MED1106 Passpaper Questions

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1. Which one of the following organelles is not membrane bound?

a. Endoplasmic reticulum

b. Golgi Apparatus

c. Mitochondria

d. Nucleolus

2 Protoplasm consists of which of the following combinations?

a. Nucleus + Golgi apparatus

b. Endoplasmic reticulum + Golgi apparatus

c. Nucleus + Cytoplasm

d. Cytoplasm + Endoplasmic reticulum + Golgi Apparatus

3. How thick is the plasma membrane?

a. 8.5nm

b. 20nm

c. 120nm

d. 250nm

4. Which of the following is not true of negative feedback?

a. Most control systems act by this mechanism

b. Involves inhibiting the stimulus that caused the initial response

c. An example of negative feedback is illustrated by the mechanism of labour

d. Does not result in development of vicious cycles

5. At what level does decussation of the lateral corticospinal tract occur?

a. Pons
b. Medulla

c. Midbrain

d. Thalamus

6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of carrier mediated diffusion?

a. Stereo-specificity

b. Isomerization

c. Saturation

d. Competition

7. The Na+ K+ Atpase pump is an important example of primary active transport. Which of the
following statements about this pump is incorrect?

a. When ATP is hydrolyzed 3Na+ ions are pumped out of the cell and 2K+ ions are pumped into
the cell.

b.Many secondary active transport processes make use of the electrochemical gradient that this
pump establishes

c This pump cannot work in the reverse because the conformation of its protein constituents
cannot function in such a way.

d. This lon pump normally works against a concentration gradient by making use of the energy
from hydrolyzing ATP

8. Which of the following options is not a part of the basal ganglia?

a. Caudate nucleus

b. Putamen

c. Inferior colliculus

d. Globus Pallidus

9. Which of the following does not affect the permeability of a molecule or ion in the plasma
a. Oil water partition coefficient

b. Radius

c. Membrane thickness

d. Spatial configuration of molecule

10. Which of the following molecules covers the intracellular surface of pinocytotic vesicles in

a. Cathrin

b. Actin

c. Myosin

d. Fibrillin

11. Which of the following structures is not a part of a neuron?

a. Dendrites

b. Axon

c. Golgi apparatus

d. Ependymal

12. Which of the following statements is false?

a. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord

b. The peripheral nervous system can be divided into sensory and motor divisions

c. The autonomic nervous system can also be referred to as the somatic motor division

d. The sensory division of the peripheral nervous system consists of visceral and somatic

13. Which of the following is not a variation of a neuron?

a. Bipolar neuron
b. Multipolar neuron

c. Purkinje neuron

d. Axiomatic neuron

14. Which of the following is the sensory organ of the vestibule?

a. Helicotrema

b. Basilar membrane

c. Cupula

d. Ampulla

15. Which of the following cells forms part of the blood brain barrier?

a. Ependymal

b. Astrocyte

c. Microglia

d. Oligodendrocytes

16. The upstroke of the nerve action potential caused by movement of which ions?

a. Na ions

b. K ions

c. Mg ions

d. Insulin

17. Which of the following options is not a synaptic function?

a. Blocking transmission of a nerve impulse from one neuron to the next

b. Changing a single impulse into repetitive impulses

c. Integrating impulses from other neurons to cause highly intricate patterns of impulses in
successive neurons

d. Generating multiple dendritic processes that release calcium

18. Which of the following is an example of one of the major types of synapses?

a. Ligand gated

b. Charged

c. Chemical

d. Secretory

19. Which of the following is not an example of a neurotransmitter?


b. Norepinephrine

c. Dopamine

d. Sucrose

20. Which of the following options is not a muscle sensor?

a. Gulgi tendon organ

b. Pacinian corpuscle

c. Meisner corpuscle

d. Free nerve ending

21. Which of the following are not true for nuclear chain fibres?

a. detect static changes in muscle length

b. are innervated by group II afferents

c. are more numerous than nuclear bag fibers

d. have nuclei arranged in central groupings

22. Which of the following is not an ear ossicle?

a Malleus

b. Incus

c. Proctum

d. Stapes

23. Which of the following is not a part of the membranous labyrinth?

a. Scala media

b Scala basalis

c. Scala tympani

d. Scala vestibuli

24. The anterior two thirds of the tongue is Innervated by which cranial nerve?

a. 6

b. 7

c. 8

d. 9

25. The posterior one third of the tongue is Innervated by which cranial nerve?

a. 3

b. 7

c. 9

d. 11

26. Which of the following is not a type of taste bud found on the tongue?

a Circumvallate
b. Folliate

c. Cribriform

d. Fungiform

27. Where is the sensory cortex found?

a. Parietal lobe

b. Frontal Lobe

c. Internal Capsule

d. Basal Ganglia

28. Where is the motor cortex found?

a. Parietal Lobe

b. Frontal Lobe

c Internal Capsule

d. Basal Ganglia

29. Homonymous hemianopia is caused by damage to which part of the optic neural pathway?

a. Optic nerve

b. Optic Chiasm

c. Optic tract

d. Geniculocalcarine tract

30. Bitemporal Hemianopia is caused by damage to which part of the optic neuronal pathway?

a. Optic nerve

b. Optic chiasm

с. Optic tract
d. Geniculocalcarine tract



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