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International relations

Refers to a field of study and practice focused on understanding the unique relationships that exist
between various nations and cultures. These relationships can impact everything from international
politics, law, and economics to security, diplomacy, and governance.

 International Relations as a field of study covers the factors and processes that
affect the interactions among states and non-state actors across national boundaries.
 International Relations is the study of conflict and cooperation by international
actors, as furthered by the development and testing of hypotheses about
international outcomes.
 International relations refers to the collective interactions of the international
community, which includes individual nations and states, inter-governmental
organizations such as the United Nations, non-governmental organizations,
multinational corporations like Coca Cola and so forth.

Development of IR

 IR truly began to emerge around the 15th century, when people started exploring
the world and interacting with other governments and cultures.
 Organizations like the Dutch East India company were among the first
multinational corporations, for example, while representatives of various European
governments met with foreign governments to establish trade agreements and to
discuss issues of mutual concern.
 A strict definition of International Relations would confine itself to the relationships
between the worlds national governments, conducted by politicians at the highest
level. However, this is a far too simplistic and narrow perspective of international

Scope of IR
• International Relations is not just a field of academic study, we all participate in
and contribute to International Relations on a daily basis. Every time we watch
the news, vote in an election, buy or boycott goods from the supermarket, recycle
our goods, we are participating in International Relations.
• The decisions we make in our daily lives have an effect, however small, on the
world in which we live.

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