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Carrillo 1

Aimee Carrillo

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1301-119

30 September 2022

Video Analysis
Tik Tok influence Eduardo shares his interests with his friends and his beliefs with his

growing audience. In one friendly post he writes below a video, “A real-life lived in love will

never be dull.”. As the caption suggests, he created this video to show his feelings about his

significant other. [while making his followers feel emotion.] The element of this video Eduardo

skillfully combines music, pictures, and wording to document his feelings and memories of love

with his significant other. This paper focuses on his combination of images to determine why he

shared this with his audience of followers. This paper argues that Eduardo uses the specific

imagery of … to associate love with certain expressions of beauty. The primary thing

your eyes are drawn to is the background of these photos as well as the bright colors. The

background of a picture sets the entire photograph and adds a story. It provides valuable

information about your setting. The photographs have bright tones that catch the attention due to

the fact that high-contrast items do travel to your brain the quickest. (Fig 3) In the first

photograph, the background is green and bright, and the mural behind them is hand painted with

bright colors and very much jungle like all though this photograph was taken during the night the

lighting is spectacular. In all the photographs the happiness is very radiant. Happiness is

expressed differently in different cultures. In American culture, they tend to associate happiness

with something positive and causes excitement. A smile is a reaction to when a person is feeling

happy. (fig 1,2,3) In every picture that is shown both individuals are smiling. Each time an
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individual smiles it activates neurotransmitters that relax your body, and can even be an amazing

thing for your heart rate, and blood pressure. Happiness creates meaning. It makes us feel happy

creating meaning and a purpose.

The body position in a photograph is a type of body language and it does not lie about peoples

intentions. Body position in these photographs are focused on how they are feeling, and how

they relate to another. Looking at gestures, or hands, is another way to interpret body language as

shown in this picture they are indicating love and affection towards one another. The facial

expression in this picture is priceless. You can see the love , and are able to convey countless

emotions without saying a word. The music in the background helps boost the production of this

video and catch the audience. The background music helps transition smoothly between the

ideas, and the photographs. The main point of the music in this specific video is to get an

emotional response from the audience and tell a personal story. The specific artist is called “Sin

Ti” by Vicente Fernandez. He is one of the most famous Mexican artists of all time; he has a star

on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This song has a higher overall pitch. It indicates very much

happiness. It states how he will never learn to live without a person. Words have much more

power than we believe. Their power comes from our responses when we read, speak, or hear

them. He states “ Jamás aprendería a Vivir sin ti” Which is “ I would never learn to live without

you”. The particular reason for this statement is trying to justify how much they feel love for

someone. Therefore, it is not to be taken as speaking literal truth, but it is a very romantic thing

to say. His purpose to the specific wording he decided to state creates meaning.

The main focus as shown in this particular video is a romantic video to show affection to

his significant other while entertaining his audience. But what it actively demonstrates for them
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is way deeper and it is photos and memories that will last forever. They are capturing very happy

moments through photos as beauty. A photograph can freeze a moment in time, an emotion they

can mentally recall when looking back and feeling that happiness again. (Fig 1,2,3) All the

settings are different and they are all very different, but something they all have in common are

all public settings, and they are all taken on a special occasion. That can be proven by the way

they are dressed and the seasons that are provided in the background of the picture. (Fig 1) For

instance, in the last photograph even though the picture is black and white you can see and

picture the colors in real life. It shows a big lake with very green grass and big green trees. The

attire shown in this specific photograph is formal: the male is wearing a black suit, and the

woman is wearing a very formal dress and has her hair and makeup done.

To sum up, everything that's been stated so far overall, Eduardo's Tik Tok (and all videos

on this particular social media application), are often overlooked. This demonstrated that his

video was created to tell his story, and educate his audience while entertaining them and making

them feel emotion. His job was to make the audience engage with his social media posts and

make them feel romantic while making his significant another feel very special. In addition to

engaging the audience, his feelings are affectionate and he is devoted to his significant other.

There are a lot of components that reveal his feelings. The background, his facial expressions,

the music, and the quote stated. This video is a very powerful visual and sentiment that has a

major intensity that is very successful and very wordy in making the audience feel some sort of

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(fig 1,2,3 Tik Tok Eduardoc03 2022)

Works Cited

Eduardo, Chapa [Eduardoc03]. Estos celos-en vivo- Vicente fernandez. Tik Tok, 2022,

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