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English Lecture’s Learning Diary

Dr.Shazad Jalal
Dr.Aram AbdulWahid

Prepared by :
Dania Diar
Gashbin Abdulrahman
Barin Hiwa
Asma Omer
Helin Mahmood
Today in our English class we discussed ( alternative therapy, conventional therapy )
and ( how physical fitness can effect on academic performance).
And we had a good discussion on ( how to get good friends? Or what are the
characteristics of a good friend? ).

Table of Contents:

Alternative Therapy………………………………………………………………………….3
Daily Discussion…………………….……………………………………………………….4
Fitness & Academic performance………………………………………………………….5
Alternative Therapy:

First we learned that Alternative Therapy is an old , cheap and popular therapy that people
used to use in the past before modern medicine was created, and since this kind of therapy
always use natural things to heal or cure illness such as using ( acupuncture ) by old
Chinese people, and herbal medicine all around the world , it doesn’t have any scientific
evidence , but it has many anecdotal evidence as people who have used herbal medicine
they got better and were healed in a week or two , or at least people who believed in it’s
ability were healed. Even so not many people believe in Alternative therapy since no
scientist or doctor has proven it scientifically.

Daily Discussion:

we also discussed how to get good friends, In fact the students had different opinions ,Some
of which clearly connected friendship to multiple specific points weather it was gender ,
religion or anything else .And another part of them clearly showed that they're not social
people and are bad at making friends ,But most of other students thought that in order to
create strong friendship ,there should be some characteristics in those people such as
loyalty ,respect ,and beautiful manners , while some of the students thought that it will take
time to find a good friend whether it takes a week or even months .In my opinion this was
useful conversation for us because we are at the beginning of a new phase in our lives ,and
without friends it will be difficult way for each of us.

Fitness and Academic Performance:

Later on we listened to a weekly podcast on ‘scientific research’ it was about an interesting

survey results on ( academic performance and how it may be related to the amount of
exercise they get ). We learned that today’s students spend too much time on the library
sitting at desks and watching computer screens for hours , and because some of them stay
at the dorms they live on poor diet,and this students are not healthy, and thus it concludes
that studying is not an active or healthy pastime , and how this may have a much wider
effect.And also a study carried out by a doctor and his colleagues in California university, we
learned when they tested nearly 2000 students and asked them to run a mile , the female
students averaged 11 mins and the male students averaged 10 mins to complete the course,
and 65% of this students were below the California state fitness standard , so when these
results were matched with test results they found that students who were fit had higher test
scores than those who were not fit.

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