Present Continuous Tense Esl Printable Gap Fill Exercise Worksheet

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1. Johnny ___________ (play) with his friends in the

gym with his friends now.
2. Kayla ___________ (not do) her morning exercise
now. She _________ (sleep) in her bed.
3. The children ___________ (swim) in the river right
now. I don’t think it is safe.
4. Hey Philip! Where _______ you __________ (go)? Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the
To the new amusement park?
verbs in brackets to complete the sentences
5. _______ Amber and Judy __________ (ride) their
bicycles at the moment?
6. Who ___________ (vacuum) the floor right now? 21. All the family members ___________ (share) the
I ___________ (try) to read my book here. housework. I ___________ (clean) the toilet
7. My mother ___________ (cook) steak and rice while my brother ___________ (mop) the floor.
while my father ___________ (make) some fresh My father ___________ (do) the ironing and my
lemonade in the kitchen at the moment. mother and sister __________ (wash) the dishes.
8. My grandfather __________ (plant) an olive tree 22. My uncle and aunt ___________ (play) cards in
in the garden and I ___________ (watch) him. the living room and my mother is ___________
9. Someone ___________ (knock) the door. Can you (watch) them at the moment.
open it, please? 23. Megan ___________ (not work) now because
10. Alan and Beverly ___________ (pick) daisies for she feels so tired. She __________ (rest) at home.
their grandmother in the meadow right now. 24. The kids ___________ (eat) fish and chips in the
11. _______ Noah’s father ___________ (wash) his lunchroom and ___________ (drink) apple juice.
truck in front of the house at the moment? 25. Be quiet! Your baby brother ___________ (sleep)
12. Who ___________ (look after) little Jacqueline peacefully in his cradle. Don’t make any noise!
while you are here? 26. A few children ___________ (play) hide and seek
13. We __________ (eat) hamburgers and chips here in the playground. Willie ___________ (count)
in the dining room. Come and eat with us. and the others ___________ (hide) now.
14. The detective ___________ (look for) something 27. Little Isabella ___________ (not ride) her tricycle
at the crime scene at the moment. at the moment. She __________ (make) a tower
15. Mr. Cooper ___________ (repair) a sports car in with her wooden blocks.
his garage now. Its gearbox is broken. 28. My cousin, Eugene ___________ (stir) the lentil
16. It ___________ (not rain) outside. Why _______ soup and I ___________ (peel) some potatoes.
you ___________ (take) your umbrella with you? 29. _______ your grandpa ___________ (mow) the
17. My father ___________ (build) a tree house for lawn or ___________ (water) the trees now?
me and my brother, Billy. We ___________ (help) 30. Where _______ you ___________ (go), George?
him at the moment. To the supermarket or to the butcher’s?
18. Sir, a woman ___________ (wait for) you in the 31. Theresa __________ (walk) her dog at the park
lobby. She is __________ (wear) a polka dot dress and ___________ (get) some fresh air.
and a funny hat. 32. What _______ your parents __________ (watch)
19. Judy and Grace ___________ (not do) their at the cinema now? The new sci-fi film?
homework, but they ___________ (listen) to music 33. Lawrence ___________ (draw) a picture of the
and ___________ (dance) in their room right now. school building at the moment. He is busy.
20. The students ___________ (not skip) rope. They 34. The kids ___________ (get) dressed for the party
___________ (play) hopscoth in the garden. and their father ___________ (comb) his hair.

Copyright © 18/12/2020 All rights reserved.

1. is playing
2. isn’t doing / is sleeping
3. are swimming
4. are / going
5. Are / riding
6. is vacuuming / am trying
7. is cooking / is making
8. is planting / am watching
9. is knocking
10. are picking
11. Is / washing
12. is looking after
13. are eating
14. is looking for
15. is repairing
16. isn’t raining / are / taking
17. is building / are helping
18. is waiting / is wearing
19. aren’t doing / are listening / dancing
20. aren’t skipping / are playing
21. are sharing / am cleaning / is mopping / is doing / are washing
22. are playing / is watching
23. isn’t working / is resting
24. are eating / drinking
25. is sleeping
26. are playing / is counting / are hiding
27. isn’t riding / is making
28. is stirring / am peeling
29. Is / mowing / watering
30. are / going
31. is walking / getting
32. are / watching
33. is drawing
34. are getting / is combing

Copyright © 18/12/2020 All rights reserved.

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