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REVIEWER IN SCIENCE 5 Extensive properties depend on how

much matter is present in a material.

Solid has definite shape and volume. It has
particles that are packed closely together Mass is the amount of matter in an object. It
and usually arranged in a regular pattern can be measured using a balance. (SI unit -
Liquid has definite volume, but has no fixed
shape. It has particles that can move and Volume is the space occupied by matter.
are in close contact The volume of liquids can be measured
using the graduated cylinder, beaker and
Gas has no definite volume and shape. It
volumetric flask.
has particles that are widely separated
Volume = Length x Width x Height -
Physical Property is the characteristic of
formula in calculating the Volume of a
matter that can be observed or measured
Rectangular Piece of Solid
without changing the composition of an
object. Like color, size, texture hardness Chemical Property is a characteristic that
and brittleness. can be observed when a material is
changed into a new substance. It refers to
Intensive and Extensive - Classification of
the property of matter in which substances
physical property
interact with other substances to undergo a
Intensive Property does not depend on change in a composition.
how much matter is present.
REACTIVITY is the ability of an iron to react
Conductivity is the ability of objects to to oxygen to form rust. Ability of matter to
allow heat or electricity to pass through change in composition as shown by
them. changes in its physical characteristics.

Metals are the most conductive material Flammability is ability of material to burn or
compared to wood, ceramics & plastics. ignite. It is the ability of the material to catch
fire easily from a minimum source.
Viscosity is the property of a liquid that
determines how fast or slowly it will flow. Propane is an example of flammable
substances which is used for car and gas
Solubility is the ability of a substance the tank in your house.
solute to be dissolved by another substance
the solvent.
Water is considered as the universal
Sugar, salt, food coloring, and coffee
powder are highly soluble in water.
Sand is least soluble in water.
Solute is a substance being dissolved in
another substance.
Solvent is a substance in which other
substances are dissolved
Metals are good conductors of heat and properly after use to prevent contamination
electricity and pollution of the water, air and soil.
Insulators are materials that do not conduct Human activities have caused changes that
heat or electricity affected the condition of the air, water, and
land. It is everybody's concern to prevent
Vital Materials are things that have great
the harmful effects of the changes that take
worth and something which is difficult to be
place in the environment.
thrown away. These are food, shelter and
clothing which are considered as basic Prevent pollution by keeping our
needs. environment clean Everyone must practice
proper waste management from collection
Essential Materials are things that are
transport. processing, up to the disposal of
considered as necessities. They are needed
waste materials.
thus, they should be existing. Sunlight,
water and oxygen are some of the essential There are different ways to manage
materials that should be existing because garbage. The most environmentally friendly
the keep you alive and healthy. ways are the five 5R’s -reduce, reuse,
recycle, recover, and repair.
Desirable Materials are things that you want
to have because you consider them useful Reduce - means limiting the use of
and important. Home appliances and some materials.
personal gadgets fall under this category.
● People should make less waste. For
Rubber is a flexible material that exhibits example, buy items with little or no
elasticity. It is able to return to its original packaging, use rechargeable batteries, use
shape after being stretched. existing products longer, share items with
other people. or decide not to purchase
The best-known rubber is natural rubber,
additional piece of clothing. When you use
which is made from the milky latex of the
less resources. you reduce the amount of
rubber tree. The electrical resistance of
wastes you make too.
rubber makes it useful as an electrical
insulator. ● Reuse -means using again the materials
for other purpose.
Rubber is mostly used in tires. It is also
used to make belts, hoses, gaskets, shoes, Materials that you normally throw away can
slippers, clothing, furniture and toys. be reused. For example, use lunch boxes or
plastic containers multiple times instead of
Toxic materials are poisonous can harm
throwing them away after one use. Instead
living things.
of buying paper cups or plastic cups, you
Cleaning products such as bleaching can reuse mugs or water bottles.
agents, laundry detergents, and
● Recycle - means using the materials for
dishwashing liquids are examples of
kind of product.
household products with harmful
substances. Paper, plastic, metals, and glass are
recyclable items. You recycle materials
Insecticides sprays and paint products are
when you turn them into another useful
also poisonous. Store all poisonous in a
item. Segregate glass materials and metal
safe containers and places. Dispose them
scraps and bring them to a junk shop. They
are brought to factories that mold them into
new glass bottles and new metal sheets. It only takes one sniff to know that a fruit is
Old newspapers are recycled into a new rotten. When fruits, milk, and other food
kind of paper product. Plastic bottles can be products smell different from the usual, they
used as containers to grow plants. may have undergone chemical change. The
foul smell of spoiled food warns you that it is
● Cardboard boxes can be recycled into
not safe to eat the food anymore. Eating
greeting cards. Tin cans can be used as
spoiled food may result to food poisoning.
organizers. All recyclable products use a
code or symbol to make recycling easier. Production of Gases or Solid Precipitates
The symbol shown on the right means that
The bubbles that are created when an
the product can be used many
antacid is dropped into a glass of water
● Recover - making a new and different show a chemical change. Chemical
means fixing the material to make it useful changes may also produce solid particles
again. called precipitates. An example of a
precipitate is ash.
Some materials that are thrown can still be
recovered by having them processed. Loss of Original Form
Functioning parts of computers and gadgets
As a piece of wood burns, gas is released
can be reclaimed when sold in shops and
and ashes are formed. The physical
be made usable again.
features of the wood cannot be seen
● Repair - means returning the material to anymore after it is burned. The wood cannot
its original state or condition. be restored to its original form as a log.
Broken things add to the garbage problem. Energy Absorbed or Released
Try repairing broken or malfunctioning
Energy may be absorbed during a chemical
resources instead of buying new ones.
change. When you bake a bread, heat is
Repair broken straps of bags, loose or tight
absorbed by the batter as it absorbs by the
clothes, and broken shoes. Have a plumber
fix a leaking faucet.
Energy may also be released during a
The beef and vegetables had undergone
chemical change. Fireworks release heat,
chemical change.
light and sound energy during chemical
Chemical change results in the production change.
of a substance that is completely different
Conditions that Bring about Chemical
from the original material.
What makes a chemical change happen?
Change in Color Why does chemical change occur?
A change in color may indicate a chemical Rust is formed when iron is exposed to
change. The browning of apple after being oxygen. This process is called oxidation.
cut apple. When you slice an apple, it will When iron reacts with oxygen, iron oxide
eventually burn brown because the iron forms. Iron oxide is more commonly known
found in the apple reacts with the oxygen in as rust.
the air. A green leaf that has turned yellow
The same thing happens when other
is another example of chemical change.
substances are exposed to oxygen. Metals
Change in Odor corrode and jewelry tarnish.
When paper is burned, gas is released and
ash is formed. The physical changes cannot
be seen anymore. The paper turns into ash
that is different in color, appearance, and
Keeping green mangoes in a sack of rice
causes them to ripen faster.
_____________ mass
_____________ combustibility
_____________ solubility
_____________ malleability
_____________ weight
_____________ length and width
_____________ height
_____________ boiling point
_____________ viscosity
_____________ freezing point
_____________ conductivity
_____________ volume


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