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a ir Sa :srcove 02134020 | FORM TP 2021327 MAYAUNE 2001 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION* PURE MATHEMATICS UNIT 1 Paper 02 ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS. 2 hours 30 READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, |. ‘This examination paper consists of THREE sections, Each seotion consists of TWO questions. 3. Answer ALLL questions from the THREE sections. 4. Write your answers inthe spaces provided inthis booklet Do NOT write in the margins. 6. Unless otherwise stated in the question, any numerical answer that is notexact MUST be written correct to three significant figures, 7. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. 8. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. = SI} Mathematical formulae and tables (provided) ~ Revised 2012 Mathematical instruments Silent, non-programmable electronic calculator DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO_ DO 50. Copyright © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Couneil All rights reserves SECTION A Module 1 Answer BOTH questions. 1. @_—@_Letpand q be any two propositions. Complete the truth table below. pyq | ~va) | ~pY~a Tlele arp. yap] 3 Ly face) E rf Tle lot] § r | oF Fe | T su : day (ii) Hence, state whether the statements ~(p V q) and ~p V~q are logically equivalent. Justify your respon: Eee naan aera oie eat apa ere GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 1 aaa ® @ «i ii) 4 Write the converse of the statement “a is an integer = n? is an integer”. ni is an integer — nis an integer. [mark] For two real numbers.x and y, the operation * is given by x * y= 2? +). Prove that * is closed in R. vx €R— x7 ER by closure property of rmultiplication in R vy €R>y* ER by closure property of multiplicationin R x2,y2eR> x+y? ER by closure property ofaddition in R x+y? eRoxeyeR 4 © isdosedinR vxuy €R 13 marks] Determine whether the operation * is commutative, Forcommutativity,xey=yex vuy eR LHS: xey=x?+y? HS: yexayttxt =x+y? by commutativity property ofaddition ink ‘LHS =RHS «+ is commutative x,y ER [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MJCAPE 2021 r “ 4 1 : , (©) The function f(x) = ax! + 3x7 — b is divisible by 2x ~ 1 and has @ remainder of -$ when divided by x2. Calculate the values of a and b. 2 feo tao and eon ~ pare r(i)=0 ee 4\? 4\? —Ba—b 17 = (2) (i) =2(8) -220 Aer eye Soy conta (2) @) 800) -b-(-5)= 3 I Fran I 2 fla) = 2x9 + 3x7 (7 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 IN THIS AREA & DO NOT WRITE r ® Solve the logarithmic equation log, x + log, x + log, = 7. ose = tora Using change of base formula: log, where a, b,c € RY logs + log, + + loge * loge, logsx eo le 7 sistes a 7 = jlog. x : logs x=4 By definition ofa logarithm xa2t x=16 [6 marks} ‘Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02134020/MICAPE 2021 is * 7 2. (@_ The diagram below shows the graph of f(x) (On the graph TAPS eT fa) Sketch the inverse of f b) Show that the inverse of fis a funetion. [4 marks} Byvertical line test: x = 4 Since the lie intersects at most once, then f(x) isa function Such thet for every element in the domain {x € Bx > 0} there exists an unique dmage in the co-domain {y € 8} ST eae GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 1 eeu. 1 4 DUNT! REAR LR RES DONOE WRITEIN THISAREA | 4 : tus ikea (DO NOT WRITE IN Gi) Gi Prove that fis one to one. Suppose f(a) = f(b) where a,b € {x € lx 2 0) Sat 2a be 42 Consider that a,b € {x €RIx 20): a2 Oandb>0 b20>-b<0 a@=-b>a<0 contradiction > However, a2 0 Soa —b f(a) = f(b) >a=b vad €{eeRlx> 0) F(2) isinjective [4 marks} Determine whether fis onto. Assuming f:A>R where A= fx €R|x> 0} By horizontal line test: y = 5 Since the line does not cut f(x) atleast once f(x) is not sujective as wy ER axe Aif(x) =y isnot the case ™ vy ey <2axe afte) =y 2 f(a) isNOT surjective/onto [3 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02134020/MJIC APF 2021 c oe 1 ‘¥ (©) Solve the equation |? 4] = 3x2 By definition, [x° ~ 4] > 0 Hence ax -2>0 Consider whens = “38 : 22S) _ae-ssico - a (3.502, 8.685) [6 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02134020/MI/CAPE 2021 r ” 1 (©) _ Given that a, B, and ¥ are the roots of the equation 2x’ —x? + 3x—1=0, determine the 2 a4 equation whose roatsare +1, Si apy Leta=2, b=-1, ¢=3, d=-1 = st a 2 eiptyeeis2 af +ay+ By Hence, consider: ()+()+()-taareat — ob +ay + By ‘Vy 1) (1) 1 1 QQO-w “9H Hence, enuaton with ot (2),(2) and) x3 —3x?74+x-2=0 {8 marks] ‘Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MI/CAPE 2021 SECTION B ‘Module 2 Answer BOTH questions. 3. @)_—()_ Express 4 sin 0 +3 cos 0 in the form of R sin(9 + a). Consider: 4 sin @ + 3cos 0 = Rsin( + a) =RsinO cosa + Rsinacos 0 Rsina=3 and Reosa=4 Hence, consider: (Raina)? + (R eos.) (sin? @ + cos? a) R= 25 R=5 — R>0s0~Sisignored Pa 5 Rsina_3 Reosa 4 aot nent --ve() sin +30os 6 = 5sin(@ + 0.644) (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 ‘Ac [S marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE : i 2 t f + i PAVE ee rowers 10 NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DONO WRIPEIN THB Aas ho NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 213 7 (ii) Hence, solve the equation 4 sin 0+3 cos 0= 2 for0<0s2m. 4sind +3.cos@ =2 > Ssin(@ + 0.644) = 2 2 sin(@ + 0.644) == @ + 0,644 = m+ (~1)*sin~* (2) 6 = nm + (—1)9(0.412) ~ 0.644 When n = 0, 6 = On + (—1)°(0.412) ~ 0.644 = -0.232 < Dout of range Whenn = 1,6 =2.09 2,0 = 605 0,6 =8.37 > 2n out of range 1.8 = 2.09,6.05 [5 marks} GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MICAPE 2021 Ls =e eo (Gen harcos a= 12 sin c= costo. 3 tee and ar set als, calla te vale of A,B are acute, however C is uncertain. Since sin € > 0, € can either be acute or obtuse (ig the first and second quadrants) For A, sind = 3 : 2 FcosA = 3 tand = 5 x IfC is acute, sin¢ = 5, cos ¢ = BO NOT WRITE IN FHISAREA inc = cos ==! If C is obtuse, sinC = qq cos € = 53’tan Hence, consider if C is acute: cos(A — C) = cos AcosC + sin Asin€ e+e) 1 WoW IEC is obtuse: cos(A ~ C) = cos A cos + sin A sin€ G8) Gla) “DO NOT WeiTe IN THIS ARE 17 marks) ARI «DO. NOT WRITE IN THIS, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 ! omen a ne et a 1 I = = = as = 5 = = 8 £ $ Re _ PO NOT. JERITE IN THIS AREA i INTHIS AREA ene <15- | Solve the equation cos 0 sin (0 ~ £) for 0. cosd = sin(9~5) sind Y3cos@ cos = (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 EH soa 2 2 24V3cos@ sing 2 ate 2+V3=tand 6 =n + tan-4(2 + V3) o=nn+= =n +e + General Solution: 9 = nm + +59 Acute solution, when n = 0 sctrnes= = ae ae dae raec .O=m [8 marks} ‘Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE on ae a 1 rm 4 02134020/MJ/CAPE 2 ,, 1 @ -16- | has equation x7 + y7— 4x + 10y—8 = 0. @ Gi Deteinne the cer and rads of circ: x*?—4x+y? +10y-8 =0 x? —4x4+4—44y? + 10y +25 —25— (x-2)? + (y +5)? =37 (x2)? + (y— C5)" = (V7) + Centre (2,—5) and radius: r = 37 units [4 marks} Determine the equation of the tangent which touches the circle at (3, 11). Eve though hepa (2.1) ost onthe ie thas Ca ets teas if oes cme ratio of mrma an (2.10 rate of ageat ot (3.10): m8 = —2 = Heese of get 3,11) ‘The comectcizleeqution was supposed tobe x# + y?— 4 — 109 Hence, (e— 28 + (7-5) = (V7) ~ centre (25) Gradient of tangent at (3,21): ence, equation of tangent at (3,11) pottete-n 8 {4 marks} yo Bei ye THE NEXT PAGE 469 ST aT a a eta WRETEIN TUS A | poNoT “H a TN THIS AREA 0 NOT DATE a 2 & NOT WRITE IN) (b) a1 4 ‘Show that the curve whose parametric equations arex=3+3 sin @and y=3 cos @ represents x=343sind, y=3c0s0 x-3 siné = =, cos@ => yi sin? @ ‘Consider: sin? @ + cos?@=1 x- 3)? py G3) +® (x—3 | @—0)? a te @-3? + - 0)? =3? 1 1 Hence curve is a circle with centre (3,0) and radius of 3 units. [5 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 -18- ASH ots. (©) Two position vectors are represented by OA=) 2 and OB = 3 = Determine the angle between OA and OB. Let @ be the angle between OA and OB 0A-OB 1/1 () (3) a) \3 T 1 GHG) 2 cong = (00) + 2-3) + 2) | VPP ee x PeCoee cos 6 = x cos 1 f a caert f @ = cost ' 6 = 1.50 rad or 85.9° assuming @ is acute [8 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MI/CAPE 2021 i ‘emt mot I r -». 7 (a) Determine the veetor equation of a plane which passes through the point (2, 5, 3) and is perpendicular to the vector 41+ 4j— Let 04 = 21+ 5) + 3k =a 4p—k Hence, equation of the plane: NOT WRITE IN DHS AREA E Fi =OA-F #-(4t+ 4p—k) = (204574 3k)- (404 47—R) | #-(4¢4+4j7-k) =(20)+O@+ @)-D #-(40447-k) =25 | + Vector Equation: # - (4¢ + 4j-k) = 25 bo Nor ATTEN ISARES [4 marks} ‘Total 25 marks DO NOTRE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/M/CAPI t atau ES “» 1 SECTION C ‘Module 3 Answer BOTH questions. 5 (@)_Use the substitution w= (@ +4) to determine [3x¢ (x! +4) dr du ax du 2? os de = 3x? + dx = 4 Hence, force +otac= [sean 3s = [utdn He ste [6 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02134020/MA/CAPE 2021 r 2 1 (b) Calculate the area of the region enclosed by the parabolas y=." and y = 6x — 32 IA sketch of the curves is shown below] NOT WRETEIN THISAREA a ‘Consider when the curves intersect: x? = 6x—3x? 4x? -6r=0 2x(2x-3)=0 Consider that Ve € R:0 x? Hence, enclosed area 4 + a=f 6x axa [ Pdr 0 lo 2 2 =f 6x —3x? ~ x7 dx 3 2 =[ 6x — 4x? dx lo 3 = fe -tff ado -fG'-2@)]-bor-$o let | 5 = 5 units? | 5 : = : [9 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/M/CAPE 2 ' dul ie “2. (©) The equation of a curve is given as f(x) = 3x" 4x" = 128 +1 @ Show that f(x) has stationary points at (2) is stationary when: f'Q)=0 12x? — 12x? - 24x = 0 1ax(x? —x-2) = 0 x@+I@—2)=0 #20, 22-4, £52 (02134020/MJICAPE 2021 QED =0 and. [6 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGI r “2. za (ii) Determine the nature of these stationary points. Consider: f"(x) = 36x? — 24x — 24 When x = 0, (0) = -24<0 When x =-1, f"(-1) = 36>0 When x = 2,f"(2)=72>0 Land x =2 are when f(x) is minimum | PONOT WRITE IN THIS AREA) Owhen f(x) is maximum, [4 marks} “Total 25 marks : € : = Ss z = GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 iE a “i 6 — @)__Afunetion fis defined as./¢x) (Determine whether or not the ,"") f(x) exists = Jim fG) + Jim fF) + lim F(@) does not exist [5 marks} Gi)__Determine whether fis continuous at. + lim f(x) does not exist, + f(x) is NOT continuous at x = 1 since lim f(x) existing is @ condition for continuity b [2 marks} GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE (02134020/MI/CAPE 2021 A TEIN THIS AR) RONOT WRITE AN TILLS AREA |) DONOT WRI DONOT WRITE INTHIS AREA’ 5 02134020/MI/CAPE ) -25- =I ‘The parametric equation of a curve is given by x= 5 cos @and y=2 sin 0. Determine $f in terms of 0. sind dy 5g = 20088 Applying Chain rule: dy de a& ae ; =2c0s0 x iy Pa cot [4 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE r 1 7 (© Giventha f fo. de=4P, f’ fos ae=2 and gs) =+ VF calelate [09+ seater f “fadde= I “Yoddx+ [i100 ax I "Tie [ “F)de— [ “hoyax 160) +9G01dr = ['Fo)ax + fader A A =f “feeyae— [ro dx [ Wear ~F-2¢ Golf =!12wi-Z@r =2 49 =41s-va) [4 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02134020/MICAPE 2021 | 10 NOT WRITE IN Tai Dene aE, r -27- sin y ©) @_ Solve the citferental equation ay sinydy =sinx dx [sinyay = f sinxax —cosy =—cosx +e When y =4,x=0 ~coa(f) = —cos0 +e se=1 8 cosy =—cosx +1 cosy =cosx—1 y = arecos(cos x — 1) given that when x= 0, y= (02134020/MJ/CAPE 2021 [6 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1 r “ 7 (i) Determine the equation of the curve that pases through (1, $) and for hich yo fox ae y= Soxtdx When x = 1,y = 5=20)% +e +e=3 ay=243 [4 marks] Total 2S marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 34020/MI/CAPE 2021 ns !

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