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Scheme of Study for I year B.Tech. / M.Tech.

(5-Year Integrated) Programmes for the students to be admitted from 2011-12 onwards SEMESTER-I
Sl.No Code No Subject Period Per week L 1 2 3 BCCCEN101/ MCCCEN101 BCCCMA102/ MCCCMA102 BCCCCS103/ MCCCCS103 BCCCPY104/ MCCCPY104/ BCCCCM104/ MCCCCM104 BCCCCE105/ MCCCCE105/ BCCCME105/ MCCCME105 BCCCCE106/ MCCCCE106/ BCCCEE106/ MCCCEE106 BCCCME107/ MCCCME107/ BCCCCE107/ MCCCCE107 BCCCCS108/ MCCCCS108/ BCCCPY109/ MCCCPY109/ BCCCCM109/ MCCCCM109 BCCCME110/ MCCCME110/ BCCCCE110/ MCCCCE110 BCCCEN111/ MCCCEN111/ Strategies in Communication Engineering Mathematics I Programming in C Engineering Physics/ 4/4 Engineering Chemistry Engineering Mechanics/ 3/2 Engineering Drawing Basic Civil Engineering/ 2/3 Electrical Sciences Basic Mechanical Engineering/ 2/2 Environmental Studies Programming in C Lab Engineering Physics Lab/ -Engineering Chemistry Lab Engineering practice/ -Computer Aided Drawing Lab Indian culture and ethics Total 1/0 20/19 -4/3 -9/14 1/0 30/31 -3/3 2/2 -3/3 --3 2 2/2 -0/1 2/3 --2/3 1/0 0/4 4/4 --4/4 2 3 3 T 1 1 1 P ---Credit C 3 4 4



Sl.No 1 2 3 Code No BCCCEN201/ MCCCEN201 BCCCMA202/ MCCCMA202 BCCCCS203/ MCCCCS203 BCCCCM204/ MCCCCM204/ BCCCPY204/ MCCCPY204 BCCCME205/ MCCCME205/ BCCCCE205/ MCCCCE205 BCCCEE206/ MCCCEE206/ BCCCCE206/ MCCCCE206 BCCCCE207/ MCCCCE207/ BCCCME207/ MCCCME207 BCCCCS208/ MCCCCS208 BCCCCM209/ MCCCCM209/ BCCCPY209/ MCCCPY209 BCCCCE210/ MCCCCE210/ BCCCME210/ MCCCME210 BCCCEN211/ MCCCEN211 Subject Technical Communication Engineering Mathematics II Programming in C++ Engineering Chemistry/ 4/4 Engineering Physics Engineering Drawing/ 2/3 Engineering Mechanics Electrical Sciences/ 3/2 Basic Civil Engineering Environmental Studies/ 2/2 Basic Mechanical Engineering Programming in C++ Lab Engineering Chemistry Lab/ -Engineering Physics Lab Computer Aided Drawing Lab/ -Engineering Practice Indian Culture and Ethics Total 0/1 19/20 -3/4 -14/9 0/1 31/30 -3/3 2/2 -3/3 2/2 --3 2 -1/0 3/2 --3/2 0/1 4/0 4/4 --4/4 Period Per week L T P 2 3 3 1 1 1 ---Credit C 3 4 4



BCCCEN101/MCCCEN101 STRATEGIES IN COMMUNICATION L T P C 2 1 - 3 OBJECTIVES English I Strategies in Communication undertakes to introduce B.Tech. students to the general aspects of communication, with special emphasis on Scientific discourse. In Unit I seven literary texts are introduced as communication models to be used for training students in LSRW skills through their active discussion, role play and presentation. Unit II is concerned with speech practice in various interpersonal interactions. Some basic rules to pronunciation are also introduced. Unit III deals with developing reading skills through comprehension, note-making and summarizing. Unit IV concerns itself with writing at micro level -- various vocabulary and grammatical features of writing. Unit V aims at introducing students to discourse features and paragraph writing. At the end of the course, the learners will be able to use all the four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing with confidence on various topics of general interest. METHODOLOGY There will be less and less of teacher talking and more and more of student participation in terms of pair/small group/large group discussions and seminar presentations. EVALUATION There will be no questions on the theories of communication. Students will write 10 assignments and 3 tests at the formative stage. There will be a summative examination of 3 hours. The formative and summative tests will be so designed that they will help assess the learning outcome of the programme in terms of student performance. UNIT I: TEXTS 1. Resolution and Independence William Wordsworth 2. The Turning Point of My Life A.J. Cronin 3. My Vision for India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 4. Profession for Women Virginia Woolf 5. A Cup of Tea Katherine Mansfield 6. Never, Never, Nest Cedric Mount 7. Refund Fritz Karinthy (Adapted by Percival Wilde) (TO BE USED FOR TRAINING STUDENTS IN LSRW SKILLS THROUGH ROLE PLAY, PRESENTATION etc.) UNIT II: SPEECH PRACTICE A. Some basic rules to Spoken English

1. Introduction to Phonetic Symbols 2. Pronunciation of Initial, Medial and Final /r/, /-ture/, and /-tion-sion-cion/ 3. Different ways in which f sound gets represented 4. Silent letters 5. Word and sentence stress rules 6. Punctuation as a guide to pause 7. Intonation 8. Accent Neutralization B. Interpersonal Interaction 1. Greeting 2. Introductions 3. Making requests 4. Seeking permission, advice, suggestions 5. Asking for information 6. Congratulating 7. Apologizing 8. Asking for and giving personal information 9. Complaining without offending (FOR INTERNAL ASSESSMENT ONLY) UNIT III: READING 1. Comprehension 2. Note-making and summarizing UNIT IV: WRITING: MICRO STRUCTURE Special application of Vocabulary and Grammatical elements in Science and Technology 1. Concord Subject -Verb; Noun - Pronoun 2. Appropriate Verb Forms: aspects, questions and negatives, active-passive 3. Use of Modal Auxiliaries 4. Disambiguating words/phrases/sentences 5. Tightening the rambling sentences with regard to simplicity, clarity and precision 6. Indianisms Words, Sentence patterns 7. Analytical Reasoning and Language Use

UNIT V: WRITING: MACRO STRUCTURE 1. Cohesion and Coherence 2. Discourse patterns/strategies narration, description, process writing, enumeration, Classification, definition, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and argument 3. Paragraph Writing: Topic Sentence and its expansion 4. Essay Writing Text Book: Strategies in Communication SASTRA Publication Reference Books: 1. Bhatnagar, R.P. and Rajul Bhargava. 2008 (1989). English for Competitive Examinations. Chennai: Macmillan India Limited. 2. Gadasalli, Raj. 2004. Lets Speak American English. Bangalore: Vipra Center.

3. Mohan, Krishna and Meera Banerji. 2009 (1990). Developing Communication Skills. Chennai: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd.


Course Objectives: 1. To acquire skills in using Trigonometric functions in applications. 2. To acquire mathematical skills in solving higher degree equations, locating roots, transforming equations from one domain to the other. 3. To appreciate mathematical construction of evolutes and envelopes in engineering courses like Mechanics and Engineering Drawing. 4. To understand how functions of several variables constitute engineering optimisation. 5. To comprehend the involvement of improper and multiple integrals in engineering problems with notations and tables. 6. To evaluate multiple integrals that occur frequently in engineering problems. At the end of the course, students will be confident to apply various mathematical concepts to engineering science.

UNIT I: Trigonometry


Expansions of sin n and cos n in powers of sin and cos Expansions of sin n and cosn in terms of sines and cosines of multiples of Hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic functions Logarithm of complex numbers separation of complex functions into real and imaginary parts simple problems. UNIT II : Theory of equations & Algebra 15 PERIODS

Theory of Equations : Introduction surds and irrational roots simple problems equations whose roots are in A.P,G.P and in H.P Relations between the roots and coefficients Symmetric functions Formation of equations Decreasing and Increasing the roots Transformation of equations Reciprocal equations Descartes rule of Signs. Algebra: Binomial, Exponential and Logarithmic Series(without proof) Problems on summation, coefficient and approximations.

UNIT III : Differential Calculus &Functions of several variables


Differential Calculus: The nth derivative of a function Leibnitz theorem Simple problems. Curvature of a curve Radius of Curvature (Cartesian, Polar, Paramatric and Implicit form) Evolutes Involutes Envelopes(one parameter and two parameter) Evolute as the envelope of normals. Functions of several variables:Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables(proofs of theorems are not included) Constrained Maxima and Minima Lagranges method of multipliers.

UNIT IV: Improper and Multiple Integrals


Improper Integrals : Concept of improper integrals with examples Definition of Beta and Gamma integrals Relation between them Properties of Beta and Gamma integrals with proofs Evaluation of definite integrals in terms of Beta and Gamma integrals Simple applications(evaluation of double and triple integrals). Multiple Integrals: Double Integrals Evaluations Change of order of integration Triple integrals(problems involving Jacobians are not included) Simple applications . Text Book: 1. Engineering Mathematics I, SASTRA University Publications, (Revised Edition 2007)

Reference Books: 1. Engineering Mathematics for first year,T.VEERARAJAN,5TH Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons(ASIA) Pvt limited 2003

BCCCCS103/MCCCCS103 Programming in C L 3 Objective: Unit I To understand the designs of programming To develop the problem solving skills To be able to develop a C Program for a given problem 15 Periods T 1 P 0 C 4

Introduction to Computer Problem Solving: Introduction-Problem solving aspect, top down design, implementation of algorithms, program verification, efficiency and analysis of algorithms. Designing Programs (Illustrations must be in C language): Understanding the programs purpose, examples, body, and testing and domain knowledge. Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions: Working with Variables, Understanding Data Types and Constants, Working with Arithmetic Expressions. Program Looping: for Statement, while Statement, do Statement. Making Decisions: if Statement, switch Statement, Boolean Variables, Conditional Operator. Applications: counting, summing a set of numbers, finding factorial, sine function computation, reversing the digits of an integer, base conversion, character to number conversion. Unit II 15 Periods

Working with Arrays: Defining an Array, Initializing Arrays, Character Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Variable-Length Arrays. Working with Functions: Defining a Function, Arguments and Local Variables, Returning Function Results, Functions Calling Functions, Functions and Arrays, Global Variables, Automatic and Static Variables, Recursive Functions. Applications of Arrays and Functions: removal of duplicates from an ordered array, partitioning an array, sorting by diminishing increment, binary search, keyword searching in a text, stack operation, computing the prime factors of an integer. Unit III 15 Periods

Working with Structures: A Structure for Storing the Date, Functions and Structures, Initializing Structures, Arrays of Structures, Structures Containing Structures, Structures Containing Arrays, Structure Variants. Character Strings: Arrays of Characters, Variable-Length Character Strings, Escape Characters, More on 8

Constant Strings, Character Strings, Structures, and Arrays, Character Operations. Pointers: Defining a Pointer Variable, Using Pointers in Expressions, Working with Pointers and Structures, The Keyword const and Pointers, Pointers and Functions, Pointers and Arrays, Operations on Pointers. Operations on Bits: Bit Operators, Bit Fields. The Preprocessor: The #define Statement, The #include Statement, Conditional Compilation. More on Data Types: Enumerated Data Types, The typedef Statement, Data Type Conversions. Applications of structures, character strings and pointers: Left and right justification of text, text line editing, linked list search, linked list insertion and deletion. Unit IV 15 Periods

Working with Larger Programs: Dividing a Program into Multiple Files, Communication between Modules, Other Utilities for Working with Larger Programs. Input and Output Operations in C: Character I/O: getchar and putchar, Formatted I/O: printf and scanf, Input and Output Operations with Files, Special Functions for Working with Files. Miscellaneous and Advanced Features: Miscellaneous Language Statements, Working with Unions, The Comma Operator, Type Qualifiers, CommandLine Arguments, and Dynamic Memory Allocation. Debugging Programs: Debugging with the Preprocessor, Debugging Programs with gdb. Application of file I/O: creation and processing of text and binary files with and without command line arguments.

Text Books: 1. Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in C,Third Edition, CBS publishers and distributors, 2001. 2. How to solve it by Computer, R. G. Dromey, Pearson Education, 2009. 3. Mathias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi , How to Design Programs, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2004. Reference Books: 1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C programming Language, Second Edition, PrenticeHall, 1998 . 2. C Programming A Modern approach by K.N.King, W.W. Norton Company, London, 2008.

BCCCPY104/MCCCPY104/ BCCCPY204/ MCCCPY204 ENGINEERING PHYSICS (COMMON FOR ALL BRANCHES) L T P C 4 0 0 4 UNIT I: QUANTUM PHYSICS 15 PERIODS Break Down of Classical Physics Plancks Quantum Theory Dual Nature of Radiation Matter Wave : De Broglie Hypothesis Wave Packet De Broglie Wavelength- Thomsons Experiment Uncertainty Principle The Wave Function Time Dependent and Independent Schrdinger Equations Probability Interpretation of the Wave Function - Particle in One Dimensional Infinite Square Well Quantum Mechanical Tunneling- Time Dependent Perturbation Theory. UNIT II: SEMICONDUCTING AND NANO MATERIALS 15 PERIODS Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Metals - Types of Semiconductor - Charge Carrier Density in Intrinsic Semiconductors Doping of Semiconductors Carrier Densities in Doped Semiconductors Fermi Dirac Formalism Conductivity of Semiconductors Hall effect Experimental Determination of Carrier Concentration and Mobility Nanomaterials Synthesis, Properties, Energy Level 0D, 1D & 2D Materials Smart Materials, Exhibiting Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric, Opto electric Behavior Shape Memory Alloys Types, Structure, Temperature Induced Transformation, Stress Induced Transformation, Functional Properties, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications

UNIT III: INTRODUCTION TO SPECTROSCOPY 15 PERIODS Introduction to Absorption & Emission Spectroscopy: Nature of Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Spectrum Atomic Energy Levels Molecular Electronic Energy Levels Vibrational Energy Levels Raman Effect Nuclear Spin Behaviour Electron Spin Behaviour X-Ray Energy Levels - Franck-Condon principle UV & VIS Spectrophotometry, Instrumentation: Radiation Sources Detectors Mono chromators Double-Beam Instruments. Infrared Spectrophotometry: Correlation of IR Spectra with Molecular Structure Detectors Sample Handling. Raman Spectroscopy Theory Sources & Detectors


UNIT IV: LASER AND MICROSCOPES 15 PERIODS Basic Principles of Laser action Conditions for Laser action Nd YAG , CO2, Semiconductor laser Applications of Lasers in Medicine, Engineering , Communication and Computer peripherals 3D profiling Holography 3D Images Recording and Reconstruction of Images(Quantitative treatment only). Optical Microscope Metallurgical Microscope Electron Microscope Scanning Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope Atomic Force Microscope Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Text Books 1. A.Marikani Engineering Physics, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2009. 2. G.Vijaykumari-Engineering physics, Vikas Publishing Pvt.Ltd.2nd Edition 2007. Reference books 1. S.I. Gupta, V. Kumar, R.C. Sharma, Elements of Spectroscopy, Pragati Prakashan 2007. 2. M. Arumugam Engineering Physics, Anuradha Agencies 3rd Edition 2008. 3. R.K.Gaur & S.L. Gupta Engineering Physics, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 8th Edition 2001. 4. B.B.Laud-Lasers and NonLinear Optics 2nd Edition Wiley Eastern G. Aruldhass- Engineering Physics, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd. 2010. Limited


BCCCCE105/MCCCCE105/ BCCCCE205/MCCCCE205 ENGINEERING MECHANICS L 3 Unit I Equilibrium of Particles T 1 P C - 4

15 Periods

Frames of reference- Force Systems Resolution and addition of forces, resultant of several concurrent forces, Forces in 3D, Equations of equilibrium of particle in 2D and 3D - Lames theorem. Unit II Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies 15 Periods

Moment of a force about a point moments and couples - Varignons theorem equivalent force systems-resultant of non-concurrent force systems parallel forces. Equations of equilibrium of rigid bodies in 2D and 3D. Applications: Beams types of supports, loads and reactions. Concept of internal forces. Analysis of pin jointed trusses Method of sections and joints. Unit III Friction 15 Periods

Laws of friction simple contact friction - cone of friction belt friction wedge friction screw jack. Properties of areas: Centroid of line, area and volume Composite areas hollow sections Center of gravity of regular solids cone hemisphere. Second moment of areas Parallel axis theorem perpendicular axis theorem. Method of integration for M.I of areas triangle, circle, semi circle, quadrant of a circle. Composite sections Tee section, I section, Z section. Unit IV Dynamics of Particles 15 Periods

Displacement, velocity and acceleration and their relationship rectilinear and Curvilinear motion - rectangular components, Tangent and normal acceleration. Motion in a circular path. Newtons laws Applications. Work energy principle- impulse and momentum principle. Applications.


Text Books 1. Beer.F.P and Johnston.E.R, Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics, McGraw Hill International Book Company, 2002. 2. Rajasekaran.S and Sankarasubramanian.G, Fundamental of Engineering Mechanics, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2008. Reference Books 1. Ferdinand.L.Singer, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Harper Row Publishers.2007. 2. Meriam.J.L and Kraige.L.G, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), John Wiley and Sons.2001. 3. Shames.I.H, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Prentice Hall of IndiaNew Delhi,2004. 4. Timoshenko.S.P and Young.D.H, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co. Ltd.2003.



UNIT I: Civil Engineering Materials

8 Periods

Branches of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering materials stones, Bricks, Steel, Cement, Concrete, Timber and plastics different types. UNIT II: Surveying 7 periods

Surveying: Types, classification, measurement of distances angles determination of areas Levelling Simple problems Total station Remote Sensing, UNIT III: Building components 8 Periods

Foundations Bearing capacity Requirement of good foundations Types, Stone masonry. Brick Masonry Beams, columns, Lintels, roofing Flooring Different types only Interior design landscaping. UNIT IV: Mechanics and structures 7 periods

Mechanics: Forces, stress, strain, Elasticity simple problems Bridges, dams, roads different types Railways-permanent way -components. . Text Book: 1. M.S. Palanichamy, C. Shanmugham, Basic Civil Engineering and Basic Mechanical Engineering, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Ltd., 2000. Reference Books 1. Natarajan. K.V, Basic Civil Engg., Dhanalakshmi Publications, Chennai,2005 2. Ramamrutham, Basic Civil Engineering, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P),Ltd., 1999. 3. Satheesh Gopi,Basic Civil Engineering Pearson Publications,2010.



BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING L T P C 2 0 0 2 UNIT I: Energy Resources and Power Plants 17 Periods Conventional and non-conventional energy resources applications Power plants steam, hydel, nuclear, gas turbine, combined cycles. Steam Boilers - modern high pressure boilers. Steam turbines - types operating principle. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning principles of operation of refrigerator and airconditioner. I.C. Engines-types working principles of 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines fuel injection systems ignition systems cooling and lubrication systems.

UNIT II: Manufacturing Technology

13 Periods

Machining Operations in lathe, drilling and shaping, introduction to CNC machining. Forming principles of forging rolling extrusion sheet metal forming drawing. Foundry Process pattern making - casting. Welding principles types.

Text Book: 1.K. Venugopal and V. Prabu Raja, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Anuradha Publications, 2007. Reference Books 1 T.J.Prabhu, V.Jaiganesh and S. Jebaraj, Basic Mechanical Engineering,SCITECH Publications Ltd., 2001.


2 R,K.Rajput, Thermal Engineering, Lakshmi publishers, 2010 4. S.K.Hajra Chowdri, Elements of Workshop Technology Vol.I&II, Asia Publishing House BCCCCS108/MCCCCS108 Programming in C Lab L T P C 0 0 3 2 1. Programs using Input, output and assignment statements 2. Programs using Branching statements 3. Programs using Looping statements 4. Programs using Functions 5. Programs using Arrays 6. Programs using Structures 7. Programs using strings 8. Programs using Pointers (both data pointers and function pointers) 9. Programs using dynamic memory allocation 10. Programs using Recursion 11. Programs using Files 12. Dividing a large program into multiple files



ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB (Common for I year students) L T P C 0 0 3 2 List of Experiments (Any 12 experiments) 1. Four probe method Measurement of Resistivity of material. 2. Hall effect Measurement of carrier concentration and mobility of semiconductor. 3. Measurement of dielectric constant of material using parallel plate capacitor. 4. Logic gates AND, OR, NOT, NAND and NOR construction and truth table verification using discrete components. 5. Spectrometer Determination of wavelength by using diffraction grating 6. Newtons Rings Method - Radius of Curvature of the Lens. 7. Lees Disc method Determination of Thermal Conductivity of the Bad Conductor. 8. Transistor Characteristics - Common Emitter Configuration. 9. Optical Fibers - Measurement of Numerical Aperture and Attenuation. 10. Calibration of Ammeter using Potentiometer. 11. Laser Grating - Determination of wavelength of He-Ne Laser. 12. Non-Destructive Testing (Demo). 13. Thermistor - Variation of Resistance with Temperature and find the Energy gap. 14. Ultrasonic Interferometer Determination of velocity of Ultrasonic waves in liquids and Compressibility of Liquids.



List of Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (a) (b) 7. Angle Fitting by filing of Steel flats Fabrication of a Tray from G. I sheet Forging of round rod to square Rod Welding of Lap and Butt joints Preparation of Mould cavity Dismantling, study and assembly of I.C. Engines Dismantling, study and assembly automobile gearbox Study of power distribution and domestic electric appliances (a) (b) (c) Power distribution setup Measure of insulation using megger Efficiency of electric kettle

8. Study of domestic wiring (a) (b) Staircase wiring Fluorescent lamp wiring



Ceiling fan wiring

9. Design of regulated power supply and demonstration of its working 10. (a) Measurement of passive components R, L & C using bridges (b) Measurement of amplitude, frequency and phase angle of standard waveforms using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 11. 12. 13. Study & Testing of PC Hardware Setting various bonds using bricks Pipe fittings and fixtures in field




L T P C 1 0 0 1 Our Cultural Heritage Dharma: Ethical Values- Truth- Non-violence. Service Sacrifice - Love Universal Brotherhood Honesty- Work Ethics- Duty Tolerance Swadharma- Self knowledge Self improvement. The individual and Society The Beautiful and the Good Religion: Need Universality inter- religious understanding Scientific Humanism

Reference Books: 1. Radhakrishnan. S - Indian Religion (Orient Paper Backs). 2. Jawaharlal Nehru The Discovery of India : Chapters 3&4 (OUP) 3. David Frawley- Hinduism; The Eternal Tradition; Chapter 1.6 (Voice of India, New Delhi)


BCCCEN201/MCCCEN201 TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION L T P C 2 1 0 3 OBJECTIVES English II: Technical Communication focuses on developing proficiency of B.Tech. students in communication skills specific to their studies and likely demand in their workplace thereafter. Unit I introduces communication models where certain significant features like Courtesy, Body Language, Cultural differences can be gained indirectly by their participation in discussion, role play and presentation. Unit II introduces them to the full import of technical communication, Unit III to the special features of listening. Unit IV exposes the learner to the intricacies of speaking and Unit V to the special features of technical writing. At the end of the course learners will be able to use English for all purposes of technical communication make effective interpersonal interactions, make effective presentations and write various types of reports in appropriate format. METHODOLOGY Teachers will be guides on the sides, than sages on the stage. Students will learn the intricacies of technical communication through their active participation in pair/small group/large group discussions and seminar presentations. EVALUATION There will be no questions on theory. Students will do 10 assignments and three tests at the formative stage and one comprehensive summative examination of 3 hours at the end of the course. The formative and summative tests are designed to assess the outcome of the programme in terms of student performance. Unit I: TEXTS 1. On Saying Please A.G. Gardiner 2. Mr. Know All Somerset Maugham 3. Notes on English Character E.M. Forster 4. Science Destroyer or Creator J. Bronowski 5. The Technological Engine Alvin Toffler 6. Dear Departed Stanley Houghton 7. Hour of Truth Percival Wilde Unit II: Nature of Technical Communication 1. Definition, importance and process 2. 6c s of Communication


3. Maslows hierarchy of needs, The you attitude, Use of positive language, Confidence versus Sarcasm 4. Importance of Technical Communication 5. General and Technical Communication 6. Process of Communication 7. Levels of Communication Interpersonal/Organizational/Mass 8. Flow of Communication Downward/Upward/Horizontal Unit III: Listening Comprehension (For internal assessment only) 1. Listening Process 2. Barriers to Listening 3. Types of Listening 4. Characteristics of a good listener 5. Listening and Note-taking 6. Training in Listening Unit IV: Professional Speaking (For internal assessment only) 1. Audience Analysis 2. Organizing a speech 3. Delivering a speech: Presentation Strategies 4. Interview Techniques 5. Group Discussion Unit V: Professional Writing 1. Trans-coding -- from verbal to visual & from visual to verbal 2. Editing, Proof reading, Referencing 3. Proposals 4. User manual and Product description 5. Reports feasibility, market survey, project 6. Conference paper/journal article writing in IEEE Format 7. Memos and E-mails 8. Advertisement Writing


Text Book Technical Communication. SASTRA Publication. Reference Books: i. Gerson, Sharon J and Steven M. Gerson. 2007. Technical Writing: Process and Product. Delhi: Pearson Prentice Hall. ii. Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeetha Sharma. 2004. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice. New Delhi: OUP. iii. Rizvi, Ashraf. 2006. Effective Technical Communication. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication Company Ltd.


BCCCMA202/MCCCMA202 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II (COMMON FOR ALL BRANCHES) L T 3 1 Course Objectives : 1.To recognize differential equations arising from science / engineering problems and develop methods to solve it. 2.To represent data in matrix form ; to interpret eigen values of matrices physically and geometrically ; to program various matrix operations. 3.Computations of various Vector Calculus operations - To physically interpret vector operators and to solve problems. - To evaluate multiple integrals that occur frequently in physical and engineering problems. 4.To interpret Mathematically various three-dimensional surfaces by equations which forms the basis for Computer Graphics. At the end of the course, students will have skills in mathematically modeling practical problems and solving them. UNIT I- Ordinary Differential Equations 15 PERIODS P C 0 4

First order first degree ODEs - Bernoullis Differential equation Exact ODEs- First order higher degree ODEs - solvable for p,x,y Clairauts form Application in Electrical circuits current inductive circuits capacitance circuits orthogonal trajectories solving second and higher order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients particular integrals of various functions Eulers differential equations with variable coefficients simultaneous differential equations with constant coefficients method of variation of parameters . UNIT IIMatrix Algebra 15 PERIODS

Introduction Inverse of a matrix by elementary transformation Linear independence and dependence of vectors- Eigen values and Eigen vectors properties of Eigen values and Eigen vectors with proofs Cayley Hamilton theorem(without proof) Finding higher powers and Inverse of the matrix by using Cayley Hamilton theorem Similarity transformation Diagonalisation of a matrix by similarity transformation Orthogonal matrix Diagonalisation of a matrix by orthogonal reduction Quadratic Forms Nature of Quadratic forms reduction of Quadratic form to Canonical form.




Vector differentiation - Gradient , Divergence and Curl Geometrical and Physical Interpretation(without proof) Irrotational and Solenoidal vector fields vector operator identities without proof Vector integration definition simple problems on line, surface and volume integrals Greens theorem , Stokes theorem and Gauss Divergence theorem (without proof) verifications and applications.



The Plane Angle between the planes The Straight Line Symmetrical form of the equations of a Line Transformation of the equations of a line from unsymmetrical form to the symmetrical form Coplanar Lines Skew Lines Shortest distance between two lines The Sphere Equation of tangent plane to a Sphere at a given point on it Orthogonal Spheres. Text Book: Engineering Mathematics II SASTRA University Publications, (Revised Edition 2007)

Reference Books: 1. Engineering Mathematics Volume II, M.K.Venkataraman,National publishing Company ,India 2001. 2. Engineering Mathematics for first year, T.VEERARAJAN,5TH Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006 3. Engineering Mathematics Volume III, P.Kandasamy and others, S.Chand, 2006. 4.. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons(ASIA) pvt limited 2003 5. Advanced Calculus , Volume I, S. Arumugam, A.Thangapandi Issac, New Gamma Publishing House,2007 6. Algebra, Narayanan ,T.K.Manicavachagom Pillai, Ganapathy, S.V. Publishers, 2005


BCCCCS203/MCCCCS203 PROGRAMMING IN C++ L 3 Objective: To Understand the concepts of OOP To apply OOP in solving problems To develop a C++ program for a given problem. T 1 P 0 C 4

Unit I

15 Periods

Introduction: Fundamentals of object oriented programming procedure oriented programming Vs. object oriented programming (OOP), Object oriented programming concepts Classes, reusability, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding, message passing. C++ Programming Basics: Output Using cout, directives, input with cin, type bool, setw Manipulator,type Conversions. Functions: returning values from functions, reference arguments, overloaded function, inline function, default arguments, returning by reference. Unit II 15 Periods

Object And Classes: Implementation of Class in C++, C++ Objects As Physical Object, C++ Object As Data Types, Constructor, Object As Function Arguments, the Default Copy Constructor, returning Object From Function, Structures And Classes, Classes Objects And Memory Static Class Data, Const Data and Classes. Arrays and String Arrays Fundamentals: Arrays as Class Member Data, Arrays Of Object, String, the standard C++ String Class. Operator Overloading: Overloading Unary Operators, Overloading of Binary Operators, Data Conversion, Pitfalls of Operators Overloading And Conversion, Keywords Explicit And Mutable. Unit III 15 Periods

Inheritance: Concept of Inheritance, Derived Class And Base Class, Derived Class Constructors, Overriding Member Function, Inheritance In The English Distance Class, Class Hierarchies, Inheritance And Graphics Shapes, Public And Private Inheritance, Levels Of Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Ambiguity In Multiply Inheritance, Aggregation: Classes Within Classes, Inheritance And program Development. Pointers: Addresses and pointer, The Address-Of Operator &, Pointer and Arrays, Pointer and Fraction, Pointer And C- Types String. Memory Management: New And Delete, Pointers to Objects, Debugging pointers. Virtual Function: Virtual


Function, Friend Function, Static Function, Assignment And Copy Initialization, This Pointer, Dynamic Type Information. Unit IV 15 Periods

Streams and Files: Streams Classes, Stream Errors. Disk File I/O with Streams, File Pointers, Error Handling in File I/O, File I/O With Member Function, Overloading the Extraction And Insertion Operators, Memory As A Stream Object, Command line Arguments, and Printer Out put. Templates and Exceptions: Function Templates, Class Templates Exceptions. Multi file Programming: Reasons for multi-file programming, creating multi-file program, A very long number class, A high rise elevator simulation Text Book 1. Robert Lafore, Object oriented programming in C++ (Third Edition), Galgotia publishers private limited, New Delhi, 2009. Reference Books 1. Mastering C++ by KR Venugopal and Rajkumar, T Ravishankar; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997. 2. C++: An introduction to programming by Jense Liberty, Tim Keogh: BPB Publications, New Delhi,2001. 3. C++ Primier by Stephen Parata , TMH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi,2000.




15 Periods

WATER TREATMENT: Hardness of water, Complexometric determination of hardness of water EDTA method, Problems on hardness calculation; Specifications for boiler feed water, Boiler problems Scales and sludges, Boiler corrosion, Caustic embrittlement, Priming & foaming; Various internal treatment procedures of boiler water; External treatment methods LimeSoda process, Zeolite process, Ion exchange process; Specifications for drinking water, Treatment of water for domestic use; Desalination of brackish water Electro dialysis, Reverse osmosis; Waste water treatment Aeration, Trickling filter, Activated sludge process. UNIT II: 15 Periods HIGH POLYMERS: Monomers and their functionality, Nomenclature of polymers, Classification of polymers; Types of polymerization Chain (addition) and step-growth (condensation) polymerization; Plastics, Compounding of plastics; Fabrication techniques Compression, injection and transfer molding; Preparation and uses of some thermoplastic (Rosin. Shellac, Cellulose derivates, Vinyl resins, Polyamides Nylons and Kevlar) and thermosetting (Phenoplasts, Amino resins, Polyester resins, Alkyd resins, Epoxy resins, Polyurethanes, Silicones) resins; Structure property relationship in polymers- Physical state- Chemical resistance and strength of polymers; Foamed, Reinforced and Conducting polymers. UNIT III: 12 Periods CORROSION & CORROSION CONTROL: Electrode potentials and Electrochemical series, Galvanic cells and Electrolytic cells, Chemical and Electrochemical corrosion, Factors influencing corrosion, Mechanism of rusting of iron in acid neutral and alkaline environments, Differential metal corrosion, Differential aeration, Atmospheric and soil corrosion. Anodic and cathodic protection, Electroplating, Electroless plating,


Anodization, Corrosion inhibitors, Importance of selection of materials and design of structural patterns in corrosion control. UNIT IV 18 Periods ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Superconductors Superconductivity and temperature, Types of superconductors, Superconducting cuprates, Applications of superconductors (superconducting magnets, catalysis, gas sensors, electronic components); Lubricants Role of a lubricant, Classification of lubricants (Synthetic lubricants, Liquid lubricants, Semi-solid and Solid lubricants), Viscosity index, Cloud point, Pour point, Flash point; Anti-stiction agents for Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS); Plating on plastics for printed circuit boards. NANOMATERIALS: Definition of nanomaterials, Surface-to-Volume ratio, Types of nanomaterials (metal, semiconductor, polymer nanomaterials; quantum dots, nano films and nanowires), Size and shape - dependent optical, electrical, thermal and mechanical properties; Applications of nanomaterials (examples in health care, electronics and textile industry).
Textbook: 1. R.Gopalan, D.Venkappayya and Sulochana Nagarajan, A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 3rd edition (2006)

Reference Books:

1. J.C. Kuriacose and J. Rajaraman, Chemistry in Engineering & Technology, Vol I & II. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi (1984) 2. Mark Ratner & Daniel Ratner, Nanotechnology A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea, Pearson Education (Low price Edition) (2005)


BCCCME105/MCCCME105/BCCCME205/MCCCME205 ENGINEERING DRAWING L 2 Unit I: Basics of Engineering drawing and Curves T 0 P C 4 4

15 Periods

Importance of drawing in engineering applications Use of drafting instruments BIS specifications lettering and dimensioning Geometric construction Conic sections: ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Cycloids-epicycloids and hypocycloid. Involutestriangle, square and circle. UnitII: Projection of points, lines and Solids 15 Periods

General principles of orthographic projections First angle projection projection of points located in all quadrants projection of straight lines located in the first quadrant: determination of true lengths and true inclinations Projections of Solids-prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones (Truncated solids not included) change of position method and change of reference line method. Unit III: Section of solids and Development of lateral surfaces 15 Periods

Section of solids- true shape of sections development of lateral surfaces of solidsprisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones. UnitIV: Isometric projection and building drawing 15 Periods

Principles of Isometric projection Isometric projections of simple and truncated solids, prisms, cylinders and cones. Introduction to building drawing: simple problem on residential buildings (up to three rooms). Text Books 1. K.Venugopal, Engineering Drawing, New Age International (P) Limited, 2010 2. K.V.Natarajan, A text book of Engineering Drawing Graphics, Dhanalakshmi Publishers, Chennai, 2008. Reference Books 1. K.R.Gopalakrishna, Engineering Drawing,(Vol I & II) Subas Publications,2008 2. N.D.Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing house, 2003 3. Dhananjay AJolhe, Engineering Graphics, McGRaw-Hill Publishing Company, Ltd, 2009.



LT P C 3 0 0 3



DC circuits: Definition and units of voltage, current, potential difference, power, energy, resistance, conductance, resistivity- Ohms law-Kirchhoffs law- series circuits-parallel circuits-series parallel circuits-simple problems on Ohms law and series parallel circuits- Mesh and Nodal analysis-simple problems. AC fundamentals: Concepts of ac-Definition of terms, cycle, frequency, time period, amplitude, instantaneous value, average value, rms value, maximum value, form factor and peak factor. Magnetic circuits Definition of magneto motive force (m.m.f), flux and reluctance-analysis of simple series (compound) magnetic circuits-problems. Leakage coefficient- comparison between electric and magnetic circuits. Faradays law of electromagnetic induction-Lenzs lawstatically and dynamically induced e.m.f-self and mutually inductances-energy stored in the magnetic field of an inductor-force on a current carrying element in a magnetic fieldFleming right and left hand rules-simple problems. UNIT II: 10 PERIODS

Basic Electronic Devices: Semi conductor P-N junction diode- working principle-V-I characteristics, zener diode -zener breakdown-V-I characteristics, Bipolar junction transistor- Modes of operation-input, output characteristics, Junction Field Effect transistor- working principle- drain and transfer characteristics, Special diodes- varactor diode, Photo diode, Sckotty diode, tunnel diode UNIT III: 10 PERIODS

Unit and systems- Basic Need for measurement of physical quantities, units for measurement, systems of units-SI: fundamental and derived units. Measurement of Parameters: Different methods of measuring low, medium and high resistances, measurement of inductance & capacitance with the help of AC Bridges, Q Meter. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Basic CRO circuit (Block Diagram), Cathode ray tube (CRT) & its components , application of CRO in measurement , Measurement of phase difference and frequency of a sinusoidal ac voltage, Lissajous Pattern, Dual Trace & Dual Beam Oscilloscopes.




Communication: Signals- analog and digital, need for modulation-amplitude modulation, Frequency modulation-Phase modulation - pulse modulation techniquesDigital modulation- ASK, FSK, PSK MODEM (Block diagram approach):Radio, TV, Picture tube- television camera and scanning- TV signal transmission- micro wave system- satellite communication fibre optic communication- ISDN Reference Books: 1. B.L.Theraja, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1997 2. K.A.Muraleedharan & R.Muthusubramanian, Basic Electrical, Electronics and computer engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill 1997. 3. W.D.Cooper and A.D.Helfrick, Electronic Instrumentation and measurement techniques, - Third edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1991. 4. A.K.Sawhney, A course in Electrical



measurements and

Instruments, Dhanpat Rai & Sons , 17 Edition, 2000. 5. G. Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 1984. 6. Anokh Singh, A K Chhabra, Principles of communication Engineering, S. Chand Publications, 3 rd Rev.edition. 1991. 7. R.S.Sedha Text book of applied electronics, Chand & Co.Ltd.,1987


BCCCCE107/MCCCCE107/BCCCCE207/MCCCCE207 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES L 2 UNIT I : Natural Resources T 0 P C 1 3 8 Periods

Renewable and non-renewable resources Associated problems Forest Resources mineral resources water resources - Food resources - Energy resources(Renewable and non-renewable) - Land resources - Role of intellectuals in conservation of natural resources . UNIT II :Eco-systems 8 Periods

Concept of an ecosystem - Structure of ecosystems Elements in living and non-living systems Energy laws, biotic structure Bio diversity & importance Conservation of Bio diversity - Categories of organisms, feeding and non-feeding relationship Nutrient cycles. UNIT III: Pollution 7 Periods

Air pollution and their impact primary and secondary pollutants control strategies Indoor pollutants global warming International Treaties. UNIT IV :Human Population and the Environment 7 Periods

Population growth, variation among nations - Women and Child Welfare Global Atmospheric changes - Public awareness. Field Work: Visit to a local area to document environmental assets river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain - Visit to a local polluted site Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural - Study of common plants, insects, birds - Study of simple ecosystems pond, river, hill slopes, etc.


Text Books 1. A Hand Book of Environmental Studies UG Course Material Compiled by Faculty of School of Civil Engineering, SASTRA University, 2004. 2. Bharucha Erach (Ed), Text Book for Environmental Studies, UGC, New Delhi, 2004. 3. P.D. Sharma, Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, New Delhi, 2009. 4. Anubha Kaushik &: C.P Kaushik Environmental Science and Engg by, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 2008. . Reference Books: 1. Anjaneyulu Y, Introduction to Environmental Science, BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2004. 2. Bharucha Erach, Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, University Press, 2009 3. Daniel B, Botkin, Environmental Science, John Wiley & Sons, 2000. 4. Meenakshi. P, Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006. 5. William P,Cunnigham, Principles of Environmental Science, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2002.


BCCCCS208/MCCCCS208 Programming in C++ Lab L 0 1. Programs using branching 2. Programs using multidimensional arrays 3. Programs using function overloading, inline functions 4. Programs using classes and objects (array as data members, array objects) 5. Programs using constructors and destructors 6. Programs using String class 7. Programs using operator overloading 8. Programs for data conversion using overloading 9. Programs using inheritance 10. Programs using virtual functions, friend functions 11. Programs using templates 12. Programs using files 13. Dividing a large program into multiple files T 0 P 3 C 2



1. Determination of total hardness of water by EDTA method. 2. Estimation of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in wastewater. 3. Estimation of sodium and calcium ions in water by flame photometry. 4. Estimation of iron (II) using diphenylamine indicator (Dichrometry Internal indicator method). 5. Estimation of chloride ion using potassium chromate indicator (Mohrs method) 6. Determination of pH of a solution and pH metric titration. 7. Preparation of polystyrene by free radical polymerization. 8. Determination of molecular weight of a high polymer Viscometry. 9. Determination of single electrode potential. 10. Determination of iron (II) using potentiometer (Redox titration). 11. Determination of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution for a strong electrolyte (NaCl). 12. Conductometric titration of strong acid Vs strong base (Neutralization titration). 13. Conductometric titration of barium chloride Vs sodium sulphate (Precipitation titration). 14. Determination of corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency of an inhibitor for mild steel in hydrochloric acid medium (Mass loss method). (Any 12 experiments from the above list)


BCCCCE110/MCCCCE110/BCCCCE210/MCCCCE210 COMPUTER AIDED DRAWING LAB L 0 List of Exercises using AutoCAD Software 1. Introduction to AutoCAD 2. Basic commands of AutoCAD 3. Modifying commands 4. Editing commands 5. Changing Object Properties 6. Text and Dimensioning 7. Drawing Information 8. Orthographic and Isometric Drawing 9. 3-D Drawing 10. 3-D Model -Wire frame model, Surface model, Solid Model Text Books: 1. Gopalakrishnan K.R. 1983 Engineering Drawing (I and II) Subhas Stores, Avenue Road, Bangalore, 2008. 2. Natararjan K.V., A text book of Engineering Drawing, Dhanalakshmi Publications, Chennai, 2008. Reference Books: 1. Parkinson, A.C. Intermediate Engineering Drawings ELBS.,2009 2. Venugopal K., Engineering Drawing and Graphics, New age international (P) Ltd., Chennai,2010. 3. Narayana K.L., Kannaiah, P & Venkata Reddy K. Machine Drawing, New Age Internations,(P) Ltd., Chennai,2007. 4. M.B.Shah and B.C.Rana. Engineering Drawing, Pearson Publications,2010. 5. Dhananjay AJolhe, Engineering Graphics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Ltd, 2009. T 0 P C 3 2


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