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CLAUDE SHANNON AND WARREN Schramm is considered as the Father of

WEAVER'S MODEL (1948) Mass Communication. With his model of
communication, communication
Shannon and Weaver introduced the breakdown is explained. He also affirms
concept of noise. This is often called the that there should have the same field of
Telephone Model because it is based on experience between the speaker and the
the experience of having the message listener. Field of experience is everything
interfered or hindered by a "noise" from that makes a person unique- everything
the telephone switchboard back in the that he/she has everlearned, watched,
1940s. Therefore, the message sent by seen, heard, read, an studied. Field of
the sender is not necessarily the message experince are the things that influences
received by the receiver or the listener. the understanding and interpretationof
message like culture, social background,
beliefs, experiences, values, and rules.


This is the oldest model of communcation.
According to this model, the receiver plays According to Eugene White in his
the key role to whether or not the definition of the model of communication,
communication takes place. It is only a it is a repetitive cycle. His 1960 model is a
one-way process because there is no cyclical process composed of eight
concept of feedback. Although this model MODELS OF stages. These stage are thinking,
symbolizing, expressing, transmitting,
is mainly focused or centered on the
speaker and the message, the setting is COMMUNICATION receiving, decoding, feedbacking, and
more important where the listener is monitoring. This model suggests that

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