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A Multiple Choices
choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C,D,E, or E!
1.Wich one the following expressions is not congratulations expression?
A. it was great to hear about your achievement.
B. congratulations on your promotion!
C. please accept my warmest congratulation on your birthday.
D. what a great film is!
E. happy anniversary for your parents!
2. Anton : “...on the stage last night,Bugi.”
Bugi : ”That’s very kind of you to say so”
The appropriate expression to complete the conversation is...
A. you’ve spent much of your talent
B. you looked good
C. you’re a good actor
D. none of the above
E. (A),(B), and (C)
3. Maudy : “you’ve given me so much help, Dipa.”
Dipa : “...’
A. no, thanks.
B. sorry,but i can’t go.
C. oh,really?
D. don’t mention it.
E. yes, you can.
4. there are ... childern in the playground
A. a lot of
B. a lot
C. any
D. a little
E. much
Read the dialogue carefully. The dialogue is for questions 5 to 9.
Dina : “congratulations on your graduation, Sari!”
Sari : “oh it’s nothing special actually.”
Dina : “why?”
Sari : “i didn’t get the first grade at the school.”
Dina : “but your grade is the highest in class,isn’t it?”
Sari : “yeah you’re right.”
Dina : “that means you’re already suchna smart student.”
Sari : “oh, thank you,Dina. you’ve help me a lot.”
Dina : “i’m glad you think so.”
Sari : “btw, how about the poetri last week?”
Dina : “i was awarded the mostb favorite poem reader.”
Sari : “wow! it’s amazing,Dina!congratulations!”
Dina : “well,i think i’m just lucky.”
5. the dialogue above happens beetwen...
A. a student and her teacher
B. a teacher and her colleague
C. a principal and her student
D. a student and her friend
E. none of the above
6. from the above dialogue,which statement(s) is/are not true?
A. Sari is Dina’s teacher.
B. Sari is a smart student.
C. Dina got the first grade at school.
D. (B) and (C)
E. (A) and (C)
7. from the above dialogue, the expression of congratulation is....
A. well, i think i’m just lucky.
B. congratulations on your graduation, Sari.
C. oh,thank you Dina. you have helped me a lot.
D. wow! it’s amazing, Dina! conratulations!
E. (B) and (D)
8. which statement from the above dialogue is the expression of complimenting?
A. that mean you are already such a smart student.
B. i didn’t get the first grade at the school.
C. i was awarded the most favorite poem reader.
D. btw, how about the poetry contest last week?
E. oh, it’s nothing special actually.
9. “wow! it’s amazing , Dina! congratulations!” is expression(s) of...
A. refusing
B. accepting
C. congratulation
D. complimenting
E. (C) and (D)
Read the following dialogue carefully. the dialogue is for questions 10 to 14
Kafka : “i’m going out. do you want anything?”
Ayu : “could you buy some stuff from theshop?”
Kafka : “all right. what do you want?”
Ayu : “well,we haven’t got much milk.”
Kafka : “how much milk do you want?”
Ayu : “we need two bottles of milk.”
Kafka : “how about strawberri jam?have we got any jam?”
Ayu : “oh,yes.there isn’t any jam left.we need a jar of strawberry jam.”
Kafka : “anything else?”
Ayu : “we’ve also finished the butter. we need some butter.”
Kafka : “ok. i think i’ve finished the last soft drink. i’ll buy five or six bottles.”
Ayu : “ok. there’s a little cooking oil left. please, buy a bottle of cooking oil.”
Kafka : “no problem. do you want to eat fish at dinner?”
Ayu : “ah,yes. i want you to buy four tins of fish, and also some bread.”
Kafka : “how many loaves of bread do you want?”
Ayu : “a loaf of bread is enough. would you like some coffe after dinner?”
Kafka : “of course.”
Ayu : “Then, buy us a bag of coffe. Oh, we only have few packets of pasta.”
Kafka : “Should I buy some more pasta?”
Ayu : “Sure. You know we eat pasta almost every day.”
Kafka : “OK. No problem.”
Ayu : “One more thing, Kafka. Don`t buy any almonds. We`ve got a lot almonds.”
Kafka : “All right. Can I go now?”
Ayu : “OK. Be careful.”
10. from the dialogue above,which statement is true?
A. Ayu is going out and will buy some things from the shop.
B. Kafka wants to have some coffe after dinner.
C. Ayu and Kafka eat pasta once a week.
D. Ayu needs some almonds because hasn’t got any.
E. Kafka is going to buy ten bottles of soft drink.
11. How many uncountable nouns are there in the above dialogue?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
E. 11
12. How many countable noun(s) is/are there in the above dialogue?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None
13. According the dialogue, how many loaves of bread does Ayu need?
A. Four loaves of bread.
B. Three loaves of bread.
C. Two loaves of bread.
D. A loaf of bread.
E. Ayu needs none.
14. According the dialogue, how many almonds do they need?
A. Two packs
B. A kilo
C. None
D. Three bottles
E. Two bars
Read the following dialogue carefully. the dialogue is for questions 15 to 19.
Mega : “hello, Rina. it has been so long since the last time we met. how are you?”
Rina : “hi, Mega. it’s my pleasure to see you again.i’m fine. how about you?”
Mega : “i’m good. btw,i heard that you married Dimas.”
Rina : “yes. that’s right.”
Mega : “wow!i must congratulate you on your marriage.”
Rina : “many thanks,Mega.i’m sorry for not being able to invite you.”
Mega : “was it because of the limite invitation?”
Rina : “yes, it was.only my familiy and Dima’s family that were invited.”
Mega : “oh,that’s ok,rina. i wish you happly ever after marriege.”
Rina : “that’s very nice of you,Mega.”
Mega : “i can say that you lookso much nicer after being married.”
Rina : “oh really?i’m glad you think so.”
Mega : “i suppose it’s because of the marriage.”
Rina : “hahaha... i think so.’
Mega : “oh! my phone is ringing. i guess it’s time for me to go.”
Rina : “but i expect more chats with you,actually.”
Mega : “well, i’m sorry. i have to catch the flight to london tonight.”
Rina : “Terrifict! is that for a vacation or something?”
Mega : “i was awarded a full scholarship to study in University Collage London.”
Rina : “ OMG! Congratulations, Mega!”
Mega : “ thank you so much. We can continue our chat on facebook, then.”
Rina : “Of course.”
15. “I can say that you look so much nicer after being married”is an expression of...
A. Asking opinion
B. Congratulation
C. apologizing
D. Complimenting
E. Refusing
16. From the above dialogue, wich statement(s) is/are the expression of congratulation?
A. i’m good. BTW, i heard that you married Dimas
B. that’s very nice of you,Mega.
C.OMG!, congratulations,Mega.
D.WOW! i must congratulate you on your marriage.
E. (C) and (D)
17. Wich one of the following statements that is/are not the expression(s) of congratulation?
A. that’s very nice of you , Mega.
B. OMG! Congratulations,Mega!
C. i can say that you look so much nicer after being married.
D. (A) and (C)
E. (A) and (D)
18. wich one of the following statements that is/are not the expression(s) of congratulation?
A. hi, Mega. it’s my pleasure to see you again. i’m fine. how about you?
B. wow! i must congratulate you on your marriege.
D. omg! conratulations, Mega
D. (A) and (B)
E. (B) and (C)
19. according to the diallogue, what activity does Mega do in London?
A. to marry her fiance
B. to study in one of universities
C. to have a vacation
D. to meet her parents
E. none of the above
to 24
Thus i lived alone, with no one i could really talk to, untill i had an accident in the
Sahara Desert 6 years ago. something broke down in my engine. and since there was neither a
mechanic nor a passenger with me, i prepared my self for a difficult but what i hoped would
be a sucessful repair. it was a matter of life or death for me. i had scarcely enough drinking
water for a week.
On the first night, i feel asleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human
habitation. i was far more isolated than. a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the
ocean. so you can imagine my suprise at sunrise when odd little voice woke me up.
it : “please... draw me a sheep.”
me : “what?”
it : “draw me a sheep.”
I jumped up,completely thunderstruck.I rubbed my eyes, blinked hard and looked
carefully around me.And i discovered an extraordinary little boy waching me gravely.Here is
the best potrait i was able to draw of him later.But of course,my drawing is not half as
charming as its model. it is not my fault. i had been discouraged by grown-ups in my career
as a painter when i was six years old, and i hadn’t learnt to draw anything with the exception
of boas from the outside and boas from the inside.
I therefore stared in total astonishment at this sudden apparition. do not forget that i
was a thousand miles away from any inhabited region.
But my little chap did notseem to be either lost or dead tired or dying of hunger, thrist
or fear. he did not look like a child lost in the middle of the desert, a thousand miles from any
inhabited region.
20. the following are nouns taken from the above text. which series of nouns categorized into
uncountable nouns?
A. years, sheep, fear.
B. grown-ups, accident, death
C. mechanic, passenger, child
D. sand, water, hunger
E. boas, eyes, drawing
21. the word “succesful” in the first paragraf has the closest meaning to...
A. failure
B. win
C. prosperous
D. loser
E. breakdown
22. it said : “please... draw me a sheep”the under lined word refers to?
A. sailor
B. the readers
C. sheep
D. the writer
E. an odd little voice
23. which one of the following statements is true according to the text?
A. the writer lived in the nearest region
B. the writer had an accident
C. an odd litle voice came from the boas
D. there is a child that’s also lost
E. none of the above
24. the word “he” in the last paragraph refers to...
A. the little chap
B. boas
C. a painter
D. a passenger
E. a mechanic
25. which statement(s) is/are not the expression(s) of complimenting?
A. what a nice watch it is!
B. it’s wonderful! what do you get from her
C. which gift is the most spesial for you
D. i’m glad you think so
E. (C) and (D)
Read the text carefuly. the text is for questions 26 to 30.
im the shade.
through the dolent city, i flee.
through the aternal woe, itake flight
Along the banks of the river Arno, I scramble, breathless ... turning left onto via dei
catellani, making my way nortwhard, huddling in tthe shadows of theUffizi.
And still they pursue me.
Their footsteps grow loader now as they hunt with relentless determination.
For years they have pursued me. Their persistence has kept me underground ... forced
to live in purgatory ... laboring beneath the earth like a monster.
I am the shade.
Here aboveground, I raise my eyes to the north, but I am unable to find a direct path
to salvation ... for the Apennine Mountains are blotting out the first light of dawn.
I pass behind the palazzo with its crenellated tower and one-handed clock ... snaking
through the earlymorning vendors in plazza di San Firenze with their hoarse voice smelling
of lampredotto and roasted olives. Crossing before the bargello, I cut west toward the spire
of the Badia and come up hard againts the iron gate at the base or the stairs.
Here all hesitation must be left behind.
I turn the handle and step into the passage from which I know there will be no return.
I urge my leaden legs up the narrow staircase ... spiraling skyward on soft marble treads,
pitted and worn.
The voices echo from below Beseeching.
They are behind me, unyielding, closing in.
26. Which nouns from the above text are categorized into uncountable nouns?
A. Shadows, voice olives
B. Passage, eyes, dawn
C. Gate, stairs, footstep
D. Persistance, hesitation, iron
E. Marble, handle, river
27. Which of the following noun(s) is/are countable nouns?
A. Tower
B. Hesitation
C. Determination
D. Iron
E. (B) and (C)
28. “I pass behind the palazzo with its crenellated tower and one-handed clock”
the underlined word refers to?
A. the person who calls him self
B. clock
C. palazzo
D. tower
E. piazza di San Firenze
29. the antonym of the word “soft” in line 32 is...
A. up
B. againts
C. iron
D. base
E. hard
30. What does the text tell you about ?
A. it is about a man who is on a vacation
B. it is about the place in italia
C. it is about a monster thats lives underground
D. it is about the man who is being pursued by a group of people
E. it is about a man who in is a journey
Read the following diallogue carefully.The diallogue is for question 31 to 35.
Nia : “Hi, Wulan.”
Wulan : “Hi, Nia. How`s the things going?”
Nia : “Everything is good. How about you?”
Wulan : “I`ve never been this better.”
Nia : “I guess it`-s because of the drama last night.”
Wulan : “Was there anything wrong with my performance last night?”
Nia : “Not at all. You looked superb last night!”
Wulan : “Oh, really? Do you think so, Nia?”
Nia : “Absolutely! You`ve done your part perfectly.”
Wulan : “I`ve tried my best.”
Nia : “What a good dialogue you`ve performed!”
Wulan : “I was just lucky because Mr. Galih provided me that wonderful dialogue.”
Nia : “Oh, do you know where he is now?”
Wulan : “I think he`s in the teachers` room.”
Nia : “I`d like to congratulate him on being a great scriptwriter.”
Wulan : “That`s a good idea, Nia!”
Nia : “I must congratulate you, too, on being the best actress last night.”
Wulan : “Oh, it`s nothing, actually. I still have to learn a lot.”
31. The above dialogue happens between ...
A. a student and her teacher
B. a student and her friends
C. a student and his colleague
D. a student and his student`parents
E. none of the above
32. Which statement is not correct according to the dialogue?
A. Nia will meet Mr. Galing to congratulate him.
B. Wulan was the best actress on the drama performance last night.
C. Mr. Galih was the scriptwriter of the drama.
D. Nia only congratulates Mr. Galih.
E. Wulan thinks that she still needs to learn a lot.
33. “Oh, do you know where he is now?”
The underlined word refers to ...
A. Mr. Galih
B. Nia
C. Wulan
D. the best actress
E. Nia`s friend
34. Which statement(s) from the above dialogue is/are the expression of complimenting?
A. I was just lucky because Mr. Galih provided me that wonderful dialogue.
B. I`d like to congratolate hi on being a great scriptwriter.
C. Not at all. You looked superb last night.
D. I must congratulate you, too, for being the best actrees last night.
E. All of the above
35. Which statement the from the above dialogue is the response of the expression of
A. I’ve never been this better.
B. Oh, it’s nothing, actually. I still hsve to learn a lot
C. that’s good idea
D. i’ve tried my best
E. what a good dialogue you’ve performed

Read The following text carefully. The text is for questions 36 to 40.
Krisdayanti Brings Beauty Care Everywhere She Goes Jakarta:
As a Diva, Krisdayanti knows very well that she must preserve her beauty. Hence, she
has beauty supplies that must be brought everywhere, whether for official or everyday events.
Krisdayanti stated that wherever she goes, she always brings her basic makeup
supplies, such as compact powder and lipstick.
“I always bring a bag filled with basic touch-up tools, and inside there is compact
powder, lipstick, and eyeliner. I have to bring makeup-friendly supplies everywhere,”
Krisdayanti said as quoted by
“What matters the most is the we must keep our face from getting too oily because it
is certain that we went to meet people (when we`re at) our personal best.”
Aside from that, the most important thing in the bag Krisdayanti to have is fake
eyelashes. She prioritizes eyelashes more than eyebrows because she already has her
eyebrows shaded.
“Up until now, I always carry fake eyelashes as a daily necessity, especially for
coming to an event. For eyebrows, I don`t think it is necessary,” she said.
36. Which noun from the above text is categorized into uncountable noun?
A. Bag
B. eyelashes
C. people
D. beauty
E. makeup suplies
37. “for eyebrows, idon’t think it is neccesary”she said.
the underlined word refers to...
A. krisdayanti
B. makeup supplies
C. fake eyelashes
D. eyebrows
E. compact powder
38. “I always bring a bag filled with basic touch-up tools, and inside there is compact
powder, lipstick, and eyeliner.”
the underlined word has the closest meaning to...
A. secondary
B. unimportant
C. complex
D. essential
E. none of the above
39. the synonym of the word “hence” in line 3 is....
A. therefore
B. in line with
C. otherwise
D. whereas
E. while
40. Wich make up tool is not brought by Krisdayanti in her bag?
A. lipstic
B. compact powder
C. eyeliner
D. fake eyelashes
E. eyebrow pencil
B. Essay
Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!
1. Explain what an expression is!
2. Find three expressions of congratulation!
3. Find three responses for the expression of congratulation!
4. Give an expression of congratulation for your friend who get the highest score in the class!
5. Give an expression of congratulation for your friend who celebrates his/her birthday?
6. Give a response when you are congratulated on winning the singing contest!
7. Give a response when you are congratulated on being the first rank in English exam!
8. Explain what an expression of complimenting is!
9. Explain three expressions of complimenting!
10. Find three responses for the expression of complementing!
11. Give an expression of complimenting for your friend who has help you!
12. Give an expression of complimenting for your friend who buys a very cool motorcycle!
13. Give an response when you are complimented on your new skirt!
14. Give an response when you are complimented on being a nice friend!
15. Mention five countable nouns!
16. Make five sentenses by using those countable nouns!
17. Mention five uncountable nouns!
18. Make five sentenses by using those uncountable nouns!
19. Compose a short dialogue that uses the expressoin of congratulation and its response!
20. Compose a short dialogue that uses the expressoin of complimenting and its response!

Making a report about countable and uncountable nouns in your house
1. Go around your house!
2. Make a list of countable nouns that you find in yur house!
3. Make a list of uncountable nouns that you find in yur house!
4. Compose a dialogue about the things you need to buy at the shop!
5. Show your finished work to the teacher!

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