV01547-I9 1234 N/A None
212733 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 26506 N/A N/A None
212734 Datascope Corp. Passport 2 Passport 2 Patient Monitor PACU TS10279417 N/A 2003 None
212735 Datascope Corp. Gas Module SE 0998-00-0481-01 Respiratory Gas Module PACU 6286350-F7 N/A N/A None
212736 Datascope Corp. Datascope Passport V Passport V Patient Monitor PACU PV02044-K9 1240 N/A None
212737 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062948 N/A 2004 None
212738 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher Private Pre-Op 0406 062949 N/A 2004 None
212739 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062950 N/A 2004 None
212740 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062944 N/A 2004 None
212741 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU Isolation 0406 062947 N/A 2004 None
212742 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062945 N/A 2004 None
212743 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher PACU 0406 062942 N/A 2004 None
212744 Hill Rom Transtar P8000 Procedural Stretcher PACU 73D0000FJV N/A N/A None
212745 Steris Corp. QDJ06 QDJ06 Warming Cabinet PACU 0419804033 N/A N/A None
212746 DeVilbiss Healthcare LLC Vacu-Aide 7305P-D Suction Pump PACU PD190170 N/A N/A None
212747 Hill Rom Transtar P8000 Procedural Stretcher PACU 73D0000DVX N/A N/A None
212748 Verathon Medical GlideScope GlideScope Video Laryngoscope PACU PM101897 N/A N/A None
212749 Philips Healthcare Trilogy 202 1040007 Ventilator PACU TV013020414 127 2013 None
212750 Respironics System One System One CPAP PACU P086946819047 121 N/A None
212751 Medtronic Lifepak 20 Defibrillator / Monitor PACU 33594451 N/A 2007 None
212752 Medtronic Lifepak 20 Defibrillator / Monitor OR 34071237 N/A 2006 None
212753 DeVilbiss Healthcare LLC Vacu-Aide 7305P-D Suction Pump PACU PD350662 N/A N/A None
212754 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart PACU Isolation 41479 N/A 2013 None
212755 Datascope Corp. Datascope Passport V Passport V Patient Monitor PACU Isolation PV02011-K9 1233 N/A None
212756 Stryker Corp. 1105 1105 5th Wheel Stretcher PACU 1208 031203 N/A 2012 None
212757 Hill Rom Transtar P8000 Procedural Stretcher PACU C093AN7043 N/A N/A Feb 19 2016
212758 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 41463 N/A 2013 None
212759 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 41458 N/A 2013 None
212760 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 42889 N/A 2013 None
212761 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 41455 N/A 2013 None
212762 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 41475 N/A 2013 None
212763 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 41457 N/A 2013 None
212764 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 42985 N/A 2013 None
212765 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Paws 875 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart Private Pre-Op 42993 N/A 2013 None
212766 Stryker Corp. 1105 1105 5th Wheel Stretcher Private Pre-Op 1208 031162 N/A 2012 None
212767 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher Private Pre-Op 0406 062946 N/A 2004 None
212768 Hill Rom Transtar P8000 Procedural Stretcher Pre-Op 73D0000DVY N/A N/A None
212769 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher Private Pre-Op 0406 062951 N/A 2004 None
212770 Stryker Corp. 1007 1007 Stretcher Pre-Op 0406 062943 1307 2004 None
212771 Mindray Medical Accutorr V Accutorr V Vital Signs Monitor, w/ Stand Private Pre-Op A7518801G2 1244 N/A None
212772 Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 692 Electronic Thermometer PSU 2nd Flr 7445034 N/A N/A None
212773 Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 692 Electronic Thermometer PSU 2nd Flr 143313979 N/A N/A None
212774 Mindray Medical Accutorr V Accutorr V Vital Signs Monitor PSU 2nd Flr A752024412 N/A N/A None
212775 Mindray Medical Accutorr V Accutorr V Vital Signs Monitor PSU 2nd Flr A7518791G2 N/A N/A None
212776 Respironics System One System One CPAP PSU 2nd Flr P08674805 129 N/A None
212777 Philips Healthcare Trilogy 202 1040007 Ventilator PSU 2nd Flr TV013020415 1287 2013 None
212778 Respironics System One System One CPAP PSU 2nd Flr P08964696 128 N/A None

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Case 15-42373-rfn11 Doc 544-1 Filed 10/26/15 Entered 10/26/15 19:21:22 Page 9 of 42

Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
212779 Welch Allyn Spot Vital Signs Monitor 42NTB, 420 Series NIBP Monitor PSU 2nd Flr 200717829 N/A 2007 None
212780 Verathon Medical BladderScan BVI 3000 Bladder Scanner PSU 2nd Flr B3104603 N/A N/A None
212781 BCI, Inc. Mini-Torr Plus Mini-Torr Plus Suction Pump PSU 2nd Flr 700655007 N/A N/A None
212782 Alcor Scientific Inc. Sentinel S-1000-SI Enteral Feeding Pump PSU 2nd Flr 24792 N/A N/A None
212783 Hospira Corp. LifeCare PCA 3 LifeCare PCA 3 PCA Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12932332 N/A N/A None
212784 Nellcor Incorp. N-395 N-395 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G01801597 N/A 2003 None
212785 Nellcor Incorp. N-395 N-395 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G01801790 N/A 2003 None
212786 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059608 N/A N/A None
212787 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059541 N/A N/A None
212788 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059594 N/A N/A None
212789 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059597 N/A N/A None
212790 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059601 N/A N/A None
212791 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059600 N/A N/A None
212792 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059613 N/A N/A None
212793 Mindray Medical MPM 115-013386-00 Multi-parameter Module PSU 2nd Flr CTK2B059598 N/A N/A None
212794 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003858 N/A 2013 None
212795 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31004160 N/A 2013 None
212796 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003869 N/A 2013 None
212797 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003852 N/A 2013 None
212798 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003905 N/A 2013 None
212799 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003926 N/A 2013 None
212800 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003906 N/A 2013 None
212801 Mindray Medical DPM6 DPM6 Patient Monitor PSU 2nd Flr DT-31003903 N/A 2013 None
212802 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13341 N/A 2004 None
212803 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13347 N/A 2004 None
212804 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13338 N/A 2004 None
212805 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13343 N/A 2004 None
212806 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13335 N/A 2004 None
212807 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13345 N/A 2004 None
212808 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13337 N/A 2004 None
212809 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13348 N/A 2004 None
212810 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13336 N/A 2004 None
212811 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13339 N/A 2004 None
212812 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13344 N/A 2004 None
212813 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13346 N/A 2004 None
212814 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13342 N/A 2004 None
212815 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13340 N/A 2004 None
212816 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13334 N/A 2004 None
212817 Stryker Corp. Go Bed FL20E Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr C13333 N/A 2004 None
212818 Hospira Corp. LifeCare PCA 3 LifeCare PCA 3 PCA Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12932311 N/A N/A None
212819 Hospira Corp. LifeCare PCA 3 LifeCare PCA 3 PCA Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12932501 N/A N/A None
212820 Hospira Corp. LifeCare PCA 3 LifeCare PCA 3 PCA Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12932492 N/A N/A None
212821 Hospira Corp. LifeCare PCA 3 LifeCare PCA 3 PCA Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12932238 N/A N/A None
212822 Stryker Corp. Secure II 3002S3EX Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr 070217548 N/A 2007 None
212823 Stryker Corp. Secure II 3002S3EX Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr 070215477 N/A 2007 None
212824 Stryker Corp. Secure II 3002S3EX Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr 070215495 N/A 2007 None
212825 Hospira Corp. LifeCare PCA 3 LifeCare PCA 3 PCA Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12931814 N/A N/A None
212826 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 17438698 N/A 2011 None
212827 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12717522 N/A 2011 None
212828 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12676538 N/A 2011 None
212829 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12676436 N/A 2011 None
212830 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12716540 N/A 2011 None
212831 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12673646 N/A 2011 None
212832 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12679716 N/A 2011 None
212833 Abbott Labs Plum A+ Plum A+ Infusion Pump PSU 2nd Flr 12673973 N/A 2011 None
212834 Medtronic Lifepak 20 Defibrillator / Monitor PSU 2nd Flr 39309447 N/A N/A None
212835 DeVilbiss Healthcare LLC Vacu-Aide 7305D-D Suction Pump PSU 2nd Flr PD190169 N/A N/A None
212836 Welch Allyn CP 100 CP 100 Electrocardiograph PSU 2nd Flr 10008727 N/A N/A None
212837 Medline Industries, Inc. 600EL 600EL Patient Lift w/ Scale PSU 2nd Flr 600EL13100059 N/A N/A None
212838 Nellcor Incorp. N-595 N-595 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G03841355 N/A N/A None
212839 Stryker Corp. Secure II 3002S3EX Patient Bed PSU 2nd Flr 0702 17535 N/A 2007 None
212840 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CV-190 Video System Center Procedure Rooms 7264990 N/A N/A None
212841 Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III CLV-190 Light Source Procedure Rooms 7235168 N/A N/A None
212842 Olympus Corp. UCR UCR CO2 Insufflator Procedure Rooms 7227712 N/A N/A None
212843 Olympus Corp. OEP-5 OEP-5 Video Printer Procedure Rooms A212052 N/A N/A None
212844 Boston Scientific Endo Stat 3 Endo Stat 3 Electrosurgical Unit Pre-Op 5101 N/A N/A None
212845 NDS Displays SC-WU32-A1511 SC-WU32-A1511 Video Monitor Pre-Op 12-213051 N/A N/A None
212846 Datascope Corp. Passport 2 Passport 2 Patient Monitor on Anesthesia Machine Procedure Rooms TS10284217 N/A N/A None
212847 Datascope Corp. Gas Module SE 0998-00-0481-01 Respiratory Gas Module Procedure Rooms 6294330-G7 N/A N/A None
212848 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank Pre-Op NSN212848 N/A N/A None
212849 American Medical Vari Vue 924D View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank Pre-Op NSN212849 N/A N/A None
212850 Stryker Corp. WiSe 26" WiSe 26" Wireless HDTV Monitor Pre-Op VHW261C0160 1005 2011 None
212851 Datascope Corp. Passport 2 Passport 2 Patient Monitor on Anesthesia Machine Procedure Rooms TS12841-G7 N/A N/A None
212852 Datascope Corp. Gas Module SE 0998-00-0481-01 Respiratory Gas Module Procedure Rooms 6294324-G7 N/A N/A None
212853 BCI, Inc. Mini-Torr Plus Mini-Torr Plus Suction Pump Private Pre-Op 702468083 N/A N/A None
212854 Welch Allyn CP 100 CP 100 Electrocardiograph Pre-Op 10020863 N/A N/A None
212855 Mindray Medical Datascope Accutorr V Vital Signs Monitor Pre-Op A7520676J2 1245 N/A None
212856 Welch Allyn CP 100 CP 100 Electrocardiograph Private Pre-Op 10009214 N/A N/A None
212857 Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 692 Electronic Thermometer PSU 2nd Flr 14331988 N/A N/A None
212858 Nellcor Incorp. N-395 N-395 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G01801901 N/A 2001 None
212859 Nellcor Incorp. N-595 N-595 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G03818291 N/A 2003 None
212860 Wells Johnson Hercules Hercules Suction Pump OR Corridor 2940702 N/A N/A None
212861 MDResource K Pump K Pump Infiltration Pump, Used with Hercules Liposuction OR Corridor KP-060109-1 N/A N/A None
212862 Siemens Healthcare BFT II Lab Incubator Lab F 03 3 8818 N/A N/A None
212863 Nellcor Incorp. N-595 N-595 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G03846017 N/A N/A None
212864 Nellcor Incorp. OxiMax N-600x Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G08835949 N/A 2008 None
212865 Nikon Inc Labophot Labophot Microscope Lab 244609 N/A N/A None
212866 Accumetrics VerifyNow System 85005-6 Lab Analyzers Lab 5672 N/A N/A None
212867 Bayer Healthcare CLINITEK Status CLINITEK Status Urine Analyzer Lab 13BY6075 N/A 2015 None
212868 Drucker Co Int 614B 614B Centrifuge Lab 161112-127 N/A N/A None
212869 Jewett Instruments CT1-1B18 CT1-1B18 Blood Bank Refrigerator Lab Z150108196Z0 N/A N/A None
212870 Summit Appliance FS-62 FS-62 Freezer Lab 2009030000069 N/A 2009 None
212871 Electrolux International Kelvinator KGM220RHY3 Refrigerator, Kelvinator, 19 Cu Ft. Lab WA31501653 N/A 2013 None
212872 Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform II Glucometer, with Charging Base Lab UU13122769 N/A N/A None
212873 Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform II Glucometer, with Charging Base ER UU13122794 N/A N/A None
212874 Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform II Glucometer, with Charging Base PACU UU13122774 N/A N/A None
212875 Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform II Glucometer, with Charging Base Pre-Op UU13122792 N/A N/A None
212876 Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform II Glucometer, with Charging Base PSU 2nd Flr UU13122772 N/A N/A None
212877 So-low Environ. Equip Co DHF4-27GD DHF4-27GD Laboratory Refrigerator Lab K0607834F N/A N/A None
212878 Olympus Corp. BX41 BX41 Microscope Lab 0B15553 N/A N/A None
212879 Ames Div Miles Lab Tissue-Tek II 4553 Cryostat Lab 3407 N/A N/A None
212880 IRMA TruPoint TruPoint Blood Analysis System Lab 44506 N/A N/A None
212881 Thermo Fisher-scientific Revco CxF ULT-390-10-A Bone Freezer Lab 826764-363 N/A N/A None
212882 Valleylabs Inc. Force FX-C Force FX-C Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR F1B16475A N/A N/A None
212883 Valleylabs Inc. Force 2 Force 2-20PC Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR F2I19585T 1117 N/A None
212884 Elliquence Surgi-max iec4-sm120 Electrosurgical Generator OR 9695 N/A N/A None
212885 Acmi VC-10 VC-10 Vacuum Curettage System OR V05J1974 N/A N/A None
212886 Stryker Corp. RF MultiGen 0406-900-000 RF Generator OR LES6632 N/A N/A None

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Case 15-42373-rfn11 Doc 544-1 Filed 10/26/15 Entered 10/26/15 19:21:22 Page 10 of 42

Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
212887 Zeiss - Carl OPMI Pentero OPMI Pentero Neuro-Microscope OR 6331441327 N/A N/A None
212888 Baylis Medical PMG-115-TD PMG-115-TD Pain Management Generator OR 041905-003 1144 N/A None
212889 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia, Desflurane Anesthetic OR AETL03032 N/A N/A None
212890 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia, Sevoflurane Anesthetic OR BEJP10540 N/A N/A None
212891 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia, Desflurane Anesthetic OR AETH43018 N/A N/A None
212892 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia, Sevoflurane Anesthetic OR BEJL10440 N/A N/A None
212893 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia, Desflurane Anesthetic OR AETF08044 N/A N/A None
212894 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia, Sevoflurane Anesthetic OR BEJP08855 N/A N/A None
212895 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia, Desflurane Anesthetic OR AETN39001 N/A N/A None
212896 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia, Sevoflurane Anesthetic OR BEJL10469 N/A N/A None
212897 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia, Desflurane Anesthetic OR AESS10038 N/A N/A None
212898 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia, Sevoflurane Anesthetic OR BEJP10527 N/A N/A None
212899 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia, Desflurane Anesthetic OR AESS10028 N/A N/A None
212900 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia, Sevoflurane Anesthetic OR BEJL10434 N/A N/A None
212901 Mindray Medical AG 6800-30-50502 Multigas Module on Anesthesia Machine OR CFA33240247 N/A N/A None
212902 Stryker Corp. Neptune Rover 700-1 Fluid Waste Management System, Rover OR 319800953 N/A N/A None
212903 Ultra Clean Systems, Inc. 1100 1100 Ultrasonic Cleaner, Countertop SPD 1310-11010553 N/A N/A None
212904 Sterrad ASP 58C ASP 58C Lab Incubator SPD 511072194 N/A N/A None
212905 Sterrad Sterrad NX 00-10033-2-001 Plasma Sterilizer SPD 33111313 N/A N/A None
212906 3M Healthcare Attest Auto-Reader 190 Lab Incubator SPD 229347 N/A N/A None
212907 Mac Medical DWC24-18 DWC24-18 Warming Cabinet SPD 51206701 1497 N/A None
212908 Datex Ohmeda TEC 6 Plus TEC 6 Plus Vaporizer Anesthesia Procedure Rooms AETM21078 N/A N/A None
212909 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia Procedure Rooms BEJL10382 N/A N/A None
212910 Datex Ohmeda TEC 7 TEC 7 Vaporizer Anesthesia Procedure Rooms BEJL10444 N/A N/A None
212911 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 32216 N/A N/A None
212912 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 27150 N/A N/A None
212913 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 26537 N/A N/A None
212914 Currie Medical Specialties ALP 501 ALP 501 Alternating Leg Pressure Pump PACU 27145 N/A N/A None
212915 Mindray Medical Datascope Passport V Passport V Patient Monitor PACU PV01567-I9 N/A N/A None
212916 Arizant Healthcare Inc. Bair Hugger 775 Patient Warmer, w/ Cart OR 39623 N/A N/A None
212917 Steris Corp. AMSCO Examiner 10 Exam Light ER 0422304061 N/A N/A None
212918 Medline Industries, Inc. Sphymomanometer M13 Sphymomanometer ER 293470 N/A N/A None
212919 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device ER GFHH09441 N/A N/A None
212920 Welch Allyn Tycos Tycos Sphygmomanometer ER 70820074236 N/A N/A None
212921 Precision Medical PM3300 PM3300 Intermittent Vacuum Regulator PACU 200702 N/A N/A None
212922 Precision Medical PM3300 PM3300 Intermittent Vacuum Regulator PACU 200589 N/A N/A None
212923 Precision Medical PM3300 PM3300 Intermittent Vacuum Regulator PACU 200701 N/A N/A None
212925 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09454 N/A N/A None
212926 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09444 N/A N/A None
212927 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09440 N/A N/A None
212928 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09435 N/A N/A None
212929 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09434 N/A N/A None
212931 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09443 N/A N/A None
212932 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PACU GFHH09449 N/A N/A None
212935 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device OR GFHH09457 N/A N/A None
212936 Precision Medical PM3100 PM3100 Continuous Vacuum Regulator OR 124306 N/A N/A None
212937 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device OR GFHH09458 N/A N/A None
212938 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device OR GFHH09439 1202 N/A None
212939 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device OR GFHH09442 N/A N/A None
212940 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device OR GFHH09445 N/A N/A None
212941 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09459 N/A N/A None
212942 Precision Medical PM3100 PM3100 Continuous Vacuum Regulator OR 124322 N/A N/A None
212943 Precision Medical PM3100 PM3100 Continuous Vacuum Regulator OR 124302 N/A N/A None
212944 Precision Medical PM3100 PM3100 Continuous Vacuum Regulator OR 124414 N/A N/A None
212945 Precision Medical PM50 PM50 Aircompressor/Dryer OR 124444 N/A N/A None
212946 Precision Medical PM3100 PM3100 Continuous Vacuum Regulator OR 124321 N/A N/A None
212948 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09425 N/A N/A None
212949 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09446 N/A N/A None
212950 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09428 N/A N/A None
212951 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09447 N/A N/A None
212952 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09448 N/A N/A None
212953 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09460 N/A N/A None
212954 Datex Ohmeda Continuous S-6701-1224 Wall Suction Regulator Pre-Op GFHK4755 N/A N/A None
212955 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09450 N/A N/A None
212956 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device Pre-Op GFHH09452 N/A N/A None
212957 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PSU 2nd Flr GFHH09424 N/A N/A None
212958 Detecto Scales DR660 DR660 Bariatric Scale PSU 2nd Flr C11010209 N/A N/A None
212960 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PSU 2nd Flr GFFJ34625 N/A N/A None
212961 Datex Ohmeda Vacuum Regulator Vacuum Regulator Suction Wall Device PSU 2nd Flr GFHH09451 N/A N/A None
D500210 Gyrus ACMI DCN-1500 DCN-1500 Video Processor, Endoscopy OR 040000306 N/A N/A None
D500211 Gyrus ACMI 744000 744000 Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR 0920281 N/A 2009 None
D500614 OrthoScan C-Arm, Small HD10004-0004-FDOR Mini C-Arm OR SH0137 N/A 2013 None
D500615 OrthoScan C-Arm, Small HD10004-0004-FDOR Mini C-Arm OR SH0116 N/A 2013 None
N/A Aurora Storage Products Mobile Shelving Mobile Shelving Mobile Shelving, Med Records in Admin Admin None N/A N/A None
N/A Whirlpool Inc. Dishwasher Dishwasher Dishwasher Admin None N/A N/A None
N/A Dansby Refrigerator, NonClin Refrigerator, NonClin Refrigerator, Undercounter Admin None N/A N/A None
N/A Kuerig Rivo Rivo Coffee Maker, K-Cup Admin None N/A N/A None
N/A GE Healthcare Flexi-Holder II E6314J Detector and Cassette Stand CT Room None N/A N/A None
N/A GE Healthcare Optima XR220AMX 5555000-5 Portable X-Ray Unit, Fully Digital CT Room 1031524WK0 N/A 2013 None
N/A Medrad Inc Stellant SCT-210 Injection System, Dual Syringe, w/ Pedestal Head Mount CT Room 3014226 62311 N/A N/A None
N/A Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart, Fully Stocked CT Room None N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Harmony Pro 6550 Computer Mobile Cart CT Room 59584 N/A N/A None
N/A Eaton Power Supply 9355-15-14GE Power Supply, Backup Power for CT Machine CT Room BG193JBA14 N/A N/A None
N/A American Medical Clear Vue3 Clear Vue3 View Box, Film Illuminator, 4 Bank, Slanted, Qty x 3 Dictation None N/A N/A None
N/A Detecto Scale DR660 Scale, Digital, Adult Weight Dress Room C11010309 N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Shelf Wire Shelf Wire Shelves, 18" x 36", Qty of 7 Dry Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A ServoLift ServoLift ServoLift Dinner Serving Cart Dry Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A 3DISC FireCR FireCR Computed Radiography (CR) Scanner ER FR01121108115259 N/A 2012 None
N/A Supply Cart Supply Cart Supply Cart Supply Cart, General Supplies, Tape, Scissors, Fully Stocked ER None N/A N/A None
N/A Stainless Equipment Prep Stand Prep Stand Prep Stand, Qty of 2 ER None N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance 16-7953 Wheelchair, 22" W Seat ER E700052 N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Harmony Pro 6550 Computer Mobile Cart ER 59585 N/A N/A None
N/A Del Medical 5680 5680 X-Ray Table ER 03488-0804 N/A 2004 None
N/A Del Medical VS200 VS200 X-Ray Wall Stand ER 03404-0804 N/A 2004 None
N/A Del Medical DFMTS 110-5033G1 X-Ray Tube Stand ER 03343-0804 N/A 2004 None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Omni Rx Half-Cell G4 MDA-FRM-004 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet ER Storage 93303 N/A 2013 None
N/A Black & Decker Refrigerator, NonClin BCF27B Refrigerator, Lockable, Undercounter, 2.7 Cubic Ft. ER Storage BKA7K2833 N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Shelf Wire Shelf Wire Shelf, 18" x 48", Qty of 1 ER Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A Broselow Cart Broselow Cart Broselow Cart Broselow Cart, Fully Stocked ER Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart, Fully Stocked ER Storage None N/A N/A None
(1) Stool w/Back, (1) Stool W/O Back, (1) Large Red Bio Hazard
N/A Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment ER Storage None N/A N/A None
Waste Container
N/A Overbed Table Overbed Table Overbed Table Overbed Table Qty of 1 ER Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A Blood Draw Chair Blood Draw Chair Blood Draw Chair Blood Draw Chair Qty of 1 ER Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Omni Rx Half-Cell G4 MDA-FRM-004 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet ER Storage 93626 N/A 2013 None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Omni Rx Half-Cell G4 MDA-FRM-004 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet ER Storage 93625 N/A 2013 None
N/A Modulus Data Systems DIFFCOUNT III 10308 Electronic Differential Cell Counter, 8 Channel Lab 339086 N/A N/A None
N/A DADE BEHRING BFT II Analyzer BFT II Analyzer Analyzer, Coagulation Lab G0475033 N/A N/A None

Page 5 of 9
Case 15-42373-rfn11 Doc 544-1 Filed 10/26/15 Entered 10/26/15 19:21:22 Page 11 of 42

Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
N/A Siemens Healthcare Dimension EXL 200 Integrated Chemistry System Lab DE270945 N/A N/A None
N/A Beckman Coulter Inc. Coulter Ac-T diff 6706366 Hematology Analyzer Lab AC08396 N/A N/A None
N/A EMD Millimore AFS 8D Essential AFS 8D Essential Water Purification System Lab F3DA64601A N/A N/A None
N/A Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform 03035 / 23971 Glucometer, with Charging Base Lab UJ66062546 N/A 2010 None
N/A Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform 03035 / 23971 Glucometer, with Charging Base Lab UJ86014001 N/A 2010 None
N/A Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform 03035 / 23971 Glucometer, with Charging Base Lab UJ66062542 N/A 2010 None
N/A Roche/Cobas Accu-Chek Inform 03035 / 23971 Glucometer, with Charging Base Lab UJ66062534 N/A 2010 None
N/A Blood Draw Chair Blood Draw Chair Blood Draw Chair Blood Draw Chair Lab None N/A N/A None
N/A Sears Craftsman 706 659090 Toolbox, 9 Drawers Lab None N/A N/A None
N/A Electrolux International Kelvinator KRS220RHY3 Refrigerator, Kelvinator, 19 Cu Ft. Nourish 2nd FL WA23902172 N/A 2004 None
N/A Amana Microwave RCS10DS Microwave, 1.2 Cu Ft Nourish 2nd FL N/A N/A 2012 None
N/A Follett Corp. Symphony Series Symphony Series Ice Machine, Countertop Nourish 2nd FL N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Whirlpool Inc. Refrigerator Refrigerator Refrigerator, 21 Cu Ft Nourishment ER2620796 1279 2004 None
N/A Amana Microwave RCS10DS Microwave, 1.2 Cu Ft Nourishment N/A 1280 2012 None
N/A Follett Corp. Symphony Series Symphony Series Ice Machine, Countertop Nourishment N/A 1281 N/A None
N/A Bunn-O-Matic Corp. VP17-3 VP17-3 Coffee Maker, 3 Warmers, 60 Cups Per Hr Output Nourishment VP17130799 1278 N/A None
N/A AccuVein AccuVein AV 400 Vein Illumination Device, w/ Charging Base and Roll Stand Nurse Station AV13160120 N/A N/A None
N/A Armstrong Medical Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart, Fully Supplied OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Biodex X-Ray Shield X-Ray Shield X-Ray Stand, Clear Shield, Lead OR None N/A N/A None
N/A ConMed ESU System 5000 Electrosurgical Unit, with Cart and Foot Controls OR 04FGP112 N/A N/A None
N/A ConMed ESU System 5000 Electrosurgical Unit, with Cart and Foot Controls OR 05MGP115 N/A N/A None
N/A FHC Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinet, 2-Door, Glass Doors, Stainless Steel OR None 1120 N/A None
N/A FHC Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinet, 2-Door, Glass Doors, Stainless Steel OR None N/A N/A None
N/A FHC Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinet, 2-Door, Glass Doors, SS, Wide OR None N/A N/A None
N/A FHC Work Bench Work Bench Work Bench, Computer, Drawers, Stainless Steel OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Lysonix Inc. Aspirator Pump Series 250, 2050-50 Aspirator Pump, Used with Lysonix Irrigator OR 00328 N/A N/A None
N/A Lysonix Inc. Irrigator Pump 250 Irrigator, LY-250 Irrigator, Used with Lysonix Liposuction Machine OR 0007 N/A N/A None
N/A Lysonix Inc. Liposuction Machine LY-2000 Cosmetic Ultrasonic Surgical System Generator OR 1044 N/A N/A None
N/A Mizuho OSI OR Table Access. OR Table Access. Jackson OR Table Hip Pad Set OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Soiled Hamper Soiled Hamper Soiled Linen Hamper - Qty of 2 OR None 1463 N/A None
N/A Sharps Container Sharps Container Sharps Container Floor Sharps - Qty of 3 OR None N/A N/A None
N/A X-Ray Holder X-Ray Holders X-Ray Holders X-Ray stands - Qty of 2 OR None 1467-1466 N/A None
N/A Pedigo Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment (4) IV Poles, (2) Mayo Stands, (1) Double Decker Large Table OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz AIDA HD Connect 202055-20 Camera Controller OR ZX7605231-T 1038 N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Workstation G4 ANT-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Portable Workstation OR 93080 1174 2013 None
N/A Armstrong Medical Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart, Fully Supplied OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Workstation G4 ANT-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Portable Workstation OR 93083 1106 2013 None
N/A Armstrong Medical Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart, Fully Supplied OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Workstation G4 ANT-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Portable Workstation OR 93082 1221 2013 None
N/A Armstrong Medical Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart, Fully Supplied OR None N/A N/A None

(1) Stool w/Back, (1) Stool W/O Back, (1) Kick Bucket, (2) Step
N/A Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stools, (2) Linen Hampers, (2) Mayo Stands, (2) Basin Stands, (1) OR None N/A N/A None
24x48 Back Table, (2) IV Poles, (2) Floor Sharps, (1) Prep Stand

(1) Stool w/Back, (1) Stool W/O Back, (1) Kick Bucket, (4) Step
Stools, (2) Linen Hampers, (2) Mayo Stands, (2) Basin Stands, (1)
N/A Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment OR None N/A N/A None
18x48 Back Table, (2) IV Poles, (1) Overbed Table, (1) Prep Stand,
(1) Tank Cart
N/A Omnicell Inc. Workstation G4 ANT-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Portable Workstation OR 93081 N/A 2013 None
N/A Armstrong Medical Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart, Fully Supplied OR None N/A N/A None
N/A Allen Medical Stirrups Yellow Fins Yellow Fin Stirrups, w/ Cart OR A283985 N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. Serfas 279-000-000 RF Generator, Ablation System OR 07F057204 1213 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. I-Switch 277-200-100 Foot Control, Wireless OR 07C016104 1214 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. I-Switch 277-200-100 Foot Control, Wireless OR 07C015994 N/A 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. SDP1000 SDP1000 Digital Color Printer OR 891186 N/A 2014 None
N/A Smiths Medical Asd, Inc. Equator Warmer EQ-5000 Convective Warmer System OR 2004 1446 N/A 2004 None
N/A Smiths Medical Asd, Inc. Equator Warmer EQ-5000 Convective Warmer System OR S10004906 N/A 2010 None
N/A Siemens Healthcare BFT II Analyzer BFT II Analyzer Analyzer, Coagulation OR 222.8287 N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. FloSteady 350-800-001 Arthroscopy Pump, Fluid Management System, w/ Stand OR 1011CE682 N/A 2010 None
N/A Stryker Corp. FloSteady 350-800-001 Arthroscopy Pump, Fluid Management System, w/ Stand OR 1206CE485 N/A 2012 None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Workstation G4 ANT-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Portable Workstation OR 93079 1445 2013 None
N/A Armstrong Medical Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart Anesthesia Cart, Fully Supplied OR none N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. X7000 220-190-000 Light Source, Xenon, 300W OR 04F039034 N/A 2004 None
N/A Stryker Corp. 1188 HD 1188-210-105 High Definition Camera, Head OR 07F054814 N/A 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. 1188 HD 1188-210-105 High Definition Camera, Head OR 07F054994 N/A 2007 None
N/A Sony A5 UP51MD Printer, Color Video OR 10573 N/A N/A None
N/A Gomco 3020 3020 Aspirator Pump - Non-Functing OR E1-2233 N/A N/A None
N/A Fischer RX-69 RX-69 Imaging Table OR 1-05-93-031 N/A 1993 None
N/A Stryker Corp. X8000 220-200-000 Light Source, Xenon, 300W OR 06J033674 N/A 2006 None
N/A Stryker Corp. X8000 220-200-000 Light Source, Xenon, 300W OR 07F022974 N/A 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. 350-357-000 350-357-000 Arthroscopy Pump OR 0401CE420 N/A 2004 None
N/A Stryker Corp. 350-357-000 350-357-000 Arthroscopy Pump OR 0401CE425 N/A 2004 None
N/A Stryker Corp. 350-402-000 350-402-000 Arthroscopy Pump OR 0504CE416 N/A 2005 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Serfas 279-000-000 RF Generator, Ablation System OR 07E031894 N/A 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. I-Switch 277-200-100 Foot Control, Wireless OR 07E004964 N/A 2007 None
N/A Smiths Medical Asd, Inc. Equator Warmer EQ-5000 Convective Warmer System OR 2004 0533 N/A 2004 None
N/A Products for Medicine White Sun XL300 Light Source, Headlamp System, Xenon, 300W OR P1192088 N/A N/A None
N/A ConMed Linvatec 24K Arthroscopy Pump, Fluid Management System, w/ Stand OR None N/A N/A None
N/A DAVOL Hydroflex 0025800 Irrigation Pump, w/ Stand OR XA10863 1211 N/A None
N/A HAEMONETICS Cell Saver Elite CSE-E Autotransfusion System, w/ Cart and IV Poles OR 11D177 N/A N/A None
N/A Valleylabs Inc. Force FX Force FX Electrosurgical Unit, w/ Cart and Foot Controls OR CF1B16475A 1181 N/A None
N/A Mizuho OSI Ultra Shoulder Positioner 5338-24 Shoulder Positioner, with Shoulder Positioner Cart OR None N/A 2013 None
N/A Medivators Transport Cart 78400-987 Cart, Scope Transport Cart, 5 Shleves, Scope Containers OR None 1492 N/A None
N/A Medtronic Midas Rex Legend Midas Rex Legend Pneumatic Instrument System OR B2328-05 1162 N/A None

(1) Stool w/Back, (1) Stool W/O Back, (1) Kick Bucket, (4) Step
N/A Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stools, (2) Linen Hampers, (3) Mayo Stands, (1) Basin Stands, (1) OR None N/A N/A None
18x48 Back Table, (1) IV Pole, (1) Overbed Table, (3) Prep Stand

N/A Future Health Scrub Sink Amsco Flexmatic Scrub Sink, Two Stattions, Knee Activated Panels OR Corridor 54099-022 1501 N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. One-Cell Rx G4 MDA-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet OR Corridor 93302 N/A N/A None
N/A Sanyo Refrigerator SR-2570W Refrigerator, Lockable, Undercounter, 2.5 Cubic Ft. OR Corridor 020509877 N/A N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Scrub Sink Amsco Flexmatic Scrub Sink, Two Stattions, Knee Activated Panels OR Corridor 0415404028 1500 N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Scrub Sink Amsco Flexmatic Scrub Sink, Two Stattions, Knee Activated Panels OR Corridor 0415304027 1499 N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Scrub Sink Amsco Flexmatic Scrub Sink, Two Stattions, Knee Activated Panels OR Corridor 0417004055 1498 N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Scrub Sink Amsco Flexmatic Scrub Sink, Two Stattions, Knee Activated Panels OR Corridor 0417504082 1502 N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Scrub Sink Amsco Flexmatic Scrub Sink, Two Stattions, Knee Activated Panels OR Corridor 0416804037 1503 N/A None
N/A Hettich Lab Technology Rotofix 32A Centrifuge OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Hologic NovaSure NovaSure RF Controller, Endometrial Ablation System OR Corridor CSP3167 N/A N/A None
N/A Ethicon Gynecare ThermaChoice II EAS200-1 Uterine Balloon Therapy System OR Corridor R24613 N/A N/A None
N/A Lead Apron Hanging Rack Lead Apron Hanging Rack Apron Hanging Rack Hanging Rack, Total Qty of 5 Hanging Racks OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Lead Aprons Lead Aprons Lead Aprons Lead Shields, Qty of 47 Body Shields and 13 Thyroids OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Ethicon Suture Cart Suture Cart Suture Cart OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Pedigo Space Station Table CDS-3072 Space Station Back Table OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Justrite MFG Flammable Safe 893300 Flammable Safety Cabinet, 30 Gallon, 1 Shelf OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Difficult Intubation Cart Difficult Intubation Cart Difficult Intubation Cart Difficult Intubation Cart, Fully Stocked OR Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Datascope Corp. Gas Module SE 0998-00-0481-01 Respiratory Gas Module PACU 6294327-G7 N/A N/A None
N/A Datascope Corp. Passport 2 Passport 2 Patient Monitor PACU TS10278617 N/A N/A None
N/A Datascope Corp. Passport 2 Passport 2 Patient Monitor PACU TS10284317 N/A N/A None

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Case 15-42373-rfn11 Doc 544-1 Filed 10/26/15 Entered 10/26/15 19:21:22 Page 12 of 42

Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
N/A Datascope Corp. Gas Module SE 0998-00-0481-01 Respiratory Gas Module PACU 6294304-G7 N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. 1079 1079 Stretcher, Eye Surgery PACU 0711089858 N/A 2007 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Head Neck Eye Head Neck Eye Stretcher, Head Neck Eye PACU 9605-1033378 N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. One-Cell Rx G4 MDA-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet PACU 93301 N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58176 1337 N/A None
N/A Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart, Fully Stocked PACU None N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58185 1335 N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58178 1342 N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58186 1340 N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58182 1336 N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58175 1339 N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PACU 58182 1336 N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201325882 N/A 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201325884 N/A 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201317262 1331 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201317263 1334 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201317265 1332 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201325885 N/A 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201317264 1247 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2013 Overbed Table PACU E201317266 1246 2013 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Overbed Table E2014 Overbed Table PACU E201400295 N/A 2014 None
N/A Chair Chairs, Green Chairs, Green Green Side Chairs, Qty of 13 in Pre-Op PACU None N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance 16-7942 Wheelchair, 20" W Seat PACU E1000103 N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance SunMark Performance Wheelchair, 22" W Seat PACU 0700114 N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance 16-7920 Wheelchair, 24" W Seat PACU E800011 N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance 16-7921 Wheelchair, 24" W Seat PACU E900253 N/A N/A None
N/A MH Cart MH Cart MH Cart Malignant Hyperthermia Cart, Fully Stocked PACU None 1303 N/A None
N/A Block Cart Block Cart Block Cart Block Cart, Armstrong, Combination Lock, Fully Stocked PACU None N/A N/A None
N/A Broselow Cart Broselow Cart Broselow Cart Broselow Cart, Fully Stocked PACU None 1305 N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Shelf Wire Shelf Wire Shelf, 18" x 36", Qty of 5 PACU None N/A N/A None
N/A Vizio Television E280i-B1 TV, 28", LED, Wall Mounted PACU Isolation LTT3PRCQ1208056 N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. Treatment Recliner 3300-000-007 Treatment Recliner, Styler LY1007 PACU Isolation None N/A 2004 None
N/A Stryker Corp. Patient Recliner 3110-0404-50 Patient Recliner, Recovery / Exam PACU Isolation None N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Hard Cases Hard Cases Cases, Scope 190 Cases, Plastic, Qty x 9 PACU Office None N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz Hard Cases Hard Cases Cases, Scope 190 Cases, Plastic, Qty x 4 PACU Office None N/A N/A None
N/A Invacare 72808 72808 Wheelchair, 18" W Seat, 250 lb Maximum Capacity PACU Office 04JM051976 125 2004 None
N/A Pentax Medical EC-3872LK 4.2 EC-3872LK 4.2 Scope, Colonoscope PACU Office A111525 N/A N/A None
N/A Pentax Medical EG-2970K 3.2 EG-2970K 3.2 Scope, Gastrointestinal PACU Office A110798 N/A N/A None
N/A Pentax Medical EG-2970K 3.2 EG-2970K 3.2 Scope, Gastrointestinal PACU Office A111582 N/A N/A None
N/A Pentax Medical EG-2970K 3.2 EG-2970K 3.2 Scope, Gastrointestinal PACU Office A111580 N/A N/A None
N/A Justrite MFG Flammable Safe 893300 Flammable Safety Cabinet, 30 Gallon, 1 Shelf Pathology Lab None N/A N/A None
N/A Leitz Microscope Dialux 20 Microscope, Lab and Research Pathology Lab None N/A N/A None
N/A Kenmore 596 7927991 596 7927991 Refrigerator, 24.8 Cu Ft, Bottom Freezer PF Break 9912186647 N/A N/A None
N/A Amana Microwave RCS10DS Microwave, 1.2 Cu Ft PF Break N/A 2012 None
N/A Vizio E371VL E371VL Television, 37 Inch, in Staff Break Room on Patient Floor PF Break LAQKHJFM2404505 N/A N/A None
N/A Bunn-O-Matic Corp. VP17-3 VP17-3 Coffee Maker, 3 Warmers, 60 Cups Per Hr Output PF Break VP17076751 N/A N/A None
N/A Laerdal Medical Resusci Anne Torso 170-00150 First Aid Manikin, Torso Model, w/ Case PF Equip Stor None N/A N/A None
N/A Laerdal Medical Little Anne Manikin 120-01050 First Aid Manikin, CPR Training Model, w/ Bag PF Equip Stor None N/A N/A None
N/A Laerdal Medical Baby Anne Manikin 050000 First Aid Manikin, Infant CPR Training Model, w/ Bag PF Equip Stor None N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance 16-7920 Wheelchair, 24" W Seat PF Equip Stor E1000083 N/A N/A None
N/A McKesson Corp. SunMark Performance 16-7942 Wheelchair, 20" W Seat PF Equip Stor E1000105 N/A N/A None
N/A Medline Industries, Inc. Excel 2000 Excel 2000 Wheelchair, 20" W Seat PF Equip Stor MDS806450 N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. Patient Helper FA64145 Patient Helper, Lift Assist PF Equip Stor None N/A 2004 None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Shelf Wire Shelf Wire Shelf, 18" x 48", Qty of 5 PF Equip Stor None N/A N/A None
N/A Sato M84Pro M84Pro Printer, Industrial Thermal Pharmacy None N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Cybonet OneGX45 Omnicell Three-Cell Computer System, w/ Scanner Pharmacy GX4517B001066 N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Omni Rx Three-Cell G4 344 Medication Management System, Main Central Unit Pharmacy 93296 N/A 2013 None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Symbol Scanner MT2070 Symbol Scanner, Omnicell Three-Cell System Pharmacy 12023000501002 N/A 2013 None
N/A Whirlpool Inc. Refrigerator Refrigerator Refrigerator, Basic, Over Under, 25 Cu Ft, w/ Freezer Pharmacy None N/A N/A None
N/A Haier Inc. BC 51 AR HRQ02WNAWW Refrigerator, Lockable, Undercounter, 1.8 Cubic Ft. Pharmacy E2007601429 N/A N/A None
N/A Stainless Cart Stainless Carts Stainless Carts Stainless Carts, Qty of 2 Carts Pharmacy None N/A N/A None
N/A Datex Ohmeda Aestiva/5 7900 Aestiva/5 7900 Anesthesia System Pre-Op AMRH01806 N/A N/A None
N/A Datex Ohmeda Aestiva/5 7900 Aestiva/5 7900 Anesthesia System Pre-Op AMRH01807 N/A N/A None
N/A Chair Chairs, Green Chairs, Green Green Side Chairs, Qty of 4 in Pre-Op Pre-Op None N/A N/A None
N/A Overbed Table Overbed Tables Overbed Tables Overbed Tables, Qty of 6 in Pre-Op Pre-Op None N/A N/A None
N/A Gendron Inc. Tracker DX 5810Q-35-93-P1199 Wheelchair, 18" Wide, 250 Lb Max Capacity Pre-Op 853676020-1 N/A 2004 None
N/A Supply Cart Supply Cart Supply Cart Supply Cart, General Supplies, Tape, Scissors, Fully Stocked Pre-Op None 119 N/A None
N/A Funai Corp Television LC320EM2 Television, 32 Inch, in Physician Sleep Room Pre-Op DS6A1139122532 N/A 2011 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057260205227 1296 2006 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057260205271 1295 2006 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057260205238 1294 2006 None
N/A Durabrand DTV-1907A DTV-1907A Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op 065480121379 1292 2008 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057250903666 N/A 2006 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057250900322 N/A 2006 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057250903660 N/A 2006 None
N/A BrokSonic CTGV-5463TCT CTGV-5463TCT Television, 19 Inch Private Pre-Op SH057250900397 N/A 2006 None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Overbed Tables Overbed Tables Overbed Tables, Qty of 7 in Private Pre-Op Private Pre-Op None N/A N/A None
N/A Bedside Table Bedside Tables Bedside Tables Bedside Tables, Qty of 8 in Private Pre-Op Private Pre-Op None N/A N/A None
N/A Chair Chairs, Brown Chairs, Brown Brown Chairs, Qty of 18 in Private Pre-Op Private Pre-Op None N/A N/A None
N/A 3M Healthcare Surgial Clipper 9681 Surgical Clippers w/ Charger, Qty of 9 in Private Pre-Op Private Pre-Op None N/A N/A None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Two-Cell Rx G4 MDA-FRM-002 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet Private Pre-Op 93627 N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. Treatment Recliner 3300-000-007 Treatment Recliner, Styler LY1007 Private Pre-Op None N/A 2004 None
(1) Stool W/O Back, (1) Linen Hampers, (2) Mayo Stands, (3) Prep
N/A Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Overbed Table Overbed Tables Overbed Tables Overbed Tables Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Supply Cart Supply Cart Wire Cart, Supplies, w/ Cover Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Sears Craftsman 706 659090 Toolbox, 9 Drawers Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Starsys C05-839 Scope Cabinet Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera II TJF-Q180V Scope, Duodenoscope Procedure Rooms 2203350 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301419 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301443 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301586 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301434 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301432 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301429 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III PCF-H190L Scope, Colonoscope Procedure Rooms 2302023 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301444 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. Evis Exera III GIF-H190 Scope, Gastrointestinal Procedure Rooms 2301449 N/A N/A None
N/A Pentax Medical FB-15BS FB-15BS Scope, High-Resolution Fiber Bronchoscope Procedure Rooms A01027 N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace 5884 AA6 5884 AA6 Scope Cabinet Procedure Rooms 51649 N/A N/A None
N/A Stainless Equipment Prep Stand Prep Stand Prep Stand, Qty of 2 Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Soiled Hamper Soiled Hamper Soiled Linen Hamper - Qty of 2 Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. OFP-2 OFP-2 Flushing Pump Procedure Rooms 21304939 1231 2012 None
N/A Sears Craftsman 706 659090 Toolbox, 9 Drawers Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Linen Cart Linen Cart Linen Cart, w/ Cover, Qty x 2 Procedure Rooms None N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 58174 N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 58184 N/A N/A None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMCJ75267 N/A 2012 None

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Case 15-42373-rfn11 Doc 544-1 Filed 10/26/15 Entered 10/26/15 19:21:22 Page 13 of 42

Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
N/A Omnicell Inc. Workstation G4 ANT-FRM-001 Medication Management System, Portable Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 98068 N/A 2013 None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 58177 N/A N/A None
N/A Overbed Table Overbed Tables Overbed Tables Overbed Tables, Qty of 21 in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Chair Patient Room Guest Chair Chair, Guest, Patient Room, Qty x 24 PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Table Buffet Table Buffet Table Overbed Tables, Qty of 17 in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Chair Patient Room Guest Chair, Large Chair, Guest, Patient Room, Qty x 24 PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Patient Room Armoire Patient Room Armoire Patient Room Armoire Armoire, Patient Room, Qty x 24 PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Nellcor OxiMax N-595 Pulse Oximeter PSU 2nd Flr G03841355 N/A 2003 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMGC75415 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMLM75416 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMPG75408 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMMD75419 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMAQ75448 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMMD75347 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMTT75417 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMEN75420 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMFP75451 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 311RMZL11389 N/A 2013 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMQK75388 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMJF75452 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMKU75421 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMWV75449 N/A 2012 None
N/A LG Electronics 32LQ630H 32LQ630H Television, 32 Inch, in Patient Rooms PSU 2nd Flr 205RMXX75450 N/A 2012 None
N/A Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart Crash Cart, Fully Stocked PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Shower Chair Shower Chair Shower Chair Shower Chair PSU 2nd Flr None N/A 2013 None
N/A Omnicell Inc. Two-Cell Rx G4 MDA-FRM-002 Medication Management System, Auxilliary Cabinet PSU 2nd Flr 93624 N/A 2013 None
N/A Dansby Refrigerator DCR412BLS Refrigerator, Undercounter, Lockable PSU 2nd Flr 0105090108756 N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Soiled Hamper Soiled Hamper Soiled Linen Hamper - Qty of 2 PSU 2nd Flr None N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 58188 N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 58180 N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Innerspace Cart Path 6405TD Cart, Personal Workstation PSU 2nd Flr 58183 N/A N/A None
N/A MinnTech Medivators DSD EDGE 120V Scope Reprocessor Scope Proc. 71519944 N/A N/A None
N/A MinnTech Medivators DSD EDGE 120V Scope Reprocessor Scope Proc. 71519949 N/A N/A None
N/A Olympus Corp. MU-1 MU-1 Scope Leakage Tester Scope Proc. 7148210 N/A N/A None
N/A Medivators Scope Buddy ECA-100G Endoscope Flushing Aid Scope Proc. SB714130-86 N/A N/A None
N/A Sink Sink Sink Sink, 3 Bay, Stainless Steel Scope Proc. None N/A N/A None
N/A Sink Sink Sink Sink, One Bay, Stainless Steel Scope Proc. None N/A N/A None
N/A Sink Sink Sink Clean Sink, One Bay, Stainless Steel w/ Eye Wash Station Scope Proc. None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Soiled Hamper Soiled Hamper Soiled Linen Hamper - Qty of 2 Scope Proc. None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. Neptune Docking Station 700-5 Fluid Waste Management System, Docking Station SPD 0308300553 1352 N/A None
N/A Rubbermaid Products Cube Truck 4616 Cube Truck, 16 Cu Ft, w/ Lid and Dolly SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Soiled Hamper Soiled Hamper Soiled Linen Hamper - Qty of 1 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Shelf Wire Shelf Wire Shelf, 18" x 48", Qty of 1 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Cart Wire Cart Wire Cart, 18" W x 36" L Shelf, Casters, Qty x 3 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Transfer Cart A141198-390 Transfer / Loading Cart, Shelf Size is 22" W x 50" L SPD Q117704-10 N/A N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. Transfer Cart A141198-794 Transfer / Loading Cart, Shelf Size is 22" W x 50" L SPD 0130605-12 N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wrap Rack Wrap Rack Sterile Wrap Hanging Rack, Bulk Wrap Storage SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Productivity Bench Productivity Bench Sterile Bench, Stainless Top with Wire Shelves, Qty x 2 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wrap Table Wrap Table Sterile Wrap Table, Stainless, 48" x 48" SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Stools Stools Stool Stools, Polyurethane, w/ Back, Qty x 4 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Suture Cart Suture Cart Suture Cart, Wire Slanted Shelves, Qty x 3 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Wire Shelf Wire Shelf Wire Shelf, 18" x 48", Qty of 49 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Metro Industries Linen Cart Linen Cart Linen Cart, w/ Cover, Qty x 4 SPD None N/A N/A None
N/A Amana Microwave RCS10DS Microwave, 1.2 Cu Ft Staff Dining 1210202222 N/A 2012 None
N/A Electrolux International Refrigerator, NonClin KRS220RHY3 Refrigerator, Kelvinator Staff Dining WA24502476 N/A N/A None
N/A Thermaduke Food Station TS530-88-351950M Buffet Salad / Warmer Staff Dining None N/A N/A None
N/A Vollrath Food Station 38712 Portable Hot Food Station Staff Dining U288-00135959 N/A N/A None
N/A Stainless Table Stainless Equipment Stainless Equipment Stainless Steek Table, 36" H x 48" W x 24" D Staff Dining None N/A N/A None
N/A Staff Dining Furniture Staff Dining Furniture Staff Dining Furniture 2 Position Tables x 9 and Dining Chairs x 22 Staff Dining none N/A N/A None
N/A Electrolux International Kelvinator KRS220RHY3 Refrigerator, Kelvinator, 19 Cu Ft. Staff Lounge WA30501504 N/A N/A None
N/A Amana Microwave RCS10DS Microwave, 1.2 Cu Ft Staff Lounge 1212230010 N/A 2012 None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets General Lap Tray, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Lap GYN Diagnostoc, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Bookwalter, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Monarch Sling, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Major Laparotomy, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Long Instrument Set, Qty of 4 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Harmonic Scalpel, Qty of 10 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets D&C Tray, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Abdonimal Hysterectomy Tray, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Cysto Tray, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Chest Tray, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Vascular Instrument Tray, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Plastic Tray, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Depuy Alif Instruments, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Bone Scalpel, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Viper Retractor, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Lami Set, Qty of 4 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Anterior / Posterior Cervical Tray, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Laminectomy Trays, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Dr Kuper Special Tray, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Dr Duffy Special Tray, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Dr Henry Special Tray, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Total Hip Tray, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Total Knee Tray, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Large Bone Tray, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Small Bone Tray, Qty of 4 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Cobb Curettes Tray, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Small Cordless Drill, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets System 7 Tray, Qty of 4 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthroscopy Tray, Qty of 7 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Stryker Camera & Light Cord, 4mm 30* Arthroscope, Qty of 8 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets 4mm 70* Arthroscope Sets, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Stryker Shavers, Qty of 5 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Modular Hand Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes 3.0 Cann Screw, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Large Fragment Screw Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Large Fragment Plate Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Hand Set, Qty of 6 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Micro Hand Set, Qty of 4 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Cann Screw System, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Small Fragment Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Locking Distal Radius Plate, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets 22mm Tube Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets 20mm Tube Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Lysonic Liposuction Power Cord, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Soft Tissue Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Hysteroscopy Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None

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Addendum A: Victory Medical Center - Mid Cities Hurst, Texas Medical Source Systems
Medical Equipment Inventory List (937 Records) Updated: October 23, 2015

BioMed Serial Asset Year Warranty

Tag # Manufacturer Model Model Number Description Location Number Tag # MFG'd Date
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Spine REM Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Rod Cutters, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets 90' GELPI's, Qty of 4 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Dural Repair, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Blue Boy Retractor, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Super Slide Retractor, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex Self Retaining KOBEL Rer Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Alvarado Knee Holder, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Mitex G II Tacker, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Gouge Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex Shoulder Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Spectrum Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex Graft Prep. Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex Stapler Removal, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex Arthroscopy Set, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex 6 Pcs Drilling Guide Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Arthrex Ankle Fracture Screw Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Midas Rex Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets TPS Cord Set, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Smooth Pins, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Flexible I.M. Rods, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Synthes Ortho Cable System, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Loredo Micro Hand Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Sigma RP Insert Trials, DePuy, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Sigma MBT Prep, DePuy, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Acetabular Reamer System Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Snowden Pencer Retractor, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Romm (??) 30* - 5mm 0*, Qty of 3 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Bariatric, Dr Snow, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Bypass / DS Set, Qty of 2 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Omnicell Retractor, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Wolf Retractor, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Daueed Retractor, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Instrument Sets Locking Compression Plates 2.7, Qty of 1 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Sears Craftsman 706 599030 Toolbox, 4 Drawers Sterile Storage None N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Vidmar Model 200 Storage Cabinet, 10 Drawers, Stainless Countertop Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Stanley Vidmar Model 200 Storage Cabinet, 10 Drawers, Stainless Countertop Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz H3-Z 22220055 Camera Sets, Qty of 9 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz Ideal Eyes 4mm 30* Arthroscope, 4mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage 502-704-030 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz Ideal Eyes 4mm 30* Arthroscope, 4mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage 502-704-130 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz E-Class 4mm 30* Cystoscope, 4mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz M3-30A Gold 4mm 30* Cystoscope, 4mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage 762394 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz M3-30A Gold 4mm 30* Cystoscope, 4mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage 723175 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz M3-0A Gold 4mm 0* Cystoscope, 4mm 0 Degree Sterile Storage 763605 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz M3-70A Gold 4mm 70* Cystoscope, 4mm 70 Degree Sterile Storage 762966 N/A N/A None
N/A ACMI M27L 30WA 2.7mm 30* Hysteroscope, 2.7mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage 078208 N/A N/A None
N/A ACMI G27L 30WA 2.7mm 30* Hysteroscope, 2.7mm 30 Degree Sterile Storage 105354 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz 26003 FEA 10mm 45* Laparoscope Long, 10mm 45 Degree, Qty of 11 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz 26003 AA 10mm 0* Laparoscope, 10mm 0 Degree, Qty of 11 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz 26003 BA 10mm 30* Laparoscope, 10mm 30 Degree, Qty of 11 Sterile Storage N/A N/A N/A None
Wilson Frame, Crank Hndl w/ Torque Limitor, Shear Guard Pads,
N/A Mizuho OSI Wilson Frame 5321-G Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
ProneView Care Kit, Wilson Frame Cart
N/A 3DISC FireCR FireCR Computed Radiography (CR) Scanner Storage Corridor FR01121108115268 N/A 2012 None
N/A Mizuho OSI Wilson Plus RWF 5321G Wilson Plus Frame w/Shearguard Gel Pad, w/ Cart Storage Corridor 1849 1495 2013 None
N/A Mizuho OSI Wilson Plus RWF 5321G Wilson Plus Frame w/Shearguard Gel Pad, w/ Cart Storage Corridor 1851 N/A 2013 None
N/A Steris Corp. Shoulder Table Section P134469 OR Table Shoulder Section, w. Cart Storage Corridor 051209-11-03 N/A 2005 None
N/A MIzuho OSI Wilson Plus 5319G Wilson Plus Radiolucent Frame w/ Cart Storage Corridor 2717 N/A 2006 None
N/A Mizuho OSI Wilson Plus RWF 5321G Wilson Plus Frame w/ Cart Storage Corridor 367 1494 2004 None
N/A Mizuho OSI Max Access 5895 Max Access Lateral Top, w/ Cart and Hip Pads Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Mizuho OSI Jackson Table Access. Jackson Table Access Jackson Table Attachments, Holders and Transfer, w/ Cart Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Smith & Nephew Acufex 7207340 Shoulder Holder Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Mizuho OSI Imaging Top Imaging Top Imaging Table Top, Jackson Table, w/ Cart and Arm Holders Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Mizuho OSI Ortho Trauma Top 5855 Orthopedic Trauma Top with Tempur-Pedic Pads, w/ Cart Storage Corridor 2361 N/A 2014 None
N/A Arthrex Inc. AR-1600M AR-1600M 3-Point Shoulder Distraction System Storage Corridor 4005 N/A N/A None
N/A Steris Corp. 5085 Accessories 5085 Accessories 5085 OR Table Positioners, Holders, w/ Cart Storage Corridor None N/A 2014 None
N/A Steris Corp. 3085 Accessories 3085 Accessories 3085 OR Table Positioners, Holders, Misc Access. w/ Cart Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T5 Surgical Helmet 400-610 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T4 Surgical Helmet 400-600 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T4 Surgical Helmet 400-600 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T4 Surgical Helmet 400-600 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T4 Surgical Helmet 400-600 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T5 Surgical Helmet 400-610 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T5 Surgical Helmet 400-610 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T5 Surgical Helmet 400-610 Surgical Hood / Helmet, Personal Proetction System Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. T4 System Charger 400-600 T4 Personal Protection System Charger, 8 Batteries Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Allen Medical Carbon Lights 30410 Carbon Light, Minor Procedure Arm Tables, Qty of 2 Storage Corridor 263967 N/A N/A None
N/A Allen Medical Easy Irrigation Tower O-LPA Irrigation Tower, Lift Assist Storage Corridor 272182 1468 N/A None
N/A Allen Medical Easy Irrigation Tower O-LPA Irrigation Tower, Lift Assist Storage Corridor 221187 1210 N/A None
N/A Karl Storz 11161C1 11161C1 DND Flexible Scope, Qty x 2 Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. DND Laser Fibers DND Laser Fibers DND Laser Fibers, Qty x 3 Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. DND Instruments DND Instruments DND Instruments, Qty x 4 Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Stryker Corp. DND RF Handpiece DND RF Handpiece DND RF Handpiece Joimax Sets, Qty x 2 Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz 28164 SS 28164 SS Optique Miniature Shuntscope Storage Corridor 1625687 N/A N/A None
N/A Karl Storz 26184 HR 26184 HR Bipolar Spring Handle Storage Corridor None N/A N/A None
N/A Hettich Lab Technology Zentrifugen EBA 20 C Centrifuge, w/ Medtronic Cart Storage Corridor 0000216-02-00 N/A 2007 None
N/A MHP Medical Patient Position Sys Patient Position Sys Patient Positioning System, w/ Cart and IV Pole Storage Corridor PPS 11-6004 N/A N/A None
Total: 937

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Schedule of Other Purchased Assets
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Addendum 10/26/15 Entered
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INVENTORY Page 16 of 42


1 Bunn Coffee Maker 3 Pots, 1 Coffee Maker 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

2 Microwave Microwave 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

3 Toaster Toaster 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

4 Ken Moore Fridge Full Size 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

5 Round Tables Round Tables 2 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

6 Rolling Chair Rolling Chair 9 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

7 Bookshelf 6ft 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

8 TV Vizio 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

9 Trash Can Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

10 Recycle Bin Full Size 1 2nd Floor, Employee Break Room

11 Computers Computers 3 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

12 Telephone Telephone 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

13 Garbage Can Garbage Can 2 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

14 Desks Desks 2 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

15 Printer Printer 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

16 Desk Chairs Desk Chairs 2 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

17 Resuscitation Mannequin Resuscitation Mannequin 2 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

18 Step Stool Step Stool 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

19 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet Hon 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

20 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

21 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

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22 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

23 White Board White Board 1 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

24 Small Bulltien Boards Small Bulltien Boards 2 2nd Floor, Brenda Clark's Office

25 Desk Chairs Desk Chairs 2 2nd Floor, Manager Office

26 Small Desk Small Desk 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

27 Step Stool Step Stool 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

28 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

29 White Board White Board 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

30 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

31 Printer HP 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

32 5 Shelf Bookcase Hon 1 2nd Floor, Manager Office

33 Code Cart Code Cart 1 2nd Floor

34 EKG Machine Welch Alynn 1 2nd Floor

35 Wheel Chair Wheel Chair 4 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

36 Step Stool Step Stool 1 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

37 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

38 Bedside Commode Bedside Commode 2 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

39 Walkers Walkers 5 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

40 Utility Cart Utility Cart 1 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

41 Datascope Accutorr Mindray 2 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

42 Irilogy 20z Phillips Respironic 1 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

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43 Manual BP Manual BP 3 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

44 IV Poles IV Poles 2 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

45 Hoyer Lift Medline 1 2nd Floor

46 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 2nd Floor, Dictation

47 Desk Chair Desk Chair 1 2nd Floor, Dictation

48 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 2nd Floor, Dictation

49 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

50 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

51 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

52 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

53 Trash Can Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

54 IV Pole IV Pole 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

55 Telephone Telephone 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

56 Suction Suction 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

57 Side Chair Side Chair 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

58 COW COW 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

59 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

60 TV LG 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

61 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

62 Bathroom Trash Can Bathroom Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, ISO PR

63 Fridge Kelvenator Commercial 1 2nd Floor, Nourishment Room

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64 Microwave Microwave 1 2nd Floor, Nourishment Room

65 Ice Maker Follett Symphony 1 2nd Floor, Nourishment Room

66 Trash Can Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, Nourishment Room

67 Overbed Table Overbed Table 2 2nd Floor, PR 214

68 Bathroom Trash Can Bathroom Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

69 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 214

70 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

71 Sleeper Chair Sleeper Chair 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

72 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

73 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

74 COW COW 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

75 Monitor Mindray DPMG 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

76 Garbage Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

77 Plum Pump Pump 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

78 Pospera PCA Pump PCA Pump 1 2nd Floor, PR 214

79 Side Chairs Side Chairs 3 2nd Floor, PR 215

80 Garbage Can Garbage Can 2 2nd Floor, PR 215

81 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

82 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

83 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

84 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

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85 Monitor Mindray 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

86 Abet Acclaim Encore Abet Acclaim Encore 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

87 Pospera PCA Pump Pospera PCA Pump 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

88 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

89 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

90 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 215

91 Chair KRUG 1 2nd Floor, Tub Room

92 Copier RICOH 1 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

93 COW COW 4 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

94 Omnicell Omnicell 3 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

95 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

96 Containers Large 2 2nd Floor, Dirty Storage

97 Laundry Hampers Laundry Hampers 2 2nd Floor, Dirty Storage

98 Bar Stool Bar Stool 2 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

99 Desk Chair Desk Chair 5 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

100 Recliners Recliners 2 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

101 Garbage Can Garbage Can 3 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

102 Printers Printers 3 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

103 Computers Computers 5 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

104 Accu Check Machine Accu Check Machine 1 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

105 Thermometer Thermometer 3 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

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106 Telephone Telephone 3 2nd Floor, Nurse Station

107 Bladder Scanner Bladder Scanner 1 2nd Floor, Clean Storage

108 Side Chairs Side Chairs 3 2nd Floor, PR 201

109 Recliner Recliner 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

110 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

111 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

112 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

113 COW COW 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

114 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

115 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

116 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

117 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

118 Monitor Mindray 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

119 Pospera PCA Pump Pospera PCA Pump 1 2nd Floor, PR 201

120 Side Chair Side Chair 2 2nd Floor, PR 202

121 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

122 Recliner Recliner 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

123 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

124 IV Pole IV Pole 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

125 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

126 Monitor Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

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127 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

128 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

129 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

130 Trash Can Trashcan 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

131 Pospera PCA Pump Pospera PCA Pump 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

132 Bathroom Trash Can Bathroom Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 202

133 Garbage Can Garbage Can 2 2nd Floor, PR 203

134 Side Chair Side Chair 2 2nd Floor, PR 203

135 IV Pole Iv Pole 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

136 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

137 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

138 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

139 Monitor Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

140 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

141 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

142 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 203

143 Bed Bed 2 2nd Floor, PR 204

144 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 204

145 Overbed Table Overbed Table 2 2nd Floor, PR 204

146 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

147 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

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148 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

149 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

150 Side Table Side Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

151 Aclaim Pump Aclaim Pump (PCA 3) 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

152 Monitor Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

153 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

154 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 204

155 Bed Bed 2 2nd Floor, PR 205

156 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 205

157 Trash Can Trash Can 2 2nd Floor, PR 205

158 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

159 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

160 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

161 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

162 Nellcore Monitor Nellcore Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

163 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

164 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 205

165 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 206

166 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

167 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

168 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

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169 Bed Bed 2 2nd Floor, PR 206

170 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

171 IV Pole IV Pole 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

172 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

173 Nellcore Monitor Nellcore Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

174 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

175 Cubicle Curtains Cubicle Curtains 2 2nd Floor, PR 206

176 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 206

177 Trash Can Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

178 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

179 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 207

180 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

181 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

182 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

183 Telephone Telephone 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

184 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

185 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

186 Iv Pole IV Pole 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

187 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

188 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

189 Nellcore Monitor Nellcore Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 207

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190 Stand Up Scale Dectecto DR 660 1 2nd Floor

191 IV Pole IV Pole 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

192 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

193 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 208

194 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

195 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

196 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

197 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

198 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

199 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 208

200 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

201 Bathroom Trash Can Bathroom Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

202 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

203 Side Chair Side Chair 2 2nd Floor, PR 209

204 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

205 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

206 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

207 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

208 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

209 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 209

210 Side Chair Side Chair 2 2nd Floor, PR 210

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211 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

212 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

213 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

214 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

215 Bed Bed 2 2nd Floor, PR 210

216 IV Pole Iv Pole 2 2nd Floor, PR 210

217 Telephone Telephone 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

218 Nellcore Monitor Nellcore Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

219 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 210

220 Cubicle Curtains Cubicle Curtains 2 2nd Floor, PR 210

221 Bathroom Trash Can Bathroom Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

222 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

223 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 211

224 Sleeper Sleeper 2 2nd Floor, PR 211

225 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

226 Nellcore Monitor Nellcore Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

227 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

228 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

229 Monitor Mindray 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

230 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

231 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

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232 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 211

233 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

234 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

235 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 212

236 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

237 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

238 Sleeper Sleeper 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

239 Recliner Recliner 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

240 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

241 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

242 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 212

243 Side Chair Side Chair 3 2nd Floor, PR 213

244 Bathroom Trash Can Bathroom Trash Can 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

245 Trash Can Silver 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

246 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

247 Phone Phone 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

248 Bed Bed 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

249 Sleeper Sleeper 2 2nd Floor, PR 213

250 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

251 Popera Encore Popera Encore 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

252 Monitor Monitor 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

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253 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

254 TV TV 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

255 Clock Clock 1 2nd Floor, PR 213

256 Two Seater Two Seater 1 Lobby

257 One Seater One Seater 17 Lobby

258 Bariatric Chair Bariatric Chair 4 Lobby

259 Stuffed Chair Stuffed Chair 4 Lobby

260 End Table End Table 7 Lobby

261 Computer Computer 2 Lobby

262 Dinning Room Chair Dinning Room Chair 2 Lobby

263 Trash Can Trash Can 8 Lobby

264 Bench Bench 1 Lobby

265 White Board White Board 1 CFO

266 Computers Computers 2 CFO

267 Printer Printer 1 CFO

268 Phone Phone 1 CFO

269 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 CFO

270 End Table End Table 1 CFO

271 Plant Plant 1 CFO

272 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet with Glass Bookcase 2 CFO

273 Round Table Round Table 1 CFO

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274 Chairs Chairs 4 CFO

275 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 CFO

276 Foyer Table Foyer Table 1 CFO

277 Desk Desk 1 CCO

278 Computer Computer 1 CCO

279 Printer Printer 1 CCO

280 Phone Phone 1 CCO

281 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 CCO

282 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 CCO

283 5 Shelf Bookcase 5 Shelf Bookcase 1 CCO

284 Wardrobe Wardrobe 1 CCO

285 White Board White Board 1 CCO

286 Round Table Round Table 1 CCO

287 Chairs Chairs 5 CCO

288 Desk with Hutch Desk 1 CEO

289 Computer Computer 1 CEO

290 Printer Printer 1 CEO

291 Phone Phone 2 CEO

292 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 CEO

293 Foyer Table Foyer Table 2 CEO

294 Credenza Credenza 1 CEO

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295 Round Table Round Table 1 CEO

296 Chairs Chairs 6 CEO

297 White Board White Board 1 CEO

298 Coat Rack Coat Rack 1 CEO

299 End Table End Table 1 Board Room

300 3 Tier Cart 3 Tier Cart 1 Board Room

301 4 Shelf Medical Records Cart 4 Shelf Cart 1 Board Room

302 Chairs Chairs 14 Board Room

303 Phone Phone 1 Board Room

304 Projector Projector 1 Board Room

305 Trash Can Trash Can 1 Board Room

306 Small Fridge Small Fridge 1 Board Room

307 Kelrig Coffee Kelrig Coffee 1 Board Room

308 Clock Clock 1 Board Room

309 3 Piece Waiting Room Furniture 3 Piece Furniture 1 Admin Common Area

310 5 Shelf Bookcase 5 Shelf Bookcase 2 Admin Common Area

311 5 Drawer Metal Cabinet 5 Drawer Metal Cabinet 1 Admin Common Area

312 Recycle Bin Recycle Bin 1 Admin Common Area

313 PRinter Printer 3 Admin Common Area

314 Computer Computer 7 Admin Common Area

315 Trash Can Trash Can 9 Admin Common Area

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316 Phone Phone 7 Admin Common Area

317 Chairs Chairs 10 Admin Common Area

318 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 5 Admin Common Area

319 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 6 Admin Common Area

320 3 Tier Utility Cart 3 Tier Utility Cart 1 Admin Common Area

321 Desk Desk 1 Admin Common Area

322 Computer Computer 5 Front Desk

323 Chairs Chairs 4 Front Desk

324 Phone Phone 4 Front Desk

325 Trash Can Trash Can 4 Front Desk

326 Big Printers Big Printers 3 Front Desk

327 Bar Stool Bar Stool 2 Front Desk

328 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Front Desk

329 Mini Fridge Mini Fridge 2 Front Desk

330 Couch Couch 1 Physician Conference

331 End Table End Table 1 Physician Conference

332 Fridge Kelvenator Commercial 1 Staff Dinning Room

333 Microwave Microwave 1 Staff Dinning Room

334 Toaster Toaster 1 Staff Dinning Room

335 Dinning Room Chair Dinning Room Chair 22 Staff Dinning Room

336 Bistro Tables Bistro Tables 9 Staff Dinning Room

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337 Glass Bulltien Board Glass Bulltien Board 1 Staff Dinning Room

338 Garbage Can Garbage Can 2 Staff Dinning Room

339 Warming Table Warming Table 2 Staff Dinning Room

340 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 5 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 Laboratory

341 Large Needle Box Large Needle Box 1 Laboratory

342 Trash Can Trash Can 3 Laboratory

343 Phlebotomy Chair Phlebotomy Chair 1 Laboratory

344 2 Tier Utility Rack 2 Tier Utility Rack 1 Laboratory

345 Microscope Microscope 1 Laboratory

346 Red Craftsman Cart Red Craftsman Cart 1 Laboratory

347 Chairs Chairs 3 Laboratory

348 Fridge Kelvenator 1 Laboratory

349 Printer Printer 1 Laboratory

350 Computer Computer 1 Laboratory

351 Phone Phone 1 Laboratory

352 Fax Fax 1 Laboratory

353 Acucheck Inform Acucheck Inform 4 Laboratory

354 Blood Bank Jewett CT-1 1 Laboratory

355 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 Laboratory

356 Examine Light Examine Light 1 ER

357 Stand Up Digital Scale Stand Up Digital Scale 1 ER

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358 Trash Can Trash Can 2 ER

359 Acucheck Inform Acucheck Inform 2 ER

360 Data Scope Passport 2 Monitor Data Scope Passport 2 Monitor 1 ER

361 Laundry Hamper Laundry Hampers 1 ER

362 Magnifying Examine Light Steris 2 ER

363 Metal Stahal Metal Stahal 2 ER

364 Wheel Chair Wheel Chair 1 ER

365 Side Chair Side Chair 1 ER

366 Old Procedure Cart Old Procedure Cart 1 ER

367 4 Shelf Linen Cart 4 Shelf Linen Cart 1 ER

368 Manual BP Manual BP 1 ER

369 Clock Clock 1 ER

370 Waiting Room Chair Waiting Room Chair 4 ER

371 End Table End Table 1 ER

372 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Radiology

373 Printers Printers 3 Radiology

374 Computers Computers 5 Radiology

375 Phones Phones 2 Radiology

376 Clock Clock 1 Radiology

377 Metal Filing Cabinet Metal Filing Cabinet 1 Radiology

378 5 Shelf Bookcase 5 Shelf Bookcase 2 Radiology

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379 Waitng Room Chairs Waiting Room Chairs 4 Radiology

380 Fridge Fridge 1 Pharmacy

381 3 Tier Cart 3 Tier Cart 1 Pharmacy

382 4 Shelf Cart 4 Shelf Cart 1 Pharmacy

383 Step Stools Step Stools 2 Pharmacy

384 Omnicell Omnicell 1 Pharmacy

385 Chairs Chairs 6 Pharmacy

386 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 Pharmacy

387 3 Tier Cart 3 Tier Cart 1 Pharmacy

388 Computers Computers 1 Pharmacy

389 Radios Radios 2 Plant OP

390 Computer Computer 3 Plant OP

391 5 Shelf Bookcase 5 Shelf Bookcase 1 Plant OP

392 4 Shelf Bookcase 4 Shelf Bookcase 1 Plant OP

393 Clock Clock 1 Plant OP

394 Chairs Chairs 2 Plant OP

395 3 Tier Utility Cart 3 Tier Utility Cart 2 Hallway

396 Garbage Can Large 2 Dirty Storage

397 5 Tier Linen Cart 5 Tier Linen Cart 2 Hallway

398 Back Table Back Table 1 Hallway

399 TV TV 2 Lobby
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400 Garbage Can Garbage Can 2 Laboratory

401 Clock Clock 1 Laboratory

402 Cubicle Curtains Cubicle Curtains 1 ER

403 EKG Machine EKG Machine 1 ER

404 Electronic Life Pack Electronic Life Pack 1 ER

405 5 Shelf Rack 5 Shelf Rack 1 ER

406 Omnicell Omnicell 1 ER

407 PD Code Cart PD Code Cart 1 ER

408 Plum A Machine Plum A Machine 1 ER

409 Mindray Data Scope Mindray Data Scope 1 ER

410 Opnoma Scope Opnoma Scope 1 ER

411 Stretcher Stretcher 1 ER

412 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 ER

413 Stool Stool 2 ER

414 Phlebotomy Chair Phlebotomy Chair 1 ER

415 Manual BP Manual BP 1 ER

416 Desk Desk 1 HR

417 Credenza Credenza 1 HR

418 5 Shelf Bookcase 5 Shelf Bookcase 1 HR

419 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 HR

420 Paper Shredder Paper Shredder 2 HR

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421 Chair Chair 1 HR

422 Printer Printer 1 HR

423 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 HR

424 Phone Phone 1 HR

425 Clock Clock 1 HR

426 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 2 Drawer Filing Cabinet 3 HR

427 Side Chair Side Chair 2 HR

428 Badge Maker Badge Maker 1 HR

429 Dell Laptops Dell Laptops 2 HR

430 Chair Chair 2 Medical Record

431 Computer Computer 1 Medical Record

432 Phone Phone 2 Medical Record

433 3 Tier Medical Record Cart 3 Tier Medical Record Cart 1 Medical Record

434 Copier Copier 1 Medical Record

435 Stretcher Stretcher 16 Pacu

436 Side Chairs Side Chairs 7 Pacu

437 Overbed Table Overbed Table 16 Pacu

438 Bedside Table Bedside Table 13 Pacu

439 Computer Computer 7 Pacu

440 Phone Phone 5 Pacu

441 Stools Stools 2 Pacu

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442 Garbage Can Garbage Can 14 Pacu

443 Wheel Chair Wheel Chair 6 Pacu

444 Bedside Monitors Bedside Monitors 9 Pacu

445 Fridge Fridge 1 Pacu

446 Microwave Microwave 1 Pacu

447 Ice Maker Ice Maker 1 Pacu

448 Bunn Coffee Machine Coffee Machine 1 Pacu

449 Patient White Board Patient White Board 1 Pacu

450 Cubicle Curtains Cubicle Curtains 6 Pacu

451 Isolation Door Hanger Isolation Door Hanger 1 Pacu

452 TV TV 1 Pacu

453 Recliners Recliners 2 Pacu

454 Step Stool Step Stool 1 Pacu

455 Table Table 1 Pacu

456 IV Poles IV Poles 4 Pacu

457 Rolling Bedside Table Rolling Bedside Table 8 Pacu

458 Linen Hamper Linen Hamper 1 Pacu

459 Code Cart Code Cart 1 Pacu

460 Blanket Warmer Blanket Warmer 1 Pacu

461 Printer Printer 3 Pacu

462 Bin of Srubs Bin of Srubs 1 Pacu

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463 Desk Desk 1 Pacu

464 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet 1 Pacu

465 5 Shelf Bookcase 5 Shelf Bookcase 1 Pacu

466 Gluidescope Gluidescrope 1 Pacu

467 Defibrillator Defibrillator 2 Pacu

468 PD Code Cart PD Code Cart 1 Pacu

469 Block Cart Block Fart 1 Pacu

470 Cart Cart 1 Pacu

471 Clock Clock 1 PAT

472 Vital Sign Machine Vital Sign Machine 1 PAT

473 Recliner Recliner 2 PAT

474 Side Chair Side Chair 1 PAT

475 EKG Machine EKG Machine 2 PAT

476 3 Shelf Bookcase 3 Shelf Bookcase 1 PAT

477 Desk Chair Desk Chair 1 PAT

478 Desk Desk 2 PAT

479 Trash Can Trash Can 2 PAT

480 Computer Computer 3 PAT

481 Phone Phone 3 PAT

482 Printer Printer 2 PAT

483 Linen Hamper Linen Hamper 3 PAT

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484 Chairs Chairs 3 PAT

485 3 Door Filing Cabinet 3 Door Filing Cabinet 1 PAT

486 4 Shelf Bookcase 4 Shelf Bookcase 1 PAT

487 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 PAT

488 Stand Up Scale Stand Up Scale 1 Pre Op Dressing

489 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Dressing

490 Pre Op White Board Pre Op White Board 1 Pre Op

491 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 9

492 Chairs Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 9

493 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 9

494 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 9

495 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 9

496 Trash Can Trash Can 1 Pre Op Room 9

497 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 8

498 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 8

499 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 8

500 Stool Stool 1 Pre Op Room 8

501 Vital Sign Machine Vital Sign Machine 1 Pre Op Room 8

502 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 Pre Op Room 8

503 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 8

504 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 1

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505 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 1

506 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 1

507 Vital Sign Machine Vital Sign Machine 1 Pre Op Room 1

508 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 1

509 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 1

510 Trash Can Trash Can 1 Pre Op Room 1

511 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 2

512 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 2

513 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 2

514 Trash Can Trash Can 1 Pre Op Room 2

515 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 2

516 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 7

517 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 7

518 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 7

519 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 7

520 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 7

521 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 3

522 Stool Stool 1 Pre Op Room 3

523 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 Pre Op Room 3

524 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 3

525 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 3

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526 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 3

527 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 6

528 Side Chairs Side Chairs 2 Pre Op Room 6

529 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 6

530 Stool Stool 1 Pre Op Room 6

531 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 Pre Op Room 6

532 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 6

533 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 6

534 Thermo Scientific Tissue Freezer Tissue Freezer 1 Pathology Lab

535 Lab Refrigerator Lab Refrigerator 1 Pathology Lab

536 Phone Phone 1 Pathology Lab

537 Clock Clock 1 Pathology Lab

538 Flammable Liquid Strorage Flammable Liquid Storage 1 Pathology Lab

539 Trash Can Trash Can 2 Pathology Lab

540 Side Chairs Side Chairs 3 Pre Op Room 5

541 TV TV 1 Pre Op Room 5

542 Stretcher Stretcher 1 Pre Op Room 5

543 Stool Stool 1 Pre Op Room 5

544 Garbage Can Garbage Can 1 Pre Op Room 5

545 Bedside Table Bedside Table 1 Pre Op Room 5

546 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Room 5

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547 Copier Copier 1 Pre Op Nursing

548 3 Shelf Rolling Chart Rack 3 Shelf Rolling Chart Rack 1 Pre Op Nursing

549 Overbed Table Overbed Table 1 Pre Op Nursing

550 Desk Desk 1 Pre Op Nursing

551 Computer Computer 1 Pre Op Nursing

552 Printer Printer 1 Pre Op Nursing

553 TV TV 1 Pre Op Nursing

554 Clock Clock 1 Pre Op Nursing

555 Garbage Can Garbage Can 3 Pre Op Nursing

556 Desk Chair Desk Chair 5 Pre Op Nursing

557 3 Tier Rolling Cart 3 Tier Rolling Cart 1 Pacu Clean Storage

558 Stainless Shelf Stainless Shelf 2 Pacu Clean Storage

559 Computer Computer 2 OR Core

560 Printer Printer 2 OR Core

561 Phone Phone 2 OR Core

562 Stool Stool 2 OR Core

563 Desk Chair Desk Chair 1 OR Core

564 Blanket Warmer Blanket Warmer 1 OR Core

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Exhibit 1

Schedules of leased equipment which is not being sold

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Escrow Agreement
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Date: October _, 2015

Escrorv Agent: Hoover Slovacek LLP

Seller: Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities, LP, Victory Medical Cenrer Soutlrcross,
LP, and Victory Parent Company, LLC (collectively "Victory Healthcare")

Pu rchaser: Providence Healtlr LLC

Property: Purchase of Medical Equipnrent described in the addendunr to that Asset

Purclrase Agreernent dated October 7, 201 5 between Seller and Purchaser

In connection with the above referenced lratter, Seller and Purchaser do hereby
authorize Escrow Agent to hold money in escrow according to the lbllowing ternrs and

L l'he sunr to be escrowed is Orre Hr.rndred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($100,000.00).

2. funds are to be apptied and disbursed by E,scrow Agent to Seller. within three (3)
days of Bankruptcy Court approval of the APA.

3. The funds are to be held in escrow in account at the Escrow Agent's bank, namely JP
Molgan Chase until fully disbursed. No interest shall be paid to the parties hereto on
escrowed funds.

4. Escrow Agent is authorized to disburse the funds within three (3) days of Bankruptcy
Court approval of the APA and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreelnent.
5. Any bank charges or fees for wire transfer or otlrerwise relating to any transactions
involving tlte Escrow Fund shall be borne by the party receiving the payment, and the
Escrow Agent may deduct such fees or charges fi'onr any payntent due to such party

6. In the event a controversy arises over the funds. Escrorv Agent, at its sole discretion.
nlay tendef the funds into the registry of the court fbr settlement, al-ter deducting the
attorney's fees, courl costs. and escrow fees, if any. which have accrured.

7. Seller and Purchaser agree to save and hold harrnless Escrow Agent tiorn anv
liability arising under and as a result of this Agreement.

8. Seller and Purchaser do hereby indemnify and hold harrnless Escrow Agent and its agents
and representatives from all loss or damage they may sustain in connection with Escrow
Agent's good faith performance of these instructions and do hereby jointly and severally
release and rvaive any claints they rnay have against Escrow Agent and its agents of
representatives, which ntay result fi'om Escrow Agent's good faith performarrce of
these instructions, includirrg but not limited to the follor.ving:

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a. impairntent of funds while those funds are in the course of collection;

b^ impairtnent of funds while those tlnds are on deposit in a flnancial irrstitution il-
such loss orimpairment arises by reason of the failure, insolvency or
suspension of a financial institution;

c. delay in the electronic wire transfer of funds; and

d. disputes which may arise concerning the funds on deposit.

9. Seller and Purchaser hereby agree that the funds described above shall be vested in
Escrow Agent, and Seller and Purchaser hereby grant, convey and deposit the funds
under the absolute control and possession of E,scrow Agent. until such tirne as tlre firnds
are disbursed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreentent.

10. Sellerand Purchaser agree that this irrstrument is not intended to give any benefits, rights.
privileges. actions, or renredies to any person or entity other than the E,scrow Agent and
the undersigned under any theory of law.

I l. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreelnent between the parties with respect to
the funds, and this agreelxent shall not be rnodified. changed or arnended by any
subsequent written or oral agreement unless agreed to in writing by Escrow Agent and
signed by both parties.

12. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the State of Texas and venue for anv litieation in connectiorr witl-r this nratter shall
be in Harris Countv. Texas.

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By its General Partner, Victory Medical Center Mid-Cities GP, LLC, a Texas limited liability compan)'





By its General Partner, Victory MedicalCenter Southcross GP, LLC, a Texas limited liability cornpanv









PRovTDEN en/uxulH LLC

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Escrorv Agent acknowledges receipt of the money in the amount of $ 100.000.00 to be held
in accordance with the terms ofthe foregoing agreernent. Escrow Agent do not assume and shall not
be liable for the performance or nonperforntance of any party to this agreentent.





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Independent Bank
lndependent Bank Website:
3090 Craig Drive
McKinneY, TX75070

Outgoing Wire Transfer Request

Wire Transfer Message Reference 20152960029200

Bank ABA No.(lD/TYPe): 021000021
Amount: $ 100,000.00
Special Instructions (BBl ):


Account Number: 06900031914

Special Instructions (OBl):

Beneficiary Bank ABA No:

Beneficiary Bank Name:

Address: 20320 NORTHWEST FWY STE 9OO

Account Number:
Special Instructions (Notes):

I hereby authorize I nk to charge my account for a wire transfer as stated above.

1o, r-
Customer Signature: /o -13 ts Time: / / YJ
Customer - P f tC-C- Customer Telephone Number 8sz- 717- loS{
frr ,'n h- N s3! *
I certify that funds are available in the Customer's account and submit this transfer request

Bank Personnel oarc: /4 '7 )' i 7 P^one: 113-b(iJ -b 7Vf

Branch #: Y (r3

Authorized bY: Date: lq ,-:)-\ -: Time: J. Li3 Q '.-^-

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