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Is this the generation to change the role of women in

the workforce?
Key Words: Audience

 Women in construction  Women in construction

 Male dominated industries  Leader in the construction field

 Construction  Workers in the construction

 Gender bias/stereotypes industry

 Leadership positions  Perspective employees in the

 Diversity construction industry


Is there room for women to grow in this industry? Despite the ever-changing world we

are in today, there are still many male dominated industries. Along with this, there are higher

percentages of men in leadership roles and on average men are still making more. If the world is

making strides for women empowerment and involvement, why is the workforce still not truly


In the business world, it has been a common issue of biases and stereotypes against

women. In the past, women have not had equal opportunities in the workforce. This has led to

male domination in many different industries. Since males have always been accepted in the

workforce, they have had a lot more time to make their mark and work their way up. This can

make it very intimidating for women to try to get their presence recognized and appreciated.
Many times, they are just looked down on and not given the credit they deserve. One area where

male domination is arguably seen the most frequently, is in construction. The word construction

has been widely recognized and stereotyped as a male hobby or area of expertise. Women do not

get adequate training or are doubted for their abilities. It has been consistently difficult for

women to make their place in this industry because men have had total control for so long. Since

the men are in charge, their opinion is usually very popular and shared amongst the industry.

Most men have created a bias that women do not belong in construction or do not care about it.

This bias is what has kept so many women away. With our progressive world today, there are

many movements being made to try to get women more involved. A lot more organizations are

making efforts towards getting women into those leadership roles. These women are then

inspiring the younger generations of women to challenge the status quo. It is much easier for

people to put themselves out there when they are familiar with their environments. If women see

other women in a construction industry, it will create the possibility of them following in their

footsteps. This has resulted in a lot of progress towards women making their way in the

construction field. When women continue to make strides in the workplace it draws attention.

The most attention this movement gains are from young adults trying to entire specific

industries. As a young adult, there is no clear path as to what career is best fit. We are attracted

to things that are familiar to us and that seem attainable. If young adults continue to see women

in these male dominated industries, this will become more normal and expected. It will also

make women more comfortable exploring that industry. This will ultimately limit the gender gap

between men and women. Instead of women having to look to males in leadership roles, they can

look towards women. On top of this, once women can see the possibility of leadership roles in

construction, they need the available resources to thrive. There also needs to be more recognition
about the resources and benefits of working in a construction industry. Not many women know

the compensation, skills, and leadership roles that can be found in construction. It is difficult to

not cancel out the possibilities of being in construction when it is such a male dominated

industry, as well as the lack of knowledge and resources women have. By more women entering

the workforce, it also creates more diversity within the industry. This is beneficial to not only

women for establishing themselves in the workforce but also for the industry itself. It has been

found that companies who have more diversity, have higher levels of profitability compared to

those who are less diverse.


When you think of the construction industry, what is the gender most associated with it in your

head? If you think men, this article is for you. Construction is stereotyped as a male dominated

industry and there are a few reasons why. Women feel intimidated by the large number of males

in the construction field. Oftentimes they do not have access to the same resources as men do

because of these stereotypes. Although there are many challenges and setbacks that women in

construction face, the added diversity is a large asset that comes from it.

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