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The topic I chose to write about is minority adolescent mental health.

My thesis is that more children of

color are struggling with mental health because of their parents' belief, lack of resources and social
discrimination than any other race. As a nursing major and also as a parent of two African American
children this topic is very dear to me. I have talked with multiple children who suffer from a mental
illness and the way they display their emotions are negative because they have no one to guide or
release into. I believe that the sources I chose will provide the additional studies information I need for
my research paper. At this time, I need to add actual studies that better help prove my thesis and
arrange them to all flow together.

My sources are:

This article was composed by two students at California Baptist University. These students also believed
that there is an increase of African American and Latino American children that suffers with a mental
illness but does not receive the proper help because of their parents and the public's stigma on mental
health. In this article it talks about research that they performed, their takeaway from different mental
alliance groups and psychologist. They spoke about how the stigma connected to seeking services for
mental health has clouded specifically African Americans away from seeking help. In the African culture
having a mental health disordered will get you labeled as a crazy person, and it is something that is not
often talked about due to the assumption. During a study it showed how the lack of interest by parents
to understand and awareness of mental health disorders due to religion and negative stigma has caused
an increase in mental health disorders because the parents do not want that negative stigma connected
to them therefore they do not seek guidance or help from an outside source and the lack of resources
that are provided for them if they wanted to get the help for their child.

In this article it more focus on the effects of Covid-19 on adolescents' mental health and spoke about
the higher effect on African American students. Again, it speaks on the negative stigma of being labeled
"crazy" is one of several causes to the rise in minority mental health. They saw that African and Latino
American children that was stuck at home during COVID- 19 suffered from a mental illness disorder with
little to no resources. Students that were living in poverty were then missing meals and isolation at
home only aided in depression and anxiety found in children. During this time, it was also a shortage of
adolescent psychologists therefore the help needed was not readily available. Children no longer had an
outlet for their emotions, recess, and some potentially were left in horrible environments that only
increased their need for a professional to speak to so they could correctly navigate through their life
despite their surroundings.

This article is about the effects of racial discrimination to African American parents on their child's
mental stability. During numerous studies stated in the article racial discrimination to African American
parents not only negatively connected to their own well-being but also the parenting practice and
quality of the child- parent relationship. They also compared research overtime about this matter and in
current study displayed how parents who experienced this discrimination had a higher depression level
that turned into child-parent conflict that led to a higher level of youth depression and anxiety.

Reading more into these articles and research I believe it will all agree with my thesis and support it.
Unfortunately, this is a higher percentage of African American children that suffer with a mental
disorder due to their parents' quality of life. The articles thoroughly explain the effects of racial
discrimination, isolation due to Covid-19, lack of resources and how the effects of these situations trickle
down from the parents to their children who lack the outlet to relieve their over stimulated emotions.
These articles are different due to their main objective. However, within their point of view, it still
included reasons that were stated in another article. All the articles had actual studies to support their
topic and supported the correlation between parent quality of life and the child’s mental health.

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