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Lincoln Montojo 21BSIS1M

Ethernet cables used in Local Area Networks are discussed (LAN).

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), the most popular type of cable used today, and Shielded Twisted Pair
(STP), which is very similar to UTP but has a foil shield that is covered in wires, are the two different
varieties of twisted pair cable. These cables are frequently used in LANs, and in order to use them
appropriately and precisely, they require an attachment. Straight Cable and Crossover Cable can be
created using Rj45, although these twisted pair cables adhere to a different standard. The first type is
the 568A, and the second is the 568B; each of these two varieties has a unique wiring order that must
be used correctly.

Types of Ethernet cable used is Twisted pair cable which two conductors of a single circuit are twisted
together to provide twisted pair cabling, a type of communications cable that increases electromagnetic
compatibility. Difference between UTP and STP is Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) is made up of four pairs
of color-coded wires that are twisted around one another to prevent electromagnetic interference
(crosstalk) while Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cables include a foil shield covering the wires to prevent
electromagnetic interference from flowing into and out of the line. Discussed too are the types of
twisted pair cables and their uses, one of which is when a cable is wired with the same standard on both
ends, it is referred to as a straight (patch) cable. Ethernet cables used on LANs are most frequently of a
certain type. Its application to link many gadgets together. The other one is when a cable's two ends are
wired according to two distinct standards, the cable is said to be crossover. Also applicable to LAN. Its
use to link together two comparable devices. Wiring order for 568A and 568B standards too are
mentioned, 568A’s order are White green, green, white orange, blue, white blue, orange, white brown,
brown. 578Bs’ are white orange, orange, white green, blue, white blue, green, white brown, brown. The
video also presented categories of twisted pair cables. Each category has a number that represents the
tightness of twists that are applied to the wires, here are the categories; Category 3 10mbps, Category 5
100mbps, Category 5e 1gbps (enhanced), Category 6 1gbps which is 10gbps (cable length under a
hundred meters), Category 6a 10gbps (Augment), Category 7 10gbps (Added shielding to the wires) and
Category 8 40gbps (distance up to 30 meters) the ultimate copper cable.

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